■ j •••« Gr«attr kuigf MouataUi tigar* l» d«riv«d tiom tiM •pseiol United States Bureau el the Census report e Juuarr 1M6. ond Includes tlu 14.B90 population e HumMr 4 Towiwhlp. and the remaining 6.124 Iron number $ Township, in Cleveland County ond Crowdnr' —i^T.**^** T<wnshtp In Gaston County Kings Mountain's Relioble Newspaper VOL 81 No. 38 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, September 18, 1969 Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CEMTf Commissioners Award Cline $31,500 For Dam Site Rites Conducted For W. F, Houser Long Illness Proves Fatal To Businessman Funeral rites for William F. Houser, 56, were held Monciaj merning at 11 o’clock from thfc Chapel of Harris Funeral Home. Rev. James Wilder, pastor o£ Kings Mountain Baptist church, cfliciated at the final rites, and inter.menl was in Mountain Rest cemetery. Active pallbearers wore C. D. Waie, H. O. Williams,- Jack Arnettc, I. C. Davis, J. H. Patter son and W. T. Weir. M;. Houser died Saturday at 1:40 p. m. in the Kings Mountain hospital where he had been hos- pitalized for five years with mul tiple sclerosis. A native of Cleveland County, he w^as a son ol the late Horace and Sarah Falls Houser. He wa^ a retired salesman, a member o! Kings Mountain Baptist church and prior to his illness w'as active in .the Kings Mountain Lions j Kings Mountain high school' .. ^dncipaj J. C. Atkinson has an- ,, wife, Mrs. nounced that John Anderson Bal- ^ daughter, ]glv. son ol Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson. Jr. ol Bhllew ol 202 Edgemont Drive.l hp.s been named a Semi-linalist in „ ’ . ■'"P H. Houser ol t he 1939-1970 National Me.i. , _ T^^'i^.OTO ^mUhialiat niJBrt .x.."r?ss 0» htel,' SLS """‘ est scorers in their states on the National Merit Scholarship Qua-' \ 'ri HELO<^Funerol rites for F. Houser. 56. were Monday morning. /ohn Ballew imi-Finalist high Murder Against By Aimy Colonel The letter reads: “Dear Sir: lidwson Leads ^Aptist Revival Bell Transfers Norman King Norman King, city commi.s.sion- er from Ward IV and veteran of more than 21 years service with Southern Bell Telephone Com pany. has been transferred from the Gastonia office of Southern Bell to the Lincolnton exchange. Mr. King becomes Test Dcsk- not know what transpired, but | man for the company at the Lin- tho n anager assisted him on the i colnton office. He w'as formerly I iword^of my son that he would .send a check or that we would pay it. My wife an 1 I did re Continued On Page Eight lifying Test, which was given last |*||Sma|| Pv;|f rAfl February to some 75,000 students; A AuASvll in 17,250 schools nationwide. They constitute less than one per cent of the graduatiify secondary , . school seniors in the United Mayor Jonn Henry' Moss has re states. ceived a letter ot praise for a Ballew’s many accrued honors J^^al citizen from Colonel William include: the Bili> Shuford Science Malkemos, Department of the Award, the Plonk Scholarship "^^ny, U.S. Army Air Defcn.se Medal Junior Marshal, Govern- Lcmmandent, Air Force Base, or’s School. Co-editor of “Mile- Cok>rado. stones”, and membership in the National Honor Society. , . ru * . , ■ His activities include the Band, J would like to take tins op- basketball, Student Council, Sci- to-inform you of one of ence Club. French Club. Bjman y^ur citizens .hat so greatly im- Relations Committee, and Pep P^^-::sed my wife and me. Oand August as my son w'as driving North ho realized that he had left'hLs wallet (money, iden tification, credit cards, etc.) at his last overnight lodging. In despe rate? need of gas to continue’ on his journey (eventually to the D T MvrcMn ^^^ted State? Military Acftdemv) Tbe Rev Kenneth R. Lawson, ,,p American Oil ^ pastor of Florence Baptist chuic^ ^j^p^py Service Station, Battle- Forest City, will be the evangelist abound America, 1-85 and NC 216 during the Fall Revival at Fust ^ings Mountain, N. C. 11380. I do Baptist church this wwk. Rev. Larson is a native of Lau