Piiq© 6 more about ERVIN SIGNED OouiiuutAl Rroni Rufje One KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Gas Allotment l<’i Kin^^s Mountain. ! Mr. CUne sa'j'. ho liad ; njt conferred with his attorney ■ and did not kneA' whoUu'i in* Krvln jud^^ment would Uq ap p.aled. DoR-ndant has tiU (h-y' f.om Monilay to file an apja a w th the North Ca.ohn.a ‘ Ccui,t Of Appeals. Should an ai> i pial' be tiled, the city would 1>"J allowed 15 (.ays to fih^ an -’n swer and the appeal would Ito heard in June, city Atioriu'j ■ Jack White said. The Eivin rulings of fart; "At the t )i. 'usion (T said ar -'uments, the Couii. Insi upon tlio pleadir.^js, rc.o.ds, all evi dence, and argumt'nts <il ct/. nsid in this cause, found ifu* .oli«)\v MORK ABOUT ATKINS (Cimtinufd Fiom Puyt Ontj ing faicts: "That the ('oui t finds as a fact and as a matter fd law ili i the City of Kin^svMuun ia, law fully and prf.pcnly p.o;:oed(‘d ,u this cause unde, the p. ov ot N. C.. CiCnoi al Slalule. (..;ai> * i 40. rather than pi.. e( tin/ iii. h the provisions i:s C , .. contcnde.i by the Dc.e d.mis. "And the Cou. t fa: orr laul- as a fa. t that the V .hi nor ir • in, The City of Kh;.;.- Moauioi., hud the i and l. is iIV' ii.-li! of Eminent Dtanain a-' 1 < ( i • = to so proceed ur.dei i.u i» vO Rions of the Chai ter Id "f i.u N. C. Gmcral Slatuie. "And the Court fu. i i, r f ! as a tart ti.ai ilio p:ocin.lini*^ DAVE SPROUL EVANGELISTIC TEAM will be at th« Corsoa Memorial Baptist church at Crowder's Mountain March 15«22 with services starting at 7 p.m. each evening. A nursery will be available each service. Evangelist Sproul has been greotly used of the Lord in evangelistic meetings in recent years. He hos attended California State Teachers College, received a B. A. de* gree in Religious Radio Production from Bob Jones University, ottended Dallos Theological Seminary in Dollas, Texos, lor two years, and received a B. D. degree from Central Baptist Seminary in Minneapolis. Jim and Kay Sproul handle the musical program for the revival meetings. A western roundup will be held Satur day morning, March 21, for children in grades 1-6. t'ho i t. i(ai‘ P (h- ;l heaid be,0' e wiih Cu' a Commissi.>n( duao U' . V. pi ance w hi Cliapk r K) < Stat'.'lo and > . . . ,j. -.i' SlaluU's, "And liu' v’ ‘ ‘u: :. i fi.id - as a fa . l.i u , K Mounlain, in c.. ■.! i.h .i, <; mined ilial il '-. is u ivaial ly nciess::.y tu . . :i liU' liuui> dosoi iiu'l in i k- ’k ! hi ui, 93.3 a. I's, in.;.' Oi lass. i',cli)n;..' .n.^ l»i lii.. I.)iM u-.lmis. lo.' liur puidia piup .M' .^i.ud in liu* pi*- lifion; lo a ju.)' laa up la l.u 741 fo-'; t* uii 'ur h'Vil; to aa- (luii'o tile i 11.' < ir. lirieil wiiliiu the 93.3 aa.c li.a; d liu* Deh'afl- anl’s lyiny to hu* S,u:ii of f'U' (I.im sin, la. t.ii* pu.:.'‘».s(‘ ,if ji.u- liatiny me '•ji.la'*;, f.a- .iiuu* Uk-.ss la.ids ami niiuu' public puiposcs in c.mia’.'tion wiih Ihc water pKjje.l; Ic aeip.iiie tin land i.i nudiaa'.y In i.ia We.';; * the tlain site whK h is ni. l.drd h. the said 93.3 :u j e tru-i. cv* f s.im<‘ is nr may iic a Vne he'yld ‘»f ih(‘ ^pilt\^ ty. MORI' AiKJirr FIRST STAGE 'C'ditfit Kcd / M itintai:i, (a hi'h Se.vit c. ..pel Rnf/r Oacl by Gamhle’ Arthur Hfiinrichs Rites Conducted 2» i. .S, iio'i ’ I .11 lin, n . p*:‘s Jn.'. (*1 .'■^h ‘ liuildiny \V. hv I);‘;iin- Funeral rlfos lor Arthur Ham rick. 79, of 105 Maryraco street, were held Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. from ilio Chapel of Harris \V 3) .\l.s. .\l M Pu . M lunt :lii. oc ajiietl by .i.ir n ;>• InsuraiHe Agency m hiiil V.v'i, Ar- 1' W. K. .M.niney, Sr.. liuiUling. v\ , Mountain, occiip-ed hy Hum- . ' s P- aa j a.ern .oo... I-' r I though 111: let 1. '-11.d wli m:iy lie in patt 'V- 731) is 7 11 d (.(.11 our r'Vel ’ la, I l.. J .s.r i Purl i.' .o.xiinl'.v to the spill t’lie (pnii ii.stdf and i.s n. ce.'-'- uy, hy reason on immediately adja- I ) <1 un, spillway, aiKl ,• sell; and thal said )n was Ivi.'ifd upon ,t1 sufli;i(>nt engineindn 4 ‘*oin Co. \\'. K. Oi(kso]i. )nal (.'iv I Engiiuer :ici i. c as su .-ii for ap ,rly ad .vea.s. Said de- (ion uMs also h.n'id upon .'riiio adviie .m l r« o»in ii«m of iPi). h I). .Ii;il^^ >n. .cgisUMO 1 (.’iv 1 !