69 Population Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8.256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9.300 CvMt«r lua9* Mouatcdo tlffiua u dftrivad Iram iSa apaarj Ualtad StatM lurtou ol th« Cannui i«po>t o loaiNsnr IMi. oad lacludM th« 14.990 populailoa o Numtoat 4 Towashlp. and th« remaining 6.124 Ifoa Numbar 5 Tawathlp. In ClaYtlond County and Ciowdar Mouptcdn Towubtn In Goaton Counts — mkt ^ Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspapei VOL 81 No. 48 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, November 27, 1969 Sevenh-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTf Back In Business,” Neisco’i Jim Dickey City Board Gets Puition For Expanded Okiidy Committee rvice darned; Dickey Tit Ghaiiman I By MARTIN HARMON J_ ^ city boarJ sUkIv romimiltoe _ ; wilj investigate need for addition al taxicab seivice in Kings Mountain, as result of a pcdt.on filed with the city commission a:'. , signed by an esimaled 200 i persons. Appearing in support ol the pe tition were two cab ojierators, Pete Floyd, cl Dixie C'ab Company, and Wiibur Hamrick, ol Liberty Cabs. The .study ('cmmittee, authoriz ed by unanimous vote ol the com- mbion, and appointed by Mayor John Henry Moss, includes Com- mfe^sioniTS Jim Dickey, chairman, WiS. biddix and Ray W. Cline and Ciiy Attorney Jack White. The ccfnmittee was asked to report nJt later than the meeting ol De- ; (J'.iber 23 and prelerably by the r Lrccmher £ meeting, i The petition reads: “We. the undersigned, having ftd hand knowledge ol the short- ugi of taxi service in Kings Moun tain, especially on the week end.s, M]:s.uttezwo]1h Died Wednesday; HadBwenHip I Pettingill Butter- Volunteer Fire Group Is Made I City Department ! The city emnmision, by resolu tion, made the city’s volunteer fire Uopartment, organized in ! 1931, a department ol the city un- ! der the supervision, rules and reg- j ulatioa*' oi the city’s department I o. sa.et>. The resclution reads in part,... in order to promote organized training programs, insurance ben efits, and other rules and regu lations whi.-h would bo for the best interests of the citizens of Kings Mountain as well as for the Says Mountain Joins EPIC Bankiaptcy Petition lUed For Generating Plant Study j Mrs. Flore ^^rworth’’ Srln ^ ‘ ^‘^resf 61' the volunteer fire I terworth, br|iied Wednesday , department... ' morning at b:fc,rn. in the Kinds' \ Mountain ho^j The commission also authoriz-1 I Mr... BuUeilt'h suffered - Mayor to receive either for- I broken hip dull a fall < at hei heme afc North v^asion nt rtti, udi ■\a » u Iftreel. Hei conln had vvorsen- J”‘_. ^ j 1 _ Mosr told the commission She was a natV>| Xew Hamp- iffprpH H leiejvt eiinei lor- informal bids on a major ^ Ih Gaston "I"*" ""“I I M rre you to take action to pro-| . |c the people with better taxi jw STUDENT TEACHER Nonno Lee Childers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Vlt Childers ol Kings Mountain, will recehre her de» gree in January from North Carolina University ot Durham. Miss Childers, a 1965 graduate cf Compact high schooL is doing her student teaching at Shep ard high school. Durham, under the supervision of Mrs. N. E. Boston and Principal J. M. Schooler. [UiNt af most of my cusiomers. where a fellow worker found bond on this charge. He Transportation here hasn't grown him and look him to the hospital. I trial in Gaston Superior ;-vice Please consider the increase both industry and population nring the twenty years since he last franchl.se for new taxi rviee was grantt^d. Of the 22 |»x/*cabs currently licensed to op jnjlr in Kings Mountain, only IS cavators, Id be in operation at any one ■en time. During periods of bad athoi, Ol busy periods, .sueli as >ek-end.s, it is sometimes impas- i)lr tc obtain taxi seivice. Please consider the facts and elp us solve this problem.” Mr. Floyd told the commission, getting I brirty this petition at the re- ing to Thoriiburg Hurt In Accident shire, daughter late Mi. and MiS. Freflerick Pligiii. She was a member of Cen|united Meth- odisi church. Mr. Butterwortl|.