rens, South Carolina, and has served churches in Marietta. S. C., Asheville, N. C., and New Or leans, Lojisiana, before coming to Forest City. The community is invited to at tend these special servit^'s each ivening at 7 p.m., says Rev. Rob- ' C. Mann, pastor of First Bap- i tist church. \ J Sunday School Leadership I Freparalion will be^in at First i Baptisti fhurch, Sunday evening, ; Scplernber 21, 6:30-8.30, and con- j annual C eveland I tinuing Monday. Tuesday, and ,5”"“ I T ^ ^ . i Wednesday evenings, 7:00-9;-00. ! Charles Summey, former Area; • Sunday School Secretary for the school. . Coltinmd On Pajc Einht \ Th** n|vitat.omonly banquet -- T ' limited m attendance because of iTAmAlArv Proaress faciiitics- i^emeiery rrvgreas sponsorel by the Shelby Cham- , On Board Agenda ber of Commerce througii its odu- A progress report on develop- cation tommittce headed by Jack ment of addition to Mountain Schweppe. Rest cemetery is on the agen.ia The teachers will be singled for Tuesday night’s city commis- out for Star teacher awards, sion meeting at 6:30 p.m. in City Fight will h3ve been selected by Hall courtroom. Ihe student finalists in last year’s Cemetery Supt. Ken Jenkins PPG Foundation scholarship corn- will make the report to the may- petition, and two will have been or and board of commissioners. selected by the faculties ot Crest The board will also hold public and Burns high schools, hearing on petitions for rezoning The eight finalists who have by Edward Don Short, Dean Ay- named Star teachers are James ers and Mrs. B. S. Peeler who de- \V. Grayson, Timothy N. Web-i sire their properties rezoned from ster, Maik E. Hughes and Rich-i residential to neighborhood busi- arJ Etheridge, all of Kings, ness. Mountain high school, and Fred. At Tuesday’s meeting the board, Blanton Vogel, Kathryn Durland, ■ will also receive bids for approx- Alice Hegeand Kathy Ann Propst.i ^ imately 537 feet paving on Dixie all of Shelby high school. All street and approximately 227 feel, eight students am currently en-; paving on Bridges Drive. I rolled in universities. 1 Constitution I Made UcS. Great. Maner Writes By BOB MANER This week has been officially dedicated by the Congress of the United States as “Constitution Week!” The work of the Consti- utional Convention was complet- \I September 17, 1787, and with s signing an experiment in gov- .‘rnmeiiL mankind’s most perfect .0 date, W’as begun. It is a privi lege for me to take these few moments to write .about it. Few moments in history have enjoyed the marked collective tal- .'nts of those assembled. One com mon bond the abject terror of .yranny in the hands of any per-, ion or group-bound them tbgothor,! and has allowed us to enjoy a' naximum of freedom in all areas! af living, and, at the same tunc, Niallenged us to self-ccnt.ml and; ‘cstraint in dealing with our fel-! ow man. This inspired document lias insured maximum (levelop- ment and distribution of wealth! rade possible by America’s ’ooun- tiful natural resources. j The brevity of the document in-j eluding the first ten amendments the Bill of Rights—is lemark-. able. Their self-confidence in the: work is evidenced by the difficul- , ty in the amendment process pro-’ vided, and is supported by the ’'datively few times amendments' havp passed. j These men intended to have; meaningful “chetks and balances” in the executive, legislative and, judicial branches of govenament.: It is evident that the legislative branch was to be the most people- oriented with the House of Rep-' rcstntatives being the Senate. In spellin-^ out,,the. duties of each branch, they dcsir-; ed to vest the most power in the legislative group and lessee a- mounts in the judicia] and p^^uver in the legislative group and les sor,amounts in the i/dicial and executive. Most harmful excess! have (ome from these latter two I branches and our forefather’s | fear of concentration of power has been juslifie<l. Our government is not perfect.' Nontheless