•: igineei ii pi ’vC’ d as such f h and having P.ad aiiiplt* e.x / /rienci* wording on a large urnbei of vv.idM' suppK p.ojeci^ ,'hi.h involvid lie- const, u.‘i.»r of d.::*n ai.d dun >110'-;^ .mi fa: tlier id'o’i enginei-ring adv . t from Dennis L. l-'o.x. a (“Jmsulf ing cn.gin((*r and design englnecv on fhc Rl* i'alo C/e»‘k W lU'r Tco jeel, and fiuihe. upo-i th«‘ od v ::o a:i:l reuurmend. d!o n >: M Jinr Stamey. Saiiit.i v Pi'i .iiiee wiih the Noil I (..o.)!!: 1 s:a; llourd ol ne:il;h. "The C;:ji t finCier f i.ds a-; . yf.irt that b:is{ d i.r»n C'.* advi.-. of the ah:,ve set far: It per.sont that the Ci'y cf Kings Mctuni.air Ceterminui that il was rt*ast»n- O'My noce.'S'.i.y to a .juiie up tc Ihe 741 ftMd C.. dour Uu'l ir. foe. for the purp 'se of lonsTriu t- Ing an ad< (|uale water sup; l,\ foi flic pudeciion of t u* w.itci sup ply from (mulamination and poj lution, and f a ih«‘ purpo.^i* of flood eont. el. ■"An.i the t'cui I Mirther find? fls a fact, li IV •v hindeii o' proof, Mio DefiM! t ints hue fiil . cd to shew tliaf t!u* CMy's rleter mination and I -king in h*; wa unrr'asonahle. a.hitiai '. hr im priclous -n "NOW. T-IlKIiKKOKK. IT l OR DK R p; l>. AI )d I T > G K Ih A\ P 'V'Dl'PCREKD that fin' City o* . Kings Mountain is ent tli'd to ar quire in fee. thi* lauiis d<*si\il)ed , in the pelition for such s.-ms of j. jhoney to he /ioterinined and as . sessed by die duiy. •‘This llu* 9lh dav of Mundi 1970." 5) (hi k 1) :-:on p.opeilv. sev aruc lirli.nd Di.xon Hilliard i\i: I'll. P.r ;: .V w I-:, hv'm !i p; > ;iri-- M.i’u*r of W. Moi.nlain and li....nl, oc.up;<''i bj I.yn. il u.( CnnpaiA. Georgi* H. '..ri. .iii( ney. Helen’s H..iuiy l.»n. I:u:iirg:un indus- iiics Kiih-. iy i.<?nt olfre and J. oce IhcjCi ts. iriagisl i ate. 7' M.s, M i:y K. Lii-u.d, Idi ’.n.’ini avei.u. le^hlen.-e. ,s» Mi''S Marg.net Kendri.k, S i' I a; ni aV'cniU’ 1 es'dam e. 91 Miss V'irgie Harmon. .'iu siioc! res.uenc)-. Hu .!, O. i iuiik. Jr.. Iraihilng, .uiic, m R.i head I'U I VV. Clu.d, cpU'.i bv plonk H.o. u.s fab- dr. dViraent ii.d Bi iilgt'S Hir- )t. .Simp. Ill K. Walker, severaiiee lot u-Iiin I (t>ualily Saiidwad Sii IJi \V. A. Ware Eslat(‘. \V : ri’sideiice oaupitrl hy Mis> Ava Wiie. 13' M.uury .Miils, In... f.ont >. dun ol 11 aei, earn, r i f W. i.il : atid Pailmad, o..upied bv . ■ nKr Wail' & Sons build iig, d,a.lon C d.s. an.I C.i. h Ih-otiiers. 1 P M.u . ioll D. Piiifr.. small .4.ml >t..i-»n of I'1, S.S VV. (loid •I 1.51 Geo: go Luldineski. W. d. atain toini(*rl^\ ocriipitKl .j . !■:. Andi-my. K.» Hclk's Doparl nienl . c. I .111 .e lot in alley Funeral Home, kev. D. B. Alderman and Itov.! A. B. P'alls offieiat(*d at the final 1 rites and interment was in I Mountain Rest cemetery. j Mr. Ilamriek died at 12; H), 'riuirsday morning in the Kings: Mountain hospital after extended iIliH‘.s?;. He was tlu* .son of the late Mr. and Mrs. .Vndrew Hamrick j and husband of the lat<' Stella Blanton Ilamriek. He was a re- • tiled Margraee Mill em[)Ioyee. j Surviving is his brother, F'or-j re.-;! Harnritk. of Atlanta. Ga. John Fisher's Sister Passes .Melliodist ehui eh of wh eh he is a mtmlx r. lie has been president »l the Gaston County Moicliants Association, the Gastonjn YMCA, iiid ihe No. til C’aiolliri Assoda- ion of Afternoon Dtallies. In the field of hun.un lelation.s. Mr. Atkins lias seived as chiir- man aiul v ee-('hairman of the ' taslonia CVvmmiltee on Human Relations and has aKso served his (omm. nity as a mtmbcr of he Gaston County Industrial Di- vci sifieation (’ommisslon. lie is a formc'r member of the (rove.'iior’s (’ommiss on on Li brary U(*soujecs and llie (Jaston- LiUv'oln Library Hoard of 'Idus- lees. i In 19(J3, he w'as recognized as , Ihe Young .Man of the Year in f.islonia an i went on to receive the North Carolina Awaui as, me of flu* state’s lh:ee out ’ standing young men. Atkins is married to the lor- OUT (birol Smedloy and tluy h.'ive two (hildren, Jimmy 14' iml Laura 11. In a propaied statement he em- ph.