Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9300 Th« Oraotst Kings Mountain figuro Is dtrlnsd ffom Uio spsoial Unitsd States lurtau ol the Census report o Tanuary 1966. and Includes the 14,990 population e Number 4 ToNenshlp. and the remaining 9.124 Iron Number S Township. In Cleveland County and Crowder la Qaston CewBty» Kings Mountain's Reliablo Newspaper VOL 8r No. 17 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, April 24, 1969 Sevent\*-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTS ator White Introduces RevisedLake AuthorityBill Ol lacking Picks Up Steam; iXimeT Three More Candidates File tomiuy Bridges. Iharles Ballard iboupe File City poli'ics picked up steam thi^ week as three more taiuli-. dates threw their hats in the' pol^icai arena. I Afldiiion of candidates Tommy- P. Bridges, Ward III, Charles E.; Ballawl, Ward V^ and George M. t Stro(^, Ward VI, brings to 20: the ifumbor of candidates for six i Ci y'Hall seats and two positions on’the board of education. T/i® new developments moan a fivre man race in Ward III, a three-man race in Ward V and a three man race in Ward VI. In V w \ Kacc lifling of numerous street Was votcj Tuesday night by the city commission. Bids will be reccised at the May 13th cit> board meeting on the followin.j improvements: Curb and Gjt er: Floyd street from York road to Oriental Ave nue; Third street from Linwood road to dead end: Mauncy ave nue, from York road to Laura stieet. Paving: William,; street, from Edgemont Drive to dead end; niglU entered into agreement^ UoxfoiTl road. 215 feet to Down- with Gaston County, J. E. Hern- jncr s reel* 1200 feet on Downing don Company and Kinder Manu-; street. facto ring Company for installa-i Rj'surfacing: First street from tion of a sewer line from Bic'Linwood road to dead end; North KM. Gaston Are Contracting For Pipeline The city commission Tuesday Two Legislators Still ^n» Apart On Lake Bill city to the Kings Moun'ain Indus trial Park to serve the two in dustries. Moss Reiterates KM's Position On Lake Bill Kingj, Mounldln Mayor John Henry ‘>Ioss issued the following statement yesterday, sotting for- h Kings Mountain s position on the Kings Mountain x-ako Au- m CONSIDERING 'illiam Orr was being en- •uraged by friends to offer ns .a candidate fo.- Ward 5 Cem- mNsionor Wednesday afternorm, ho told the Herald. Mr. Orr said he Imd not definitely decided whether he will offer as a can didate. u TOMMY P. BRIDGES The project is being carried out under Gaston's policy for extend- 11 ing water and st w^er service to I' in:lustries o u ‘ s i d o municipal f Ward V Richa:d (Dick) Shanoy an.l Charles E. Ballard challenge Mrs. O. O. Walker. In Ward HI, Tommy P. Brid;es, Roy Pearson, Alfred Tucker and R. Coleman Stroiipe challenge T. J. Ellison, j In newly-created Ward 6, there; is a three-way contest I^etween, Mrs. Sapah (Sis) Joae<;. Jim .Rickey and George Stroupe. ' ^Monly two candid^ites are wi'h- ^mit opposition. Mayor John Hen-i rrx Moss is unop'posed for a third rerm at City Hall and Ward 1 Commissioner Ray Cline is unop- ^sed. The filing deadline is Mon-j Jerry Mullinax is challenging' Comm. W. S. Biddix in Ward II and Thomas Dellinger and Dewe.v Styerj, are challenging Commis sioner Norman King in Ward 4. Unopposed for re-election to the board of education are Chair man George H. Mauney and James E. Herndon, Jr. Tommy P. Bridges, Secretary and Treasurer of Bridges Auto Par‘s, and President of Lincoln- ton Aviation Tnc., filei Wednes- Gaslon, from Parker to North] thority Hill Battleground; North'Pracy street Said tiie Mayor: from Kinj s rect to Childersj “The Kings Mountain Lake street: Mo-ita Vista Drive, from| Authority Bill No.3l>4, intiwuced Wilson to Falls street; Wacojand amended by Senator Jack road, from Gantt to Wattorson! White, is a most excellent ana street. | lair bill to'all. It prov.des for ‘hi I iwundaries. The two industries arc J;*". ®aid that; establishment ofthe Kin;;s Moun financins the projeet-and are tx-l f''"''* >mprovemen s are; tain Lake Authority wnh sevei mg reimbursed on JiHlly Gas "" ! members-from the City of Kir.gi ton county for thfl|K thp n-iP iniidp puvng Will Of Kmgs Moun'ain to osiablisi : Conlrart'was awardcd^ndAs’'>’e zoning commission that pro Brohers to install the line a*a other streets These ineludo Cher- vides for fivx- mem.ters. Hire, eontract pri-«.