Population Greater Kings Mountain 2I,9M City Limits (1966 Census) 8|256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) The Craatcr HiDgs MoudioId (Igiiro U derired liom tlM •pecial UnitPd .States Bureau ol the Census report o lemuary 1966. and includes the 14.990 population o Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6.134 Iroa Number 5 Town.'hip. in Cl*‘veland County and Crowder* T«>wTiship In Coston County. VOL. 81 No, 22 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, May 29, 1969 Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTS HUD Approves 50 Leased Housing Units For PHA Mrs. Walker Run-Off Winner, 703 To 432 h KM Lake Work Proceeding Well Dam Construction Underway; Plant Site Near Ready AWARDED BRONZE STAR — Speciolist Four Hobart M. Met- cali has been awarded the Brenze Stai for heroism in Viet- nanii Bronze Star To Metcali Work was proircdiriK at fast pace this work at the King Moun tain Lake site on Buffitlo Creek. Oraciing of site for the four- million gallon treatment plant was virtually complete and work CONDEMNATION Tliore is no question of the i I city’s power of eminent do- main in acciuiring property for the Kings Mountain Lake. Sen ator Jack White, also cit^ at- ; torney said Wednesday. The eminent domain or condemna- lion authority is clearly con veyed in (lenoral Statute 160- 205, he declared, and under Ar ticle 2 Chapter 40 on eminent domain. Several actions have been filed to acquire lake site property. A Kings Mountain s^M•vll‘^»man,^ Si ecialist Four II. M. .Metcalf, is r<‘cipient of the Bronze Star for heroism in Vietnam. lie is the .son of Mr. and Mrs. Ilooait M. Metcalf. His citation read: “For iKM'oism, ill connection with military oper ations against a hostile force, ' x- /■ .u ' Specialist Four Metcalf distin- was underway on a portion of the, guislu’d himself by heroic actions mammoth dam which will im- on March It), lf)r>9, while serving P^>und Buffalos water, with A Troop. 3rJ Sciuadron, 4th Dennis Fox. rcsklent engineer. Cavalry, in the Republic of Viet said a portion of the dam is bt?- nam. VVhile in their night laager ing started on property the city position. A Troop came under in- has aciiuirtKl. t(*nse fire from an <‘Stimated bat- He further estimated that from Uilion si'/cxl enemy force. With 75 to SO percent of the project, (ConCinucd On Pof/e Sixi fContinncd On Pntje Su’^ Cansler Uiban Renewal Project Under Review, Broyhill Reports street project. The Mayor said IT. S. Senators Everett Jordan and Sam Bivin arc urging approval. Mr. Broyhill also told the .Mayor that the posloffice depart-j mont is investigating Kings Moun tain’s needs for additional post- office facilities. Mr.. Broyhill’s letter follows: ' “I appreciate your i*ecGnt cor respondence and your information about the plans for Kings Moun tain. Certainly. I share your en thusiasm over the growth and progress of the city and I com- i mend you and the other city of- I (ConUnuvd on Paift G) U. S. Representative James T Hi'oyhill has informed Mayoi John Henrv .Moss that the appli c-iution for the Cansler Street Ur ban lionewal project is being “ac tively reviewed” by the Housing and Urban Development depart ment in Washin gton. 'The application is for a plan ning gran! of S143,2G3 and a pro ject grant of $1,470,20S. R\n. Broyhill, meantime, com- mentled the city for responding to grow'th “with forward policies and programs". Mayor Moss said he is inviting the Congre-ssman to visit Kings *Mountaiii to inspect the Cansler DELEGATES — Tim Oates, top« and Charles Easley. )r>. will represent Otis D. Green Post 155, American Legion at Tar Heel Boys' State June 15-21 in Wins ton Solem. Boys' State Delegates Named i Tim Oates and Charles (Chuck)' ,W. Easley, Jr., rising seniors at. Kinijs Mountain high school, are delegates to Tar Heel Boys’ State from Otis D. Green Post 155 American Legion. Boys’ Stale will