Population 'Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 ./Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9300 ...« Grtater Kings Mounteds ligurs li dtrl^td Iron tb* special Unltad States Bureau of tBe Census report • Fcinoary 1BS6, and Includes the 14,9M populotlon • Number 4 Township, and the remoiiUng 6.il4 Iroa Number S Township. In Cleveland County and Crowdw* ▼«»wn«hlp In Gaston County. ‘iWlA. T m: 3 ^ 6 i r: i a Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper ^OL PI No. 27 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, July 3, 1969 Sevent\*-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTS fwith lom- Idor ton! hy- HUD Approves Final Budget For KMHousingProject Mayor: City Surplus $300,000 ST CE tew Budget Also Includes ^^Pay Raises Till' city commission Tuesday is cxpiclcd to adopt a new budj^et tentatively. Thus far budgetary figures have been fixed on the. piemises all current city rates and charges will remain as in the previous year. j Kings Mountain's tax rate, un changed the past five con.secuiivc years, will remain S5 cents per S!ho valuation and the City of Kings Mountain is expi’cted tc sliow a “substantial" $300,000 liJj8-G9 fiscal year surplus, said -Mayor John Henry Moss Wed nesday. Of the S5 cents, five cents is the special tax for the recreation program. Mavor Moss s^id the now bud get will i"'ovicle for a continuing jirogiam of jyrogre.ss and service and wage and salary increase for all employees. The city hoard is expected to "“ormnlly adopt the budget on Ju ly 2Sth. At Tuesday’s regular meeting at fi:30 p.m. the boat'd will receive new bids on a large number of paving, re.surfacing and cifib and gutter projects. The city calle.i for bids at its June 24th meeting but onlv two bids for each job were made one less than the number required by law. Com missioners then voted to iT*adver- Andrew Jenkins Rite.s Conducted Joy Theatre Projectionist Dies Monday V fS Funeral rites for Andrew C. Jenkins, 6-1, were held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock from Kings Mountain Baptist church of which he was a member. Hi.s pastor, Ro''. James Wilder, officiated at the service, assisted by Rev. Frank Shirley, pastor of Temple Baptist church. Interment was in Mo-jntain Rest cemetery. Mr. Jenkins died Monday at 12:15 p.m. in Charlotte Memorial liospilal following ’ Iness of sev eral jears. Ho was a native of Gaston county, son of the late Mr. and M:s. A. C. Jenkins, Sr. He was projectionist at Joy Theatre for a number of years before his I'e-i t i remen t. I Surviving are his wife. Sudie White Jenkins: one daughter,: Charlotte Jenkins, of New* lisc for bid.s. Off 7hp second f-a-i one binKher, J. C., jk|uesday, two bids will be suffi-1 *^***^*^“^® Cherryville; and two, (‘iont. Jaycees Name Pageant Leaders ('halrmen of committee.*; for the annual Aliss Kings Mountain i sisters, Miss Zona Jenkins of iCharlolte and Mrs. Ruth Hurl- hurt of Charlotte. Mrs. Elam's Rites Conducted SUCCUMBS—Mrs. B. D. Goforth, 80, died Thursdoy morning. Fu* neral rites were held Fridciy aft ernoon from First Presbyterion church. Mrs. Goforth's Rites Conducted Citizens Taking Fourth Holiday Or Planning It Kings Mountain citizens were read>'ing for the July 4th holi day this week. In fact, same wore aln?ady cr*- Senate Bill 364 Status at 5 p.m. StUlNoSale i As the General Assembly of 1989 neared sine die adjournment I at 5 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, the impas.so on the Kings Moun tain Lake Authority bill (Senate Bill 364 as amended) remained. Senator Jack White said by telephone that there had bten no Inference of change of position on the part cf Representative W. K. Mauney, Jr. Mayor John Henry Moss sai-c* he had talked Wednesday vvitl. County Commission Cliairmin B . u 1-1 . .1 ( K. (Pop) Simmons, hut that nf joying a holiday as most textilei / position was indicated plants were idle^ this i.veok Cios-! ^ j . VVe, nc.sdaj vwc were Craf spun ; telegraphed Rep, Maunet rniinTJnf ' reiterating its proffer of June 2, n n t’ ‘^-to accept dirccfive for utilizatio; worporatjon, Park \arn Mills, . tho u-inac \i nta?n t fn Mauney Textile Plants. Kinder 'e^eati^n "n rem.n fo s-ST".