- of $37,.-,32. ‘“'7' GotorMi Woodland Drive, from Kings Mountain and ; . . , ... ., and Fo^-d street. He said contract-, from Cleveland County. rn:s bil , This IS a good oxarnnle • or is Nenle Hawkins. i also pmvides the City of Kingi ! he mavor, of cooperative effort eovcral other actions related to Mountain and Lake Aulhoriij * policing powers of the waters, and by the t ify of Gastoiia. This board acccoied petitions fheso three provisions arc abso ventui-e should he good invest three renuesfed p-niec*s: lutcly necessary for 'he orderly mont for both of us . he added. paving, curb and cutter of Cald-^evelopment of this lake, so lha street from Fulton road to r may sciwc its fullest potentia Tins a;reemcnt established a \fqrior road; curb and gutter of, to our citizens, most excellen beginning for Mane" roa I from Phifer road to. -1 (and the city board has appifived) he be lieves will .in-^wei’ the ob|(»ctions voireil by indl\ idu«iU an i suhse of Kings Mountain and Lake Au thority have policing powers of the waters. The city hoard on Monday night adopted resolutions am(?ndin.» the Senate Bill 361 and issiiorl this statement ( f polie\ : “Until such time the lake .r ea is develo; ed GEORGE M. STROUPE Band Wins High Bating The Senior Band of Kings Mountain high school received a rating of "Superior" in Group IV at the annual high school band contests held Saturday in Marion. Only two bands received the ‘op rating. Kings Mountain and Dave Weathers' Father Passes t^present# tive in the N. ; Le risl^tui'o, Cleveland County I comnffcssioncrs, and the Clove- j land County Planning Board to • support the pa.ssage of this bill." In other action, the board: Approved two rezoning mat ters; the Maude Plonk Harper property located at the South- EasLwes intersection of King street and Canterbury road from R 8 to general business: and ap 1 Funeral rites for Maurice ^ , proved the rezoning of Julia W.; Weathers. 71. of Shelbv, father of |•1|Aff1atMl1AI1 Kiser’s propt'rly loratn at the] Rings Mountain Heraid Mechani- “VjJiatlllMWM south side of King street near cal Superintendent Dave Weath Canterbury road from R-8 to ox^, were held Sunday at 4 p.m general business. Readver'ised for bids for a center mountt'd hydraulic derrick installed in connection with an First Baptist School Books Open DELEGATES — Dlone Trica top« and Debbie Timms will repre sent American Legion Post 155 i Auxiliary ot Tar Heel Girls' State to be held in June. Girls' State I Delegates Named Diane Tria, daughter of Mr.I quenllv by the county board of wh(Me’.:v codes and soh iivision commissioners and ilie county regulations are neci'ssary for or- p’.aiiniig hoard. Two nicmlxns of derly developmen*. the city’s pol- the (ounly planning Ixiard. .1. Ol icy shall remain for zoning only." ! li(‘ Ilu’iisand Carl Fingei, pics- Copies of the resolution were ent for Monday night’s approval, mailed to Senator While. Repre- (jf the revisions, say ‘hey favor; sentatives W. K. Mauney, Jr. , and sec no reason whv the plan- Rob<»rt (Gob) Fall.s and Robevt Inin; hmifl should not approve .Tones and Senator Marshall I the amended hill. Raiieh. ' It is Representative Mauney’s' J. Ollie Harris. Kings Mountain j contention that all the projierty mortician, a member of the coun- aiound the lake, since la.\e^ “riu* county gets the present for the meeting. He said, money lor the taxes and should “I no reason why the plan- bo ro'^ponsibh' for police protec- ning board should object to this tion,” said Mr. Mauncy. .Senator ^dl, as revi.sed. White said policing costs could S<'nator White reiterated: "It be paid from revenues by the is not mine or Kings Mountain’s City of Kings Mountain from in'ention to usurp fishing and boa’ing permits. and Mrs. John J. Tria, and Dob-, I all-steel utility type line con- ' struct ion and general body. Re- from Shelby’s , , i Registration books for the May, ^ Mr. Weathers, foreman of the 24th schools referendum on issu-1 bie Timms, daugh.cr of Mr. and: Shelby city water department 1 (.Qy^^.w-ide sun-. Mrs. Gene Timms, will attend and city building inspector until tax will open at the! Tar Heel Girls’ State as dele- his retirement in 1966, died Sat-i 28 precincts Saturday. I gates from Otis D. Gi-cen Post jrclay morning in Charlotte, jpe books will be open on three 155, American Le non Auxiliary, after On Page Eight Two