|§ Population Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8.256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9,300 ...4 Grvoter iitogi Mountcdp ftgure 1b derived from tb# •pecirl United States Bureau oi the Census report o lani’diy 1968. ond Includes the 14.990 populotloo o Number 4 Township, and tbe remaining 6.124 Iron Number 5 Township, in Clevelond County and Crowder’ ‘ - T*>«wnwhlo in Cflston County- Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL 81 No. 49 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday. December 11, 1969 Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TF.M CENT! Opening Of Improved NC161 Is Few Days Distant ^ i j I'Q „3 . I . ir Bad Weather F iiiori d ation V ote Jew* City Set For Saturclav, February 7th PRINCIPALS. 30TH ANNUAL LIONS FOOTBALL BANQUET — A- warc* winners. USC Freshman Coach Pride Ratterree. and KMHS Coach Bill Bates are pictured at Tuesday's Lions club lootball banquet Left tc right are Jerry Lovelace, Coach Ratterree. Phil- bart Smith. Charles Barnes. Bobby Ethridge. Chuck Hoyle and Coach Botes. Kirsl of ci'cclilors of .\cisco, IriL., liL.s i)C*on si't fo.' OLten-ii.-or 30, acroidinK to no- tiiC toccivt'd fiom Koy Babilt,' rt’fc tv in bankruptcy. N(.is:‘o own M.irgia^.c aitl Paul.n;* plants hero and two m : Iviby whicli it had loaded to itihor op4'ratois with purchase options. ^ Nt'i.ico .ilt'd voluntary petUitn* Wr\ bankiuptoy in Unitovi States nisir/.-l Cuutl, Southern District •f New York, on November 21. In the statement accompany ing the hankriiptry petition, iLlorgo Horvath, trcasuie.-, list- e! asset sot Sl.bld,ilie ma jor item being propeity, plant and ecjuipment valued at $1.3S7.9S2. Liaihlities i current) totaled $3,(137,-ITS, ::ulucling notes, loans Con/inind On Smith Most Valuable of 69, g Best Blocker NeiscoCieditois First Meeting Is December 30 jgj-j-y LqVcla Hoyle, Barnes, And Ethridge Award Winners MASTER — Clayvon Kelly has been elected Moster of Fairview Lodge 33S AF & AM for the com ing yeoi. Methodist Choir To Sing Cantata 'I'he 2ti-voi. e Ch.int el choir of ('.race United MvlhtiJsi church,, will .sing till' ('liristmas C’antata, •Horn A King’’, nuisic and text- by John \V. 'Ueier.son, Su nday at 5 p.ni. in tlie chuuh sanctuary. The L.int.ila is under the di- • 01'. a logui'^r communication of Ma l.son.s .Monday night. will succeed William : Sellers, in January. \'ov’ Other new offieOiS will inelu Masons Tap Clayvon Kelly William Clayvon Kelly was elected Wo.shipfcl Master of Kaiiview Lodge 339 AF & AM at Five seniors won aerar sTues;- doy at tiic 3()lh annual Lions club football haiuiuet at the Wdrrtan's Club. i Senior tailba:;k Philbcri Smith, who loci the Mountaineers in both rushing -and .'■ci-.-ng, was namca 1 winner of the Geoigc Pl.i:;k Mosi I sTaiuablo Player A\va;J, tackle 1 Jerry Lovelace received the Kied I Plonk Blocking Trophy, end Bob- I by Ethridge and hnltoack Ciiarles iiame.s wei<' winneis of Most improved Player trophies and haitback Chu^k lioyle was nam ed winitcr oi thi* John (gamble SchoUiitic Awai L It .vas the first lima m the .scvin-year Icsioin of llie most impiovcd player awaid that liophy was won by more I tie than h-.ue MVP of llohert Casluon, leciion g.ini.sl and choir dircBor. Soloists for the pfogVani lA? Miss .Maicella Lutz, and Franx Kinson, sopraim; Tdr.s. pea, son, alto; ami- Ucne Yatt*s, lenor. ' ’ " ’ •. . ' ‘ ' Aar.alor for the canlal.i will be ilic lies. J. C. Bane, pasior oi the ihuicii. Ushers \vill include Kock> Uarroll, Jelf Crawio d, Boooy Lane, S.oit Price, Uuri.s Sainio.is and Jeep Wilson, A*o-' l. ,e will be Carl Hobos. yicn.ee.s oi the Cliam lhavta.i, yw... Margie Doii.ngcr, Mrs., l-’ionl; Unison, Mi.ss .ie.