-isizod his desire to see a two parly system. "I intend to take up the issues one by one and ass(*ss them open ly and frankly. Among them: j "laI Sc'cret sessions at ev<*ry level of government—a situation which our present state adminis tration pledged to eliminate, but about which nothing has been (lone. , ‘(b) Incomplete information on state expenditures—there is no member of the opposition (Ke- publican) party on the Slate Ad visory Budget Commission which, to a very large degree, makes the (‘xpendituies for the slate. "(c) Annual sessions of the L(»gislaluie—in a stale as large as North Carolina, spending as much money as North Carolina doe.s, il is inconcievable thal the Legislature should meet only once every two years and tlien make its primary business thal of either adopting or modifying uu r< i^mmendalion of the Leg islative R(»soach Committees which, in effect, function almost as an interim Legislature and whose members are strictly ap pointed, not elected. "(d) Increasing control by tlu*. Executive Branch of the (loverM-| Upped 200)11)0 CF Mb-Herndon Hurt In Wreck Thursday, MarcK 12, 1970 Letter To Editor j The City of Kings Mountain’ I natural gas system ha.s received; notice of Federal Power Commls-! Sion approval of an increase In ' iU daily gas allotment for the! 1 year begining November I, 1970,1 I of 210.000 cubic feet. ■ 1 The additional allotment raises to 4,100 MCF daily the city’s gas ’ allotment. I Transcontinental Gas Pipeline I Company, from whom the city buys gas, said the new allotment I also provides a peaking service ] contract of 200.000 additional i cubic feet. Notification in advance i of need for the gas, most custo- , tinary during very cold weather, enables the city to maintain its current peak load factor. The ad- ; ditional gas co.sts a premium. ’ Mayor John Henry Moss bom- mented, "The city is highly plca.sed to obtain the additional allotment. Projections of increase ' in usage of gas indicate the add ed allotment will be needed." Chief of Polkt* 'rum Mc- I)»’vitt K'miiukHl muloiists this w(H*k that the l'.)-mimit(* p:irk- ing limit in front of Kings Mountain postoli is operativi* seven diys per week. • \V(* do nut oitju l to .Sunday parking in weekday loading /onis Of (>th(*r limili'd lime areas, but Ih^ posluffi('e hox- ludders are entitled to p:irk in order to get Iheir mni! on .sun ays us well as weekdays,” the C'hief said. Ovi»r-park’ri • tickets will be issu(*d to offendiMS of flic posl- offiei* limit in l'h<' future, thi* (*hi('f addiU. II{‘ also cautioned muto*ists against parking "on cerners”. in the yellow-lim’d piohihiK'd aiT'-a-s at. intersections. Editor Dear Sir: suffered Monday car she was another Woodson Rites Are Conducted Mrs. J. E. Herndon four bn^ken ribs early .afternoon when t’h( Iriving was sfriiek hy near South Hill, V^a. He. (ondition was de.saa died as satisfactory Wednesday and it w'as antieipatej she would Ix’ able to leave the Sd fh HMl hos pital and rtdurn home Thursday. Witii her was Mis. Raul Kin eaid, of Gastonia, who was titNit- (‘ti foi cuts and hruisis hut not admitted to Hu' hospital. Mi-s. Herndon and Mrs. Kin caid were returning from Wa.sh- inglon, D. C., vvliere liie. luid setved as judges for a flower show.' Mrs. Rome's Father Passes Three Attend Legion Confab Three Legionnaires from Amer ican Legion Post 1.55 of Kings Mountain w(^re among 1400 dele- gatiN, 19 from North Carolina, at tending the 10th annual .Vmeri- can Legion Conference in Wash ington, D. C. Going to Washington were Commander ('arl Wil.son, Past Commander Carl Wiesener and Adjutant Jo<* McDaniel. The N(jrth Carolina delegation, head ed by Commander Bud Thompson of Wilmington. National Commit teeman Leroy Lakey of Char lotte and National Chaplain-Elect Rev. Milton Faust, got log(*ther for a dinner session Tuesday nighi. Sessions of the eonv(*ntion W(*rc held at the Statler Hilton Hotel. The Kings Mountain delegates also had lunch at th«* Capitol with m(*mbers of Congre.ss. Seat ed at the National Commanders banquet group were U. S. Con gressman David Henderson. U. S. Congre.ssman Nick Galifinakis and U. S. Senator Sam Ervin. t Funeral rites for Harry Skinni*!’ , Woodson. 70, Shelby’s mayor for I 24 years, were held 'Fuesday at 4 ; p.m. from Lutz-.