'68 •rcsi- s vis- Thursday, December 19, 1968 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS. MOUNTAIN. N. C. SECTION C ^omerLS Health t'liicaKO, Ill. (WMNSt - If your baby'.s loot looks flat it if.. That’s normal lor infants and toddlor.s. •N'< caust foi alarm. This reassurance comes fiom the American Medical A.ssociat- ion magazine Today's Health, wh ich note? that "the normal foot of an infant is- fatter andand wider j than that of an adult. It seldom has a longitudinal arch and nev er a tranver.se one.” Instead, bab ies have fiat pads. i As they gmw the pads gradua ^ lly disappear and an arch bec-o- mes apparent. If your toddler seems iiat-iooted, don’t panic, fa ke him to aa doctor for a careful examination. II ho needs a correct- ; ive shoe, the doctor will prescribe one. and will do careful tollow-up Don’t buy orthopedic shoes with- i out medical advice. You may -was te your money and baby no goofi. * * • ' SPECIALIST RATES VARIOUS CONTRACEPTIVES i ♦ * * No.v York IWMNSI For women who want to have chil dren, and who want to spaca; them for the optimum welfare ofj the entire family, the most effec-i tive contraceptive yet devised is the oral contraceptive, -followed by the diaphragm used with jel ly or cream, and the introuterine device iIUDi. This is what obstetrician-gyne cologist Sherwin A. Kaufman, M. D. told nurses and other health -and welfare professionals at a recent meeting here on concep tion control. The pnysician, wlio is director of Planned Parenthootl of New York City, pointed ogt that some 12 to 13 million women through-' out the world, half of them in the U. S., are now on the pill. The pill got t'he highest rating, according to the physician, be cause it is virtually KX) percent effective. Dr. Kaufman then spoke of the lUD. One of its major draw backs, he said, is that it is not gener.ally suitable for women who liave never had a child. An other is that between one of every throe to ifive women can’t tolerate it, due to cramps, bleed ing, or expulsion. And finally, according to the doctor, it has a failure rate of two to three per cent. Dr. Kaufman emphasized that there is no contraceptive that is suitable 'for all women. There are contraindications for the pill; there are some risks (albeit small I lor some women. The same is true for the lUD. And some women find the diaphragm and jelly unpleasant to use. Such chemical barriers as creams and jellies -used alone, and aerosols, are less effective :than the other methods, but are ■certainly better than nothing, he noted. -MOM S LOW M'EIGHT GAIN INCREASES PREMATLrRI'IW New York (WMNSt Poor women whose diets are inade quate and whose? health is pre carious sometimes gain little weight during .pregnancy. These women run an increased risk of giving birth to premature babies. This is what a recent study made for the Health Research Council of the health department found. Also implicated in prema turity were too fre