1969 -X WV K ^/ll^ V \ ’ 7////it’ ■■HV : NEW LOOK IN HAIR FASHIONS Modeln iv thf recent Hair De.^tgn Show HinmHorvd by the l\\)\(jfi Mountain hbjU srhool C()f*mctn stocks an public speaking contest in District II DECA ('om.pctition recently. Students Win DECA Contests In District -Mrs. George Moss reported that the club was an Honor Club *or liie past year. A nominating committee was appointed at this meeting. The club voted to plant memor ial trees at the Hospital in mem ory of two deceased charter mem bers, Mrs. W. E. Blakely and Mrs. Campbell. T'he hostess course. served a swe(‘t Saturday: 9:00-12 p.m. American Legion dance for members and guests at the American Legion Hall. Mu sic by the “New Sounds.’’ Monday: 7:30- Circle 4 of First Presby terian church at the home of Mrs. Margaret Ward, 60S West Mountain street. Wednesday: 3:30 Kings Mountain Garden club at the Kings Mo-untain high school greenhouse. .Mrs. Vernon Crosby and Mrs. W. L. Mauney, program ehairmen. PERSONALS Mrs. R. H. Leagon of South Hill, Va. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bc*n F. Beam and family. Mrs. Lx’-agon came espeidally to attend the fun(?ral (Hf her broth er, B. H. Hamel, of Lincointon. Two Kings .Mountain high school students won honors at the District II DECA (Distribu tive Education Ck bs of America i Contest, held February 26 at Hunter Huss liigb school in Gas tonia. Junior Wanda Kay Blanton was aiwanlod first place in the Girl Stud(‘nt-(.r-tlic-Y(*ar compe tition and will represent the dis trict at the .State contest in Ra leigh lat(‘r tliis montji. Joe Cornwell, senior, was s('c- ond place winner in tlic Public Hamel Relatives Here For Funeral Mrs. (diarh's Hariill of Ciear- wat('r, Fla. and .Mr. and Mrs. William E. Harmon of Winns- boro, .S. C.. were weekend g.L«.*sts of Mr. and Mrs. B( n F. Beam, coming (‘spc’cially to attend the funeral of, tlieir uneh*, J3. H. Ham('ll. of Linc( Inton. Mrs. llarrill is daughter an,! Mr. Harmon is soi; of Mr. and Mrs. Beam. Speaking contest and will also attend the statewide conference. Other Kings Mountain DECA students going to Raleigh are Mike Bennett. Jimmy .Mauney. Paul Thombs, and Elaine Wells. East Side WMS Is Sponsoring Week Of Prayer The Women’s .Missionary Socie ty of East Side Baptis* church is sponsoring Week of Prayer for Homo Missions (his week. 'The week’s program will be climaxed with a play. “Annie Armstrong. Daughter 'of Desti ny", Sunday night, ('athy Car- roll will i)ortray Annie Arm strong. GA’s of the chui'i'h liad charge of tlie program on Monday night. HA’s will hav(* charge of the .service on Friday niglit. SiK'cial offerings during I Ik* month go to the Annif* Arm- slroi^ Home Mission Fund. IN MEMORIAM 'Dtis February meeting of tlie Town and Country Garden Club is a sad one for all of us. We have lost by d'‘ath a char ier member, Elva Campbell. Her pn'.sence is lost to us but the spirit of this gracious talent('(l woman will long rest within all of our hearts. We have indeed been privileged to work with lier, to know the joy of her creativity and to stand proud as this wom an's talents represented our club. Virginia ArncJte and I uatehed her ({Uirkly and deftly put to gether a still life for the past Woman’s (dub Fall Festival. Jt was one of (lie most creative and bi'autiful displays there and once again Town and Country Garden Club stood proud. Kings Mountain will miss Elva Campbell. She gave unstintedly of her self to many civic projects. Our members send to lier l>is- band, Herman, and two sons. Joe and Sandy deepest symjiathy in their loss. To Elva. You caught the beau ty of th<* world and held it for a little wliile within your hands. H(*len Cornwell Logan, President Heh'n R. Blantcm, Soiletary Virginia Arnetlc, Tieusurer James Toole, d<‘pu y director of CJcvela'ul (’ounty Community Action, will he gue.«t s}jeaker at Thursday night's meetip - of the American L<’gion Auxiliaiy. .Memrors will m< (‘t a: 7:.30 at ‘h(* home of .Mrs. Pa. I .Mauney on Margiace road, Mrs. John H. Muss, dub presi dent. will presicU*. Antiques Fair In Charlotte This Weekend The Original National Antiejues Fair will again lx* back in Char lotte's Park Center Auditorium on King Street March .T-b-T. This Fair, unlike the otiiers in tlx* area, is sponsored by teh Colonel Adam Alexander Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo lution. and attend Crussnore School. Exhibitors will come from New Hampshire to Miami, and will bring a wide range of fine an- ti(jues including Period Furniture. PJarly American and Vdelorian Furniture. A new Exhibitor. Mr. E