i> 4 Population Greoter Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9,300 GrMiter kings Mountcdo tlgurs U dcrWad from •pecirl United States Bureau of the Census report o lonuory 1966. ond Includes the 14.990 population O Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6.124 iron Number S Township, In Cleveland County and Crowder* • T*<arwhto ie Qoston Ceuntg. Kings Mountoin's Reliable Newspoper VOL Rl No. 51 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, December 18, 1969 Sevent\'-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENT5 Industrial Holidays Beginning At End Of Week Schools Map Vocational Work Many Firms Are Paying Yule Bonuses Under Achievers Jn lunioi High ^ 0 Be Trained Tlio city schools plan to insti-^ lute d vt^cational training p.o- gram for l'<.v achievers at sev- emh ard eighth grade levels in, January. The hoard of education dis- c.ri^cd the program Monday n;ght. j Schrxiis Supt. Donald D. Jones said rhe Stale Department of. Public Instruction has given as- suiaiu-e the special project will be approve.'.. lie said it would be put into effect immediately, with the slate and local system sharng the cost. Mrs. Williams Is Charged In Theft FBI Charges Her With Theft Of $15,655 Robert M. Murphy, special a- gent in charge of the Charlotte office of the Federal Bureau of Invcstl;ation, -announces the ar- : .est of Mrs. Joyce B. Williams, JoiK's said the project, which; wile of Robert Royal Williams is a pilot program f<jr the state,'of Bessemer City, will involve courses along the vvillioms n was chare- llne c. irome economies anjl home with vll management for gi.U on .lUy-oi h’gl , areisof cmbez/elod, ab- training, m aieas of willfully misapplied Wi^otlvorking, for boys. / High achievers in special edu- lUion w.ll be incorporated into lie program, along with the low ti'rt v/>cr»iUir £>rt\n*a- eol birnk nd.s totaling $l.n.655.03 -nn or about October 2, 1969 while as a Teller with the nion National Bank Bes- 'a;luc\ors in the regular educa tional pro,;.am. At fi.st, enroW-.City Bianch, rnent v/ill be small but eventual*: federal warrant was issu ed by U. S. Commissioner J. . ;'" W' y be expanded to have about, iUO students. ; Marshall Ha>wood of Charlotte; The state an:i local system an investigation of thej ill sliare the cost. For the re* t,ranch bank. I nainder of this school year,. • Jones said the estimated total' Mrs. Williams appeared Wed*' ( ost w.ll be $22,474, including nesday before Commissioner Hay- $10000 for equipment. Of this, wood and was released on §1,000! the’ local part will be $8,691.68 bond returnable to the April, and the state’s share. $13.732.82.| 1970 term of U. S. District Court, Next year the cost is estimatediin Charlotte. to*bc $37,000 total, with the lo-! Mrs. Williams resides in Bes* cal share $10,000. t srmer City with her husband and HONORED—Steve Crosby, honor student ot East Carolina Uni versity. was recently initiated by Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and elected to the Men's Resi dence Council. 'Whilwozth Rites Held; Hunter Found Body Graveside funcial services for : William Mix Wh'tworth, 35, jwe.c held Tuesday afternoon at ;2 p.m. from the cemetery of Al- : len M<*morial Baptist church a1 I Grover, the Rev. George Thorn- { bu.’g offici-aling. ! Remains of the body of Mr. ■ Whitworth, reported missing since .May, we:e found by a 'brother, 'FI03-CI Whilworlh, Sun day afternoon two miles south ofi ; Patterson Springs on Highway 226. A hunter had reported eavli-l ■ er fin ini; a cap which belong loj i Whitworth's late brother. Thej searchers combed the creekbanksj of the area and discovered thei ; remains. Corone.' J. Ollio Harris sa;d his investigation revealed that Whitworth died May 2, 1969 of natural causcii. Whitworth was the son of Alonzo