i 1 Page 6 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGi MOUNTAIN. N. C. PERSONALS A IC Wilson Returns To New Jersey Base A/lC Davi.i K.-ith \viis,.M has Mrs. Jim Scaiborougli, Mr. and With Jcrsi'V aftai' ^Ii's. ,1. li. Hudson "i ('uai'loiii‘ I nnc*', Marietta, ®a. after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Converse Hutchins in , (trover and Mrs. .Mozelle Brooks in Slielhv. The Hutcliins faniil.v Kich- hiin are his son, returned to Ntav .Jersev after 'Irs. ,1. 11. Hudson oi i ri.irione i-no.e, and daughter, Mr.s. men- i,,.,... spending a tivo-week ie.lve witli dtKl Mrs. II. M. Dulin of Waynes- ard Decker, and granddaughter, his pamits Mr -itKl .Mrs lasM'r villf \vcr<*‘^ik'sI.s during ilit* woek* .Mis.s Jodi Dct ker, al.so his jic;;li- o Wilson. "n'l ;'f "'fir -si-ster, -Mrs. Ihutline .-w, Hary Alston, of l•■orl Lauder- j „ ,.-,.anks, Mr. He came home to ac'o.niian,'. K. Weaver. dale, Fla and Mis. Lalon Frank.s, atidMi’s. his sislor, lihoiido Jolrisio i, lo 'I'liry l iirno cspci-u'illy lo iiilond Wliili* lu*ro tm'y ai'C vi.sltin^ Baxter Short of Belmont and Mrs. Los Anj^t'les, ('aiironi;.i. Mrs. liie fnruMal Siiiulay <»f Mrs. B. S Calendar Social Thursday, Juna 12, 1969« Lynda Mauney, Doris Dellinger, Barry E. Robinson .Give Plans For Their Saturday Wedding Bride-Elect Dellinger, elect, and Cindy 'McDaniel, cousin Is Honored ill Sdliirdai/; Miss Doris Jean S p.m. In honor of Peter Jacob daughter of Mrs. Margie Dellin- of the bride-elect. Hauser, James V. Pressley, Jr. ger, has announced plans for her Miss Lynda Ann Mauney, bridol elect, was honored Friday at a - - m . 1 1 nin/..,- llli* f.ros. wa» 11U1I01.TU r 1 at a 1 will entertain at a bachelor par- marriage to Barry Elliott Robin- K„ni- P'™- bridesmaids luncheon aj ...... .... ..,1 . sholhyl Johnston flew from Lu.-, .Vngcli's .Neill, to Okinawa lo .join her liusisiiii! SP/4 Rolierl Dale .lulmsliin. 'I ; i Johnstons will lit months. Visitin.g .Mr. Mr.s. A. Ti. in Okinawa 1! Driilte iliis week is tlieir son. Millard I'rinee, of Hollywood, Fla. AVOCAPO COOKWARE BONANZA SPECIAL msvm SUPER-TOUGH TEFLON U INTERIOR 3 QT. COVERED PAN REG. 4.S9 VALUE I mm WITH AVOCADO EXTERIOR SSsOO^URCHASt- ^dl* Jildllictg“ lU Dc* I»y l Xvwi/iii L»'l < illlol^oni' DI il.lt.^111 UlUa lllllCiltrUi 1 (l| ty at Honey’s Restaurant, Gas- son, son of Thomas E. Robinson a”'"'A,.iv>wiiod Cleveland Country Club. Sholhyj other relatives and will visi, in .Tf-^imoni -at TeL.d,,,- ‘ ’Ring£e!";ill Sf'jhnmy Dellin: ^EnteHaining mgethe.^ ^ anT'iainiiv on' iTudr 'I'eku-r'trip! ''‘'"T' 10:30 - 12:30 Mrs. David R.' wedding will take- place ger, brother,of the bride-elect. Hamrick of Shelby. j| (, ’ University of Jen- Hamrick and her dau^^hters, Mrs. Groomsmen will iiuTudo Hay Champagne toasts were madi Mrs. A^ IF Cwnwel. spent the ^^ss Br^^ Oti: La. Irrother to the hride-to-be and Miss Mau' weekend in \\a>nesville with Mrs Kicliard Lawrence Franks, c HpndrirUs hridepler? nnd ehurch, will officiate at the dou- biidegioom-elect, gramison of the J B. Franks, and pL, Murphy^! recent bride, »le->-ing ceremony. ^-s^i^-iaw m^t he ‘ prospective The hostesses presented the hom ^ 1, , 1 - Lalon franks and ^ morning lea at the Hamrick Rol)ert Cashion, church organ- bridCL'room• Billv King of Klng-s oree a silver tray. J lack t . Hutchins Mrs .Short, iwas a member of the glS S. Roxford road. j ist, will be organist for the P™’ vjounmin and fLnkic Little of A color note of green and whiti ,ve returned to gr.aduaimg clas.s. , _ j «' am, of nuptial music and vocal Mini4 Lawson Reporting | selections will be by -Miss Kathy Philip McDaniel, cousin ture green rice bags and placd- " , , . of the bride elect and Tony Beam cards nrarked the places of For Active Duty . Rodger T. McD.nmel will give Qrover nephew of the bride- guests. .Miss Mauney's place wat ' his niece m marriage. Thomas .’ f i,„a v,„ „ ...uu.. chm.iHa.. h....? G. t'. Hooker. '"It Mike Arro- ney took the occasion lo p.:-eserij wood and Billy Joe .Sipes, brolh- her gifts to her bridal atlendanH. .Mr. and Mis and I'liildrcii have BlJllO A COMPLETE COLOR- MATCHED SET ... A PIECE A WEEK AT SPECIAL SAVINGS 200 GREEN STAMPS WITH THIS COOrON AMO HlKOiASE Of $10.00 or More Order FREE AT YOUR WINN-DIXIE STORES VOID AFIIE LIMIT ONE COUfON 19(i9 CUSTOMER tunc 11, ... eroom-to-be marked by a white shoulder bou! Tiiird Class Petty Officer Pliilip Elliott Roliinson will be his son s <|uet which she pinned to her pai^ A. Law.soii, Jr. reports to Charles- br'st man. Mrs. Ray Robinson of Gastonia, (y ,ircss. I ton .’Vaval Base for two years. Miss Linda Pearson will alleiid sistor-in-law of the bridegroom, \ four-csiurse luncheon w; ae’ivc duty on June 13tli. ' the hride olect as rraid of honor ^vju i^ypp a register in llie vesti- served. Tlie Kings Mountain man is and hrldcsmads will include Miss, puig of the .church where the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Law- Nancy Cable of Burlinglon, cous 1 .-u.i, .-.r. of 1210 .Seco;i(l St. Exlin- i ' of the hride-clect; and Mrs. sion, Kings Mountain. He joined Mike Arrowoixl of Kings Moun- ■ i,„ \j.>v-ii Reserve in Slielliy in tain, sister of the bridegrooin-to- 1967 and lias completed a (ilass be. The briJc-eloct and prospective .\ Dnmiige (’o-'t.-nt School in San Junior h’-idc'-’-'d.- --•• ■— •' ■. bridegroom herewith issue invi- Saturday at a lunchiKn Francisco, Califoniia. ' ky Dellinger, sister of th« tddaf. .tation to their friends and rela- . oo„jp,i„onl l5 Miss MhryWn Goforth, whosi bridal parly will form a receiving Li* -I _-xL j line to greet wedding guests after^ IVlISS v^OTOi Til. f the ceremony. JHonored Satufclay i John Henry ' Moss entert -Mrs. flNKY PIG OR BLACKHAWK SLICED BAC0N^69^ SOUTH CAROLINA GRADE "A" URGE PALMETTO FARMS EGGS 2-79 BEEF FOR HER'S DAY HRIhrY MAID PORK N’ BEANS ... 10^ THRIFTY MAID CUT GREEN BEANS 10^ SAVE 3le) PONDS DREAM FLOWER DUSTING POWDER . . 69^ SAVE 20c) 8-0? DE‘' PINK HTH STYLING GEL . . 49^ 69^ DIXIE DARLING DINNER ROLL . . 2 It 25^ 3IXir DARLING DANISH COFFEE RINGS . . 49^^ DIXIE DARLING SANDWICH *• FRESH BREAD . . 4 SSTOR . . . Limir 1 with 15 or more Crjir SHORTENING . . 3 F '? Ih. Li.'ol '1. PeumI ^ - % ^ W-D Ground Beef «»l” W-O U j. CHOICE Chuck Steak 69< tt. PRECISION CUT SUNUSS SBKT SUCED EiVVVl- 59< PINKY PIG FRANKS OSCAR MAYER SlllCED • •••• B0L0GNA«59 CAPTAIN HOOK 1 BORDEN'S 7 FLAVORS FISH STICKS 1 FRESH FRUIT ADDED YOGURT 1 29^ THRIFTY MAID SWEET or UNSWEET x:? LIMIT I OF YOUR CHOICE — iC/ WITH A $5 OR MORE ORDER COFFEE ASTOR MAXWELL HOUSE 59f' •“69<^ GR'FRUIT JUICE ...3= Limit 5 ARROW or 4 FAB with a $S or More Order fAB ARROW DETERGENT 4 5 FROZEN FOODS CHEK CANNED DRINKS BLUE RIBBON ALL VEGETABLE . . . Limit 3 w.tli looci order MARGARINE THRIFTY MAID r SLICED or HALVES YELLOW CLING TItUNDfRDOLT SHRIMP Peaches ma Limit 1 with Q $5,00 or more oreJer. r > ASTOR, FROZEN No. 2'/i CANS OR ARROW BLEACH Half Gal. ORANGE w JUICE 6o6/ CANS ^ ^ / nARvtdi rKt>n BLUEBERRIES 3 FANCY GOLDEN BANTAM CORN LUSCIOUS WESTERN CANTALOPES.. Pints rTHRIFTY MAID