- ^ retired salesman. Surviving besii worth are their Ir. Butter- ICharles A. illahassee. it i.s anticipated cost ol the reno- i vation will be less than $750C. at! vvhich figure formal bids would be; rt^quired. He noted that current i estimates arc preliminary. | Plans exhibited to the c-om-' missioners call for removal of all utility department bookkeeping operations to the south side ol- ficf, with this office to be en- Butterworth, Jr. -- — Fla., two grandchit^ and her the partition sister, Mr.s. Ethel W|ty of “ corL, New Hampshir tuneral arranger^ which are incomplete will i^mounced by Harris Funeral H CHAIRMAN—'Don Jones, sup erintendent of Kings Mountain district schools, has been ap pointed chairman of the mayor's coomsittee bn human relations. Commission is Unanimous .'n Its Action By MARTIN HARMON ■ Kings Mountain Tue.sday night. I unanimous* vjie ol the city j commi.ssion, became the 21th iNorih Carolina powem-disfributing j(.ity to join the Electric Power I .n the Carolina (KPICJ) organiza Hen. The cities di.stributing power, winch they no'A purchase from I three publi: uUilities (Duke Pow- j cr. Carolina Powei & Light Cum- |pan>. Virgiria Electric & Power company*, o.xpets tr collaborate in obtaining a teasibility study on whether the cities .should join ^ with the Rural Electrification As- i ' sociation cooperatives to build power generating facilitie.s. By MARTIN HARMON Noisco, nic., owner of Mnrgrace and Pauline Mills here, filed pe tition for reorganization in federal district court in New York Mon day under Chapter XI ol the bank ruptcy act. The result. Plant Manager Jim Dickey said Wednesday afternoon, “is that operating funds in quan tity are already in hand.” Ho ^dded. ‘ Undei the reorganization "T)Ian. weTc bad; in business." George Horvath, treasurer of Nelsco, pres^mted an affidavit to the court stating that an inde pendent outside third party has agreed to provide $1,650,(K)0 to help in the reorganization of the firm during the voluntary (Chap ter XI) bankruptcy proceedings. The third party has been iden tified as the Teamsters Union Pension Trust Fund. Lemmons Cii< On TMMCoui Rudolph Lemmons I ver, free on bo*id pe ' of murder and assautjfj^ g ! deadly weapon, was chi ogj ; urday night with breal| BelattonsBody Members Named Newell Thornburg, landscaper | entering a locked taxi with Champion's Landscaping Ex-1 taking a cab driver’s was injured Saturday • .City Police Sgt. when a tree he had pushed up said he arrested Lemmlvjjjj with a bulldozer slipped off the; allegedly took a coathan|^n^ blade and knocked him unconsci-1 optmed a taxi in which ous. icr, W^ T. Clary, slept. Mr. Thornburg was clearing allegedly took the wallei land for Carl Champion Saturday ! the sleeping Clary. The afternoon. He said he reimembered according to Clary, co off the bulldozer and between $-40 - $60. the back of the house I Lemmons is free on ■) between the pre.sont tax office and utility billin;, cffice. The cramped Mayor's office is to be enlarged by incorporating the present, no-longer-used area occupied by the judge's bench. An pval ccunter. elevated 6.E inbhes, will be provided for commission- o u i ^ , era. the rttt rteric. dry attt^ey: r . and the .press in the courtroom chaifman of the! Tlie study cost is to be defray- tiial with a 70-seat capacity au- committee on human re- ej by the participating cities on titorium. lations. a pro rate basis to be determined Iho board also voted to aciver- Jones succeeds Rev. Robert ^h^o Pirv tise for bids on a three-quarter M*ann. pastor of First Baptist .. \oled to par If Gro- I The commissi m voio was o-O in favor o: Commissioner W. S. Bid- di.v’. motion, with Commisisoner j Ray W. Cline seconding. Commis- i sionoi Jim