Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8.256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9,300 •^4 Qvi*at«r kiftgi MouatalB flvura !• tram UM •pac^rl united StotM luranu of tiM Cansus ranort a laavary 19M, and locludaa tka 14,990 papulatlan a Numtoar 4 Townthlp, cmd tha ramcdnlng •.114 Iran Numbar S TawaiMp, in Claaaland County «nd Crawdar* Tomoahip In Ooataa County Kings Mountain's Relioble Newspopoi yOL. 82 No. 13 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, March 26,1970 Eightieth Year PRICE TEN CENTS 0>'- ore Candidates File; Election Officials Announced H ‘f HOW BAKER STREET PUBLIC HOUSING WILL LOOK — I^n room, dining room*kitchen are downstoirs and the bedrooms .xircbitects drawing of the i^ine buildings being constructed on [Baker Street The nine buildings will contain 21 living units as follows: three one bedr<^ .m apartments, 10 two bedroom oport- Iments, six three bedroom apartments, and two four bedroom apartments. The two story buildings are garden type—-living and both are upstairs. Each apartment will be furnished with: a gas furnace, gas stove, gas hot water heater ond electric re frigerator. Construction is now underway by the Kings Moun* tain Public Housing Authority. ublic Hearing On April 14 On CBD Re-development Plan « , . r,!! \ City Annexes nearing 1 hursday Jeven acks Registration Books To Open On April 4th Eleclion machinery for lh(‘ May 2 Democratic Primary was sel uj) thi« \ve(‘k with the appoinlmenl of jud^ies and registrars by the (.’levoland County Board of Elec tion.'. Registration books will open .April 4th in each of the county’s 2C precincts. The books will be open April 4. April 11. and April ISfh from 9 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. April 25lh will be Challenge Day from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. In the Kings Mountain area, precinct officials will include; East Kings Mountain: Mrs. Nelle C. Cranford, registrar; Cla- von Kelly and Mrs. Harold Gla.«s. I judges. I I West Kings Mountain; Mrs. J I H. .Arthur, registrar; Mrs. Paul Patterson and D. G. Littlejohn, judges. Bothware: Mrs. Alice E. Connor, registrar; Mrs. Carolyn Hicks and Mrs. Aileene Herndon, judges. Grover: Mrs. J. B. Eili.s, regis trar; Mrs. James C. Scruggs and Mrs. Lola Beam, judges. ROBERT Z. (BOB) FALLS (D) House of Representatives unopposed COMMENDED — First Lt. James S. Dye of Kings Moimtain has received the Army Commenda tion Medal (First Oak Leaf Cluster) while serving with the Infantry In Thailand. Lt. Dye Is Commended & tOn Clme Ervin Ruling Wasn't Appealed, Only Award Issue ; Buford Cline did not appeal the Superior Court ruling against him ! by Judge Sam J. Ervin III on the I points-of-law litigation. I His appeal on the Ihrce-mem- ber commission award of $31,500 for the 93.3 acres the city con- , demned for the Buffalo Creek dam I site is scheduled to begin in : Cleveland Superior Court, also before Judge Ervin. Thursday, Clerk of Court Paul Wilson said Wednesday. Tuesday Night 4' PQBlIc’'hetfrlhg on the proposed plan to revitalize the central business district will be held on April 14th at 8 p.m. at City Hall. The city board of commission ers Tuesday night called for the hearing which follows a previous hearing held recently by the Re development Commission. Mrs. Hill's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Florinc; McDaniel Hill, 57. North school dietician, were held Monday' mtorning>t Kings' Mountain Baptist church of which she wa.s a member. Rev^ James M. WiLier officiated; at the final rites, and interment: was in Mountain Rest cc^metery. .Mrs. Hill died Saturday morn ing at 7 a.m. in the Charlotte Memorial hospital after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage Friday night. She became ill Friday night after attending a perform- ROBERT JONES (D) House of Representatives unopposed In another major matter of busi* ness, the board annexed seven more acres into the city Two property owners — J. Fn’d Withers, owner of a portion of the former Charlo.