Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9300 Tb« Gteaiet Kings Mountcdo tigurs la dsrlTtd lf«m tlM apsctol Unitad Statsa Bureou ol ths Ctnsua r«port o lanuary 1866, and includes tbs 14.990 populotlon o Number 4 Township, and the rsmaliung 6.114 Iron Number 5 Township, in Clevelond County and Ciowtfer* Mountain Township In Goston County. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Pages Today VOL. 81 No. 7 Established I8u9 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, February 13, 1969 Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Local News Bulletins EUILDINC PERMll J. Wilson Crawford cntaincd a buildinji permit P'ebruary 12lh to build a one-slory brick vent'er residence at 104 Casile- wood Drive at estimaud cost of S12,'KJ(). HEARa BENEFIT A bat show for benefit of tbe Casutn County Heart Fund will l)i‘ licld February 19th at 10:30 a.m. at Gaston Country club. Local citizens 'planning to at* lend can obtain tickets from Mrs. Amos Di'an. ^ lead:, service ^ Paul Hambright. elder at Shiloh Presbyterian churcli in (hover, led prayer soi vices for Dixon Presbyterian church members nieoti ^; at the home of Mrs. P. Q. Hambright Wed nesday night. FRO^: CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Crouch reUuned from a week’s stay in Grand Bahanta Islands where .Mr. Crouch attended the Ham ilton Managcm(*nt Corporation convention. BAPTISV TOPICS iiev. James M. Wilder will use the sermon topic, “Victoi'y Gvif.’ Circumstances” at Sun- <lay morning worship services at 11 o’clock at Kings Moun tain Baptist church. VESPER TOPIC Hcv. James M. Wilder will use the sermon topic, “Gods Thiee R's” at 5 pin. vesper SCI vices Sunday at Kings -Mountain Baptist church. SHILOI SERVICE A member of tlic faculty of Davidson college Dcpartm<*nt of Religion will fill the pulpit at the li o’clock morning wor ship service Sunday at Shiloh Presbyterian church in Grover, j m HOSPITALIZEC ^ .Mr. ani Mrs. M. L. Harmon, ! Sr., parent^ of Herald Editor .Martin Harmon, are patients in Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. Harmon, 91, has been hospital ized for sometime. Mrs. Har mon entered the hospital Sat urday and is improving. ON DEANT LIST ' Rita Elala Caveny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Caveny' of route two. w'as listed on tlie (lean’s list for the past semes- t(*r ar Meredith college where she is a junior. MARGRACE CLUB .Margrai e Woman’s club members will meet Friday ni^ht at 7:30 p.m. at the homo of Mrs. Fred Davis. Eternal Flame To Be Lighted ’Hh' city cummission voted 'Puesday to join with Otis D. Rost 1.0.1 American L<’gion in in- .stalling an eternal flame in the Veterans Park of Mountain Rest cemetery. I rii<' L('gion Post w'ili provide! ^ he flame* e(|uipmenl and the city' rwill run tin* gas line into thel flame and furnish the gas. In other action, the board: ' ! D approved llie emidoynient ofj Kallih K. Grindstaff, 23, as a! lity police offk*(*r upon vccom-| nu'Mdation of Police Chief Tom .McDevitl. I 2> voted to iKirlieipate with other law <*nfore(*ment agencies in tin* area in a joint law en- f(n cement and criminal justice tMiforeement under the Omnibus Crime ('onirol and Safe Streets Act of itms. :P U('ferr(*d 1(j the Zoning hoard r(*(|uesl of p. J. Beauty Sa lon for renewal (»f jM'rmit trailer A. I KINGS MOUNTAIN UNITED FUND OFFICERS — Pictured above are officers of the Kings Moun tain United Fund for 1969-70. From left, Kyle Smi:h. campaign chairman; Mrs. Vernon F. Crosby, secretary-treasurer; and Shuford Peeler, Jr., presiient. Mr. Peeler succeeds John Cheshire. (Isaac Alexander Photo). Board Approves City Traffic Study Win Honors City To Seek Appointment With Babcock ’ The city ecjmmission Tuesday' 1 night approvc’d a safety resolu- ! tion propos(‘d by the mayoral ! committcM* on railway safety] I chaiiTd by Will HerndjOU, and moved to seek appointment withD’^ ! S t a t e Hjt^hway Commissioner’ ; William F. Babcock to discuss. w for improving the traffic situa tion downtevvn Kings Mountain. I Specifically, four major items are listed in the resolution: 1) Relocation of N- C. 216 to take advantage of a propo.sed four lanes and provide a north- ^ouJh hy pas^ of the central bus- .nt'ss district. This corlj bi* ac complished by rerouting X. C. 216 onto either Cansler street or Railroad avenue and construction )f an und(’i i)ass. 2) Consider an early action on he propo.sed U. S. 74 by-pa.s^ to (xiuev east-west traffic in the ■omral business district. 