968 /i I Population "Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City' Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9300 The Gr«ater Kings MountadB tlgur* is derirsd from tb« ■peciol United States lureau el the Census report e lonuary 19$$, and includes the 14.990 pepulatien e Number 4 Township, and the remaining $.124 Iren Number S Township, in Cievelond County and Crowdov* Mountain Township in Gaston County. VA-i VOL 80 No. 51 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Rolioble Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, December 19, 1968 Pages Today Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENT! Holidays Begin Friday For Many Textile Employees Local News Bulletins LEGION DANCE • Thr Nocturnes" will play for Saturday night’s annuail ^ulstmas dinner-dance of A- i^Srican Legion Post 155 at the gP>’<‘r^’an legion bulldin!^. Din ner will be served to Legiori- naiios and their wives begin ning at 6:30. Dancing will bf from 9 until midnight. BAPTIST TOPICS Kov. James M. Wilder will use the sermon topic, “Christ mas In Our Hearts", at the .Sunday 11 a.m. worship hour at Kings Mountain Baptist church. At the 5:30 vesper hour he will use the illustrated mes sage, “The Shepherds Watch." TO DELAND, FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Fulton and family have moved from Mont- vale. New Jer.sey tc 691 Cumber land Road, Deland, Fla. Mr. Ful ton. formerly of Kings Mountain, IS son of Mrs. P. D. Fulton of Kings Mountain. T 1 l**ll 1’ O 1 AII ! Several FSims lurbytiJl 10 succeed Allen;|*»ePaY«9 Major Projects ‘On Schedule’ McGill Plant KIWANIS PROGRAM Jcna.s Bridges, manager of Radio Station WKMT. will pre sent a program on “Cable TV" ':'at Thursday night’s meeting at ' (:15 p.m. at the Woman’s club. HOSPITALIZED Roba Anthony, 17-year-old jflughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Intijony.-Jr. of Gastonia, re mains hospitalized in Gaston Memorial hospital. Miss An- %Jthony was injured in a car jAshevillian I Begins Work On January 1 i Earl David Turbyfill, of Ashe* ; ville, has been appointed city electricuil department superinlen* ' dent to succeed Hunter Allen, I who will retire effective January 11. : Mr. Allen will remain with the ‘ department in an advisory capac- ! ity- Mr. Turbyfill, 43, began work Tuesday. He was recently superintendent M. B. Haynes Company, Ashe- ville, (formerly Skyland Con struction Company) for 15year.s, has been in electrical construe- I tion since 1941. ; He is a veteran of World War i II with service in the European I theater. j He is a memlwr of Christian ; Missionary Alliance, j His wife is the former Lois I Lunsford, also of Asheville. They | I have five children, all marrioJ,| i and two grandchildren. Yule Pageant Sunday Night WOUNDED IN ACTION—Grand parents ol Pfc. A. C. Smarr (above) of Kings Mountain have been notified that the Ma rine Pfc. was injured November 30th in Qnang Nom Province, Republic of Vietnam, and is in good condition in the station hospital at Donang* Pfc. Smarr is being treated for wounds of the right thigh. He is the grand son of Anderson and Minnie Smarr of route two. Near Complete Reports Mayor City sewer improvements ex pected to' be completed in Janu ary will increase the city’s treat ment capacity from 500,000 to three million gallons o): sewage per day. Tins report was presented by Mayor John H. Moss during a Cash Bonuses Kings Mountain industrial cm-i ployees could look fon*vard week to Christmas holidays, and | some could anticipate some ex tra Christmas cash in the form of gift chocks. A Christmas pageant, “The ck PTiday in G as ton la., of Christmas", wHl be i>ie- dition was repoi-tod good by senled at East Side Baptist church 'Sunday night at 7:30. Children of the Sunday School i will take part in the program of I worship and song. I Rev. Darrell Coble, pa.'itor, is- I sued an invitation to the commu* I nity to attend the services. Hndition Kings Mountain relatives yes- icrday. The Anthonys are for mer Kings Mountain citizens. Stores Open Late I For Yule Bnyerc Holidays will vary from two days to ten days, a survey of the city’s te.xtile plants rcvea.ted Wednesday. Some firms will write Christ mas checks to employees on bas is of service, with employees of five years or more of service to receive four percent of earnings and employees with loss service The city commission, at a spe-j to receive two percent of e^rn-dal meeting Monday night, sot| ings. Other companies did not, January 10 as target date foi detail their Christmas check, starting garbage and trash col- plans. : lection seivice in the new south-; Several firms had held or were; west area of Kings M()untain re-! planning Christmas parties foricently annc.xcd to the city limits, progress report on major city their employees and families this] The only “ivf" is arrival of a projects Monday night to the week. now packer-type garlxige truck, city commission. Longest holiday was announc- purchased several weeks ago. A Work on expanaing me McGill ed \yy Mauney Textiles. Mauney Chevrolet truck, the* chassis has, sewer plant is near complete and Hosiery will shut down at 3 p.m.