Population Greater Kings Mountain 2sl,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8.256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9,300 Gr<NXt«r ktags MouBtaio tlffurc U derived Irem tbd ■pec«rj United States Bureau of the Census report o Innujry I9b6. ond includes the 14.990 population e Number 4 Township, and the remoining 6,124 fren Number S Township, in Cleveland County and Crowder* Mountodn Township In Oanton County. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper 1 0 Pages 1 0 Today VOL 82 No. 19 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, May 7, 1970 Eightieth Year PRICE TEN CENTS :) \ji Harris, Mauney, Siaimons, Allen, Dedmon Winners Clean-up Weekend Underway Today City To Haul Miss Alice Averitt S'"*** Resigns Position Morth Principe i Rei Successor; Qllm Changes .Al ii sj)(\‘|;il (jf tin' Kin;::-' .MoMiUiun Hoar.I of Ldiica- tioti li(‘l ( at iHMii yt*st<*i'da>. fhaay.t*.- Ip. .>«'hnol i)i*r.‘<onm*l wove. iMiPit aiul ai'o anil unut'd by I'iu ]'i liniOiMiclll Pl)?l JoiU'S. A iorJin.'.: to Suj)!. Joiioii, Miss •‘I’m* A.orilt, who lias .st'r’oii as sHju'jA'isor of ilu' Ki!i;,s Mountain C'iJy Ii.'k plorJiHl to tako an <‘aiT\' rotiroiiK'nt in oiaier that 'ho may taki* lari' oi porsonal ami Ino ino'.-. ;iilaj;^. tlowan! Hiy.ant, pilnoipal of i Norili olomonl.iry .'<f!io il. \vas| oh'otod l’ rcplaat' Miss y\voritt wliilo Ui.-han! tlriMm, prinoipul of Hast (‘loincMitary scluiul. was I raiisfont (1 to t!u' North olomon' fary s. liool amt wais also oloctod Ihvul Start dlroolor. V. A. Allison, principal of the Kh!;;.s .Mountain .special t'diicallon i r •uicr. wa.s appointed inincipal of Ka.sl. in makin^f Ih<* Jinnounccmcnt vc.sioi'-lay, Sui)l. Junes said; "Miss A\crill has simacsI the Kin^s .Mminlain .school system vv(*Il and i-|:eiiai!\' in lh(‘ oNcrall iiislrue- tional pra.mMui which lias b(*ne- lilcfl tr im lier eir-irts. Slu' has ;n*<>n insinmuMital in tin* develop- meat of m*w pro.i;rnins.” .\ re.soiiilion exiut'.ssin;' appro- eialion tor lu'r many .\(‘ars »)1' dedication and imtirin.4 efforts v\as pas.sed hy tiie hoard. Mi.s-: .\\('ritl. ulp» came to Kin,i;s Mountain in liC)l, has .serv- (':i IP \ears as eilv superintend ent. I'.iMoio comin.Li Ijj IliLs cit> she taiiL;lil in O.xfoid loi nine years in the elementary grades. ■ in jnniar hiL;h ami also was in- ! of valvcil in pre-si-Iio( I work durin;; 1 hr Today, Friday and Saturday 1 iue.o been desi;:»naled as Clean- Up We<‘kend in Kiny^s Mountain' vvitli the {)rojeet divsi^ned to in-1 Volvo all Kin.'js .Mountain citizens- and meritin;? enfore<*ment of the. city's anti-litter policy, accoiding : to yiiaiiman Donald Jone.-;. ^ . PRESIDENT — Frank Hinson has been installed as president of the Kings Mountain Jaycees for the coming yeor. kycces Elect Frank Hinson Mew President Frank Hinson was installed as, president of the King^- Mountain' Jayeees al that gr.>up’s annual: Ladies Night iield Tuesday at the Woman's Club. He sueeeeds Bill. i.'arri^an. Klecled to serv(' with Hinson for' tile m\i year W(*re Larry Alhni, fi'sr \ice president; Robert Left-: wieh. .s(‘eond vice president: John' Mitchell, .seeretary; Jim Clordn- ger, hea.suror; Bill (Irissom. state’ dircM lor; Boh Myers, stugeanl-at-1 arms. The new president is 32 years| agi' and is <'mployed by Wil- , Kendrick. \Vr)rkman and| City trucks will pick up debris eoHccted during the three-day drive and will slay on the job llirougli Salurda.'c