31 Reeommen<l location of a railroad underpass for the south- •rn extension of N. C. 216 to the south of the (-<nitral business? dis- ricl, and the widening of X. C. ->16. •D .Study r(*lated safety prob- ’ems, particularly in resided to ho remaining ungraded railroad ‘rossings to the city. Will IK'indon. spokesman lor he traffi<' eornmilte(\ said the irincipal goal is to reduce traffic ir.d traffic hazards in the main hopping ai(‘a. By eanying througlt with tlie f. S. 71 by pass around the city, t project has ix'cn discussed for .ome time, tlie east-west flow of, raffie tlirough the city would al- n he reef. :'(*d, says Mr. Herndon. .Mr. Hern lon also I’cportod his, •ommittee had conferred with )0Uth(*rn Railway oPfieials about )rolective devices at unguarded •rossings and closing of some of he crossings south of street. o HOSPITALIZED — Vickie Will iams will undergo open heart surgery this week in Charlotte Memorial hospital. Vickie Williams In Charlotte For Surgery Vickie Williams, six, just 30 pounds hut has things going for her. Althoudt she’s too young to Tr. st Dick SliarK'v, p<‘i-.sonn('i man- ag<M‘ of Mauney 7'exljles. and J. E. (Bu<h Rhej, per.sonne| man ager of t'laftsi'Un Yarns, wort* : cited for leading most improvtxl plant drives and w(*re among, : numerous United Fund volunteers' I and 30 firm,j honor(?:l at a UF 1 rec()gnili(»n banciuel Monday' ! nfl^ht. ' Mr. Siianey s,. perintended drives 1 al lour plants uliich (untributed S4/)0U. C'iaft>pun Yarns, under I Icadej.ship of .VM*. Rhea, increased ■ I contributions -100 pen cent. Top contr.buUon among indas-; I tries was Duplex Shannon for the ‘sCvond y<‘ar. ^ Oiiicr chairmen of eonimillei's receiving awaids W(‘rc Mrs. JfK* 'Lee, chairman « . the professional committee*; Mayor John .Moss, I tliairmati of city govei nme it 1 committ(*e: llugii Lanrasl(?r, ad vance? gifts tiiairman; Don Jones, 'vSchools di\i.sion chairman: Lany • Hamrick, commercial division; Carl Wilson and Kyle .Smitii. in- dustriai; an l Jo<? .Smith, pu’olicity. Individuals and firms eitc’d were Mrs. W. K. Maumw, Sr., Bridges Ilardwa^re. Builinglon ,Mill^^ and employees, ('arolina Tiirowing and employees, Guy Hetulerson; ('hemstrand Corpora tion: Coop(?r‘s: Craftspun and employees; Dicey Mills; Duke weighs Power Compan> ; Duplex Shan- a lot of non; Carl Devon; Fiber Inelus- tries; First Citizens Bank & Co.; First -Union Xational Fe)o1e Mineral (^)mpany; Goter; Kings Mountain Kings Mountain hosi)ilal: Meumtain School .System; Kings Mountain S & L Assets Top $5 Million Shareholders of Kin.;s .Moun tain Savings ^ Loan Associali(»n at their .annual me'cting TuesJay heaid leports showing assets to] ped Sj.633,370 tor the past ye*ar and savings Increasctl S-L3,- J.il for a total o: $1,(>1S,279. Immediately after tne share- hOide rs s<*.ssion, directors coiiV(*n- c*vl and re-cleca*d assoe.’iation of- .icer and employee’s. In reporting highlights of the year, Joe Smitli, executive vice- president, re|.ori(*d that earnings ter 'the year totaled S221.946.99 and dividends P^i^l iu savers in PJoS totaled Sf^.b91.53. Loans i?u*r(.ased Sb2'(.120 and the as.sociation made 190 loans for the year lor a total oi SI,- oiH.Ml. It was reported tint plans for the now building are ne.w com- pleMe and the arcniiecls will m^’Ct with the building committee tliis week to make plans to let bids this month. The shareholders re-elected di rectors, including Mrs. Ruisy H- Baker, C. Glenn White, Bence II. (iaiilt, Clyde Ke'ins. Dr. Robert. X. Baker, Dr. John C. McGill, Glee E. Bridges. Joseph R. .Smith, J. R. Davis and George? E. Lewis, •Sr. Officers