69 NCi Kirst , son Loute serv- Bat- in in mis- r 11<* mtry ICTTiy cnsi- mine inols, ns. PNO First )n of f 901 5. r., (i :)i- mis* f r tho intry nemy cngi- mino mels, ions. PopnlatioD Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9300 Tk* Or««t«r Staffs Mouatolo ttgur* Is dsnvad from tho spoeiol Ualltd Stolss Bureau of the Census report e J nuory IKI. oad includes the 14.9S0 population • lumher 4 Township, and the remaining 6.124 fron Numher S Township. In Cleveland County and Crowder* Mountain Township la Gaston County. VOL 81 No. 2 Established 1889 IIS nu Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N, C., Thursday, January 9, 1969 Pages Today Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Local News Bulletins m^ter receipts Parking motor rowipts for iho week ended Tuesday totaled $200.20, including $12G from on- .vtreot meters, SSI from fines and $17.20 from off-street me ters. LAKE MONTONIA Annual stm-kholdors meeting of Lake Monlonia Club will be c-onvened at 7:3-0 Monday nigiit at City Hall courtroom, Pixfsi* dent Carl F". Mauncy lias in formed members. EIGHT ARRESTS Kings Mountain Police De partment arrested eight area citizens during the weekend; four persons were arrested on charges of speeding, one for as sault on female, one foi follow ing too clo.seIy and two for fail ure to comply with the state ' motor vehicle safety inspeciion Uiw. YOUTH STRUCK BY AUTO Douglas Eugene Sexton, 14. wus struck by an automobile Thursday at 7 p.m. on rural paved road 2283 near the city. Driver of tho auto was Charles Henry MOS.S, 37, also of Kings Mountain, investigating high way patrolmen reported, who saidytho youth apparently ran of the car. Young Sex- treated at the local ikpital but- not admitted. No ^charges were made. 161 Work To Start Within Ten iCansler Street Project Not Yet I On Kdding List g i C. (L Tate Construction Com- I pany, contractoi lor the Highway ' 161 improvement project, is ex- I pec ted to begin construction with- ■ in the next ten days, T. G. Brooks ol the state highway cDmmi.ssion division office, said Wcclne.sday. I The projc.rt, costing $691,000, in- • eludes widening ol the roadbed I from 18 to 24 feet from the city limits south to the South Carolina state line and relocation of the section in the mountain gap area. The pre.sent roadbc'd will be moved southward to intersect at the gap. Ml. Brooks said the Cansler street project is not included in the January bid schedule, thought it might be ready for February action. Some right-of-way remains to be obtained. i RESIGNS — Rev. L. Thomos I Richie, pastor of Boyce Memorial j ARP church, has resigned his pastorate to join the staff of , Gaston Community Action. Richie Resigns ! ARP Pastoiate Mrs. Denton's Rrother Passes CAGO Executive Committee T 0 Recommend! wo-YearPlan MASTER ^ WllUcon E,. (Bill) Sellers has been installfd os Worshipful Master of FofrTiew Lodge 339 AF&AM. Jaycees To Make Three Awards, Two First Time t 4i Lodge Taps Bill Sellers . INSTALLED f Four new deacon.'^ were or- jtiaincd and installed at morn- 'ing ux)r.ship .services Sunday at First Presbyterian church. Tliey are Charles Blanton, Raymond Goforth, B. F. Maner and .Jor? Neisler, Jr. Rev. L. Thomas Richie, pastor' Funeral rites for Crawford of Boyce Memorial ARP church 'Webb Barnett, 93, of Shelby, nearly four years. lesignej Sun brother of Mrs. Frank Denton of flay to join the staff of Gaston, Grover, wore hold Saturday a! ;2:30 p.m. from Zoar Baptist I church, interment following in ' the church cemetery. Mr. Barnett died Thursday in a Morganton ho.spital after illness ' of nine years. He w'as a retired of Rdphine, Virginia, farmer and textile worker. Other survivors include two Jommiinily Action. Mr. Ricliio submitted his resig nation, to he • effective* January 31, to the congregation