Population Greater Kings Mountain 2I.9M I gk City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 W City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9300 Wngi MouBicdD llgur« !• d«riT*<l iiom Um if!!**** StaUi Bur«ou of tbo Couus roport o fanuary 18U. and ineludos tha 14.9f0 populgtlea o "UBiMr 4 Tewnahip. and the ramaining •,124 froa nuouMr 5 Township, In Claveland County ond Cfowdar* jTownship la Gbsten County. r w VOL 81 No. 9 Established I8y9 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, February 27, 1969 Pages Today Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTS KM Hospital Will Receive Bids On Addition April 3 Political Gossip Lists “Possibles” I Opposition Slate For Incumbents 'Being Talked \ By MARTIN HARMON Bill Dover reported in the I I Southwest Area Likely Ward 6 White To Draw Implementing Legislation 35 More Beds .. iT inTwo-stoiy Mfs. Houser, Orr, Structure ' ^ RESIGNS — Rev. Darrell Coble, pastor of Eastside Baptist church the past five years, hos resigned his pastorate to be come pastor of Floyd Baptist church in Floyd, New York. He will assume new duties March 9th, Sheioy Daily Star last Friday :that a political group, individuals! ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Peter unnamed, was being formed for. Connei, of Asheville, is the as- thc purpose of unseating mem-', sistant director of Kings Moun- t bei's of the present administra-i toin Redevelopment Commis- , tion. ' sion. I The five incembont commis- , sioners paid (heir filing fees last week. ^Iayu^ John Plenry Mo£|i; VvUlId JvIlM has not yet filed but is regarde<l, a sure candidate. There were noi #P f ■ : filees through Wednesday. , vOlUllllSSlOll , Reporter Dover quoted the un- 'named spokesman as saying the| peter Connet, the new assistant matter, and it'was the advice of 'group expected to field iw'o can- ; director of the Kings Mountain j Ernest Ball to make bounds of didates for each office. Redevelopment Commission bev the new' w’ard the same as the| , Some names, rightly or wrong- gan his duties Mon.lay, February! bounds of the area recently in-; ; ly, were getting circulation in 17. ! ewporated. ! political circles this week. Mr. Connet was born in Ashe-1 There had been some thought! ^ Harold Phillips, By MARTIN HARMOl; The city commission is ex|>ected to seek an act of the General As sembly to amend the city ciiar- ter to provide for a sixth city | ! Ward and sixth city commission-1 I er. I ' Present indications are that theij I new ward will encompass thei southwest area of the city newly j incorrorated in Decembei*. . Senator Jack White, also city I attorney, conferred with League I of Municipalities officials in Ra leigh last week concerning the PROMOTED — John O. John son has been promoted to the position of superintendent of the knitting department Craftspun Yarns. at Coble Besigns Eastside Post Hospital Gets Duke Endowment { By MARTIN HARMON I Kings Mountain Hospital is in- ’ viting bids on the projected t;w'o- ' story addition to be received Ap ril 3. Legally refjuirod advertising ot ibid invitations will begin Friday, ; March. i Scope oT the project as outlined by ho.spital officials and archi tects is: j 1. A two story structure of seme 28,030 scjuare feet with ade-: quate foundation to support two| <2) additional stories at a later ! dat<. I 2. The first floor will include j a new operating room suite, re- j covery room, pharmacy, labora-' tor\, (ontral supply, and Lobby- j wailing area. | I 3. The second floor will be a j patient area of 35 beds 27 1 private rooms and 4 semi-private I rooms, nurses station, utility stor- ; age, and treatment room. ! 4. A basement will hou.se the. ] air handling and other mechani-; i cal equipment. i I .0. An additional boiler house will be constructed for heating' i re(|uircmonts of the new build-j ' ing. 6. Renovations in old building 1 will include enlarged X-Kay De partment, emergency and outpa-j tient treatment areas, outpatient | waiting area, and enlargement ofj administrative and business off-; ice areas.. 1 I 7. Additional parking sp-ace. j I FIXAXriNG: 1. $5()0.