V PopulattoH ' GreMer Kings Mountain 21,914 jCity Limits (1966 Census) 8,259 ity Limits (Estimote 1968) 9,300 r /Ci .^4 Oi««t«r luifft Moiuiuda Bftut to dtvtotB tr«9 til* •PMsrJ Ualind Stqtti Bureau •! Ik* Ceusus retort • loavdry IMI. oad lucJudM the U.ttO populatloa • . irupibar 4 Tewothlii. m4 iba otIbIm ••Ui itds Ntttobei 5 TdWBtlilp. la Ctoeeload Couaif oad Crowder' ”-’*-*»* Tiwwmw til oimoa Couaty. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Pages Today VOL 82 No. 14 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, April 2, 1970 Eightieth Year PRICE TEN CENTS :s LS V Buford Cline Dam Site Litigation Over At $33,500 Greene Out Of Board Race;|" Books W31 Open Saturday Democrats Now In Field For Two Seats Clinics A. Orcone has with drawn his candidacy for ro ck.iion to the county comrr's- sion. Commissioner Grccnc said his cmocrals, and Bob -Mane;, RopubUcan. Crmm. Grct'ne’s withdrawal statement follows: “It‘s with dfcpt'st regret that I must announce my withdrawal from the County Comm ssion Race. Tile leason for my delay ing so long to announce was due j to illness in the family. “With this continued illness, ong with expanding business (ns, and upon advice from my ctor to slow down mysel’, I am forced to make this great decision. Mv fam'ly’s health and my job must come ifirsf. Thero- foit» with all this on me, I do not feel I could give this earn* palgn the w'ork and time it de serves. “I trust the voters will serious ly-study the candidates for this important off cc and on May 2 tlort the two BEST men for the “In my opinion this will bo the most important County Com missioner’s race in the P^st 2o years and probably the next 25 voar.s.*’ J ^^doi Democrat Precinct Meetng Saturday (’hairman J. EVANGEUST — Rev. U- A. Me- Manus, postor of Grover First Baptist church. Will be evangO' hst for revival services begin ning Sunday at Oak Grove Bap tist church. Oak Glove Revival Opens I Rev. U. A. McManus, pastoi of First Baptist Church in Grov er, 'Will be evangelist for revivai servlu's beginning Simday at Oak Grove Baptist chuich. Seiviccs w'Ul be at 7 p-jm. each evening through April 12th. A special pre..schoor pro;rarr for ages four and fiVv .s plannee for the services. A nursery wil be provided for child.on tlirei ind younger. Gospel preachinj ind special singing will be a fca lure of the scivices, announce Rev. Russell L. Hinton, pastor. Rev. Ml. McManus is a grad uate of the University of Soul^ Carol na and Southeastern Bap list Seminary. Before coming t^ Grove;*, ho was director of dr velopm.nt at Gardner Webb col lege in Boiling Springs. He serv- j <*d for some time as associational I superintondept of Mission in the Ollie Harris has Eastern Assoc atlon of N. C. and celled a special meeting of the West Kings Mountain precinct TVmoerat.s for 10 o’clock Saturday morning at City Hall. in Camden, S. C. He is a formci pastor of Bear Marsh Baptist church and North Rocky Mount Baptist church in Ektslcrn North Registration For May Primary ' Three Saturdays ! Rpj: stra^ion hooks tor the I May 2 Democratic Primary will open at the county s 2S voting pie'cincts Saturday. The.e are no changes from recent elections. l2orks will remaii cp''n for three Satu’days fro-n 9 J'm. im- til 6:30 p.m. April 4th, 11th and ISth. April 25th, will be Chal lenge Day from 9 a.m. until 6 p. m. Eleciions Board Chairman Ralph G.'lbert said election ofL'i- cials will remain the same. Kings Mountain aiea precincts, iheir locations and officials are: Bethwaro, at Botluvare school, M.i*s. Alice E. Connor, registrar; Mrs. Cai*ol\ri Hicks, Democrat Judge; Mrs. Ailcon Ho:ndon. Re publ can Jud,e. East Kings Mountain, at C^ty Hall Courtroom. Mrs. Nell C. :*i*anfoid, registrar; Clavon Kel- y, Democrat Ju:Ige; Mrs. Har old Glass, Republican Judge. West Kings Mojintaiii. Nation- al Guard Armory, Mrs. J. H. Ar- hur, Registrar: Mrs. Paul Pat erson, Democrat Judge; D. G. -ittUjohn, Republican J.dge. Cmver. at urovor Rescue quad Building, Mrs. J. B. Ellis, •egstrar; Mrs. James Scruggs, Democrat Judge; Mrs. Lela leam, Republican Judge. Waco, No. 5 Township, C. M. Murray, registrar; Mrs.’ Ruby ipurl ng, Democrat Judge; Mrs. Vlaurine Moore, Republican Judge. Members of the Board of jQleclions are M‘s. William P. rheon. Democrat, Gold street. >hclby, and Paul Vogel, Ropub- 'ican, Duke street, Shelby. Chairman Gilbert reminded dtizens they must be registered o vote and advised citizens who lave moved into now precincts ince tbo last county-wide elec tion to obtain transfers. mi MICE AND PUMPKIN TO PERFORM — The children pictured above are among the seven mice and seven pumpkin who will perform a song and dance routine in the Little Theatre produc tion of "Cinderella" Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon in Central school auditorium. Mrs. Ray Holmes, holding the wand of the fairy godmother, appears as Cinderella's foiry godmother. Standing/from left Joanna Rushing, Gregory Wesson and Yvette Roberts. John and David Gront are the "mice." (Photo by Isaac Alexander) "Cindesells" Appeal Hearing Toeh Two Days, Ended Friday MARTIN HARMON I 1 Bukird Cline was to accept the jury award of S33,500 for the 93.-' aero tract required for the Buffa lo Crock dam site*. City .-Mtorney .lack White said Ml. Cline’s attorney had said Mi Cline would not appeal. In fact, at Wodne.sday noor Cit\ .\tt()rncy VVliiio was on route .^:ie*lby. to de posit with f'lerk o' Court Paul Wilson the e’ily’s chock lor 53073.67 — halante duo or the* award le» .Mr. Cline. The city, following ruling of tlio Clerk of Court ana the apprais- , al committee, depeisitcd in ese*row with tlie Clerk the S31.500 ap praisal committee award. ! I The check repre'sents: ( 1 I Tlie $2(100 difference between' the* iniliil award and the jury ! award, and , I 2i Inten’st al six {wreent on i j $33,500 from September 17, dalel ' c£ taking by condemnati»n e>nhe‘l I Cline traei. This amounted to ! S1073.6V. Hearing in Clenoland Superior ■ APPOINTED—^Edward H. Smith is newly-pointed member of the Community Advisory Coun cil of the Small Business Ad- ministroUon. Council Taps Ed R Smith FJdward il. Smith has b'^en nppo nted a member of the Com- court .‘irforo Judge Sam J. ^vin Advisory'coun.-d of the III on the Cline apDoal of the sn,a,| business Administration. Kiwanians Oppose Consolidation Purpo.so of the meeting will be ^ Carolina. te) re'ccivo the resignation of the j — Cliairman and to elect a succ(*s-; ON DEAN'S LIST sor. i 'Buford Pressley, senifir oco- Chairman Harris Ls a candidate noniies major at A & T Stale for Slate Senator and announced; University in Greensboro, was hi.s decision lo resign when pri*' listed on the dean’s 1st for marv.opposition developed. Grady^ the first s..mester. He is the Thomfts, of Shelby, filed against j son of Mr. and Mrs. Plato Mr. liarris I Pi'ossley of Belvedei’e Circle. [C«xtiie Plants Are Sponsoring "Opeia^on Future" During April 'IVxiile manufacturers in the < lx* aimed at familiarizing people Kings Mountain area will join | in the area with some of the wilir mills throughout the south ' opportunities available in textile in \j, month-long recruiting cam-; plants, he added. aimed at attractinir now i Accoiding to the Amorical Tex -'workers lo the Text le Industry, tile Manufacturers Institute . .. , ^ i.TrriTot- !Which is sponsorinir the overaW Called ' campaign, the Kiea is to achieve / titt* campaign IS scheduled for j united simultaneous ac- April 19(0, an is tion the kind of massive? expos- <'d joinIl> by local textile man- ^ake everybody ufaBturers. Sponsors include : ^ . ]<.b uppor.uni.ies it Oxford Industries, Duplex Intor- providcs. chairman o I „a..w.u.i Divison of Reeves Bl*oihers, Inc., Mauney Mills* ffamJick. ■\t>unev llusierv Minette Mills. , ATMI s pul,lie itla.ions comm.l ■,*1 cm-ulinu fiiVowins. amonK ! 