1 Greoter Kings Mouatoin 21.914 City Limits (1996 Census) 8.256 City Limits (Estimote 1968) 9.300 ?d an 18 Ihc past ys more furnituro ales will ?s. ro ur^od | t Sorvifcs * f ?ln March i or 4()-l ns for the to about now hos- , San Di- Fla., with OtMtler KlM* MouatM flvnrt !• Strtv«4 SMB tM •PMirl Umtetf StatM luicou •! CaaMM faavary IMS, oM laeludM Um ICtM po»itl«Se« # Kuaiter 4 Towuhlp. aB« llta rtauSataf S.IM NuhMar S TowaaUp. la ClrraMrM Ceaaty mi Cm •<*» vnwtMhie la ' VOL 82 No. 10 Mauney Challenged By Plonk For District House Seat CBD Hearing On Planning Finds Money Gets Attention emr POLICE ARE GOING BACK TO SCHOOl^Kings Mountaia Police yChlef Tom McDovitt, left above, gives iostructioa So Officer Tommy King in fireorms technique diaMg, o roeoat police school. Police officers hove completed almoSIVI %«un of i speoial courses during off-duty hours here oad at Qcmlpn SMlsgi ' since last October. Sx Owners Say ney Oppose B^cPIan A public hearing Tuesday night on the' Central Business District ‘ redevelopment plan turned out to i be less a discussion of the plan, ! than of prices of property the Re- ‘ I development Commission intends , to a:‘quiTe and laze. ( Among those protesting were ^ Dan Finger, owner of Hoke Elec tric Company on Cherokee street, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Crook, owners of the adjacent building which the Hoke firm leases as a ware house, Haywood E. Lynch, owner of a bloc of property fronting both Mountain street and Piedmont avenue, D. L. Saunders lessee of I the building he occupies on Cher okee streoi, Won.ic.l and Menzcll Phifer, owners of the Phifer Hard ware buildinig on S. Battleground, a building oi> Cherokee and a warehouse behind the hardware, •and G.ee E. Bridges, joint owner with his brother in tbc Bridges Hardware building and a ware house behind it. Speaking in favor of the plan! was Paul McGinnis, owner of a S. Battleground building (occu- COMMENDED—SPS Williom Lawrence Mauney, Jr., right above, son of Dr. and Mrs. W, L. Mauney of Kings Mountain, has been presented the Army Commendation Medal for service in Viet nam from February 15, 1969 to January 1, 1970. Major Oscar Merritt, left Commanding Officer of the 57th Signal Company, makes the presentation. pied SP/5 Mauney Wins Army Commendation Specialist Five Williem Law rence Mauney, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Miuney ci: Kings M'^un’ain, been presented the Army C. .niTi..idat:3n Medal fo.’ service in Vetnam. The Kings Mountain man and his wife aie visiting the Mau- ncy? here. SP/5 Mauney, who i entered the Army January 1938. j reports for duty at Fort Biagg on Mai\h ITlh. Major Oscar Merritt, Com Police Are Returning To School McCurdy Cleaners) listedj ,7,^ Sisr the ^ « Oil - Inal Cotrpaiv. presented Bill Brown, manager of BelksI Dwrlmrat store, MW, -Aoy-: Vta jitii on re-t.: ;s«rh.£ r. " "«■ business.’* He added that if shop- Harriet Evans ^ Running Again For Treasurer Mrs. H:ir::ette R. Kvans, /IcvL'. ind Cjuiity Treasure,, haf-j inn Him.ed her randidacy Dr re le ii:in to a sclo!.;! teini ot iha -ff f , >ahjicl to lihi* May Demo ; .•lalir Primary. ; *T ion!ly afpreiiate ;!ie ronfi !fn:c I ]. iw n re ved during m. LSI te^m." s; id Mrs. Lvan.s. "i ..ave r: i-'y ):id gro ! ca.ejera ■on f'pm all of the Coun'.y em doyets.’’ I u \v;d vv (I the 1 lU* Osca Fvans, site rrsides at 21- Vh'sr.int Street, Shelby, wit! '.Or daurhtrr, Ann, a student a‘ Vp^-ilachi.an State University. She is the daughter of Mr. anc’ •Irs. .Scion Roberts, of Patter on .‘'■prings. She :r.;en(i( l .