Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9,300 Greoter Kiagi Mountcdo figura u dtrla»<l fron ttM •paciol United Stole* lureou ot the Census report o lonuary i9S6. and includes the 14,990 population e Ifumher 4 Township, and the remaining 6,124 Iron Ifumher 5 Township, in ClsTeland County and Crowder' Tfternehip jg Qoston County. 3 s I i it: i h Ij Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL 81 No. 39 Established 18^9 Kinqs Mountain, N. C., Thursday, September 25, 1969 Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTS 46th Annual Cleveland Fair Opens! uesday ;F”"eDay Run Beauty Queens, Races, Shows, Exhibits Feature Youths Raid Phifer Hardware Of $2000In Guns And Shells It's lair time again, and the 'IC.li annual Cleveiand County Kail* will begin a five-day stand ruesday. Cates op<?n each morn ing at 8 o'clock, exhibit buildings l^pion at 10 a.m. and Doggeller ^Riows begin operation at 10 a.m. .Miss North Carolina, Patricia Elaine Johnson, will take part in opening ceremonies on Tuesday, Shi will spend the day at the fair and will appear on the stage at the evening grand.stand show. The North Caiolina Rhododen dron Queen, Mary Selene Duncan, will visit the fairgrounds on Fri day and will appear on the stage at the evening grandstand show. Injluded -among othci special g.csts who will lie making a gran^tand appearance sometime : duri^ F?ir Week will be Miss Shelfr', Maigaret Stallings; Miss Chetfy vnic, Rhonda Ledford; Miss Mountain, Linda Suianne 1 YaV>: and Miss Upper Cleveland forty, Debbie Boggs. rhodl children in the county w be admittr.i fice to the fair- fjunds Tuesday and Friday on cial tickets to be issued :ough respective principals. [All I’Lrsons 75 years of ag<‘ and or will be admitted free to the irgrounds every day. I lie Deggeller Amusement Com- ny, known the country over as' ae of America’s cleanest midway ows, will bring to the county |air the best in fun and games, hows of merit and the best in ides. / TAR HEEL BEAUTY QUEEN AT FAIR ^ Patricia Johnson of Winstcn.Saiexn, the reigning Miss North Carolina, will open the 1969 Cleveland County Foir Tuesday. A Meredith college voice major. Miss Johnson competed in the Miss North Carolina pageant as Miss Roleigh. The 46th annual Fair runs Tuesday through Saturday. .1 Fair Manager E. L. Weathers has announced that many. standing evening grandstand acts] Vave been lined up for the Pair,! Tuesday, September 30 thru Sat ! urday, October 4. ; ' On Tuesday, Wednesday and' Thursday evening, appearing willl he the world famous Jack Koch-1 man Hell Drivers; The Two Frau- inslcins, a novelty balanijing act; and the Pamela Torry Sisters, an acrobatic and tumbling act. The popular A1 Youngman Band will be seen each night. One of the nation's most pop ular m(xlern country recording ailists, LoRoy Van Dyke, will be' a headline attraction at the Cleve-| l and County Grandstand Show on Friday and Sal urday evening. Be-^ cau.se of his ultra-modern ap proach to country No Appeal Yet nied By Cline In City Matter By MARTIN HARMON The Buford Cline notice of ap peal of Clerk of Superior Court's decision on points of law inter jected by deiendani in the city’s condemnation action against Mr. Cline remains a notice. No appeal action has been filed. Meantime, City attorney Jack White said^ Mr. Cline’s attorney, Elrncsl S. DeLaney, of Charlotte, called him Friday to s-ay Mr. Cline would not seek to prevent :he c<mtractor, Gillespie Construc tion Company, from proceeding with work on the big earthen • concrete dam which will impound the w'ater of Buffalo Creek to provide the city a water supply. Attorney White said Attorney DeLaney did not say appeal, eith- er on Clerk of Court Paul Wil son’s decision or the $31,500 com missioners’ award for the 93- acre Cline dam site, would not be fil ed. Both Mr. Cline and the city have 20 days from Seotember 16 fluoridation meeting t(^ appeal the (^mmissioners de- commis.sion will b(^ held at City Hall courtroom Tues- The city has said would not, BOUNDED IN ACTION — Pic. P-^i- appeal the decision of the corn- (Bobby) Ernst was commission called the ses- missioners. noting that the award in action September 1 sion at the reciuest of Gerald compared favorably with t he serving with the Army in Thomasson, ( hairman of the Jay- findings of three independent reg- Vietnam. vater fluoridation promotion isfered appraisers the city had re- pio’ram. '^Tl^ city placed .ho $..1,500 in ElRSt WOUllded d"' ■Thrme;’.’’",'-H oscro.v with the Clerk of Couy. he open as all city commission! feJ on Seotember 17 and Gillespie T|| meetings are." Construction began moving eauip Sll * 1^1110111 11QI , chairman Thoma.sson said Miss ' ment to the ;’am site that after-, Becky Bowden, coordinator for noon. The city owned half the, Pfc. Robert f. (Bobbyi Krnst, f’.oriialion of the dental health dam s:'e, Mr. Cline the other half, son of Mr. and Mrs. Odroy if. division of the State Board „f Meantime Dennis Fox Health will ho present and will .Mcanume, uennrs lox, res. wounded jn action September 1 in sneak to thp hr-qrH ••ten cau? lent engineer, said work, both on ^ t'PtdK ro me orarci. M( aiao said Mie dam site and the water treat ment plant is proceeding we^. He f Fluoridation Meeting Tuesday Special Session Is Scheduled On Jaycee Bid New Wilkes Drama Mayes Wrote Historical Narrative Negro Youths Have Not Made $5000 Bonds Six Gaston County youths whe told police they 'ame to town Fri day night to “ri-e around’’ were apprehended Saturday morning a itw hours after the 7:20 a.m. robbery of $2,000 worth of guns and ammunition from Phifer flardwaro. Jailed in Gaston County Jail in lieu ui bond each are: Willie Andy Rainey, 16, and George Edward Moore, IS, both of 326 N. Pryor street, Gastonia, and Davi.i Lewis Eaves, 16. of 30 South 19th street, Long Island, New York. Three of the sextet are juveniles. All are Negroes. Accordin'; to the Kings Moun- lain and Gastonia Police Depart ment Detective Divisions’ Gaston officers answered a call in Gas tonia early Saturday morning and apprehended the six youths who were reportedly using stolen guns to “shoot gla.ss out cf windows.’’ A call to the local police depart ment verified that guns ha I been stolen from the loca] hardware. Sgt. Bob Hayes, Patrolman Rob- : ert Dodge, D( t. Lt. William Roper ; ami Police Chief Tom McDevitt made the investigation here. They said that entry to Phifer Mard- wa.e Company was gained by climbing on a garbage can to the rear top level of the building in downtown Kings Mountain. The culprits pulled off steel bars from the upstairs window. Missing from the store were 14 rifles and shotguns. 16« boxes of ammunition for shotguns and lifles, and seven Westclox watch es. Local and Gaston officers then obtained search warrants and searched the residences of the ydock Friday night. uate of Kings ^fountain high Javcees proposal. first Chief and medical advisor rv - 1- ! ^ *u was employed as an The ciuestion of fluoridating the is Dr. Frank Sincox, partner in ‘ th/:» On a rain-slick i-oad, the Craftspun Yarns. city's water sunply has been a M.Gill Clinic. ny of (*ars. All the merchandise ^hevroiet of George Henry Case,, moot one here for a do^en vears. Other patiolmen in the newly. three uatches were re route 3, Greenville. S. C.. skidded Pfc. Ernst's address: 32S-78-7090 Pi 19.^7 citizens in ;.n informa- formed Lnit are Bennett Masters,' returned to the local CHIEF—Rev. Robert Mann, pas tor ol First Baptist church, is chief of the recently-formed volunteer Reserve Unit of the Kings Mountain Police Deport ment. The six reserve policemen were sworn Wednesday night. '‘die county health officer will be ^ rhe Kings Mountain man, bos- present along with Kin^^s Moun- also leoorted that Lewder Con- wounds uhen tain dentists and doctors. s rucUon Company whkh is hne- discharge of m,-. Thomasson first appeared buucuon L.ompan>, wnicn is imc ^ chieca grenade, was able to before the pommis^inn in Anaiwt "ch pipe at thSof abo^ onej , fluoridation of public water sup- Mailll KeSeiVe housand Seer each working day.! He wiU be recipient of the Pur- plies as a means la dental health, - Ernst, drafted Decemberseek a meeting to ■ W»1W VBlBvA wCXr« \rOIXlO0 gtjj^ took his basic training Dec-! question. Kiir^s Mountain’.s first polic But None Aro Hurt ember 9th and advanced training At the same meeting. Clayton rescr\a; unit was officially swoir ar Fort MctClellan Ala. He has Bolton, a North Piedmont avenue Wednesday night at City Hall. Another pipe-car accident oc- been stationed with the Infantry citizen and Fiber Industries em- Hev. Robert Mann, pastor of urred on U. S. 74 west about 10 in Vietnam since June 2. A grad- ployce, spoke at length against First Baptist church, is the Unit's df the road and into the big 24- Co. “B’’ 23rd S and T BN. APO rirnal