following Sunday morning worship serv ices. A native Mr. Richie holds a B..A. degree from Erskine coIU*ge and a Bach-: sons; five daughters; one brother 1 clor of Divinity de'grce fre)m Er- and two sisters, skine Theological Seminary. Ilis wife, the former Ilarrieli Van diver, took a two-><^ar cemrse in secretarial science from FIrskine. The RichicVaro panmts of a two-year-old son, David. In Kings Memntain Mr. Riciiie has served as secretary and trasurer oif the* OFnCER — Polmer E. Huffstet- ler has been promoted to the position ol corporate secretary of Carolina Freight Carriers Corporation which he joined in September 1964 as legal counsel . and assistont controller. Huiistetlei Melton's Rites Are Condiii^ed .4 Kings Mountain Jaycees w.Tl make three award presentations, two of them first-time a.waixls, at the.annual Bo.sse^’ Night banquet January 2l8t at the Woman’s club. Tlie Jaycees will pre.semt the annual Distinguished Service A- ward to tho Outstanding Young William K. (Bill) Sellers was^^ installed as Worsdiipful Master of! ^oar Award to a Jayoee employ- Fairview Lodge 339 AF & i ^^y tho clubmemiK^rs Monday night in ceremonies the Educator erf tho Year a- .Masonic Hall. ward, al.so voted by the club Mr. Sellers succeeds II. Donald j Falls, who served as installing! Any lo<eal citizen may si;)>mit officer. Mr. Falls was assisted bv‘^ nomination for Young Man of Howard Bridges, past master, a'si Year and contest deadline 's marshal and Bobby (7. Bridges, j ^^^‘^trday. past master, who prayed the eve-! Members nf the civic club at ning prayer. ^ Tuesday night’s regular mooting Other now offia*rs arc W. reports of two Christ- von Kelly, senior waiden; Billyseason projects; the Christ-: H. Hawkins, junior warden; Tho-'f^as tree project and the Toys for, mas D. Tindall, secretaiy; Mar-iT<>ts. pronounced successful. Bob, ion L. Williams, treasurer- Bobby I was tree project chairman Collins, 'Pj-ler; James Rushing, i Carrigan was chairman senior deacon; Darvin Chastain.! junior warden; Wayne Russell,- Annual Jaycee Radio pay will senior steward; George .Bowen, • ^ Mai-eh with Ken Rob- junior steward; Bobby G. Bridg-i*^*^^ Sanders named co os, chaplain; Lawrence Davis, i three-year trustee;-and Bobby C Bridges and Howaixl Bridges, | continuing trustees. I Refreshments were served by mf ■ ■ ■ A I Kings Mountain Chapter 123, Or-j f ||||WH^W fk\ J ’ der of Eiistern Star, following in-! * ••• v i stallation rites. The ne^v Master appqintixl the following committees to .servo ’^-3' V Jfl* \l V ■fl. BIRTHDAY PARTY IN VIETNAM — Lt. Col, Donald C. Olive, above, was surprised by his co-workers at De Lot, Vietnam, with birth day cakes on his birthdoy recently. One cake is appropriately enscribed. “Gramps." The Kings Mountain native is on permanent d*aty in Vietnam, training soldiers in U. S. law enforcement. He was transferred from AID in Washington. D. C. The career officer in the Marine Corps joined Assistance to International Develop ment two yeors ogo. Wright Rites Lt.-Col. Olive In Vietnam; Son Also Marine [ in.,’ . . . . held Tliursday at 3 p.m. from t ! MYcodonfa Baptist church of "harity Wililam E. .tellers,! Ll. Col. Donald C. Olive. .Yl. carm* offic<'r in iho V. .S. Marine* Corps, has iK’en assi::ned to Viet nam on permanent duty witli Funeral.rites for Mrs. Lillie AID. Assistance to International Hoylo WriglU, 73* of route two, Development. ,^The Kings Mountain .natiw,. son of Mrs. E. B. Olive and the Funeral rites for Horace M.;\v. Clavon Kelly and* Billy H. MYcodonfa Baptist church which she was a momher. of late Mr. Olivo, Washington, D. joined AID in C. two y('ai's ago Melton, 62, of Caroleon, were held from Gault. Howard Brklges and Tho- Kings Mountain Minislorijil A.sso- Friday afternoon at 3:30 ciation, js a member of the Ki- Caroleon