^ihclby school*' •nd graduate:! firm No. .3 11 '1 '-chool, and aticndr ’ Shelh,- llu.s loss College. Mrs. Kvans is r icmhei of Die First Baplis ''hu.rh, the Shelby Woman’: 'luh. and The .American Ligloi \uxiUary. Mrs. Evans is sister of Magis trate J. Lee Robert.s of Kings Mountain. Hal S. Plonk Is Running For State Office HAL S. PLONK SUPERINTENDENT—Ranee Hen derson. Kings Mountain native, will assume new duties July 1 os superintendent of North Caro lina School for the Deaf in Mor- gonton. HendeisonHeads l^chool For Deaf Kings Mountain polictmen are i glong back to school. I They ai'en't studying reading, writing and arithmetic but sub- jjects like introduction to police .science, criminal invest gation, l ire aims instruction, narcotics and traffitf investigation. ' ^11 to-Id, policemen have spent a ‘total of 224 hours in speaa! ici'asses during off-duty hours since last October. Seme of the classes have been underway here at the Police club. Some policerhen have been going to Gaslon college for spe cial instruction. Local officers are currently getting training from one of ' their own. Sgt. Dav d Corn is Iconducting a 32-hoLr course in [tiaffic investigation on Wednes- ’ day evenings. Sgl. J. D. Barrett, Patiolmian Tommy F. King and Patrolman Madison Hunter attended a I school in technique of handling explosives at Gaston college th s week. Raymond Sullivan, a The board of directors of the member of the Durh'am Police Norlh Carolina School for the De^’-irtment and Sergeant-Major Deaf today annoi.ncccl the elec-, in the U. S. Army Reserves, was tion of Charles L. (Rancei Hen- i the instructor. Sullivan is lecog- dCi.‘5on as the fourth superin-' nized as an explosives expert icndcnt in the -history of the;with the Army, s hool at Morg-anton. ! All local officers have attend- Henderson will take over his ed classes here and in Gastonia, duties effective July 1, to; includmg a 120 hour course in su :(H’d Dr. Ben E. Hoffmeyer introduction to police science, a who has accepted a simil-ar posi-|38 hour course in criminal inves- tion at the Ameriuan School for ; tigation, a 24 hour couise in fire- (Continued On Page Six) ! (Coniinned On Page Sue) ping centers come, Belk’s will not stay downtown unless the business area is improved. Charles Blanton, chairman of the planning committee for the project aaid he favored the plan very strongly and urged the peo ple involved to think positively. men’ation Medal is presented to Specialist Five Will’a.-n Law rence Mauney, who distinguished himself b» except onally meri- toi ious service in support of mMilary operations against com munist aggression in the Repub lic of Vietnam. “During the porod Febr'-'\ry He expressed high confidence in. ^gg jg^, he the ability of Laney. executive cxti cmelv directs of the R^evelopment i Commission, in cooperation with MAN OF YEAR—City Commis sioner W. S. Biddix has been named Sturdivant Life Insur ance Company's Man of the Year for 1969. Biddix Tapped "Man 01 Yeai" Seymore Biddix, of Kings Moun tain, has been named 1969 Man of the Year for the monthly ordi nary division of Sturdivant Life Hal S. Plonk, Kings Mountain realty dealer and builder, today announced his candidacy for Seat Number 1 in the North Carolina House 43rd district, which includes Polk, Rulhertord and Cleveland counties. Plonk thereby cballengos two- term Representative W. K. Mau ney. Jr., also of Kings Mountain. Plonk said, “I hereby announce my candidacy for Seat Number 1, 43rd di.strict, North Carolina House of Ropre.sentatives, subject to the May Democratic primary. “I long have been interested fn government. If nominated and elected. I shall strive at all times in all areas of State government to sene the best interests of the citizens of Cleveland, Rutherford, and Polk counties.” It is Plonk’s first bid for elec tive office. A native of Number 5 Town ship, Cleveland County, he Ls a I son of Mrs. Ellen Patterson ! Plonk and the late Clarence Sloan I Plonk. He was graduated from ! N. C. State University, Raleigh, j in 1934 with a Bachelor of Sci ence degree in textile manufact uring. He .spent the next sevn years in the textile inclu.stry with Calloway Mills, Manchester, Ga., and Cannon Mills, Kannapolis, until ordered to active duty in the army air force in August 1941 I as a re.serve first lieutenant. His I ser\ ice until 1945 included duty I in the European theatre. ' He returned to Kings Mountain on return to inactive duty status ; to form a re.sidential development I company with his brother. He "continued in the active reserve i and was retired seven years ago as a lieutenant-colonel. Plonk is a member and one of , the organizers of Resurretdion Funeral