-Vustell ('hapel. In- [ l(*rment following in Sunset ceme- I li'i-y. Mr. Woodson, who refin'd as'died mayor of Shelby in IfKlB. was tlu* city’s last full-time ma.yor. He* died Monday morning in Cleve land Memorial hasiiital. He was fir.st cl(‘ct(*d in May 1935 and (*.\oept for four years, when he was dc'feated in 19.51 hy Clarence King, had served as mayor until his retirem(*nt. A na tive* of Galesville, he moved with his family to Shelby in 1S99 when he wa.s six y(*ars old. Woodson had been a (lolliing saU'sman until the depiv.ssion. In 1933. he was appointed relief idministrator for Shelby. In 1935. P‘ nerii* serv ces for L. V F'in.gci, 62. of Lincolnton, were held Sunday at 3 p.m. firm St. Matdiew’s UniTd Chuich of Christ in Lincolnton. Air. F'nger, father of Mrs. Ernest Remo of Kings Mountain, Friday. Fall From Horse Fatal To Jones My son, who is serving as a private first class in Hte Army in Viet Nam, wrote to me on Febru ary 21st and set forth his views on a subject that I believe all people in this section .should know about. I had told him in a lidter that Basil Whitener was running for Congress during the coming elec tions. He said in his Ic'tter: "Be sure and go out and hoop it up for Basil Whitener. Don’t let him lose this time. All I can do over here is v'ote, .so get out and campaign for him.” "When they start opening up Democratic shops and stuff in town and sending out letters get in on it. Get to working for the Democratic Party sending out lit erature and campaigning. Wc got lo get Whitener in.” r b(*lieve that folks will be in- tere.sted in my son’s attitude and concern. We all know that Basil Whitener served in the military service for more than three years and from that service has a great interest in and knowledge of the problems of the servk'o man and his family. He has fought for our country in war and the veterans in the j'ears he served in Con gress. Yours truly, Mrs. J. R. Carson. Jr. Funeral rites for Bobby Lee Jones, 39. of Gastonia, brother of Mrs. Ralph Carrigan of Kings Mountain, were held Sunday at 3:30 p.m. from Broad Oaks Chapel of McLean and Son PAi- lU'ral Home, interment following in Gaston Memorial Park. Mr. Jortes, thrown from his hor.se Friday, died in a Charlotte Mayor Will Attend Atlanta Conference Funcn 'l rites lor Mis. Fi-lu'r Hi'‘'(;m('. S2, of II' Ily, .«;sier of ,Io!inn Kings Mountain, will Emmo Mount Fisher ('f be held 'Fliursday at 2 p.m. from First railed Mi'lbodisl cluu.h of A* . nt Hollv.'Inlei meiit follow- ing in H llcresi Gaidens (cnic- j Hu y. M ’.s. Hrofimc, widow of .S.im- iu*I Wilson Hroonu*. dii*d at 11:15 :>.m. 'riie.'-vlay at hoi h "ne afier « Icngthv pe: iod of declining Oihr- suiAivors imlirh* six sons, four dau'ditris. two s's leis and a number of gtvuidv Jiil !i(*n and gri'al-grandehiMri'n. i ment—with little notici* to the j people, the Governor has grad ually taken Irom their eleelt'd repre.sentatives the virtual control ' of such important agencies as tlu* t State .ABC Board, the Conserva- ‘ tion and Development Commis sion. and I lie Education Commis- j sion. "(e) Confi.scatory tax(*s — it ■ makes litth*. if any, sen.se for the i State of North Carolina to nialn- ; tain and antieipate huge surpluse.s j while adding to the lax burden ^»f everyone with such far-reach- ! ing measures as the gasolim* tax j and the soft drink lax. North j Carolinians have always been j willing to pay their fair share, I but they are entitled to know w’hy it is required. James Charged In Shooting n\ the age of 41, he became mayor after he polled a victory margin i hospital Saturday at 3 a.m of 249 votes in ;i runoff election ^ .Ion(*s, who lived at 3312 Su- with Cleveland Gardner. burban Terrace in Gastonia, was One of Woodson’s major points 1 riding his horse early Friday in his platform was to u.si* any morning when he was thrown and available outside mon(*y lo liclp fell head fir.st lo the ground. Shelby. During hi.s 21 v(*.ir.s in| A native of Gaston Counts, lu* office, money was re((*iv('d to build city hall, erect two wat(*r. tanks and lay many miles of.sya- Icr and .sew(*r line.s. When Wood- \ .son was elected in 19.35, then’ were no water and .sewer s(*rsices! offered and only 16 paved sirecds. ■ At his retin*ment in 1963, Ihoro Mayor John Henry Moss will go to Atlanta Sunday for a three- day conference of the Regional Council of Governments, a (iivi- I sion of the National Li'aguo of Citien. Theme of the conference is "Re sponsibilities for the Seventies.” Use Checks Ip Paying Federal Taxes was the .son of Mrs. Daisy Groves J HU'S and tlie late KImer W. Jones. He was employ(*d by Fire stone Textiles. In addition to Ids mother and .