'tm-. Population Grntfter Kings Mountoin 21,914 City LinMts (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9,300 IcmutfrY 13M anA C«Mu* report • “«* «:.<»-« ‘Lu^ Kings Mountain's Reliablo Newspapei VOL 82 No. 4 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C. Thursday, January 22. 1970 Eightieth Year PRICE TEN CENTS City Gets $28,215 Parks-In-Cities Grant Reservation PHA Rent Schedule Reported s$Mi A*/' . «' iA-*- SELECTED FOR RUSSIAN TOUR**-Four Kings Mountain high school students will join a Soviet Union Concert Tour this summer called Good News Singers of America. From left to right they ore Jack Bell, Cynthia Alexander, Linda Ross and Leon Ross. Van H. Romsey, minister of music at Shelby's First Baptist church, will direct the concert group of Cleveland County young people. (Photo by Isaac Alexander) Russian Tour !h Musk Group For Students Bob Maner Files For Commission Maximum Income Schedule Also Is Announced By MARTIN HARMON , Uont schedule for Kings Moun- ' tain’s low rent housing project of 150 units have been approved by ; regional officials of the Depart- ’ ment of Housing and Urban De- ' volopnicnt and wctc announced ; this week by Tlioinas W. Harper, executive director of the project. I Minimal rental will be $28 per I month and tlie eflcctivo maximum I $r,5. i Tn(*omr limit.*-- on eligibility to I rent the low-rent dwellings were } also announc(*d. For one per.son the maximum iiK'ome for eligi- i bility is $3300 pc'r year, for a fam- | ily of ten or more $5400. i Rental applications are now be- i Ing received each Saturday morn- j ing from 9 to noon at City Hall. Built into the basic rents are I $11.75 per month for utilities, in-! eluding utilities used in excess of j that amount. Mr. Harper re;>orted tliat the in clement weather has slowed con-' structioi. slightly, but that thei project will be speeded to com-' pletion when the weather mod erates. The 150 unit.'^ are l>eing huilt CJ x on nine sites. Most advanc'cd is'^ClldlOr HdUCII the 20-unit group on Lackey street. Large group of units is 40 on Barnette drive. Work is beginning on the East Ridg4i.sU'eet adminislruuvt build ing which will house the Tublic Housing Authority offices and supplies warehouse. '>tV{ AWARDS FOR SERVICE—Gerald Thomasson, center, wos tapped Kings Mountain's Young Man of the Year for 1969 by the Jaycees Tuesday night. 7 he civic organization also honored Ben T. Go forth, left, as "Boss of the Year", and Lorry Allen, right, as “Educator of the Year." Thomasson “Man of Year Allen and Goforth Honored (Cynthia Alexander, Jack Bell,' Leon Ross, and Linda Ross, stu dents at Kings Mountain highj school, have been selected lor the' Soviet Union Conceit Tour, spon sored by Intourst, the official| Bob Maner, 42, Kings Mountain agency for al] travel to and from insurance agency owner, has filed the Soviet Union. The primary! notice of candidacy for tiie county object is to aid many of Amer- coimmission, subject to the May ica’s outstanding choruses and in-; Republican primary, filumcntal ensembles in the plan-; ni/jg and executing of interna-l Mr. Maner has bi‘en active in tirthal tours. ” | GOP politics for severnl years and I has twice carried th(* party’s ban- \ Van H. Ramsey, who will dii-ecti no in elections. He unsuccesfully; the group, o' young people| sought a county board of educa- 5rom North Carolina is minister | tion position in 1962 and a house ;of music at Shelb/s First Bap- seat in 1961. ' j ,tisr church. Mr. Ramsey is one of: ^ Kopre.sen- 1 \/six men throughout the United, j j, ^ I, I States, selected to head a con- can(fidacy for r(‘-election in: ] cm tour of the Soviet Union in - the .secretary of Cleveland 1970. He calls his group the. Republicans and form(*r cliairnian Good News Singers of America.; west Kings Mountain precinct. Jimos Bony minister of, filing, ho issued Iho fallow- nust at Myers Park Baptist - rhurth, Charlotte. N. C. will act statemen . sistant director. "Cleveland County has enjoyed ! much eeonnmic and .social progress orts will be arranged