PopnlatioD Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8,256 Tin Gr«at«r Klagt Mouatcdn flgurt It dtifrtd fion Ikt •ptcicd Unlttd StatM lurtou of tli* Ctntut report 9 Jaauory 19M. and lacludti tbt 14.990 populoUoa 9 Number 4 Townthlp. and tbt remaining 9.194 Iron Number S Tewneliip. In Clerelond Caunty oikd Cioir4M* Mounteda Toemtblp la Goetoa Couaty. VOL. 80. No. 35 Established 1889 Kings Mount KINGSMOUNTAI] New Enterprise Dependable Knit, Inc. To Build Plant Here Lithium Plant Is Expanding BC Operation Plans for Lithium Corporation'.^ ni'\K mining vonturo wore rovpal- 0(1 today by J. D. Horman. Lithium vior prosidont. Horman. who itoads the Bo.wmoi City otrora* lions, ihdiratod tho now mining and milling oporations — to bo loatofi nortlioast cf Bessemer (’jj. — will provide the oompany with Die murh needed basic s nir.’f Oi raw materials required t' meet increased customer de* n ind for Lithium products and seivlce.s, as w'cll as provide tho ( pportunity for diversification itilo lo'w jiroduct area.s not possible in the past. I'ian- are U mine by conven tional open pit methods and up* giadf the ore in a heavy media plant employing the latest tech nologs in this ficl'I. The concen- tratrei lithium bearing ore will tlicn he trucked to tho company's ch(*mical plant in Bes.semer City for convershm into a wide variety oi lithium products. According to Edward CJolob, Die company's Project Engineer, the new facility, already under con struction, will occupy some 200 acres and will cncornpa.ss the ore bork I'niver.sity, In 1963 he was awarded the honorary degree of Dof'ter ol Literature by Pillsbury C'oilege. Owatonna, Minnesota, and in May. 1966. tho honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity by Ean Fnincisc' Conser\^ativo Bap- list Theological Seminary, San Kranciscr». C'alifornia. He Im.' been a meniher of Die .'^;>occh faculty cf Boh Jones Uni- v('r-'ity and has also served as as sistant dean of men. In 1959 ho was named to the CooiK*rating Boird of Tru.*^tee.s and in 1961 he was elected to the Voting Board. Dr. Jones was subsequently ap pointed assistant to the president and served in this capacity until when he was named vice- president. H(‘ is a member of the Board of Directors of the Oos|K'1 Fellowship Association and Oos- pel Fellowship Missions and serves that organization in the rapacity of vice-president of the Board. He also serves on Die Co- (Cont'inuvd on Page Eight) Subsidiary Of Knit l abrics Will Employ 25 A new Kings Mountain in.lu try, Dep«M)dablo Knit. Inc., a circular knit operation for outcr.vc'sr and sportsweai, will begin conFlruc'ion w^rk on a new plant here i.nmo- diatel.\. Announcement wav made by J. Ollie Har.'i.-; and L. K. ilin- nant. co-chairmen ol the M «.v'rs industry committee Wed nr day'. The corpe ration will be a sub- •■idiary^ rd Kings M nnitni’'. Knit Kabric:^ and the no.*, building, to rentain 20.660 .square feet of pro duction spare, will bo ere;tod on . an^^ler street behind t ie Knit Fabri.’s plant which employ > 70 pcoph. S. R. Furbei. Jr., an officer in lie eorpoation, .said the new riant wnl omrdoy ZT pers ii)<. Othi’r cmporalion ( Tfirers are leirge H. Mauncy and Ma;viii Mcs arte;. " i Mr. Sober .