Whitw’orth of Grover and the late Maggie Wright Wh't- worth. Besides his f-atlier, he is survive.l by t'i ee sons, Jimmj', Hov/ard and Douglas Whitworth, ; all of Shelby; three brothers, : Paul M^hitworth of Clover, S .C., 'Floj'l Whitworth and Lee Whit worth, both of Grover; and two ' sisters. Mrs. D. G. Luthric and Mrs. Don Willingham, both of ”ChbrTbtte. W iiBiilri I"'' CHRISTMAS CHEER TO SERVICEMEN—Girl Scouts in Senior Troop 230 are conducting two Christ mas season projects. Pictured above, they wrap (-hristmas gifts for Kings Mountain area service men in Vietnam. In collaboration with area ir.e.*c«anlii they aLo are conducting an Operation Santa Claus project for the area needy. From lel to right. Ann Baird. Connie Phifer. Cathy Payne. Susan Fite. Betsy Queen. Frances McGill Ann Hunter Plonk, Diane Spearman. Susan Goforth. Hetty Cox. Kay Patterson. Jane Talbert and Marlene Cash. Ilrs, Charles Baird is troop leader. Not pic- tur^ are Scouts Suzanne Amos. Meredith McGill Susan Ballew and Brenda Goforth. (Photo by Isaac Alexander) School Board Elects Teachers; Three Resigned three children. She is no longer •with the hank. if employed Mail "Now' Says Postmaster "Don’t take a chance on dis* Ho was also recently elected as appointing someone you love, representative to the Mens Resi- I send yo. r gilt parcels and cards denc'o Council, the .student gov- i now,” Postmaster Charles Alex-; ornmiii organization. I ander advissed to .ay. Crosby is listed on the Honor , j The name and address of both Quarter at East, a medley of concert numt'ovs time attendance counselor, the sender and addressee should University in Greenville,’ the traditional carol, “Joy To be enclosed in each yift paicth ^ , The World.” to permit identity in case of dam label. The out.«5idc label should be plao<'d on only one side of each parcel, noted the postmaster. Postmaster Alexander also em phasized the importance of using V Jones said iniee persons for, the progidin will be hired im- mOdiately, and be increased whh the hiring of two more next year. In tonj'-notion with the junibr high program, Jones s-aid a fol low-up program will be designer U): these students when they leath the high school level. ChoinToSing Cantatas Sunday Combined Clioirs of St. Mat- ^ tluHv’s Lutheran church will sing} qj. iqss of the outside -address, two Christmas Cantatas .Sun iay ■ at .5:30 P-m. at the church. Tlu* Junior Choir will sing "The Clirisim'as Story” and th<’ Senior Clioir will sing “A Serv- ico of Nine Lessons and Carols’ by David N. Johnson. Tlie ( rintalas are under the di- lei lion of Mrs. L. E. HinnanI, or ganist an dehoir director. ' The program wdl inclu<Ie tra ditional c.Ti’ols in addition lo “Go 'I’ril It To 'PlK' M<tuntain”, “I Know Not How That Btdhle- bem's Babe”, “The Lord At First Did A am Make” and “O Sing A Jj.ing of Bethlehem.” Mr. and .Mrs. Robert L. Wilson jv.ill sing the duel, “Mary Wore h'iirde Links of Cliain.’ •jWe invite (he (immunity to worshi pin the service”, said Rev Cliar'.es Fasloy, pastor. Miss France.^ Summers, soprano, will also be featured in a solo riumbe;. /Stfoke Care Project Set Hospital personnel from Kings Mountain hospitial along with Iho.se from Boiling Springs and Shelby hospitals ai'o participat ing in a project aimed at help- i n g establish comprehensive st.iike care in Cleveland County. Tlie project is beind led by Miss Margaret Keller and Miss Rachel Nunley, nurse and phys leal therapist with the N. C Medical Program’s regional Com prehensive Stroke Program. "Let the patient the shots —or think he’s calling them", they say. Nurse, don’t think that, just Crosby Tapped By Sigma Phi C. Steve Crosby, son of Mrs. Ver* ! non P. Crosby of Kings Mountain and the late Mr. Crosby, was ini- i tiated this week into Sigma Phi I Epsilon