I i 1968 ^ PopnlatioD j Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Tht Gr«at«r Elagt Mouotalv liyur* ti derWtd irpm tb* UaltAd StaUft Bureau of the Ceosus report o lanuary IBBB. and iacludee the 14.990 pepulatioB o Number 4 Township, and the remaiaing 6.124 Iron Number S Township, in Cleveland Couaty and Crowder* MountalB TowBshtp Ib GostOB Couaiy. VOL. 80 No. 47 Kings Mountain's Bailable Newspaper Pages Today Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, November 21, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENl! Major Extension Of City Limits To Southwest Likely Motel ‘N iOiW At Interstate ^6 Units Set In First Stage, 85 - N. C. 161 Ook Grovii A < rmf fMl .nINGS MOUNTAIN 288 Projection By MARTIN HARMON A 2<SS-unit motel is projected for Kin^^s Mountain at Inlerstare S.l and N. C. 161 on a 7.02 acr(Mrui‘t fronting the service road toNoal Hawkins Company and Superior Stfme Company. The mof(‘l is lo he liuilt in feur one story buildings, with the first stage to inciudt* two buildings to taling 76 units and a swimming pool. Jaycees Number 2 In North Carolina ®®^***®”* KM Jaycees ^146 \IP9f y' iHT 'Morgroce Rank Is High At Mid-Year The iiuilder will be Ilugli W. Johnston & Associates, of Has tonia. Carl Stewart. (Jastnnia allor- n«'v, outlined plan.s for tile motel to fhe city commission at a spe eial mtMJting Tuesday night, le- ijuested that tlie propenty b<‘ in- eluded in the city limits an 1 that tlie motel b<' provided all city utility senices. ^ Concurrently I). VV. Uovstei*, ..,,,1 . t ^ •Ir.. in Ix-hair of thn a<Ii‘.oont Wiat Jaycees Moan To ^oung (Julf servke station fronting on “n ? fw' X. C. 161, petition..,I for inclusion: of its two acre properly in fhe j lirriits ^ ^ .which time five now memoers I^BtIio commission approved th^ **^0*^^*^ 1 h ■ v #h "quests and .set public heariir..s „ * Uayc-ee club tn Xorth ! on Ihe city limits extension re- *•* ‘he neighboring Shel- The Kings Mountain Jaycee ; club is No. 2 in the state. Local Jaycees were notified they were recipients of the “Blue C'hip Award ’ Tuesday after visit by Jim Church oi Clemmons, state ; president. Mr. Church was liere lo conduct a leadership training I program, and along with the local I president, Joe Smith, visited 25 prospective members. The Kings Mountain board of 1 i education Monday night discuss- ' I od but took no action on plans 1 ' to con.solidate food services in the ■ 10 plants of th(? district system. However, the board invited Miss Nina Corbett of Marion to lour: the various school lunchrooms | with Schools Supt. Donald Jom?s Icr further study of the i>ossibili-! lies of (.“entralizallon. | Miss Corbett, who has had wide j exixTioiu.o in lood service, met i with the group and pointed out j that <ome of the advantage.s of \ centralization would be cost-sav*' ing through quantity buying, bet ter control o\(?r the food services, effici(‘nt utilization and upkeep of equipment and the training and central employment ol jK'rsonnel. V V€ tiZ9/ irst »tr J \ja9 DVEF 2.-/. 1 (juests for December 10. ' Attorney Steuart, a list dis trict state represf'ntative, pro | sented architoed’s drawings of the: projovded motetl. in<duding ex ! t<*rior front and side views, infer-' ior room design and other fea lures. The plans wore prepare I by Freiderich S<hmitt, Charlotte areiiitect. Mr. Stewart said the motel will have a “live-in” manager ond added, “While units, we hope* to keen Ihe huild <’r at work untij the 2SS units are complete.” Th<‘ formiM* Noisier prop(*rty is hrdng acquired by the Johnston firm from Caroll and Wilson, Ine. Mr. Johnston was leading pro moter of Gastonia’s Dixie Village* shopping center, by club, said Church, and No. 1 Jay(‘ce club in the world di.slinc- tion goes to the Greensboro Jay- cecs. Landfill Area Is Relocated At prc'scnl, each of the lun'^h-j rooms in the system is run inde-1 pendcntly by the manag*»rs and schfK)! principals. Each -caleteria j does its own purchasing and pro* 1 pares its own meals. j Mr. Jone.s