'vHo w,lh ••.brealmn couutu. .her le.v.iU; companies in iiie /-bsirman C. P. Lin’d is eo- • ('hairman of the promotion, sold “kImo Smilh. up nu:-.'ox inter. : “We don't expect tliat Operation national, chairman of the local u ure wll mimcd.atmy resuh c.unp.fyn. said the hidustiy.wide Ilong lines of job candidates a eamp.aisn .slogan will be, “Get a PuTu" ,1 ‘ In Te.xHles" "lat it will alert people, partieu- ■ ”AMd the'ie ore many g„„d , Jouns P<;ople, the undereni. jobs available, Mr. .Smith said.|P>“';d «ml he tmcmploy.^ o it,- e,.limated there are some ^ be fact that textiles offer stea.ly 10.000 job openinss each year in b’bs, tbe kinds of satisfac ion textile manuf.r turin?. Textiles, ' bat resul from doin.er wor h h said, employ .seme 10,000 peo- ''’b‘'‘' work, and opportun.lies for pIc in Clcvclanl Count.y area a-. lone, rcprcsont'n.g -a major por- i Cha.iTnan Smith said the local c<'nlage of all Indu-strial employ- campaign will bo aimed !^t per- {sons of ail working ages, but wMso .specific goals arc being s(*l the heaviest concontiMtion of llin number of new r- o^lc activity will probably be largct- to be hired. Mr. Smitli said. “Op- | cd at young people in the pro- efotion FVturo” stands for First cess of choosing a vocation. ‘United Textile Recruiting Effort, j Although the industry has '^o. many of our activities w'ill I (Continued 0**- Puuc Day Care Group To Meet Tuesday Tiu' Mayor’s Day Care com- nittee will meet Tuesday at loon at a luncheon meeting at han.y, Tom Bair, Gary Adam 'On, Jim Jenkins, Kylo Smith ind Don Jones. COMMUNION The Sacrament of Holy Com munion will be oKsorved at the 11 a.m: morning worship serv ice Sunday at First Presbyterian church. Dr. Paul Au.sloy will speak on the subject, "A Mem orial’*. ]|y MARTIN HARMON The Kings Mountain Kiwanis club at its meeting Ia.sf week a- dopted a resolution opposing county • wide consolidation of schools. The action was (akc'n shortly after announ(*em<*nl by the Shel by Chamber of Commerce that a sub committee on county - wide school consolidation had been ap- appointed and would confer on the subject with the County As sociation of Govenimenlal Offi cials. Donald D. Jones. Kings Moun tain district schools superintend ent and president of the Kiwanis club, .spoke briefly, without rec- ammendalion for actioi\ on the f'oiitinuing consolidation propojs- a1 1 Currcntlv. Suiierintendeiit Jones | fold the Kiwanian.s, Shelby and! Cleveland County district schools are “up to the w’all” on debt service for capital expenditures, whereas the Kings Mountain dis trict is not. No n'cent action on the con.sol- idalion que.stion has been taken by tile Kings Mountain district board of education. However, pri or to the !\Iay 14, 1969, vote on .supplemental lax equnlizafion. the Kings Mountain hoard put on the minutes a motion opposing county-wide con.solidation Peiformances Friday, Saturday Ti'c cuilain w.i: go up on “C.'ii.;U icHa”. a llr.co-acl play by he Ki’ig.^ Mountain Little Thea- rc, K.iday night at S:15 p.m. in J.ntral s-hool au litoLum. L -Tiu-at: c | la>'.*is—iargi aast ot adults an ! chddrcn will .’so p'.Tseru i:ic '..cli-knfj.vn j !'airy‘':.a adaplidon t-y (r!nr! for thiidicn 12 and un ’er. S' lgi crews wore bu-:.