«aid Myers A- rivip-i man (d Charlotte liolds the gen eral contract lor the building with Io( al contractor Bennett Brick & nie. Ho said the building will bo a Butlcr-type metal building, fully insulated. Mr. Suhi ;• said work on the building U expected to be com-: pletcU \>yhhinj)0 days. „ J OXFORD INDUSTRIES TO J.O( which will offer new jobs for 7^ day to locate here and will bi plant to be erected on a 15-acre| and Fredrickson streets. Pictui 130 Gave Blood To Blood Bank Monday’s visit of tho Red Cros« Bloodmnbile nett<*d a t(»tal of rif» Iiints from a total of 1.59 pei.-;ons who c.illed to give blood, it wa.< announced by Larry Hamrick, chairman. Among those who \v(*rc doiU»rs Mondays w'li(*n the unit was s(*l up at Centra] Methodi.'-t Church were seven who became niomher.s of the “onr-galljn" eliih; Dijec who ha\e donated two gallons of hlo'ifi; one who has given Hirer gallons and tw’o. four gallons. included in the one-gallon den- or group are Mrs. .Mae Reniielt, Frances Bridges, Bobby Creiglilon. .Mr.s, Delia Howell, Mr.s. Ernest Maples. Charles S])ark.s, Mr.s. Ruby Seism Wilson. In the two-gallon• group are VV. F. Laughter. Shuford K. PreJ- or, and Drmald .Sellers, (’arl F. Wilson is a three gallon danor and hvo who have given 32 pints to hi'- long to Die four-gallon group are James O. Crawford and Aizi Jamerson. Tw enty liers MIS responded to a call for specific type blood to aid in two open heart surgery (ases underway in ('haihdte, one a ninc-year-old youngster and the other an adult. (Cntffinurd on Pagr Fight) City Imposes New Water Rates A perrent arrns.s.tho-liQard surcharge for all users of city wate., effective September 1, wa.s imposed Tuesday night by the beard of city e unmissioners. Tho board al'^o vot«d to levy a 10 percent differential on basic rates for indu.strinl consumers out ride tlie city limits. All residential U'-er*^ of water out.side the corpor ate limits will have .50 percent added to their bill above city ra’e.s. I The new rates, implemented to provide revenue for amortizing SI million in bonds for the city’s wa ter and .sewer projects, w’ill b<* re flected ill customer bills received OcifUier 1. Tile minimum monthly hill for 3,000 gallons of water will in- erea.se from the current $1J25 to S2.38. .\ user of one million gal* lon.s of water — and there ore five indiLstrial ru.stnmers who regularly ii.se over a million g.al- lons monthly — would see his bill iumn from $28-1.07 per month to $539.73. Rate Increases were based on projections made by the city's ac- eountants, A. M. Pullen and Com pany of Charlotte and the city'.s engineers, W. K. Ditksuii & Cum- pany of Charlotte. Mayor John Henry Moss said the now minimum charge of $2.38 for 3,000 gallons of water is com- RATES COMPARISON Here is how tho city's new minitnum rote charge of S2.38 for 3,000 gallons of water com- 'peres to rates of neighboring cities; Shelby, inside city S2.85, outside city $5.70; Orover, in* side city S4, outside city $5; Bessemer Citr, inside city S3.75, outside city $6.50; Gastonio. in side city $2.25, outside city $4.50; Morgontoni inside city, $4, outside city $6; Forest City, inside city $2,50, outside city SS; Mount Holly, inside city $2.50, outside city $6.06; Newton, In side dty $2.21, eutside city $4.10; North Wilkesboro, inside city $3.36, eutside city $6.76; Lenoir, inside city $2.48, out side dty $4,96; Burlington, in side city $3, outside dty $6; I Kings Mountoitt's minimum for : outside city users ef 84X)0 gal lons Is $3.57. Kings Mouatola I levies a 50 percent dlfferentlol lor outside residential custo- mors. parative to the rates of neiglibor- ing cities. In a resolution the board .