*, srerJnS: tries lU'noriij. r» * 11 . 1 Mayor and Board of Commis ri®. '"■f"’ smtt'^rs in la.st hour effort foi looking foi-war.i to the hohday too .-ke Authority Bill ur-e you tf “T Va I cLmitteo Su'isiituie for Sen remaining op^n, including drug * d;]| o-ii which was passe' Uor^the two five and ten stores.; / Z" ^// amendment on recreation hut d. enarfoSdStores ■ "’her M nry amendment Many Wngs Mountain folk are ^" ‘ m^nl^’in-ri^ol^fun"^*,*:!!’ “t^" advd^oV:' S ers have been content to*^spcn<l bv^uT Boa T vacations at home apr^intcd by the Boa.d of vacaiions ar nome. cornmissioners and two ap- Home ernertamment on Inde- . Cleveland County , Board of commissioners. Thr • . j ... , ; Area to be zoned is not to c?;ceed •h^:;n^.T7£ 'C ... —if, Ssftyi ■' ' Mayor John Henry MosS said,! “The Kings Mountain city com- Funeral rites for .Mrs. ^ Rep!^ Mauney did not sec' Mae Morrow Goforth, SO, wife oil Foi.r-i support the city’s requested! R. D. Goforth, were held Fridayifm^^ both lunch and supper ^ . afternoon at 4 p.m. from First be serx-ed at the poolside. Top P ' swimmers will receive trophies and prizes will be awarded in contests during the afternoon. Oak Grave Volunteer Fire De partment is planning? an all day event billed for family enjojTnent with numerous events slated, in food and music and Contract - Signing For $2,758,061 t members' and their fimnie: Kings Mountain Country club is {planning an all-day event withi ! golf boginnin^^ i the form of a family Scotch Four- Presbyterian church of xvhich she was a member. Dr. Paul Ausley, assisted by Rev. t). B. Alderman, officiated at the final rites, and interment was in Mountain Rest cemetery. Mrs. Goforth died at 10:30 a.m. Thursday in the Kings Mountain: * to the Mountain Lake project." Kings Jaycees Win Service Award Sets Homecoming The funeral of Mrs. Sallie Rob beauty pageant »»f the Kings erts Elam, 88, who died Frida> Moiinlnin Jawees )iav<‘ been an at the home of her daughter in nounced by Fiank Hinson, gen-j Macon, Georgia, was held at the eral chairman and director. : Bethlehem Baptist church jn : games. q'he beauty pa^jreant w'ill 1m' Kings Mountain, N. C at 4 o’clock hospital after suffering a cere-| held on the evening of August on Sunday afternoon, June 29. ! hemorrhage. She w’as a na- _ ^ L 2:^id iit s p.m in Contr.d Junior, The pastor, the Reverend Rus ! live of Erie, North Dakota • ^|il|V|<l| high school auditorium. Miss sell Fitts, the former pastor, the'^stigbter of the late Mr. and Mrs | Kings Mountain 1970 wdlj be Reverend L. C. Pinnix, and a William Morrow. She was em- crowiKd to succeed Miss Jean El-1 nephew', the Reverend Evans, ^ number of years at Icn Davis, the reigning Miss Kings Crawford, officiated. Burial was ibe former Myers’ mow Fulton s)! M uiiitain. in the family plot in Mountain Department Store. She was Hj uj^on Presb>-tGrian church wiU'denT of the North Carolina Jay- -Mr. Hinson said that six con- Rest Cemetery. {member of the Thursday i observe its 25th anniversary' at cees. trstants had cnlerc! flic contest, Mrs. Elam was the widow of Book club. . , , . 