Baptist church, wanis dub and is a member of Mr. Melton, who died Thurs- he mayor’s commit tee on human day. was brother of Mrs. Fred elations. , Lockridge of Kings -Mountain. Tlie Richies will move to Gas- ’onia February 1st. The Kings .Mountain niinisier’s new work with the anti-poverty program is expected to iw concentrated main- \y in the Besscmei City aiea of noadline for nominations for! Paul Walker, D. E. Tate and! *'•’ . Kings Mountain’s Outstanding i Paul Owens; Building committee,- .Mr. Richie i:5 ol new Saturday.'J. Hobart Dye, B. Manley Hayes,I field roprosenlatiy<»s who have jjjjj chairman of the; Jr. and Moffett Seism; Ladies! loined tile poverty agom >. ae-; Distinguished Service A-*nighl baiKpict, William E. Sell- Windley, committee, reminded citi- ers, W. Clavon Kelly and Billy, Deadline Saturday For DSA Nominees Jlaulims; ReffVew-o bI.v/ccM ''’f ^"<1 his assisnmoni at IV Lat v sol'Jiei minutes before the mas D. Tindall; Oxford Orphan-i asc. Don Falls Ralph Uarrisoh.l P'*'J'. 4'"'l" Manloy Hayes. Kenneth Morriaon ‘"terment will be in and Sam Weny; Masonte Etju- . „ ration Jackie Barrett, Qcorse,. I*"^ Bowen and Preston Todd; Fi^ ^4™'’ Home sandbars use, Wednesday afternoon. <MTibroKlcred, \N cind •Mom .Mrs. Wright died 'Puesday Mrs. Olive received the of a heart at-! a Christmas present. Todd; F'in ineo and budget, Tom 7'ato. Bill j Fulton and Dorus Bennett; East* . . « on :ern Star and Masonie Home monnnp at 9:30 to train the Vietnamese* in U. .S. law enfnicomt'ni. His staff tliere includes nn in terpreter, whose wif<* fashioneJ for the Kings 'Mm.nt'iin inan’.s mother a pocket book made from d for barricades ainl ••Mom". gifl a.< .’ording to W'altcr H. Ir., diiPCtor of Gaslon Commim dy Aftum and me Ga.ston Office ^ nominee of Econnmie Opportunity. Mr 3^^ 3^^ Windley said the new staff mem-, p.-esentation of the coveted bers will assist the impoverished j i ta<?k. .She was a native of Clcvc- ; land County. I Besides hep husband other sur vivors include four sons, Calvin Wright, of Kings Mountain, Clay ton Wright of Gaffney. S. C.,! Jack Wri-ghl cif Swannanoa and of the lives. area in bettering their; by the Jay-; Flu Incidence Wins Promotion Seems Abating ■ The Board of Directors o (Carolina Freight Carriers (4or 1 LEGION DANCE The Wanderers will play for a dance at Oti.s D. Gr(*on Po.st, American Legion, Saturday ev ening from 9 to midnight. Kings Mountain Savings &Loan Hopes To Get Ruilding Rids Soon coos at their annual D.SA banquet ! on the evening of January 21st, : at the Woman’s club, j The award is presented to aj lyorng man for outstanding com-| munity service. i Nominees should be between , the ages of 21 and 3.5 and a resi- Incidonce of influenza scorns dent of the Kings Mountain area, to have peaked Druggist Charles Anvone is eligible for the award . , Blanton said Wednesday. and anyone is eligible to nomi- iwration has named a native of; And Schools Superintendent nate a candidate, reminded Mr. Kings Mountain as an officer ef.j^Qpjgjfj Jones said a (H)mparison Allen, the company. | qJ attendance records with last — I’aimvr E. HuUstolloi-, 31, wash''"'' fhowocl^ schools with better promoted to corporate .SeerelarvI iHmidance this year, when D. F. Beam retired on Jan-i ^H’- Blanton said he had noted uary i as Secretary - Treasurer. ^ greater incidence of flu among. Beam, co-owner of Carolina with! Hian young folk. his brother, C. G. B<»am, for man>* years, had held the joint office since 1937. After graduating from Kinigs Mountain high school in 1955, lluffstetler entered Wake Forest University. He was awarded a! Bachelor of Arts degree in 19591 Kings Mountain .Savings &. and a Law Degre<» in 1961. After, Loan Association experts to re-| a hrii'l" period of practicing law' eive bids in February on its pro- in Kings Mountain and adjusting: .iected now building which vvilF casualty elaims in Orlando, Flor-j be constructed at the corner of S. ida, he located in Raleigh. NorthI Cansler and Mountain streets. Carolina, engaging in gent*rall The property, fronting 165 feet law practice for two years. t on Mountain and 275 on Cansler, In Soptomlw. 