referendum, voted 1146 to I inch, steel pip(‘ which will bring San Francisco, 96374. ; water to the city from the Buffa. lo Creek reservoir. mortician with Han is Funeral store Saturday afternoon. Dewey (Bud) Mayes, Kings music, Van Mountain native and son of Mr. Dyke has been awarded theCoun- and Mrs. Carl Mayes, has written try Alusic Association PMunding and is directing a fiew historical President’s Award for his “out- drama which opens Saturday in standing coniributon to country Wilkesboro. music for 1967.” In addition to his subject of a records and night club * feature story recently in the VVins- aiu'cs, \ an Dyke has recently Salem Journal and Twin- Sentinel. , , , Th(» storv w.\s by Arlene Ed- ! ( urrrntly m release Van Dyke'staff writer. i ^hs a farm coy in A^issouri, 8 4-, “To Dew’ey Mayes, the un- H er for 10 years, a college grad- painted plateaus of plywood cov uate with a degree in agricultun .593, almost two-to-one, in favor of Home; Donald Jones, dislricti Xhe three youths jailed were in- ’voridating the water suroly, hut scliool superintendent; Jerryi dieted with breaking and enter- tlie Bridges Administration dii White, a member of the local Res-, ing and larceny. Tliey have also not choose to .mplement the re- cue Scjjad and an employee of been charged with larceny' of au- sult of the referendum. i Harris Funeral Home; and James, tomobiles from Craig Motors and With the Admini.stt3tlm: umier ^ « "’‘‘["her of the chy po-'Smith Chevrolet, both Gastonia pressure to implement the result, Hearing have l-ven set for it c hose to re-offer the proposal-<-=»ol'na ^ ^ight ,the three juveniles involved in Funeral rites for Mrs. Ellen again in an informational refer- 'Corporation-as a truck Gaston County, t .u V . . Ledford Lovelace, 86, widow' of endun. This time the result - ; Ollier lady passenger nor the Drewery Joseph Lovelace, were versed by 143S to 5S9 •' G'hief Thomas McDevitt said ! In contrast lo the initial acci- ^ I dent, the auto suffered the nriost < I damage, both right wheels being !: I sheared off and the right side \ I being peeled off. Neither Air. Case, his wdfe, an- Mrs. Lovelace's Rites Conducted . . ion i>a made ins motion picture debut as pj^y g, the star of "What Am I Bid?”,; tu„ and,animal husbandry, and a for- mei! livestock reporter before he- ginjling his singing career. His milion selling records include “iVetioneer” (a song he wrote in i tit' U. S. Army in the Chor Won 1 viley jjst below Korea’s 3Sth \, jttrallel) and "Walk on By.” The ering the st:^ge o^ Wilkes Com'- munity College's small theater lo(jk like Wilkes County’s rolling country.sicii?. “An(i he is rrmiident that, after sc mi finishing touchi's. they arp going lo look that way to the audience.s that come to see "Val- l(*y ol Mop(*,” the hi.storical drama LeRoy Van Dyke Show” is a that will be part of the Groat lappy mixture of country and state of Wilkes Week celebra- lop music, comedy and profes- tion. ' lonal showmansliip and is coun- “Alayos wrote and is diri'cting ry music’s most exciting act. , and producing the show which Also appearing on tlie Friday will open Saturday, Sept. 27, and and Saturday evening grandstand'run nightly through Wednesday, [shows will be Tommy Cash, one|'Oct, 1. of the most promising and sue-! "Tlie shew, which he describes cessful now artists in country mu- ‘‘s “1^ i s t o r i c a 1 narrative.” r.t- i sic, an:l brother of an already : JemiMs in less than two hours to. trainin g, famous entertainer, Johnny Cash, ^cll ‘Ihc whole liistory ol Wilkes I 'yIw" include- Tommy was born in Mississippi ^ . o ! Western Carolina University at Coutinued On Page Six < Condnued On \>age DIRECTOR — Bud Mayes, Kiifgs Mountain notive and son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Corl Mayes, is directing an historical drama of Wilkes County which opens Saturday in Wilkesboro. Oli-To-School List Now 158 Addition of .56 to the aiva’s off- to-school list brings to 158 the number who are leaving for post : high school training at c-olleges and universities and schools for a greater tmall child in the car were in- held Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. f:-om margin than it had been simport- "" M'J • IS »• i Id ,• ’“I""* Grove Baptist church, inter- ed two vears previousl" Key F>li™ in event of emer- MldVlOW BaPtlSt Fhi^f nf'L! ’m damaged, ment following in the church ure in the reversal was