convene June 15-21 on the campus of Wake Forest University in Winston Sa lem. Oates, who expects to study law (Cvntinuvd On PUfje HixJ 1138 Balloted; Five Precincts For Incumbent Kings Mountain citizens Tues-, I day re elected Ward 5 Commis- 1 sioner Mrs. O. O. Walker, return ; ing to City Hall all incumbents I for tlie next two years, i Other members of the Moss i Administration and the only new .face on the board Jim Dickey; I from new-Ward 6, were elected' j in the biennial election May I3lh. j Mrs. Walker will be sworn b> • Magistrate Lee Roberts in oath taking ceremonies Thursday i to day i at 10 a.m. ii^ the courtroom of City Hall. In Tuesday’s run ■ off - where I 1.13S citizens went to the polls— ! .Mrs. Walker took G1 percent of i the vote, leading in all wards e.v 1 cept Ward 6 where she trailed Charles E. Ballard nine voles. In the May 13lh election, a I three-way contest between the 1 incumbent and Challengers Bal- : lard and Dick Shaney, Mrs. Walk- [ er took 47 percent of the vote, ' failing by 3S votes to obtain a I majority. She again led the field j in Wards 1-5. i The final totals Tuesday were: ! Walker, 703; Ballard, 432. Maude Rhea Walker is the first woman to serve on the city com mission in the city’s 95 year his- ! tory. She was serving on appoint- j menl, completing her iatc hus band's term. j Mr, Ballard, Lithium Corpora-! tion personnel manager, entered| the political arena for the first time this spring. In the May 13th election he .garnered 547 votes while Walker swept the field with I 790 and Shaney received 316. 1 _ John Neisler Mother; Two Sons Are Graduating Grandmother Of Ten Gets Degree Sunday TP?: MRS. HOWARD WARE Wins Honor John A. Noisier of Kings Moun-, lain, a senior at Davidson college,!, has beem recognized as a Dis-| tinguished Military Student iDM-, S) for 196vS69 by thf? college’s. Reserve Officers Training Corps department. ! The designation reeugnizos “out-! standing (luaiiFes of leadership! and high moral conduct, a difin-! ite aptitude and interest for mili tary service," plus high academic standings and leadership in cam pus and civic activities, according to Col. Frederick B. Outlaw, head of the ROTC department at Dav-| idson. Neisler is a son of Mr. and^ P. M. Neisler, Jr., of Kings Moua-i itain. TONNIE WARE PETE WARE 'Fliis coniincnctMiu'nt season is a bu.'^y time and particularly lot the lioward Ware housclioUl in Kini»s Mouni-ain. 'I'lierc will be three .graduations in the Ware family tliis week, all from different institutions, topped off by -Motlier Martha who joins j her two sons, Pete, who finishes Friday at Kings .M(nnitaiii higli I sehool. and Tonnic. who grad nates June 6 from Apiialachian State Uni\ei'sity. by rct-oiving hci- sheepskin fiom Gaston college. I Not .so unusual? But consid<‘i Mrs. Martha IPniidon Wan* is mother of sev(*n a grand m6ther 10 limes. Sandwiched bel AC(*n her house hold duties and final exams of lu'r t>wn this wt'ok, Mrs. Ware has found lime to iron a gi'ad- uatioii rolM“ for her youngest s«ni and one for lier.selt. In tlie aiidi ence Sunday when she receives her <iiploma will he pioiicl bus band, Howai.l. a Southern Rail way fireman for 2s years, their seven children and 10 grandehil- dren, and a number of Tamils memliers ineluding lier mother, Mrs. P. I). Herndon. Mrs. Ware admits to m.tking and accepting her aw-n elialieng* before entering Gaston. "I wanted to know if a (^'I'son g(*ts t()o old to learn anJ can y<Hi leai-li an . ohi dog new trii-ks." i lU*!' answer is a resoundin. !