- leudy mount of proiierty involved, dude: 1) Against Ambrose B. Cline. 100 acre.N. 2) .\gainst John D. Cline, 59 acies. M.. .‘“hn th. son of Mr. and Mr.s. E. A. Smith of Kings Mountain, is a radio commentator on tex- i tile news for several North Car- ; olina stations. He i.s a former .hairman of the Cleveland Coun ty Rep.'droan Parly. Cline, 136 Jr.. CRD Committee Meets Thursday The central business disiriet morning I :i\ Against Buford p.m. All I acrer,. 41 Against W. K. .Mauney. and Buford Cline, owners of Dou b!e E Ranch, 247 acres. 5) Against Coleman Goforth. 14V ncr(*s. Hearing before the Ck'rk of' redrwlopment project commil- Court has been conductetl in lliedt'c will meet at 7:1.5 Thui*sday s.enoiy (»n xcsUidav' as tlie John D. ('line ca.se and ruling of night at City Hall. •3st was holding 'ns.s ; diear.'- the clerk on poinls-ol-la\v que.s-' Rdl Bi (»\vn. cliairman of tlu* :\s. Cosiumis had arr v-’d from tions favored the city. Appraisal, siT’vrommiitee. \vi:l :*e. lickr.ry Co.siimic C’ lvpa-iy and (•(unmi.s.sioners have not been ap I f>n resuiis of a recent meet- >01, d: ec^^'i* pointed in this action. ; of his committee. ;n. C.iN:i,;in''j Si.xty-seven pro|H*rties re(|uired Charles D. Blanton is j'roject hy the city to build Hie Buffalo; t^ommitte,- chairman. Creek water resevoir have been acquired, 66 by negotiation, one by eondemnalior action. ■’-Irs. Nan J an G was (listrih lirg f ‘.r.d s;a;>,(‘ srlCng.-t reflect the nrried in wIC.ii Cinder(ila wat. dom*. An ad'itmn to the phiy is p ’nus:ca] number hy the seven i CHAIRMAN - Au®n will i0’,“:"’Au- j Rldck Nomiuee serve OS chairman of the Kings j, dioren^raphor i Mountain Cancer Crusade tor the month ol April. Allen Heads Cancel Crusade “Tliis F’^ay is not written ihnvn l 'o the child's level", said Mrs j G ant. “It's a play both aflult.s For Award VFWToEled New Officers .M«mday ni' iH will be EKvtion ,,, , ,, ^ I Night at Frank B. Gla.ss Post .nd cdildiT., w ’l " lx, ’Vrir '^’1. Veterans of FotelRn W.ars. iiiu rniioit.i \% . lap.N. lAIi-s. IMli.ai.'t Hla.k was a mim - Mrs. Giant, the former ” Nan net for the Outstanding Young Jean Gantt. :s a speech t!H»iap!st j^fjnc.ator Aw'ard for 1969-70. in the local school .s.vstom. She j yj, of foui ^ a giaduate of Plonk School of nnminoes chosen from tne .,ex Larry Allen, drafting instructor Creative Arts ajyi Sta’ey Col’ego jngton City School system fur at Kings Mountain high school,.^1 tlic Fpnken Word. Fhe appear- Annual Jaycee Awaid. will serve as chairman of the -'’d on si go as “Aunt Paddy” Out of a faculty of .33 at Dun- Amcrican Cancer Society’s Cru- the Little Piientre’s ihsi pro- intcimrdiate School Mr. sade in Kings .Mountain during dilation this season, “Curious i^ia^k was chosen to The h.x equalisation proposal' mon.n u, .p. u. ^fu-age, was defeated by a largo major- Allen announced this week being part.ayi^: b two n(’*.v- . chairmen of the various commit- cfimers to the slace: Il.illh? .^helby district is authorized lo tec's for the drive. Ward Hustetler in the fem.i'o levy a supplemental school tax ujad and R( b Wicsener h'< h cf 40 e<'iits per $100 property val- Thoma.s F. Burke will serve a.s ..pj-ir, x’ Cii/in- uation. Kings Mountain'Is au- industrial chairman and Jot* , / x thorized to l(*vy 20 cents per $100. Smith and Bob Webster will be (toHrmurd On Pag - Kmhf) and the county district is author- business co-chairmen. Mrs. Nor- represen his school. Mr. Black joinei Dunbar faculty last August alt er gradauting from Appalachian State University. Tit winner of the award was .Miss Hulli Parks, a f flh grade teacher at Holt Srhool. now* com pleiing 12 yc'ars of service there. ized to levy none. ORDAINED Rev. Jerry Lough- ter* ton of Mr. curd Mrs. Wood- row Laughter ol Kings Moun* toin* hot been ordained os pas tor of Wakeminister Baptist church in Raleigh. He is a sem- inory student ot Southeastern Seminory and resides with hit wife and two children in Woke Forest. Folk Musical Is Saturday "Tell It I.