the lam K<'neies. They will be undormed, Chief of Police Tom McDevitt cemetery. or. J. E. Anthony who issued a “ Strong statement of opposition. termed the car dvima^e “total”. The accident occurred near Cash Grocery. Shelby DE Class Hears City Officer Patrolman Robert Dodge, mem ber of the Kings Alountain police department staff, was guest speaker at Shelby high school VVednesday afternoon. Mr. Dod^'e was invited to speak on “Safety”, before members of the driver’s education class. TATE REUNION The annual Tate family re union will bo held Sunday at 1 p. m. at Antioch Community Center near Grover. Picnic lunch will be .spread at 1 p. m. and all tamily members are invited to attend. Brooks Tate of Kings Mountain is president of the clan. Mrs. Lovelace died Sunday at 11:40 a.m. at the home of lier daughter, Mrs. Prod Green. She had been in declining health for two years and had been seriously ill for three weeks. Homecoming Set Foote Promotes Neil Johnson A native of Cleveland County, o. Johnson has been she was the-daughter of the late named Market Research .Assoch- Jac'Ob and Rachel Costner Led- ate for Foote Mineral and will ?. member join the company’s marketing of Oak Grove Baptist church. Surviving are tw’o sons, Melvin and Glenn Lovelace of Kings Alountain; three daughters, Mrs. John L. Ro.ss, Mrs. Howard Weav er, and Airs. Fi-od Green, all of Kings Mountain; one sister. Mrs. J. R. Sanders of Kings Mountain; j 16 grandchildren; 43 great-grand- I children and five great-great I grandchildren. department staff at its Exton, Pa. headquarters on October 1. Mr. Johnson, who has been with Foote Mineral Company since 1956. is presently sor\ing as General Manage!, Mineral Production and,' from 1956 to 1965. was General Manager of Ffwte’s Kings Moun tain N.C.) lithium mining opera tions. Mr. Johnson’s marketing expiT- ience includes 12 vears as Tech- Rev. Russell Hinton and Rev. • , o « t- i • T ^ . .u r- I meal Representative. Lxplosiv(‘s Love Dixon officiated at the final ip t tv.tJ,,* ..,.1 rites. he s/fd, and will be accompanied by a police officer on weekends to assist him and to be trained to assist in event of emergencies. Midview Baptist church will ob it is a volunteer unit. serve Homecoming Day Sunday. The new policemen are being Guest speaker at the morning liained for their new duties in a iworship hour at 11 o’clock will 120-hour “Introduction to Police the Rev. Buddy Williams. Pic- Science” courj^e which opened lunch will be spread at 1 p.m. Monday night at City Hall. In- .and all members, former mem- sti'uctor is Chief McDevitt. Oth- nors and pastors and friends of er^ enrolled in the c-ourse aie the congregation are invited to three Lincoln county deputy sher- attend, iffs and three new officers on the regular police force. ] A song service will be featured br. Sincox will be the police in the afternoon beginning at 2 department’s first full time med-, P-m. with the Hampton Quartet ical advisor. i ^^^d the Alelody Singers as guests. Kings Mountain’s police forcci Rev. John Frazier is pastor of numbers 16 full-time officers. (tlie church. Blanton Cential Committee Head Oi Business District Development Cemetery Extension Will Provide 5618 Grave Sites, Jenkins Says Williams Group Asks Annexation And Rezoning of 10.2-Acre Tract Department, E. I. DuPont, and several years in a similar capac ity with The Dorr Comiiany. The development of the eastern si'Ction of Mountain Rest ceme tery will provide 5618 additional grave sites, Ken Jenkins, ceme. tory superintendent, told the city commission Tuesday night in a progress report on the approxi mately $36,000 project now under way. Already more than 1800 truck- loads of dirt have been used in smoothing the area for beautifi cation. At the request of Mr. Jenkins, the city board authorized a come Wai College in 1953 Norman King, and Ray Cline, Mr. Johnson served ' Ordnance Department willl the in World Mike AlcDaniel. Air. and Airs.' Paul Ledford, Darlene Champion, , Sherry Bell, Nadine Bell. Jimmy EJker, Leslie Joy, Daneil Whet-j Stine and Darlene Champion. ' Children of Wray A. Williams ing board and called public hear- - Appalachian State University at petitioned the city for an-; ing for October 14 on a volition Boone — I’at Murphy in the grad- vexation of a 10.2 acre tract offjby Bob Maner, agent for K. (1. u.