^ister. ho is sunived by his wife, Patricia Bradley Jones; three chil dren, Bobby Lee, Ji.. Sl(*von and L.awren:*e Dean Jnm(*s. 33. r';;utr 6. Ma den. was fi'(?e undei $801) bond Wednosdas on two were 99..5 p(»rcent sewi'rage cover-1 Meli.ssa Jones, all of the home; ag(* and over UK) paved streets. I and a sister, Mrs. Mavis High of Imm<*diately aft(M* Woodson's re- State.svillo. tirement. Shelby went to a cily| He wa.s a member of Pisgah manager lorm of government. 1 ARP church and a veteran of HLs wife, a .son. two brothers I Water Pollution fhnrsos of assault' ullh a dradly i grandc-hiid.en sm vive. W( anon by pointing a gun and' another charge assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. I James is alleged to have i ' Dunde I Cecil Wyatts, 21, route j G, Shelby, in an altc.cation early! Sunday night when Watts and \ two companions were working on 1 ^ i.* * ,• *• Watts cofvettc on chemko.. strcc; bvhnd McGinnis F'crni- "1 am vitally interested in the turc Company. He is alleged to the Korean War. Rev. R. B. Elliott, Rev. Jack Robinson, Rev. W. C. Pate and R(*v. Fred High officiated at the final rites. ^ Greensboro — Any one planning to pay two Federal taxes at the same time should use .seperate checks or money orders to avoid ' possible billing errors, J. E. Wall, 1 District Director of Internal Rev- I enuo for North Carolina, said to- I day. Under the IRS systc^m, which ' has a different prex'essing cycle for each type of return, the en- I lire payment could be credited to ! one tax and a bill Issued for the I othe;. Wall said. "If one check or Funds S20 Million District School Boards Meeting North Carolina will receive al most $20 million in Federal funds In .Kttire. i)chiiul Miles Roberts' Sister Passes . K. MauiKV. Sr. M uiir y. S. t'ai..c. t'OI and and b A cl up;(\l h> Gr.iy.sen's i-.d s. M.'n/t‘ll Pirl'ei t‘t ux. Phi- Ihidw.ne hu Iding. S. Hat- M S. •.ar.'l I. iia.ii iiaiii.< 1. l-a. ng.'i ». \. C.eaiU'iN < I )ep;U'tint*nt .Slore ) - 1). M. Mu.rison, suutli- (*.\tensi-)n of .Mumlain- Morr .\Rni-r HERNDON CfynfhiurtI Rn ..1 j employees in tin* (''inini'n'lal 1 'Qroup i»f Martin .Mari»*.ta Gorpo ' ration. "There i.s keen eompetifion 1 nationally for ili(*-e v,-h.»inr.sliip' among many applieanis with V(*r\ high acad(*mi( an I leadi'ishi] records,' lie .sail, “’rin a * i a -tribute lo Mr. H('rnd nut standing f|ualifii atiun.s. arul w( proud of liis achiev(*im*ni." . Warrt'n Hc'nuliin. Ji. i.s a s<*iuor 'ftt.Winnsboro hidi ih* hav be.en aetiv(*(.n ihe.*;tatrof flu*high ’j»<.*hool iK'Wspaper. is a memher 'jf! tiK‘ Fr(*nrh club, and llu* l>(*tn ' club. His Alarlin Marielta ruroo- rntion Foundation Seh jl-ir-jliip may b<* U.spri at llu* insliUitinn of his choice. ; I). , nn'i>»>t bdcl ;d!e\. 211 i;.:.*. es ll.iidware. w ue- .CUM* on M untain Gold allc.v. 22* D. H. lianniik. . luntik e udd r.gs n. al( d by .Saun-lei.s ’haiici.' and Sic.v(‘ li.uii) iV \ . 23» Mr.-;. V(‘ra M. C xd-Oi. ("h'; • ■<. c I u l liu.g ‘ - apit . by .*>u- lie's Ue:uil . Shop, 21) K. v’a.-;h, vacant building. < Chcroke('. 25) Mi'u/t'U IMiilcr el u\. .4. lu're.koc building, oecupu'd l>y 1‘hilei Hardwaia* waia'bou.'^i*. 2()i 'riu)ma.ssnii-Pei'ler huililiiu. iniiiin^ S. Clu‘roki‘(* and W. \T .unl.iln, oeeupled by Kings M.ainiain Florists, ('entr.al Haib(*r di ip an.I Mi'il(' Norman C’o.snu't- ie.s. 27) I)'. F. Morrison, building at 'oriu'r ol W. Mounlain and (’lu‘r- )\t*e. occupied hy .Morri.son Loan ■ onipany. 2Si Bonnie MilK, In... mill 'niilding and cotton wan'hnusi*. W. Gold, loasi'd hy Miir-Glo Man 'il.aeliirin:', Companv. 29) \V. 1. Ledford, W. Gold, varelioioa* if Kings Mounlain •a’ln (’entei. 