fraternity at East Caro- I lina University', wiiere he holds I the highest grade point average in his pledge class. • The board of education elected throe regular teachers and one i interim reaeher Monday nignt. Elec!e<l were: Robert Steven Ellis, Limestone graduate, to ^caeh si.xlh grade at Grover; .Miss - Wanda K. Bridges. Western Car ' d na gr:idu-ate, to t< a‘*h physi 'cal c'ucation at Central; M^s Clirisimas Concert by the Kings Caiolina Connet, Western Caro- Moiintain high school Senior' graduate, interim teaclie* Band and tlie Junior High Bant ; for sixth giade -at North; and will pi’esented Thursday ifo Mrs. Judy Chapman, Western night! at 8 p.in. in Central school Carolina graduate, regular teach- luditorium. O'* for sixth .grade at Noch. Mrs. Thc’pio ram i.s f.eo and open Chapman will repint on January to the public and ;s under the 5. Bands Concert Thursday At 8 rlirection of Band Director Don ald Deal. Tlie eightii grade Band will play a selection of three Christ-' mas Chorales and “Christmas In' England.” The Frosliman Band Resignations were aereph-^ from Mrs. Dan ’Finger, Mr.=. Sa- T?h Jones, and Mrs. Je.qullhp Reid. The board also aer*<*ph‘d the resignation of Joe Lee Woo<l will play “Jingle Bells,” “Spirit ward, school atton lance coiriwS?- o{ Chiislmas" and .'C Holy; lor. who is retirinf-, and elected Night.” The Senior Band will play policeman Ewart Ball as a pari APPOINTED — Raegan Harper has been appointed a member 01 the Cleveland County More- head Scholarship Selection Committee. He succeeds Dr. Gecigc W. Plonk. Raegan Harper OnCummiltee Kings .Mountain industrial em* ploy'eos could look forward this week to Christmas holidays and seme could anticipate some extra Christmas cash in the form of ■’ifl ehei'ks. Holidays will vary from one to 10 days, some beginning Friday. S me firms will write Christma.s :heeks Friday to employees on basis of service, with employ'oos of five y(*ars or more of service to receivr* four percent of earnings and emplo.vee.s with less service 0 receive two p(*reent of earnings. Oth.er e >mpanio.s did not detail their ChrisUnas chock plans. Some firms will present gifts to employees in tlu* firms in the Vrm of gift certificates, hams and turkeys. Longest holiday will be observ 'd by employees ot Oxford Indus tries which close on Friday, re- )p(‘ning January oth. Second long- ■'st holidays will be taken by em- aloyeos of Mauney Textile In^er- ?sts. Craftspun Yarns andBurling- ‘on Phenix Plant 1. Share^t holi day announced is that of K Mills where employees will return to work Friday after Christmas Day holiday Thursday. Gift certificates will be pre.sented employ*ees. Kinder Manufaeluring Company had not dcfinif<'ly sid a holiday scliedule ye.Klerday. At Grover’s Minette Mills employees of the "'hen ille Bedspread depart ment ma.v work DcDcomber 26th and Oee'ember 27th. Other operations j there will cease on December 23, 1 reopening Dotember 27th. Bonus- l es will be paid employees. I Padie Cotton Mills will be closed ' Fire l-adly damaged B & b1 from in p.m. Fridav until 10 p.m. jRestauiant in dov.ntown Kings| 28th. Uonu.^es will be j .viountain Sunday aftej-noon at 3 paid employees, i i.m. I Park Yarn Mills will close Wed- Fire Chio' Floyd ThornhurgI nesday. December 21th. at 7 a.m., i -a:.! the five started from wir-1 resuming operations Monday ' ng in a refrigerator motor'in the' morning at 7 a.m. December 29th. I 'Urchcn He said the inside pc-] Lambeth Rope Corporation will ! iiiops of the building were j be elo.sed Christmas Eve and ' ■.