Popnlation Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9.300 Oitater kiags MouotalD figut* la dartvad from tba 9PMtrl Uoited Stotaa Buraau of tha Caoiua repoit o January 1966, and lacludos tha 14.990 population o Numbar 4 Township, and th# ramolnlDg 6,124 Iron Ifumbar $ Township, in Clatralond County and Crowdor* ■ tn fVn»o0 County Kings Mountain’s Reliable Newspaper Pages Today VOL 81 No. 52 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Tuesday, December 23, 1969 Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTS $1,773 Million Cansler Street Project Approve Kings Mountain Citizens Readying For Christmasi*^'^"' ii Sil! GIRL SCOUTS TRIM TREE—Kings Mountain, Gr over and Bessemer City area Girl Scouts trimmed a Christmas tree Mondoy on the lawn of Jacob S. Mauney Memorial Library and then held a Carol Sing on the library steps. The yule tree, picture d above, is from Golden Valley, the new campsite of Pioneer Girl Scouts, and the Scouts, pictured above, trimmed the tree with orange cups filled with raisins, pinie cones filled with peanut butter and strings of cranberries and popcorn "for the birds.*' Mrs. W. C. Ballew is chairmen of the Gii 1 Scout Neigliborhood which includes oil area Girl Scouts. (Photo by Isoac Alexander) Rev. Wayne Ashe Rites On Sunday Pastoi Dies Aitei Open Heait Surgery APPOINTED — Representative W. K. Mauney, Jr. of Kings Mountain has been appointed to the State Employees and , Teachers Benefits Study Com mission by Governor Scott. Governor Taps Rep, Mauney IIALEIGH — Governor Bob Scott today annoMnc‘C(i tho appoint ments to the State PImployeo.s and T(*achers Benefits Study Commis sion. Former Si‘*nator and Represen tative Willis Hancock of Oxford; Former car?er employee of the State, John A. Winfield of Pine- town; and Dr. A. C. Barefoot of North Carolina State University, who if currently servin" as Secre- Inry tlie University Advisory Committee, were appointed as m(v.n bers -a t -la r;:;e. Repro'^entative Claude deBruhl of Candler and Representative William K. Mauney, Jr., of Kings Mountain will repre.sent the House of Representative.s. Jolin A. Holmes. Jr., of Raleigh will represent the North Carolina Highway and Correction Em ployees’ Association, Incc. Lloyd Isaacs of Raleigh will represent the North Carolina Education As sociation. Mrs. Leila Laws of Roc ky M Winston Salem after undergoing open heart surgery. Funeral rites wore held Sunday i afternoon at 3:30 p.m. from Mace- i donia Baptist church where lie j had .‘served as pastor for nine i years. Rev. Wayne Dietz of Rcids- villo and Rev^ Floyd Harlon of ' lenne.Nseo officiated at the final , li'os and inteiment was in Gaston Memorial Park. Mr. Ashe, who liad suffered from j a heart ailment for several years, (had undergone heart surgery Thursday. A graduate of Gardner Webb I college, Carson Newman college anci Southern Baptist Seminary at Wake Forest, Mr. Ashe was or dained by Ea.st Belmont Baptist church and .served hi.s first pas torate at Berea Baptist church in Mooresville. He came to Kings Mountain from Gum Spring Bap tist chur-ch in Lilesville. In King.-’ Mountain ho has .serv ed as pastor in the Kings Moun tain Ministerial Association and was active in the Kings Mountain ' Ministerial As.sociation and was active in the Kings Mountain Baptist Association Pastor’s Con- I lerencc. A native of Swain County, he wa.-’ the son of the late Wheeler , D. and Drucilla Brendall .Ashe. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Lear Gibby Ashe; their j i son, Steve Ashe, student at Ap-1 I palachian State University; four | , brothers, L. C. Ashe. J. Lt'C Ashe, Charles Ashe and Earl Ashe, all of Belmont; and one sister, Mrs. Bob Jones of Maryville, Tennes see. I Ac(i\e pallbearers wx*rc J. Rob ert Champion, Morris Timms, Clifton Timms, Doan Spears, Tom Smith and Henry Ford. Honorary pallbearers were oth er members of the board of dea cons and ministers of the Kings Mountain Ministerial Association and Kings Mountain Bajitist ;Vs- , sociation. SUCCUMBS — Rev, Wayne Ashe died Thursday night after un dergoing open heart surgery. He was 47. Sgt, Padgett k Honoied Sgl. Charles (’. Padgett, son of Dr. and Mrs. P. G. Padgett o* Kings Mountain, has received the Army Commendation Medal while serving in the R(*public of Viet nam from April 1968 to April 1969. The Kings Mountain man is now stationed at Fort Car.son. The eommendation from the Secretary of tin' Armv reads: “Sgt. Charles C. Padgett, United Stales Army, who distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious ser vice in sufjport of military opera tions against Communist aggres sion in the Republic of Vietnam April 1968 to April 1969 ho astute ly .surmounted extremely adverse' conditions to obtain consistently superior results. Through diligence and determination ho invariably ac('omplished every task with dis patch and efficiency. His unre lenting loyalty; initiative and per severance brought him wide ac claim and in.spired others to strive for ma.ximum achievement. Self lessly w'orking long and arduous hours, he has contributed signifi cantly to the succe.s.s of the allied effort. His commendable perform Continued On Payc Six Last-Minute Buying Heavy, Say Merchants I Kings Mountain citizens readi ed for Christmas this week, and the vast majority were either al ready enjoying a holiday or look ing torward to vacation time. Many found help for Santa Claus shopping via Christmas bonus pavTTients from employers. Industrial holidays will vary from one to 10 days, some began Friday. Retail busine.ss personnel will continue to be busy through Christmas Eve, will take a one- day holiday Christmas Day. Fin ancial institutions wdll be clo.sed both Christmas Eve and Christ mas Day. Kings Mountain Post Office will be cl().sed CTiristmas Daj'. Drug stores will offer ab breviated service for prescription service Christmas Day. City Hall offices will bo chj.sed Christmas Eve and Christ;ma.s Day. Longest holiday will be ob.«erv- d by employees of Oxford Indus trie^' wiiich closed on Fi'idaj', re- | opening January 5th. Second long- ' ''St holidays will be taken by cm- ' ployees of Mauney Textile Inter- | ?sts, Craftspun Yarns and Burling- ; ^on Phenix Plant 1. Shorte.st holi- i day announced is that of K Mills . wdierc employees will return to I work Friday aftei: Christmas Day | holiday Thursday. Gift certificates will bo presented empIoy(»es. | Kinder Manufacturing Company 'lad Tint definitely set a holiday; schedule yesterday. At Grover’s I Minetto Mills omployee.s of the , Cheniio Bedspread department | may work December 26ih and December 27th. Other operations; there will cease on December 23. reopening Decembr 27h. Bonus es v\'ill be paid employees. Sadie CotKin Mills will be clos ed from 10 p.m. Friday until 10 •3.m. December 28th..Bfjnuses will be paid employees. Park Yarn Mills will close Wed nesday. Dece-mber 24th, at 7 a.m., resuming operations Monday morning at 7 a.m. December 29th. Lambeth Rope Corporation viH be closed Christmas FZvo and Christmas Day, n*suming work Friday. Mauney .Alills will be closed from 6 a.m. Saturday until 6 a.m. December 29th. Bonuses will be paUi employees based on length o.' service. Mauney Hosiery Mills will shut down Friday, reopening Deeem- I bei 2Sth. Bonu. i O • f 0 o «• T ! o //° //^ / ® a JIJ StT am 0/0 147 Acre Cansler Street Urban Renewal Area (in heavy black border Central Business District Renewal Area) Church Services On Christmas Eve HOMER HARMON Homer Harmon Is Retiring Homer Harmon. 66 on Saturday, is looking forward to December 31. ■ At the end of Year 1969, Mr. Harmon, native of the Bethlehem community near Kings Mountain, retires from active employment. Mr. Harmon joined Firestone (Continued On Page SU'J Kings Mounlain ehurt hes were arranging some sp(‘(’inl obser vance of tlie c’liri.stmas season ihi.< \v<'ek. .At numerous iiiva chiuvhc.'. the traJdional yuleiidc progr.ims were jicld Sunday and Monday evenings. Christims live services will be hehl in at le:ist IhjxH' i-Cings Moun- churches with sf)oeir.I musi- e;*| and candlelight program.'; phinned by I'irst Presbyterian, Sr. .M.itthew's LuihcTan ami U(*s- uiTCction Lutbei’an (‘hiirclu's. tnadiin.nal Christmas Kve ^(•ruc<' at I'irst Presh.\ terian church will Ix' held at 11 p.m. Wednesday. The C'lianc<*l Choir will sing two anthems, “Angels \v(‘ IIa\v Heard On Higlt” and “O Holy Xight.” The congrega tion will join in the singing of “O Come Al] Ye F’aithfiil.’’ “Si lent N’ighl” and “Joy 'Fo Tlie (Continued On Page SUJ And Renovated Mayor John Henry Moss aiil nounced today that the Departf men! of Housing and Urban Re newal has approved Kings Mour tain's application for the Cansle Street Urban lU'nowal Area. U. Representative James Broyhill in formed the mayor by telephonl that 81,774.000.00 will be reser\| ed for tlic project. Congri'.ssman Broyhill told th| Herald tiiat in addition a lederal grant for sur\(*\ and planninf has been set aside in the amour of $147,668.00 for land acquisitioil clearance (razingL utility anl street improvements. Developc'rl will be offered at auction fcf home Duilding. The 147 acre project irlcludel the predominant dilapidated rcsil dential area of the city — ovef SOG of the 300 homes are dofil cient. Planned treatment for th| area involves clearance of dilap idated residences and replac mc'nt with private hou.sing designi ed to meet the needs of low ini come lamilios. both for rental anf for home ownership. This privatl I housing in conjunction with th| , low rent public hou.sing alread under eonstruotion in the arel 1 will prm ide a decc'nt homo fo| I every family in the vicinity. Carl Mauney, chairman of King Mountain Redevelopment Coml mission, stated that the survef and planning phase of the prJ gram will commence as soon al a contract is executed betweeiT the Redevelopment Commissioil and the Department of HousinI and Urban Development whicl should be a matter of a fe\i weeks at tho moorintendcnt of thef work. The space occupied by th^ judge's bench is being enclosed to provide mort* room for the mayJ ur’s office. A raisi'd eur\'ed platform wil^ be provided fur city commission meetings, with seats for thq mayor, commissioners, city cleikj city attorney and the press. Funeral Rites Held On Friday For Lawson Harold Dover, 83 Fiim*ral ritt'S for Lawson Harold Dover. 83, wert' held F'riday after noon at 4 p.m. from Central Unit- ('d Methodist church of which he was a membt’r. Mr. Dover died Tliursday morn ing at S o’clock in the Kings Mountain hospital. He had been in d(H’lining health for some tiiTK' and hospitalized for three month.s. ^ n<‘ was a retired employee of Superior Stone Company, native of Cleveland ('ounty, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dover. His wife, the late Lela France.s Goforth, died in 19.53. Surviving are two .sons, Paul Dtner and Harold Dover, both of Kings Mountain; four dauglUcrs, Mrs. Fred Thornburg. Mrs. NV. DJ Byars, both of Kings MountainJ Mrs. John Albanse of East ProvJ idenee, Rhode Island, and Mrs.| Jack Reynolds of Linetdnton; Also surviving are 12 grandchildren! and three grt'ut - grandchildren! ; He was grandfather of Miss Deb-| orah Thornburg of the Hcraldl staff. He was a iiK'mber of Kairview| Lodge 339 AF & AM. Rev D. B. Alderman, pastor qfl Central Methodist church, (Jffic-| iated, assisted by Rev. Robert! Mann, pastor of First Baptlstl church. I i Active pallbearers were Hugh! Dover. R. H. Burton, Ben H. Go-1 ' forth. Jr.. Gene Dye, Charles A.I • Goforth, Jr. and Floyd Thorn'buri.1