* been rejx)rtod shipped to the this facility will be in operation; Thursday, Dect*mber 19th. re- manufacturer of the packc*: by January’ 3, said the mayor. suming operations at 7 a.m. Dec- equipment for its installation. The expansion of fhe McGill i ember 30fh. Carolina Tlirowingj in anticipation of the beginning plant will be fi'om 500,000 to 1 Company will cease operations! service, fhe city purchas-, million gallons of sewage per ifor Christmas at 3 p.m. on Fri-lej display advertising in the' day. Mayor Moss also said the day, December 20th, reopening at | this issue in which ai-j new sewage treatment plant un- 7 a.m. December 30th. Riehard tj^ntion is called to city ordinanc j der construction on Pilot Branch Shaney, personnel manager, saidj^g governing garbage collection, ■west of the city should be in op- Christmas parties are planned.' Covered metal cans wiili lly I eration by January 31. The new The hosiery firm, employees and tight lids are required, with max ’ plant will have a 2 million gal-1 families will gather at the Amer--size at 30-gallon capaciiv j Ions per day capacity. , ican Legion building Thursday Li,t| minimum gt 10 gallons. Max-1 , The mayor expressed apprecia- night at 6 for tlie annual party.! diameter of garbage can isl tion to East Kings Mountain citi- Employees of the throwing firm t.^yo feel. * I zens for their “cooperation in and their families will gather this, sewer improvements pro- December 23ixl at 6:30 at the gram.” American Legion Hall Work on the new neighborhood will be paid based on length of protects the’r health facilities building is proceeding se^ice. ^ suffered a back injury on schedule, said the mayor, and Cr'aftspun Yarns will he ^J^^,iast week" he noted Ford Dealership Purchased FromSouthwellOnSaturday 1^ - Gaston Native January 10th Target Date For New Service IN WHO'S WHO — Beverly WiUi.s, Kings Mountoin senior at Western Carolina University, has beem named to "Who's Who In American Colleges and Uni- venuties." Beverly Willis In Who's Who I Named in this year’s national Mayor John Henp’ Moss point-j ^rnorica’s most out- Ronuscs limit on size six?eds col standing university and college Bonuses service of the collcxtion “ Is New Owner 01 Ford Firm Rfdwrt O. (Bob) Southwell and Jimmy B. Armstrong announced Wednesday the purchase by Mr. Armstrong of Southwell Motor Company. The business transaction, which included purchase of the automo bile business and Ford dealership, was comiplete(i Saturday. Mr. Southwell said he would remain for several weeks to assist the new owner in business details. Mr. Southwell will lease to Arm- stron- the two-acre tract which houses the five-year-old plant. He said final arrangements for the dealership change would be completed by Ford Motor Com pany within the next three w’eeks and the name of the business I would then bo changed. He de- dined to .give a purchase price. Mr. Southwell, an automobile dealer since 1956, came to Kings Mountain in 1960 and was em ployed first as a s.alesman by Plonk Motor Company. He tainod th^* Ford dealership from PTod W. Plonk and in 1963 open ed a new building and business 0; for the holidays from December-• Non.^taAdard garbage contain CONTINUES ILL Mrs. Lena Small Goforth re mains a patient at Kings Moun tain hospital for treatment and observation. Band Concert Thursday Night Mrs. Lynns Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. K'lorence Kind's Mountain high school! Adah Lynn, S2. of 210 Margract-,' bands“wiH present a Christmas! were held Sunday at 4 p.m. from concert Thursday (tonight) at‘Grace Methodist church of which 7:45 p.m. in Central school audi-jshe was a memlxT. torium. | j Lane, assisted by The free concorfis open to the, drficiated at interested public. . j. the final rites, and interment was Freshmen and senior bands- Mountain Rest cemetery. merchants will be open later than