and employees elected by the new board of directors are J. R. Davis, president: Dr. John O. MdGill, executive vice presi dent; C. G. White, vice-president; Joseph R. Smith, executive vice-: ])rosident; and Mrs. Ruby H. Bake*, se'eretarj-treasurer; .Mrs. Kathy Butler, teller. Attorne'vs are Davis and White, George B. Thomasson, Gariapd. Alala, Brad- i ley and Grav and Robert C. Pow ell. Mrs. Anthony's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Lola llaimon Anthony, 61, wife of Dunn Firm Seeking Options Property For Housing Private Industry Announcing Plan I lor SO Units APPOINTED — L. L. Adams, principal ol Compact school, has been appointed to the zoning board, succeeding Paul V^’. Owens, who moved tc Hender sonville. Mr. Adams represents the m:Te perimeter membership or the board. 0| lions on property to build 50 units of single housing for pri vate industry w’crc being sought \\^ednf.sday hy a firm from Dunn, X. C.. Tom Harpe’r. director of Iho Kings .Mountain Housing Au thority said. The visit here by a Mr. Godwin followed actijm by the* city com mission Tuo.sday in approving the ree'juest by private industry to build .50 units cf sin*:le he. sing for the purpo.'JC of re’nting to those who have ho<'n displaced .oy inelu.-Jirial d<*veicpment and sticot improvements. ^ A le'asing arrangeme*nt with tlie Kings Mount.hn Housing Au thority will provide quicker hous ing for the familie.s and not in- !erf(*re with the loO-unit Housing Pioject currently urideiway. Acquiring of the necessary land for the additional units is first ste*p in the* i>roje‘cf, according to Mr. Harrer. rile Dunn firm would own the units, which wo..ld meet FHA siandards. and the Housing Au- tiiority woulei lease them and make up the difference in the rental charge beiwe'cn the ten- .Mineral ant’s payment and the owner’s reepiire'd rental. Admission stand- Sadie, Foote Employees Lead Donors Sadie .Mill and Foote c' mp:my employees with nors e.ich leel ineicstrial donnr^ at ai>is will he tlie same as for the .Mondac’s visit ct' the Red Cross other 1.50 units. ' bloodmobile to Kings Mountain. 13 do- Jj:k Anthony, were held Tuesday^ at 4 p.m. from El Bethel Metho dist ehureh of which she was a member. R('v .Edwin Lynn and l^ev. Frank BlakK'k officiatevl at the final rite’s and intoi'ment in the church cemetery. .Mrs. Anthony died at 5:25 a.m. ^unday in the Kings Mountain hospital. She was daughter of the fate .Ml. and Mrs. Fklgar Harmon. Survivors other than he*r hus band include three brolliers, Fred Harmon <•: S'holbv, Flay Harmon of Spin.lale and Preston IIarm(»n of Kings Mountain: and four sis ters. .Mrs. William Bedl of Kin.- Second iiighest donor in the industrial group w.'^s L-amlx’ih Rope' Corporation with seven do nors. Oth<‘r top leaders were Mauney Ilo.siery. fi\e; and Hen- Brirk Sr 'Tile, Kings Moun tain Posioffice, and Margraee iMill, four each. total of 139 (iti/eris g.aNe a pint of hloeKl and of the total 11!) were* repla'.eme'nt donors gi\- ing for specific pe'rsons. Fifty-six persons gave a pint of blood for Vickie Williams, young heart pa- lient who was to undergo opt'n heart surgery this wee’k. and to another person who was to un- de*rgo ope*n heart surgery later in tlie week. Lany Hamrick, chairman of King^ .Mountain’s blood program, said. “This was a vejy successful visit and it was meist gratifying to see the tuni-out in behalf of Mountain. .Mrs. Gladys Slierrerof Vickie Williams. Wo were verv Er.vin, Tennessee, Mrs. Staey j leased that 119 of 12-| W'ere re- : Dedmon of Shelby and Miss Xina placement donors. Blood needs ‘n various scelion.s of ILirmon of Atlanta, Ga. {(o.ithtufil on Page Eight) Thirty of the units 2ank: E. H. Drug: Kings realize the importance of it now. she iKij; a lot of friemds interest- Ovl in her well-being. And, 56 of them turned out .Monday al the Red Cross blood- mobile to (lo:iate a pint of blood for her as she faces open heart surgery tiiis we*ok in Me?nio!ial hospital V'ickie has fx'en undergoing tests all week at the hospital and is e*xpe(‘tc(l