#age 2 r»' KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Thursday, July 3, 1969 Established 1889 The Kings Mountain Herald A weekly newspaper devoted to the proirtotlun of the general welfare and published for the enllghtenoient, entertainment and benefit of the citizens of Kings Mountain and its vicinity, published every Thursday by the Herald Publishing House. Entered as second class matti^r at the post office at Kings Mountain, N. C., 28086 under Act of Congress of March 3,1ST3. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Martin Harmon Editor-Publisher Miss Elizabeth Stewart Circulation Manager and Society Editor Miss Debbie Thornburg .* Clerk, Bookkeeper MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Dave Weatliers, Supt, Ailen Myers Paul Jackson Douglas Weathers David Myers SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE — BY MAIL ANYWHERE ONE YEAR... .$3.50 SIX MONTHS... .$2.00 THREE MONTHS... .$1.25 PLUS NORTH CAROUNA SALES TAX TELEPHONE NUMBER — 739-5441 TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE The Lord livclh: and blessed be my roek; and let the God of my salvation be exalted. Psalm 18:46. The Fourih Excluded Press Friday the nation celebrates the 193rd anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence by a group of rather young men representing Brit ish colonists literally fed up with a va riety of impositions by the distant moth er government. County Commissioner Charles Greene waxed eloquent last week follow ing an executive session joint meeting of the county commission and Kings Moun tain city commission. They were brash indeed. In at least 99 cases of 100, the Kings Mountain Herald would be hollerin’ loud er than Comm. Charlie. Great Britain was the world power, challenged only by France, her across- the-channel neighbor. The colonies had little, both in numbers of men and quan tity material. Indeed, spirit was the major asset. Not so, in the instance of the joint gathering of June 25, when a final effort by the city was made to win agreement of the county body for a lake authoritv bill. Nor were the colonies united, for there w’ere many colonists who did not wish to cut the ties with Great Britain and many of those were to don the red and white uniform of the British and fight against their brothers, often liter ally. It amazed the world when the Brit ish surrendered at Yorktovvn in 1781. The list of complaints against the Crown, as written in the Declaration is long. But most important and worth re reading frequently, is the brief statement of principle: The reasoning of the city, honored by the county, was that maybe, just may be, the two governing bodies, talking man-to-man and without the presence of apeendages in the form of legislators, at torneys, lake area property owners, or representatives of the news media, might find a workable solution to the who- zones-the-lake-area problem. Odds were that nothing new would be said which had not been said at least a thousand times in the past few months. One new item WAS introduced. “We hold these truths to be self-evi dent: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The city would accept the section of several-times revised Senate Bill 364 di recting the city to develope the lake for public recreation in return for zoning authority in the lake area. The intransigant county commission said “non ” again. Almost all, at one time or another, decline to believe that all men are cre ated equal and endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights. The meeting, as previous ones have been, proved a waste of time for the par ticipants, as it would have been for any other who might have been present. Almost all tend to forget that all men are entitled to the pursuit of happi ness — not necessarily happiness itself. After the initial bill was introduced, all the giving was done by Kings Moun tain, the sole local government payer (.'53,000,000) for the lake project. The ob jectors gave nothing. Loco) Speed Record It undoubtedly does not seem to the citizens of Kings Mountain that the Kings Mountain Public Housing Author ity has set any speed records in getting the public housing show on the road, nor does it to the members of the PHA board of directors. United States servicemen who work ed with their British Allies in World War II often complained, “The British defini tion for ‘cooperation’ is ‘do it my way’.” Local case in point? Mrs. R. D. Goforth The record, at least from experience of cities in the surrounding area, says otherwise. A great segment of the community was saddened last week at the death of Mrs. Mae Morrow Goforth. Kings Mountain Public Housing Au thority was formally constituted in mid- January 1967. Her ministrations to many citizens as expert seamstress and able saleslady endeared her commercial public. Construction contracts will be com pleted under date of Monday, July 7, 1969. The same traits of friendliness and kindne.ss were exhibited personally to many