it is the most ; V]M IMf^VlltOC ever devised. It is my sincere he ' MaITI ITaClXlllviB lief thal America can remain a | _ great naHon so long as we serve IwlApf ||| l#lpfnj|||| responsibility as citizens. These' 111 ¥ ICIliaill w'ise.men who have served us sol well have made our lob remark- Mountain mannet ably easy. Join me in counting two miles apart ,n Viet my American Citizenship as my greatest earthly blessing. Charge Lemmons Shelby Youth Glenn Patterson Dies of Wounds Rudolph Lemmons, Jr., 20-ycar- old Grover youth charged with ! murder in the sliootii.)» death of;. Construction On Dam Began On Wednesday By MARTIN HARMON The court appointed commis sioners in the city’s condemnation action against Buford Cline set the figure for Mr. Cline’s 93-acre 1 tract for the Buffalo Creek dam I site at $31,500, the city has put i the money in escrow wdth the j clerk of court, and Gillespie Con- I struction Company was be .-inning i work on the dam Wednesday aft- i emoon. proffered Mr. The city iiad lim' $30,000. The c'lmmis.sioners. William , 18-5ear-old Glenn Patterson oli^Mon Ern«t ilarriil and . Qaston Dover conducted a hoar- . ing Tuesday morning. in Shelby, was lodged Count> Jail Monday. Lemmons, arresteJ Saturday; I morning by Cleveland County beha f saMiis he had paid $2o,TO Deputies, was held in the Shelbr f"" jail until Monday when he was ir.ansferred to Gastonia. stiJy i:ig u<**'e Coleman Goforth. At torney Charles Horn, and Steve Hawoi;, a Charlotte real estate Patterson was allegedly shot broke;. attorneys Jack White and jwo youths at the home of Den presented no wit- Conner m the HiUtop section of cross-examined the Gaston Count> between Mountain and Crowder’s Moun-j tain on September 9th. Patterson' tc.f^Hied that boUom land is died from complications of the [wound Friday night in the Kings Mountain hospital. Lemmons is son oi worth $1,000 per acre, hut, under cros.s-examinaticn, could report' no sales at that figure. The realty Rev. Ru- broker s.aid the Cline property should be worth $.55,000 but ac- knowledg<*d he was making com- pirison uiih road frontage pro-j perty on Highway fS. Mr. Horn, quoted another property sale, butt this property also contained a! ’■cs: fence, as the Cline tract does; not. ’ Mayor John Henry M')ss said’ he vva.-v pleased at the decision,' whi :'h 'compared favorably with i the th-pe appraisals the city had I •* t. • 'rom Frank IJovle. Coates Com-; Citizens in the city are beins asked to fiy the Amenjan f'as ; Ralpli Seiqler, construction su-, and schoois and churches are be- o^j-intendent for the Gillespie ing asked to note the observance dolph Lemmon», Baptist minister, oi Grover. DAR Is Promoting Constitution Week Colonel Frederick Hambright Chapter DAR is calling attention this week to ttre observe.rro of Constitution Week September 15- 22. REUNITED—Two Kings Moun tain Marines, Pfc. Richard La- ney, top, and Pfc. Jimmy King were recently reunited in Viet nam. in programs or during the regu lar Sunday service. Citizens are also invited to [ read again the U.S. Constitution, | said a spokesman for the DAR. | Mrs. C. D. Blanton is regent of the Colonel Frederick Hambright chapter. Mrs. Gainer Graduate Nurse nam, wore recently reunitei Pfc. Charles Richard Laney andi Mrs. Joyce Bell Garner, daugh- Pfc. Jimmy King joined the Ma-j ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bell, Sr. of lines together but were separated; Kings Mountain, graduated with during training. honors Sunday frem the Lincoln Both men are now viet- School of Nursing in Dur- nam and through Pfc. Jimmy ^ f Kinc^’s address were able to lo-' Garner was recipient of Kin^s aaaress weie . tJ the J. W. V. Cordice prize to the cate each other. They were sta- . , * , tioned two miles apart at (ho; r^xTr, ,1, J 4u i- . practice in operating room tech- DM7 /one and they have l^en ;; able to spend some time together, ,^0 s t u d e n t maintaining the they have written their parents. ; scholastic