in order that tin' project may he* effecr'ive. Spe cial em{)lia.d< i.s placed on ' clcaiiitig up road.s, .sidewalks, streets, alley-i, vacant Iol-> and ■ other areas in t!ie eit.v. Tin? city eammis-ion establish ed ;i (omniilhM' to carry out the iToji'ct. commiilee meail er.s in- Mmlinir Bo\ and .Scout leaders. ])r(*sid(*nK (»[ local civic dub^ and commissi meis who .serve as ward chairman. Jone.s, will) is tli(' overall chairman, i.s Dresi.'linU of the local Kiwaai.' riub. In connection with iheelean-up program, an in-.scliool cleanuji i t»rojcei is being undertaken. Jones said. Using the slogan "Da it now* —Flean Up tlu* Historical (bty”. students are asked to sign a Itledgc which reads: ‘T pledge that I will not b<' ; “tlTro’wIng any kirffroT ’ trash or rlebris on my homeroom floor, in tlie scliool, on tlie .side walks, streets. i)ark.« or anywhere in the e<immuni1y. I will pick up any tra.sli. boltle.s. paper and oth- 1 er litt(*r thal i find anywhere and dej)osit it in a proj)er container. ; I will do anylhing 1 can to makt* my .sck;K)l. my homo and my ’ cf.inmunity a cleaner, healthier and more beautiful place in which to live." C’hairman Join's said anyone wiio has trash to be hauled away may call for i)iekup by dialing file sanitation (k'iiartnient at 739-1 BT31 or City Hall. 739-2o(il and arately and 739-2563. sion charge. 124 Youths Seek Work In Summer Girl Applicants Outnumber Boys By 82 to 37 HONORED — B. P. Cooke ha*; been named officer of the month of April of the Kings Mountain police force. Spring Concert Spring concert by the lour bands in Hie e ly school .system will be held on Thursday, Ma> lllh at S p.m. in the auditorium oi Cential Junior liigh school. Performin ^ will be mc'mkcr.s of the seventh grade baml. the eighth grade b-and. the fresinnan band and Hie Kings Mountain high school l>and. P^ach group will perform sep- there ks no admis- Cab Committee To Report Tuesday; Public Works Building Bids Due l.hi' summer months. Ht‘r learliing cNpei ien. cn haw ill Ki'Han.ss iili’ and I'ahor Fity in aiid tiiion to her first post at Simth Mills near Klizabeih City. .\ .giAiiluah' of Allanlie i'lirislian when* .'he earned her .\.l*. ligiee, .-ilu' »il-^o ri'ceived her .M.,\. .from realmdy C'ollege and ha-; doiu- gradnale vsoik at the Utiiversily of N’.irlh Carolin.i al rhajud Hill and at (Irei'iishero. .Slu* also at- ti'Jidfil Western t’arulina and Ap palai'Iiian Stale Ihiiver.sity. •Mi.-.s Avi'iilt ha.': in*eM a nu*in- her of tile North Fandiiia Kduea- tio'i A.ssociation since entering the teaching jn'()tes.';ion and .''t*i\ed a.-: slate ehairnian of pubiii' n*lation.s .is well as on a numhor of otliiM- M'lv.A eommilloes. .\l Oxford she was lov.il president of ela.ssrooin tea.‘hors, t'urrentl.v .slu* is jiresi- fli'nt of Delta Kappa tiamma. Beta Kji.dkni ebapier. her h'lm to exj)ir(* in June .1as seeretary of i offieialed and interment tlu* N. t. division ol suporvisors i(,jhn\(‘d in Mountain Rest Conie- and directors in.struelion and wliili* ill Oxford .sejvi'd a*; pii‘.':i i deni of tlu* Oxford ehapli'r of the. American A.s.s(M*ialion of Univi*rs-i other i Warren Archiloels of (’harloilo. beei' Member of (have Unil<*d Metho- (list ( hureh. hi' and Mrs. Hinson ari' ptirents of three eb.ildren: Jeff, 9, v'liris. (1. and Belli, eight monllis. He \y- tlu* outgoing prc'i dent o. East School Parent-Teach- ei Ass.udalion and wa.s loei'nlly aiipoiiili'd U) tlu' citywide