in i in the past dozen or so years. jhuBChes, cathc'.als, universities, ‘ shelby lea^lership was superior in miliary installations, to\'*n halls, the late 50’s and continuo.s with o^t^oor theatres, sh ps, over news all areas benefiting. Kings Moun- and in U. S. embassies. | tain Municipal Government has Ilf I'opertoire will include music been quite effective in reeent * charged from Hie naval reserve as a lieutenant j.g.) after 41 months of service. Ho is a member ol First Presbyterian church. TO CONFERENCE Mfiyor John Henry MoSs and Chairman Don Joties pf the city human relations committee will attend the human relations con ference of the North Carolina Good Neighbor Council in Charlotte Thursday and Fri day. r —— Tells Jaycees He's Running "It’s no secret. I’m running.” This wa.s the statement of Senator Marshall A. Rauch wlu»} announced Tuesday night, for the first time offfclally, that he would be a candidate for re-election to! a third term. Rauch, 47, Gaston Dmnocral, represents Cleveland and Gaston counties along with Senator Jack White of Kings Mountain. C<mtniu('d On >Page .Sir I llUl VM, s alisis Ckifico l*om both American and Russian posers. Cynthia Alexander, a sopho* inore, is the daughter of Mr. and years and moves into I lie 70's with much optimism. Upper Cleve land County is inivileged to have good leader.ship ami has moved iVvfrs. Charles L. Alexander oX 111 i forv-’ard witli industry-acquisition Icountry Club Di-.ve. Slie is a and water .system installation. ^ member of the First Baptist j Progre.s.s is evident everywhere in r church, where she is a member * of the choir and assistant organ- Ut. Miss Alexander, who plans to major in music,.plays tlie piano, the organ, and the accoi'dion. M ss Alexander the school choi the southwestern part of Uie coun ty. "The problems of government tend to increase with progress, and the need for cooperation he BOB MANER Funeral Held For Mrs, Ware I F’uneral rites for Mrs. Ethel Ware, vrife of Ralph iBabG)| Waie, faimer Kings Mountain! policem-an and now an employee! of Kings Mountain Drug Com-j pany, v/cre held Wednesday at JOHN ANDERSON BALLEW John Rallew Is Finalist Improvements To City Parks Are Planned *By MARTIN HARMON The Metropolitan Development Service, Department of Housing j and Urban Development has no tified Mayor John Henr; Moss of j $28,215 grant reservation for de- I velopment of the city's three pub- I li^ parks. The grant reservation i.*; being made under the federal govern ment’s "Parks - in - Cities ’ effort under the open space land pro gram. The program is a 50 50 share arrangement between the federal government and municipalities and implies a total expenditure of $56,430. The city’s grant application re quest will detail intended (‘xpendi- : tore of these amounts: Davidson ! Park $22,498; Deal Street Park ; $19,421; McGinnis Street Park $19,- : 421. I Principal expenditures at the three installations fall into the.se categories: land acquisition; land scaping, addition of playground : facilities and picknicking facili ties. I Thomas J. Armstrong, assistant ■ regional administrator for the HUD, wrote the Mayor: I "This is in reply to your letters : dated December 5 and December 29,1969, expressing your intent to i submit an application under the special Parks-ln-Cities effort be ing undertaken as part of the Open Space Land Piogram. It is expected that your formal applica- ! tion will request assistance for the acquisition and development of three sites located in a low-in- , ^ , come, densely populated area of I Gerald Thomasson, 30, is KinRS, the city. The total area to bo ac- Mountain’s Young Man of the i. quired and developed is appro.xi- I Year for 1969. j naately 7.02 acres in size and the I The Kings Mountain Ja>-cees i estimated total cost Ls $56,430^^ 116th annual distinguished service The Federal grant contribution m j award was presented to a Jay-! estimated to be one-half of.tlj® ; cee. the local club's past president,: amount, or $28,215. Furthermorf, j (hurch and civic loader, at the