other friends. That’s two-and-one half years. Shelby and Hender.sonville required four-and-one-half years to offer housing to its eligible. Gastonia has been in busi ness longer without yet having the “for rent” signs out. Kings Mountain PHA would have been at the finish line more quickly had it not been for two principal factors: 1) the tedious but necessary dotting of “i’s” and crossing of “t’s” governmentally en gendered projects require; and 2) fact that, only five days after the Kings Mountain PHA optioned its first parcel of property, the Housing Assistance Ad ministration of the Department of Hous ing and Urban Development pulled back on the reins becau.se authorizations for fiscal 1968 were exhausted. The final bridge has been crossed. She was a Christian mother, who continually practiced the level-headed ness and self-reliance associated with her native North Dakota. • HERE, NESSIE, HERE. NESSIEi MARTIN'S MEDICINE Ingredients; Bits of humor, wisdom, humor and com ments. Directions: Take weekly, if possible, but a- void overdosage. ly MAR'HN HARMON Both my distant and recent memory remembers nervous bridegroom.s, not calm ones. m-m Albemarle friends were being wed back in 1941. Jim was wring- , ing his hand* behind his back and was moving about as if he were In the throes of St. Vitus dance. I The couple was being wed in the home of the bride. The modus operandi was for Becky to des cend the steps, be Joined by Jim, and the two to proceed to the par son, standing in front of the iman- tlepiece. Becky descended in fine . styie. As she took Jim’s arm. his well-wishing (?) friends, I in cluded, held his coattails. Though the delay was no more than ten si'conds, Jim’s aplomb was com pletely shattered. He made it though. "What's Integration?" m-m I Then there was the press serv- I ice report out of London some months ago about the poor nerv ous groom who fainted away at the altar. He was carried to the churchyard which was also the cemetery. Revived, the groom saw the grave markers and fainted again. He was revived again. He made it, too. m-m My own instance is one of my unforgettable experiences. An hour before the ceremony, I developed an acute case of nervous indiges tion. By the time we reached the church, 15 minutes before H-Hour, i the burps came every second on the second — and too late for medfeal medication or that pre- I scribed by Jim Anthony, my loyal best man. I made it, too. m-m After attending the wedding Saturday of |ete Hauser and I DUNNO/ I THINK IT’S SOME- TH1H6 FOR GR0V)NUPS.' I 1 TinsnOTTOT' Hospital Log VISITING HOURS S to 4 pim. and 7 to 8 pan. OoUy 10:30 To 11:30 ami. >AT1ENTS IN KINOS MOUNTAIN HOSPITAL AS OF NOON WED- lESDAYl Broadus Kermit Barber {frace P. Boyd Jasper H. Bradley Lela C. Carpenter Ada M. Cogdlll Elizabeth Bb*>ltoft Marie Cain Fewell Henry W. Gamble Alice P. Hartsoe Henry Nelson Hord William Franklin Houser Sidney D. Huffsfetler Dorothy Jo Huskey Florence D. Kilgore Hattie P. Lay William Hoyle Moss John B. McDaniel Mamie Smith Panther Leonard E. Payne Trula J. Payseur Florence Isler Randall George H. Shipman l.da L. Smith .Martin L. Wilson, Sr. Geneva Nora Yarbrough Mrs. Frank Wilson Mr. Vincent Bradshaw William Lawrence Moss Thi ADMITTED THURSDAY Mr. Billy David Bell, 407 York Road, City Mrs. Charlie Patrick, 112 Lin- wood Road, City ADMITTED FRIDAY Viewpoints of Other Editors Letter To Editor THE NEW TESTAMENT LETTERS Not all the letters, or epistles in the New Testament were writ ten Years Ago Items of interest which occur- id approximately ten years ago Rev. H. 'D. Garmon, pastor of ten by Paul. Some were written i ® First Methodist by other apostles. Peter wrote church the p-ast five^ yea^, ^has Helen Goforth, my nomination for two, and John wrote three. James The Grover Community Devel- calmest groom out of scores ol tmd Jude, probably the brothers weddings is Pete. of esus, each wrote one. m-m opment Council is completing plans this week for a big July 4th community-wide celebration, ac cording to Charles 'F. Harry, III, I From these letters we learn a- ' bout the teachings hearts of the believers by ' on this thesis. In matters of news IHoly Spirits whom he gives m-m 'Miss Margaret LCiJan Goforth became the bride of William Eu gene McCarter Sunday in a .'5 p.m. ceremony at Mount Vernon Bap tist church near Forest City. Second Baptist church was the setting Friday at 4 p.m. 'for the wedding of Miss Brenda Wray Eng and Gerald Dean Thomasson. Double-ring vows exchanged I reporting, the Herald (like most ! them. Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. in newspapers) attempts to gather j Central Methodist church united out higher rates, lenders iwould have to ration lendable funds in some more unfair way. There is little doubt about the unfairness, the uneven effects, of high interest. Small borrowers are hit particularly hard, while big corporations have an easier time obtaining and payirrg for the credit they need. Prospective home 'buyers suffer greatly as mortgage funds dry up, and the homebuilding industry always hurts in times of tight money. 