3()i I). U. Ilamri.’k. w;u<*lu)use. .V. Gold, 31 I Mis. Virginia B. ('rawtord. cai anl lot. RnUle,iroun i. 32) UoniiU* Mills. Im.. lot <‘or- n('r Battleground and (loM. oi- ■npiei t)\' Pi*iei‘'s ('abs. Fum*ral rit<*s for Mrs. Emma RiJiert.-; ilamriek, Sii. of Charlotl)*, .sister of Miles Rf)t)(*rts of Kings j \fonntain. will hi* hel:I Thur.sclav ;*1 3 p.m. from tlu* (’hap<*I of Car- others Fuiu*r.il llonu* in Gastonia. I’e\. C. Emerson Smith will of- f' iai:*, assisU'd by R(*\. .Alton (*. I’eddns. Inl('rnu*Tit will he in ; ' * • ton M»*m u ial Park. I Mrs. Ilamriek. widow of K. Nor- I 'is Ihnnriek. di(*d at i a.m. Tues day in a (’harlotl(* hospital. She w.as formerly of Cramerton. Oilu'.r survivors ineliuk* six d;iug)d(‘ts: two sons; a brollier • ind a numiu»r of grandehidlren and great-graiuMnldien. Mental Health Program and in our community college system. I am !ii(*d of reading how low the State of North Carolina stands in the field of (‘ducation and how high in taxes, how low the Slate of North Carolina stands in per capita income, how low the Slate ol Xar h Caiolina stands in its exp«*i,ditures on highways and s(*condary roads.” Mrs. Foster's Father Passes Miss McGill Is Ct^ndidate Floyd Clinton Jones, 60, of Dallas, father of Mrs. Tommy Foster of Kings Mountain, died SaiuKkiy .u Oteen hosp lal. Fumnal ril('s were held Sun day at 2 p.m. from Sisk Funeral ILime East Ciia; :*1 and at 2 p.m. Monday from Rogers Chapel in I Mr.rphy. Interment was in Mur- jpny e(*rhetery. M;. Jones was son of the late j P. F. and V'onnio M. .Ahoo Jones. I Surviving are hi.s wife, Mrs. have thixatened Watts’ two com panions, Steven Capps, Hosca street, Shylhv, and Ron nie Gregory, 24, *43 Cherokee s.ieet, Kings MounL-iin. VV dts said lie was told by James if they didn’t start run ning, they were going to he kill ed. He said he ran, was shot and "the next thin. I knew I was in She’by hosp tal”. City Offierr John Belk sai ! Walts was taken to Kings Moun tain hospital first before bei*ig taken to Cleveland Memorial. H<? was treated for a scalp wound and released. James is a son of Mrs Cook, Walnut street, Mountain. Sugene Jensen, Director of the Federal Water Pollution Control .Administration’s fFWPCA) Mid- 'ji'g I Atlantic Rogi(jn, announced today. March 4, wi‘h This represents a 390 percent ginning at 4 inerea.se over fisr’al y(*ar 1969, Jensen said. The money is to be used by North Carolina citii.'s and com munities to build wa.sto treatment and water pf>lIution control fa- cilitie.t. Jen.sen also announced that Bcssiie Kings The annual meeting of the D!s trict II School Boards Associa tion will be heM at Burns high school in Lawndale, N. C. on regstraGon be- p.m. The theme for this year’s gathering of school hoax'd members, district c-ommii- tc'cmon and school administrat ors "Schools for the Seven ties;. .School units included in tlie distr'el are; Cliai lotto Meek Io:iburg, Cleveland, Gaston and Lincoln Counties and King.s money order covers a 1970 esti- ' mated tax payment and a 1969 tax balance due, for example, when the returns are .separated tor processing, the entire payment might be credited to one lax, leaving the otlier tax unpaid." In such a situation, one tax would be overpaid and a refund issued, while on the other tax a bill would be sent, he explaiiK^d. Taxpa.ver should put their So cial Security number on all cheeks or money orders sent to IRS. to make .sure the payment is properly credited. Busine.s.s tax payers should put their Employer Identification number on the check. along with the increased funds Mountain, Lincolnton and Shrl- to all states came increased .state and local responsibilities to get the mo.st clean water for the money. "Wc will require that waste treatment plant needs and loca- by City un!ts. Folhwving ix'gistration, t h e afternoon program will consist 0‘f a lour of the new Burns High S'chool. Dr. Herheit W. Wey, Presi- Bond Sales Down 7.6% tion be planned more thoroughly," dent of Appalachian State Uni- W. S. Cobb's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for William Shu- d C.