usual Thursday and Fri day and again on Monday to accommodate Christmas gift buyers. On these nights the retailers will be o{>en until K:30 p.m. Tlte^' will close regularly on Saturday night and many have indk'atcd they will observe Saturday hours on Christmas Eve. The retailers vvill be closed On Christmas Day, We<inesday, December 25th, and on Wednes day, January 1. New Year’s Day. I in the next few days. Legion Party Sunday At 1 American Legion Post 155 will treat underprivileged children ol students is Miss Beverly Anne on Shelby road. A native of Rome. Willis of Western Carolina Uni- Ga., he is a graduate of David- versity, daii.ghier Mr. and Mrs. son college and a veteran of U, J. K. Willis, Jr., ol Kings Moun-;S. Army sendee with fhe Armor- the Division. He is a deacon and J Her name is included in the trea.surer of First Presbyterian : 196S-6t) edition of ‘Who’s W'liiJ A- church, was president last year .mong Students In American Uni- of Kings Mountain's first one-day at 12:30 at Kings .Mountain hjgh; trash, such as slii ul) and t-'olleges", a listing successful United Fund drive and ijwf is beginning! Surveyin^g ^ of 21st until December e,-s will be red-lagged and land for the Buffalo Creek reset- day bonus payments will be made bp ,viidered tin- ! voir should be completed he said , and - —'— ’ .. . “ a""-'!! receptacles are in use their families will be held Sunday ^ ^ PHA Gionp To Atlanta ^‘*^y *ree trimmings and leaves siiould U BT\^ entertainer, and Santa ^ p.-operiy Claus to share star billing. Budi..^^ Rhea, personnel manageT, said- a,,, the entertainment will begin at - „ie 2:30 p.m. fo Io^v•ln^ the sanung of ham and turkey dinners. K Mills will be closed Christ*' ^ i * ^ Search Is On men will take part gram. Among in the pro- selections will h(‘ Mrs. Lynn died Friday after noon at 4:10 p.m. in the Kings Among selL^uuIl^ will Mountain hospital following sev- Auanra, ud. v “Overture to the Messiah ; year's illness conferring with HUD’s Christmai Festival”; “Continen- ^ Cleveland Assistance Administrat tal Chdstmas ; Christmas In daughter of the late Mr. -Mailing the trip wer Englan^i" and “Christmas Party. Ci^tspun f arty Sunday ^Krcd Kirby. WBTV personality, anil Santa Clau.s will be star.*: of Ciaflspun Yarn’s annual employ- Cliristma.s party Sunday at the Kings Mountain high school cafeteria and gymnasium. B;ikc(l ham and turkey with all the trimmings will be served from 12:30 until 2:30 p.m. Entertain- ; ment by Fred Kirby will start at 2:30 p.m. and the program will be concluded with a visit by Santa Claus. Families of all employees are invited to attend. County, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Noah Conner, She was the widow of C. C. (Potci Lynn who died in 1952. Mrs. Lynn was a Gold Star Mother, member of American Legion Post 155 Auxil- lai-y. Surviving are her son, Bill Lynn of Kings Mountain; three, daughters, Mrs. John Mifcham,. :Mrs. A. B. Barrett and Mrs.* Geoi'^e Slrouix;, all of Kings j Mountain. Also surviving are 14 grandchildren and 16 great-grand-, children. A son, F^elmer (Pete) Lynn was killed in action during World War ri. the area at an annual Christmas rnas Eve and Christmas Day and party Sunday beginning at 1 p. gRt rertificates will be presented m. at the American Legion Hall, employees. The annual Christmas Dinner vvill b<' server/ and dinner-dance was held at i\t VaJIV Christmas treats, gifts and good- American Legion building Satur-jJIvI ITldll VI 1 CCII ies will be distributed. day night. ^ Tickets to the party have been! kings Mills will cease opera- The search c*ontinues to find distributed to area ncetly through I tions Saturday night at 10. re- Kings Mountain’s Outstanding , the school system. f)pening on Thursday morning,' Young Man of 196S and deadline December 26. Christmas bonuses; for nominations is January 4. will be paid. Bill Allen, DSiV chairman for Burlington Mills Phonix Plant , local Jaycees, reminded citizcn^ will close for the holidays Dec- this week that all nominations ember 23-29. Holiday bonuses will must be made in writing and sub be paid employees, based on mitted prior to January 4th. length of service. The firm’s an- 1969. Any young man of ilic ■e Tom W i e^p]oyed’7ames Odom. 24, nual Christmas party was held community is eligible provided executive secretary g j,py police officer. on Sunday. that he be between 21 and 35 in Three officers of the Kings Mountain Public Housing Author ity in Atlanta, Ga. Wednesday Housing Administration. James Odom, 24, New Officer The city commission Monday H a r p e r. Brooks Tate, vice-president, and Martin Harmon, Herald editor. Lions Are Selling Yule Fruit Cakes Kin'js Mountain Lions are In other action, the board: 1) approved the advertisement for bids for curb and gutter on portions of Roxlford road. Gaston street, Waco road, Dovvmin.g Neisco Mills will close Monday elusive and will not have rcachtx’ through Wednesday for the holi- his 361h birthday before Januarv days. Christmas gifts will be pro-i 1, 1969. Nominations should b( sented employees. mailed to DSA Nominee. PO Bo> Park Yarn Mills vvill cease op- 363, Kings Mountain. 