O 0) \ • I r i .mrw ' Grissom, Jones, Bridges Honored YOUNG MAN OF YEAP — Bill Grissom, at right, accepts from Bill Allen the plaque which is em blematic of the Young Man of the Year Award. The Joycee distinguished service award was made Tuesday night. Mrs. Grissom looks on. (Photo by Neil Holcomb). William <Billi (irissom. 2S. j.v Ki t s Mounljin's Yuun^j Alan of the Yeai lur ISCJS. M.. (;riss(.:n, cMcd lai- his work with youtji in the chuith and in che coninuinity, i-ereivtd the Kin^^s -Mountain Jayee<'s’ 15lh an nual distin.ijuished service award Tuesday ni;;in at tin* ilub’s an nual iiossos’ Ni^hl hanqiK’t. Two other iirst time awards were prosenl<(l by Ja,e<‘es: to Donald Jones, Kin«s Mountaiti ‘.Ilstrict schools superinhmdeni, cited as K.'.'.alor of the Year, and to IJ(..,.)y ti. Ihid.^.'S, (’iiy Auto & 'rin k I’arls exeeutiv<'. cited as Iloss of the Year. Moth awards will !)(» presinited annual ly- Charles D. Blanton, a pnwiou.s D.^A winn<*i', in iM-e.-^'iitinr; th<* handsome <*ni;raved plafjue to Grissom, dted the winner for his many contributions and long hours of dedicatcfl sinvice to th<* youth of llie community. H(‘ said, “Our recipient tonight is not a person whose namt‘ or piclun* ai) ; pears in the headlines of tin* pa-1 pt‘r hut he has served long hours as a voluntixM* coach of Little! Lt ague an.l 'Pecner l.<‘a.gue teams and in chuichwork.” Assistant i .Seoulmastt-r Of Troop 90, Gris som sejvcs on the city lecroation commission. He is a deacon, sei-: ieiai> of the .Sjnday School and hi tile clioir at First Pres-, bylerian cliureh. A Jayeee, he solved as chairman of the* UtfiS* Miss Kings .Mountain beauty pageant and lias seived as Jay ((H? vice-president, seendary. and dire. lor. He has coached ja.v.eo-. sponsoriMl teams in the LittU* LeagU(‘ and 'reen<*r pro rams. A partner in Ben T. Goforth Plumbing, Grissom is son of Mrs. W. H. Gri.ssom of ('l<)ver, S. (\j and the late Mr. Gri.ssom. He at ' Umded the Clover schools and Clemson college. Mrs. (irissom is th(» foimcT Claudia r;.'>forth. They- are j^arents of two children: ContiuHCd On Pt«je Six ' TOP EDUCATOR AND TOP BOSS — Donald Jones, left, superintendent of Kings Mountain district schools is recipient of the Kings Mountain Joyceer' first annual Educator of the Year award. Bobby Bridges, at right, is recipient of the club's first annual Boss of the Year award. Joe Smith, Jayeee president, center, made the presentations. (Photo by Neil Holcomb). Popnlation ireafer Kings Mounfain 21,914 City Limits {1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9300 Tbe Gr«<iter Kla^i MounlalD figure It derived from tbe epeciol United States Bureau of the Census report o lanuory 1966. ond includes the 14.990 population o Mumbor 4 Township, and the remoining 6.124 -Iron Number S Township, In Cleveland County and Crowdor* Meunteda Township in Gaston County. yOL 81 No. 4 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, January 23, 1969 Pages Today Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Buffalo Creek Water Project Low Bids $2,485,757 .YbT' im "v \ White Number ? On Finan ce Body bulletin ^ The city’s consulting Project Attracts Contractors From Six States .■vj'rwuiwV^^v-- COMMENDED FOR HEROISM — Sp/5 Joseph Porker. 20. of Kings Mountain, ha? been awarded the army commendation medal for heroism in action in Vietnam on November 12. Joseph Parker Commended For Heroism .Sp .> Joseph S. Parkoi. son of Mr. an<l .Mrs. Charles W. Barkor, 701 Landing slnM*t, has Ixvn a- warded tho army comnit'ndalion jne.lal for heroism in aclion in Vit'Inain. .Sp .■) Parker, 20. enlered tire army Fobiniary 2, 19BS, ha.s l)<H*n overseas for seven months. His award nxsulted fi-om aetion on November 12 with the 29lh ar tillery, -nil infantry division. ^Jiu* citation reads: 'or hei’oism in connection military operations a.:ain.st an armed hostile force in tiie He- public of V’’ietnam, Specialist .') p a r k c* r dLslinguishet! himself while serving as a cannoniM'r with A battery, 6th battalion. On 12 .VovcmlH'r 196S Specialist Parker’s fireba.se was subjected to an intense enemy heavy weap on.s attack while his battery W'as ill the process of moving by air mobile means. When Hie first Cffntinucd On Page Mothers March Thursday, fan. 30th Ciix'le your calendar for Thurs day, January 30th. That’s the day Junior Woman’s club members will be conducting ! the “Mother’s March on Birth Defects’’ from 7 until 9 p.m. in , the Kings Mountain area. Other volcnteers are nof'ded to ' I'anvass the community and all I are asked to gather at 7 at tho Woman’s club