Page 6 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. BETHWARE COMMUNITY NEWS COMEDY CORNER Mrs. D. A. Stroupe, Mrs. Hugh- lon Stroupe, and Mrs. Donald Per ry went to Fort Bragg Friday to sec Pvt. Donald Perry and to at tend graduation ceremonies for T V . Perry who left Friday after- no' n for Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. Mr.s. CharloF Sinclair and Mrs. Lewis Jenkins attended a party and shower Saturday night at Vm home of Mrs. Rohy Jenkins in Gr«'tnnia for Mrs. Bobby Vernon. Mi-;s Belinda Stroupe, bride elecrt ol December, was honored wit a hou-ehold shower Saturday night at the home of Mrs. Geral dine Thomas of Gastonia. Mr. and Mr.s. J. O. Ware return ed riiursday to th(*ir home in Fayetteville, Ark. after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ware and other relatives. Mr. anf! Mrs. P. H. Mc'Swain and Mrs. Luther Mr.Swain Sr. were Tue.sday visitors of Renus Cham pion and M' - Lucy Champion of Gaflney, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Lots Philbeck and Mrs. Q. V. Philbeck were called to the home of Mrs. George Wliite Tuesday night in Cherokee Falls, VIRGINIA SLICED 9. C. due IJ the death of Mr. Wiiite. White wa.'-' a nepliew of Mis. Q. V. Philbcv-k. Mr. and Mrs. X. R. Blanton, Mrs. Patsy Camp and children of huiney, .S. C. were Sunday after noon visitors of .Mrs. David Gib bon and boys. I hey also visited Mrs. Mamie f»ibbon.s and Mrs. Q. V. Philbeck Sunda> afternoc.n. Ihi Ft • Betl'.el Homemakers Club will be ho.ste.s.s to a joint lev Hoopet Bapiis! Speaker Rov, Frank Hooper, III. mission ary to I rarl. under the Foreign Mi.ssion Board of the Southern "baptist Convention, will fill the Dull it Ihe 11 o’clock morning v.orship hour Sunday at Kings M(-untain Baptist Church. In annoimcdng the service, Rev. Jarno!- M. Wildoi said that the ser mon will introduce the Season of Prayer anti the Lottie Moon Christ mas Oftering tor F'orcign Missions. meeting wdth the Beaulah Home makers Club at the county Office Building Friday, Nov. 21. Begin ning the program at 11 a. m. A (overed dish dinner will be serv ed at noon. Miss Jessie Wingo, home economics extension agent, will tiave charge ol the program. Mrs. Kill Wright of Kin"= ^^oun- fain was dinner guest Sunday of Ml. and Mrs. Stokes Wright and iamH • MThe Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Mur phy and Pam were dinner guests ol Mrs. r. K. Harmon Thursday night. .'I;, and Mrs. Gleon Hicks .spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. P. K. Fiarmon On Wednesday, Nov. 26, a fel- P wship meal will be held in the Fellowship Building of Oak Grove Baptist Church, R-3, Kings Moun tain, N. C.. at 7 n.m. Church mem ber- and their families are invit ed. The imeal will be prepared i and served by the church. The Rov, C. O. Green will be after dinner speaker. The nursery, beginner and pri mary children will meet at this same time in the educational building ot the chuiMh for social actlvitie.s and retreshments will DC served. Sunday wa.s observed as Tith ing Demonstration Sunday at Oak Grove Baptist Church. Everyone was asked tc tithe this day. The offering was well over a thousand aoliais. All of these activities are part I Ci the stewardship campaign, be ing observed during the month of Novembei. Rev. Russel L. Hinton is pas tor. Choirs To Practice ' Sunday At 4 P. M. ' The 50-voice Kings Mountain hlr hsehool Choir will piesent : the folk operetta, “Smoky Moun- I tain”. Tuesday night at 8 o'clock; in Central school auditorium. j Mrs. J. N. McClure is direct-1 ing the production. Admission is , $1 for adults ami 75 cents for students an dproceeds will be used to buy blazers for the choir' ''Your secretory colled and said you were burning up obout something!" members. *'Georg6”, Mike Kiser ras “Ben”, Lead roles in the operetta willT^me Yates as “Arabella”, Floyd be playe dby Sandra Moore asJenkins as “Andy”, and Jeny “Jesse”; Ted Feemster as danton as “Grandpa.” BACON. 59« TALAAADGE FARMS WHOLE COUNTRY (10 10 U IE SIZE) HAMS.. 89‘ SWIFT'S HOSTESS ROUND EXTRA LEAN CANNED HAMS LAY'S OR SELECTO SMOKED (Whole or Half) CRY-O.VAC... HOCK OFF... NOCtNTER Slices RCMOVFO... 