->.s.e Joaas,' M.s. Biiiy King, M..sa Kaniy L. nw, y.iss Maiceila Luiz, Mis. i;.ii .vKaiiinns, airs, ilany Uoo- insoa, iUiS. an* M. stfi Peggy K-'Ss; A.*o ■ Mis. iiUil Ba..a^d, Mrs. Lawieiue Ben- lu'ti, aliss 1 ai L'.i.ie, Aiii'S Kw-, Kuni Junas and Aus. Koy i*ear- son; leno. - .Scoli lieio.tM, A-- iimr iMiikN, Ihtiy Kmg amt vienc JC.»c.•^; i>a.-a - L-avSiCiKe ucnac.i, liiil Mi.*.-nmis. Ito^, pta.soii, La.l i Mce and i.arry Robinson. j • lioin A ivin.d' po.uays iliel m. i.n.u.ous tiu.n oi the iiu.ir- nation. Passages .non Maltlicw and Luke weave tins slmy into, an uii.oigedabte nigiu • a nigiiti w.wn leii.lines o.d propluty; tame true, a night when ship- be.jts \\c.e awe .‘Jiritken by a lua\cnl> Ic'st ihai told ol the hjitii *11 tno Piince of IVace, a mghi \.-lien God sent Ivs only n*'- gotten Fun to be liorn ol a vir gin for tiie leilcmptioii of a ,'\oild of sinners. Here, too, was a story of love, U. t not lovn UvS nalu.al man knows it. Phis love Kmlws no houn..s. It is limitless and absolute And it was fiist mandcsted on that night so long ago. the Prince of Peace, Born A King. E. Billy H. Hawkins, den; James W. Rushing, Warden; Ma-ioii T. Williams, Uoasure.; Thomas D. Tindall, re- eleciL’d secrc.a.y; and Kennel.i L. Mor.ison, three yt ar trustee. Ol>en installation of officers wiil be held the first Monday' night in January 1970. Robert B. Leonard. P:tst Master, will serve as installing c» f.cer and J. Ralpli Harrison, Past Master and cariiiitd lecturer will serve as marshall. “'liie public is invited to attend the insiall-ition se.v.ce", suiJ Master .^'eilens. Ball Succeeds loe Lee Woodward City Police DffL'or Ewart Ball as succeeds .Ice Lee Wootlward school truant officer. Mi*. Wuodward retired two weeks, age. one player, altliougn there iieen co-recipients of the and blocking al^’.ards. in addition to being named ihc most valuable player, Sr.iitli re ceived u c\i(ificale for iH'ing se levied to the All-Conference learn and v.as als > ic\*ogn.z.cd as the .Southwest Coii*erence back fd the y-ar, an honor given him at ilie Gastonia Gazette football banquot Monday night. Senior War- ^uhtli gained SOS yar..s and .runior'*'-'^^"'^* iwinlstoKud taincens to a .a-1-1 rcvoid. Uitu ; best in five yea s. For the seas nv he averaged 7.7 yards pi'i* carry. He wont over tlie 100 yard mark three diUeiom t.me^. against South Point, Civst and till.ns, and ho v\as close to the ■ry figure on several occa sions. Against Bessemer City in the season openoi, he cairied only live times but pit loKl up 99 yaids. an aveiage of 19.S yai -s per ca. - ry. Lovelace is another m a Ion i list of outstanding lad;ies who have captured the Blocking 'Iro-- pay. which iias been awaided longe.- than any oilier inize. II wis I.avolave’s blovki’ig that endbiCd barks A?urh as Smith to .un as well as they did. Against Souiii Point, it was liis lilovk that CHAIRMAN — William Herndon hof been named chairman of the newlv appointed city high way coordinating committee. Heindon Heads Road Committee City EBipicyees Will Get Yule Bonus, Holidays city emnlf'.N'ees witli a v'cat’.s wrvici' will net a week’s t»vv as a Christmas .bonus, the vity com- mi.s.sion vntod 'lue.