tfn Page KINGS mountain HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. A 2 % • Suggestions Foi Saving Money On 1969 Fedeial Income Tax Are Listed White Named Fanners: Note Looking for tips that will savOj you money and trouble on your IJXJH federal income taxes? Then, consider these sugi^es- llons made by Charles R. Pu^h and James 'G. Allgood, extension economists at Nctrth Carolina! Slate University. , Pugh and Allgood’s suggestions are primarily for faiTners, but they may also be of assistance to^ other taxpayers. 1. Kile your return on time. The deadline for a farmer’s return is P^eb. 17, 1969, since the usual Fob. 15 deadline falls on a Saturday. The deadline for a wage-earner filing a personal return is April 15. 2. Use the proper forms. Attach statements as necessary to fxilly explain entries. 3. Make sure rocoixls are avail able to back up your claims,, No M • 1 Tha Worid's Finest Components for the World's Finest Sound I Exclutlv* Micro-Touch* 2Q Tono Arm Provides unsurpested trecking accuracy; axerts a mere 2 grams of pres sure ... records can last a lifetimal 60 Watta of Peak Music Power Brings you constant peak performance for thrilling stereo sound. Instant warm-i^p, cooler operating tamparaturas. Six-Spaakar Sound Syatam Features two giant-size 10' woofers, two expo nential horns, end two 3K' cone-type high fidelity speakers. TTCd® DonKg^ D®\5!7 D®®Ik of authentic styled fine-furniture cabinetry...the breathtaking sound from precision components I EXCITINQISM ■HJSL ti* 1. » I DELUXE SOLID-STATE CONSOLE STEREO with FM/AM Stereo FM Radio full f^sturtd: Deluxe Stereo Precision Record Changer • Zenith 60W Solid-State Amplifier • Built-in Sound Control Center • Tape Input/Output and Stereo Headphone' Jacks • Provision for Optional Extension Speakers The DVORAK • Z931 Distinctive Modern styled cabinet in genuine oil-finished Walnut veneers or Pecan veneers and select hardwood solids. Pivotal louvered doors. imaaA Af* Center-lift lid, record storage space. Vj|QU MQ Ymmitm WHY NOT GET THE BEST The DONIZETTI • Model Z932H Elegant Italian Provincial styled cabinet in genuine Cherry Fruitwood veneers ant^select hardwood solids. Center lift lid and record storage space. S419J5 Tha Q)d%\gn9r Sarfat The ROMBERG • Z934M Charming Early American styled cabinet in genuine Maple veneers. Center lift lid and record storage space. Tha CDwgner Sanaa TheAUBER • Z93eH Exquisite French Provincial styled cabinet •n /lAniiina P.harAf Prilitwood veneBrs end single record system is rfHjuired, by tax authorities as long as the; rocoixls are complete and accu-: rate. 4. Double chock your arithme tic. A simple error in addition may result in a complete audit of your return. 5. Seek professional advice from' such i>eople as accountants and' attorneys on (omplex tax prob- leims. Use the Instructions Man ual sent to you by the Internal, Revenue Serviee. County exten sion (>ffic(*s alao have free <'opies of the “Farmer’s Tax Guid<*.’’ Pugh and Allgowl listed five fipwific suggestions which they said could save farmers and oth er businessmen money if proper ly u.sed: 1. Deduct depreciation on all allowable items used on the fann or in the business to produce in come. 2. Doffuct land clearing and soil con.servation exp<* as long as they do not exceed the specified limits. These <-an be claimed as deductions under most conditions. ; 3. Use the capital gains provi-' sions of S'chedule D where possi ble. Gains on the sale of capital assets and someti-mes the gain on items used in the business are taxed at half the rate oif ordinary income. Also losses on most cap ital items are deductible on Sche dule D. 4. Use the tax advantages of in vestment credit. Seven per cent of the cost of machinery and certain other items used in the business and lasting eight or more years can be deducted di- reclliy from the incom<‘ tax. That is right; it is a cixxlit against the lax. not just a (l(‘duction against income*. 5. If nonbusiness deducrion.s are itemized on Form 1040, n* member that half of hospital in- suranc<‘ premiums can be m govern ment farm programs and cuslJim machine work, should be report- (*d as re(|uinHl by law. 2. A distinction should be made hetw(*en exp(*nses and personal expenses with such ilem.v as utilities, taxes arki insurance. 