-ite school: Dale Byars, and Su- ‘Mitchell street for which public| Gibbons, request for re-zoning of . . san and Hll la Lowery and San- ^^caring has been set for October; a 14 acre tract of Neisler Broth- City Attorney Jack White, J. Ollio [jra Hullendcr and Charlie Greene. p.m. > ers located on Margrace Road. Harris an 1 Mr. Jenkins, Ihc May- and Kathy plonk. Meantime the petitioners, H. O.; The board voted to readvertiso War II and is retired from the U. Ol SCI ring ex officio. North Carolina State Univers- Williams, Mitchell W. Hunt,; for bids for paving of 537 feet of s. Army in the rank of Liouten- Mr. Jenkins said the city has jty at Raleigh: Joe Champion. Nel- Claude W. .McGill and Helen W. Dixie street and 227 feet of Bridg- ant Colonel. In his active particU only a few giavo sites available! son Conner, Phillip Fi.-sher. Chuck Bullock, asked that the tract be es drive after previous bid notice pation in the field of mineral re m the presently developed section Gladden and Joe Champion. re-zoned from R 20 (suburban faile to attract any bids. sources, he of tiw cemetery. However, ho University of North Carolina at district) to LI (light! Otherwise the board: with the American Institute of added he felt something should be Boiling Springs: Roy Huffstetler, industry district). Hearing on the 1) Approved rc'quest for tax re- .Mining, Metallurgical and Pelro- don(» to activate lots reserved by jr. re-zoning petition has been set: fund paid in error by First Fed- leum Engineers, tlie U.S. Bureau citizens as early as 19-19 for as Gaston college at Dallas* lack- October 14. j Savings & "Loan association; of Mines, the American Onlnance httle as $5. To a question of Kay causby, Carolyn F, Long Ken- i °'her action by the city com- Clint, he said Kings Mountain neth Revnolds. Harold Black, Mic-'Tuesday night, the caim- grave sues now sell for much i^y .p-iovd, Mike Floyd. Charles'approved re-zoning or: of safety; . . . ,, comparable sites ^jlcn Dou^ Lawinc Tommv and'Ayers and Mrs.i 3) Voted to advertise for bids DIXON SERVICE other private and municipal cem- Bumuardner Wavne Miil- atitJ properly of Ed-: for a utility department billing' Funda> evening wor^hi]) .sor- John Henry Moss appointed Com- et^^ies. linax, Junior Lefevers Eddie ward Don Short, 917 Gi-ace street,! machine; and ; vice will ho held Sunday at 7:30 missioner W. b. Biddix chairman The area n'nv h<‘ing developed Rookv Goforth Mike Ren B’om residential to neighborhood 4) Voted 16 advertise for bids* at Dixon Presbyterian church and six other members, including, will cimtain a pool with lighted; ’ ' -business district. , for a fire department pumper. , with Rev. Bob Wil.'^on. pastor, to commissioners Maude R. Walker,, fountain and paved driveways. I (Continued On Payv Six) i The board referred lo the zon-i i deliver the luessuge. Kings .Mountain busines.sman, Charles Blanton, has been ap pointed by Mayor John Henry Moss to Ijead a ccntrarcommiltee A mining engineer graduate of designed as a steering committee Colorado School ol Minos (19.33), for development of the downtowm he also holds a degroi* in Bu.si- cential business district, ness Administration from La The central committee is an Salle Extension^ University in oatgrowth of the project ar(>a 195(1. and a degree in F:eonomic committee and. as chairman. Air. Mobilization from the Industrial Blanton will guide the group in 2) Formally adopted a rt'solu- Association and the North Caro tion creating a city departrtient lina AIinoral.« Advisory Board. foimation of a larger organiza tion to ensure representation of all downtown businessmen and property owners. In addition to Mr. Blanton, com mit let' memhc.s include Glee Bridges. Bill Brown, Lewis Del- has hueirassoriktod Charles E. Dixon. Bill Ful- ton, Paul McGinnis, Lee McIntyre and B. S. Peeler, Jr., as this nu cleus is ('xpanded to include all s(‘gments of the business com munity, the full committee's as-| sistance will bo asked to provide; recommendations e o n c e r n i n g' parking, traffic, redevelopmtmt, rchnhilitation of buildings and area beautification. Joe Laney director of the Re- dt'volopment commission com- Continued On Page Six GRADUATE — Mrs. Joyce Bell Garner* daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. Joe Bell* Sr. of Kings Mountain* has graduated with honors from Lincoln Hospital School of Nursing in Durham. She is a 1966 graduate of Com pact high schooL

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