()0t).00 Cleveland County Maner Renamed B. F. MANER city commis- ville. He is the son of the late; among city commissioners about |~; sioner 1953-55. w'as reported a! John L. Connet, a music profes-: a slight re-alignment, perhaps us-| likely candidate for mayor. sor at Warren Wilson College, ing West Mountain or West King In Ward 1, James K. Downey Swannanoa. and Mrs. John L. street as the boundary. ■vvas being mentioned as a dial-! Conner, who is employed by the Mr. Ball said it was his opinion longer for Ray Cline. !Black Mountain Presbyterian in various in line would reciuire In Ward 3, J. Ben Hord and Church and makes her home in' a new registration of voters, Clavon Kelly were probables a-; Swannanoa. throughout the city, not merely Kings .Mountain’s 77 bed hospi- gainst T. J. Ellison. , .Mr. Connet attended Charles D- in the two wards concerned. tal received an appropriation to Rev. Darrell Coble has I'esign- In Ward 4, Tom Dellintgcr, Bud- Owens high school, Swannanoa, .Mayor John Henry Moss said ^ taling $5,274 by the Duke Endow-i bond issue of Feh. 1964 sold Jan t‘d as pastor of Eastside Baptist, Medlin, Roy Pearson, Dewey where participated in school! this week the necessary.bill wilL rnent this week. 'uai-v average maturity 4.133 per- church to accept a call to Floyd Styers and Paul Ledford were athletics and was a class officer.'be drawn introduced by the Appropriations totaling $2,087,-1 cent invested in banks here at Baptist church in Floyd, New getting mention as challengers to’. in 1965. Mr. Connet entered local delegation as qL ickiy as en-, 166 are beinJ^ distributed fo lios- six 'percent three months six York, effective February 26. Norman King. 'East Carolina University and gineers complete a de.scription of pitals and child care insututions: and one-half longer periods 1 During his pastorate of In V^jxrd o, John Cam said he graduated in November, 1968.. the bounds. in the Carolina*, including Cleve-I s. Pnblfr sinwcripttonR of' pars at Eastside the ehtirch has was considering a bid against with a EA degree in geography The city commission customari- janj Memorial at Shelby, 277 $246 168(X) lown greatly in membership. Mrs. O. O. Walker. and city planning. ly formally calls the biennial:beds, $13,125.03; Rovster .Memor-;' 3 Additional funds are expo* t- Tho church has pur.’hased more Rev. James Adams, who lives .Mr. Connet is married to the May election in Mar.h, when it iai. Boiling Springs, 40 beds,led from foundation grants t land and has a building fund for in Ward 2, said ho anticipated a fonner Caroline Dale Aiken, des&»nates polling plac*es and ap- $1,03; and Gaston Memorial, Gas-1 4 xo Federal or State funds a new parsonage. I Negro candidate would offer. daughter oif .’^r. and Mrs. Charles points election officials. tonia, 225 be<ls, $9,346. have be<-n allocated for the pro- He graduated from Fruitland Ward 6, if created as expected, jH. Aiken of Black Mountain, Bible Institute and Pastoral Care would be all new as far as can-'Crescent Hill Road, at Baptist Hospital in Winston didates are concerned, with James Sale*!. He also attende<l Gardner B. Dii key’s name already in cir- Webb college. culation as a possible candidate. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coble of Troy, N. C. He is MRS. GEORGE HOUSER There has been little public married ta The'Torme.:'Phyll* comment as yet on board of edu- Roseman, daoshter of Mr, and cation candidates, where terms of Mrs. C. W. Roseman of Concord, They have one daughter, Paula Rae. The Cobles will be in Pioneer Missions in New York. They start their new work March 9. Eastside honored their pastor and family with a covered dish luncheon just after the worship service Sunday, February 23 which w'as their last Sunday at Eastside. They also gave him a love offering as a present from the church. Their new address will be Rev. Darrell Coble, Route 1, Stittsville, XtAV York 13469. Vickie Williams Off Critical List Chairman George H. Mauney and James E. Herndon are expiring. Six-Year Term For Mrs. Gantt Mrs. Dorothy Frances Clonin- ger Gantt was sentenced to a six-year term in federal prison in U. S. District Court in Greenville, S. C., Wednesday. She plead guilty to receiving money which had been stolen from Blacksburg State Bank at i Grover on February 2, 1968. ' Vickie Williams was playing and laughinfiT and wanting to come home, a visitor to her hospital room said Wednesday afternoon. The six-year-old Kings Moun tain girl underwent open heart surgery Friday to eorrtvt sev eral eongenital heart dOIects. •She was taken off the critical list at Charlotte Memorial hos pital several days ago. She is the daughter of Mrs. Minnie Williams of the Bethle hem community. The youngster is a patient in Room 716 at Charlotte Memor ial hospital. Due On Tuesday RentA^liution six.poij,j Piogiam Piesented ,!