^'day night. Employees witli tlian a year of service will receive one- twelfth on one week’s pay for eneh month of ser\nce. Volunteer firemen will receive S25 each. All employees except tlie office .staff will get holidays on Decern- 1 her 24 and 2.t and January 1. while the office staff will holiday; on December 25 and 2(1 and Jan uary 1. In other actions the commis sion: ' I 1) Accepted low hid of .south- well Motor Company at $2(101 for a three-quarter ton truck chasis for the watcr-sowc’r department.' Tuxon Chevrolid Company bid | , $27n:i I 2' .Adopted a resolution apiirov ! inL condition.^ under wdiich relo- ' c;itia:i payments will he paid if* ' poisons displaced from their rrsi- ' I d-ome^ due to federal pr.>1ects and named the Kings Mountain Re- • devolcpment Commission a.s agent I for supf'rintcnding the relocations. * (Joe L-iney director of the com*- mission, said the re<'jlution is : imm^'diately concerned with the ^ water project, w'here propc‘rtie.« ; rccu'ued by some Liinilie.'; will ! bo inundat*»d.» The federal gov ernment provirie.s .subsidies, ba.sed on formulai*. tr ease ndocation ! financial differentials. 3» Ailopied rules and r<*gula- ; tions h)r the Kings Mountain Fire i Department. or Yule lighting contest. Judging will h«> based on orig- .naiiiy and Ircauiv and thcie are wo *d.us nils of competition: nonts ol an “offiviaT’ will b( employed, with the rx- 'ppTion that the registration books wiH not be opened. Spearheading the revived fluor idation movement are the Kings Mountain Jaycecs. with Gerald Tliomasson serving as chairman. After a commission-appointed study committee split 6 to 6 on K. E. Mauney. 12th DNision Engine* r with the State Highway Commission, sad that the traf- fi_ department has completed election centerline marking and signing. The new s< viion is two-lanes, 2-1 feet wide plus shoulders. A c.')rr*p!e;e new section n Fu.'/f A’ijy'd.) lS;3C a.g-tin this lM'ida> night. will judge Hinson. LODGE MEETING An ernc'rgcnt a-ommunication of Faiivit'.v Lodge 339 AF & AM f(,r work in the third degree will be held Monday night at 7 p.m. at Masonic Hall, according to announcement by T. D. Tindall. .M t retary. Retreshments will be served. HAS BROKEN HIP J. C. Plonk, of Hickory, suffered a broken hip in a fall at Iicr liome last Friday. .She is a patient at Memorial Ho.spital, Room 313. Hickory. Continui'd Ou Pour Eio/H m Few low Numbers Among Cleveland' Draft Eligibles At 1 Wednesday ot I p.m. Wednesday, the Some 18.000 Clevelanders are Cleveland County draft board was now in the s.-called , finding "few men witli low num- those who registered in 19^8 bers” Mrs Clara Newman, clerk since. However. maj<.rity fd tlie.se. to the board told the Herald. under piesent laws are “over-ripe The Cleveland board, along with all others in the nation, was closed for public business Wednes day, as a new filing sy.stem was being sot up to implement the new selective service law. The system reverts to the lottery sys tem employed in World Wars I end II effective Januarj' 1. “Should this trend of few low numbers to fill quotas or not.” Lemmons Gets Active Sentence Rudolph Lemmons, Ji. of Giovor was sentenced Monday to lb months in prison upon pUacl- ing guilty to charges of assault with a deadly weapon. 