^ke It !s,” a fc’k miTsical about God. w'ill be pre- sente! h\ tlic y'u h (hii s of Fir.*^! Baptist and Bctlilchein Baptist Chunhes. Satiudn niglif. April i. 7:30 P..M. at the Grace Methodist Chur.’.i cf Kings Me 'Ttain. Written in tlie laii.gua i rhythms of todjiy. this mus cal ■speaks of the problems of youth j in the fa.st movir.g society cf Hu* , 1 seventies. Ralph Carmi hael and [ j Kur' Ka se;* have comlrned tlu'iri talents to p ovidi* understand i- ^ ble music with a clt*ar mos.sage. I j T’le popularity of “T !1 It Like; It Is’’ is shown hy the laigel man McGill. Jr. will serve as .serv ice station chairman and .Mr.s. Shirley H. Hudson as beauty shop chairman. Mrs. Waller Harmon. Mrs. Fharios Maunev and .Mr.s. George Thomassan will servt* as residential (*o-cfiairnien. Special gifts chairman will be Mrs. Jo(' Smith and Miss Helen Logan will head tin* .schools committee Rc'v. Robert Mann will ser\i» as chair man of the conimitt(*e on church es and Mrs. John Ulieshire will liead the commilu*('on civic clubs. ’ Mr-*. James E. ileindon. Jr. i.s and <'k‘'tit*man of permanent moinor id funds should be her. Cynthia Robinson Top Speller In City-Wide Bee, To Regionals Meinbt'.s will elect new offic- '*rs in post balloting at 7 p.m. md suppe will be served after the elections. C’>mm:inder Harold Glass will picsklc. Dover To Speak To Rotarians John R. Dover. HI. excnilive with Dov<*r T(*.\tilc Group and a Shelby lawyer, will he guest speaker at Thursday’s meeting of the Rotary club at 12:15 at the Countr.* club. Mr. Dover will use tlu* sub- icet, “Sweden O’d and Now**, as he presents a travelogue e.f Sic.'kholm, Sweden which he i-('. •ently vis ted. Warren .Stock'on and Ten tin* pro- and memorial gift.s forw'ardcd direcHv to i numbers of pec pie who attend .wherever the musical is p(*rfoim ‘ ed. .Musical accempaniment is pro- j vided hy piano, string bass, an’ “Wc» hope to (‘xceed last yi*ar’s contribution.s’as this inonev go(‘s toward .^upp.irting re.-eaiah. edu cation and servict* to Hu* caiuvr Iialient”. said Chairman Allen, lie cited statistic.^ that one of Cynthia Kay Robinson, 13-year- old Central selKKil eighth grader, is Kings Mountain’s ('hampion Troti have arranged sp{*lle;. , gram. Miss Robinson outspelled five Duver holds a B \ j ) f other school wdnners* Wednesday 'e f om ijn' c-.vcv , f to earn Hu* rigid to represent the ('Trolin.a at Ch ’rcl Hdl, •It in the c’har. >itc Observer- ^1^' Itas served as a eac tn and ;p;)n«or( I Keeioncl Bee to be! it* .‘^lie’t'\' presbva r' *-! lold in Ciiarlot'e April 17'h. '*• *^ a rpem'ux.- r f Winner ot the Observer B('e will i C'evelaml C'* n n t v Iloa'da’ parti(*ipate in the national finals d Hu* {*t(>>(''.in'l c' 'tintv in Washington, D. ('. Welfa '* Bnavd. m M'le C’e* e. Top spellers, who had already ^^‘1 Fv-* rive boon their respective school win-''*'' df' '-i- 'mi Pi-tv lU'rs, participated in the city-wide Oldest Wednesday al the Kings Mouidain Administrative Build ing. 'rile slud(*nt.‘^ wa'n* a.sk(*d to He sd"\'c^ on ho‘^»'d i-f d'la^’ors n ■*" M-d^. O * M I*s. F ttnio'i \ )tie*vd Bank ae-t S'le’b • s A‘- I nan • 'atM'n on be boa*it fd laOMA'i, B >*<*1, : every four Americans will event ually develop cancer. .-Mien, his wife, Dianna, and their two daughters. Ang(*la and Laura. n*side at 202 North Box spell too words and write Hu*m Stiukludm. vt*d(*n ‘ind 'm ! I drums. Allen Jolley, minister music