968 it ished vater i aid body. Dasc, e the ctual with fully aim- age. \ Ee ra 0 Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Tb« Gr«ater KlSTt Mountcdr fiyur* !• dvrlvtd IfM •p«ctal United State* lureau of the Centus report e Januory 1966, and includes the 14,990 popuJollen e Number 4 Township, and the remolalng 6,124 Iron Number S Township, In Clevelond Couatr and Crowder* MountolD Township In Gaston County. Kings Mountain's Beliable Newspaper Pages Today VOL. 80 No. 39 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, September 26, 1968 Seventy-hignth Yedr PRICE ThNC.i vWiesenei. Beatty BuyPiopeity } Carl Wicsenor and Dennis Hoatty have purchased two lots at the corner of West Mountain and Watterson streets and ave procccdiiiT with plans to erect a new buildirig which will house a general drug store, it was learn- (xl yesterday from Wiesener. 'Die lots, wliich (werc purcliased Tuesday from Mrs. U. O. Weaver and Mrs- J- M- Rhea, were re/on-j ed by the city commission last I week fi*om I’esidential to neigh-j borhood business in a second pub-| i lie hearing. j " The purchasers, both register- (\1 pharmacists, stated they will build their own building which will contain around 4.000 square f<H*t of floor space. It will be a general drug store, without soda fountain, specializing in pharma ceuticals, cosmetics, sundries, health aids and various otherj drug store items. Wiesener has been associated with Webb Drug in Shelby for three years and was previously a pharmacist at both Eckerd stores in Gastonia and in Charlotte. He is a graduate of the University of Tennessee and is married to the former Nancy Suher, daughter of Sam Suber and the late Mrs. Suber of this city. He has resid ed in Kings Mountain for the past 20 years. Beatty is a graduate of Kings Mountain high school and a l96tS graduate of the School of Phar macy at the University of North Carolina, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Beatty, he is married to the former ,Janice Bridges, a reTisterod nurse and daughter of ^ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bridges, alsf I of Kings Mountain. Water Bills To Show Increase Tuesday Bills Oxford Begins Construction p ® , Rate Increase On 2.5 Million Building New Firm Beginning Censtruction ! Groundbreaking and construe-' ! tion got underway this week on' the building .which will hoasej i Oxford Industries, Kings Moun-' 'tain’s newest industry, withj^ _ _ ^ March set as target date for bc ifi^|«|^|||I C4|M CEREMONIES HONOR SERVICEMAN — CpL Gregory Woyne Thomas was honored posthumotisly in ceremonies at City Hall Friday. Major Richard A. Widdows, right above, presents to Mrs. Margorct Ware Thomas, mother of Cpl. Thomas, the Purple Heart medal, the Purple Heart certificate, the Ncdionol Defense Service. Vietnam service and Vietnamese campaign medals as Mrs. Boyce Ware, grandmother of Cpl. Thomas, holds the lote serviceman's picture. Cpl. Thomas, wounded twice in action in Vietnom. died in action Moy 21. (Poul Lemmons Photo) Garland Funeral Former Mayor Garland Still Dies Wednesday Still Passes; Rites Friday EshSr Ceremonks Honor New Car Lines Showings of new 1969 automo biles will get underway today by “ 4.-11 car dealers in this area when the Wicsenei- public is invited to look over new; new hysinoss ^ ! features included in latest models. Pun Lotivn Sessiofl Charles Dixon of Victory Chev- For junior Scouts Wayne Thomas around the first of the year. Books Will Open For Registration On October 12 Registration b(joks in Kings Mountain and at 28 voting pre cincts in Cleveland County will open Saturday, October 12th, at 9 a.m. and will remain open un til 6:30 p.m. each Saturday until 20 days prior to the general elec tion Nov. .n. New rt^sUlents of llu* county from oul-of-slate must have resi dence liere 30 days prior to the ('lection and register b(‘fore bt?