your letter evidences a commit- I close of the Jaycees’ Bosses Night, ment on the part of the City 4^ 'Banquet Tuesday night at the-Kings Mountain that all paoje^t I Woman’s club. activities, including developmegt^ "This award belongs to a lot will be completed with^^one 1 of people,” Thomasosn said in ac- ^ cepting the handsome engraved, "With respect tothe a<| ' plaque emblematic of the honor, identified above, the City (. Identity of the winner, a secret ’ i® hereby assur until the Tuesday night an- ^^*^ds are available unf nouncement, wa.s followed by Space Land Prog ■ standing ovations from the audi- projects and activit j once. as.surance of the avails The presentation wa.s made by financial assistance Rurlie Peeler, first DSA winner in! effect until Young Educator And Boss Awards Are Presented 1953. into an allocation, proV approvable application can mined to the HUD Regio ficp within 90 days of the dale of this letter, or April 15, 1970. This assurance will automatically Continued On Page Six I Beatty Druggists , . * * 4 p.m. from Central United Meth-:I IS <1 soprano mI twren local, county state ^rid- of which she was ai r ami is a voice; federal bodies as vital. II is student with Allen Jolley. j sincere desire to become a parti * ^ ^ i the son; of the county legislative process . Mrs. \Vare died T>iesday morn-1 ,f and to serve skillfully.” I '"K at 7:30 m the KinRS Mountain ■ Mr. Maner is a sraduate of:'}oaP'tal after declining healthll and holds a for some time. Death was at-i Jack Bell, a senior, is of Mr. and Mrs. E; gene Dell ofj Route 1. His school activities and' honors include baseball, basket-i David.son college “ifrihuiA^ i^anr^v b:^n. vice-president of the Key! master's degree in club, president of the sophomore, fmm the University of North Caro- p, •. U ^ daii<Thter of (Continued On Page Sir; ‘ lina at Chapel Hill. He was dis- Coimt>. S. C.. daughter of Bethlehem Firemen Will Stage Miss Big B Contest Saturday Names of the conlestants and eery, Sidney’s Barber Shop or the 10 finalists in the first an- may he; purchased from any rual M:ss Big B Beauty Pageant member of the Bethlehem Fire are secret. Department. ^ ■ To learn their idf titilies. you conteslant/vvill be foaturtHi in will need a evening goavii. swim suA and in- ^ terview categories. 7:30 p.m. at Betlnvare school. The fun shew is sponsored bv A spokesman for the firemen of Cherokee the late Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wilson. Be.^ides her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Mi^s. Continued On Page Six Five Applicants For Franchises ing. Slu* bakes tasty cakes and Five applications have been re ceived for the four additional taxi franchises that the city commis- .sion has voted to i^sue. Applicants are William Earl Al- ; the Bethlehem Voluntef'r Fiie commented. "You may have seen Icn, Paul R. Sanders, Clark J. Mrs. Myers is the widow of epartincnt and proceeds will he the Miss North Carolina Pag-; Ru.shing, Stephen E. Ralhbone and' Henry Myers who died in 1945. sed to p. rchasc f re fighting e- e.int, the Miss Ameri(>.a Pageant,| J. Earl Stroupe. Mr. and Mrs. Myer.s were mar- quipmenl. or even the Mss World Pageant, The city commis^slon on Jan-.red Det ember 13, 1S96. Thoix'aie Reserved seat tirl.eis are on but you haven’t seen a beauty uary 13 also voted a 30-day ap-1 four children: Mrs. Arvieree sale at Herman Bluknk Grocery, pageant until youVe seen theTen| plication period for the additional England, Mrs. Gray D. Foster, G. A. Lail’s Grocery Cash Gro- Finalists.” franchises. ! Smiley Myois and Mrs. Wyona MRS. MYERS NOTES BIRTHDAY — Mrs. Betty Blackwell Myers celebrated her 98th birthday Friday. The Kings Mountain citizen spent a quiet doy at home with her family, watched her favorite wrestling program on television. Mrs. Betty Blackwell Myers At 98 Cooks, Is Television Wrestling Fan M:\s. Rptty Elacki^.