■. rned out as well as the t:eil-1 Christmas Day, resuming work ' ng c.n i interior fixtrres. Firc’- Friday. ' non fought t]i<‘ bkizc for more. Mauney Mills will be closed ' ban an hour and prevented the fr<'m 6 a.m. Saturday until 6 a.m. lames from spreading to the' December 29th. Bonu.ses will be 'upstaiis part of the building. oaid empl wees based on length A family spohesman ^^'^Hmated ' (lie damages at S7,<XK). j 'Die buildin.which is covere(l I l)y insuranc*o, is owne 1 bv Dr. D.. I M. IMor.ison of Shelby. Mr. and; I Mrs. George Lublanezski have ^e closed from December 20th i’easrd the downstair.^ area and ; aav(' operated a restaurant there j for scver.i) years. $70DC Damages in Sunday Fire At Restauiant Maunc'v Hosiery Mlils will shut down Friday, reopening Decem ber 28th. Bonuses and gifts will be prc'sented emphiyces. Carolina Throwing Company The board voted a policy chan.’e for school pailics in r. Rit*g;in llarpei’, 3r.. Kings Grades 1 to 6. Up to two parties Mmr.rain piiai nl.^ci^t, has been of nor mo''e than 30 m’nutes app'>intr<i a member (tf tlie duration may* now he held dur- Cirvilaiul ('ounty M''reh<‘ad .‘^e- ing school hours at the end of 1-., ('onimitlee sue-eeding D. . the day. Supt. Don Jones said bus (jcirge I’l .nk \sIio li.ts le- s.'he't les dictated the change of sigr.t d. Kelly Dxion, city building in-' is concerning accessory buildings, policv. Annnuntemmil was made h.' 7ip c-odes and adding -a return; issued a statement this Many eommiinities have been} xhe board also: Roy A rnsirtuig, exe u!iM‘ direc address to all Christmas mail. It week concerning the city zoning blighted by non-observance of: Approved a training oursc tor of the J »hn Motley 'In eiu-ad Building Inspectoi Kelly Dixon Gives Statement On Zoning Law until December 29th. Bonu.ses and gifts will bepre.sented to employ- res. Duplex Shannon wiU close ^hristmas Kve, re.-uming opera- ti<'n.< Mondav. Dec. 29. Kings Mills will cease operation •>t the close of the second shift Tu<*<day, reo;)ening on Sunday night. December 28th. Bonuses lock, brother f)f Mrs, D. L. Saun- i ‘’’’’d turkeys will he presented em- and M’'s. D. K. Britt of Kings ployoos*. Diliec Bites Are Conducted I-aac Holt Diffeo, bii. of Have- only takes a couple extra seconds but pays big dividends. Zip codes enable postal em ployees to sort -and handle the mail faster. A return ad h’ess in sures that mail that can’t be de livered because af illegible or in complete mailinn; address will be •eturned to the sender. “A return address might not ;eem very important” Mr. Alex ander noted, “but last year over 32 billion pieces of mail went to ordin-ance, Mr. Dixon said he St a lemon l because citizens have reiiucsled knowle;;ge about zoning requiie- ments”. His statement follows: In compliance with the zoning ordinance of the City of K.ngs Mountain, there are numerous requirements. It is very important for one to .lead letter branches because the: consider the district of zoning. •naJin;T address couldn’t be read Within the area of the city there ind there was no return address is ten tlOi different zoning dis been non-observance of rules and requirements concern-j for sehO(>l ciisfodi-an.s to I'c taught' ]'(»und'itio:i at Chiqxd Hill issued the iii^ these buik'.ings. It is usually, by cVvoland Technical Institute.; O hi r n of ihi* com- mimerous feeling that we o;.vn the lot,' oi Diverted Mrs. Lawron-'e I.o- Tniiii-. are I.. Lyn on Ilobb'^ of “more land, therefore we should dolpr-jn, cafeteria supervisor, to flo .-Vndhy, cli liini.ri, and J. ('lint what wc please with it, but why the Imying for the eight cafe- not look in both directions, if terras in the system, you wouldn’t want your neighbor; 3) Assigned 32 pupils to par- to crowd you, should you want; ticular schools, to crowd him? A rule which has — stood the storm for many years V V !■ has been “Love Thy Neighbor as | uCSSI16 Thyself.” and after all th:s is v.-hat is being .offered through ^j||j J. Dixon Lesslio, manage** of utilities with Soring Mills’ eorp- •‘zoning.” In listing the various zoning !h\vi ;n. Mrs. ('. Kusli Ilam.ick. Jr., J(thn li. Dover, III, .