'Homecoming Day sei-vices Sun-: xhe award cites community and that others arc being con- the late Richard Fuller Elam ofj Besides her husband, she is ! service in several areas, including tailed. I Kings Mountain and had lived in; survived by one Robert Wilson, new pas- the civic club’s work with the ('hairnv'n of committees are. Kings Mountain for 45 years un- ^ i tor of the church, w'ill deliver the bloodmobile and "Toys for Tots", Bob M.vers, pro-ram and tickets;, til her husband’s death in 1955. daughte^, I sermon at the 9:30 morning wor-a Christmas-season charily pro Bill Gn-sso... ,...vo,..i.sin«: G.r ! She was the daughter "f of New Yo^rk OO. ^ The day’s program of activities; cit>\ and promotion; and Clint and educated a la. anrt .six ffranocmiaren. i^.i^l Kings Mountain Jaycees have received a “Jaycee Community Development Award” from the United States Jaycees for com munity service in 1968. The award is in the form of a certificate signed by Wendell E. Smith, president of the U. S. Jay cees, and Jim Church, Jr., presi- rUi4c.ilML THURSDAY MORNING — Funeral services for Martin Luther Harmon. Sr.. 94. retired grocer, will be held ot 10:30 Thurs day morning. The photograph wos taken on Mr. Harmon's 90th birthday- Rites Thursday For M.L. Harmon Editor's Father Dies Tuesday At Age 94 Monday Project Contractors Beginning Work On 150-Units By MARTIN HARMON Fm.'il buii.'cl for llic MO-unit .vlng^• .Mnuiiaiii jiiibllc hoiHiP.:* ■roj! .‘I has hc*cn apiirnvcd by th * Dcpaitnicnt cf H<»u.‘»ing and I'r- nan Development, th(' .Mayor and Jirc.-ici oi the puiilic hou.sing au:iiu. ily liave been rvitificd. It mca:i.-j, Mi. Harper said, that .•ntra'-t-.- foi c.)n.'?trujtion will be dated Jul> T. Mi*ant ni‘‘. Wcaviv Construct ion 'omiianv, ol Groens.)ai.), su4‘<'»‘ss- ul biildc: foi the grnoial i mlra: i, Ls making arrangement.s to begin .vork. J.Jin v'umbus. pr(»jc(' man ager, and other Weaver (j.Ticdals .'cr-' li»*:c 1ut‘-iia;.. siir\c\ i.i ' ales for b):atijn >' t!icir Iraj.hv ;fl'in- aivl lor material .-torag**. The bucha'i finally app"o\i'd /as S2T3.2h.5 m ire Hian in Hic nitial budget, reflecting imreas- d c !nstriiilion t'osts. “.\,Mially,*’ Mr. Harper said, “total of bids a- suiHcicrllv i< \v that the Cings Mountain Public Housing Authority docs not expc' t t.i ,•■*- uirt the additional funds. In cf- ;ect, it is a oontingviicy fund.” Low ccastrurtion ’* bids total*-1 ^1,131,122. 1 The finally approved budget , totals $2,7.58,061. and includes ail I project costs, including intore.-^t on ! mcney advanced until bonds are : .sc Id to cover the projci t, land pur chase. U‘gal fees, and archil<*cl*s ■ ices. The 1.5C units will be built on nine site'-” located cn Baker, Gra.^’O, Parkci, Dilling, Lackey and Cans- Icr streets, and on the cxton.sion strec't s«*r\ing the New Davddson sjlio' I plant. Thirty units are (Unsigned es pecially for the elderly. old Thomasson, judge's and a ' Roberts and Dorcas Gilbreath w:nds; I.any Smith, stacking «nnd Roberts of Greenville County, S Fulton of Gastonia; two brothers,; . u :CIeve Morrow of Charlotte ^^d,union vvdl be^obse^^^^ assistant director; Joe Smith, pub- C, w'here she was born, reared Eddie Morroi.v of Perm, Include ^Sunda^ School at The citation reads: “Be it licity and promotion; and Clint and educated. Mrs. Elam was a la, and ^ix grandchUdran. i by picnic din-; known that the Kings Mountain Huikin. special guests. member of Bethlehem ^ rat 1 p.m. and a song service® Jaycees has fulfilled all require- church. ; ^ thn aftprnnnn. Fori M?s. John H. Gamble will serve ns ihnirman of entries and as p:igcanf coorlinator. Mrs. Gam hli accomn iniccl tlu' reigning beauty quc'cn to the recent state pageant in Charlotte. AT 4-H CAMP C’buck Prescott, member of the Di.xon Community 4-H club, Is attc'uding 4-H Camp at Camp Millstone this week. Survivors include three daugh-1 Charle.s A. Goforth, Gene Dye, Funeral scrvii.es for Martin Luther Harmon, Sr., 94, retired . - ^ „i..u Kings Mountain grocer, will be Thursday morning at 10:30 at Boyce Memorial Assoiiatc Re formed Presbyterian church. Mr. Marmon died at .5 o’clock Monday morning at Kings .M'»un- tain Hospital where lie had HUD Approves Beautification Grant Of $10,000 The city has received an urban I'eautification grant of SIO.OOO, Lawrence ’M. Cox, assistant sec- r(‘tary. Department of Housing & He had h(*en a member of Fair- vii w Lodge AF <t A.M hu’ more than a half cent.u’v and was a former d:r<*cior of Kings Moun tain Savings t'c Loan Association. He attended Krskinc College' in 189;-!