10 TO 14-LB SIZE JtNNIC "O" TURKIY StAPY TO COOK SLICED SMOKFO 9-lt. «IZI WHITI AND DARK MIAT $199$249 SMALL, LtAN W-D BRAND GOVERNMENT GRADE A' Sli Q*> Ol Hall Tulmarlg* HAMS 99' Taltnoclgc Counl'v ROAST 79' BACON ... - 69' W D U S Choice Chuck Of Shoulder Boneleu Beef W D U S. Choice Delmonici Smoll letfn Sugor Cuied V. hole Seioki d STEAK PICNICS.. =45' W D U S. Choice Whole oi Rood E Z Coive Bolden ». Bienkvione or Pn.lorfelphici C'fom BEEF RIBS. . 99' CHEESE. .3's *1“ W O U 5 Chc^lce Bret Pnimeiio form (fme lor Celery Slulfmg) Pimenio SHORT RIBS ■ 49' CHEESE... :: 69' W D Compulei Coniioiled iS lb. Pkg, S2.79' Borden s B.., GR. BEEF 3 M” BISCUITS 2 r 39^ Turkey Parts HALF OR WHOIF BREAST 7r BACKS 23' WINGS 35' LEGS 35' THIGHS 39' tIVERS OR GIZZARDS GIBLETS.... 59' 10 TO 14 LB. AVERAGE DIXIE CRYSTALS THRIFTY MAID DOMINO DIXIE DARLING WHITE. YfUOW. OEVIIS FOOD or LEMON CAKE MIXES 4 OCEAN SPRAY STRAINED OR WHOLE CRANBERRY SAUCE.... 2 ij;U9' ASTORZSe. SMALL PEAS 4t.-rn" THRIFTY MAID VAC PACK W.K.C0RN 5 $|00 $|00 79' $019 : A THRIFTY MAID VAC PACK W.K. COF ASTOR CUT BLUE UKE GREEN BEANS.... 5 THRIFTY MAID WHCHI AND CUT SWEET POTATOES. .4 (Save 2Ckl COLGATE 6.7 oi. TOOTHPASTE TIN OLD FASHION .63% FRUIT A NUTS FRUIT CAKES No. 5V» CANS SUPERBRAND DIXIE THRIFTY SANDWICH BREAD.... LAND O-SUNSHINE QTRS....Limit 4, Pleose BUHER... ASTOR.- Limit I with a $.S or more order COFFEE.... ASTOR ALL VEGETABLE imit 1 with a $5 or more Older SHORTENING; 39^ CHEF HARVEST FRESH PRODUCE. JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES 8 - 59' NEW CROP SWEET POTATOES ... 4 - 39' MEDIUM YELLOW ONIONS . t;^29' .^o 39' FANCY BANTAM GOLDEN CORN 6 - 49' FRESH OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES £ 39' FXIRA fANv Y r-ClOfN DELICIOUS OR WESTERN REDAPPLES 13 o. n®® HALF GALLON I GOOD ONIY AT WINN-OIXIB ■ ■■ ■■■ With this valuable coupon iocvalue | 18" HEAVY DUTY | I I 55^ GOOD THRU NOV. 29 ■■ IHI ■■■ ALCOA WRAP Without this coupon INSTANT C0Pf££ ASTOR NESCAFE it|we:rltr/% i lllf OA GREEN STAMPS h LO\A CAIORlf CANNED Dust Mop VOID k'lUNOV Drinks FRUIT CAKE INGREDIENTS 6-02.. Ja* I V 6-oz. Jar 9Sc '. ' PALMETTO FA«MS GRADE A-IA-GC FRUIT CAKE MIX OL'kfN ANN RED CHERRIES WEEN ANN NATURAL PINEAPPLE... SHELLED PECAN MEATS DEL MONTE GOLDEN SEEDLESS RAISINS.... 2 59' $]19 $]19 $]59 89' FROZEN FOODS MORTON APPLE. PEACH. COCONUT CUSTARD or CHERRY FRUIT PIES 3 "..tJ 89‘ MEAT LOAF. SALIS STEAK, slt Bt^PBGR or TURKEY A GRAVY FREEZER QUIEN *1'* MaKINZ.E whole kernel corn (24-Ox. Pkg.JOR CUT _ ^ ^ GREEN BEANS POTATOES 3 SS *1®* MINCE MEAT PIES 3 ^ *1®* COCiSNUT JHL«]®« i Thursday, November 20, 1969 Yam Variety Highei Tiedex Higher yields and improved quality are two of the important potentials of a new sweet potato variety recently released by North Carolina State University. The Jewel variety — also known as N. C. 240 — has product*d slightly higher yields than Cen tennial and Nugget, according to Dr. Daniel 1. Pope, who develop ed the new potato. Foundation seed will bo avail able in 1970 to certified seed grower:^ foi seed increase. Jewel was te.^ted foi yield for Novembei Is Month Oi Fiists Foi Bell System Historically, November is a month of “firste” in the Bell Sys tem. . .beginning many important activities in both operations and equipment use. A.T. & T. first offered private line service in November, 1886, and cn November 1, 1887, the first ^ difio:entiation between day and night long distance rates came in to eflect, with night rates lower in most instances. j three years under a wide range -• of growing conditions. In 1966, In November, 1931, A.T. & T. ' marketable po- inaugurated TWX, a teletypewrit-, 532 bu.shels per acre er exchange service. Twenty-one ^ 420 for Centennial; years later in November, a trans- : ^,95 bushels in 1957 compared to continental coaxial cable from 53^ Cpntennial; and 594 bush- Atlanta to Los Angles was com-lgjg 1933 compared to 524 for pleted. The trial of long distance cus ' Centennial. In five tests for cempanson tomer dialing began in November, with the Gem variety in im 1951, as Englewood, New Jersey’s May Denning dialed the first call to Mayor Osborne at