reported that prinoi-f paL and cafeteria managers favor ! fhe propased study and consolida- ’ ; tion. ] : “Children have to be taught to i taste beginning with grade one,*’ • said Miss Corbidt, veteran teaclier,; : home econcmisl and dietician. I i “Challenge a child to eat and i VM Charles D. Blanton, partner thinks hej Imlfl DoPilSlS MAP OF FIVE SCHOOL ATTENDANCE ZONES ~ The Kings Mountain school district will be divided into live geographic attendance zones lor the 1969-70 school year arid elementary students will be as signed to schools according to residence. These attendance zone^ and schools will be referred to as Bethware# EcbL Grover« North end West and these boundaries ore listed on the map above. Bethwore is zone one. North is zone two. East is zone three. West is zone four ond Grover is zone live, each named for the school located in each zone. Park Grace and Compact plants will no longer be used lor regular classes alter this year, according to a plan of **total school desegregation” odopted by the board ol educotion. DIRECTOR-—Charles D. BUraton has been eiect^ a director of Home Soarings & Loan Assgpia- tiom Home S & L Taps Blanton Petitions Said 90% Complete; C of C Endorses By MARTIN HARMON Kings .Mountain’s most major •ify limits extension since 1923 nay bt* imminent. Tht* expansion, southwesterly, nay inelude some 4(J0 arr(?s, more ' than 100 residences, Neisco, Inc., Viargrajo plant, Lambeth Rope orporation. B<*nnetl Brick & Tile 1 ■'ompany and Kings -Mountain ' liigh schiiol. Estimated p.»pulation of the , trea H -150. Tlie board of directors of Kings Mcnntaln Chamber of Commerce endorsed tin* (‘xpan.sion Tuesday. Meantinn. J. Wilson Crawford, one of seveial persons circulating : p(*tition.s asking the city to extend 1 its limits, estimated that “90 pt»r- * *ent 01 bet:(*r’’ of property owni*rs in tin* area have signed the pe- itions:. Ml. Crawford him.self ha.s exe. cuted agreennml to purchase from Arehdale .Mine.*-* some 100 ac^es at the souHiwesf eoiner of Phifer and Fulton roads. He expeet< to develofx* the property resid<*ntial- : ly. he .said. It is possible, spokesmen said, jih(* {»etition loi inclusion in fhe j city limits will bo presented to . the city Iward of commis-sioners at the meeting on Tuesday, No vember 26. The petitioners will ask en- idcrsemeiu of the* city planning board. In 1923. the Town of East Kings Mountain, by legislative act, wa-s di.sincorporafed and the area in corporated into the Town of Kings Mountain. Since that time, eily limits e.\- tensipn action has been taken only on petition of property own- Total School Desegregation Plan Adopted For 1969-70 Cox To Receive Masonic Honor i Kings Mountain Drug Company,^ like.” she added. “We! wo start with 70 plant 74 west. It mr-ans the To Dedicate Buck T^erlake l"**™”®"** : and Managing Director of Station j W’RVA-TV in Richmond, Virginia. Tw’O musical instrumentj; and new junior choir robes will be formally dc*dicated by Kings Mountain Baptist church at ves per services Sunday at 5:30 p.m. Both the noA* organ and new piano will be played with Mrs. Adrian Littlejohn of Gastonia Leoi Pick-Up Starts Monday The city street department will begin operating its leaf machine Monday. Citizens are asked to their leaves at the curb. to 11:30 Saturday mornings. was elected a director of Home; eating with oth-, City sanitary landfill operations Savings & Loan Association!^*^ projects,' she continued, is moving to the 20-iicro sewage!Tuesday. area off U. S.j Announcement was made by I Thomas A. Tate, the firm’s exo- r:ly is al)antc»n-j cutive vice-president. 1 ms uso for this puri.oso :! ilw. oiUicc-rs of tlio association be- UIBfril WWf f- se\jn-acrn tract off Inicrsf.lc .s.