rites for Miller ^slv Lutheran church. He is past .presi- ‘ ‘ dent of the Kings Mountain Lions Judgment Signing 9ue This Week Judgment in Iho city’s condem nation action to acquire ih(* Bu- for:! Cline portion of the Buffalo Creek dam site is expected to bo dgnod this week. Superior Court Tudge Sam J. Ervin II has indi cated. I It was dra\\m on basis of a Iran-1 script of Judge Er*in’.s oral state ments and filed with the Judge' Monday. Meantime, a copy has b(*on mailed to Mr. Cline’.s attorney,' Erni'st S. DeLaney, of Charlotte, for his perusal. , r- w no Judge Ervin ruled on February mgton (Wash) Froneberger. 92. 23 against defendant on two con- burned to death \Nhen iirei,cjub, is a Ma.son and Legionnaire, te.sted points of law. He declared i swept through Ins seven room. ^j.g pjonk is the former Ruth the City of Kings Mountain pro- fr«me house Monday, were held, Umberger of Kannapolis and is a leeded correcth’ in bringing jts ^^odnesday at 2 p.m. from Last: ty in the Kings Mountain system. MRS. HARRIET EVANS Fionebeigei Dies In Hie sistently superior results.: Insurance Company. property owners involved, to;.ru-^..«u a ; hrincr ahout a refiirhishpri hiisi ! ^^rough ddigen.e and d. .eiTniJi-' Biddix. who bring arout a reluroisned busi invariablv accomplished ^.p^vintr a>^ nre^i ness district that will hurt none.' ^ servins? h.s nrt^i ^ ^ 1 rn I every task with d scotch and cf- Commission Chairman Caal F. ' His unrelonli.'- lovaltv Mauney pointed out that he ts ^ porseverenre involved m the ownership ol the ; anl Bonnie M.lls property, unL.er lease to Mur-Glo Mills, had been added to the which initial i 1 inspirde othn s to str ve for , maximum achievement. Sclfloss- plan at the instance of regional ly woiking long and arduous is currently serving as president of Sturdivants Key Producer’s Club, has not only been successful in the insurance industry, but has also been a leader in this community for many years. In announcing the honor. .Mr condemnation action under state Chapel of Si.sk Funeral Home in statutes of 1917. as amtmded. • ^***'’’* r-ather than under 1913 city cliar- i A semi - invalid. Froneberger ter provisions. He further ruled was trapped in his bedroom the city is acting under nec(\ssity wliere the fire apjiarently started, to obtain a water supply and not A son theorized that his father capaciously in seeking property lit his pipe and perhaps droppied to the 744 contour level. The de- hot ashes on the bedspread. When The Plonks have four daughters. Mrs. McLain s Rites Conducted the bed caught fire, Froneberger: Julia McLain, 82 o»' Rt tried to get out of the bedroom, i Shelby died Whdnrsday in to the porch. i Kings Mountain hosp tal. The farmhou.se was located in: she wa.s a member of Friend- the Crowder’s Mountain commu- sh-p Baptist church nity on route 1. . Survivors include fo'. r sons Froneberger’s .son. Mack, with Allen M. Lain of .Slirlhv, And ew from date of the signing of the whom he lived, had walked to a and Willie MrLain of Kings . ( hours, he has contributed signi-jL. L. Pittard, vice president of judgment in which to file an ap- nearby creek, some distance from Mountain, an ! John Wesley Me- oftoals Of the Department of , company, commented That Poah If one ,s filed, the cty will the house. Another som^ ^f Clierr>vlle; 2.S grand- Housing and Urban Develop- ,icd effort. His commendahlo Mr. Biddix ob.scrved the highest have 15 days m which to file an sa^ the_ fire and attempted to chi fense had asked properly acquisi tion be limited to the 736-foot level. When the ruling was given. At-: torney DeLaney indicated an ap , peal would be filed. Defendant will have 60 days ment. Don't Be Hasty In Making Repaint Canslei Renetyal Aiea Owneis Told ^ ^ ; perrormance was in keeping ''standards of business and profe.s- On the question of with the f nest traditions of the sional conduct in attaining this for pt'opertics to be acqua d, Mr. jyjjjjjaj.y seivi'ec and reflects dis- high honor and ha.s earned a post- 58th Rirthday For Girl Scouts; 450 Scouts, 24 Troops In Area A total of 4.30 girls from is going well and eontinies all