«:i a tod that before the $3 million bond vote last Deromber. projected rate increases were made public and issuance of the band« for the wa ter project were approved over whelmingly by 201 margin. “It is the clear intemt,” said the reso lution, "that when water con sumption increases and the doM service reduces for the City of Kings Mountain that .said w'ater rates will bo lowered accordingly. ” Mayor Moss said bids on tho Buf falo projp('t may be called for in October. The Local Government Commission in Raleigh will re ceivc bids at 11 a.m. Tuesdav. Sept. 17 for $3 million in wnier bonds for the City of Kings ^Imin- tain. Proceeds fn>m the bond '•ah' will go to finance the projiosed Buflalo Creek Water Project. While raising water rates, the board gave heavy industrial usi'r; a break on their power rate's. For users of 6.000 to 74.000 KWH. the rate was lowered from 1.2 cents per KWH to 1.1 cents, and for users of all over 80.000 KWH, the rate was lowered from 1.1 cents to 1.0 cciiU pet KWUI. Miss Ki Is Jean Joan Ellen Davis, IS-year-oId! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. C.) Davis, is "Miss King.s Maunlainj 196:v Miss Davi? was crowned at the finale of the annua! .Miss Kings] M( unlain Jaycec-sponsored ln'au- ty pageant Saturday night in (.'cn- tral school auditorium. Terc.'^a Jullr>. Miss Kings Moun lain lOFiS. crow ned Die nt'vv oiu^en. Runneivui) were Cathy Kli/a- hetli LancH IS, first; aiui'Caihy Loui'lla f’arrell. H. se<‘()nd. The "Miss Congeniality” .avard vnf('d by the eigjit c'nlestanls wenl l.)| Ch'iry Humphries. 2.5. Beaiit.v, p.ii-e and talent paidl off for Miss Davis, a r('eenl gr.sdu- at(' n[ Kings M anPain high selioot, whe presented the ".Saga ol An Oiilv child”, Ik'i life story, in the talent division. She U'ldl of Die t iats .ind tribulations. Die loneliness and al.'^*’ Du‘ happine.-. of being llu' only child in Du family, a numologiu* win'h sb eonp.).-e-- hersel/. Stu' eiideri tliH pres(*n!aiien l>\ playing and sing ing a \<'i'se cf “lie" at the pinno| Tlu' nrunetit' beaul.v will enie Western ('art lina Uni\ersi;y iij Die fall to sludv menial rela;da| den. (Uher audii’iice favnrih’s w»'r( Ihe luc- runners-ujK Mi.s.s I.on< dauglitei (»1 th<' Rev. and Mr; Lane, a i.ah'iited pianist w'h' Du'nu' from "I'hJ and Mi.ss (’arrul .Ml. and Mrs. (]t'o’ wlu) gave a profe.sl of a nnmolugd Dnrethy Parxe played Die Ap.'irtinput”: daugliti'r of Carroll. Sr., sional. i'(‘ndit imi "The Waltz” hy Other fi’ialisl.s weie Jud> Dellinl ger, third, whe sang ■ . .unl Can>l Alr\ander, foul III. wlV' dan.a'd a modern danetj Siu'cial ente’d iinev'nt w.as or* sen;. * by .SyUa Kincaid, Ml; Be-s'-ni. ’ Cii\. and J »lmni<' Hovh a roel aiul loll r('( arding arli; froi' iJiDl .Tii.l’cs I M’ the ft.-igeant werj Cbarh' Horne of .'slu'lhy, MrJ Toiu'.v Gains of Kings M )U!Uaii Mrs. l’('ggy lallli' of Charlotte anl .Tolm Ih-hin.'.on of Gastonia. The new Mis- Kings Moun'ail received a S'JtM, seludarship. a hoi (pu t of n'd roses and a hasul .same ir phy from Du' Ja.vcee "Mis.-. Congf’iiialDv’ '•i'rv4'«l haiidstMiK' irophy a?’ t a REUKIC Tlu Dellinger and Rovco annual family rc'Union x\.ll h( lu'UI next Su'ulay. Sent. I, at Ihe home of W. V. iDubt iVllin- ger in Kings Mnunl.ain at 12:30J I All friends and relatives arc inJ viled tj atlciiU. I