> sides m,-. Tate arc Joe H. Thom- Wlf VA" 1 V UttlfAr and adjacent to the former Aio 'se son, president; and A. Hunter LfKjw propeity. Patterson and B. D. Ratterrec,: Joseph W. "Buck” Timberlake The city eommission \ o ed vice-pn-sidents. Other directors'Jr. has been named Vice President rnovmg the opera.ions I uerdaj are I. G. Patterson, R. S. Plonk Dr. Paul Hendricks, and Jack H . a m''''Aloiid-at ‘ Announcement was made by featured in an organ rccilai. The L. K. I Josh. Hmnanl. co-chan- to 4 30 PJt„ o'da.vs, A Kmgs Alountam natn^, Mr. charies H. Crutchfield, President Junior choir, under the direction man with J. Ollic Hams o; ‘'‘'.y'Blanton is son of Mrs. C. D.iof Ihe Jeffci-son Standard Broad- of Mrs. J. C. Bridges and Mr.s. m.a.v<>rs mduslnal .eommillee, a.nn sami.la.\s. Blanton and the late Mr. Blan-!c.xsling Company (WBT-.\M-FM D. F. Hord, will sing anthems, commented. “This is a '”0' other aelions jl I u, .-d ly s ion. Ho is a graduate of the UXC. w B T V , Jefferson Productions) The choir members v. ill wear the pleasant surprise. It has been ^cc at meeting, th< city eom- <!ehool of Phefmacy at Chapel who.se purchase of WRVA-TV from long, gold robes with red and emh.arrassing to .show the eom- truss,on Hill. A former Kings Mountain!,ho Richmond TcIovLsion Corpora- gold collars. miinity to vi.siling industrialists J* Voted to ad veil i.s< lo,- h.ds,Yoim. Alan of the Year, he is a tjon was approved by the Federal Mrs. Uttlejohn, the former hut have a shortage in aceommo- h”asinf and’ iv"dHve S' Ptaf | Communications Commission last Danna Runstedt, holds a bache- dations. scvin callh basins and M.N d,i\e maceutical Association. He Is a! month. lor of church music in organ Mr. Hams added. "We have enframes on Fairvirw sire •!. deacon m First Presbyterian Timberlako. who will assume from Southern Baptist Seminar.v. - - nee ird fhis facility and it will be' 2 Adopted an ordinance a- churi-h and is active m numerous his new duties on Decomoer 3 has The family moved here from Mountain Lions club, MK-ecssful. He been Vk^^^ to Gastonia in 1961 « Wilson Crawfmd, who said, and fne p,event -m I’odc.s m .le-, and his wife and children live on development, public relationsrand where Mr. Littlejohn is minister was parly to Ihe sile-sellm.g^coidanw with changes m Hit; Phifer road. alumnae relations at Marv Bald of music at Gastonia First Bap- I Geographical Zones Determine School To Attend A plan of “total scliool dcsog- pile rogation” adopted .Monday night ; by the board of education will Hours of collection are 7:30 : replace a freedom of choice plan to 4:30 Monday - Friday, 7:30 wirh an attendance zone or goo- [graphical as.signmcnt plan and will eliminate file last elements (of the Kings Mountain dual I school system. B. Frank Cox, assistant post master. will receive a 40-year life time membership pin from tiio South Carolina (^rand Lodge Sat urday' in ceremonies in Green ville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Cox will go to Greenville for the ceremonies. Mr. Cox is a member of the Judson Lodge of Greenville, Mayor John Henry Moss said “Operation Leaf Removal” will continue until the job is com- jlote. Wilson To Head Area 40 & 8 C. P, Barry Lion 01 Year Campbell Pre.ssloy Lion of the Year of in each. the Kings 'Torporalion, commented, "Mr.| State codes. J(»hnson is a good promot(»r. The Adopted resolution formally eitv wii! like him and he will like rciiuesting the Department of. the citv.’’ Housing and Urban Dcvolonmeni to rewrtify Kings Mountain’s workable program for comnun-' ’ ity Improvement. 'Mr. Barry, an insurance sales man and onetime city commis- TURKEY SHOOT Bothleherr Volunteer Fire De partment will spon.sor a turkey shoot Saturday beginning at noon at the fire departm(*nt in the Btdhlohem community. ^vin College in Staunton, Virginia fist church. Mrs. Littlejohn is »| ,sim^ July of 1961._ Prior to this, piano teacher._ The Littlejohns[ ^Lr JAo^ j If the plan is approved, as Carl F. Wil.'ion, of Kings Moun- Supl. Donald Jones anticipates, tain, will be installed Monday ‘ t)y Ihe State Department of Pub- night as cho: de gare, Voiture lie Instruction and the U. S. O ' 1180 and 1416, 40 & 8 at a meeting pariment of Health, Education| here Monday night. ! and Welfare, flio school disn icl! The meeting for the two .soi io- ' in 1969-70 will divided into lies will bo at the American ' five geographic attendance zones, L<»gion building, each named for fhe school with-, Dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. t Richard K. Josoy. of Statesville, ' chef dc train, will install new of- ; ficeis. Announcement was made by David J. Dclevio, correspondent of N.C.161Bid Opening Tuesday Hewitt To Preach at Community Thanksgiving Service Wednesday ' he was Regional Sales Manager of are parents of tw’o young sons. .. ^ ^ ‘ I Station WBTV in Charlotte. 