< A. Goforth, Jr. property on Phifer road, and, , ., , _ .v , . t»-,i JaX-s K. Amos, who livos on!""'' widow of Dr. Abol L. ifill., Edgomont Drivo Exton.sion, hod Mountain modual doctor; petitioned the city tor annexa tion of their properties, which limits ! Roger Williams in Char lotte Coliseum, along with her son and daughter. She was daughter of G:^itiier Hoyle and Ada Brown McDaniel First Lt. J'amos S. Dye, son of sevT a Dye of Kings Mountain, areerman in the U. S. Army Last Friday was the deadline for Mr. Cline to appeal the points- of-law ruling, in wliich Judge Ervin ruled the city needed prop erty to the 744-foot contour and nfantr)', has been awarded the j p,.y^ceded correctly in filing its Vijny Commendation M e d a 11 (^.Qndemnation action unctor state I rather than under city charter provisions. First Oak, Leaf Cluster) orvice in VhaLand. Dye is now assigned to Fort kson. S. C. He jo:n>d the liny 10 >'eaiS'ago. rhe citation of merit, by di- lion of the Secretary of the \ my, reads: Several other condemnation ac tions have been filed with hear ings pending before Clerk of Court Wilson, Mr. Cline is involved in one of PROJECT MANAGER—Lynwood B. Thombs has been named project manager of the Consler Street Urban Renewal Area. Lynwood Thombs Project Manager The Kings Mountain Redevelop were formally approved after pub lic hearing. The board designated the month of .April a.s Textile Futures Month in Kings Mountain and Mayor John H. Moss appointed Comm. Jim Dickey to chair a commitU'e. including Comm. Ray Cline and Comm. W. S. Biddix, to work with industry leaders in promoting tex tile opportunities in the city. who died in 1947. Surviving are two .sons, Karl Abel Hill of Gastonia and Nor- on IvcCompte Hill, student at N. C. State University in Raleigh; ind two daughter.-^. Mi.ss B(*( ky Hill, of the home, and Mrs. Leo Bryan of Atlanta. Ga.; three brothers. F. A. McDaniel. Sr. of Kings •Mountain, Dean McDaniel of Kings Mountain and Robert Mc Daniel of Oxenhill, Md.; three sis ters, Mrs. E. E. Marlowe and Mrs. Jac'k Arnettc, both of Kings Moun- Neisco. Inc., commented, after the action, that 65 percent of the city’s work force is employed by industry and that annual wag(»s in the various industries in town Dickey, supei'intondont of ,ain, and Mrs. C. L. Hope of Gas tonia; and three grandchildren. West Precinct Democrats Meeting , West Kings Mountain Demo- amount to SIO million. He said,,.,.3,5 will elect a new chairman, ho would propose that the various Apiil 4th at 10 a.m. at a precinct I industries display the products at City Hall made hero during the month and' MajoT- business of the meeting I For exceptionally meritorious | as a partner with W. K.' permission was grantee! for mdus- will be the election of a chair service whMe serving as Execu- Mauney, Jr., in Double B Ranch. appointment of Lynwood B. ^ rnan to succeed J. Oll e Harris, :ve Officer, Headquarters and ^ Other acjion.s have fieen filed Thombs as Project Manager Facilities Building \\ ho is running for Scat No. 2 in the Cansler Street Urban Renewal late April. : the North Carolina Senate. He Area. As manager he will coordi- board voted to rezone a lot will face Democrat Grady Tlioni nate relocation, rehabilitation, against Ambrose Cline, John D. Ileadquarlers Department, Spo- i cial Troops, Korat Detachment i Cline and Coleman Goforth. during the per'od 11 March 1969 ; 10 4 July 969; and as Self Serv ice Supply Officer during the period 15 July 1969 to 20 Febnu- ary 1970. ‘During the.so periods, First Lt. Dye’s outstanding perform ance, personal integri'ty, and loy al suppo.t lo Planning Board OK's CBD Plan on S. Gaston strct't owned by as of Shclbv* in the Mav 2 Dem- property management and site im-; Davis for neighborhood ociatic Primary. Winner of the provements in the area. Mr. Thombs is a Kings Moun tain native, son of Rev. and Mrs. Leo L. Thombs of 316 West Ridge The city planning board last! street. A graduate of Compact his” commanders vveek certified the city’s plan for; high school, he will receive a business to R-6. Mis.s Davis ex- Primary will face Republican pcets lo build a re.sidorrce on the Jim Atkins of Gastonia in Nov- f Coutinned on Page Suo ember. MRS. HARRIETT R. EVANS (D) County Treasurer unopposed Lutherans Set Sunrise Rites K(*surreclion Lutheran church congregation will hold a East('r Sunrise service at 6 a.ni. Sunday! morning al tlie church. The Chan- i eel Choir will sing “Christu.s Re- surrexit.” .A congregational break fast will bo starved after the ser- j vice. Falls. Jones. Harriet Evans ^ Are Home Free Last F'riday’s county 'ind town ship o.iiwC filing deadl ne pro duced (igiil more cand.d.jtes ;;nd assure! ie:urn to Raieigh cf ivvi* in., .r.heni mcir.hers cf Lie X. C. House oi Kcpi .scntalives and re-clc^iion ct the incumhent tr<asnre., r.;)nc cl v\ horn had either Domc^.iatic or Ri, ablicai. .