to undergo surgoiy the latter part of flu* week. Her family reportj; she's in good spirits, is anxious to return home. Vickie iiujuire’d about her p<'i p Pjiy. Bambi. In a telephone recommended Wexlncsday by Gov. conversation from the hospital. ! Bob Scott and the amount of She doesn't want to l>e able to revenue each weuilcl produce elur- Peter Connet In New Position On KM Redevelopment Staff Here .Mi*antime. .Mr. Harper said ren tal applivMtions are being accept-, ed each Saturday from 9 to noon at C'ity Hall courtroejm. Ho said business ^^l^w l‘tst Satuixlay a’id that persons who qualify are not ne’cessarily those- on welfare and social se'curity. He said in- eom<* limits I’ange from S3,tHVJ Slate annual in.-ome for a single pe*r- son occupant to S.5fM)0 annual in come for a family ol 10 persons. Rental rate^ have not been es tablished and will not be until the cost of tlie project is obtain- (*d and eontracts let. It is anticipate! the 1.50-unit project W’ill be* underway in early spring and that units will be ready lor occupancy by Septem ber. The PH.-\ will build units in a variety of sizes from what is la beled a “no bedroom” unit to a five bedroom unit on nine sites the city, ore d(*signed especially for the elderly and will be constructed in the Dilling- Ridge streeg area. Other sites are l0(‘nted on Cansler street, Baker street, Grace street and the for- SPEAKER — U. S. Congressman James T. Broyhill will moke the oddress at the annual Lincoln Day Dinner for Cleveland Coun ty Republicans Thursday night at 6:45 p.m. in Shelby high school coieterio. Area commit tee chairmen for the event in clude Mr. end Mrs. Bill Babb and Bob Maner. 76-Unit Motel To Be Built Construction of a 76'unit motel on X. C. 161 on the northwest corner of the I-S5 eloverleaf near Kings .Mountain is expected to begin in 30 to 45 days. The now motel announcx*d last year for I-S5 just south of »the city will be the first in a chain of “Arthur Smith F-amily Inns” planned by radio and television entertainer Arthur Smith of Charlotte. Iivgh Johnson oi Gastonia, an associate in the motel chain with Representative arl Stewart of Gastonia, said more rooms to the* proje'ctod 100- unil motel would be added later and that the motel eventually would have 2TS units. Ho said tlie rooms would be eeononvy priced anl designed for the fam ily who travels. He said the room rates would be substantially less than rates in most popular mo tel chains. “Wo hope to start building just as soon as possible’, Johiiijon (ommented vesterday. Newman Tapped County Manager George Newrnan. executive di rector ol Cleveland County Com munity Action, ha.' been name.d m<*r Davidson elementary school Cleveland County .Manager bv the property. Mauney Hosii-ry and (*niploy(’es; Maune*y .Mills; Patterson Oil Comparv; PPG Plant of Shelby: Charlotte Hen Goforth: Plonk Brolliers; Plonk Oil Comp.iny; Sadie Mills Contiui.'d Pagr Eight Here's Tax Package Presented By Scot! Here are the H) tax prop(»sals Gold climb trees when the operation’s (Coutinued on Page Eight) \ Mayor John Moss Featured As Top "N. C. Lutheran Personality" a spe'cial use which allows the use of a for a h(*auly salon. U approve’d joining with the Ueelovelopiiient Commission for im|)rov('meiil of the basement 6f e'ity Hall and invited three in formal bids in conforming with Ge'iicral Staf.ites. Kings Mountain .Mayor John lina L(*ague' lenry Mexss was f(*atured a;^ “N. as the younj C. Lutheran Personality” in the .-'ebi uary e*dition of “Xorth Caro- ina Luthef.’an.” The feature story, published inder date of February 51h. reads: and in 194,S served esl League president in organized baseball. He then joined the Detroit Tigers minor league system, working in the East and Midw'e*st front office. ing the lu’xt JJiennium: 1 An additional H) p(*r eo'it lax on liepior, $26 million. 2 A five-cent tax iier package* of 20 cigarettes. $.50 million. 3 lax iner(‘as(' f»n he*(’r by 15 cents jjer hot He over six ouiuvs I . t loss than 12 ounces and e(|uivalenl rale on other (luantiiies, $15 million. -1 A two-cent lax on eacli cig ar. $7 million. 