averag? for Pfc. Laney is the son Of Richard three years, and the Graduate Laney of Detroit, Michigan and! Nurse staff prize to the student Mrs. Mary Laney of High Shoals,' who has been the “most techni- formerly of Kings Mountain. [ cally competent” nurse for three Pfc. Kir/'T is the son of Mr. and years. I Comimy, said earlh - moving' I equipment was being moved to ! the dam site immediately. D'nnis F'ox, resident engineer, of W. K. Dickson Company, was also ploascrl at the result, as were the city attorneys. “We are now in position to move ahead,” Mr. Fox comment ed. The 84 foot high dam will be 1000 feet aci'iss, including a 250- foot spilhvav. Prior to T esday’s hearing Mr. ^liiie iiad filed an advance ap peal against the condemnation ■*ct»on whi'’b Clerk of Court Paul Wilson had calendared for the lerm of Superior Court beginning September 22. Juti' e Fre^i Hasty af Charlotte will he presi lyiff- Both parlies have 20 days from Tuesday’s liearing to appeal the 531,500 award. SERMON TOPIC ■‘Abraham: A Man of Faith," will be the .sermon topic of Rev. Bob Wilson at Dixon Presbyterian chuidi Sundr-y morning at 9:30. 102 Students Off - To - School 15 At UNC (CH), 14 Attending WesteinCarolina The Kings Mountain area will send a total of 102 area students ■off to schools for post-high school * training, colleges, universities and specialized schools, a suivey re veals. The University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill is attracting he laigest number of area stu- Jents this season, with 15 enroll- ?d. Second favorite of area stu- ienls is Western Carolina Univer ity, Cullowhee, where 14 are en rolled, and third favorite is Lime- »tone college at Gaffney, S. C., with 10. The Herald attempted to obtain a complete list of students off- to - school. Realizing there are omissions, the Heiald invites relatives of students whose names are omitted to contact the news paper office, 739-5441. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS — Paul Rollins. IIPffVDD LIMESTONE COLLEGE-Mike 3* Ballard, Scarlett Morrison, Rob ert Moss, Elaine Dixon. Linda Roberts, Camille Leonard, Vickie Fumer, Terry Dean Anderson, Debbie Plonk, Lynda Plonk. APPALACHIAN STATE UNI VERSITY ~ Jimmy Falls, Ann Owens, Kathy Atkinteon, Pete Ware, Steven Goforth, Tommy Goforth, Jimmy White. MEREDITH COLLEGE-Carol Dilling. UNC - GREENSBORO — Te resa Jolly, Libby Alexander. WESTERN CAROLINA UNI VERSITY — Rita Blanton, Kathy Willis, Hugh Logan, Del Goforth, Wendell Bunch, Lynda Watterson, Sandy Atkinson, Heidi Kopruch, Debbie Smith, Connie Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chapel Hill - Scott Kelly, Edith Hambright, Mary Homecoming Day will be ob- Ann Houses Jane Morris Scott served Sunday at First Wesleyan ^ Corky Methodist church at 107 waco'Fulton. Tommy Bridges Neal } Cooper, Tommy Fmger. Jeff Mau- ney, Jimmy Sotelo, Ken Plonk, Former members and friends Rick Finger, Win Goter. of the church are invited to join' GASTON COLLEGE — Ava the congregation in the special Spearman, Jean Phifer, Margaret GRADUATE-^rs. Billie Gibbons Ormand has received her Asso ciate in Nursing degree from Central Piedmont Community college. Mrs. Ormand Wins Mrs. Billie Gibbons Ormand: wife of Lewis Boyd Ormand and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gibbons of Kings Mountain, re- c’eivod her Associate in Nursing degree from Central Piedmont Cc'mn-»unit> college Sunday. Mrs. Ormand was pinned on Saturday in exercises at Charlotte Memorial hospital. The Kings Mountain woman was one of the top five students in a graduating class of 29 and recognized for scholastic average and nursing ability. First Wesleyan Homecoming Set service, said Rev. Carl G. Sparks, pastor. commercial representative in the ! Mrs. Ellis King of Kings Moun- Gastonia office. | tain. The King family will continue j to reside here. Mrs. Garner graduated from Compact high school in 1966. HOSPITALIZED Mrs. Quay Hamlnight remains a patient in Kings Mountain hos pital for treatment and observa tion. Dilling, Stanley Laughter. GARDNER WEBB COLLEGE — . , Dwain Yarbro, Joann Crawford, The Sunday School hour is Alexander, Stanley Brown. 