-99. His mother, who died when he was two, was the first person in terred in wh:it is now Mountain Rest Cemeterv. Surviving arc his wife. Eunice lhan Development, has notified Plonk HariiK'n. to whom he was Mayor John Henry Moss. the afternoon. Former mem- ments for the Jaycee Community Raymond tors. Mrs. Zeb Vance of Macon, , Paul Dover and Georgia, Mrs. Eugene Smith, Sr., i forth, of Bladenboro, and Mrs. David ^ —“ Gamble of Memphis, Tennessee, * ^ an dthree sons. R. Broadus Elamj JqSIIvA VwCUV 9 of Gastonia, Philip R. Elam of * ^ 1 ■ 1 Mars Hill, and John E. Elam of;lN|0c r0||H||r|0Q QQ.’jbers and pastors, sint^ers from ! other churches, and friends of the host church are invited to join in I i the day of special services. Bladenboro. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Ida Rush CoHfi>i»crf Om Eight of i Howard Lutz Buys In Kings Mountain Ilow'ard R. Lutz, registered pharmacist at Kings Mountain Drug C’ompany the past seven years, purchased interest in the firm June 1st, according to an nouncement by John 4,. McGill, si'nior partner In the firm. Mr. McGill and Charles D. Blanton, Jr., partners in the busi ness, said, “We are pleast'd to have Mr. Lutz a partner who has jp'ovcn himself to be a man of iiigli integrity and a Christian gcnllrmun." A gra ate of the UNC School ()f Pharmacy at Chapel Hill, Mr. l.utz holds an A.B. degree in so cial studies and minor In biology from Lenoir Rhyne college at Hickory. He sehved three years in the Army Security A'^ency. in cluding 2S months in Germany. He is a director of the Kings Mountain Merchants Association, |a member and past president of rthe Cleveland County Pharmaceu tical Association, a member of Kings Mountain Country club and ConfiJiKcd On Paje Eight Interest Drug Company PRESBYTERIAN The Sacrament of Holy Com-, munion will be observed at the morning worship hour Sunday at 11 o’clock at First PrGsb>'ter- Lan church. Dov'elopmcnt Aw'ard. Whereby, in examining the c'ommunity and designing action projects to alle viate needs found by analysis of that examination, this chapter did give its membership and the lie an increased awareness of „ cal problems and did thereby con tribute to the overall growth and development of the community." Joe R. Smith was president of the club in 1968-69. a patient for a year and a day. Death was attributed to pul monary congcsiion and licait failure. Mr. Harmon was born on White- oak Creek in Cleveland (.’ounty on 1S74. fiiurth son of Peter Beam and Kiltie Kells Har mon. He came to Kings Mountain married on Or!<ibi“r 16, 191S, a son, Martin Harmon, ('ditor-pul)- lislicrof the Kings Mountain Her ald, and a half-sister, Mrs. T. P. McGill, of Kings Mountain. The fuceial ri*is wUl tv The grant ts to ho used for beaulifitation of Phenix Triangle, the Ncigliborhood Facilities biiild- iu'.r. .Mountain Rest cemetery and {cwntown development. Matching fund? are to be pro- diuirl by Dr. William L. Pressly, vided l)y the city. "W( are pleased to acknowledge said May- Funeral rites for Jasper F.i Ware, 73. retired carpenter, were! held Sunday afternoon at 3p.m. from El Bethel Methodist church.' Rev. E. L. Murphy officiated at' the final rites and interment was in the church cemetery. p.m.'in'^rKl5s’'Mounta[n^Ll;|Pj05|^^ Qf HOSpltal TfUStCGS George W. Mauney Be-Elected George W. Mauney has been re-. pital after illness of several t years. A native of Cleveland County, , . he was the son of the late Mr.jelected president of the Kings ' and Mrs. Gresham Ware. He was: Mountain Hospital Board of Trus- a member of El Bethel Methodist j coming year. | i church. j ! Suniving are his wife, Mrs. Idaj nf fleers are James C Ware; two daughters. Mrs. J. E.I officers aie James l. Metzger of Windemere. Fla-, and Gibson, vice-president, also re- I Airs. B. J. George of Aiken. S. C.:ielected, and Thomas A. Tate, sec- three