3. Reasonable lertgths of life should bo assigned to deiji’cciaiblc property used in Mie business. If this is not done, the profit from the sale of this prop(*rty may have to be taxed as ordinary in come rather than as capital gain. 4. There are complications if machinery or ec|uipment is not held as long as was intend<»fl when investment cr(*dil 'was claimed. For example, a farmer might buy a machine which he plans to keep for eight years, and he claims 7 per cent of th<* cost of investment cnxlit the year the machine was purchase!. But suppose* the machine does not To Round Table FLSA Minimum Wage Change GRKKNSHORO, N. C. R. D. White, agent, local repies(‘niative of South<*rn Life Ins. 0»., home oflii'os in GretuislKjro, N. C., has bien named a member of the Southern Quality Round Table. Membership is awarded to those meeting the leadership standaixLs of superior saU's and service to Souilu'rn Lib' policyowners of uhich less than 9'< of the com pany’s entire sales organization in its 12 southeai^tern state and District of Columbia operating area (jualified in 196S. In addition to the uniciue scroll signed by the entire* membership, the S.Q.R.'r. insignia tie tac has been present<*d as a tangible memento of the honor earn(*d. Trim the fat b<*fore you eal the meat, recommends the North Carolina Heait Association. An imal fats art* high cholesterol. Give your heart a break; reduce your intake of cholesteml. work satisfactorily and the far mer sells it in h?ss than four years. In this case, the full in vestment credit must he* r<*c‘ap- tured. 5. The cost of items purchased for resale should be deducted in the year in which they are sold. F'or example, a livestock fe<*der might buy fe(*der animals in the fall df 196S for sale as slaughter animals in the spring of 1969. The cost of these animals should be deducted on his 1969 returns, not on his 196S returns. UNBEATABLE VALUESI BUY NOWI ■’0 DEALER ANNUAL 1ST0F YEAR XMlili SEGmojIAR CIIARLfrrrK, X. C. Fann ers are r<*miiKied that th<* mini mum wage in cov<*ixxl employ ment advances from SI.1.5 toSl.30 an hour on Fc*hruary 1, by Fn*d K. Carlock. Field Office .Sui>er- visor of tin* L*. S. Labor Depart ment’s Wage and Hour and Pub lic Contracts Divisions. Principally coverex! an* large- scale farming operations involv ing use of more than .5(K)-maii days of agricultural )ai)f)r in any calendar (piarter of the preced ing calendar year. Overtim<‘ pay is not ixxpiired but the minimum wa,.:e applies regaixlless of wlu'lher pay is by the hour, or on a salary or pi(*ee- woi'k basis. ‘'Man (lay* means any during which an employiH* performs agricultural labor for not h*ss j than one hour. Some local casu«l hand harvest labor<*rs paid piece rates are excluded when count- ing "man days" and arx* ex(*mpl I from the minimum wage provi- i sions of the law. 1 Farmers are also ix*mind<‘d that r they may not employ children un der 16 whether migiant or lo cal in farm work during scho»>l hours for the district wh<‘re th<* j children live w'hile so emphnxxl. j Neither, Carlock (‘xplaincd, may any cliihl under 16 be em ployed in agriculture in an occu pation found b ythe Secretary of ' Labor to b(* liazai dous. except where the child is employed by a parent on a farm owri volume r<*coi(k’d in Ibis period since the* (|uoia system was be gun. (‘ash sali* of BoikIs and Froi*- fiom Shares in Cleveland Counfy for Nov<*mber w<*r<* $si.695. Jan uary • Novemiier sa!<*s totalel S60i.9.56. This repri*sents 101.2'^ of Cleveland County’s goal of $577,920. according to Mr. George Blanton. Jr., CIev(*Iand County Chairman. head Street. Charlotte, North Carolina 2S202. Telephone 7ol 372-0711, ext. 131. Thursday, January 23, 1969 Lithium Prices Are Extended HOUSTON. TEXAS Li I Iviurn C'orporation of America, a sulisid- iary of Gulf Resources & Chem- i('ai Corporati^^ announced to day a n<*w puslwi price schedule for multiple hopper car deliveries of lithium carbonate. Previously publi8h<*d prfees coverwl 2 multi ple hop|x*r cars. 'rhe n(*w price schedule reflect.s prices of 13c lb. for 2-9 multiple hopper cars (‘ontaining a mini mum f)f 115,tKX) lbs. eaiih and 39c lb. for 10 hopper cars and over, delivered U.S.A. within a 12-month ix»ri(xi. For customers who can not take shipments in bulk J?op- per cars, deliveries of bag-pallet ized lithium carbonate in these quantities carry a I'sc lb. extra price. According to Elwin E. Smith, Executive Vice President of Lith ium Corporation of America, the new multiple hopper car price sk hcecialist, North Carolina Stai University. 3 If you’re already an atx*ont plished seamstress all it takes i an idea and some courage. Ideas might include leather pipings, hand sewm zippers, h^nd "pick^’ edging aewnts and inside sul trims. j Leather piping sewed in fht seamlines accents interesting gai ment lines, the specialist noleJ. Cut and make your own pipinc from leather scraps or buy sinv ilated leather strips by the yard, she advises. The couturier method of pu • ting in a zipper by Ivand - • can be used on any garment. Bu ^ it’s especially good for sh(*en, synthetics, knits, napped or pH * fabrics and lightweight, sol : wool. Use a fine needle, matchin ; thread and the half back-stitcl. Keep stitches even and tiny o i the right side of the garment. Hand "picking.” all the wa • from H* to f inch from the edg * of a gai’mont or si>am line, i; done with Uio same stitch as use I in putting the zi^iper; the hal ' back-|J||ch. On lightweight fal ■ •ics IMF embrokieiy floss, silk o‘ merc<»riz