VI ICE MILK IIIUrBI/IRDLAI DTHnlWr CHUNKEES241-89 TASTE O’SEA 8«AWD " PERCH....r..2 £ 99* TASTE O' SCA FISH STICKS..».i‘99< HtEE/IROUEEN(BoJinBe 14th take*! was lives to attend the wedding wedding to Peter fjauscr After their wedding rehearsal place June 2Slh. ^ / on P’riday, the bride-eleet and. A three-course lif^cheon prospective bridegroom will cut served to 1-1 gucste. . their wedding cake at a cake- The dining table, overlaid wilft|^ cutting in the fellowship hall of goW do'li. was arranged witji^ F Grace Methodist church. Hostess baby s bi’eath, Margueiite daisiej, for the party will be the bride- yellow mums and snapJragonS. elect’s mother. Two small tables were also cove^ ed with gold cloths and arrangeii with miniature centerpieces Hi yellow and white. The bridc-lil- be’s place was marked by a cof- sage of while mums and a gift from the hostess. * Each guest remembered tlfc bride-elect with a .gift for h^ kitchen. e FourCadettes, Now First Class And Senior Scouts I' Four Cadette Troop 4 Girl Scouts have advanced to the raiiit of First Class Scouts, and since they will be rising sophomores in ' high school in the fall will be come new members of the Senior Tl oop 200. They are Martha Weiss, Kathy Owens, Judy Ross and Meredith -McGill. I Merit badges were presented irec-ently at a closing program. Girl -Scout activities will be re- ■ sumed in September. Having A Wedding? Call Paul Lemmons Phone 487-4502 Photographer Miss Weiss receivc'd badges for the following: world herita..io,' minstrel, swimmer, sports, home maker, insects, challenge of emer gency preparedness, challenge of active citizenship,, challenge of Girl Scout Promise and First Class. Miss Owens received badges for the following: my country, mins trel, challenge of emergcnc.v pre paredness. challenge of active citizenship, challenge of Girl Scout Promise and First Class. Miss Ross received badges for the following: painting, world heritage, challenge of aetive citi- zenhip, challenge of Girl Scout promise and First Class. Miss .McGill received b-idges for the following: world herita;e, challenge of active citizenship, challen,ge of Girl Scout Promise and Girl Scout. Other members of Troop 4 who earned badges included: Donna Blanton, .Swimmer and good glooming. Sheila Dixon, traveler and dressmaker. Avis Owens, home nurse. Vickie Boheler, dressmaker and child care. Kathy Burns, first aid and challenge of active citizenship. Diane Spearman, challenge of active citizenship. WmW, iVeait^ Py WILSON CBlFFUr The gracious ladies who use eyeliner pencils, mascara and eye shadow to glamorize the eyes should be careful to avoid the mucous membrane lining the inside of the eye lids. Staining of this sensi tive membrane can produce redness, itching, tear flow, and blurring of vision, as well as permanent coloring of the membrane. Confine the cosmetics to the lashes and eyelids behind the lashes. After you see your doctor, bring your prescription to D»ttiq Sto'ic j CoL KM Saver Says... ®AVA It also costs more for advance education, which is so essential in our complex society : a $10,000 fund is hardly sufficient for a col lege education today. We suggest that you begin early and make regular deposits into an EDUCATION FUND at King.s Mountain Savings & Loan Association. Your insured savings earning our high S'-.'Tf current divi dend, will rapidly build your education fund Kings Mountain Thu Savings & Loan Association P.O.BOX 746 ►'-INGS MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA 2808f | IL..: