i Thursday, April 30. 1970 Rev. Mr. Willis Interred Here THE MPUNTAIN MWAI-R. KINP5 MQWWAIN, N- G —"■■■—• hwi I'liiicral rili'S fiir 1!('\. V\. M W'.llis, IIS, ri'liicd .\.ss(). i.'ilc lie- I'onticd I’i-.'sl).vloii;in iniiiislri. ucir I'.iiidiKdi'd .Sill iird.i.\ iillfi ii.iiiii III r.'iii CI.'iAu'ii. A!!l iisscni l)ly .iriiuiiils, ulicr. In' Imd rc.sld c.i siiur rl■li|■(■llll■Ml. III iiuriindird Tliui'sdii.v. Ml. Willis u:/i Ivvicc Mi.'inicd, liisl ill till' liilc Mrs. I.illiim Bilker Willis, III Kill;,'.- .Mnunliiill. Siirvi\ in;.| are lii.s wife, a daudfl. Ill, .Mrs, Don (Inissel. ot .\eu ^■(lr!( Cil.V. and a .son. li.ni Willis ot lloiinoki'. Va.' liii/il was in Mountain Kiwt l•enlele|•y here. IN REVIVAL—A revival is now in progress at the Church of God. corner of Porker and Gas- tort Streets, with the Rev, Claude Crain of Htitheilordton. evangelist, doing the preaching. Services ore being held each evening at 7 p.m. along with special singing. The public is welcome. “Downtown. Inc." Meeting Tuesday Officer Dodge Said Assaulted George R. Walls Passes Monday Youth Summer lob Applications Open Kin;,'s .Vlounlain city patrol- Ceoige Itasliy Walls, 73, retir- man, Itoberl D.idKi-, wx-, rcixirted-. oil te.xiile worker who res ded at 1> Iissaulteil by a man all(.,i,'odly 602 N. lllh .Stre<‘t die88} Downtown hii.';in(*ssni<‘M and twnninmiol projHM’ly nwrirrs will tiicri in lin* i ily Hall Connoil riiatnlx’fs .it d:dt-' l*.in. 'i iicsila>. 'I he piirpn-a- ol tin* incclin;' is l( fliNcuss organization ol' a lo cal I)<*vol 1‘ tn "DovN'II- tc'vMi. lui-.” in oi'doi to pn»vid(* a inaUi- (U'W.lcil to im|n Ac iiicnl a:i;l i.;i.«li.*n Oi oin .'on- lial linsincs i»i-itrn I. Chuck Hoyle Is Selected For Academv vicinity of West .Scliool f'lK-.sduy afternoon. Ben f. Kendrick, bi), of Gr.ver has ta-en identified as llie man taken to ,|ail and cliar^’ed with carryiil;' a concealed weapon, as sault /n an officer and resisting arrest. Bond was set at $flll). ,y.cording to Police Cliief Tlio- ..VlcDevilf, liis department rc'- I a camplaint around noon a man was cursing and . aloiiiii.g yoiingslers will, a .Surviv ng art' his widow, Mrs. pi.stol on West .Mountain Street Gosnell Walls; one son, Thomas i near the scliool and Patrolman Walls of Charlotte; daughter, Dodge, a molorcycl.' policeman. Mis. Maytx-ll W. Martin of Bes- was di.spatchi-d to tin- .seems The semer City; one brother, Herman man was leporlcdly apiiroached Walls of .Mariella, .S. C; sister, at Dixon Cliev rolcl’ by Officer Mr.s. Tossie Cox of Greenville, | The Mayor’.s committee, on Student Summer Employment will be at the Armory again Saturday to accepl application from high scIvkiI and college students for s/immer employ ment. tlirr Wall.s an.I Walls. .Minerva Center The eommitfy.- will attempt to "many” a|iplicants to sum mer jobs iiml, iti the instance of college students, to jobs in the fields in which they are study ing. Franklin L. Ware, chairman, said .5() liave already registered, 40 girls and 16 boy.s. Parents of cxillege students unable to visit the Armory per sonaily should provide the com- mitt.>e addresses of llieir chil dren wlio wisli summer employ ment. He said application forms will bo mail.'d them. JohnDawlqns. Dies-Tuesday* John C. -Dawkins, 48. of 209 N. I Cansler St.*, dind aXiesday night in Kings Mountain Hospital. Tno of Di.xon whrvrol. t, Ini', have ;asJ K'Uirmd fiom C.iarU..i(. Vvtit'.f iln‘y n* ceived Ih.d r|ci.»iiS on la- lu v (,'htvr(.!ot *- o :o ho iiiiJ'-'- duot^.l laio i.iis '•i ' . Charlie Dix >ri iasm for the in \v lai — currently eod(* name(l XI' SS7. ‘Tile n(*\\ lifUi* (’he\ is an (‘xeiting an.I posi:i'.« an.vAcr h» the demon.stiaU.'d ue<'fi for .1 .’Ninall, oeonoM ii-al, {lural)le, sale, comfortable and well .styled car built in Anicii.-a h. American tastes.” lu siiiti. Al.-vO atti'iiilih.b; llu* day hmj4 meetin;4 lr«nii I)iN*m Chesi'ole!, Im., were .1. ’1’. .sale- •Mana^^er, I'l. liaid .lo u's. I’atrs I .Mana;o‘., J)(iu_,l.i.> Vaii>ro. .service Mana;^er; and s;ilcsnu*n Kohert (ioforth. Paid Dowi. .Mickey Hell, and VV. K. Sh-ne. Jr. ' "CluA'r ali't iiA'itcd i1h' full managemeni team ol oui {U*aler , shil) to tiie meeJin^i so w<* cin ^"Ct a fa.st stall on preparaiion.s to give maximum sali*-'. sm-vin amt parts a.-isislarici' to cvima cIinIo ■ tnei th(* day du' new lilllc e:'! guiv on sale.” Cliaiiii said. Till'Cliev iolt‘t dcalci s:i\' Uu-* "little c.'ir that <'\er.\ thing well” will C’liiK in a lull lino «)! I foul difh'n'iii li-d :oi m. all witli fr«m! huckcl .'leats as staiul- aid equipment Aimed Robbei Hits Seven-ll and llii-m .Mis. Hell., .loiics. a p.slol a- giiiiisi lici In-.id, gave the Xegm .11'iiii‘d rohlM-r tlu* less lli.tn $lttl in I'.ic .Scvi-n ll casii drawer .1 biiul HI o’llo. k last Kriday iiH>; n. ihi'M wiiliiicil liiin get .nm -I gris-ii Fold lu.-iipii-d by liirci .itiii-i' men mill a woman irimhii-d as she vvaUlicd • pci'I IIW'I.V. Mrs. .loiuv\ is sole cleik al Ill, siin i- al I ill* 1 .me. .Sill .s.ii 1 111! Ford was eillier a lliiin 111 PliiT nicslfl. il mil ilic firsi linn- llii- slo i- iia.i l.i'i'n \ il Iinii/i'il. ,\ .-.i;;ii was pir.li d iili ait tu j iiinii.li- .igo .Mana.ge, llcii t'rir. ill sill, liy llic .Seven II ovvncis. llu- .Sinilliland Coriior.ilion nif.r- iii.g .1 yii'li) rivvaid for nppre-hen. sion of an,vo,i|. inn ,glai i/iiig anv i.f .Sinilliland's many nnils. Jirsepli ('liaili's ‘V'huck'’ Hoyle, .son of .Mr. and .Mrs. Gene Hoyle of Kings .Moinilain. Koufi- 2, ha.s lieen notified lliat lu- lias been sclecU-d for adnii.ssion lo tlie U. S. ,^ii■ Force .Vendeiny from tlie list of (|ualifiei! allemales to en ter llte corps of eadi'ts in July. Ills appoinliiieiil came tlirough I'iin.grcssinan Jami-s 1'. Iliiiyliill. t'luiel:" will repiirl Id the \e.id(-m.v in Denver, Colo, on .lime 20. .y memher of tlie .senior i la.s.s at Kings .Mountain Ili.gii School wliere he will gradunli- June 3, lie is a senior eounsellor for De- iioTav, president of the MaTTi Club Dodge who .sjKike I.. Iiini nnd the man in turn siruek the officer in the mouth willt Ids fi.sl. During the .scuffle, a pistol reportedly fell from the man’s pocket, Chiet Mc- Devitt des(ribin,g the weapon as a .22 caliber revolier, fully load ed. Tile ihief also .said the man wa.s carrying a box ol shells. A seconrt officer, TItoma.s Reyn- S. C.; one granrkliild and 'icat-grandeliiklren. two i MORE ABOUT Kiwanians (ContiniH'il From Puf/e Onf) CBD Contract Now Signed Son of Mrs. Julo Dawkins of King.s Mountain and the lafe John Dawkias, ho had been em- ployed by Kerns Brothers Truck- Ing Co. in Kings Moupntaln for, 27 years. | Survivors include his widow; one son, Sgt. Jolin C. Dawkins, ill oi the U. S. Army in California; one daughter, Mr.s. Gunethu r-alLs of Kings Mounttdn; two sisters, Ml.ss Beatrice Dtiwkia.-- of Kings Mountain and Mrs. Elizabeth Rob erts of Gaffney, S. C. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 Thursday night at J. W. Gill & Son Funeral Home. The body will lie in state at the Mt. Zion Baptist church where the final rites will be conducted at 4 o’elock Friday afternoon. Rev. Howard Shipp will conduct the rites and burial will be in Mt. Olive Baptist ehiirch cemetery. Time on NeptuM Because the planet Nep tune rotates at high speed, its day is 15 hours and 48 minutes long. It takes 167.79 of our years for the planet to make one revolution around the sun. . <1 Fast-Growing Tree Paulownia or princess tree (named after Anna Paulow- na, princess of Holland) is the wstest-growing comtner- cial wood tree in America. A seedling can grow 20 feet in a season. Forced Diets In 1336, King Edward If of England ruled that certain servants, merchants and artisans could eat only one meal of meat or fish a day. In 1443, in Scotland, pies and baked meats could be eaten only "by a baron or higher ranking noblemen. (iimpanied by Mike Hardin; imi-i alion by Calvin I’oH; and song olds, arrived on Hie .scene and thej dance by Angelia McAbee. man was taken to jail Love Sezvices Scheduled Today Clayton Chailcs Love of Burl- wood ltd- Charlotte, died Ap.il 2S in a Columbia Hospital fol- Division II, whieh ineliides first and second graders: .song and dance by Kim Gladden; reading, Margaret Carol Bennett; ballet, .\nn Harbin.soii; vocal solo. Kim Dixon, accompanied by Mrs. Al len Di.xon; balon routine, Robin Harry; tap dance duet. Penny I'.n.sley and Sandra Stockton. The City ot Kings Mountain on Mr. and Mrs. Lueo Jenkins trav- tered int.i an historic agreement eled by jet Wedne.sday It Mom- with the Kings Mountain Rede i phis, Tennes.seo for a few days! velopment Commission Wednes- i visit with their .son and daugh- day in Hie .Mayor’s Gffic«>. I ter-in-law. Bill Is a medical stu-1 Mayor Jolin Henry Moss signed' dent at .Memphis. 1 for and in behalf of Hie City and -— Redevelopment Commission Chaie;’,1* 19''''"''*-’* his goal of working: man, Carl F. Mauney, executed | „ ® ’h(' Citi- Never Assumed Dulles WilUam R. King, elected vU.S. vice-president in 1852, never assumed the duties ot bis office. His death occui- hd soon after he was ad- binistered the oath of office. member of the sludent council luvvi;.g a six-iv<-eks illness during and Natiiinal Honor .-toeiety. He vvliieh tirne lie was a patient 'ti lelli-red in football and nl.so play-; R‘‘';'‘'’yti‘iian fIos,.-ital. Hie agreement lor the Conimis- j Kings Mountain, sion. The Cooperation Agreement pave.s the way to commence work on the $2,l)l)l),000. Central Business District Urban Il field and the late Belle Barbee Dui tla.--- Jolin Sineox; d inee. Jae- kh- Wray. Sii-ie Blanton, Tony most -S.’iOO.OtiO over tlie ne.xt four! years to improve streets, side- vv'alks, and utilities in iho dowm town area. However, a major portion of the city sliare is plan ned to be pnivided in alignment of the east and wc'st exiensions of Mote, .Vf.iry Ross, Teresa Hot.-ell, Gold Street which will be' aecom- Mis. Cannedy« 90. Rites Wednesday Funt'ral .*-ni. tmni Ilupewi It llaptist C)fl<*n*i will h(’ a ftnir pass('ii;*('r i L'aur. .1 with tin* Da-v. ('. V. ■f?('(lan, a l*»ui passfii.Ljci' hatt’h-Oacms dIT t-ialing. lnte fixed hv tho and Paul Love of Sandra Movire, Ronald and (Jene Sipes. Division V, liigh school: band. I The Musical Ueviovv, composed of ' MiLo Boone, Frank Barber, Mike State Highway a stei> towards Ltiye, he was a member of First .Sndth and Ed Goforth; piano so- HiiiU'd M<‘llvKlist Chun h in Chat -1 Douglas Fetnn.stor; vocal solo, D(-lioi';ili Burns, aecomp.Tiiietl "by Cindy Alexander: organ Dennis Ifuffsliekler. solo, Hamrick pli-shed by the Commission ns completion of Hie Tiioroiigiifare Plan lor llie Cit.v. Tlie most sig nificant project iniiirovement to be accomplished by Hie Cily wifi lx- the undergrountiing of all util ities in Hie downtown area. Joe Laney, Itedevelopment Com mission Director pointed out that I this is the last item needed for 1 .submi.ssion of the fintil plan for ' the Downtown Project to the At-! ; lanta Regional Office of Hie De-1 I partment of Housing ahd Urban’ Development. He anticipates ini-' , tial land acquisition activities to Richard Greeno, principal of | begin in approximately two East School, has sent a memo- montlis which will start' actual randum to parents of students 1 work on tliis long awaited nro- vvho will be in the first .grade' jeetj Orientation Day Slated May 8 next year reminding them of orentation day which will l>e, tile maxi state.” he said, "but mum rales .shuidd bt fret* (*nt<‘r]>rise dt.* flu* ri'st.” President Ray -Holmes noted d- irliille; two .sisters. .Mrs. -Me-I held in the East School lune ■I and letil-*’’"’ "f -'stanticld and Mrs. H<-ni\' Mcllciny of Charlotte. May ,S. at 1:30 1 le'.ui:ie.s of .le. ii ho. .Surviving are fe, r sons, .-\lon- z 1 C:in:ied> ofSIuihy, Woe.lrovv ' Kilis .-iiid .'-iHrinicl of ■ I’iri.-ie; gainst governnient laxiii;; eliuri'li' :i i, I'l.: f. ii, (l.uiglilers Mrs propi-rt^ lieing esc! lot worship Eul;i M le ’I. rrl'ill e; I.;iv\"’.hile and worlv. .\iid lu’ .-ai-i lu- will' .Mrs. Moi.le .\I. Dovvi-ll e id Mi's oppose Iin.v elloil to do il on a l .-\lheii.i R.ili!ilo:d of l’liil:ui-' stalewidi- lin-is. ■ p!t;;i. Ihi., ;ind Mrs. M i/eil (,.ei’i He Ills- e.dle 1 fur :i | or-.nim of Kin;;s .Mountain; two sis'eis with niori teellr li- ole oi ii; pel M s. Rena Crosli,V' ol (. Ievi',;ii , lution. "In reoenl monFi.- vve.'-iiiio and Mrs. (Fa I’,,vers o' havt* lu*ard ;i lot ;tliooi k-'epin.;i leti-.'. r; '2.' "r:in;I. Irldien. i the air <-le.in.'’ De .s:ii,l. "lint Hiat 're.it .-Aivinvli-iiildren, .'hi llial the lirooni sale wa.s going well and more hrooni.s an' avail able. I.ii ns Jolin k’eiiv i.s and Jim Do'.vni'v were confirmed as jiresi-1 dent and .si'creliirv resiie.'tivelj to take office on Jiilv I. MRS. MAUNEY KOME Mrs. Jaeol) P. Maune.v return- ed home Wednes-ia.v after two weeks of treatment at Cleve land .Memorial Hospital, .Shelby. She had suffered a heart at tack. room on Friday p.m. I All bovs and girls who will be \ in the first grade at FJast School shoul l attend with at least one parent. Birth certilicaes and medi( al forms may be brought lo the orientation if they wcie 1 not laki'n to the pre-school cl n- \ ic. he said. - This agreement l.s the first of its ’ Itimi to be e.xocutcd in Cleveland County and Mayor Mo.ss painted out tliis is another significant Keep Your Radio Dial Set At 1220 WKMT Kings Mountain, N. C. iTews & Weather every hour on the hour. Weather every hour on the half hour. Fine entertainment in between rlect d()e.*in’t uu'aii vvt* should our vleaii vvaloi.” Previoii.sly lu* vvi'iit tai n'v'oril to lower tlu* v.ttiug a i«‘ I IS, provitit'd ills 'uaikod up with an in-.sehool eiluiaU*»it il p' endorsed a jirugrani ot im. '''i' awareju*.':' al iu< ‘•liMit'i!';! .sehool i(*\i*l. ftniple I wii'i • f » i . er enf(n‘ei*nu*ut ol tlu l.iv.- a . gainst dope puslups. l!i ;il> la vors an ordvrly aii^unioui o: ihe school distrii-t liiu's lli il aHI eii-j able Kings Mt»uni;iiii student ' !'>' attend Sv*hool in Kin ’* .\liiuuiaiu without paying a tiiitiini. Stinu- now living in tin* ciiv are aetual ly in Gaston ('ountv aiTtT*iTuisi pay the luiiion let*. a.* well a.*; pay (Liston Ptuinlv selmol laxt's. Plonk tia*-' al.‘:o tavure l a siiulv ot Habilitv insiiranet* rates, lavors rept»al ol tlie tax on .st»Il drinks, and gasoline. ;i/l movin.g license plate fee's bi<‘l\ lo vvlu'rt* they were a year ;i/-. and gent'ral' broadening and t'x/a/s|ui of mental lu*aiih /icilities. gi oai- I andv hikheu a n d tour j ir:it-g:e;it grandc hildren. Crawford Buys Building Peimitr. .1. \Vd 111 v'ra w teril |)uri-liase Hirec cit.v liuildiiig pcrmil.-i du '.iig tile 1 -i-U week. M'. t’ravvliiril huuglil pi-rmils li Imild lliree siN-.'iom rcsiilcnie' at SO!!, soli. an.I 900 I'riiicotoi Dricc. Estimated iiisl of each is .SI 2.300. Primitive BiiiH.st cluireh. cor Iter of I..amiing iiiiii .'sims streets houglit iiermil to add a bathroom estimated to i-ost .StiOO. MOUF Aitour Grady Seism (('oa/bn/e,/ Ptif/c OH('i .VO/,’/-; Anni r Education fCantiniii <1 h'rnin Pnift Oik f the 19br art, wliieh pul beard of odueation members on an elec tive non-partisan liasis, rather than by appointment til ilu' (;«*n- eral Asst‘mi)h. Tlie Stalt* Board of Klt*,dions agrt'C'd. Mr. Uilheii said, insiruet ing him tt) obtain ajdaion.- tt' tint efleet trom .Mtorne.v Wliisnant and (V)unty .\ttf V;il h'se, Mrs. Hen Ham ■ikk. Mrs. Lovt‘lae<* and Mi’’ l’h‘(*rett Lnvelaet* all of Klir’ Mountain. ;i n d Miss Marjorh S. ism ot ."^ht'lh.v. Hands Fuiu*ral Heme was ir, t harg*’ (•! arr angements. nioL'K ABOUT Faye Pressley (CfUiviHi ti I'rttui Pilin' Ou(^ Smith, Jr., nnd .hdm A. Ballew • d Kin.gs Mountain Higli Sehool and .'Steven K. Willis 4>f I?urn^^ ilinh Sdiool. 'riu* fnaldis weie deft*i*mine(' from a .‘jnnip «>f 71 .t|)pliv*ants tn llu* basis of th(*ir rt'suHs on thi N.itional Mdit S-dmlaiship Qua lilying Test. Kligihl, studt'iUs . greduatini '‘r-MVi dt***? anted Irgh s.-hools b Tlu* tliree eandidates n:e \>/ii,. , i!ie Sliel* y ;ir(*a and eh hh'en of It.r two noimn.'iiums. Annual Pre-Season Room Air Conditioner SALE ... and who else gives you 40 HARD CASH Reasons to Buy Now! 19,000 BTU’s Dv^rSe NOW - $259 $40 Regular In-Season Price $299 Your Hard Model 51DF2033- Cash Savings 11,000 BTU’s-115 VOLTS SPECIAL Pre-Season Price Model 5IDF1211 Limited Time Offer. See us now for these Onre-a-Year HARD CASH SAVINGS BENNETT HOSPITALIZED James L. Bt*nnett is a pati«*nt at Dixon lle;irl (’enter of Fliar- lotte Memotial hospital suffc'r ingfroni a 1)1 u-k i.ge of tht* heart. A paeemaker was applied to Ills ln*arl Tuesilay night and his hrolliei, DtHii*- L. lU’inuMt n*- jMjrts hi.s voiutition as lair. iniplose*; of I’PG's .‘‘^lielby Plan ! gi’.ai iting l:'(*m high s.hoo! el.-4tHr'!iei‘e ■ (.in 'Minpelt* for llu‘ ‘ Poinvl.dion's plant eommunit> ‘ S'.'holat ship. I Ib<*\ i''us PPG s{'In»l*ir«;hM> win 1 n. is fiom this ait*a i’r'u '•11 ' j "I’ete" Lynn (n.nv Mrs Skip | Syk<*s of Wilmington L .It>tin Tr a ’ of Oukt rnive-'’'v d” ' Rick; Finger of UNC Chapel Hill. CHILDERS ROOFING & HEATING CO., INC. 309 N. CANSLER ST. TELEPHONE 739-5166 KINGS MOUNTAIN B.E. Re-Elect “Pop’^ Simmons COUNTY COMMISSIONER QUALIFIED BY EXPERIENCE DEDICATED BY SERVICE —Farmer -—Teacher —Baseball Coach —Has taught an Adult Sunday School Class for years —Well experienced and highly fiualified —Man of Integrity —Committed to holding the tax rate while at the .same time be ing jirogrossive —For a better local government for our citizens —(lives practically full time to .the jol) of Chairman —Our la.\ picture is not com- Itlelel.v satisfactory, but we shbuUI take pride in tho fact that we have resisied large in creases while attempting to meet Ihe ever mounting de mands upon our County gov ernment. —Insli’umt'ntal in starting the County Manager form of gov ernment which has proven to bo one of ihe great tidvancos this County has made. —Inslrumental in furnishing dep- ut.v cars —Instrumental in junking tho •‘annual lie” techniques of list ing taxes and implementing in its stead a percentage rule sys tem which proved gratifyingly effect ive. —Inslrumental in forming a much needed county-wide hu man relations council. —Instrumental in esiablisliing the Cleveland County Techni cal Institute. —Supported establishment of a shelter workshop —Helped cstablisli CAGO —Helped plan, adopt, and ap point a county wide planning commission —rnsirumental in establishing a healih planning council o f Cleveland, Gaston, and Lincoln Counties "Pop”, with a look to the fuliire was a great supporter of the .10 cent levy, realizing that in due time a new County Jail and otliei' facil ities would require considerable monies for construction, maintenance and upkeep. This foresight has proven to bo one of the great accom plishments of the County Commissioners. We now have in excess of 800,(X)0.00 in litis fund. Garbage situation: I believe Cleveland County should furnish con- vtanient landfills for all the citizens of this County whether they would like to take their own or contract for this service, so our County can bo cleaned up and be a healthful, beautiful place to live, work, and play. A great believer in, and supporter of Volunteer units of this Coun ty — Fire Deparlmonts, Rescue Units, and Sheriff's Re.serves. Paid For By Friends of “Pop” Simmons IH’CMK cntLil Miss Jam .M is.< bcaamc Towpr.v of Apri sonagp C'fay : ^p.m. ^ Tlip 1 ualp ol Scliool