^posit on. A^ cxpc.-ied, th.e conU'sl foi the two s.at.s on tlie c:»uni.' ocard ot ( ommissioneiattract ed the most attention, as fa,” as iho number of candidates are i konerned. I ^ Eight ca.ndidates .‘j e v e n Demccrais and one Republican I aie seeking th.- two seats on the i iboaid. i Tiiose who have filed include Incumbents R. E. (Po. ) Simmons an 1 C. A. Greene, both Demo- ; crais. Yates Smith, Jr of Giover, Myers Hambright of K.ngs I fCf ntiuucd on Page Si.) ) Sparks To Preach Sunrise Sermon Rev. Ca;l V. Sparks, pastor of First Wesleyan Methodist ( hurch. .\il! deliver the sermon .Sunday morning at the compiunity-wide Easter Sunrise service at M :n- ora! Park ot Mountain Rest, C(metcr>. The traditional rite will begin: at 6 am. In event of rain the ! scr\;.e will be cancelled. j It is .‘sponsored by tlic Greater , King.< .Mountain .Aiinisterlal As- | soci.M'on. Prior to the .service the Kings j •Mountain high .s.hool JhassI Chcir will present a prelude ol ’ Easter music. Musi- fn.- tlu serv o is under the diiec'inn of Band Director Dnn:ild Deal. Mrs. Toe M ,.'luri.' and .Mrs. Hen T. Goforth. Var (MIS minisUns of tlie com- | mumiy will participate on tlie i p.ogram. [ TRAFnC NOTICE (hitzens altendin.g the Sun- ; day morning Kast(*r Sunri.sc* .ser- , vic(* ar(‘ asked lo us(‘ the Suber flate on E. Gold street. All j gates will be open to walking i traftic but only tin* fluid street ‘ entranc(» will b(‘ open for \e- ' hicU'S lo enter, according lo announc(*mcnt by (’emclc'ry Sui)t. K(‘n Jenkins. Boy Scouts , will distribute pmgrains and ; city jtolice will direct traffic. Dr. Paul AusJe.v. pastor ol First Presbytciian cluueh, wiF give tli(‘ invoc itiiui an I Dr. .Fiiailes Edwards, pastor <F Memorial ARP clnarji. will read tlu* scripture and pray Mie morning pra.Ncr. Tlu* Kings Mounta n high s; lioo] Chorus will sing f!)o anthems, “Wiien Pin World Became To Wake' Old “Eaily In the Morning." The congn'gation will Join in the 'dinging of ‘Chnst the Lord Is Risen Today.” / PHIL RUCKER (D) For County Commission BOBBY STONE (D) For Boord ol Education FRED M. SIMMONS (D) For Board of Education Spring Holidays Begin For Pupils Spring vacat ons - from-books for Kin.^s Mountain district stu dents begin on Friday. The students report back to school on Monday, April 6th a 10 day respite. Zoning Board Declines Request 01 Chairman To Build Apartments Dixon Built First Golf Course to^significant contr butions. i f^^^ntral business district redevel-1 B. A. degreojn Business In 1931; Now Back In Business led While serving in his capacity as Executive Officer, LI. Dye was responsible for the initiallon ctf a now, improved maintenance program Which resulted in im proved weapons and chemical equipment maintenance. When caljed upon to assume the duties as Self Service Supphi Officer, h:* Ix’came responsible for the effective operation of the Self Service Siipcly Center and the opment and approved it. j tration from Saint Augustino’.s The parking committee, headed Raleigh, N. C. in May. by Bill Brown, met Friday and I school he was a member of the Chairman Brown reported Council, Bu.sincss chib, committee feels it has a feasible, By MARTIN HARMON grass on concrete pads. Kelly Dixon, city codes a.l- Construction ol* the course is ^ , . , « . ministralor, is back in business expected to rts-iuire about five Phi feta Lambda Bu.sinos,s Fra- ^ hasn’t known since- works, workable and economical plan to; r^wnt club of Phi Beta, ^93^ built the nine-hola Plans for tin* Deal street in on stallation were drawn by Fiank Hinson. Mr. Dixon could not rcca'I tin' owner of the 1931 covrse. but did I’ocall th.it John Wray was m-"’ T'V' t M.v • acquire free