5 A i\v<i-ceni p(*r gallon in- During the “decline of the nij* crease in gasoline lax. 51 Voted to limit parking on Ellis slre’ct to the north side on ly, from Can.-'iicr street to Wat-; terson street, as safety measure.; nor leagut’.s”, as sports writers, “This Lutheran layman wields called 0, Moss returned to North three gavels. The first is as .May- Carolina in 19.59 and did what or of Kings Mountain, the second tliey said “couldn’t be done”. He 1^ pre*sldont of CAvlO (Cleveland once again organized the Wesf- Vssor’ialion of Governmental Of- orn Carolinas League and eon- ficials), and tlie third as president tinues as its president. In this of the Western Carolinas Base- pci’iod the levigue lias sent 21 all Lea ;ue. players and one umpire to the “For tills native North Carolin- Major L(?agnes. ! ian as he works with the projects “He believes confidently that 61 Re'fused re'eiues by Wilbur Hamrick for additional taxi fran- (hlsc. Commissioner R«y Clinoj said, “I see no reason for in- ^crease." Motion was .seconded by h’ommissioncr Norman King and ^action was unanimous. [he has underuay, the ‘Tossibili- the South will become a hub of tie*;; Of tomorrow” along with the* major activity and tremendous “togeth(*rness of purpose” signal grewth. He felt that his central the duties and endeavors of to- Piedmont town of Kings Moun- day. tain mu.st not be overshadowed “After World War H European but move forward progressively service, witli his love of baseball, in a planne’d manner, he organized the Western Caro- Conthuu'd On Page Eight 6 An increase cf 25 per cent In lieen.se plates of motoj- vehi Cle*.s. 7 An incr<':ise' i'l sale'^ tax on motor \e’!i!eles, airplanes, boats and loeomotiNcs fre m prese’nt 1.5 p(*r ee*n1 lo 2 per cent with the niaxinium of $129 being re’lained, $S.5 million. S—An ineixwse of one-hal; eif 1 p(*r ee*nt in all rale.s <n insurance pre'tniums. $10 milliem. 9 An incr(*ase in hank excise lax rates from the present -1.5 per cent to 6 |K*r e(*nt, $1 million. 10 An increase by one-fourth in the* rate’s at which building and loan associations are taxevl, $1 million. Peter Connet, native of Swan- nanoa, will assume nenv duties February 15tli as assistant direc tor of the Kingj; .Mountain Rede velopment Commission. .Mr. Connefs appointment was announced by Carl F. Maun<*y. chairman of the ee»mmission. and Joe* Laney, director. A recent graduate of Eastern Carolina University with a de gree in city planning, Mr. Connet will join Mr. Laney and Mrs. Mikie Baity, secretai v-bookkeep- or, as a permanent mcmlxr of t he re1e\e!opmenl commission staff. Concurrently, Mr. Laney an nounced that the Harbour-Cooper Associates staff assignt'd to tlie Kings Mountain pniject is ex yimding also. Ledford Austin, overall planning con.*\ Itant. now has Ron Lane as project archi loot. Ge*rry Goudelocke to assist in site planning and Jack Skii)p‘’r to conduct the detail'd building Inspections. Tlie Kings Mountain Redenel- opnient Commission is makini; steady progress in (‘ollocting in formation which will pro' ifie a sound basis for development of an ove*rall plan for the ('entral Business District. PXery title in the project area has be*en re- s<?arche'd to provi.le a curre'nl p.eiperty map. Jack Skippc’r of Bai liour-Coop or and Assoetates lia^ begun an inspei-tion of e'very liuikiing in the area from the foiind iHon to the roof to de’termine structural condition. Project rehaliilitation standards are in the draft stage and will soon be discussed with property owners and businessmen to :le- cide minimum standards for area. velopment Offk'ials, Barliour • Cooper Associates, and represejit- atives from the Department of the Jloushig and Urban De\clop me'Jit is scheduled for Lite this month to review progrei> to date Cheshire, Ham In Six Gallon Club John A. Cheshire. Jr. and Paid and discuss tenlative prop.osals Ham became members of the ex- for development of tlie overall elusive “six gallon club” of blood- plan. mobile don«>rs