1 A native of Ogden, Utah, Mrs. I A native of Gastonia Timber- Littlejohn halds a B.A. in music , lake was graduated from Central from Westminister college. the dis- Zone One — Hethware. Zone Tao Noilh. Zone Tlirce East. Zone Four • Wc-'^t. Zone Five Grover. Tlie State Highway commis sion will open yds on the NC 161 Smith imorovement project Tues day at 10 a.m. Dr. Thomas Furman Hewitt of ■Contract awarj date is Decern- Boiling Springs, professor in the pletc. Department of Religion at Card* The .*jpccifications, District En- ner Webb college, will deliver gineer M'. W. Wyke said, call tlie .sermon at Kings Mountain’s for improving the section from fn-st annua! (*ommunity . wkk* Ihe ramps soiwirJiT interstate 85 Tlianksgivhig service Wednesday (south sidei for a distance of night. 4.539 miles. q'bo sc*rvlce. under sponsorsliip The section is to be widening of the Kings Mountain Minister- fnim 18 to 24 feet. Additionally, lal A-tsociation, will be held at four tcel of the lOfoot shoulders 7;.n.m. in Central school audi- will he p.u*cd. : torium. Roadbed relocation will occur Thanksgiving anthems by a north of tlie mountain gap, with fiO-voici* combined choir of three tlie new roadbed bearing south- Kings Mountain churches will ward until it intersects with the fculure the program. Spi’cial mu piemmi roadbed at the mountain sic will be presented by choirs gap. from First liiiptist, Fir.sf Preshy Curb-and-gutter will be install- lerlan and Reseurrection L . ther ed from the Lake Montonia road an ehurehe.s, under the direction J north to the I-S5 ramps. IN NEW POST ^ Clyde J. Jolly has joined Di- Icey Fabrics in Shelby and he ^and Mrs. Jelly and family have moved from Rutherfordton to 1204 Mead()WO(K! Lane in Shed- by TIk* Jtdly.s are formerly of kings Mountain. of Donald Deal with Mrs. J. C. ' Bridges at Ihe organ. The com bined choirs will sing Mueller’s “Come, Christians Join To Sing" an ! will lead Ihe oongrr *ation in singing throe hymns. “Come Ye Thankful Peonle, peopk*. Come”: . “We Praise Thee, O God” and , “America the Beautiful.” Larry * Continued On Paye h'lyht w / • Elementary and Ashley Senior , High Schools in Gastonia', Belmont I .\bbey Jr. College in Belmont and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He served four years as a com- I missioned officer in the U. .S. Air I Force in World War 11. rewiving his di.scharge in 1945 as a Major In June of 1948, he re-entered Ihe Air Force, seizing a four-year tour of duty before Tetu.*ning to * civilian Hie in 1952. Ho is a Deacon in the Staunton Presbyterian Church, and has .served on various Republican Par ty c*)mmitlee.s at the city and .state level. Timberlake is married lo the former Betty Lee Noisier, of Kings Mountain, and has a son and two daughters. William R. Preston, currently President of the Richmond Tele‘- vision Corporation, will become Area Vice. Prosiilont - Rii-hmoiul LoCal FisheVRieil tor Joilor.son Standard Broadcast ing. Samuel S. Carey, Gonerar Manager of WRVA-TV. will be- come Station Manager. will report to Timberlake. 1'he new plan will also refh'ct Vuiiurc 1180. otlier changes: — 1> Special education students, from the prcse?it Kings .Mountain! ) An active Lion for more than Special EduQ-alion Center (the; I 20 years, Mr. Barry has served; ]^rick residence the system owns T/Sgt. Stewart Wins Promotion SPEAKER—Dr. Thomas Furman Hewitt Gardner - Webb College professor, will deliver the ser mon at Kings Mountoin's com munity-wide Thanksgiving serv ice Wednesdoy night in Cen tral school auditorium. The organ program ill include,on the board of directors and has on Gaston stnM't) will lx* trans-' the lollowin,; sfloclion-s ' chairmanned a mimlier of ini ; fciTprl'lo the i-uirenl Compact t Sat Herman Pr,?ludo: Toplady (Rock of porfant .