\. Dixon i.,a;‘key, D;*. Robert Litton, 1! 1 u i*i ('. I’.od .‘i.iri D . J.arni's II. Burr-as, all o‘ KM Students On Dean's List Mountain, dic*d PYiday at Craven Covinty hospital. He was owner of Differ’s Florist and was a resident of the Craven County’ Community for the p:ist 27 years. A moinber of tin* First United Methodist church, lu* wns a r(*- tired civil .«crvic(* employee and a \eteran of tlu* U. S. Navy. Funeral servL-os were held Sun.'lay at 2 p.m. fi' un Willis and Ballard Funeral Clianel bv Rev. William Davenport. Interment was in Greenleaf Memorial Park. Craftspun Yarn.s will clo.se Sat urday morning at 6, reopening at 6 a m. Dc’cember 29th, Christmas hnnuse.s will he paid employees. The annual ('hristmas party for employees was held Wednesday witii barbecue served with all accessories. Now' Year’s Day will also be a holiday for employees. Burlington Mills Phenix Plant will close for the holidays at end of the second shift Saturday, re suming operations with the third shift Sundav night, December 26th. Bonuses of two and four percent l\iUbearei>' were member^ ,>f will be paid employees. The an- tli(‘ Men’s Bible class of which he in the envelope. If you estimate truts. and each of these at.orci els they o^ate engineering department, he worth of eaeh ot the.se pieces dUfor.ng privileges. .Neither ot Irs ashion. husband of the former Kliieabetli -It fiventy-flve cents, including these have any purpose ot de- ^ Ware of King.s Mountain, ha.s been ■)csl-ago. postal ojstomers lost pr.vin; anyone of what is light ^ ^ cilcfi for his efforts in fighting wor ST.5 million last year to dead and just, but rather as a matter fice. N B Neighboihood Business.^ ’etter ofTices. And none of this of protection. If we are to ex- L-H Central vould have happened if the en- poct top value or the l)est sell- eral Sus.ness. L-I Light Indusliy 'elopes had contained a return} ing price for any real property it H I Heavy Industry. iddress.” Art Awards To Mrs. Beaver Mrs. (iordon Beaver, formerly Peggy Mauney of Kings Mountain, won tw’o first aw'ards, one second place, and one honorable mention for ceramics recently in the South Carolina State Fair in Columbia, S. C. As a member of the Guild of South Carolina .Artists, she also QUirements of zoning such exhibited two pieces. “Tw'cnty-one sot back distances, side Rectangles” and a hand built hot- from property lines Is very important that correct This legend of zoning identiHes zoning l>e enforced. No one would its purpose when compared to feel perfectly satisfied with an :he zoning map which designates inves:mont of $25,000.'V) for a each zone -accordingly, now home an.1 have an 8 or 10,* The planning comrni.ss'oncr has 000.00 home adjacent to it, rath- given much consideration to or tlKin the higher price one' the.se areas, and it is quite pos-; raising the lower, the low'or les-jsible that residential standard or. sens the greater, therefore it is; (busincs.s need can be located in the purpose of the city lo put - orth an effort t<i stabilize ap praised values. These are some of the purposes of zoning in resi dential areas. There is likewi.se other rc- as the City of Kings o;* aiound Mountain. Quite a fevz rociuests for trail er parks, or for individual trail er locations are brought to the attention of the building in spector, in a fo-llow up of the distanc* zoning districts it is only permis*' vi-cc j)rc.sidcnf of the \Vatf*r Pollu or side sable for trailois or imobile tion C’ontrol F'(*deratimi. wato: pollution. Lesslie is brotlier in-law <.