1968 IS XS Population Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8,256 The Grtattr Uags Mountcriv llgur* U deilv«4 fiooi Um •pKtal United Stattft Bureeni el the Cenius report e January 1M6. ond Includes the H,990 population o Number 4 Township, and the remaining •,124 froB Number S Township, in CiOTslond County and Crowder* Mountain Township In Gaston County, Kings Mountain's Beliobte Newspaper Pages Today VOL 80 No. 48 btablished 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, November 28, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CEN15 I Caro formal state eal es- ISO the ilo aft- dies in havinjf Incsses 5 con- s name testing is not -r sign of tli<» le does tvledgo dously messi's s sign- nature be an or has attest. nesses ncc of otualiy lee not s ■ but time jstator X the not be ess be I less t age on his riiness an a- person s gen- 7t as a r the mt al- iwyerh under ig wii- goo<l St two 11 who ‘rested id any takes tnd so s are emem- T your nder a >e«oine G will I ’it will rms of I have rie are in oth- wild ne are Petitions Filed On Southwest City Limits Extensiem Distributing Firm Building |Jnderway In Industrial Park Qub W ants Compact School; Solely Negro Or Intergated G f) ontlily a you. e, Ac- Pa*rn- lisubil* divan* lis no^v tin o To Employ 45 Improvement | Club Parents Review History By MARTIN HARMON The parents of Compact Im* provement Club, a civic organiza tion, think Ncgro-VVhitp intogia tion fine but state a preference for retention of Compad school, cither integrated or all-Negro They stated as much in a let ter this week address’d to the press and to school officials. Ground has been broken in Kings Mountain Industrial Parkj for a 60,000 square foot building to house a warehousing and dis-; tiihution firm whicli will employ^ ; !.■) persons. | I L. K. t.Toslii Ilinnant, ehairman I ol the mayor's industry-seekin j committee, declined to name the I firm but said "it is a AAA firm”, i The building is estimated to } cost $135,000. I Announcement was made at iTue.'^day night’s city commission! : meeting in support of request of* I Kinder Manufacturing Company, t. (Tilly) Luncetord, naiivt I the new firm, and J. E. Herndon cif Bristol, Tcnii., is the mw man- I Company, for domestic sewagojagor of Storchi’s in Kings Moan- MANAGES STERCHrS — L. T. (Tilly) Lunceford succeeded J. Kennon Blanton Monday as manager of Bterchi's in Kings Mountain. Mr. Blanton joined the Shelby store where he will become mgnager January 1. L. T. Lunceiord 1 Steichi Manager I ^EW BANKER — Gene A. Fron- ' cis of Greensboro has been nomed assistant cashier and manager of the Instollment Loan Department of First-Citi zens Bank & Trust Company here. He assumes his new duties December 1. Francis loins First-Citizens Gene A. Francis has hc'cn nam ed as.sistant cashuT and mana ger of the Installment Loan De- farlment of the First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company Office in (King.s Mountain, replacing Milton j functions to Compact from [Singletary who recently transfer-' Davidson, designation of Among officers of the Compact Improvement Club are Mrs. Scr lene Wilson and Mrs. Ruth .Mitch- cm. Superintendent of .Schools Don-' old Jones said Wednesday he will discuss tile mattc'r with the club officials next week. He commented, “We know that the federal officials will not ap prove of operation of Compact as an all-Negro school. It was the thinking of the board of edu cation in moving the school for educable retarded there that tlie Compact plant would remain a- vailablc as a neighborhood facil ity.” The board of education last week adopted a geographical five, zone plan for school assignments! in the six elementary grades for Carl B. Mo.ss, a Kings Mountain the 1%SG9 tci-m. native, has been narned vice- Principal plant changes were: president and dean of King’s col- transfer of the educable retarded lego in Charlotte, under the ap- New: pointment of Milo O. Kirkpatrick, New Jr., the new president of the col- Funeral For Otis Heart Attack I Proves Fatal To Businessman Funeral sen ices for Otis CU‘o \ .Falls, Sr., 62. will he conducted! Friday afternoon at .3:3(1 fittm! I Central MiOhodisl church. * .Mr. Kails died at 7:15 W<*dues ■ day morning at Kings Mountain, hospital where he had twM'ii ai patient since November 16 fol lowing a heart attack. * Mr. Falls liad b(’cn a Kings Mountain busim'.ssman all of hi.