'But the unfairness of all this is not the result of bankers’ greed but of years and years of bad economic policy 'from Washington — policy that has been compound ed in recent months. After years of making money easy, the Fed eral Reserve System, the nation’s central banker, feared that the supposedly anti-inflationary tax surcharge enacted last year wouM result in a recession. So the Fed continued to flood the country’s banks with lendable funds, and inflation continued a- pace. Then, realizing their miscal- Celia S. Bonds,, 610 Sipes St., City Cecil L. Cole, 132 Neal Hawkins Rd.. Gastonia Mrs. James Hamilton. Rt. $, Box 460 City Mrs. Lawrence Black, Rt. 2, Box 34C. City ADMITTED SATURDAY Mrs. Allen Blackwell, 501 Lor- raine St., Dallas Juanita Louise Case, 310 S. Gaston St., City .Mrs. Jake G. Nance, 223 Walk er Street, City ADMITTED SUNDAY Fairy Hayes Sellers, Rt. 2, Box 237, City Mr. Everette Theodore Bridges, 107 Fulton St., City Miss Karen Lynn Sparks, 1009 Sherwood Lane, City Mr. Theodore Gilliam, 215 S. Webb St., Gastonia Mrs. Homer Jones, 919 Sharon Drive, City Mrs. John O. Patterson, Rt. 3, ^"va^een^Jolly Pritchard, Rt. 2, Shelby Verl Smith, 916 Grover Road, , City ' Mrs. Jerry Hall, 1230 Second St., City Mrs. Otto Ford, Rt. 2, Box 32, City culation, the Fed’s managers a- bruptly put on the squeeze, and I These New Testament letters Miss Rachel Jean Jolly and Janis interest rates shot up predictably > 1 a *7 ^n.ai-MA iM wi.n mu*! M I era.— * * the facts and do the writing as teach us how Christians.Z. Caune in marriage. we think it should be. In maiicrs should Lve. Christians are de-l , cf birth’ marriage’ and death the a being honest, good tol WHO'S TO BLAME j Herald does its best to please the ^be p ror willing to suffer for I participants and/or kith and kin jef-ps’ sake, kind to their enemies I ittvolved. i ready to forgive them, hav- ig.n, ! ing love for one another, and 1 1 e-' zer to win others to Jesus Saturday’s wedding produced in- Christ. Christians are happy peo- , terestlng conversation, as wed- I dings do, along with renewal of friendships and establishment of new ones. pie, for God gives them joy. FOR HIGHER PRICES? It’s easy to assess blame for in flation. If you’re a consumer, you blame manufacturers for setting their prices too high and making profits that are too large. If I you’re a business, executive, you The preachers of the early ^an blame unions for demanding church wrote that Jesus is com-j and getting walges that are too ing again. When he comes, hejbigh. If you 'go” for conspiracy will taUe to be with him all who theories, you can blame the “mili- f I believe in him. The dead will rise, tary-industrlal complex” for get- ' All who believe in Jesus will rise,ting the country into Vietnam Dr. Antoine Sehriener, Pete’s chemistry professors at i ""T the^lmids’ThMe! . ^ Winston ChurchUl. State, had come to North Carolina I,a. ,„))) Arv nut Nature gave men two ends-one to sit on and one to think with. 1 * A _ . A-A II • iwho do not believe will cry out last August, after living in Michi-I ^^j. fo,- a place to gan and teaching at the Univer- ^ere will be nowhere sityof Illinois. He IS a native AusJ ’ be ^to go, No one knows s7at« vv-hen Jesus will i^tum. but Jesus States in l9bz. tauglit that his followers should always be ready. Thee letters wore read many, i many n-m Mayor John Henry Moss and I chatted with Sam Goforth, uncle of the bride, about one of the Go- fueling Government spending. And if you’re just about anybody, at some time or another you can blame the banks. This makes Rep. Wright Pat man quite a hero these -days. The Texas 'Democrat and chairman of the House Banking Committee forth Brothers specialities, scenic rides high in the ozone and ski lifts. Goforth Brothers is current ly in.stalling a scenic ride in Ha waii and is building a ski lift, the time (-HAstians me( .opened an investiga- togefher. Copies were made -andi ‘"»o the recent increase ,n other' ’Prinifi” interest rate, the places. These letters were very banks charge their best and shared with churches in sixth, at Beech Mountain. Comple- today. valuable. They helped the Christ ians know how to live. As a part of our Bible they do the same There is one solid fact about tion will provide the Beech Moun-i the Loch Ness Monster. And that capacity to send; is that speculation on its exist-skiere per hour up thei ence revives with unerring cer- '® ®?^ to the ski runs. “That ca-1 talnty each year when the tourist '^on t be too much,” Sam season begins. Leave that to the ninientea. | canny, thrifty Scots. Dave Huffstetler ■Piedmont Baptist Church The current agony, in other words, is the product of an erra tic, on-again, off-again strategy of inflation fighting. It is this policy that Mr. Patman and his frienSs should be attacking. 