■ommittecs including the ,Hmol buildina. The present ■ a, t ton of M^and Ages) — Seth Bingham annual Christmas giving of food Compart biiiidin- (the only re-i t su. .'i Offertory: fLot all Momi; ba.skets to the blind. 'LTning aSg^o «lott theUty^'ty^s ZmotT^"^ >lesh Keep Silence) Joseph Clo | j,,. ^is. Bany me active system and has drawn the firiMh,. Technical strgoant . a y-. .a J TT.. Bothaiiy Associate. Refornu'd of lIEW’s regional office in, t Sfewarf i« ctatirS^r.,! A Nun lassl un.s Golf dem Her-, progbyt^j-ja^ church. They reside'Charlottesville. Va.i will then bo Andrews ^FB Washington n ren (Now Praise Wo God Al- ^n Fulton street. Cnntbiued On Paqe 8 ‘V Washington, D C. mighty)—Vincent Luoboek 1654- Five Former Pastors Participate In Central Methodist Services CAKE SALE We.st School Parent-Teaclier Association will sponsor a cake sale Wednesday beginning at 3:30 p.m. in the school cafe teria. Homemade cakes will bo available and proceeds will benefit the P-TA projects. 1740. Vom Himmcl Nooh. da Komm ich her (F'rom Heaven High, I come to you) — Johann Pacliel- ho\ 1653-1706. Cantabile — Ccscar Franck. Mr^Tongue*)^-'' Ginh^LMmund svrK*ico^ to ReverenJ Dr. J. Garland Winkler A1.V longuei uann tamunu ^ "Spiritual H a r v e s t will be the speaker and o:i 'AVd- CaHIIon Week” has been announced by ne.sday evening the Reverend Dr Postlude Lf>bt Gott ihr’Christ-1 Alderman, minister of Philip L. Shore. Ji.. will bring tin , “ .Ti’l "Together ** I Five ministers, formal ly s»tv- “The community will remember ing Central church, will »eturn lor most of thes(‘ former ministers •IX .service (?ach. b<»ginning Sutiday as they served iwenly-two of tin morning, November 241 ii through Iasi Uvcnty-siwen yeais in tin WediM'sday evening, No\emI)er pasf,>rat(* of ('**ntral ^TeIh(Jdis^ ! 28lh. church. \W are lorlunale in hav , The R«'v. Howard R. Jordan will Ing tlie.se fornun mini.sfers share be Ihe speaker for the morning: in this Thanksgiving series of He recently completed special training hi Chicago, Ill. and transferred lo Washington earli er this year frona Tokyo, Japan. He and his \vif<* and year-old son live at Camp Springs, Md. en, AUrngloich Praise Our God) (Ail — J. S. Bach. Moke Good Catch Six local fishing enthusiasts, all whom arc em-ployed at ; worship hour Sunday. II a.m.. ami' sejv ices and wr want to shart Neisco Sales Margrace office, made a big cafeh at Southport during the weekend. The group’s catch wag 300 pounds cif King Mackerel. Making the trip were George the Rev. James B. McLarty will tii<*m with our community during i be the guest Sunday evening at this W('ek.” said Mr. Alde/man. the 7 p.m. son ice, announec'd Rev. The public is invittKi and fol- Alderman. lowing each service beginning The evening services will he with the Sunday evening service, held at the 7 p.m. houi and on a fellowship or (‘offec hour wiP Sellers. James Amos, Keleiy Monday, Novombt'r 25th, llie Rev. be held in the Fellowship Hall Patterson, Don Sellei*s, Raoford ] Herbert D. G-armon will deliver, and all are invited to share to- White and Jack Goodsun, ’ the message. Tuesday evening the jjeihei^ he eonlinued. Officials Pledge Coopeiafion Gene Froneberger, Bessemer City area Gaston county commis- doner, and Gaston County Mac iger A. R. England, pledged 'ooperation i)ossible with Mountain Tuesday in thos^' 1) Provision of ipj Park vings Mountain imie county', most of it in md problem ot 2» In soivln^unds in areas 4chot>l distrj county and in tbe within Gas^jain city limits. CIngs Mj Henry MoSs 4old «a'Gasto,t oifivials, “Kin?- ./’..intain is a twowunty ci., iiud proud to 'h* one.

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