^' adult life. He began a Ii!felong work as a s(*rvke station openat or with tile late (.'harlcs B. l-'alls i in the early twenties and bouglit ; the busin<*ss a few years later, i He had owned and operated City i ServuH* .Station since; 1031. ' He U'as a eharb'r member of the Kings Mountain volinte'ei ' firo department, for many y<*ars the assistant chief, a former: i Lion, and was a member of (he! j official board of Central Melho J dist church. He was a Mason and ' Shriller. 1 A Kings Mountain native, he ! was a son of the late William O. Wynona Sanders Kalis. I Public Hearing On Annexation lls December 10 By MARTIN HARMON V VICE PRESIDENT Cart ». Moss, formerly of Kings Moun tain, has been named vice- president and dean of King’s college. Charlotte, where he hos been a member of the foculty , 12 years. Moss Appointed To King's Post ‘service. | tain. Mr. Lunceford suci'<'ed.«s J j Clint Linn, manager of the Kennon Blanton, tran.cferred ef- 'Kinder Manufacturing Company fective Monday to the Shelby plant now under construction,! store, where Mr. Blanton, on asked: ; Januui'j- 1, will suev'eed K. C. 11 Tile city to apply to Gaston (Red) McClain, who is retiring. County for installation of sewer; lino from the industrial park thl' Kin^sl Surviving are his wife, Lona the Cleveland County line: | ccotltd Mt. Mct.iam at int i-aiis two sons Otis FaIN The city to install about 330 Mountain store 18 years a ^o. ] ^ ^ ‘ !foet of line to the city limits. I Lunceford comes io Kmgii i Mr. Linn said his firm wouldP'*uuniain fi^ the Ga-stoma ritfstfan' the ■ 2400 feet frrim' branch, he w^a*- I Gaston line to the city limit.s and sistant manager since April. ttiot rotTiil-ir ‘sowa'^e fees for out- fore joining Sterchis he was I d. Vi wo^urhe raid Ball Brothers Furniture in Bris-, Hennan I- alls Austin I-all side seuKO wouio ne raui. Falls, all of Kings Mayor John Henry Moss j years on active 5Iountain, and three sisters. Mis. Gaston County has a firrn the Marine i-oros from Blalock and Mrs. .Sam on sewer line laying, paying attended East Kings Mountain,, cost. Should the area i J™* Sr^tv it was’and Mrs. Floyd Falls, of .Shi Iby. to the city, Gaston i'Ount\ i j. marine re-i Eight gramlchildren surviv<‘. expect to be reimbursed on *";*"*" j se,^^nt in June 1067.' 'The body will remain at Har- of cost le.ss annual depreciation are Presbv-;^*^ Funeral Home until the final’ Tlic commission appro\cd = „ * j rites, when the body will lie in Linn's renuosls. former janU-ol state at tho church fioin 3 -- Bristol. They have ® family will receive 1 friend.s at the Funeral Home Jr., Kings Mountain, an ! Douglas Falls, Ouanah, Texas, and a lUiaughlcr, Mr.s. Betty .Muiiis, of B,.. i York, S. C. out', fore joining Sterchi's he was with i Also surviving are three broth- Ball Brothers Furniture in Bris-iOrs. ’olio liearing will Ik* held De/eniber 10 on a major city lim- I its o.xtcnsion to t!ie .Southwest. Kublie bearing was called fol- : lowing r< ceipt f/f petitions for ; annexation c'ovcring 132 par<t‘!s of property in the aica, including loo resi lonces, ai proximatrly .500 ‘ person.