Dickey, not able to be : present, addressed a letter of sup- ‘ P'.rt for the action to his fellow, commission memb('rs. ! EVANGELIST — Rev. Roy Whit tington of China Grove is evan gelist for revival services which began Wednesday at Kings Mountain Church of God Serv ices are at 6:30 p.m. each eve ning and special singing each night will be a feature of the services. Rev. T. O. Dennis, pas tor, said. Apartment Is Gutted By Fire and ton truck with chassb and cab. Mn. Childers' Rites Conducted church, who just recently beramo Kyle, He was discharged from Kings on the murder charge an. Mountain hospital Sunday but; Cleveland Superior Court oi was to enter Charlotte Memorial, assault with a deadly we| hospital Thursday morning for a charge, week of tests and observations. He substained injuries of his right jaw and forehead, a black eye, a cnat tongue, broken off tooth and bruises. The Thorn-burg family reside in the Oak Grove community. K Wlo v4th the city.” Mr. Hamrick said. “Ho i Mr. 'loyd» speak.'-- for me.” Mr. Floyd pointed out that a Veiling of 22 cabs Rad been im- i>Csed since 1949. He said week end traffic is more than the cab indu.siry cun handle adequately. Mr. Hamrick corroborated. Both refened to traffic from grocery- stores plus other normal traffic. New Firm Opened Monday Kentucky t Fried Chicken of Kings Mountain opened for busi- s Monday. he new Kings Mountain firm located on East King Street in t^andsome new quarters. ^Melvin C. Faucette of Kunnap- 9i.s is manager of the firm. Buiord Cline Appeals To Be Heard By Judge Ervin In Superior Court Trial of the condemnation ac- of Charlotte, attorney for Mr. iseb 04 poieaijisa oxicaeS B piinq Cline and W. K. Mauney, Jr., the city’s efforts to obtain 93 ac*os trading as a partnership Double foi the Buffalo Creek reservoir B Ranch, filed answers Wednes-, dam site are scheduled to be day in two other condemnation heard in Cleveland Superior Court actions, and answer.s being almost by Judge Sam J. Ervin III next \Voek. One appeal concerns points of law on rulings by Clerk of Court Paul Wilson and will be heard In iudge’s chambers. City Attor ney Jack White said, while the ^econd appeal—finding by three elerk appointed cemmissioners North School P-TA Barbecue Dec. 5 North school Parent • Teacher Association will sponsor a barbe cue Friday, December 5th, with serving from 5 until 7:30 p.m. at the cafeteria. Plate? aje $1.25 lor adults and 75 cent.c tor students. Take - out orders will also be available, said a spoke.sman. Ratterree Lions 'Banquet Speak Pride Ratterree. Kings tain mHtive and assistant coar of the Peach Bowl - bound Soiit Carolina Gamecocks, will be th principal speaker at the SOth an nual foo*baIl banquet of th Kings Mountain Lions club. Coach Ratterree who starred at tackle for Wake Forest in the foities, subsequently played pio- fessional football before enter ing the coaching ranks. He was assistant coach at the Citadel be fore joining Paul Dietzel’s staff at South Carolina. The Gamecoclis won the At*, lantic (Toast Conference chani-' pionsaip end will meet West Vir ginia ih the second annual Peach Bowl game at Atlanta. Pruitt To Show Palestine Slides Funeral rite.s for Mrs, Ann Del linger Childers. 35, wife of James Junius Hayw^ood and Albert Childers, were held Sunday at 2 p.m. from Temple Baptist Other members re-appointed in church, interment following in elude J. Lee Roberts, Mountain Rest cemetery. ; Dickey, Grady How'ard, William Mrs. Childers died Friday morn- Eugene McCarter, Hu- ing at her home after several Adenholdt, Mrs. Vickiria Bess year’s illnes.s. and Leonard Smith. She was the daughter of the _ ate Mr. and Mrs. J.'Clarence Del- JaVCeeS To SeiVe FamilyDinner- J Kin- Mountain Jayocr.