>6, cde Thursday, February 26, 1970 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Page 3 LM (AUT- Spccliill.st 21, son of Dean, 411 nia^ was certlflcato > 93r(l En- )ong Tam, ?lvo(l the litary vc- milos with fic viola- terator in ny A, he June 1966 Germany nam. tras made als appear lome coun- ? same In News Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barte)l of i Wa-shlngtop, D. C-. were weekend guests of Mi'.and Mrs. W. A. Mc- Swain and family. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. MeSwaln were visitors Saturdtiy of Mr. and i Mrs. Bob Armstrong and family and Mrs. Walker \feSwain of' Lineolnton, N. C. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mlehael Hoyle of riiarlolte sfient the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G^ne Hoyle and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rayfleld. Mrs. DaDvid Gibbons and sons, Mr. ajnd Mrs. Jerry Hall and Kim were visitors of ^jr. and Mrs. Bill Willis .and Tim of Charlotte Sat urday night. The JIalls. vvhu have WASHINGTON been livng with Mrs. Gibbons, are moving to ('harlotte this week. Bill Wright of Ft. Knox, Ky., spent the weekend with his wife, and his parinits, Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Wright. i Ronnie Bright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bright, who has been j in service in Germany, received; his discharge last week and is homo with his parents. Miss Sherry Bell and her room mate of Western Carolina univer sity,' spent the weekend with Mr. and .Mrs. Paul Bell and Douglas. Mts. Gleen Werner and children of Miami, Fla., came by plane Wednesday for a visit witli lier FOR Wit m urn Wt MU MVALD AMD HOSPffAL EQUPMBff Nm N|R ^ 0| rOI 9007 ^ (OUMPmomm PLUS MANY OTHER TYPES OF CONVALESCENT EQUIPMENT WMJCEwms KINGS MOUNTAIN GID SrORE DRUO COMPANY 'HE ClTV S V'OOFRSJ STCOE PHONE 739-2571 tfn W.VSHINGTON — Foi the first time in this decade, the .Senate, ha.s taken a hard look at Federal | guldeliins and busing plans that have been u.sed to force Integra- ; lion in the South even though such guidelines have not been | u.si‘d to deal with similar situa- I tions in the North. i After two weeks of Senate do. j bate on a four-year education authorization bill for elementary i : and secondary schools, the South ‘ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. ' Fisher. Jr. Mrs. Fisher carried 1 Mr.s. Werner and children to Charlotte Monday, where they re- ' turned home by plane. Visitors in the Ftsher home Sunday were , Mrs, Ida Ware and Mr.s. Harold M'are of Charlotte and Mrs. Jerry Werner of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Luthier MeSwain. Sr., Mrs. Luther MeSwnin, Jr. and Jimmy Fitch attended a performance given in Dallas, N. C. Sunday night, going espeeially to hear Miss Nancy Eaker, w’ho is a mem ber of tile choir. Mrs. D. M. Teague and Miss Estelle Barber of Charlotle were visitors of Mrs. J. M. Wright and Margurite and Mr. and Mr.s. Loyd Turner Saturday. Mr.s. Teague and Miss Barber also visited Mr. Otis Barber, who is a patient in Kings Mountain, hospital Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barber of Concord were visitors in the Wright home Sunday. They visit ed Oti.s Barber in the hospil.il Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Champion and Allison spent the weekend at Daytona Beach, Fla., going t-s- pecially to attend the Daytona .500 Sunday. Mr.s. Mamie Gibbons, Mrs. Q. V. Philbeck, Mr. and Mr.s. Sam Lovelace were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. K, Boheler Sunday after noon in Grover. ha.s won at the lea.st a .symbolle vic tory and probably much more. The -Sematp a|)proved the Stonnls amendment to require the De partment of Health. Education, 1 .Hid Welfare to use thi same; public school integration guide- j lines in all of the nation. Here tofore, the Dejiartment has used Us powers almost exclusively to force Stjut hern schrxils to comply | with orders to de.segregate and overcome racial Imbalance by gc'ographical rezonings of schoql districts or by busing of stu dents from one district to an other. The Senate also adopted my amendment to prohibit any de partment or employee of the Ex- c'cutivo branch of the Federal Govignment to require assignment or busing of students or teaeliers in order to overcome racial im balance or alter racial csjmposi- tion of schools. In effect, this was a restatement of prior Congres sional enactments on this sub- . j<*ct, but one which I believe is ' much needed to clarify the law governing HEW