^bb, 66, of D;allas, Kings Mountain native, were held Wed iicsday at 3 p.m. from East Cha Jensen said. "Wc will insist that t future plants be bettor d(*signod ! and bo made more dependable. ; They must do a l)ett(*r job. They j’TUist be better maintained. They I must be o[)eratod ('fficiently and ’ effectively." I "Towns in North Carolina can versity will bs the pr ncl'. -al speaker for Ihe evening session. His adress will follow a banquet to be hoM in the cafeteria of the high school at 6:(X) p.m. Theso area conffrenecs of the North Carolina School Board.? Association annually attract over j Darolhy Martin Jones; tuvo ether 1 pel of Sisk F^meral Home F’ .'inrc*' ' ’ -Pd Mv<. ''iip’fii*!, <1 iMdi*)-- ’ ■ ' the Eis-i \vop1\(*U(1 tc 1* •’H.-i! Krskiru* ( i'mj)(*tilinn. ’’II. daughter of Dr. ’ f. McGill (if Kings ■ am'P'r .59 "oiit- '•'cho )I ."•tudi'nts” on ’’cm* o'’!pt)iu- la-*' ’-M'-ijjate in the an■ Golh'ge Scholai^;hlp aughtors, Mrs. Gerald Tite of I Gastonia and Mrs. Gene Ware of ! DH! 's; two sons. James Jones , of Dillas and Forest Jones df! G’sif>nia: one sister, M.s, F’ul- '!(' Anihony of Murphy; and two; . 5 o.rtu*!s, Claude Jones a»;d Ar- , 1 ‘lull* Jones, both of Murp.’iy. in fol- 'riu* srliolar.slu)) candidate's par-' ticipaic’d In testing and personal' ini(*i\i(*\vs and were honon*d at a r(*c(*j)fion at the iiome of Erskinej Hrt‘sj(|(*nf Joseph Wrightrnan. j MORF AROI'T APT. COMPLEX tl Frd)n Rat/r. One King< Mountain a l)ird sanctuarv. Bessemer Ci'y, intciment L:wing in H’rkory cemetery. Mr. Cobb died Monday at 12:30 in Gaston Memorial hospit'd. He \v son of i;i(. late Themas a i i A''ce Falls Cobb. Rev. W. H. Calvert and Rev ’Vq. Ali^n offic!at(’<l at the in- i\ r!tes. -Surviving are liis wife, M s .Marie Sigmon Cobh; three sis- (*:s. Mrs. Myrtle Allen of G3j5- ‘^onia, Mts. Ruth St; oupe of T.owdl and Mrs. Ethel Linger- i Gravesido serv ices for Maynard I Dallas; and one brother, Mull Pattc'rson. 69, of Raleigh, L^'^'****- j \V(*re held Tiu'sday morning at 11 o’clock from Patterson Grove Baj)-; fist church c('m(*tery. qualify for Federal financing of 4,000 sihocl boaul memb(2rs up to 33 pe(*ent of the total c(jst comm tteemen, educators and of a water polluiton control pro- other interested persons. An at jeet,’’ Jensen said. "In .some tendance of about 300 is antici- states, however, the FVVPCA can pated for the District 14 meeting, pay up to 55 percent of the total M.\ 'Bob Cabani.^s. a meml er of cost.” j the Cleveland County Board of I The (liff(»r(*ncc. Jen.sen explain-. Education, is cu’T(mt!y .«eivir j ed, is thal if a slate agrees to as Distret President, and Mr. W. pay 25 percent, the Ked(*ral Gov- B. Thomas, 5?.ipcrintendent o’’ Patterson's Rites Conducted ernmenl can pay an 25 percent, or a total cent. "This moans," .I(*nsen additionn] of 55 per- s:»icl. the Cleveland County Schools, is District Secretary. The Slate Asso.^iatlon w\as or- g'anizei in 1937 and Ihrcugh its "thal if the State of Nortli Caro- history has been dedicated to Una would pay 25 percent of the seck ng imprrwcments in Notch I. I co.st of a city’s waste treatment I plant, wo could j),'iy up to 55 p(*r- jeem. instead of tin* 67 percent it I now pays.” 6) Received bids on 699 feet of lj5 inch polyester fire hose and 1.501) feet of 2.5 inch polye.ster fire hose. ARorr-f MRS. WILLIAMSON 'I'.l'innf il Ptttjf ()n( f '•(‘jAcd H' .'IM O'icni.d ion offiv-er mtil her di.schargc. .41ir is aNo a airlirH*.'-; stewarde.ss. Th(' Williamsons aie j>.na*nts af rhi('i* cliilflreii and live iti Vo:!.. S. (’. w'lu'n* tlu*y a.'tixc in First I’K'sbyleiian i hurvli. Action on tlu* bids received wa.v' .h'fcnod vvht'ti one of the bidders posted an aggrcgat(* bid on the* two fire hose items on which bids Ivid been invited seoaratelv. Unv l)i;i on tlic 2.5 iiich hose of $205.5 ev i*( J.'I t’u* $2')90 li"n!t. p-'-'ikin” 1 Ihta’c bids mamlatory. ('ity Al- lor ’cy Jack White cxplaine<l. Low Itiddci WHS Zimmerman & ?N'ans, Gri'cnshoro. on both items. Tlu* low bid on the L5 inch htt-se wa.s !^5.52 \s, the S762 hid of Burg<\ss Fin* Kquipment Company, Le noir. which bid .S27(iO on the 2.5- ( inch hose. Mr. Patterson died Sunday at 19:30 p.m. in Rex ho.spital at Ra- leigii. Surviving an* his wife, Mrs. Eula R. Patterson; four .sons, Rob ert Patterson of Charlotte. .Mav- nard Patterson of Or!and(j. Fla., la'onard and Johnny Ibilter.son. both of Kings Mountain; fiv(! daughters, Mrs. Oeie Goff of (’o- lumbia. S. C.. Mrs. Dell t Barnard of (’arole(*n. Mrs. Fr(*d Weav'er of King.