969 i f-v-v 5 A;.':. rr _ ' ■'•».< Youth Worker Here; Student W im Honor :i';- : '• f :*j.' V .«ii« >• ; • /*•, r ► * ' • • - >5* V ••• ■ 'frf:.’V:^A-f¥#;%'i^::: "imA 14'"^ s* -^Uf* , < ♦ * - ; . • mmM MRS. DUNCAN RANDALL FRYE (Lynda Ann Mameyj MRS. JERRY FRANKLIN LEDFORD (Sheila ‘Ann Moasj MRS. TERRY BURTON BLACK (Gail Elaine Bennett) Church Weddings Unite Three Kings Mountain Area Couples An event of wide social inter- corsage of white orchids. • cst was the wedding Saturday of The bridegroom’s paternal Miss Lynda Ann Mauney and grandmother, Mrs. James Frye Duncan Randal! Frye. of Hickory, was gowned in blue The couplo pledged vows of the and wore njatching aeces- double-ring cereLny in a 4 “ o'clock ceremony in Saint Mat- i,r-ir r->i a c k > f • thews Lutheran church before the Rev. Kdgar Mauney Cooper. «"<> "eht- of Pottstown, Pa., godfather and cantues. Ringbearer wafeMark Frye of Hickory. * ft.r th/. Mrs. Bill iMcKinzrc of Charlotte, Sic and VVilirKlappert of l^ick- The bride’s parents entertain- cousin of the bride. Mrs. L. E. Hinnant was organ ist tor the program music ory was soloist. Mr. Klappert san, befor bi'nedictfon' as the North Piedmont avenue. Organ numbers included “Lord I3f £"5^“'”?? Bach;^ “Antiphon''^ by “‘M^ffan “Beautiful Savior" by Ellsasser; tuni.^ •‘Th^ T Tui^r u bride and brgiegroom, their jlcoh- Rrahn^/ A. ,1;n„v^ “"t* members of the Chorale Jesus Makes Mv Heart party formed a receiving ^noiaie , Jesus MaKes My Heait wwiHinir wnoste Rejoice by Elmore and Handel’s ‘’Anm- pire lines with satin-ribboned lace accenting the lac-e scalloped neck line and pointed sheer lace sleeves. Her Chapel length train of triple tiers of lace was hold by a laec bow. .She wore a lace man tilla and carried a while lace-cov ered Bible, gift of Grace Metho dist church, lopped with a white orchid sho.scred with ribbon s» reamers. Mrs. Larry Cline of Panama City, Fla. attended iK'r sist(‘r as matron of honor and brid(*smaicLs were :\Iiss Juson wedding in Second Bap- cousins of the bride. j ,, ... „ All the attendants wore formal StOO Mr. and Mrs. Dojtt tails length maize gowns of silk organ- f’"® Pnlerlaining at an after re- za with portrait necklines and bearsal party tn the Second Bap- lhiee.(|uarter length sleeves high- fellowship ha I honor- lighted by a single ruffle of white "’R 'beir clauKhter Carolyn, and lace. The modified empire bodices ber fiance, Miehae Robinson, were enhanced by two tiny b(»ws. ^^rgle Dellinger is Sack panels of the gowns weix* entertaining m the fellowship ^Crafty Hints’ Are Simole, Easy.To~Make (Ed. Note) -The Herald be gins this week a "Crafty Hint" column by Mrs, Barbara Baity, wife of former Herald staffer David Baity, -Kings Mountain native. gathered with matching bows. Their headpieces were matching hall Of Grace Methodist church at an after-rehearsal party for Miss maize bows held by double tiers ^oji- ivllingcr and Barry Robin- of shoulder length illusion. They carriod cascades of gardenias. The l)ridC;Troom’s father was host man. son. 8:0()—Mr. and Mrs. George Houser. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mayes and Mr. and Mrs. Lee McIntyre Gr(K)msmen iwere George Hoff- entertaining at Kings Moun- man Mauney, Jr., and James Ed- 'f" Country Club at a rehearsal ward Mauney, brothers of the ^‘""®r honoring Miss Connie bride; Robert George Coon of Nelson Ray Ramsey. Llncolnton, William Clyde Hatch- Saturday: ford of Gastonia, Caleb Hubert i2:30 The wedding of Miss Nolcy of Conover, William Pat- Cornelia McNeill Padgett and rick Allen and John Allen Gib- Nelson Ray Ramsey In First ison, both of Newton; Edward preshvterian Church, reception Lewis Rcm^e of Conover and Ken- followin r at the home of the noth Lee Ferguson of Hickory, bride-elect’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. all college classmates of the bride- p. g. Padgett, North Piedmont groom. avenue. For her daughter’s wedding 4:0() The wedding of Miss Mrs. Mauney was gowned in a Anne Louise ‘ Neveux and John peach silk suit with matching ac- Alexander Neisler in Westover cessories and a corsage of white Hills United Methodist church, orchids. Richmond, Va. The bridegroom’s mother was 8:00—The wedding of Miss Car- gowned in beige lace with match- olyn Ann Falls and Michnel Rich- ing accessories and a corsage of ard Robinson in Second Baptist white orchids. church. Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Sr., .pater- S:00 The woflding of Miss nal grandmother of the bride, Doris Joan Dellinger and Barry was gowned in txnge lace and Elliott Robinson In Grace United wore matching accessories and a Methodist church. -im By BARBARA BAITy Do you ever nave the feeling that you should advertise for one miss-placed brain? If so, you aren’t by yourself. Every now and then most house wives get the feeling that all they use their brains for is to n^ad recip(»s or directions on cleansers. And if you’re a mommy witli enough kids to put the old wom an in the shoe to shame, you probably get kinda desperate at times for things lor the little ones to do so Daddy won’t come home and find you swinging from the light fixtures, especially since the little darlin^^s arc home for the summer. If you caught yourself saying. “Yep, that’s me, that’s mcl’, then this column should be right doiwn your alley. What I’m going to do is give you some ideas for some different things to do. Some of them will be for decorating, some for pre sents to make and some just for the fun of doing. And best of all, you won't have to rush right out and buy, buy, buy. The things can he made from all those scraps and "rve been meaning to throw out but now they’ll come in han dy for something’’ odds and ends. If youve never worked with craft.s. now is the time to begin All of the.se ideas will bo simple, so don’t iM' afraid to try. After all, you might he surprised how much fun and how' relaxing it can be. The next couple of weeks will be of special interest to the iiltic ones and the leaders of Bible Schools, camps or paiks. Since June 1.5 is tlio day you pay homage to the "king of yf)ur roost" here arc the directions for a nautical desk set the children can make for him. For the letter holder use tlie top three and half inches from a “Lux" plastic detergent bottle. To remo\e the bottle neck and form a slot for the let tens, cut down the sides (check illustra tion) alonir the dotted lines and across a half inch from the bot tom. Paint the bottle blue an it fits snugly a- round the hntth* neck. Place the ring oV('r it and tlu' second caj) on top. Cut a coin slot in the top cap. When y<»u have checked the fit, take jt opart and paint the bottle* white*, the bottle caps black and the ring yellow. Let it dry. Now tape black jinper strips t») the yellow ring and mark the win low panes, Ih'assi'mbh* the cans and ring and gl'-*c them to gether. Cut a black paper dtJor nnei windows and glue tlieni to tlie bottle. Fit tlu* light section ov(?r tlie bottle tf»p. To make tlu* rocky island base, mix blue temp(*ra \ aint with po\\’de”ed delerLM*nl (it might he a good idea not t(» use the kind (of .i('tei'^('nt Hint Ins th(»so litth* bleach things ad