el(*an- up. paint-up, fix-ui) campaign ominilK'e. He i-'. al.so a pa.st slate director. fir.st viee-pri'sident and treasurer of the Kings Moun tain Jayeees. Reynolds Rites Held Friday Funeral rilev' for William How ard Reynolds, .57, of (iOS (Jantt Street, wen* conducted Friday at 4 p.m. from T(*nipl(» Bafitist Church two-year I ,,j' which he was a member. The ! Rev. Frank Shirl<*v and Rev. R. L. Tlu* city eommi.'ision is expect-i ed to j(*e('iv(* at Tuesday night’s' meeting a ri'jKirl of il.s throe- nu'mher taxi eominilli'e mi issu ance of four additional lax fran- (hi.ses. I Chairman Jim Dickey so s*aid at lh(* .April 2S iiu*(*ling. Otlu'r nienihi'i.*-' of the eommiltee are I'ommi.ssioners Ray (‘line and W. S. Biddi.x, Ollu'r genda: items on the ufieoming a I ily Women. A nu'iiiiH'r of Central Methodi.'t ('hureh, until she taught a Sunday Seliool class and ha.s taught clas.ses of older, youilis, women and mor<- recent-! ly a class of .sev(*nlh grader.s. .Mi.ss Averitt is a native of Cumbi'iland eoiniiy and daught(*r ('f tiie late, Mr. and .Mrs. L. M.' Averitt. 1 tery. Ri'vnolds di(*d Wi'diiesday, A])ril 29, at 12:15 a.m. at Ids lionu*. Son of the !at(* Mr. and .Mrs. Walter 1) Public lu'aring on annexa tion petition of the Arthur Ham rick bd. by till* I'slati* adniinis- Iratoi'. j 2t R(*eeii)t of hid.-^ for eliemioals , for Hu* Bnilalo Cri'eK water treat- ' m(*nt plant. 3) Reei‘ipis of nids for a public! works building. 4i (’onsideration of ri'.solulion of n'spect to Kings Mountain son-i ior citizens. FAYE PRESSLEY ’ R('yn.;ld.s. lie is surviv(‘d by his United wid.nv. Mrs. Evelyn Bolton Rey recentlyi tbyiM* sons. William Rey nold- o Kings Mountain. Richard Reynolds of Oiiorado Springs, Folo., .'uid Jerry Rc'vnolds of fa-; coma, Wasidngton; one daugli- l(*r, Mr-i. Raymond McDowell of (hover; ihrei' brothers, John and Warren R(>ynnl,ls of Kings Moun-i tciin and Rol)(*rt Reynolds of Pho<'- Sunday Services For Mrs. Moore Foote Mineral Award Goes To Faye Pressley City Lot-Mowing Charge $6 Hour The city puJilic work.s de partment will mow and clean vactint lol.s at a elnirgo of $6 per hour. Pulilie Works Su|K'rin- lendenl (;rad> Aelton , said Wi'diU'sda.N. Cili/en.s needing Hu* .servie should phone Hie dej)arlnu*nl olTice. 739 6731. 1 nix, Ariz.; Hir(*( Frawford and Mrs. Ralph David son of Kings Mountain md .Alr.s. . J. ( . McConnell of Cliarlottc; and fivi grandehildien. Mrs. Dovii* Adams .Moori*, S7, of Route 1. Kings .Alouniain. died Friday at 1 a.m. in Kings .Moun tain Hospital. Widow of Hu* lali* Janu*s .Aladi-1 for son Moore, who di(*d in 1932, she w IS a membi'r of Patterson drove BENNETT IMPROVING Janu'.s Bt'nneU. a heart pn lienf at CIiarloHr* Memorial hospital, vsas r('porli’d im[)ro\- ed VA’etlne.sdtiy. Siirg(*oM.s had pul a permanent paeeniaki'r on his lieart. sisters, Mr.s. Tomj Baptist Chiireh \vlu*re fuiu'ral rites W(*re eoiuliieled Sunday al 3 p.m. , with the Rev. Richard Plyler of ficiating. Burial wa.s in the church eenu‘h*ry. Surviving are three .son.s. kkivvin and Frank .Aloore of Kings .Moun tain and Jo(' Moore of Cherry Hill. N. J.; nini* grandchildren and five great graiuleliildr<*n. The family has reijni'sled that memorials be made to Hu* organ ' fund at Patterson (hove ehmeh. Tlu* Scholirsliip I'onimittei* of Foote Miiu'ral ('omtiany has a- wardi'd a .sehol.ir.ship to Kaye Pressley in recognition of her fine sehulastie record in high school and her apparent liiiih potential a .suece.ssful eolli'ge career. Five is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .L V. I’ressh'v. Her father is (‘mplo\(*d at tlu* Kings Mountain ()per;Hions of I'oole Miiu'ial Com pany. Having lieen accepted at North ( arolina Stale llnivigsity. Faye oxpi'cts to major in C'lu'mlstry. After eonijileling lier undi’rgrad- ii ili* work, slu* hopes to continue her ('duc.iiion toward a.Doctorate In either Clieniistry or Bio Cliom- isiry. Fax.* xxa.s ehosi'n as a recipient (Cviithuicd Oh Pikjc A total of 12-t applications for summer employmeiu line hi*en reci'ived by the Mayor’s A'oulli Summer Phnployment eomniittee. Chairman Franklin Ware .said Wednesday. ()1 Hu* total, S7 art* box's. girls, .37 are '■W(» anlieipat.* -ievi'i-al mart* applications fiin* r<tib*go ..stu dents xvlio liaxe been bailed ap- phc.'Hion forms” ('hairmaa Ware added. f’urtlier announcenieni an Hu* '•e Tiiitmenl will be ma.le next vxt'ek. ^ Mauney 60-40 Victor; Harris 10-1 In County J. OHu* Harris easily won the 29th di.striet nomination for the State S(*nale Saturday and R(*p- ; rcsentative W. K. Mauney, Jr., palled GO percent of the votes (*<ist ta rc'pul.so the challenge ot Hal I S. Plonk for Seat 1. 43i'd district. I Mr. Harris, who retired as coro- , ' lu^r to .seek Hu* Senate offici*, won j over Grady Thomas, Sliolhy ac countant, by almost 3 to 1, w'hilo I carrying liome Cleveland 10 to LI Tlie total for the tvxo-eounty dis trict was Harris 9565, Thomas 337(;. Harris’ Cleveland margin wa.s 601(‘ to 546. lii.s (Riston mar- ! gin 3555 to 278-1. ('iiallenger Plonk \|as heavy at Imme carrying Kings Mountain by 72 jercenl, adding the Bethvvare precinel by 2 to 1. eanwing Waco and I'.-iing Grove: bx thri'c. Rut be vv-u- no match for the incum bent in Hie large Shelbx jireeincis. nor RnHu'rtord count,? which returned Mauni'y a 900 vote ma-1 jerity and in P dk whirh gave the' Represent at ix'e a 61.5 vote major- il.x. Mauney‘s Ch'veiand majority wa.-' 7Sr. Tlte loials woia.* Maunev 37.3:> and Plonk 2913. Both (UHealed caiKiidaie.s Iiave ple.dgi J tiieir supjK^rt ti tlu* \x in- ner.*: in the general (.’li'etion in N'oxembe.*. M*. Harris will be opposed bv Republican James Atkins. Ga.'.*- tonia attorney, and .Mr. Mauney’s Republican opponent is A. Hobrfrt Greene. UONS EVENT — Ueutenant. Governor H. Pat Taylor, Jr., xiill be the featured speaker at Tuesday night's 32nd annual Icdies night bonquet. Lt.-Gov> Taylor Will Address Ladies Night Lieutenant Governor Pat fay lor will be speaker at Hie thirty , secoiifi annual laditv night ban-! fpiet t • be spnn.<orrd by the King' ?-lountain Lions Club Tues day evening at 7 p.m. The event is one ol the highli year. Hambrighti I Rulwinkle Have I Run-Off Calls Cleveland County Democrats I are expected to .have opportunity 'o xote in a “short ballot” sec- : ond primary May 30. i District Judge Lewis Bulwinkle, j jf (Jastonia, has stated he xvill I nrike a run-off call against Dis trict Judge John Friday, ol Linc- olnton. who led Saturday’s ballot ing for Superior Court judge of flu* 27th district. .Myers Hambright, of Kings •Mountain, ha.*-’ indieati'd he will :'all a runoff against Phil Ruc7;er, who placed .second in a race lor j fwc sells. Incumbent B. E. (Pop) ) 5imm;)n.s led Hu* six-.