1964 Huffstetleri was puit hascti in late October came to Carolina as Legal Conn ! from Cliailes B. Campbell. Pur- sel and Assistant Conlndler. Per- chase price was $.35.(Y)0. sonnel respon.sibilities wore as-' The brick-glass-concretc two- signtxl to him in March, 1966. | story building will front on Carolina Freight Carriers Cor- Mountain, poration is an interstate motor‘ Estimated (*ast of the building carrier of freight and has 32'is $2(XV)(H^- terminal locations serving 20[ The downstairs floor will (*{n stales and the District of Colum- tain 320') .s<iuare feel of floor hia. The compamy employs over space and the second mezzanine 2600 people, with approximately 960 S(]U ire feet. The mezzanine one half that number working in will feature a director’s room, airl from the General Offices in . ustomer lo.nge, and community Clierryvllle. i room, the latter available to civic Hufffitetler is the son of Mr. and serviw groups for meetings and Mrs. Dan .S. Huffst<»tlc‘j*. for Joe Smith, secretary-treasurer jner residents of Kings Mountain, said it is hoped that construction He is married to the former Mary will be undenvay In March. Ann Beam whose i>arenls, Mr. “The lai';e lot will provide am* and Mrs. Ben F. Hearn reside* on pie parking for employees and Goforth Street, Kings Mountain.; (CoHfiHacrf on Paye Eiyht) A present recently to Col. Olive was a surprise birthday p4rty in Vietnam. There were two cak<‘.^. one appropriately enscribed “Gramps’’ after liis ooworkeis learned he was a first-time grandpa. Son Jerry Olive and his gton. D. i wife are parents of a son, Donald urTavne°anfi Kvie Smbh Mrs^'^Otto ^Ford, "mi-'s' ^Lt. Col. Olivo has s<tvo(I in tlu- U-o Pa>ne and K^.Smith. capacity with tho AID in M « MB ■ ‘"^nd Mrs. Newell Cooper, all of Saigon. Da Nang and Tai Ann. HOIIII AKAIt 'Kings Mountain; 27 grandchil- Tran.sferring from Washington. I). .dren and II great-grandchildren. C. He toll his mother via telc- V "IJ V%1 I —— phono Friday that he experts to IfCOUllaS rldllGS ' City Tag Sales ^ permanent duty in Vietnam their ap- H. Hawkins; and Demolay Advis-;^ . ,..,7 .e to hi^iory Commission John L 1 / % even after the war ends and i-s Jack Henderson. Hyattsville, Reach Over 500 in process of moving his family Md. county police officer, I'obuilds from Fort Myers, Fla. to Manilla, airplanes in his spare time. | Sale of city auto tags for 1969 Mrs. Olivo is the former Hilda A native of Kings Mountain,' totaled over dOO this \ve<'k, one- Beatty of Charlotte. They ar<' Henderson is the grandson of-third the amount of projected. parents of one son. Lt. Jeny Mrs. J. G. Martin oif Kings Moun-'sales by Kings Mountain Lions Olive, 26, wlio has followed his tain. He moved to Hyattsville! club members. father's footsteps in the s(*rvice. with his family as a child, grew! Lions members are conducting Lt, Olive is stationed at Quanti- up there and now ho and his wife! the tag sale in the cfuirtroom of co, Va. and family leside therOi t^ify Hall Monday through Fri*t A graduate of Kings Mountain Jack Henderson’s plane looks; day. hl^h vsehool and Wake Forest e«)l- like the girl in the 19-12 assem-i The talrs sell for $1. lege. Class of ‘.39. Lt. Col. 01iv<' I bly line just lifted her goggles! C. P. Barry is chairman of the served as a Major with the Fifth 1 and popped in the last rivet—thej Lions project. Continued On Paye Eiyht ; only thing missing is the “all the i |x*opIe” flyei^, the young kids tin those 12 dozen flickers) named! ■O'Mally, Brown, Wiznowski and; Rahinowitz, ' Henderson, a Hyattsville resi dent and a county cop by trade, says being a police officer is “Don’t move or I’ll shoot you, more dangerous than the stunt-1 said the voice from the dark, ing he will oventuaUs*. do with his; Bob Hambright, Grover grocer, reluiilt World War 11 trainer. j turned to face a young Negro, pis- Ile began work on the small !tol in hand, who repeated the plane in November and 7(X) spare i threat. time hours later sa>:s. “It fliesj In one quick m'otkm, Hambright 1 like a baby.” 