*-* Mountain. Mrs. Grace Leonard of Charlotte and Mrs. Palsy Ruth of Florida; and one sister. Mrs. Sally , Lovelace Kings Mountain. INSTALLATION Now officers of Kings Moun tain ('banter 123. Order of the Eastern Star, will be installed in public ceremonies March 2Bth at 7:30 p.m. at Musonlc Hall. Damages High In 4-Car Crash Jensen also announced lo Mid- Atlantic water pollution control officials that the budget for next y(*ar, as presented to Congr(*.ss. 1 calls for continued Federal fund- ! A four-car smash-up Friday afternoon on East King street piled up four vehich's with prop-; erty damages totaling $127(1. No^ persons were injured. j A car operated by Clyde Bc'verly ‘ Pittman, 42. of Charlotte, r**- portedly stopped and a chain re action caused the others to hit' one another. Other drivers and cars involved wen* Dee Howard ing for North Carolina at the $20 million U*veL Holy Week Services Set Carolina Publio Education. From its offices in Chapel Hill, the Association works with sehoo’ board members and s:^hool ad ministrators at the local level *The late Dr. Guy B. Ph Pins o>‘ Gi’censboro was the prin^'''"! or- ginizei* of the As.sociat'on. Mr WilU-^m R. Poe of Ch.arlottc i:= furrentlv snv.' 'g as pre.sident D'. Raleigh E. Dingman o Cha'fol H11 is the Association’s Executive. Holy Week .services ar(* slated for Wednesday. Thursday and Fri day before Easter by congrega- Waters, .54. of Charlotte, operating. Shiloh and Dixon Presby- <>f|a 1969 Chevrolet; Scotty Norris ^erian ehurche.s; fnrT5n!- T'"'' "r''- will 1... <-onclurto<l ilni r . ■ Wilson, pnstor. at tromor, Ji„ of Wliv cium h in Grover. , ston - Salem. 0|x*rat!ng a 1968 Chevrolet. t The Maunday Thursday .service Patrolman G. WjGollinger wa.s will also be a service of convnu- thejnvcstigaling officer. niun. METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for the two weeks ending Wednesday noon totaled $‘251.90. including $1.5.20 from off-street meters. $120.75 trem on-street meters and $116.09 from over-parking fine.s, City Clerk Joe McDaniel re|K)rted. Sgt. Thomas In. Thailand it^n SERMON TOPIC “The Cros« and Men’s Bur- den«” w'jll b(* the .«ermon lopir of Ri*v. Robert Wilson at Sun day morning worship servi(*es at 9:30 at Dixon Presbyterian churclb ■ :/ . ■ . Total sales of Series E and H Bonds and Freedom Shares in January amounted to $5,616,033. a decrease of 7.6 percent over sales in January last year. Cleveland County sales, accord ing to George Blanton, Jr., volun teer chairman of the savings monds program in the county, were $6C,073 in January. Chair man Blanton said, "With the higher rate of interest now be ing paid, U.-S. Savings Bonds are a better buy than ever; and salt's ' should increase sharply in our i county.” O" The new rate of interest paid on Series E Bonds is 5 percent, w'hen held to maturity of 5 years, 10 month.s. H Bond Interest has been increased to 5 percent when held to maturity of 10 years. R and H Bonds purcha.s(*d prior to June 1, 1969, will rt'ceive com parably higher intert'st rates for the remaining period to maturity or extended maturity. U. S, AIR FORCES, Thailand— U. S. Air Force Senior Master .^*r- geant Robert M. Thomas, son of Mrs, Mott A. Thomas of 103 W. Ala Ave., Bessemer City, is on duly with the 4258th Strategic Wing at U-Tapao Airfield, Thailand. W To Sergeant Thomas, a Strat(‘gic Air Command administrative .su perintendent. supports 8-52 Strato- fortross bombers which daily at tack Viet Cong targets and KC-1.35 Strn(ot:ankers which provide re fueling lo fighter, bomber and re connaissance aircraft conducting the air war over Vietnam. The sergeant was assigned at Gunter AFB, Ala., before arriving in Thailand. Sergeant Thomas, a 1948 grad uate of Bessemer high school, at tended Pheiffer College, Misen- helmer, N. C. HLs wife, Barbara, is the daughter of Mrs. Robo t Carpenter of 314 Ware Hill Drive , Montgomery, Ala, ' o

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