‘f Mi-;s Annie Mae Ware, Franklin Warc and Brown War Mountain. Les-<li(’ is tin* South ('arolina recipient of the Arlliur Sidney Bi*- dell Award, which pre^^e-ited bv the Water Pollution ('ontrol Federation. The award is made in the state every year ftir “exhaordinarv 1 (*rsr)nal service in the water pol lution control field” as il relat(*s to the i.irobh'ms an.d ae1ivi1i(‘s of the South (’arolina Wa»er and Pollution ('onti'oJ A'^.'^oeiation. An enseribed plaque vva.s pn* sented to Lesslie liy .losejih F. Lagnese. Jr. of PitKhurgh. I’a.. Dean Georgt* Mc.swain an- noum.ed today tliat 11 Gaston Col lege student*-- from King,- Matin- tain made the Dean’s List for the Fall (^uartoi, 1969. Tliey include; Liberal .Art- Division: (’harles B. Alh'n. ila:old Kdwani Black, all of King-* Barry W. Bumgardner. Kathy Holland. M.icl-; J. Lefc\ers. Danny McDowell. Daviii L. .Miller, and Edwar.* C VV!iit( . Vr.cati-nal Divi-^ion: Harry L. Barrett. Lawr<*nc( S. hnnMi. Jj.. Richard G'forth. William D. Goforth, I’o’iald U. Maph's. and Billy G. Robb-. was a member. (hher survivors include* his wife, Mrs. V.inda Cobb Diffee: liiree .•-ions. Ih*rberl anrl J(*rrv Dif- U'C. botli of Havelock, and James Diffee (if Woodhridge, Va.; three brothers, Rtw* Diffee of Burling ton. Paul Diffeo of Riehm m-d. Va., and Ja*nes Diffee of Troy; and another sister. Miss B(*itie Diffee. of Troy and nine grandchildren. nual Children's Christmas Party was held Sunday' with treats and refreshments provided to 600 em* nloyees and their families. Danny Huffstickler provided organ music as entertainment. Phenix Plant’s Coiitinuf'd Oil Page Eight NO MEETING Christmas Week ; Herald On Tuesday I .Next weeks edition of the Her ald will aDix?ar under Tgvs Fcr Tets To Be Distributed Former Bank Building Th(* annual program of the The award was pres(*Mt<'d in Co lumbia during 1h<' 2t)th annual because the stroke patient in tie in the recent annual exhibit streets along with the back yard homes) to be placed in certain your care can’t speak to you. of the Guild att ho Columbia Mu* areas. Each of these carry a areas, those are cai'ofully con- <*ommunieation with him is im-'seum of Art. great amount of importance, s dered by both the Zoning meeting of the Pollution ('ontrol possil Ic ! Beaver is daughter of Mr. One of the most import-ant of . Board of adj;'. stments and the Section of the South Carolina Wa- And when he might seem hos-i and Mrs. Aubrey Mauney of Kings zoning rc^quirements and the one Board of City Commissioners if ter and Pollution Control .As.socia- (Continued on Eight) Mountain. ' 1 which seems lo be abused most. Continued On Page Eight tion. "Toys for Tots” local Ministerial A‘*so(iation will climax witli the distribution of toys to nee.ly fam ilies on Mojulay and Tuesday. Di*- cember 22 and 23. from 1-.7 p.m. U.sed l(jys have been repaired by the Kings Mountain Jayeee.s. and now toys h ive been donated by Bridges Hardware and Western date of •Pu. c-itv !>,.aru nf .■ommission.-rs I . will iu,t m.vt nn th.. rnsularlv Published on Mon. ^ h(*duh*d date of December 23. ^^•^* Mav.ir John Henry Mo.ss said a- Pictures should be-at the Her- m(‘eting probably will bo held the - aid not later than Saturday at ." following week. noun A^.'e tising deadline w'ill be - Saturday and news deadline ' Mnnd.iy at noon. 'Phe cclitioii will contain se^a* son’s greetings from bus'ness firms and special Cliristmas fea tures. as well as regular news on tent. Aut ’ Associate stores. .\ny iiarent who desires h(*lp,- witli (heir toy needs are invited to secure a card from any area minister, and come by the “old First-Unjfon Bank” building, be side Beik’s, during the above hours. Ciffds will also be available the building from ministers there. , LUTHERAN TOPIC ■■R(\vond 8elf” will be the ser mon topic of the Rev. Charles t/isley at Sunday morning wor ship servkH's at 11 o’clock Sun day morning at St. Matthew’s Lutheran church.

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