>ell Myors,: Pcarsoii; 16 -rrandcliilrti-c-n; 4ij M llii.s limp. Those chosen hv tho who celcbratcxl hor 9Sth birthdayi groal-grandchildrcn an l ^^voi Comniitce will Saturday, is an avM sports fan. great- »rcal grpndchild:en. A son, owed by Hie Boaid ‘^hP n-rlipularlv cniov, witch- ‘"'arence Myeis, died in 1360. !"^ T. '*stccs of the Moich<-ad in.r wiesUine on leW sior Bap-| "ho will make the mg wicMling on leiev.sion. ,|sf andhas lone-'’"ati’s m March. accond favorilo unsttime la cook. T artivc member of thm A"nrfls provide four- phi rch. She reside., at 103 Stowe! all e.x|)ense-paid indergrad-' I uite od canons at (he Vniversity here. They are worth $8,100 each Mrs. Myers is .grandmother otito North Carolina students. They four grandsons who have worked were o.stabli.'^hcd in 1951 by John on the staff of the Kings Moun- Motley Morchead, UNC .graduate tain Herald. Allen Myers, a lino- and native North Cai'olinian who typist, anj,i David Myers, a part-, resided in Rye, N. Y.. until hisi Continued On Page Six Ulcath hi 1965. ' John Anderson Ballew, senior .p. ^ . stLdent at Kings Mountain high' Jaycees also Iionorod two school and son of Mr. and W. C. Ballew, Ls among six rion;-’..Yr,,n„r i f inees chosen from D strict IX as a finalist for a 1970 Morehead Scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ^ fintl Vnm rp, • f. 1 . ^ . , tions from the public and the .so- The SIX finaJ.shs and (wo alter- jection committee is made up oft latcs were selected fiom a field citizens over 36. The winner is IB -J x Wl Of 22 nommei s from 10 counties not necessarily a Jaycce, is tapped I rieSld6nt-EleCt comprising Distnct IX following, for outstanding community scr ' AIAWI interviov.s in Morganton VVe:i-, vice. The local club Aicmbors'sc-1 ^^**^”*s Beatty, partner in Mou. nesday. District IX is composed lect "Young Educator of ^ the ele^ of Alexander. Avery. Burke, Year” and “l^ss of the Year” i president-elect of the CIe\ Caldwel!. Catawba, Cleveland. Allen a newcomer to the i-iv < County Drug Association. Gaston, Lincoln, Rutherford and^p„ is a A*,?r, ^ 'The president-elect fills the di Watauga counties. Appalachian -ties of vice-president Roy Armstrong, executive fUr- and mas/oFrdc^reo-^ Elected president' at Sunday edo, of the John Motley More- draft^ilg and g was Tommy Barn head Foundation, who made the, of Suttle’s Drug Company ( announcement of Ballew’s select-; ^ioal Institute j Shelby, who succeeds Ragan Har ion, said the other finalists are p - *, of Kings Mountain Drug Com Jock Pike Ollis of Ncwland;! Loforth.^a plumbing contractort pany. ® rhoma.^ Gene Smith of Drexel; Js father-in-law of! Elected secretary - treasurer -• ,Toiin Darroch Cameron of Gas-- recipidnt,, Bill I Hubert Adair, of Cornweir^ n I tcni 1 John Klauminzer Molen of! Contmued On Page Six \ Store. Shelby. u, Gastonia and James Christpher ~ Callahan of Rutheiforriton. First, alternate is Lester Lyndon Key,. Jr., of Hic kory. .Second alternate is Junius Mic hael Gaither of New ton. ' * Kadi of the 10 Morohead A- wards districts in the state will select six finalists to ajipear for inlr. views bedoro the Central, .Morchead Selection Committee in] Chapel Hill Fch. 27March 2. A total of 52 nominees from 26 private preparatory schools on the Vloreiiead Foundation’s sel-' i octej list will also be interviewetl Hfimant, New C of C Pmide^ New Industiy Won't Be Detrimenl L. E. (JOSH) HINNANT L. E. (Josh) Hinnant, nstalled president of *„ [Mountain Chamber of Comme I told the membership at Monu i night’s annual meeting the or^ ization would not seek to brl 'n new industry “detrimentaP ; existing industry.” Concurrently, he continued, tH . organization would continue i industry-seeking efforts to obti esponsible industrial citizens \J ^ an aim al diversification. . President Hinnant. eleval ^rorn vice-president, said the .o yanization is working toward ol taining a full-time executive retary, He cited particular Kings Mti I tain needs which, he said, jtnuted to the loss of a ml j industry during the past yeaj Ihousing, an upgraded downtl ■business section, and laP country dub facilities. He Continued On Page six*

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