sons, Kenneth F. Ware cf retary. ' 1 Orlando, Fla., Jasper R. Ware of Everett, Mass., and Gene A. Ware : of Kingsport, Tennessee; and two j ... I sisters. Mrs. W. H. Howard and ti’usteog. elected for a five-year I Mrs. Ben D. Phifer, both of Mel-«term, are George H. Houser an;l I hoi'. nle,’ Fla. Also surviving arejHugh D. Ormand. They succeed .CLOSEE UNTIL 1 Tlic Kings Mountain Hcral.l will be closed until 1 p.m. riiui'- day. Funeral *>f M. L. Harmon, Sr., fiiilhcr of the Hcrabl c'clitor. is scheduled for 10:36 a.m. TIv* Herald 'vvili also he closed on In- dcpcnd(‘nc(' T)a\. in 1S94 wlicrc lie has resided since. He was emplioed as a gro- cerv’ clerk at tlic rorm<'r Cora of Mooicsvillc*. former R >y Memorial i.asxov for IS ytsar.s. and receipt of this grant", hy Rev. Charles K;tslcy, pastor td or Moss, si. Matthew’s Lutht'ran Church. Interment will be in Mountain licsl Cemetery, Dr. c'harlcs Ed wards, who tossumed the pastor ate of Boyce Memorial Church U i'dni-sday. reading the Sci iplurc and saying a ; raycr. NEW MEMBER Gerald Carrigan was indu<‘tod as a new member of the King.s Miiuntain Jaycees at the club's regular meeting Tuesday night at ih( Woman’s club. Re-Development Commission Taps Carl Mauney For Another Term Carl F. Miuincy was rc' cli'ctcd chaiiman •>! Uie Kings Mountain land Dilling Mill Stores until 191(^ R( de^clo; mt'iit rommis>i<m Tues- Uvhen he purchased ilic Dilling a joint luncheon New members of the board of ' , n PARTNER ^ Howard R. Lutx hos purchosed inttrost in Kings Mountain Drug Company and be comes third portner in the Kings Mountain firm. nine grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. JAYCEE PROJECT Kings Mountain Jaycee.s will sponsor a light bulb sale Mon day night via a door-to-door canvass from 7 until 9 p.m. Boh Myers is project chairman. Pro ceeds will benefit the club’s community projects. R. S. Lennon Houser. and Mrs. Liiura The elections were held at tlie annual meeting last Wednesday | in which progress reiiorts were “received on the building program now undo: way. According to Grady Howard, administrator, {construction is on schedule and' ; due completion date is late 1970. PRESIDENT—Geoige W. Mauney has been re-elected president of the Kings Mountain Hospital Board of Trustees tor the coming yeoi. Mill Si<>:c. op( iting M until 19J1. From 1933 until li:s la-iircn'.ent at ' the end of 191‘', Iw u '-s inane:;c; of Plonk Brothels Groci'ry. l-'ium :■ 191S he had various ;aimin:' in- I tercsts. ;i An elder <‘mciiHjs (>f lp)\cc :|lMcmo:i:»l ARP Ghindi. hc’ \v;!s ' among the dono's of n’'oni'rt\' foi ll'c cbiirc.'i. iv w (’lul.-'t llio K:’ig Catholic (,'!ni’‘ch. consli ocii d in 1S9S .'I the of Ihi'dmont Avetnu' an i King .Siii’ct. COIN SHOW C’h('rrv\ilb' I'oin cbih will sp( nso: a ';ho\v •'at'c-d'o- ni Carbon i‘luhh''use. Cherryville. Free silver dollars will he given as dwir ini/cs. The Chcrrjvilb* club soonsars a shou (’ach first Saturday cf (‘ach m mill, arvanl- ing to annouiic(*mcnt by Kill Spake. mct'iii.u < Lie Ki'devclopmcnt Co'mmis.<if)n :'>ul the Proicct Art'a ^.'-nmnitlcc for-tin* Ccnfal Kusi ness Di.strict Ih'ban Renewal Pio- jeet. .l.Jin (>. Plonk. .Ii-. was n'-clc't- 1 as •hairnian ol the Rede- Vi'lopniom Commission. J. M. l.a’ic;'. K\(‘.’ut:vc nna*;-t '•r of i!'(‘ C''mni: .s'-M di-'oin-.v'O lio .Toii'c. {v’ U'lV l ive s’t(' pD*i f )’.* the (!• wn:.A\n .lu'.i. He point- ''i (Hli that planning for the Icavn'own pi )i( oi is p’-ocN-cdrig on s.'liedule .'nd tliat the site plan will hr film c'utugli hy mid-July to eomplcti' l.-m I ae<|uisition and lan.l disposition maps and de\eh>p initial c estimates. This infor mation will p:'o\ idc the basis for >ulmnssion of a downtown devel op.ment plan to the Atlanta Rc- CuntinucU On Page Eight RE-ELECTED — Carl F. Mauney has been re-elected chairman of the Kings Mountain Re-De« vclopment Commission.

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