®PuFo West School Traffic Safety By Statute (second Tuesday aft- Announcement of the appropri-^ect. er the first Monday*, this years ations was made Monday by;' Architects: election will he May 13. 'James R. Felts, Jr., executive di-' 'pbe Freeman & White Associ- rector of the Hospital and Child ates of Charlotte, North Carolina. IIJjIm Care sOMions of the Endowment. WwAlv* DOim DlUw Mr. Fells explained that tV-nds s . provided to assist the hospitals iHIIITOVdllGllt f in operating expenses amount to $1 a day for each day of charityj ^ __ , I The Local Government Com- care reported in the fiscal year'|M|£|0f|f|ff mission in Raleifeh will receive .which ended September 30, 1968. «TAvwaMKy sealed bids untiPll a.m. Tuesdayl In North Carolina 129 hospital 'on $3,000,000 at City of Kings are receiving $942,328 and 26 Mountain water bonds. | child care institutions, $417,43-1. Issuance of the bonds were ap-' — proved by a vote of citi'zens on ||| December 5. 1967, by a margiiv ItClQ llallGV of 20 to 1. fer the Buffalo CTeek' * i^^The^boncis will mature annual-jlKlIgJ III ArtlOll ily on April 1 as follows: t mi ! 1970 to 19S3, inclusive, $1()0,0(K1; ' 1984, $110,000; 1985 to 1993, inclusive, $120,000; i 1995. $1.50.(XK); j 1996, $110,000. 1 : Tboic is nopri...- payment <-!'■ o.l sucres, (.'f cmmR ;,mor City, wL kill«l in action; J"” ‘mproventents w.il be Rev. Phillip Williford of Cleve land, Ohio, will make the address! at the regular meeting Sunday ofj the Kings Mountain Improve ment Association at 4 p.m. at XTestibulc AME Zion chuirh. \ Mr. Williford was recently nam ed coordinator for the associa tion’s efforts in s<H«kmg job’ op-| The war in Vietnam has claim- portunities for Negroes. Mr. Willi-^ ed the life of another Gaston ford is pastor of five Righteous, County serviceman, Pfc. Reid Church of God coagregations in: Nancy, of Bessemer City. Cleveland County, ' Nancy, son of Jcx^ and Evelyn WILUAM ORR Firitl National City Bank. New; York, N. Y.. is the paying agent. ing Authority will accept rental applications again on Saturday,! ■ larch 1st, and Saturday, March ih. Mrs. Kenneth R. Roberts will be at City Hall courtroom both Saturdays from 9 a.m. until 12 noon to take applications from lOvV income families. At close of business March Sth, no more applications will be re ceived until Juno 1. Thomas W. Harper, housing authority director, reported that 52 applications have been reed Vr ed. Thirty-two persons, 16 W'hite and 16 Negro, have applied /or housing for the elderly. Twenty families, including 15 Negro and five White have applied for fam ily housing. It is anticipati.'d the 150-unit project will be underway in ear ly spring and that some units will be ready for ociupancy by Sep tember. The Public Housing Authority will build units in a variety of si/cs from what is labeled a “no biKlroom'’ unit to a five-bedroom unit on nine sites in various sec tions of the city. Thirty of the 150 units are be ing designed especially for the elderly and will bo constructed in the Dilling-Ridge street area. OfhcT sites are located on Cans- lor street, Baker street, Grace street, and the former Davidson elementary school property. Rental r.ites have not been es tablished and will not ho until B)sl of the project is obtained and c(*ntructs let. The safety committee of Interest ly. Donominfition of bonds will bej the $.5,fX)0, unless the successful bid February 23. He was serving j with Company C, 1st Bn., 27th In-; i * WAlll 11 U'd 11J K^m i*M ^llJI 4ir is payable scmi-anrfaal-: ^ • * t r * i~x • ij* i/eij'i 1C • ifantiy Regiment, Infantry Divi FIRST AID COURSE Sion. The young soldier is also sur- An advanced first aid train ing course is being sponsored ■I Mis. Goiorth's Rites Condneted $1,030 by his wife, Susamo ScjN* by the Grover Rescue Squad. It ;ers Nancy, and their daughter, is a 16ho.ur course, Uvo nights Call Wilson Is Nominated Land Mine Costs SP/4 Boy Buff Both Feet In Action In Vietnam DECORATED — U. S. Air Force Capt. James R. Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donold L. Parker of Kings Mountain, has been decorated with the Air Medal at Carswell AFB, Texas. Cap tain Parker was awarded the medal for his outstanding air manship and courage as a KC- 135 Stratotanker novigator on successful and important mis sions under hazardous condi tions in Vietnam. Receiving his bachelor's degree from The Citadel in 1965, he was com missioned there upon comple tion of the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps pro- gram« [West School Parent-Teacher as- der requests issue in jsocialion has recommended a nominations. jjjjj I six-point program to the city com- Bidders must deposit a SGO.CMK), . . u,, 'mission for improvemont of traf- rortifiod ohock as P<>>-fo™ance' Sisk f unm al Homo has^harge, I fie safety in the West Sohool, guarantee. '^vlin SaroMhe i area. ' The bonds have the unciualificd gaiihal ot th^ody. ^ I John W. Cain, chairman, pro- approving opinion, of Mitchell,' ! sented the recommendations to Petty anj Shotterly, New York' j the commission Tuesday night. 'attorneys. ' I 1. The speed limit the school 1 I zone should be cut to 15 mph be I tween the hours of 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 and 4:tK)p.m. Also, I a speed limit sign should be erected on Wattorson Street, j 2. A “No Parking” sign should be erected in front of the school (.Qjyjmander of Otis dA I house on the far side of the street ^55^ American Legion, [ (Mountain StreetI. succeeding Carl V. Wiesener. I 3. Remove pedestrian lines, a slate of candidates was nom-1 painted on pavement in front of tnated by a nominating commit- I school house. February 14th and will be 4. No turns (either left or membership at^ right) at intersection oif Moun- ^londav night's regular meeting tain and Wattorson Streets dur-, the Post Hall. York road. At the April meeting on April 7th, nominations will be open from the floor. On Monday, May 5th, elections will be held. Other nominees for offices n- elude: First Vico Commander,;! Hubert Aderholdt; .Second Vice Fain Hambright. ing above-stated hours. 5. Wattorson Street one-way (south to north* from GoldStreid to King Street during above-, stated hours. 6. A flashing “school zone’ light should be erected one block Funeral rites for Mrs Morgan Goforth, 64, were held! Monday afternoon at 3:30 from a week, three hours a night. ! Chestnut Ridge Baptist church, Anyom* wishing to take the 1 interment following in Mountain course should contact Capt. Rest cemetery. Mrs. Goforth, wife of Joe Go forth, died Friday night at 9:30 in the Kings Mountain hospital after a lengthy illness. A native of Great Falls, S. C., she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Spence Morgan. She was widow of Lloyd Stogner and William A. Small. Kelly Dixon Low Bidder On Basement The city commission reappoint ed three members of city com missions Tuesday. Bob Maner, chairman, and Mrs. George Houser, vice-chair man, to five-year terms on the city planning board. William Orr, to a five-year term on Kings Mountain Public Housing Authority, Inc., In oiner actions, the commis sion: 1) On recommendation of its j engineering firm, extended time of Blythe Brothers & Company for completing the sOA'age im provement to May 1 from March 20. W. K. Dickson & Company representative Dennis Fox told the board said a change order added $33,0CK) in work to the Blythe contract. The extension means that the city waives until May 1 the $100 per day penalty clause for late completion. 2) Accepted $4,888.97 low bid of Kellq Dixon for remodeling the 1437 square foot City Hall basement. J. Wilson Crawford bid $5,432 and J. Hobart Dye bid $5,4W.25. Kings Mountain Rede velopment Commission, whicli will have quarters in the remod eled basement, will provide $1225 of the cost. 3) Approved contract for main tenance of trafiic control devices on state highways within the city limits. The highways are U. S. 74 (King street, city limits to city limits), N. C. 216 (Cherrjwille road city limits to south city lim its on Battleground avenue), and N. C. 161 (Bessemer City road south on York road to 1-85 bridge). Mr. Peterson's Bites Conducted Funeral rites for William Rob ert Peterson, 71, of 314 Waco J road, were held Sunday at 3:30 ‘ p.m. from Temple Baptist church of which he was a member. Rev. Frank Shirley officiated at the final rites and interment vvas in Mountain Rost cemetery. Mr. Peterson died Saturday I morning at 3 a.m. in the Kings i Mountain hospital after illness j of several years. He was a native of Cleveland ~ County, son of the late Mr. and , Mrs. William Jack Peterson. He ; was a retired grocer. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. jBeatrk*e Kennedy Peterson; a Ison, Charles Kennedy of Kings ; Mountain; a daughter, Mrs. Onzie Lena' of Shelby; a brother, ' J. P. Peterson of Kings Moun tain; two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Blackwell of Inman, S. C. and Mrs. Fred Newton of Fayette ville; and four grandchildren. Mr. Campbell's Rrothei Passes Funeral services for Arthur A. Campbell, 68, of Florence. S. C., Surviving are three sons, Have-I Herman Campbell of Ion Stogner Of Tampa, Florida; Mountain, were held Wed- *!Aundria C. Small of Kings Moun- J^^s^ay at 3 p.m. from Florence ■ tain and William Dale Small of Presbyterian church, inter- tl SP 4 Roy Ruff, 22, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ruff of 7310 Midpines, lost both 'feet afti'r be ing "hit by fragnu'nts from ai hostile mine in action in Viol- William Dale Small of nam", Sunday, tiie .Secretary Nasliville, Tennessee; throe following In Mount Hope the Army notified his parents via! Jiaiigiuors. Mrs. ElizaiKMh Black^*^^‘^**^*>’* telegram Monday. of Wichita, Kansas; Mrs. Janice Campbell die<l Monday in The Kings Mountain man. Marino and Mrs. Lathine McLe- ? Florence hospital after a brief j member of a Fifth Si:ecial Forces ^^ore of Columbia, S. C: four: I team in Vietnam, had been sla- hrothers, DaO'a Morgan, Townley HeiTnan Campbell died 17 I tioned in Vietnam, since Septem- Morgan, Mortimer Morgan and ago. |bcf20. Tesse Morgan, all of Great Falls,^ bq., vovemher 97 lonn Mr j Mr. Uulf said the telegram re- s. C. and two sisters. Mrs. <^ypsyl son’of tho lain lated that iVuff suflered sieoler and Mrs. Algie Dickerson, rr a Mnlo'-in pjimrhoii miH viar r.agmontali..n wounds to the both of G.rat Falls. S. C. AlsJ Bl^ CamoTtK right fool and loft log rosulting; surviving aro 12 grandohildron. assoerted wUh in amputation of (lu* right foot hov. Mitchell Pruitt officiated at the ankle and surgical ampu- at the final rites. to Tire Company. each way from school on Moun- Command<‘r, Carl Wiesener; Ad- tain Street to flash duiing the jutance Finance Officer. Joe M<'* above-stated hours. Daniel. Jr.; .Sergeant-At-Arms, Chairman Cain said it is ho|XHf. David Delevic; Sergeant-At-Arms. that one-side loading and unload- Jake Brid.ges; Historian. John W. ing of school children can be Gladden- Service Officer, Gene maintained to eliminate the haz-:Steffy: Chaplain, Bill MCSwain: ards of children darting between' Executive Committee. Jay Powell,j .movin gautos. j Lindherg Dixon, Dion Broiwn,! Cunlinuvd On Payv Six . Clinton Jolly and Geno Gibson. I WOUNDED IN ACTION — SP/4 Roy Ruff, 22, a member of a Fifth Special Force* team in Vietnam, was wounded in action in Vietnam Sunday, his family was notified Monday. I tation of the l<*ft Ic I ankle. j The telegram continued that Rulff would l>e given the “best I medical attention.” Mr. Huff said I his son’s address is RA 1280S106 I Hospital Mail Section APO San I Francisco, California 96381. I The Kings Mountain service- ! man would have completed his Cuniinuid On Piujv Six close to the Nephews of Mrs. Goforth serv-i Other survivors include his ed as active pallbearers. GROVER SPEAKER A member of the faculty of the Department of Religion at Davidson college will fill the pulpit at the Sunday morning worship hour at 11 a.m. at Gro ver’s Shiloh diuivh. wife, Mrs. Ruby Tiller Campbell; one son, Arthur A. Campbell of Columbia, S. C.; one daughter, Mrs. John S. Bennett, Jr. of Mar ietta, Ga.; ‘a brother, Ernest B. Campbell of Raeford; three sis ters, Miss Margie Campbell, Mrs. James Bostic and Mrs. E. \V. Me- Presbyterian j Call, all of Laurinburg. Also sur- *vivliig arc sL\ grandciiildrea.

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