'That would be much more useful, if not so wildly popular, as looking for demons in the banks. National Observer QUOTES Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.—Sir Ever since then men’s saiccess or failure has been dependent on the one he used most. one he used most.—George Kirk Patrick. I have yet to meet a man as fond of high moral conduct as he is of outward appearances.—Con fucius. IThe Smithfield Herald Myra Lynn Dye. Rt. 1, Lake Montonia Rd., City ADMITTED MONDAY Mrs. Frank L. Goforth, Route 1, Grover Sandra Faye Biimgardner, Box 84. City Maud M. Gardner, 106 N. Gas ton Street, City Dalton Dover Mooney, Gen. Del., Bessemer City Gall Anita Davis, W. Virginia Avenue, Bessemer City Mr, Kenneth Lee Lowery, Box 335 D''"-si ' 'Mr, W. Q. Dover, Box 52, Gro ver. Mrs. William Dulin, 107 Hart ford Avenue, Bessemer City Mr. Charles SImonds, 701 Bet ty St., Gastonia ADMITTED TUESDAY 16 Joyce Ann Jones, 1S36 Adams St., Gastonia Mrs. Charlie Shaw, 312 S. Wil low St., Gastonia Mrs. Tommy King, 614 'Temple St., City- most credit-worthy customers, to a record 814 percent. As the in vestigation opened, Mr. 'Patman was armed with -bundles of fan mail from throughout the nation, all of it urging him to nail the bankers. 'Money lenders, through the cen turies, have been catchinig the devil, and low interest has 'al- This year a netw twist has been given to the hoary- question about I u-m PURCHASE SLUMP According to federal labor de- i ways been a politically popular partment studies, the “typical” j cause to champion. Yet the banks American industrial worker nev- ffe owed a little more sympathy Sam, it developed, has never ^ jje makes than they have-been getting these the monster. It is the reputed been off the ground, so ro ■‘’Pcotc, ] ^ week, and thar is record hays plan of some Americans to launch as far as his in-the-ozone products- “Tvoical” in this case refers' F'oe one thing, high interest — a yellow submarine to hunt for conrerned. “And I don’t ex-1 he .average nonsupervisoryi hhe other high prices - Is a re- Nessie. In turn this has aroused the wrath (real? simulated? tongue-in-eheekly?) of several Scottish lairds. Lord Lovat, chief of Clan Fraser, and Lord Mac Donald, chief of Clan MacDonald, have expressed concern lest the underwater hunters hurt the sea dragon. Eve nthe Glasgow Herald has pushed the fun along, criticiz ing the hunt, and writing; “Nes sie is a quiet, benign beatie which has never done anyone any harm.” If the submarine is launched, we are prepared to forecast two results. The first is that the pect to,” he adds. m-na Though we had known each other telephonically for some years, I met Joe Goforth, other half of the Goforth Brothers or ganization, for the first time in person, also renewed acquaint worker in private industry, who suit, not -J-aai^c cause, of^mfla- has three dependents. tion. A continuously inflating economy encourages businesses to -borrow for more expansion to The true measure of how well off this “typical” individual really meet constantly growing consum- is comes not from gross iweeklyier demand. And businesses and pay, however, but from his aver-1 individuals, caught up in an In- age purchasing power. This is'fl-ationary psychology, are eager _ ivhat is left after you strip away, to borrow today to repay in knee .with hLs wife the ’former the effects of taxes and inflation, cheaper dollars tomorrow. As long Sophie Kendrick. On this score the picture is not as there is some limit to the sup- -$o good. A weekly pay package ply of lendable funds, demand for «»-“» I of $112.13 yields -purchasing pow-! those -funds will push up the Indenendence Dav note- survev-'or of only $77.62. And the latter price of loans. ing thrSfur stores foJ JuW 4th I t'go'-o only $2.24 less 4han| In addition, higher interest Lhedules I Called Woody London » was last September; it is well] rates are the most efficient way who said hla pro^We schedule below the yearly averalAes for the to ration available crei^t among is a little comDlicated “I checked last four years. the many businesses and Jndivid- beg-stie will successfully elude de- mv boat vesterdav and it’s not rru- i nitmtincin nmv seeking it. A higher price for J -.i .u,- on my Doat yesteraay ana It s not ,j,(,is slump in purchasing pow- n,o„ey g^j^e prospect- l tection. The se«,nd is that this If it’s no^^eady, I’ll prob- or is iusHne mVre rca ol, failure to find it will only in- ably work on regular ^hedule. If efforts to c^mbrunflluon are so u® it) crease the Scots’ conVetion that ^ pu be fiahing.” After a mo- ‘"r'atlon are so jittip harder about goirtg. iitto fishing. it indeed lurks down th*re in the ^^nt’s pause, he declared, “Aw, cold, murky waters. • iqi close. I need a rest anj-w-ay.” Christian fieieaoe Konttor Idebt for expansion or larger in- Milwaukae Joiirnol'memories. In this way high inter est can be anti-inflationary. With- Keep Yoni Radio Dial Set At 1220 WKMT Kings Mountain, N. C. ifews & Weather every hour on the hour. Weather every hour on the half hour. Fine entertainment in between