1'hc cha.ge has been pending against Lemmons since last sum mer. Lemmons* attorney C. C- Horn asked Supc^rior Court Judge Sam Ervin III to consider letting pay a fine in the case. Horn told the judge that Lemmons is fac ing much more seiious charges in Gaston County. Solicitor Hamp Childs told Ju.gc Eivin he objected to the defen.se propose! only because Leini'ions has been charged with ' another cr.me while fn‘e on l>ond. Lemmons was' charged I vsith breaking and enienng and ' larceny in connection with an al- I lege ri atiempi to ta!;e a Kings j Mountain cab driver's billfold. I As soon as the judge pronounc- Junior and Senior Clioirs of^’d sentence. Lemmons instructed Kings Mountain Baptist church Horn to Hie not.ee of 'appeal, will' lead a choral and candle-' Jot’go Ervin i*aisej bond in the lUhliiyg seiv.ee “Even Unto, case from S,5l.;0 to $2,590. Lem mons was jailed in lieu of bond. Heavy Feet In Park Bring Troflic Fines Kin.:,:- Mountain National Military Faik .Supcriniendenl ',U'n F. M‘H)maw announces that due to g.eally iiicieasi'tl visiiit.on and the dohnir of Uo‘’U' 161 ihiouidi the Park, law enforcement activities have had lo lie greatly incicascd in or Y r to protOLi park visitors and facilities. As a le.sult, 23 violation no- llec's for t.'jfiie *r.fenses alone weie issued between Novem ber Jl and DecemiH’r 2. rw*'ni\ one ca.ses were dis posed of by United .Slates Com- mission*'!' \\’illiam Spencer, H*)clv liiil. Soutli Carolina, on Deei’inl er .5. A total of $5l0.i)0 i.vas levi<**i in lines. 'Two of liios'e cib'd n will join in tlie .sing-, .ng, of several lamiiiai* Christ- .na.'^ eaiul>. ] The Cantata is a five-pait one; “Beilikhcin Lainl *il JudalT’;, ■'Tile .'''Iiepherds of Fetlileliem";, ‘Tne M ingcr (jf Heililchcm”; •■'i iU' W.se Men Conn* T*) Belli-, aiicin''; and, “iietbii’Jieni In Gur| ileaits Todav.” I T.u' J.ni«)r Char will sing ^Wind 'Mirougli Hu* Olive Trees'’ and “Away In A Ma:iger.’' Tm* 'Men’s ('tioius will sing “We' iJi'ce Kings ’ an i Hi*> spir.inal, |■'G■) Tell It 'To Tiic Mountaiii.s.” -M,s. K. G. Fiankl.n, .sop.ano ^ohilst, wi:i .'.in, “I i The Watches of tlu' .Night ’ and Jairu’s .uiieiirtu wttUiWUivi—Meaiowrs *.#1 wiiu.cu ntiu uibir iui>i mVny r'e^ently "and burned the notes due on the feUewshiy building. The church also close" in completing the payment lor the sonctuar, and educational complex. ‘«e whe participated in the service, from left to righ ., arc Mike Mlnnix, Cecil W H Redmond, T. R. Dalton. Dewey Allen. M. C. Wood. C. M. Lankford. C E Kiser. The fellowship building consUts of a large dining room, complete kitchnette, a stage and back patio. By MARTIN HARMON “I guarantet' the cost will not ('xcr(*d my estimate under a bond t ol $5906. wrote George Cado- i gan, 160 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, . hydraulic, electrical and sanitary engineer. ! This pluase from a letter datetl ( hicago. April 14, Mayor John Henry Moss lias been using i r<‘cenily to lease the city’s vet eran Consulting engineer Col. W K. Dickson. “That was 1906." the Mayor jests, "and you won’t guar- ant<'e us anything.” Needless to say. the Colonel re- plie.'-' in kind and ean point with pride to the fact that H cost of , the now-eomolet*' sewage system imprtwemonls were less tJian ini tial estimates and 2) Ids estimates on the Buffalo Creek water pro- pect appt'ar elose to ta:*gel center, pending completion ol land acqui sition. '' The iettc'r, I tuiid b\ Billv San ders. 911 Churah street, among the effet’ts ot his motlu'i Mrs. Simon Saiuk'is, was framed and ])resented ity Mi. Sanders to the MayiJr recently as an liLstorical momente. I Specifieallv, G. Cadogan Morgan ' wanted to engineei the Honorable Mayor IG. M’. Kendrick) and town council of Kings Mountain CoaHaiu d On Pa-ji' Eifjht