^ian race ; and had a (dear majority. Bulwinkh* led in his homii county of (Riston and in Cleve land. but fViriay piU*d a big ma jority in Lincoln to lead Bulwinkle rS23 to 6290, wliile Henry Fowler, j also of Gaston, polled 3174. I Sof'ond runner Rucker failed to : obtain the majority figure of 3105 ly 18.5 votes. j .Simmons pulled 39-57 x'otes, Rucker 2920. Hanmright 213( . Roy ‘^..iLee Dedmon 179S. Yates Smith and W. W. Lxneh 518. In other county rates, Mr.s. Ruth S. Det’mon unseated Clerk of Superior Four! 4269 to 2567, Ills of thei -^IJcn xvon riftimi- nation to a sixtii term, turning Meantime. Mayor .kilin Ilenrv Mo--.s, addrejs.sed h'tlers to polen- jgial employers yesterday. outUn- t ing'Tfte program and detailing i i .succe.ss for the pa.st two years, 'rile letter reads: '] h(' .Mayor and Kings .ATounlain .ity ('ommis.•^i:)nPI>^ iifxui re- : cpK'si Oi' mairy industrial and ! 'vj-:iM(*ss leaders, proudly an- i nounct* Hie (*s1ahli.shnient af tiu* ' Third Annual May«M>’ YouHi Sum-1 mer Employment Program. In for-' ! mulaling this .years commhlee. j the eommissioner.s xvere most foC' : funate to .set-un* Mr. Franldin j AA’are as a third term idiairman Ml. V\'an‘’s experieiu-e \x iHi Hu* ' Employment Security Commis sion made la.si years project one I of till* .sinti's most sueeessful pro : I .grams. AA’e vxere able lo place 325 of our youHi in .some i.ype of em- ploymenl during thi* summer of 1969. Wo are a.gain eallhig on .v.iu I to encourage you to consider the | employmenr of aur xoung peo-' pie. It is estimated Hiat there are in excess of 400 higli scliool and e(dle.ge students in our immedi- ai(* area of Kijrgs Mountain eli-’ gible for emoloyment. In many cases Hiese students need to bi* gainfully employed this summer to lielp nrovi.it* increy ro ,-onlinue th(‘li education this f.nl. 'The Mayor and (’ity C’ofnmis- • sioner.s and Hie Mayors Youth Summer Eniiiloymi'nt Committee an* asking that prixale business and ijidustry help Kings .Moun tain by providing nuMninglul jobs toi Hie.se desi*rxjng young m<*n and xxonu'ii. AVe are lurther requesting that xim let us know what your needs are by filling in the encloscnl job di'scription cards; and w<* in turn will help' screen for possi'nle eatulidales to fill your positions. Plea.st* loiward earils and oth er eorrespondenci* to Hie .M.S.E.P. Fommitlee, Kings Mountain ('itv Hali. P. O. Box 112!). Kings .Moun tain. We count on .x’on to su])porl tlxis worthwhile community pro ject and employ oiir .xnuth. Very truly yours, I John Henry .Mo.-'.s i Mayor Hearing May 26th ' lOn Neiscc Plan Hear.Tirg w ill be lu*If| in federal d;stricl court. .SoLifliein Di.striet of .\ew York. May 2(i al ]() a.m.. on N'eisto. rm*., hanknijn. on a pro posed debtor's arr:ingement befon* Ron Babin, r(*tf re<* in bankruple.y. 'I he debtor proi»oses ilie.si' ar rangements; 1. Af)ML\CTRA'I'l(T\_Ail co.sI> and e.xpi'Msds o| Ha* proceeding are to be paidTn'eash. upon con firmation hereof, or are to be paid as otlierxxd.se agre(*d uptin between the dehloi and the ad* rpinisir.ition credit >rs. 2. PRIORITV F1..A1.M.S-.A11 debts entitled p. priorii.x in payment are to b(* paid in full ’upon con firmation hereof, or are to be' p;Hi.) a-- oHierwist agreed uj)on. betwi'cii Hu* debtor and the jiri- ority creditors. i 3. UN.SKCURED CLAI.M8 — All geiu'ial unsecured claimants shall be paid 12'::', of tbeii claims. wiHiouI ii l(*resJ, In casli uj)on cun.irnuitio 1 o| tins arran.gement MEIER RECEIPTS Parking meti*r r('C(*ip|s for the w(*ek ending Tue.sday totaled 8130.6.5. /.icluding .8115.7.5 from oii-slri’i't meters and Sll.iK) from off street nK'te/s. Lt. Gov. Taylor will bi* intro-' duced by Li:)ri W. K. Mauney, Jr..; who has just been re-elected toi f.ie House ol Repri'sentatives trorr the 43rd District. 