2S0S6. I of the campus leaders from more is a former Young Man of the I than l,fK)i) of ihe nation’s institu- Year. His wife is the former Dot- tions of higher learning. tie Saunders and they are par- Tiie annual directory of dis- onts of two children, Sandy and ’ tinguishccl .students has Ix'on pub- Steve, and reside at S64 Williams lishej since 1934 and carries on- street. ly rite names o! students whose Mr. Southwell said ne and his I academic standing, service to the family expect to continue to live community, leadership in extra- here. He did not announce his his I curricular activities and future ruturo plans, j potential are decidedly above av- # ♦ • crage. Jimmy B. Armstrong. 36, has I Miss Willis is currently a Sen- been in the automobile business j ior majoring in elementary edu-.all his working life, cation. She is a momlx*r of yar- The newcomer to Kings Moun- ioijs campus organizations includ- tain, who purchased Southwell ing the following; Alpha Xi Del- Motor Company on Saturday, got ta Sorority. Wonnm's House Gf)V-- his start as a car salesman with ernment (president), Student Na- his father. tional Education Association,! He and his father. Amold Arm- Women’s House Council, and strong, are partners in Arnold Student Senate. Armstrong & Sons, Inc., a used Miss Willis lias also servexi as car firm, in Gastonia, oresident anJ sivretary of Loath- Mr. Armstrong and his family ?rvvood Dormitoy and was a expe<‘t to move here in the near lorm counselor for two years, future. The family includes his >he is also a recipient of the wife, the former Elfreed Shirley conducting the annual Christ- J96S model police car from mas fruitcake sale for benefit of the civic club’s charity pro jects. The Claxton cake, both light and dark variety, sells for $3. Don McGinnis is chairman of the project committee. street, Monta V^ista Drive and erations at 7 a.m, December 21, Presentation of the Distinguish North Tracy street. ‘ reopening on December 30th. ed Service Award vvill highligh* 2) approved the purchase of a Minelte Mills at Grover will the Jaycees annual Boss<»s'Nigh' the 1 close Saturday at 6 p.m. reopen- banquet on January 21 at 7;3( State of North Carolina. 'ing on December 26th at 6 a.m. p.m. at the Woman’s club. 3) approved the transfer of Christmas bonus payments will: The Jaycees present the awaiT $10,000 from the utility fund to|be made. annually 1o a young man. nonr. the neighborhood facilities fund.; Sadie Cotton Mills will suspend n^tod by the community and sc 4 ) accepted resignation of j operations Saturday, reopening lected by a panel of non-Jayc<H?s Police Officer Jackie Boone I fective December 9. ef- Monday, December 30th. Christ- for outstanding contributions to Coniimicd On Paac Six ) the community. Cantatas Sunday At Two Churches Christmas Herald To Appear Sunday rhe Christmas week issue of the Herald will appear under date of Monday, Dccembcn* 23. It will be printed on Sun day, December 22. appear on n(\vstands that evening. Advertising deadlines for the edition will be Saturday, Dec ember 22, at 4 p.m. News dead lines will ho Sunday, Decemhor 2.3, at 2 p.m. Picture deadline will h<* Thursday, December l!Mh. Tlie paper will include, in addition to advertising and news content, greeting ads and (.'hristmas feature material. The New Year’s Herald will published on regular sched- /ijlc. appearing on newstands Wednesday. January 1. It will ibe cii!