- will mer na^tnt Sunday dinner at the Kings ritnf ’ Mountain high .school caleteria Sunday from 12 noon until 2 p.m. ticipate by 4 to 3 vote. Mayor Thief of the kings Mountain Aux-i iliarv Police Force voting aye. i ^ The cit> of Faycttevlille. larg- Vice-chairman of the group is municipal pow'ci distributor in Rev. R. L. Garvin, pastor of Mount state, is a member of EPIC. Zion Baptist church. Mrs. Charles major municipal distribu- Alexander is secretary. the state, i.s a member cf Newly-appointed rntnihers are Tajor munieipal di.s tributors in EPIC are Statesville, .\IbemarU'. Lexington and Con cord. ^Editor’s Note; Kings .Mountain Jam«^ vies with Fayetteville and Con cord a*- municipal di.strihutor with lowest rates.) The resalulion adopted by the commission Tuesday nigh! pro vides that EPIC has full authority to appear in behalf of the orgr I The court name I Roy Cabitt j as referee in the bankruptry pro- ce<‘dings. I Neisco, successor firm to ichusetts Mohair Plu.sh Company, I in addition to the two plants here, owns Belmont Mil] in Shelb,., un- I der lease . purchase opJion to 1 Miles Baker, also of Shelby, and another small mdl in Boili , Springs, also undo/ a lease-]- r- :chase option to another opera tor. Mafsathuseits Moaai: plush [Company purchased the seven- !plant Neisler Mills, Inc., opera- ; tion on Decembe/ 15, 1935. Plants at Ellenlwro. Mayo and Page- ; land, S. C., have been sold in the The A. H. Cornwell Apartments, interim. Kings Mountain landmark on Xeisco is a New York corpora- East King street, was razcKl by! tion with offices at 520 Kith lire early Saturday. : avenue, New York City. Howard Robinson, Jr.. Ees.semer Horvath said the firm's in- City realtor, who had just pur-idebicdness stems from an insuf- chased the five-unit apartment ficient cash flow, which I'esiilte.i house and was remodeling it, said from an “inordinately high” ov the fire originated in the down- erhead. The infusion of new oap- stairs rear apartment whore an ital, and a cut-back in operating electric healer was burning in a ^ expen.ses will enable Neisco to bathroom. ; oirei-ate succc.s.sfully again, the af- He estimated damages at $27,- fidavit .said. Horvath said some 00(1 He has insurance coverage of streamlining of ovo.hcad has al- $15,0(X{. i je.ad> been done. Mr. Robinson said he had no im-i The petition listed assets total- mediate plans for replaoina the ing S1,616,4S9. including inventory apartment houseand hasn’t decid- ipkdgc $130,(K)0; property, ed what ho will do with the prop- plant and etjuipment 51,3ST,S’92‘ operates 45 deposits, .$S2.500. Liabilities' in- erty. Mr. Robin.son rental units in Bessemer City and operates the 66 Drive-In Re.staur- clude notes, loans and n-ortgages payable, $1,754,765; accounts pay able. $534,230; taxe.s, $442,56S; and inteiost. $303,401. al ritps. Mrs^Chil- The Family Dinner is open to an ('hiMerJ^nf Vi interested publi. and plate.; Me, TerV A V adults and $1.00 hnmn-^^V K of , fcr Children. The menu will fea nomp, SIX brothers, Harold, Thomas, Herman, Lester and pollinger, all of Cherryville; isters. Mrs.' J. A. Hubbard rs. Calvin Blalock, both of Mrs. David Keener of liton and Mrs, Lonus Va- of Cherryville. pallbearers were Harold John Davi.s. William Ray, Tirray. Norman Davis and White. Irom hospital ture ham with all the trimmings. Pre-eed.'- will benefit the civic- club’s charity projects in the area, said Bob Scoggins, chairman. State Group Re-Elects Hord an- ^ ^-7- c-itv. .omn-.ission North Carolina Gtili- frorih'’o builtrinn'h", nor c™nm.ss,on..sfaU anrtfocioral Ti.osclay into a house on Manic ccur.s, OI other agency on matters street Miss Marearot n.mwe’i pertainin« tc the foasihili.y study. „ad mo^ed 0,^; farweei:Tom the apartments into a home she ha.s purchased from Mrs. Dai.sy Barrett Quoc^n on Canslcr street, i Only one o: the five-unit apart-; Dc-dication ol two children to rneiiN w'as rented at the time of the church will be held at the the lire. Mrs. Beth Ramsey, third ; mornin<; worship hour at 11 0’- shift employe, was not at home! ' loek Sunday at