'To be held al the Woman’.* i (Hub. I'resldeiil Ray H. Holme i xvill ini’sidi* at tiie (went xxhii'h vxil) open with group s.iti.ging of “.America■’ to be follow(*d by th#* pledge to fhe fla.g vvitli Lior (ieorg(* 3'hornas.son leading the pledge, and invocation by Lion Willie Williams. Bill Bate.< xvill (‘xti'iul a xvel come to the ladies and .Mrs. Mar tin Harmon xvill make the re spon.se. Ray H. Holmes will pre .sent .special guests and after Lt Gov. 'Tajlor’.s addies.s, distributioir of faxors will be carried out with Carl Goforth, \V. K. Mauney, Jr and others in chargt*. Tne group will adjourn bv singin.g “Good N'ight Ladies.” The Lions Club was charfoied in June, 1938 xxdtb 19 charier rncmbi'rs and is a unit of Lions International, the xxmrld’s larg est eixie organi/atio.i. The Lions (’lub is King.s .Miunlain’s oldest internationalK chartered civic or ganization. I One of thi* principal worlds ol! Lions evervxvheK* is sight con-! ':ercation through aid to the indi gent blind, visual clinie.s end' purchase of gla.'.si's f-ir needy .sehofil children. Tlu* local cliibi inis been identifi(*ii with virtually every comm unity-wide rivie ef fort -siner* its organization. back .Marion .8. J mes 5642 to 1124, and M. \V. AA'.dker took the corrner’.*-' nomination 3!)64. over Aate.« T. Mitcli(*m 1741 and K. C. , Withrow 993. Mrs. Mary Um Bar- ; Tier 4587 and Robert Stone 4221 j wiih.stoori Hit* board of education challenge ol Fred M. Simmons I 2806. j Bobby F. Manor is tin* lone Rc- j publican nominee for Hic coun j ty commi.ssion. ! rtampton Childs. Jr., was nom- ; inat(*d for 27ih di.striet solicitor ' over Frank Rankin by 11464 to , 5682. ■ / Legion Election Rit of Hassle; Write-In Winner Ruled Ineligible Two Students Are Finalists In Chemistry King.s Mountain High School has been notified that Ixvo local .students have plact'd in the toj) three finalists in Hn* Competa- five .Academic Content in Cliem- istry. John Ballew and Wa.vnc Swofforef are finalists. First place winner will be an nounced at Chapel Hill on Sat urday. The winner receixes a four-year tuition scholai>hip to UNF-Chiipel Hill. La.st year Rich ard Elheridgi* of King.s Mountain plaei'd first in the slate in ihemistry. Monday’s annual election at Otis D. Green Post 1.55, American Legion, has result(*d in a iiasslc* as a lesult of cm ploy et* Robert RiilT’.' write-in U'ad for eommand- (*r and ordering in' Hie ex(*cutiv(* (•ommillei* of a second eh'clion to be held May 11. The e.xociitixe eommiHi*e inti'i- pH'ts memhf'rship action of Iasi (>clul)(’r declaring an cmplo.vci* 11*6 eligible to hoM nHi<*(* means Ik* is not eligible to run for of fice. .Mr. Riitf. currenll.x nr>T' vice- commaiiiler. i-onlends olherw ise. He sa.X's In* will seek xvrite in •cofrs a;‘..Mii Mondax. meantime [nolcsling till* o!(k*rinc. of a .s(*c. ond decision to “hi.dier L(*gion iuHiorili(*.*,“. •At the (*Ie,-tioii. Mr. Rulf was, accord(*d .5!) wrih'-in liallols. Commander Carl Wilson 4‘) and Bob Dax'ies 29. 'Tin* s(*<‘oMd elee- lion ballot will again li.st Wilson and Doxies Tm' eomm;uid(*r and a ii(‘ for llihd pTici* on lh<* schol arship coinmill(*e l>eiwi*cn Frank lin War<* and (Jraily Howiird. boHi of vxhom polled 64 x'ntes. will lx* .