Alameda, California. In November, 1956, overseas service was extended to Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and four years later long lines announced plans for a specially designed ship to lay oceanic telephone cables (C. S. Long Lines). Henry W. Pope, a one time traf fic manager for Southern Bell, organized the Telephone Pioneers of America at the Hotel Somerset in Boston, Mass., November 2, 1911. Alexander Graham Bell and 240 other telephone people attend ed this first meeting. In November, 1920, radio station KDKA in Pittsburgh began broad- I casting programs, and four years es heard the first broadcast of presidential election returns as Calvin Coolidge defeated John W. I Davii:. I Dr. Clinton J. Davisson of Bell Telephone Laboratories became the first Bell System man to win the Nobel Prize when he shared the award in November, 1937, with Professor George P. Thomson of London. Dr. Davisson won the award for his experimental dis covery of the wave nature of an electron. In November, 1950, the Bell Sys- I tern passed the $10 billion mark, 1 and in November, 1953, the I 50,000,000 telephone was installed I on President Dwight D. Eisenhow- ! er’s desk. Today, that figure has I more than doubled, and there are 63.1 telephones per 100 people in the U. S., said R. B. Moore, tele phone manager. Jewel produced an average ol 609 bushels per acre to Gem’s 576. The average of 19 tests each in 1967 and 1968 in the National Sweet Potato Cooperators Group Testing Program was 423 bushels per acre the first year and 466 bushels the following year. Jewel, in addition to being a potentially high yielding variety, is describing as more attractive in appearance than its two parent lines, Centennial and Nugget. The skin color of N. ,C. 240 is a deeper copper color with less russetting than Centennial, the most widely grown commercial variety in the U. S. The flesh is a uniform orange intermediate color between Centennial and Nugget. 'Hie roots of the new variety are generally uniform and tapered on both ends. They do not grow as long as roots of Centennial in North Carolina. Oversize roots are usually blocky in shape. Jewel, which is described as a high quality fresh market type that also possesses many good processing qualities, has “very good” keeping qualities, according to Dr. Pope. ’The plant is a vigorous grower and produces a dense foliage. It produce.® a few more sprouts than Centennial but sprouts emerge two to four days later. Jewel carries a higher degree of re.sistance to fusarium wilt than Centennial and similar to that of Nugget and Goldrush. Level of resistance to internal cork is described as adequate for a commercial variety. It also ap pears to have good field resist ance to nematodes. TENSION? NIGHTS? Are you edgy and always having to br “understood” by oven your friend«^ Well, when simple nervous tension is bothering you and causing sleepless nights you should either try B.T. TABLETS or tee your doctor, or both. B.T. TABLETS have tested ingredients which will help you over come simple nervous tension and sleep better at night. Your druggist has help for you in safe — nonhabit forming — B.T. TABLETS, others are enjoying the relief B.T. TABLETS can give, so why wait another day? There’s a money bacK guaranr. —so do you have anything to lose Yes, tension and sleeples,' nights. Only $1.50 at your favorite drug store. Introductory Offer Worth $1.50 Cut out this ad—take to the store listed. Purchase one pack of B. T. Tablets and receive one more B. T. Toblet Free. KINGS NOUNTAIN DRUG COMPANY I 8:14-tfn Thinldiig Seriously About Carpeting? Think About City Floor Service, Inc. Come By and See Our Samples. We Have A Complete Line of Carpet by • Armstrong • Monarch • Forrest Mills • Sequoya Beautiful Thick Plush 2"-Deep Shag- Acrylic and Nylon Two and Three Level Random Shear Patterns - Multicolors - Unique Blends of Contrasting Colors. Ex tremely Durable Fibers. Commercial - Indoor-Outdoor - Kitchen and Bath • Acrylic Nylon Polyester • Polypropylene Olefin Wool • Kodel Polyester Cin FLOOR SERVICE, INC. 1204 SHELBY ROAD Call 739-2331 For Free Estimate W. D. BYERS JIM LYSRipD JZ