guidelines on this suiiject. I deeply regret tliat the Senate did not fully face up to problems brought about by Federal judge.s and HEW offfeiaLs acting as “school boards;” and adopt my "freedom of choice” bill. Simply stated, this amendment would liave .secured the right of any child to attend the public school nearest his home. I I regret also that the Senate rejected my amendment to bar courts and Federal departments fri>m requiring any State or local public school board to bus slu- denls to alter the racial composi tion of a -Student body at any ' public school. Thc.se battles were not com pletely lost because on the same day that the Senate pas.sed its version of the education nuthorl-! zgition bjll, the Kou.se passed the! Labor HEvy mpney bill with thei W'hitten Amendment which aLso| forbids the busing of school chil- j dren to altcjr racial imbalance. I The outcome pf these hills ha.s| yet to be determined, but it is' clear that there is a growing disillusiori'ment on the part of th<“ iM'opIt' with Federal policies that are more interested in the busing of children from one .place to another than they are In building up the educational pro- {•e.sse* at the neighborhood school. Even if Congress doevs lake' strong action to get the Nation; reoriented toward education as | the prime purpose of the .schools, it is difficult to say how .soon it will be before tlie Executive branch and the Courts will also' move in this direction. At the least, it can be said that the Na tion Ls becoming aware that the public .schools will not tlirive if fori'cd integration is to be the main criteria of the Federal Gov ernment as It implement.s educa tional ijolicies. •Southern Beil opened for busl- ne.ss in eleven Southern cllie.s on January 21, 1880. Company Head quarters were temporarily located in New York City. Albert Perkins Wins Promotion i U. S. ARMY', VIET.\AM (AH-r TNCI Jan. 13 — Albert O. Per kins, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. j John O. Perkins, Route 1, Kings I jMountain, .N. was promoli 11 to Army Sj ecialist four in Viet- j ' iMm, D(v, 26 w liile ass;gned as I a combat engine<‘r in Company j 20lh FJngints'r Battalion. His wife, Mary, lives at 401 Crocker Road. Kings .Mountain, .\. C. HOW MUCH ARE YOU PAYING FOR INSURANCE? Probably a sizeable amount. It is possible that we can *ay* you money on a comprehensive insurance plan. — SEE IIS TODAY! — INSURANCE IS SECUBITT THE ARTHUR HAY AGENCY "ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE" PHONE ^39-3659 Ddlinger s Jewel Shop ^ PRICE SALE one group of ladies costume jewelry Vz price one group of 14^ karat pierced earrings % price one group of ladies and mens billfolds Vz price All Masonic cufflinks and debars V? price one groi^ of men s and ladies watches Vz price Special Ladies 14 karat white gold diamond pendant regular $12.95 Special This Sale $6.66 Dellinger ^8 Jewel Shop West Mountain Street Phone 7]S<6^6 NewCamaro. Fab. 28th. Wt!VRiie¥er announced a ovait this time before. But mm nobody^ ever announced acar like this before. If it were an^ ordinary sport.tter, we’d have intro duced it at the ordinarj’ tiine. Inatead, tye took the time to build a ■whole new Camaro. Wa started with a sleek new shape and a low road- hugging stance. And added more hood. A faster fastback. Wider doors. And new deeply contoured bucket seats. The instrument panel wraps around you. With enough dials to make you think .voii'i-e piloting a 717. j There m e four transmissions. And six power plants ^ up to the Turbo-Jet 396 V8 that you can onler. Pick the one that best suits your driving. Then go pick on an open road. And make it one with plenty of twisting turns. Pecause Camaro has a remarkable new suspension. And standard front disc brakes for a leech-Hke grip on the road. New Camaro. The 55uper Hugger. Other sportsters always feared it might come to this. , , And they were right Only their tim- v ing w’as wrong. A Putting you first, keeps us first. i \ See M. At your Chevrolet Sports Dept* Cumaro Sport Coupe u illi US equipment. Mtg. License 110 PUBLIC AUCTION PUBLIC CAR AUCTION WEDNESDAY. MARCH 4TH tie Shelby Road-Used Cai Lot-3 P.M. To 5 P.M. I IS USED CARS WILL RE SOLD AT PURLIC AUCTION Wedfiesday. March 4th at SogthwellFordOeginning At 3 P.M. Until All Are Sold . Here Is Your Chance To Ruy At Your Price. Rank Fi- nancing Available On The Spot-Prior Credit Approval Necessary. Doug Eubanks^ Denny Caldwell Mike Arrowood, Eddie Arrowood, TOHURy Holton & Rob Southwell Will Re Here To Help You. Southwell