*:elH(*d. .Alyer.s HambrighI and 1.. K. ilinnanl xxert* (*l(*(l(*d. Ruff eonU'iids the e\t*euti\(‘ l•(^mmiHec. xxhicli mi*l Tiu*.sday night, erred 1 • In ordi*ring a lu'w election, 2» in ruling that an I’m idoyci* »annoi lx* (*|(*cto(J to of- rice, and 3) that the Amefican Winners Given From Kiwanis Talent Show Five winning talent acts from Hte tliirteenth annual Kiwanis school talent show presented riuir.sday c'ening. April 30, have b(‘(*n announced as folloxvs: Division I, including entries ■roni tiiircl and fourth graders; .'^oii.xa .McAbee, fourth grade al X<»rll) .''"bool, vacal sole. 'Second Hand Rose'’. 8!ie i.-. the daughter d Mr. and Mrs. Brooks McAbee of 82.5 -econd Street. Division H. sexenth and eighth rra.fles: Angt'la .McAbt'e of the eighi!i gradi* at Central school, in i song and dance routine “If My Friends Could See Me Now”. .She :s al.*:!* the d iuglil(*r of Mr. and Mrs. Broolis .MeAbt'o of 825 S(*c- md Str('t*l. Division HI. first and .second , vradc.s: R ihin ilarry. second .grade • at Grover Sv'hool. a hatful routine “Hawaii Fi\e-0”. She is the daugliti'i- of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. I Harry, III of Grover. ; Division TV. fifth and si.xth grades; Nmelty dance. "The Ilok- Ih* slalctl. “I ha\(* been I'lcclt'd' ‘W P(Jkcy’’ by Jackit* AVray. Susie lommaiuk*!' by Hu* m(*mbers and Blanton. Ton.x' Ahiie. 'D’le.sa How am itrotirsl ing tlie second election [ ell. lionaiil Hamrick and (Jeno to higher Ic'gion authoritii*s. I re- Sip(*s of tlu* sixth grade, (hover, fuse to aece|)t Hu* ili'eisjon ofj Dix ision \’. high school; Doug- outgoing officers on vuiilifig ilioi las Ki*(»msler in a piano .solo ('lection n*sidls for commander, wiiicii was his own arrangement, 1 am I'ligibit* for <'l('c(ion. hut no'".A .Summer Kv(*ning”. Hi* is the (’l(‘cted members bolds offit t* un i'^on of Mr.s. Mary Li'na Byers of Routi* 3 Box .57. The sli.xv xxMs held in Contra! Klenu'ntary school auditorium Thur-sday at 7:30 p.m. Proteeds from the <*venl will In* a| pi ed to Hu* lenni.s court fund at the high la'gion by-laws d(*c!are anx' mem i)(*r in good standing shall lx* able i(; lun for. he eu'dted, and lioM olfjee. til he i.s insfiilled.” Others eh'cled: First xiee • comm.inder. (done Gibson: s(*i*ond x i(*(*-eominan(J(*r, 1, mis SabeiHi*; adjutant l lnance offu (*. J(M* .MeDanii*]; eluiplain, John Gladden; sergeant-at-aims. J;u*kj(* Barr(*tt; a.ssi.<i.int sergi'anl- at-arms, (5(*org(* Hull; liisiorian. David J. l)('U*vie: five-member (*\eeutl\(* eommill(‘(*. Hen 'V. Go- lorih, Ren Hoixl. J. T. MefUnni.'!. Jr.. Vardell N'e:iJ. ami Roberl Go forth. Adjutant Mcn.inb*! .slated: “.M a m(‘(‘Jing of Hie ol'flc<*rs of Otis I>. Green Post 1,5." lu'ld on Tuesday night following Eu* elec tion It was voR'd It) for. 0 again.si. Robert Ruff .ibstainlng to deelare Hie election for commandi'r null and x'oid ’(x'cau.si* of the in^ligl- scliool. Little Theatre Tryouts Friday Kings Mouniaiu I.iith* Theatre will h»dd ojieii try (Hits Friday night ;d 7;3() at the Woman’s ('lub building. Three oiu'-acl plays w HI be prodiua'd in Jutu*. Edna Si. Abnceiit AlilRiy’s •’Aria T)a Ca|>o“, a ill b<* directed by Heb Wjesc*jM*r; 'Tad MincI’s “Impromptu” to be hilily of Rol)(*rt Rulf to hold an din’eti'd by Hugh Smith. Shelby; offie<* and Im* a full time employe George Kelly’s “Tlu* Flattering of the club at the .same time. Word" to he direeti'd by Terry fCiHitium d Oh Pufje Six/ Osborne, Gastonia.

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