'hit the robber on the forelicad ONE OF 100 ; with a. metal ea.shbox he was j Although wartime assembly , carrj’ing in his hand. The as-^ail-' linos turned them out by 'thelant fired twic<‘. The first .shot | thou.sands, Henderson says his'missed and the second struck! i Pr 26 Is among only about 160 Hambright once in the leg, be-[ in useable shape today, ; tw<*on the knee and thigh. Ihej “This is the sei'ond plane like bullet penetrated bis left leg, Fhe j this I bought. The first one is m>’ robber fled on foot Into the dark. ^ stockpile of spare parts,*’ he said. County law enforcement officers I As he polished the canopy, Hen- are still investigating the at- j derson talked about his plane’s* tempted robbery and shrwUng in 1 history, Grover and another robbery which Group Favors Employment Oi Director Tile Cleveland Organization of r;o\crnmontal Of.icials executive . ommittec will recommend to the full mem)x*iship at the January 15 meeiing eniplo^ment of a full- ime pa: I dire .-tor and establish ment «»[ a 21-monih progiam to include: ll Ri. ommendation to the .’oun;y boaici of commissioners that a thorough study be made on adoption ‘d a county water and .srwer iioiicy. 2* Establishment of a county parks system. 3»Zoning of the Buffalo lake area. 4> Establishment of a county library s.vslem. The executive committee will also re»*ommcnd continuation of i.forts to establish a permanent voter n*gistration system and to adopt an annual budget for the organization. The executive committee itself voted to hold monthly sessions. Mayor John Henry Moss, new ly ek‘clec! clnirman, reiterated [ 11 his previous thinking that “CAGO jean he tin* most effective instru- j menl we have tor county-wide de- seIc.pirK*nt’’. He also re^ommenJed a paid jOlficial to 1m* a re.M*ai\.her and j admini.strator in the pursuit of ; desirable programs, iiiv-luding 1 those* which the federal govern- i ment aids with sliare funds. I To a (luestion by n'tiring Chair- I man Lamar Young, Mayor Moss i ouilinetl the rec<*ntly adopted , wator-sewer policy of Gaslon I County as a possible av<*nue. Gas- I ton County appropriated $100,000 for lint'-laying aid, alloc'ates to particular pndeets on a formula inch (li*> ^ taxable base of imius- ' try and or residences to be serv- ! eci. The ex(’cu1iv«‘ committee h<*lJ a luncheon meeting Wednesday at Hotel Charle.s dining room in Shelby. .\<*xt Wedn(*s(iay’s memN^rship meeting will be at Kings Moun tain Country Club at 7 p.m. Mrs. Leievers' Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs, Maude Lef«‘vers. 70, of No. 5 Bennett Drive, widow of Perry Lefevers, were held Tuesiay at 4 p.m. from Kings Mountain Church oif God. interment following in Mountain Rest cemetery. The Rev. T. O. Dennis officiat ed at tho final rites. Mrs. Lefevers dU*d at 12:05 to the r>iort]i Carolina Geneial M<»n<lay morning at her home. Assembiy will hol<l “legislator’s she was the daughter of the day" at the courthouse annex in iaie Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Bell .Shelby Friday afternoon at 2 and a member of the Kings o’clock. Mountain Church of God. The delegation includes Sena- Surviving are seven sons, L. P. •ors .ku k White and Marshall Lefevers of East Point, Ga., Lar- Rauch an i Repres<*niativcs W. K. ry Lefevers of Bessemer City, Maunc\ . Jr., iioiiei t Z. I’alls and Mack, Bryant. J. D., Gene, and itolx*rt Jone.'