Kin-s Mountain layloi lieid, 7.1, will be held Sun- h1 ' Bah'is' church, day aftern>,n at 3;3(! al Bynum’s pined ‘ Rites On Sunday For Mrs. Reid Funeal rites for .Mrs. Bertha Dedication Rites Set B. Alderman, pastor lal United Methodist derwent surgery Mon- gs Mountain hospi- s discharged from I Tuesday. Di. D. F. Hord, Kings Mountain dentist, ha<^ been re-elected serve third term a> socretary- treasurei o] the North Carolina Society ol Dentistrj loi Children. Di. Hord attended a meeting of the state group Tuesday. Friday and Saturday at Wrlghtsville Beach N. C. identical. ’ Rc»v. Mitchell Pruitt, pastor of In both actions., defendants Chestnut Ridge Baptist church, deny need of lh(‘ city for the will show slides on Palestine, pic- amount ol acreage sought, deny tures he made on a recent visit *' will be used np t needed nui> to the Holv Land, Sunday at 5:30 Itc purpo.se, and question legal p.m. at Kings Mountain Baptist grounds on which the condemna- church. JWelley, 17, Badly Ruined, "^wd Much Better Wednesday Chni>el A.MFI Zion church Mr.s. Reid. loi the past 16 year-; an employee of Kings Mountain hospital, died in a New York hos- }utal lu'iX Friday. Death way at- !rrbut(*d t( ('ancei. .^he wa.« the widow of Monroe to K^id. Central school junitoi, who (lie l in 1930. She was a member of Bynum’s •Chape) chin/h. Suvvivinc are five ehildren. Paul Ri'id. Aaron Reid and Mis.s (^u.ssie Keid. all of King.® Moun tain. .Mi.s.<= Cuba Reid, of Newark. N. J.. and Mrs. Elizabeth Reid >'ave\. nt .New York ('ity. Two ehildren are decea.sed, Janie.s R(**d and Lena K(»id. Also survix*- in^ ari' a .'jislei, .Mr.s. Kmm.t lav lor Wilson, and a brother, ('lyde Taylur, both ol Kings .Mountain. Six ui-uidr-hildren and two to city firemen about 1 According to the Kings Moun tain Fire Department, the house was beyond saving when they were alerted. Only part ol the walls were left standing. PRESBYTERIAN Dr. Paul Ausley will use the topic. “Deficient Re ligion” at Sunday morning worship .service at 11 o’clock at First Presbyterian church. To be received are Kenneth Lewi'- Dellinger. Ji., small son of .Ml. and Mrs. K. Lewi.*^ Dellinger, and Rickie I^ec Willi.s, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ix‘o Willis. The Sunday morning .services will begin the Season ol Prayer foi Foreign Missions which will b( concluded on Decembei 7th with the giving ot the Lottie .Moon Christma.e offering foi mis sions. Rev. James M. Wildei. pas tor, will use the sermon topic, ( “Additional Power.” Seven Thanksgiving Services Set At Kings Mountain Area Churches tion actions were lodged. Several points in the defend- that the city should pay lyii. Cline ants’ answer refer to the differ- $31,5(X) for the 93 acres—will be a Itivy trial. /The city has placed the $31,- 5Win escrow with the clerk. The point-of law matter had Initially been scheduled for hear ing on Friday. However. Judge J. ^-AV. Jackson, of Hendersonville, ad journed court Tuesday morning informed attorneys for the city and Mr. Cline that he was ^dering the matter continued to tollcwing week. ^^udge P. C. Froneberger, of Gastonia, was to have presided at the current two-week civl term of court, but could not due to Illness. Meantime, Ernest S. pcLancy, ence betwon indicated reservoir water level at 736 elevation and the 744 elevation to which the city seeks to acquire property. Defendant' contend they have long been and expressed willing- | provide easement for the schedule: 17. senior at Hun- kitclien when the explosion o<*- Ischool in Ga.stonia ' curred, came running, and aewrd- iTre n 'ur-u ler Craftspun Yarns I ing t) Mrs. Kellov nrovenied hiklren .survjci ^G. C. Kelley and badly burned yout'h Dorn running - '^411 con- reported “much outside and jumping into the wa- fmoter\. Terr; ter ] and The program will begin a week SuperInH''L''‘7‘'^”*,‘ i\iaiey, prcveniea me jfp^ ot special services in the Week Mrs. Kel^* _ , "J ^ from running (Uu i the funerd i*eiemr.n -..vi ol Pra.yer foi Foreign Missions on improve!