for street assign ments. Miss Mary Alice McDaniel is chairman for the local club drive for the March of Dimes. Citizens who w’ish to contribute to the March of Dimes are asked to leave their porch lights burn ing. B$p. Maimey ^ Vice-Chairman ABC Committee Senator Jack H. White, Kings Mountain lawyer who is b<*gin- ning his second term in the sia.e legislature, has been named vice- chaiiTnan of the Senate Finance : Committee, which is ^.Iniicd by Senator Ralph Scott of Alama:ice County. Senator White Wednesday was appointed chairman of the 10- ' member Senate Local Govern ment Committee by Lt. Governor Pat Taylor. In the House, Rep. W. K. Mau- ney. Jr., Kings Mountain Indus-' trialist, was named one of three vice c'hairmon of the House’s Al coholic Beverage Control Com mittee'. which would consider any legislation on the proposed lUiuor- by-fhe-drink local option. Mr. Mauney has also bc'en named to tho 23-mem'ber House Loc'al Government Committee. Four veteran Cleveland Coun-' ty legislators have been appoint-: ed to major committees of the, General Assembly. The Senate Finance committee is charged with coming up with’ means to finance state appropri ations for the next tw'o years. ALSO in the Senate, Senator Marshall Rauch of Gastonia has been named to the Senate appro priations committee which will draft a sponJirtiT bill. For White and Rauch, their respective mem-' Continued On Page Six SENATOR JACK WHITE Twenty Pints Of Blood Are Needed For Vickie Williams, Blue Baby Scoutmaster Steps Down Otis C. Falls, Jr., stepping down as Scoutmaster of Boy fe.out Troop 91 after 11 years, has seen 15 young men, including 0iis son, receive the Eagle, high est award in Scouting. Mr. Falls, a tenderfoot scout j^imself in the same troop 30 years ago, came home after a lonr of Army duty 11 years ago an j began work as a troop eom- millcoman and later bwame scoutmaster. He will continue to serve the troop as assistant scoutmaster. Since the death of his father, OlU Falls, Sr., he has not been able to devote as much time to • , program, he told the troop sday. n. .M. (Matt) Pouchak, assi.st- C^tuliuued On Page Six TO UNDERGO HEART SUR GERY — Vickie WiUiams, age six, will undergo open heart surgery Februory 11th. Twenty pints of whole blood is required, and donors ore needed to do nate blood in Vickie's behalf. Wanted: 20 pints of whole blood for little V'ckie Williams who undergoes open heart sur gery on Kcbniary 11th. Blood donors who respond to this S.O..S. for hloo-i may give blood in the youngster’s name wlien they visit tho Red Cross blofKimobile here on F'chruaiv 101 h. Vickie, a blue-eyed blonde, is six-years-old. She weighs only 30 pounds but she is a bright, cheer ful little girl who lives with her family in the Bethlehem commun ity. She attends Sunday School at ‘ Bethlehem Baptist Church. I A “blue baby’’ at birth, Vickie’s heart slopped beating twice. Thej heart ailment left the child with throe heart defects, and she un- deiw’ent surgery at the ago of I three weeks. Vickie is daughter of Mrs. Min-; nie Williams and the late M. W. i'Williams. Mr. Williams was kill ed in a car wreck sevt'ral years, .ago. Vickie’s family includes I three married sisters, one marri- ConHwacd On Page Six REF. W. K. MAUNEY. JR. lob Program Closes Up Shop Tin* Industrial Association of Hie Kings Mountain Area's feil- erall.v-financcd imlustrial training pi qgram closed shop Tuesday. W. K. -Mauney. Jr., president,' said the association did not ap ply for a third year of fcdeul funds due to •'major changes in the empliasis of the program whicli the association and parti cipants did not fix'l it could im plement.” PreskUml Mauney prai.scd th<* program as it operated during the two years and dcclaicd it “(|uito successful in meeting its aims”, lie said Hie association will continue as an area industrial trade a.ssociation. without a paid* executive secretary. Executive Secretary Jo<' Vale, closing the office Tuesday, said he would join a furniture manu facturing firm as vice-president. He sumipalexl tlie two-year work of the industrial training program in capsule form: Approximately 500 under tho Ctffntinucd On Page Six The city’s consulting en gineer VV. K. Dickson will recommend c o n 11 a c t a- wfti'ds tor the Buflelo Credk water project total ing S2,485,757.7C. He I'ecommendp the use ol asbestos cement pipe up to 12-inch size at a saving under base bid oi .S12,0(i4. The contract awards will be made Tuesday night, it is anticipated, contingent upon concurrence of tho Department of Housing and Urban Development, which