<bibuted under date of Tliursday, Junuaiy 2, 1964). Combined Choixs To Sing Cantata Combined choirs of First Pres- ; byterian church w'ill sing the Christm.as Cantata, “Love Trans- Lending". by Peterson, at the Sunday morning worship hour at 11 o'clock. The traditional Joy Gift Serv ice will include an offering and presentation of children’s mite bo.xes, t'heir offering for retired ministers and fheir families. Mrs. Darrell Austin, choir di rector and organist, will direct the Senior and Junior choirs in the presentation. Soloists will be Mrs. Ben T Goforth, Darrell Austin and Man Kings Mountain district schools will clo.se after regular sessions Friday for Christmas i holiJays. Students and faculty will ob serve the holidays fix}m Fri day, December 20th, until Thursday morning, January 2nd. Christmas Eve Services Set Combined Choirs of Resurrection I Lutheran church will present a Christmas Cantata as the Christ mas Eve service at 8 p.m. Tuesday St Matthew's Service Set The Senior Choir of St. Mat thew’s Lullieran church will sing the Christmjis Cantata “Noel. Noel", at the Sunday morning worship hour at 11 a.m. at the church. The choir is under the direction ol Mrs. L. E. Hinnant, organist. Featured in the program are these parts: “Noel Chorus"; “He Shall Stand Fast"; ‘The Annun ciation"; “My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord"; "No Room At The Inn"; "Christ Ls Born"; “Sleep, Sleep Jesus, Rest and Slumber”; “Be Not Afraid"; Men’s "Recitative” and “Glory To God ley Hayes. Narrator will be night at the church in Cresetmt Solo numbers wi(l be by Mrs.; ' Charh's Blanton. Hill. Charles Ramsey, >iano, and Mrs. ! D^. Paul K. Ausley, minister of The service will also include Robert L. Wilson, ilto. the (hutc h, issued an Invitation, the observance of communion, .said Members of the Voir are: to the community to worship in Rev'. David L. Castor, church pas | Soprano — Hubert Ader-i ■ the special serv’ice. toff * Continual ^itge Sio; 1 RESCUE CAPTAIN HONORED — The Cleveland County Rescue Squad held the onnual Christmas ^pcirty Sunday at Honey's Rest aurant in Gastonia and took the occasion to present Coptain Delbert Dixon with o gold watch. The enscription on the watch reod: "Cleveland County Rescue Squod For Services Rendered”— December 25r 1968.” Pictured obovq are- from left. Tommy King. Captoin Dixon and Bud Ware. AU three men ore officers of the organisation. North Carolina Veteran's Schol- Armstrong; Jimmy. Jr., age 13; arship. Allyson, age 13; and Rodney, age three. They are active in Gastonia’s First Wesleyan Methodist ehuiTh. Mr. Armstrong was graduated from Gastonia high school, at- b.' City Auto Tags Go On Sale Ian. 2 City autemobilo lag sales ■<ings Mountain Lions will get tended Wake Forest college and inderway .fanuary 2 in the c'ourt- served in the Army two years, •oom of City Hall. The native of Gastonia says he C. P. Barry is Lion chairman of already likes Kings Mountain -he annual project. land looks fonward to doing busi- Cost of the tag is $1. ness in this area; Many Projects Here Will Provide Operation Santa Claus For Needy Several Christmas • season pro- Baptist church. It has been the in Kings Mountain will pro- policy for several years for par- . i ie ()p»*ration Santa Claus for cuts (<f needy children to have opportunity to choose toys for their childnm. Last year over 306 on the list. he iiKligcnl. Ki.ghth annual Empty Stocking ’pjx'al for funds for the needy is children were imUn way by ilu* Kings Moun- .Tin Ministerial Association. Toys loi Pols, annual project ■f the Kings .Mountain Jay.'C(*s, N also ht i'ig con(luct(<l witii in- italions to citizens to bring toys o ix‘ (Ion lied to rhe^LgX'cee Tree .ol on East Mountain stre<M. Javce<*s and members of tlu' (Mombei's of the Kings Moun tain Lions club will carry food baskets to the area blind on Monday night at 7 p.m.. Lions members meeting in front of B & B Food Store to distribute the baskets. Carl Goforth is Lion chairman. Ministers will manii the Empty *’IC.\ of Kings Mountain high Stocking booth on downtown chool an* repairing the toys strends through Christmas Eve, vhich will be distributed on Tlie year-round charity project 'Iirisimas Eva*. provides staple food items, cloth- R(’v. RoIkm I M:(nn. i)roject co- ing and fuel,In addition to Christ- n‘<iinalor for the three groups, mas goodies, for the indigent. ;aid toys will Ih‘ available to par Kings .Mountain's spirit of *nts of n(*(Hly childivn from 1 un- Christmas giving is transcending il r> p.m. Monday and Tuesday in th(* familiar purchasers lor fam- he building which formerly ilyand friends in other directions housed the office of the late Dr. also. CIniiches and circle gi*oups I. K. /Xnthonv. Admission will Iv' are also t'onducting projeot.s to by ticket onlv and any area min- hrigliten Christmas for the less ister has tickets or th(*y are a- fortunate, vaiiabie al tlie office of First

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