9:30 with the morning worship] ^llen Dover, Joy Jolley, Linda service at 11. A former pastor, I pjjjjg Rev. W. C. Lovin, will deliver the! leNOIR RHYNE COLLEGE ^ morning message. Picnic lunch Mauney. Jr., Dan.iy Fin- will be spread on the church, jq Bridges, Joyce Dixon. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH Four Kings Mountain Nominees For Annual Star Teachers Honor North Carolina Governor Rob ; erl W. Scott will address thev.. County S.ar Teachers’ AA-ard banciuet i Wednesday night at 7 at Shelby 'i< I , Mrs. Mauney Gives Organ ; Mrs. S. A. Mauney has present-' ed a two manual Wicks Pipe Or gan to Our Father Lutheran '^'churcli of Greensboro and mem-1 : bers of the family went to Greens- boro recently for dedication of the organ and a recital by Mrs. '4^ Mauney’s grandson-in-law, Gor don Geaver, professor of mi;sic > ’ at Lutheran Seminary in Colum-i " : bin. S. C. I Another grandson of Mrs. Mau-i V ney’s Gene Mauney and his fam-' / ily, are members of the Gjrecns- boro church. Others attending the se^'viee i were Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Mau ney of Kings Mountain and they and .Mrs. S. A. Mauney and the Beavers from Columbia were guests of the Gene Mauneys. grounds at the noon hour. Marion B. Flowers is Sunday School superintendent and Larry Milstead'is Minister of Music. Sunday at 7 p.m. revival serv ices are to begin at the Wesleyan Church, 107 Waco Road, where R^. Carl V. Sparks is the pastor, “everend Harold L. Rick- one Wes- a, is the minister of nusic for Ic public to (which will following CAROUNA AT CHARLOTTK Bill Bridges, Mary Dixon, Bar bara Plonk, Donna Crawford. WINGATE COLLEGE-Jo Ann Dean. GEORGIA COLLEGE — Vickie Jean Turner. EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY —Steve Crosby. MARS HILL COLLEGE—Don na Hardes, Chuck Sparks, Bar bara Hord. FURMAN UNIVERSITY Chuck Neisler. N. C. STATE UNIVERSITY — Dennic Brk' es, Diana Bunkowski. WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY —Mary Jo Hord. (Continued on Page Eight) V [ducation Endorses ales Tax Provisionally SPEAKER — Governor Robert W. Scott will oddress the annual Stor Teachers banquet in Shel by Wednesday sponsored by the Carolina Plant of PPG Indus tries and Shelby Chamber of Commerce. Adorns Gives Moyor New Walnut Gavel Mayor John Henry Moss has a nrw gavoi for use at city com mission sessions, compliments of Herhcrt Adams. Mr. Adams, a craftsman in wooJ, used walnut, and the head !of the gavel is smoothly grooved.! WINS COMMENDATION MEDAL Medlin, right son of Mrs. Jomes and the late Mr. Medlin, has rec^ mendation Medal at Phan Rang SmiUk. deputy commander, makes t^ AB, Vietnam. Airmon Medlin was i vice os on odminiitrative spedallij was cited for his outstanding job | duty. He is now at Phon Rang in o \ The oirmon/ a. 1964 groduate of Kin : tended Western Carolino University.! Wright of Kings Mountodn. ^in board of I ht endorsed lit sales tax ’ovided that revenue I'e* ked for edu- al .was fur- 1 a request valorem tax ►e decreased 1 “that this own to the isioners. ‘esolution a- y the board frwarded to :ommlsslon- I King Moun- lEducation at' its regular meeting Sept. 15, fin alized its 1989-70 budget, and realized that there is sufficient need for additional funds to im plement the quality educatio:\l program needed in our school dis trict; “WHEREAS, the Kings Moun tain City Board of Education acknowledges with appreciation the fact that the Cleveland Coun ty commissioners did increase the 1969 levy for current expenses to help us maintain our current pro gram; “WHEREAS, the Kings yjuin- tain City Board of Educai^ briefly discussed the one cent c'al sales tax referendum aftoT realize that this is a fair ' tax Continued On Page Eight

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