Brownie to Senior Girl Scout age this month, are enrolled in the Girl Scout' progiam in the Kings Mountain K ngs .Mountain Gi.I Scout apca. .Neighborhood, of which -Mrs. W. C. Ballcw is chairman, encorn- Sunday is Girl Scout Sunday ; passes Kings Mountain. Hesse- and beg ns a full week (*: Girl mer Cit\i, Grover and Belhware quires obtaining tw’o appraisals from registered appraisers, these in turn to be leviewed by the North Caiolinia-assigned apprais er for HUD. Then, he said, will be tile time to talk price. To a question by J. O. Plonk, Jr., Mr. Laney said the second appraisals, by Frank Hoyle, of CIierry\-ille, should be complete in about a month. First apprais als were m'ade by Mercer Sim mons. of Lincolnton. an.swer which would th(*n be heard by the state Court of Appeals in June. City Attorneys Jack W'hite and Verne Shive say. Ap appraisal committee ap- oointc! bv Supeiior Court t'lerk Paul Wilson awarded Mr. Cline $31,500 for the tract of approxi mately 93 acres, and for which children and 63 great grandchil- enter. “The fire was so hot I dren. couldn t get in. he said. Funeral services were con- A retired farmer. Froneberger ducted at 1:30 p.m. Suntiay at wa.s the 11th person to die in Khenezer Baptist church by the Gaston County from fire in the rcv. R. D. Lucas. Buiial was i.n last three months. yn ^ion churJi cemetery. Other survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Effie May Ramsey Lii^Je (George of Kings Mountain, of Kings Mountain and Mrs. Marie Mrs. Sallie Slough of Hillsboro, Mr. Cline said he paid $25.(KMl Grigg of Dallas; and three other, Mrs. Ann Neal and Mrs. Ocie The city immediately after the son-s, Grady Froneberger of Dal- Huffstetlei, both of Bessemer City; decision placed the $31,.300 in cs- las, Horace Froneberger of Char-i 25 grandchildren; 30 groat-grand- crow with the clerk. l-dtc and Tollie Lt'o Froneberger children and one great-great of Dillon, S. C.; four sisters, Mrs. grandchild. Qsa HffaaaaMA iScoutWeek activities which calls-areas. There are 24 troops active • OA 1V1OOa0 attention the 5Sth birthday of I currently, seven in I3essem<'i : 'Girl Scoutiny in the ;« i -i-: . Held Wednesday Lee Robbed Of $700 lohn A. Rallew Wins Four-Year Morehead Scholarship Award Scouts representing all levels Brownie, Junior, Cadetie an t Girl Scouting StatCvS. Kings Mountain, including B.th A .:rive for $.30t),^)00 to cieale ware. 'These troops have Girl Willie James McNeal, Jr., 21- la 512 acre, >x?ar round girl scout ycar-old Bessemer City man, 1 camp to serve 30,(KX) girls in a was arrested at the scene and | four counly area in the Pioneer Charged with murder early Sun-; Area Council is also undeiway ; right grants are available for re- i day morn.ng of 20-yGar-old Nor- ; tliis month. The camp will he lo- f By MARTIN HARMON pair and 2) for higher income; ns Henry M6sre. Negio, of 316 | calorl in the Golden Valley sec- Residents of the 147-acrp area families, loans up to $10,000 are! watterson street. | tion of Rutheiford Cornty. comprising the Cansler street available at three percent interest. xhe shooting allegedly occur- The Girl Scouts urban renewal project should not, For non-repairable dwellings oc-; red at the Flamingo club, west | raised everyone of rjiovo too quickly to make more cupied by tenant.s, relocation pay-1 of Gastonia, than minor repairs to their dwell- ments are available to the ten-; Mo<jre was dead on arrival at iing.s. ; ants. the Kings Mountain hospital of This is the advice of .’oe Laney, _ x * wounds in the stomach, accord- executive director of the Kings For owner-wcupants of non-re-j j Gaston Rural Police De- M mS Selopmon. com- P“>«ble Bert Homesley. mission who recommonds: "Wait, Funetal riles for the Kihrs until a structural survey is made dwellings. __ , Mounla.i)-youth were held Wed- of your house or building.” “Until a structural surv^. is^ nosday at 4 p.m. from Mount It is antldpated structural sur- made, we have no way of know: zion Bap|tst chi,rch with Rt-v. R veying will begin in May to do ___ . Bu.st(*r (Bill* Lee. <»perator of John Anderson Ballew (John),! United ('’ity, Cvvo