made a .S45G,000 grant tor the project. Everett S. Scott, of Ra leigh, regional engineer for HUD, said after the bid lab tabulations, “ W e ’ r e happy the bids received today will make it possi ble for this project to go forward.” Col. Dickson comment- eded, '‘We will recommend the low bids be accepted. I regard the bids as very satisfactory.” The estimated beginning of construction is March 31. By MARTIN HARMON Apparent hnv bid.s for e'Uistruc-, Ition af tlio Buffalo CiWk water projoet totaled §2.197,SlS.fKl. Bid.s wen* opened by the boaicl of eommissioiiers beginning at 2 p.m. We lnosda\. Consideration of awarding con tracts will he on the agenda of the boaid of commis.sioners at tile Tuesday night meeting. Apparent low bidders woie: Section I uiam. four - million gallon treatment plant, pump sta-' lions, flood control to protect Do\er Mill, etc.) Gillespie Con- •■^truction Conipanv, Anderspn, S. C., $1,319,012. Sivtion il (Water lines) Ray D. Lowder Construcliiin Company. Albemarle, S661.29S.20. Section III (million gallon sttvl storage tank at irealmenl plant) Kielimond Engineering Company, Richmond, V'a.. $.>1,4S7. Section IV’ (irnprovements to SR 2044) Neal Hawkins Construe'- tion Company, Kings Mountain, and Gastonia. S153..''^2.50. ' Section V (plumbing) Ben T. Goforth, Kings Mountain, $274S. Sc'ction VI (electrical) Bryant' Electiic Company, Gastonia.! $79,141.20. The six sections of bidding at tracted 3S bids from 31 firms in six southeastern states. Both Mayor John Henry- Moss and Col. \V. K. Dickson, the city’s consulting engineer, declin ed cximmont on the bidding pen<l- Jng final tabulations. The Mayor did remark, “I believe wo can live with it.” Only alternates were in Section II on the water lines. Tiie base bid calls for use of stt*el water CouHiiut'd On Page Siw % WATER PROJECT BIDDING Mayor John Henry Moss colls the roll of bidders Wednesday ofter- noon on the Buffalo Creek water project. Foreground, to the Mayor's right are Commissioners W. S. Biddix ond Ray Cline, to his left Commissioner T. J. Ellison. In background at left are Engineer W. K. Dickson and members of his staff. (Herald photo by Paul Lemmons). School Board Recommends County wideT axSupplement Reierendum On 50c Levy Supported m PRESIDENT — Mrs. Harold Glass is the newly-installed president ot Frank B. Glass Post 9811 VFW Auxiliary. The ru'w auxiliary was recently or ganized. The Post is named for Mrs. Glass' late father-in-low. Mrs. Glass' husband is 14 th District VFW Commander. Art Workshops Are Underway Here First in a series of ari work shops for ar(*a leadiers got un derway We(lnes<iay a! Central school. The worksliops will bo conduct ed eacli Wednesilay aliernoon fioni 1. until 6:30 p.m. Administrators a n (i trustees rom th<‘ eouniy’s tliree school -syslrnis, meeting tonight (ThuKS- day) at 7:30 in the county school superintendent's office in Shelby, are exjM'ctr t to formally call for a oO-cenl county-wide suppU*men- ta) fax autliorizalion for schools. The mattei' lias l)oen disi ussed informal./ by all threa* gi’o.ps in exnulive eommittees but Kings Mountain’s board of education look the* initial step Monday nigh! by voting to approach tlio county commission and i*e(|ue.sl tile -luthorizalio*) be gi\4‘n. I’ndi'r Norlli Carolina law. the county board of commissioners h:\< till* authority to grant th<» ■>()-cent I'ounly-wide authorization without a vot(». Slu)ui<l the commission la'fuse, iiKtieations <ire that Hu* three si'hool boards will re<iuest the is- siu' he put bi’fore the iieopk* in a county-wide vote. Kin s Mountain pres^mtly lev ies a 2n-cenl s. pplemenlal lax, tile ('li'vcland Count's school sys- li'm le\U*s no supplemental tax. an i tlu* Shelby district levies 3S cents of a 4ds-enl authorization. "W’lial vve I'acli would di'cide to levy I’ve no idea, pimding fur- th(*r study of our individual dis trict ni'(‘(is ”. Supt. Donald Joik's romm<'ntc<l Monday. Mr. Jones said that h'gal aspiH’ls of individ ual tax.referendums and possible Continutd On Pagt SU PRESIDENT ^ R. Ragan Har per, Jr. has been elected presi dent of the Cleevland County Pharmoceuticol Association for the coming year. Pharmacists Tap Ragan Harper R. Ragan Ilarixu*. Jr.. Kings Mountain pliarmacisi on .Hu* staff of Kings Mountain Drug Company, has iuM'n elected presi dent of the Cleveland County Pliarmaceutical As.so^.'iation ftir the coming year. 'The new officers were elected Sunday night it a dinner me(*- iiVJ at IIag(‘r’s Restaurant in Shelby. CoaH/iiud On Pagt Six

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