auto parking areas! ^*'^ternity and the Veteran club, miniature golf cou.se located He sensed as tutor of business Mountain street on tlu subjects in the colleges tutorial then-vacant portion of the park- program. iqi owned by Kings Me. nta.n A U. S. Navy veteran his two Savings & Loan association, year tour of duty included as- in the uptown district. Federal funds are not usable to provide parking areas. Chairman Brown said the com mittee anticipates creation of a'y^^r tour of duty inciuded as^ Foimcr-Ma or Dixon w::i sii- Clothing Sales Store lor-^te’ at non-profit corporation to &f^uire; Naval Air Station building of an IS- a small building adjaceni (o tfie Camp Friendsh p. Lt. D.VG as- property and develop the prop- Island San Diego Calif carpet putt-putt golf couive sdo.N.nlk whene golfers paid the sumed this as.signment willingly ' erty for parking. ’ aboard the U.SS Hancock at the Dcval street recreation cen- t.n-cent fe<\ picked up their (CVA-19) off the roast of Viet-!^‘ ' inamediately west of the score cards, and bought soft nani swimming pool. drinks and snacks. Mr. Dixon Estimated e.vj-'enditure voted by said, “Mr. Wray sold a worl.1 of He is past president of the the city commis.sion Tuesday parch(xi peanuts." Youth Council and a previous del- night is S4783. Ma or John Henry Moss said egate to the National Christian Carpet golf is a bit fancier, the caipet course ties in with the : Education and Youth Council Con-1 than th.' sand “greens" Mr, D x-| city’s aim to provide recreation , vention of the Bynum Chapel amp; on built 39 years ago. Carpet 1 facilit es from very youn^^ to 1 Zion church. golf greens are green, artificial ' senior citizens. Dr. J. Frank Davis, n'tiic.l Lu j theran minister of Arden, N. C\. is j speaker far Holy W('ek seiviet's and P'asl(*r .-^c'rvices. Dr. I)a\ ir [ will b(^ .sp(»ak('r for .Maundy t Thursday communion .services at ' 7:30 p.m., at the Sunday morn ing .sunrise service and at the| 11 a.m. seivic(‘ which will f(*alurei the Sacrament ol the Li»rd’s Sup-j per. ! Thi* Chancel Clv.iir will sing ^ ■■.Mhduia. Christ Has Triumi)he(r*; at tile 11 a.m. .service. The Youth Choir will sing W(*sley's “C'hrisl ; The Lord Ha.-i Risen Today" al 1 the* 11 a.m. s(*rvice. I Thi* int(*rested community is in-j vited to join tin* local chinvh ' grouj) in tln‘ six*rial .services. and spent many aiduous hours of hi.s own time to insure that he became knowVdgeable in all jjjLspwts of his d. ties. During the ■ nure of thi.s assignment, Lt. *ye was instrumental in the lurn-in of approximalelv $125.'K)0 worth of clothing and supplies (Continued on Page Sie) EASTER PROGRAM An Easter piogram in three parts will bo presented Sunday night at 6:30 p.m. at the Church of God on East Pa-iker street. Rev. T. O. Dennis, pas tor, invited the community to attend. SERMON TOPIC Dr. Paul Ausley will use the .sc'rmon topic. "H(' Has Risen" at Sunday morning worshij) services at First Presbyterian chur.:h at 11 o’clock. Special music will be pre.sent(*d by the Junior and Senior clioiis. The eity zoning board Monday] night dccliiK'd request of its chairman, P'red W. Plonk and Hal S. Plonk, owners, of a 6.3 acre tract al the (*nd of Oakland street to [K'rmit building of an apartment comi)lex. ' Memb(*rs of the board were in vited to make a motion to rc'zone lh(* properly. Wlu'n no motion was made, members were invited to mak(* a motion not to rozone the liroiH'rty. No motion was made. Chairman Plonk .said members [iresent reported “considerable op position" had been e>|piessed by neighboring property owners who complained they had purchased proix'i’ty in Crescent Hill with the impn'ssion it is limited to single family dwellings. Fit'lds Young and C. B. Cash. Slielby developers, had sought op tions. provided re-zoning could be obtained, for 90 and 120 days and planned to build a 2t>unit complex initially of twob('dr(M)m and Ihrce-bcdiooin apartnionis. ROTARY SPEAKER — Senator Marshall A. Rauch of Gastonia will be guest speaker at Thurs day's meeting of the Kings Mountain Rotary club ot 12:15 at the Country club. Senator Rauch seeks his third term in the North Caroline Senate.

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