--, 121.7.5 acres of land, and , the Mar^race plant of N’eisco ’ Sales, Inc., Lamlx*lh Rope Cor* point ion, and Hi’nnett Brick and Tile c'ompany. Tlu'oiPward bounds are: along : the .Southern Uaiiw.iy riglit-of- way sfiutbwest to the undeipass; along tin* north .side of the old Kings .Mountain-fjrover highway to llu' Veterans of Foreign Wars property; along the southeast side of Phifer Roafl to the Phifer property line; additionally, on the northwest side of Phifer Hoad th(* high school properly, from its Beason Crts k line to a point 100) feet soutli of Fulton road. 11 will i)(' Hie largest city limits C-xtension since 1023. I Li'gal notice of the F ublic hear- I ing. published in today’s Kings Mountain Ilerahl, not<'s 20 proj}- erties excepted from the proper ty to he annexed as: Tliomasson. .McDaniel Propertv. Guy C. Trout. W’. R. Walk('r, T. \^^ Gregoiy-, Denny ProFieriy: Ai tlnir Hamrick, 'F. M. .Sluiford, Henry Wells, Wy- i jtl Blaloi k, Bobby Rhea, Paul 'kalis, B( tsy Allen Hwo traetst. ! Harold L. Hol d, Willard Comp- I Ion, Doug Eubanks. Helen Lo Igan, Larry Moss, and Henry 1 Noisier. resent the city in the (aronna.-*! Tu(\<day night’s city c.*om- Carrout-ei lhanksgi’.ing Day 1'**', niission meeting. Jim Yarbi-'t, radc in Uiark tte. j vice presid<‘nl of the KiiT^s Moiin- W. D.! ^‘***' .Merchants association, and Pj’ip. jGene Timms, president of tlu’ Chamber of Commc'rce, reported PRINCESS — Cecilia Morrison will represent the city as Car rousel Princess in Thursday's Thanksgiving D o y Carolinos Carrousel in Charlotte. Miss Morrison KMHS Princess Cecilia M frrison. King.s Moun tain high school senior, will rep- Daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Hied I Morrison, tin* local ce.'S left for Charlotte Wedne.sd:i\ j' . uftornoou. >ho attond.vl t h o j''udorspnionls of tliPir organiza- KniBhts of Carruusvl Coronalv-'donsion. Ball Wrclnosdav vvonins al Wlul. ' I', ^'as a so r.TorK'd tho .•xto.v House Inn, Chari.tt.-. The hi-. has Iho lorsoment of tne Thank-^giving Day jiirade ir- which Miss Morrison will paniei- j pate will be televised starting at In making his requests, Linn said his film will employ Burnette, He added that Kind- a thren-year-old dauj-hter. of 175 persons, er chose Kings Mountain after j seeing IS cities. He commented, “Kings Mountain reacted. The others didn’t The Luncefords expect to move here as quickly as a residence can be obtained. red to the Wilmington operation 1 Davidson as a.lminlstrative office lege. of the .statewide banking .system.; building, and decision lo offer for' The a.ssignment becomes effectivi*; on Deeembt'f 1, according to Pro.si d(‘nt Lewis R. Holding. ' Francis comes to Cleveland County from Greensboro where h<‘ hus .served in both the commercial and installment loan areas of Kir.st-Citizens sim*e joining the firm in 196.5. Prior to entering banking he was with a consumer credit organization for three .years. A native of Durham, Franci.s graduated from Durham high <(hf)ol and attemded Campbell rcjlloge and the W(»st Virginia In- • itiile of Technology in Mont- >nu*ry. West Virginia. He is a veteran of tin* U. S. Army and S(‘rv(*d in Europe for two y«‘ars lie is marric'd to Ihe former Joanna Andrews, :tlso of Durham, sale the Park Grace school pro-' perty. The prc'sc'nl administrative oHice on East Ridge street will be available for rent as a resi dence, wbivh it formerly was. Statement of tlie ('ompact Im provement club F>arents follows: “Integration is one of the grandest suggestions that could be between the Negro and White. But why sliould^it be onosidexi'.* We have some precious memorii’s and treasures that we. too, would Mr. Moss, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mijs.s. former Kings Moun tain residents, has been an in structor and dean of students at the Charlotte institution -or twelve years. Mi. Moss, who is marri<!d to the former Jean Owens, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Richard Ovens of Kings Mountain, graduated from Kings Mountain high sehool. He joined the faculty of King's col lege in 1956 as an instructor in accounting and rose to the posi- like to maintain, t'oinpaol Kl< mentary School ts one of Uon of dean of students in 1958. I treasures. Compact is the old(*st school in CUweiand County and| He reccriyed his B. S. dt*gri*e from ihe root s’cdiool of Kings Moun- the B^iwliii; lain Citv School System. I know'Commerce and his .M. A. degree of no school that b<*ar marks of from Appalachian Stale Univer-, our forc'fathers more than the, sity. Mr. Moss is a member of the j retired rei^rosentative of Dry- cleaning EquiF>ment ComF>any, son Green College of and the couple has a young sim. Comiiact Sehool that stands south Th<* family is McMhodist and c*x- ’ of a little city of Kings .Mountain, pect to relocate in Kings Moun-j North Carolina. This school is the* B V J Mk- Bridges' Robert Styers i , Rites Conducted Brtes Conducted j Funeral rites for Mrs. Edith Funeral rites for Robert , pitts Bridges, wife of Elmo | Styers. 