in Grover, and 13 in i Battleground Service Stati >n. w:i'i von of Mr. and Mrs. W’^ilLam C. robbed of between S(iOl) to S7(«) Ballew of 202 Edgemont Dr., Wednesday as he closed the Gro- Kings Mountain, has recx'ived a ver road service .station for the Mf rehead Award to study at the •ligh,. University of North Carolina at Two Negro youths, in their Chapel Hill, early 20’s, reportedly assault(‘d The announcement is made by L(‘e with a baseball hat a.s Iv; Hugh G. Chatham of Elkin, chair- turned to lock the doors at 9 p.m. man of the Board of Tru.stees of Officers of the ClevelandK'oun* the John Motley Morehead Foun- Seniors. Nils. Ballew said an important upcoming event for the local troops is a Kini:s Mountain Cdmporoc slated for the week- rhemselvos end -a; May 2nd at Camp Rot;Hi-y- ty Sheriff’.s Department and blood- dation. the $66,000 Girl Scouts w 11 dress in uni- hounds were combing the Comiinel Ballew is a student at Kings it took to buy the land by sell- form and sit H a body at church , community area ftir the Negroes. Mountain high sc'hool in Kings ing hundreds of thousands of services .Sunday. who escaped on fool. Lee told .Mountain. Ho is one of 106 boys girl scout cookies during the last At coixling In Miss Plonk, the‘oolice. to receive the awards this year, five years. Golden Valley Cam; Site is lo : De told investigating officers The awards are wtirth $8.4tM) to Ann Hunter Plonk, a K ngs cated in norllieast Rutherfo.d ho did not recognize the handits. Noith Carolina residents for four Mountain Senior Girl Scout who County. Cold mountain stroam.s. Also stolen was several hundred yeai-s of study at UNC. j was one of the “pioneers” who unloudie.l forest lands covered dollars in ch(*ek.s. As a student. Ballew has been termine whether a building Is: 1) .standard, 2) repairable to Standard requirements, or 3) non- I'poirable standard requirements •and subject to razing. Here are Mr. Laney’s rea-sons: first camped in the new site, de- with tall haidwood and over- scrihes the camp setting as grenm trees, create the potential "heaven.” for one of the finest girl sco.i And she says if the dreams camps in the southeast, of their 4,(yX) ^irls and 550 a- The c'amp will include six wm- dull leaders come true, Pioneer plete camping units .capable of ing whether a building or dwell- l Giir\'*i» officiating. Ing is standard, sub-standard in Picliminary hearing for Me net»d of minor -repair, sub-stand- xeal Is-Sbt for March 23 in Dis , ^ ard in need of major repair, or trict Court. He !s being held in Gill Scout Area Counc 1 will be | serving 200 campeis at one time, derelict beyond repair,” Mr. Laney Giaston County jail without bond, the finest girl scout camp in the Each unit will consist of a troop commented. According to Sgt. Homesley's in- southeast. ; house, wash house and 9 cabins “We simply don’t want any- vestigatlon, the shooting was pt'- Charles Mauney, of Kings or tent platforms. For repairable dwellings: 1) de- one to throw good money away,"j suit of an argument, according to; Mountain, campaign leader in One of principal teitures pending on family income, tml- he concluded. ' (Continitcd On Page Sixj Cleveland County, said the drive Continued On Page Six Fred W. Plonk is owner of the active as a National Merit Semi- firm. Finali.st. editor of the yearbook, on the Student Council, in the hand, and was named winner of the Shuford Science Award and the Plonk Medal. The Morehead Awards were : first presented in 1931. They are awarded on the basis of outstand ing merit a.s reflected in academic I ability, charaeti'r and leadership. : Need is not ojiibidered. METER RECEIPTS Paiking miter roc(?ipts for the week totaled $129.60. in cluding $117.15 from on-street meters and $12.43 fiom o' f- street meters. For the month of February, ie?e!p1s from the off-5?in*ct parking lot at Moun tain and Cliciokee wore $61.33. MOREHEAD SCHOLAR — John Bdllew, senior student at Kings Mountoin high school, has been awarded a four-year Moreheod Scholorship to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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