^ reported much outside and jumping into the wa-, b e ,al .* lil h^- in Bynum's 'I nd tho thorn.., “In Tho Powor of His forinK tll'‘^®''t?' “f 'he rivor. "RoRgie got Terry ; c.|u,r,.h .I.. ^ ^ ' ' Spirit.” ffate, hanV^f burns of the, to the kit:chcn sink and put the Mrs. J. B. Keetei, prayei chair- Mrs. Satui-day. fire out with the sprinkler.” man for the Women’? Missionary , ages wciV , ?'’1' ^aid there was no S'jfiety, said that prayer services morning telephone in their cabin an:l the will be held at the church on this' still requil neighbors weren’t home, .so Link ness to provide easement for the schedule: Monday at 10 a. m.,' a patient Ho is started in a truck with Kelley to eight-foot floodage area the city’s Tuesday at 7:30 p. m., Wednesday | Memorial ■ hospital. At Lineherger’s Fish engineers envisage. at 7:30 p. m.. Thursday at 3:30 Sheered®, . he^was stopped by long Under condemnation action pro- p. m. and on Friday the sarrr'tu- ■ gie Link, iw's/riena. Keg- lines ol Saturday night traffic cedure. Clerk of Court Wilson will ary will bo open for meditation \ senior, with' now name three rommis.sloners and prayer from 1C a. m. until s' Terry Kel HoHd0y For Some Thonksgiving Day Four churches have s.heduled Thanksgiving Day breakfast? and .service-; are set by three others. Men of the Church ot F'irst Pres byterian church will serve break fast from 7:30 until 8:30 a.m. in the church fellowship hall. Men ot tlie Church ol Kings Mountain Baptist church will serve breakfast from 7 until 8:.30 a m. in the church fellowship hall. At 9 a.m. R(‘v. James M. Wilder will conduct a servi/e of worship on tho theme, Thankuil are ,Y'ou?” Men ol the Church of Central in each action t' e.stablish a value p. m. . ! had gone to] on the property. The week’s program will be the river at Also landing is appointment of concluded on IJccembei 7th with | Saturday. Y’oi three, exammissioner.s in the John the presentation of the Lottie i ing to light D. Cline condemnation action. Moon Chri.stmas Offering foi For-! place, added elgn Missions. ' plodod in hii School children will got a holi day fhir week. Kings Mountain di.strict schools United .Methodist church wiil sen-e D f 1 outdone. Reggie took, reopening on Monday. At Boyce Memorial ARF church he^ni^h!'*o^hfm^ tn"the%-%"^^ Carried i Virtually all King? Mountain Rev. Charh?? Edward? will lead L he night on him to tlie first policeman he husines.‘*es will be ’ ' — ^oys cottage .aw directing traffic.” An a^bu- day .today.: wcllar:!! |ey was try- pi the fire- and il ex- Ifnk, in th^ lane was .summone-l. In (Gastonia Mr. Kelle.v is an •*X('cuti\o with Tc.xtiles, Irio. . fcIHwed bv breakfast tc be served (lal institutions, city haJl, and the by Men of the Church at 8 po.sl office. Indu-^trie? will oix'rate on regu lar schedule. Lutheran church. Ro\. Churle? Easlev will use the topi;, “Known By Our Hnrv(‘st.” C<mgregation‘* of Di'on Presby terian church and Shiloh Pr(‘sbv- terian church will hold a service of worship al 9 a.m. at the Shiloh church in Grovei with Rev. Ro')- ert Wil.son delivering the mes sage. Tlic King.*' Mountain Ministerial Association sponsored a commun ity - wide Thanksgiving service “How Wedn<»sday night in Central school auditorium. Di. C. C. White, suiM'rintendenl ol the Gastonia District of the United Methodist church, delivered the sermon. Combined choir? ot Central NTeth- odist. First Presbyterian and Kings Mountain Bapli.';l cliurchos .sang two anthems and variou.s minis” tens of the city offered Thanks- a.m. giving prayers and led responsive in the church fellow.ship hall. raadings. Allen Jolley directed A Service of Worship will be the song service and Mrs. Aubrey held al 10 a.m. al St. Matthew's MaunrS was organist.

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