^. Ross Lefevers, all of Kings SenaUn* R:iurh. on announcing Mountain: two daughters, Mrs. the meeting on hehaif ot liimself Uuiiler Cobb of Chenyvillo and iral confreres, saiil. "We want Mrs. Ruby Davenport of Kings people*, e.^pecially from Cleveland Mountain: two brothers, Mack eiili AT QUANTICO—Lt. Jerry Olive, 26, grandson of Mrs. E. B. Olive of Kings Mountain, is serving with the U. S. Marine Corps at Quantico, Va. Lt. Olive is son of Kings Mountain native Donald Olive and Mrs. Olive. Lt. Col. Olive is a career officer now at tached to AID in Vietnam. Lt. Olive, his wife ond son, Donald Lee, live in Quantico. He is a graduate of Montana Univer sity. Legislator Day In Shelby Friday C'l(*vcland County’s delegation Hambright Is Wounded In Robbery Attempt; 1-85 Tmck Plaza Robbed u CAPTAIN — Fain Hambright Grover Postmaster* has been elected Captain of the Grover Rescue Squad for the coming year. I “It came out of Fairchild Sept, occurmd near Klng.s .Mountain! 117. 1942 and was iiso<! b^; tho during tlie weekend. Annv to train figliter pUols un- Events; of the Grover robbery ; til 1916 when it was sold aqd attempt foiled by Hambright fob eertifiod for civilian use. It’s had. lowed this sequence. ■ four other owners besides m^^'and At 6:30 p.m. Bobby Hambright was last flown in ia>t by a guy' was about to get in Ills truek aft-' 1 from Cheverly.” . er leaving Camp’s Barber Shop. I He said getting papers and do-i Depo.sits from Saturday receipts at 1 Co«fi««ed On Page Eiyht I Co»tflrt«cd On Page Eight KIWANIS SPEAKER *- Cleve land County Sheriff Haywood Allen will be guest speaker at Thursday night's meeting of the Kiwonis club at 6:45 p.m. at the Woman’s club. '^Minty rind certainly from any • urro.nding count i<*si to visit -villi thcji- state legislators and giv(* the l(*gislalors their opinions )n an> ujicoming liills, suggest uiy idcits they may have and in ;4enoral, g<*i to know their legis lators better.’’ Beware Motorists Who Park Improperly . police will l)c,,in giving clla- ! lions somi to drivers who p.ii k : impro))er!y. w.irns i>.)licc Chief :'Pum .McDev itt. Chief Mil>( Vit! rcmjnd(*d im»- torisls that i‘i order to park on I tJi<' Icfl side of th<* street a mo- tor-ist mrst (lri\'i* to the left. He iiolofl that a number of citizens •an* hr<*akinu tin' law rfnd that In two wc<’ks polUe will l)i*gin ■ citing (lriv(*rs for imf»rop(*r park- I’lg and or <lriving on the leTl suh* i>f tli(‘ strc'cl. Ih* cited particularly cases of I improper paildng on Mountain • and Gold .str(*<’t, iuavily trawled strei'ts in l( ah. LUTHERAN SERVICE ."’('Tvice of Holy Communion will be ob.scrvcd .Sunday morn ing at the morning worship hour at ll at St. Matthew’s Lutheran cliurch. and Marshall Boll of Blacksburg, S. C.; two sisters, Mrs. C. B. Car- r<»ll and Mrs. I^li/a YfiSwain of Kings Cr**ek. S. C.; 25 grandchil dren and 15 great-grandchildren. Hospital Limits Visiting Patients Kings Mountain Hospital .Sunday limited visiting of pa tients to mendxws of their im mediate families. 'rho action was tak(*n due to the heavy incidence of influ(*n- z,.i. said th<* lian will Ik* lift<‘d as (]iuckly as it is deemed feasible. Administrator Grady Howard lanuary 17th School Holiday Friday, Januaiy 17, will bo a holiday for pupils cK Hie Kings Mountain school district, but not for icachc'rs. Superintendent Donald Jones said the day will be devoted to a t(*a-her w orkshop. Monday past was a partial holiday, due to dcfev*tive heat ing plants at Grover and Beth- ware .schools. Schools were dis missed at 2 p.m. in order to avoid (Hunplicalions in the bus iransportath’ii plan.

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