60, of Venice. Fla., Bridges, were held Friday in the resident of Kings Mountain, were Funeral; held Sunday at 3 p.m. from Kings; pi Neptune Beach, Fla. i Mountain Baptist church, inter-, r^hc Bridges’ are former resi-1 ment following in Mountain Bessemer City and Kings; cemetery. 'Mountain. Mr. Bridges is brother! Rev. James Wilder, as.sisted by • former Mayor GhH?, Rev. George Julian, officiated at ^ Bridges. . the final riles. Active iiallbcarers Mrs. Bridges died in a Jack.son- wore Fred Dixon. Mayor John yjjp, hospital after an illness of; Henry Moss. Lewis Dellinger, Bob months. , Trevarihan, Howard Bryant andi Sho was a member of the East- Gene Timms. ^ I orn Star and the White Shrine. Mr. Styers died Friday in a; B<’sides her husband slie is Mir-; I Florida hospital after serious iH* i vived by her parent.s. Mr. and of several months. He was^ji^ j l. Pitts of Gastonia; one son. Max Anthony Bridges of Nep-1 tune Beach; two sisters. Mrs. from 7 to 9 Thursday night. The .service will he conducted I by Rev. D. B. Alderman, Central ! Methodist pastor. and Rev, : Charles Easley, St. Matthew’s j Lutheran pastor. Interment will be in Mountain : Rest cx.*metery. 9:15 a.m. Tliurs lay morning. Mi.ss Morris.m was chos<*n Kings Mountain PriiKx*ss by mem bers of the high school senioi cla.ss. She is active in the French club and Student F*ariicipation Organization. Leaf Removal Work By City Continues The city’s leaf-removing ma chine is running “hot”. And the job still isn’t done. Mayor John Henry Mo.ss says it will continue in operation un til the job is done. He also thanked citizens for their co- oix'ration in piling Icav**s at the curbs. Moyor To Greet Men In Vietnam tain shorUy. March Of Dimes Leaders Named 1 brain of twelve men fliat were I thinking on the future of our i (‘hildren and Ihe Race which they ' wore a part. This school move- Couthiuni On Pu.vr Elpht of R(*nnett Mastei-s, Harris Funeral i Home mortician, and Miss Kli/a-l iK’th Stewart, Herald women’s; editor, will serve* as eo-cliairmen of Kings .Mountain’s March ot Dimes campaign. F.oal of the campaign in C’leve- laiifl County is $6,000. Boyce Hannah of Shelby will ci'rve as fund camiiaign cliainnan for Cl<'\ eland County. Plans for the drive, lo be con- dintcd in January, were made .Monday night by 12 officers of the Ch'veland County March of Dimes' rhaiiter who alteneled a meeiing, at First F<‘(l('ral Savings & Loan Association In Sln*lby. Chapl(*r Prc'sident Charlie Har- rv (if Grover presided. Funds froip the March of Dimes camFrtifJO will be used for ihe ^mosl part tor research into the! Peause of birth defects and arthrit- , ic ailments. Some of the funds ri'inain in this county and arej usefi for rehabilitation of polio patients, to purchase wheelchairs and braces for polib patlehts and' Continued Un Paijo Eiafit ' ) Thanksgiving Heie Will Feature Holiday Hunting, Turkey. Church Kings Mountain cili/<*ns pre- l>ared this week for a traditional Thanksgiving Day holiday. 'The diet jiiomiscfl to ineludr' numerous turkey dinners, ti'cks t<» Pi Tau Nu Fraternity, the North Carolina Personnel and Guidance styers of Kings; j^p^e Sides of Gastonia and Mrs., As.soeiation. the Nai^tional Ldm-a-1 Winfield Hpip,, f’. Oehlsen of Richmond.