at .Monday’s visit Mr. Lane’v said In* Indicves that of the Red Cross bloodmobile. the plan must be locally eonceiv-; Joining the* four gallon club ed and locally executed to be sue*-, w^‘)’<' Mrs. Juanita Steffy and cessful. Conse*ejuenlly, lio plans to Kenneth Metc^alf and n(*w mem- contact e\er\ properly owner,I her in the two gallon club is Mrs resielc’:if and busine’ssinan in the* Joe Wells. Joining the one gallon downtown area lo determine clu’.) were Mrs. llarold Blanton, ihcir views, attitude’s, and ideas Dennis BrioUes and H. D. Voll- in regard to the pi*ojeet. ' bracht. Four KMHS Seniors Among Area Finalists For PPG Scholarship County Board of Commissionexs. In a special session held Mon- 1 day at the exmr!hou.se. Newman wa' ele.'tc'd by vote* of 4-1. All but Commissioner Fritz Morchcact veJed in favor of Newman. liigli pcuatbni ostalilisliCj^ Uie* scholar- e’ighl ship amount baM-el on the win ner's need. The* award langes from .S2.5P to $1,5(X) annually at an atcrediti'd college of the win ner’s thence in the* I’nited Stale's.” Finalists will he interviewed by Four Kings .Mountain schofd seniors are among area finalists s(*lecled for inl(*r- views Fel)ruary isth to determine* this ye'ar’^ win:ior in the* PPG In- dusli'ies Koiuidaii(»n ]lanl com munity schoiarsliip prtigram. They are Riihard E. Ttheridge, a scholarshij: eommilte'e compris- Timothy X’orris Webster, Jame's ed of the prominent university W. Grayson and M:nk E. H.ghe's. educators. Dr. Joyce Shealy. Other finalists, all from Shelby Chairman of the P.sychology I)e- high sche>oI, are* Katiiryn Gay partnie*iit. Que'cns t'ollege, Cliar- Durlan !. Kathy Ann Proj'^L Fi(*d lotie, Xortli (’arolin.i, .\Ir. Fre'd B. Voge*! and .Mice e;ayl\n Hege’. e:hk J. l-'rank. Dcmm nf Student J. V. Scliweppe, 1(km1 lAninda- personne*!, Washington & JcTfor- tion Age'll! anel Plant Manage'i* son Colle’ge*, Washington. Penn- for PPG Inelusirle.s at .Slielhy, sylvania. and Mr. Jame's D. Far- said the finalists we're* eleiermin- rar. .\sseieiate Dean of Stude'iits ed ein the basis of llie’ir scexres on anel Direc'lor of Admissions, the National Meiit Scholarship Wasliington it Le'c Qualifying Test given last yevir Lexini:ton, Virginia, and will be eoni[H’ting for the Su.-!i significant factors as four-ye'ar ward valued up to Svholastic record, princip^il’s en- tho $6,<)(X). (lorse'inent. motivation, leader- .Mr. Schwe’iijx* emphasized. “Tlie sliip. and other iM*rsimality char- An on-site conference' of Revle- Xational Merit Scholarship (.Yu- Cffntinucd On Pngr Eight More'liead conimente*d that he would not go into de'lail as to why he didn’t vole for Newman but aflde*d. “I will not work against Iiirn. If I had be'e*n in favi»r ed Newman I would have voted. .Now I’m willing to wail and see how' this works out.*' Commi.ssioner Charles Grci’iie, who vote'd against the I'ounty manag(*r profH)sal la.'it week be cause he felt the manager sliould also bear the title of industry eliairman, commented during •Monday’.'* special s<*ssion. "In hir ing George Nenvman I feel we have a man wh * knows* and un derstands the probh'ins of ilu? people of Cle’Vi'l.ind County. 1 al so fcc'l ih:jt he has first-hand k’lcwledgt* of Ioial. stale and fed- e*ral iirograms which would lielp Cleveland County a great deal.” Reading from a prepared state ment. Greene also suggeste'd the .services of the ne’w county man ager be* offere'd to all of* Cle've- land County to the chambers of eommcrk'e in Shelb.v, Upper Cie'veland and Kings .Mountain — espe'cially to Kings- Mountain as th(*y work into their lake project. “I w«iuld also like t<i ask the IM’oph* ol Cl(*\ eland County to give this board a ehanot' to prow It has niaeh* a wise decision,” Gre'cne said. B. K. (Pop> Simnitins. chairman of the board, concurred with Ihiivci'sity, Greene’s comments. Gn'cne commented later that pe’ople would probably want to know why he had voted for New man Monday aft<‘r voting again.st hiring a county nuinager only a week before.

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