“yes". With a beaming smile she 'confidently says. “I cJimbed <mi Citntiniud On Si.r laycees To Sell Light Bulbs Friday Kings Mountain Ja.scec.s will eonduel tlicir annual sale of light bulbs Friday night from 6 un*il 9 p.m. ! Bob Myers, projoi-l chairman, said that proceeds from the sale will help Kpon.sor tlu Jaycei* Lit tle League basohall team and tuher upeornin J Jaycee cummun ily piojccU. PRESIDENT — Clint Rankin. Kings Mountain banker, has been elected president of the newly • organized Kings Moun tain Little Theatre for the com ing year. Little Theatre Elects Rankin Kings Mountain Little Theatre, re-organized liy Knigs Mountain w<nnen's clubs red'iilly. lias elivl-, ed a Kings Mountain banker,< Clint Rankin, as presivienl. Mr. Rankin is associated with First Unioti Naii<»nal Hank. Otlier new oflicers are Mrs.' Robert Cox, via*-pi esident: Miss Klizabetli Antlumy. .MN-retary; and Dr. P. G. Padgi'ti, I I't'asurer. Di- r(*('tors are Mik<‘ l-'oii](*y, Mrs. Nan Jean Grant. Mrs. Lawrence Patrick, Mrs. M. A. Ware. Mrs. Roots M-Daniel, an<i -Mrs. Fred Withers. Mrs llayw<»od K. Lym-h was eliairman <d the nominating com mittee. 'I'he giinij) \oted to meet ciuar- P'rly-ihird rhin sdaysin February. May. August and Novemb(*r and to present the play, “The Curious Savage", by John Patrick, this ((Unitiniml On Six) PHA To Lease; Sroyhill Reports ^ HUD Approval By MARTIN HARMON 'fenlh <iistrict F. .*<. Ri'prescnta- tive JaiiK's 'P. Broyhill W<*dnesday aft<*rni»on notified Mayor Jolin Henry Moss and Tliomas W. liar per, dir<*cior of Kings Moiint-ain Puidic IPuising. Inc., that the De partment of Housing a:id Urban De\»*lopment has ai)provecl appli- (ation lor 5n l(*ased housing units for low* income families. 3'he fift\ units will include ten particularly (U'.-'igncd f<ir the elderly, incliuling ten onc-bedroom units, 21) iwoberlroom units, 16 tiiree-hodroom units, and four four-ro(jm units. 'Phe li'Hscil hou.sing pvogi am is in addition to the .5i)-unit project for wiiich bids are to be n*ceiv<.»d June 6. TIu* leased housing program was includi'd in the public hous ing bill adopted by the U. S. Con gress during the summer of 196S. Under tliis pK^rani the Hous ing Assjstaiici* Allministration of HUD subsidi/os nmtals between tile amount families could (jualify ■to pay lor conventional public liousing and the leas<*.l cost. Maiiitenaiiie and repair are the responsibility of the lessor, not the Public Housing Authority. Ml. Harper said the leased dwelling units v|ill ho wnsiructed in \arious ai'<*as of the city and that se\i'ral builders have ex- jircsscd inti'.est in tlie project, estimated to cost SJOO.OOO. Mayor .Moss said he W'as pi(*as- ' cd t«> learn of the grant approv al. He.noted that at least 24 housing units, tdght on Cansler street and 16 on Poplar Court are .sche.luled for i .izing. “.Many more sub .-standai<i and dcielicl resi dences should he,” ho added. 'riu* Mayor said U. S. Senators Sam Ervin and Everett Jordan supportdi* tile application. 16 Receiving College Diplomas, Bachelor oi Divinity ioi Bundy A nunilK'r o[ Kings Mountain area >lu*lt‘nts are ns-eiving dc- gri'cs from colUgt*s and universi- li(*s iliis nuuilli. Ui\e Ki'igs MciunKiiii students rc.-civcd tlieii’ ilcgrces May I9lh f)t*ni la'noii- Khsne enilcge at Hickoi v. Th(\\ are Mc>. Matgaici l.ogan House;-, wife of It.ni U.mst'r, who iccei\cil her degi-ce n m-imary c'lutaiion; I.vnda \nn Maurcy. daeght(‘r of Mr. and Mis. ttcthge 11 M-iuncy. who recoi' od hei de gree in grammar grade e<lura- lion: Hubert Krautli .Methnnis, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert .Me- Giiiiiis, wlio iLccivcd ins degree in pliNsical (xlucatioii and heaUli; Susan F(*rguson Plonk, daughter of -Mr. ami Mrs. Fred W. Plonk, who received lier dc gret* in mu sic and .Samuel Robert SulH*r, III, who rt*v-i'ived )iis B..S. tiegrcM? in clieniisiry. 'I'Ik* I., - R ctnnnieiue:nent atl ih'css was i»resen1e I by Congress man James '1'. Broyhill of I.e- iMiir, Tenth C»mgression.il Dis trict representative to the North Carolina Congress. The gradua tion was the 7St)i for the Luther an institutio-i founded in 1S91. (Lirdnor-Wehl) College granted he Associate in Arts L^egree tQ CuntinuLd On Payv !Stx

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