* tion .Vss(K-iation. and the feouthern , styers. i Va.; and two brothers, Arthur W. * He is survived, in addition toipmsof North Augu.sta. S. C., and his mother, by his wife. Mrs, Alta! James C. Pitts of Rwky Mount. • Sitlor Styers; ^vo brothers, Joiini For a number of years ihoj Styers of Hampton, Va. and Bruce Rj-Kigos and their nephew. Glee] — Styers of Hagerstown, Md.; two Edwdn Bridges of Kings Moun- sisters, Mrs. D. E, Tate of Kings; tain, operated Bridges Hai'dware: Mountain and Mrs. Carl Lewis of in ^xsse.mer City. In 1951 the* E1-! Gastonia: one nephew, Jo<* H. Me- mo Bridges purchased Glee Ed- Daniel, Jr. of Kings Mountain and win Bridges' interest in the finn one niece, Mrs. Joe Edison of Giu?-; and continued to operat<* the Ionia. College Personnel Ass(K'iation. He is also a past president of the North Carolina As.sociation Business Colleges. Mayor John Henry Moss is seeking the names and ad- dros.ses of Kings Mountain seiv- Icemen on duty in Vietnam. Mayor Moss said he uould send the men Christmas greet ings on behalf of the city. The Mayor a.sks that the ad dress's be telephoned to his of fice 739-2563. Cancel Unit Elects Oiiiceis Mrs. Charles .\dams of Kings Mountain ha.s been elected .'iec- •ind vico-president of the Cleve land County Unit of the Ameri can Cancer Sm-iety. The nt*w officer.-- w(*re elected It a meeting held Monday with ?aul .Vstobe.’^g o! Aslioville. Held repre;''entaliv(' (jf the Society, as zucsi siH'aker. John Lancy of Shelby was elect *d [)r<'sident nt the society. Other >fficcrs an Lloyd Williams, first .'ice • president; Mrs. Charles jperling, ox ecu i i \ (* secretary, drs. Oliver Anthony, Jr., treasur er; Dr. Avery MeMurr.v, mecUoal dvi.sor: John Martin, education hairman; and Bobby rusad(* treasurer. the c‘n lorscmeiit of city jiianning hoard. Don J'mes. supciintend<mt of •bools, snifi the scltool board has {H'litioned in. lusion of all the im- provcii prfqierty at the high Si-hpol ^ite. He said the schools Continued On Puyc Einht Mill-Power Wins Station Award 'The city Tuesday awirdcd con tract to Mill-Power .^'iipply Com- ’■):my. Charlotte, for installation of transformers and necossaiy housing and supply Oxford In dustries and the York road area. Mill-Power’s lump sum bid of $15,7(K) was low of six, and $2572 under the second low of Grabar Electric C'>mi)any at SIS,272. Mill-Powor indicated comple tion in 20 weeks. The hoard accepted low bid of Southwell Motor Company, at $2005, for a fouixloor sedan po- lii-e vi'hicle. Vit tory Chevrolet bid $31 U). 12. Victory Chevroici s low of S;H0S.65 for a I'l: ton truck for the Fjublic works department was aix’eptcd. Southwell Motor bid $3275. Bradley Bartholomew, of \V. K. service at 7:30 a.m. a! Boyce Me moriai ARP eluireh and men of’ the i-liurch will serve lire.ikfast at S a.m. M<*n of First Presl)yl<n ian, football games, church attend- churcli will serve Tlianksgiving ante ^at s|.ocial Tlianksgiving s**a. breakfast from 7:30 until 8:30 son s<'rvici*s and ranibl«*s thi'ougli a.m^ Ihe woods with bunting <logs aiuF Virtually all Ivings Mountain churclu's participated in a com munity-wido Thanksgiving serv- guns. Several churches plan Thanks giving Day s(*rviccs and br(*al\ fasUs. St. Matthews laitlu’ran elur*ch has scheduled a 10 a.m. 'Hinnks giving worship service. Rev. Charies Easley will use tlie .s(*r- mon topic. “The Lost Ghord.” At Kings Mountain Baptist church men of the Brotherhood ice. the eity’s first, Wednesday night at Central school auditor , lum. The annual Candinas Carrou sel Thanksgiving Parade Tliurs- day morning in Charlotte will at-, traet numerous folk. Blonde, pretty Cecilia Morrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morrison, Dedmon Couple Married By Dixon Miss Matilda l>edmon's moth er and father, Florence Jane Batts and James Monroe D<Hi- mon, were, the first (*oupIe mar ried hy Tliomas Dixon. Cleve land Cctunly native and one of its famous sons. “Fire from Hie Flint - Ihe Amazing Careers of Thomas Dix<m”. a biograjjhy by Ray mond Allen Cook, goes on sale Satuixlay by John F. Blair, Winston Salem publisher. Th(* Dedmon wedding took (business until they moved to ; Florida. They resided in Saraso ta, Daytona Beach and Jaekson ville Proper and moved to Nep tune Beach six years ago. Hord