- hig eligible to vote. New resi dents from in-stato must oily register 20 days prior to the elec tion. In-statc residents do not have to establish residency. The books closed April 20th and at that time 24,473 persons wore registered voters in Cleve land County. Of that number, 21,586 were registered Democrats, 2,621 registered Republicans and 266 rcgi.stered as Independent. No person in Cleveland County is registered with the American In depen lent Party which is the third party formed by former Alabama Governor George Wal. lace. Charh's R. Wallace of States- vilc, Iredell county coordinator Tolet Co. on Railroad Avenue has announced-his formal showing be gins today and will continue! through Saturday in a three-day! .gvenc ! Southwell Motors, dealer iiil Fords, will display the new Ford lines on Friday, according to Bob Southwell, while Lackey-Falls Pontiac Company in Bessemer City will open doors to display new models today. Kings Mountain area Junior Girl Scouts and their loaders are invited to attend a patrol Worjtsiipp^^. Saturday ruor, from 10 until 12 noon at First Presbyterian church recreation building. “Fun and learn” is how one Girl Scout leader described the forthcoming workshop for area Scouts and leaders. Purple Heart, Other Medals Presented gining operations, it was learn ed yesterday from Julian Lorner, I division manager of the Knitwear' I Division. I Located on a 15.acre block on, Garland Everett Still, 6G. Kings I York road between Floyd street, f^oin i;».-)l-52, l and Iredcnckson street, the lo-ifjjpj Wednesday morning at 10 : cal plant is the fourth to be lo-ig ^, 33 ,^5, Hospital in Wins- cated in North Carolina by O.v "Salem i ford Industries and its 37th in the puWal riles will be held Fri- I .Southeast. Home office is AUan-:^^^ morning at 11 o'clock from I la, Ga. . , St. Matthew's Lutheran church I Some hiring of employees is aj , of w’hich ho was a member. His I ready underway, I^rncr pastor, Rev. Charles Ea.sh'y. wil. : and arc being trained at the and interment will b( win plant in Kings Mountain asjjj^ Mountain Rest cemetery. Ii. I well as at its Reliable Mills in: flowers the family has , Gastonia. Applications are being, memorials to the taken at Banvin now for traineesi ^.^oir fund of St. Matthew’s at Barwin and at Reliable who, j i will automatically go into the I familv will receive friends new plant when it is completcd.| gt Harris Funeral Home Th-u. Initial employment will num- nonighti from 7 until 9 p.m. bor 490, he said, with ultimate beniy will remain at Harri.s F'uneral Homo until the hour of service. A native of Winston Salem. Mr. Still w’as son of .Mrs. J. N. Still of Winston Salem and the lat^ Mr. Still. He w'os a Kings X. SUCCUMBS — Garland E. Still, tormer mayor, died Wednesday morning. Funeral rites will be held Friday- Kings .Mountain water custo- ! mei^, numbering approximately 3,000, will .sing their first rate in crease blues next week when ' statements for .Septomb^'r will go Into the mails from City hall. City Clerk Joe McDaniel said yesterday he expects no criticism from the citizens when they re- , ceive their statements next week ; sinre the increase should come as I no surprise to anyone. I’he new rates, representing the ! 90 percent across-the-board sur- . charge imposed by city commis sioners the last week in August, w<*rc implemented to provide rev enue for amortizing $4 million in When the 34X10 city water customers receive their Septem ber bills Tuesdoy they vzill also receive a letter from Moee Ad* ministration 11 reminding of the "'critical water shortage end drought” and noting that "When water consumption increases and the debt service reduces for the city, the water rates will be lowered accordingly.” Public Works Supt. Grady Yell- ton gives this additional water report: Davidson Lake. 8 feet low; York Road Loke. six feet, seven inches low. "We ore using the Gold Mine and starting at the Old Wells to augment our water supply", said Yelton. John Mitcham's Rites Conducted I cpl. Gregory : 20, killed in action payroll of at least 700 persons. .Ninety cent of its employes will be women. The Oxford Company is build ing its own plant, which iwill liSiWaift 20(W10(V «iuare f««L Mr, Sm Hc^^vis a* Kings Funeral rites for production space, offices and n| merchant who former- 62, were hold Sunday after- §2.38 Sistead of $125 in the Wayne rhomas, dye plant. It will be fully air, jy operated Garland’s Jewelry 3 p.m. from Resurrection ^ bonds for the city's water and sewer projects. At the same time, the board also voted to levy a 10 percent differential on b^sic rates for in dustrial consumers outside the city limits. All residential users of water outside the corporate limits will have 50 percent added to their bill above city rates. The minimum monthly bill for John Mrtch- 3000 gallons of water will be in Vietnam I conditioned and will be construct- : of which ho Dramatic new interiors and'DIgn^ SKonina colors along with lull door glass! _ styling and other new styling mark changes in the 1969 auto mobile story. The widest choice of.engines j and transmissions in automotive! history head a parade of oxclu.sive ] Chevrolet features for 1969, Dixon comments. Thirty-five new Chev rolet models in seven distinctive' car lines for 1969 go on sale na-1 tionally today. Southwell Motors will show thej Mustang in five models this year; in.stoart of three, the new models! being Grande and Mach-1, acconl-1 ing to Bob Southwell. The newi models have an all metal change J but still look like Mustangs, he' said, and there are 6 V-8s and two 6 cylinders to choo.se from.. The Mustang also has two nt wj engines — a new 4.1 litre and the new V-8 which is a cobra ram-jet C.l.D. A new sports roof with a spoiler Is available, in for the W'allacc campaign, on the I teriors are completely re-designed roster of the Kings Mountalnl with cockpit styling and the 1969 Lions club Tuesday night, noted models have new profile tires, that it isn’t nofpssary for a ppr-| son to change registration to vote. up, the latest engineering innova-; tions and added safety are all a for Wallace. The name of Wal lace will apix'ar on the haGot Pontiac story, sav just Ike the names of candidates Lackey-Falls in Bessemer for the t^o oB’cr major political where sixteen models, offered I in three s<*ries go on sale today. parties, he said. ConstaOefion Now In Week Two Kings Mountain’s propo.sed community facilities building is in its second w'oek of construc tion. The new facility is being cfJn- structcci in the Deal Street Park Ar<‘a facing Cleveland Av enue at total cost of $452,453. A prtigress report of the pro ject was given by Mayor John Moss at Tuesday’s meeting of the citj commission. The building, when completed a >ear trom this month, “will be the finest In this and adjoining ar<*as”. said Moss. It will contain 32,066 .‘^qitare feet of floor space and will be a complete recrea tional and community center complex. Chairman of the city recrea tion committee is Carl Wilson. For Water Project Land acquisition for the Buf falo Creek Water Project is proceeding, reported Mayor John Moss to the city commis sion Tuesday, adding that “in the not too distant future we hope to get final approval of the plans and specifications and then go out for bids on the pro ject." The mayor said that plans and specifications must be ap proved by the State Board of Health, the Dams Committee, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Corps of Engineers. He said the Corps of Engineers must ap prove the plans because of the dam size and also to determine the flood safety requirements. From the date of beginning, target date for the project com pletion is 14 to 18 months, said the mayor. Mayor Moss said this date would moan that a functional water supply is as sured but not all recreational aspects of the prejcct would iw complete. “Col. (\V. K. Dickson, the city’s consulting en^ineerl Dickson tells us we should have approval from these agencies and enginet'ring details in 30 days.”, said the mayor. I _ 44..^. 44V .^..4, viiMv proprietor Lutheran cluirch May 21, was honored posthum-ied at an estimated cost of S2.5jQ£ 3 ivstaurant here. Until his was a member. I ously in ceremonies Friday morn* million. Total payroll will aP 'illness four months ago, he was Mitcham died Friday night I ing at City H^Il. ' proximate $3 million plus annual-! employed ivey’s Men’s Store 61 the Kings Mountain hospital . Major Richard A. Widdows of,ly. i Cotswald Shopping Center in several months illness. I the inspector-mstructor stalf wit/F Oxford Industries is a Public- charlotte. I H<‘v. David L. Caster, his pas- ; the Manne Corps Reserve, Green- owned corporation listed on the gfin oIocKkI mayor of iur, officiated at the final rites user of one million gal lons of w'ater, the case of at least five industrial customers, will find that his monthly bill has leaped from $28-1.17 per month to $539.73. Mayor John Henry .Moss said A. M. Pullen and Company of ice medal and the Vietnamese'knit shirts and sweaters, men’s! Wake F'orost Law Luther and Rachel Herndonl campaign medal to Mrs. Margar* sport shirts and dress shirts, al-| School where he sang in theMitcham. A veteran of Worldi I et Ware Thomas, the servicc-|So men’s slacks and suits, worn- ehoir. Before eomin" to Kings D. lie was a former employee at ’ citys accountants, 'man smother. I on’s dresses and blouses, women’s Mountain he was a^Vinston Sa- Mauney Mills. His wife was the und \V. K. Dickson & Company of skirts and a nationally brandedmerchant He sang in the Kmner Lillian Lynn. Charlotte, the citys engineers, lino of women’s appa.x-1 as well'at St ^iatthew^s Lutho.an “’e above rate inc-eas- as banlon shirts and sweaters, al-. chui-rh, at one time was active in |hph’”'-on^ Mil h'am ^ri*f paca sweaters and orlon sweat- o.'eensC; u"oU- daughler Mr" to the S3 million bond vote He was married to Winnie Raul Abernethy of North Angus- December, projoctel rate in- Vera Still of Kings Mountain ta, S. C.; four grandchildren; ereases vvere made public and is- October 11. 1927. They are par- tkree brothers, Rufus Mitcham suanco of the bonds for the water ents of throe children: Garland of Kings Mountain, Lloyd MitcL* Project were approved by an E. Still, Jr. of Mocksville, John am of Lincolnton and Li'o Mhch-j margin of 20-1. L. Still of Dunedin, Fla. and Miss am of Ellenboro; and one .sister.! * ” Grace Christine Still of Danville,'Mrs. Robert Morrison of Kings llp«||l •Members of the Thomas family ' and friends gathered to pay tri- I bute to Cpl. Thomas. Tis pastor, ■ Rev. Robert Mann, offered pray- ! ers and the audience stood in si- ; lent memory to the Kings Moun tain Marino. A large photograph of Cpl. Thomas and the Ameri can flag fonned the background for the ceremonies conducted by Major W’iddows and Kings Moun tain Mayor John Henry Moss. Mrs. Thomas was also present ed the Gold Star award. Other memb<'rs of the Thomas , family present wore Cpl. Thomas’ brothers, Tony Lee Stone and Barry Thomas; and their grand mother. Mrs. Boyce W’are. Cpl. Thomas was gillcd in Vict- ' nam a few days before hi' was j scheduled to return to the U. S. I He joined the Marine Corps i shortly after graduation from I Kings Mountain high school in i 1966 and had served in Vietnam ers. Oxford’s volume of business in 1967 totaled $140 million. I 13 months prior to his death. He 1 was scheduled to return I states June 1. to the Miss North Carolina Wallace Party Oiganized Here; PASTOR — Rev. Russell Lee I Hinton of High Point will become pastor of Oak Grove Baptist church October 1. There are five .grandchildren. To Coiintv Fnir Named I Oak Giove Calls ^^wlUUtJlf AV * QIB ! An organizational meeting was M . S' . hold Mond.'iv liv .uiinnnrti'cs of ICAVF PViMwAM , held .Monday by supporters of <, Miss Elisa Annette Johnson of George C'. Wallace for president 'New Bern, .Miss North Carolina in the Kings Mountvun area with of 196S, will bo pre.sent for the Torn Dellinger elected to serve as I opening ('cremony of the -l^th an-,ehairman of the group, nual Cleveland County Fair on: In addition to Dellinger. John i Tuesday morning, October 1, it Ross was elected treasurer and is announced by Fair Manager Gerald 'riiomasson was elected (E. L. Weathers. i secretary. In addition to his wife, his mother, the three children and grandchildren, surviving ar<‘ two brothers, Rom Still of Winston Salem and Nelson Still of .Mount Air\. Mr. Still, hospitalized Juno, was movant from Mountain hospital to Baptist hus pital last FTiday. INDUCTED J. C. (Jake) Atkinson, prin cipal of Kings Mountain high school, was inducted by ih(‘ Kings Mountain Kiwanis elub last week as a new memln'r. The Atkinsons came to Kings Mountain two years ago from .Madison-Mayodan. They reside at 612 West Mountain street. Mountain. DECA Chapter Active palUH':irors were Lutherl Mitcham, Rolieit Mitcham, Gone Mitcham, Howard .Mitcham, Ron nie Mitcham and Roger Mitcham. Barry Rikard, senior, will head _ tlie Kings Mountain High School Honorary pallliearers wore Toy chapter of DECA (Distributive Black, Boyd Howell, Cicero Falls, Krtucation Clubs of America) this since .Sam Cavoiyv, Nelson Ledlx'ttcr, ..^.gr. Mike Bennett won Kings j Iloward^ Sanders.