Endorse Lake Bill Two members of the ('levi’lan.i llie county’s authority in zoning. I feel si’re ' the citv would zone in accord ance with their planning. But, it’s i important that it be done, also 1 (hat if Kings Moun'ain has au thority over the wat('r in the lake itself, it also have authority over ' the area around if. We don’t want ■•o see honky-tonks clogging the lake area which should be main- day for Commissioner of Ward Bessemer City. 3*, Donald Deai is band director. Bridges said in a formal state- local bandsmen played advertisement is necessary be- • 1 u j* i -n - ment. "For some time I have selections in the competi-| cause only two bids were rccciv- , hospital after illness; gatu ’days. 26th. May 3 and Girls’ State is held annually, county Planning Board Wednes- tained and developed as the ideal watched with interest the growdh Tuesday nWht. ' several months. 1C. • June 22-27 on the campus of the day endorsed Senate Bill :m, tb^ public and recreational area it of Kings Mountain and have de- . 1 He was a native of Cleveland; poRing places in Kings Moun-1 University of North Carolina at Kings Mountain Lake Authority ixm be and should be." s^ed to become active in i‘s lead- Ca# ' Accep ed the Id.v $4,4S1.22 bid County, served as *he county’s; arc: Bethware al Botbware | Gj-eensboro and brings toge'hcr Bill efship. W"e arc attracting new orOwacaSIS 091 of Dixon Chevrolet, Inc. for a, rocorder’s court judge in 1933. Ho j ^ast Kings Mountain at 1 outstanding high school students bfisinoss and industry, and I feel SGEVlCOlllCIt ■ B'uck cab and chassis having a was a member of Shelby First ^ Kings Mountain Fire Departmeni; j? at I can offer now ideas and ■esh approaches to the oxpan- Continued On Page Eight Mauney Heads Hosieiy Club f 0 Charles Mauney. General Man ager of Mauney Hosiery Mills, \v^ elected 1969-1970 president of the Ca'awba Valley Ho.siery club durin'j’ the annual meeting of the • organization in Hickory earlier this month. 1 The 35-yearold hosiery execu-l Jive has served as vice president, of the club during the past year] ' and succeeds J. Hubert GiUx'rl.i (general Manager of Catawba j Hosiery Co., in Ca'awha. The new vice cab-to-axlo dimension of approx- Baptist church, American LZiKion y^est Kings Mountain at the Na Wives whose husbands are t imalcly S-4 inchc.s. Southwell Warren F. Hoyle Post S2, and a (jonal Guard Armory: and Grover stationed overseas may tape ; Motor Co., the only other bidder,| veteran of World War I. [ Grover Rescue Squad, conversations for their hus- ! submitted a bid of $4,610. Surviving besides his .son are regi.stratlon is reejuired. bands via the Red Cross ami ^ , wife, Mrs. Annie Wilson, (^^iRizcns who voted in the gen- WKMT Radio next week. American Red Cross repre sentatives will bo at Radio Sta tion WKMT Monday through Friday from 9 until 11 a.m. to make 'he recordings. Wives interested shotdd call the Red Cross office in Shelby, -187-8594. Approved resolution dividing sons, Bill Weath $20'),000 Utility Fund mon<*\' into Sherman Oakes, Calif, and the General Fund and CapP.'aF jj. ja^R. Outlay Fund. sonville, N. C.; two daughters, Approved the tran.sfor of a Miss Norma Weathers of Shel- taxi franchise from Jack Smith by and Mrs. Bill Reynolds of Ra to W. T. Clary, at .Smith's re- leigh; a sister, Mrs. Charles quest. ' 'Whgh' of Shelby, and 11 grand- Coyifinucd On Page Eight children. KMHSStudentsTakeHonors Carolyn Wright and Sheila| Green, King.s Mountain high president of the' school studen s, were first place association is Cliarlos Jeffers res(*nt \sues that fac<' us are the water! days (b(*gin end of >;ehool day project, recreation, housing, tax- Dec. 19, classes resume Jan. .5); es, and law and order. 1 have Jan. 16, Evaluation Day; March 27- , . . . , , opinions on all of these, any some ; thing other than personalities as i has been done too jnucb in the : past." Shaney said lie would prefer a debate over 'he radio, lie said a e.s resume April 6); Jun(' 3. last day for students: June 4 .5, t(‘aeh- ers days. The calendar contains lw(- day-; which will be used as inclemen' weather make up days. Tlie third and fourth days mi.s.sed birause of Inclement weather will be ! lime and dale could ho .set afteri made up on Saturday v/ith any getting the reaction of the other other days taken off at the spring I two candidates. * vacation.