Property Is Auctioned New Era In Court Procedures Begins Monday In 27th District By EUZABETH STEWART A new t'ra in eourt proc<‘dLirer in Gaston, Cleveland and Lincoln eounlies will be inaugurated Mon day morning wiu*n judges and magistrates in the 2Tlb .ludiiial j District arc sworn into office. I Jud^e George B. Tlnnnasson i has F^rcsiJed at the last session I of Kings .Mountain r(‘e(M‘der’.s 1 court. I Unfler lh<' new svstem. a local Mrs.’George B. Hoi*d arui Fred' defendant charged with on "I Hoixl, sister-in-law and brother of fense for which the punishment the late Miss Margie Hord, were cannot (‘xceed a fine of .$.)t). ex high bidders for West Gold striM*t elusive of costs, or impriMnmient real estate of the late Miss Hord of 30 days, can en!«‘r a guilty at public auction Saturday. plea and get dlsF>osition of hi'; Tlie sale, conducted umier court case bdqne .Magistrate* J. Lee Guffey, ■ Dickson Sr Company, reported j projress of constTuction cm Ihe ' sewage .system improvements and Mrs. Holmes Harry of Grov(*r <»xF>ansion “on scluxlule or a lit- va.s elected an area service chair- tie ahead of schedule”. Ho said iian. ! th(‘ McGill plant addition should be ready for use about January 1. Iiending arrival of two pieces of e<iuipment. q'hr board rcvoivod no bids to th<‘ (3ier(‘kor stn*ot and N. Go forth street paving work, hut voted to advertise for bids f»n' paving of For<i sircet. fix»m Beiv nolt street to Wendland drive, and for paving Woodland drive, from Ford slre(*t to York road. The board refenwl lo the zon ing Ivmd F;4'tilion df Mr. and Mrs. Cliarles H. Canipe for rezoniiv of their residence at 605 Alex-’*' dm* street for use as be-^0.\ shop. f t . »i (i('orgi‘ McSwaiti, dean;** teen- li-unkenn<*ss, fop inslanc**. and there wiH he a Hat tee of $15 cost i>!us tlie iai] fi'e jilu-' Ci)st ol his meals in city jail. This will ajqil.v to evei.v (»ff<'ns(* which falls within Hie trial jurisdiction of a magistrate*, and lin<'s may be aided to this amount to total no more than $5'). A magislrat< can issue a w:iriant for any oth- <*r otHmse e\'('n murder-and hind ' ni 'al an! vocational . liool ,<! functions Hu* defendant over to th(* jnojK’r trial court aHer lu'aring. j Gaston tmllege, ouHi . , Mr. litiberts said ma.gistral)*.- and servuvs of I’**^*^ ha\e guilty pica jurisdiction o\cr any ic tiie.sc olH'n.s^'s except traf fic tjfb'nses. Me has guilty plea jurisdiction o\er only those tral fic \'olations which anpear on a schedule promulgated by the will servo breakfast from 7 until will represent Kings Mountain as 8:30 a.m. Rev. Janies Wilder will Caprou.sel Princess. The parade deliver a Thanksgiving mes8ai.je will be tolevisetl via WHTV be at 0 a.m. ginning at 9:50 a.m. followim^ Rev. Thomas RMiit* wdli con-, the big Macy parade, duct a Thanksgiving worship (Continued on Payc Eighth plaw November 2S, 1SS9. and order for setlloment of the es- Robtmls, w»ho is presently assign o. i, \xr i An„«r, includes thi*ee tracts, txvo ed to Kings Mountain. .Mr. Rol»- chu*l distiiel judge, \\. J. AlUan^ the north side of Gold, the erts wdll ofierali* his office near of Cherryville. side. .City Hall six days a week from Under (he now system, for In- I nnnn IQ days.'S:^! until 5 p.m. sianct*. John D(h* is charged with B Hortli Under the new system Joim driving the wrong v\ay a dual- IDfK.* ottn plead guilty l" inihlic C^ntinurd On Poyr Eiyht was the first wedding p4'rform- od in .Shelby’s Elizabeth Baptist church. Miss Dedmon lives in Kings Mountain, her paitnls were Cleveland County natives. on other On the south Bids remain open Commissioner Gdorge i said. .*<1 cooperation wi'*’ iness and indu*^’.'’ offering needed instr-Expressing appreeialiop. Mayor Jolm Henry Moss note*! there are eurrentiy enrolled at Gaston allege SI stu dents from Kings Mountain. q’he board adojited a resolution commending the Kings Mountain Ministerial Association for its several continuing community- wide (ontril.’itions. ♦ \

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