^ Dr. George vice-presidential post for the Plonk. Dr. .Sam Robinson. Charles jg dike’s third Hamst'y, Dr. John 1. McGill, Roy 'ye^r in the D.E. program. Other new DECA officei^s are Biddy, Jim Bennett and Bud' j Bumgardner. KIWANir PROGRAM I Kings .Mountain Hiji .Sidtool Kooll)al! Coacii Bill B.itcs 'will , review the recent gam(*s of the high school Mountaineers as ' tii(‘ program for Thursday night’s Kiwanis club mreting at 6:45 p.m. at the Woman’s club. n. soc^taryi Roy •easui^'; Morgan , Wanda Blanton, sect Huffslctlei’, tre? Hollificld, parliamcntarisri; Tom my Grayson, reporter: and Pete Ware, S.P.O. representative. Installation of officers is sche duled in "conjunction with Par ents’ Night. Wednesday, October 16. at the high school. Rev. Hinton Rev. Ilu.s.sell Hinton of High Point will assume now duties Oc tober 1 as pastor of Oak Grove' Baptist church. Ml. Hinton, since August U>66, the minister of education at North ' Main Street Baptist church in High ! Morehead Nominees Named Are Merit Semi-Finalists DIXON SERVICE A ministerial student from Gardner-Webb college will fill the pulpit at morning worship services Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at Dixon Presbyterian church, L. H. (Bud) Stewart, chairman of the pulpit committee, announc es. MISS NORTH CAROUNA Two Kings Mountain High .School students Iiavc been named Miss Johnson will prov de the' Plans wore dlscu.sscd for the Point, is a former pastor of Provi-! .semi-finaiists in the 196s 69 Na- beauty for the program and John campaign from now until elec-'donee Baptist church, Stoncville. | tional .Merit .Scholarship pre Rcilzd assistant commi.ssionor of lion day and the group asked Bear Marsh church. Mount Olive,! gram, it is leanuHi from Pnnci a-rlcuRure will provide the ad- citizens in this area who are in-! Calvary Baptist church, Hamlet, pal J. C. Atkinson. 'I'hey are Tim dress, Weathers (luips. | leresled in helping support Wal- ‘'oid Conrad Memorial Baptist iothy Norris Webster, son of Mr. Fair President J Horace Grigg lacc R)r Pic*sident to respond to: church in High Point. j and Mrs. James Websti'r, and will preside at the 11 a.m. exer- Wallace. P. O. Box 212, Kings Mrs. Minton, the former Lillij Douglas Alan Salzmann, vvlio re cises which will officially open >Tountain. All coniribulions w(*re B*'lk Mc.Vlhancy of Fort Mill. S. the 1968 exposition and fairgw'rs asked to he sent to the post of-jG., joined the Inculty of the high ^ Sessoms. for the day will be admitted free; fico address also. | school .Monday a.s up until the hour of the opening* j teacher. , 1 . , . . , . ^ j native of Roeky Mount, N.v..'mong l.),006 students selected as I Mr. Hinton is 43. He was licensed the nation's best mast intellect- ' to the ministry in 1946 after s»‘rv- ually able high school seniors hospital for tre.atment of a heait ! in the U. S. Navy and working and will compete for some 3.tHK) ailment. .Mr. Sellers is a vetenn | as a sheet metal w'orker, a textile Merit Scholarsl^ps to be awarded Margrace Mill employee in the employee and with the Atlantic in 1969. Other cocniy students Coast Line Railroad. ' Continued On Lijht side*; with. Ml. and Mv<. Ben F mathematiesI They are two »tf sevi'n t'leve I land County students w ho art* ceremonv. ' Miss Johnson was one of seven' young ladies who were awarded $1,600 seholar.ships as winners of the Miss America Pageant’s spe-, dal talent awards al The 42nd 1 Continued On Puye lHykt I HOSPITAUZED George W. .Sellers was admit ted Monday to Kings Mountain dye department. Atend Game Early Tc Get A Seat Kin ’.s .Maunluin High font l'>nll (oach Kill Hates s<;id W<‘d;usday ih.d piol)ably no more than l..")(iu seats will .he available' at I'a'hnonl Frid:iy The Mountaineers and Raid- ejs meet in H<'lmont’s new sta- <huin at Mu? higli school, and work is not yet coinpleled. .No bk'aclieis have been in stalk'd yet but Belmont Coach Ray Slu'lton said he hopes to luiV(* the 1,566 available. Fans aie urged to go early in 'jidcr to avoid standing. Five senior boys at Kings Mountain High School have bren ^ nominated for Morehead avv'ards and will be interviewc.l by the Cleveland County .Morolnad Se lection Committe in the next few weeks. Attorney L. Lyndon Hobbs of Shelby is commiMtH? chairman. Local aotninoc.s include Don Forrest Hridgt’s, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. ('. Bridges of 307 Edge- niojit Driv(*: Richard Etheridge, son of Mrs. Dorothy I*. Etheridge of 913 .Sharon Diiva'; Ross Alan .Springer, son of Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Springer of Grover; Timothy Norris Webster, son of Mr. and .Mrs. James F. Webster of Route t Cuniinuul On Pauc L’iy/ti

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