Population Greoter Kings Mountoin 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8.256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9,300 •^4 Gitfatfr lung* Mountcda tlgura is trnm tiM •ptcirl United Stau* Bureau of tbo Census repotl • lonuary 1866. ond Includes the 14.890 pepulotlos o number 4 Towosbip, and the remamlng 6.124 Iroa NumMr S Towuihip, in Cleveland County and Cfowdnv' __Mo^tedB Township In Gaston County. Kings Mountoin's Reliable Newspapei VOL 82 No. 20 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, May 14, 1970 Eightieth Year PRICE TEN CENTS * |»fp: .. W' ..s# m iiy.4 1 m mX m 4h. IP I GANTT WINS AIR FORCE COMMENDATION METAL — Sgt. Roger D. Gantt, pictured above, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gontt of Kings Mountoin, is shown being presented the citation for meritorious service while assigned to the 21st Tactical Air Support Squadron, Republic of Vietnam during the period of June 12, 1968 to May 28, 1969. Best Census Guess Wins Herald’s $25 The Kin.i^.s Mountain Ilorald, as 202 Dilling Stret^t, missed tho it has done for the past two 1900 count by two, guessing 8,010. decades, will give a prize to tho 1960 census revealed Kings individual residing in .Number 4 Mountain residents numbered or 5 township who comes closest §,008 while the 1966 census re- to guessing the official 1970 pop-i vealed 8,256. The Herald editor’s Illation count for Kings Mountain, educated, ^ucsi? for 1970 which Twenty-five dollars in cash will include residdhtg !ti the .re- will b(‘ the prize for tho winner, cently city limits extension, is A check with the district cen- 9,300. sus office in Hickory yesterday Rules of the Herald’s 1970 cen- revealed that there is no deadline sus guessing game are as follows: of sorts in Kings Mountain or 1) Contest closes at 5 p.m., Fri- Cleveland County for the census, day, May 29. (Mail entrie.s must However, Harry Carpenter, dis- bear postmarks no later than this trict manager, said bo was under’ hour and date.i tlie impression thi.s area will 2) The conte.st is o|H»n to all liave been covered by the end of citizens of No. 4 and No. 5 Town- next week. ship, with the exc*cption of the Cleveland i>' in a 12-county dis- .«ovcral enumerators in the Kings trict, he oxplain(‘d. and the dis- Mountain area and/or their im- trict enumerations will need to mediate families, and employes be pieced togothi'r and added be- ol the Ht‘rald and their immed- fore any numbers will be reveal- iat( tamilie.s. ed Tlie reports will be processed 3» Entries piust be submittc e taxpayer.- and many other factors. I have concluded that I .should folkm ton there from June ,12. 196S to | r’''"!’''' .May *^8 1969 pre.ssed in their vote on .May 2 ' fhe“"<’vlalion reads; ' 1 . sincere Riat Waste-Usage Law Is Needed To Stop Sewage Odor Problem f, SgL Roger Gantt Awarded Medal In Vietnam Gantt was a member of the j ^ 21st Tacfcal Air Support Stpiad- It.iule ,U», liie maiiy wh*' suj>|H)rt<'d me and my eont*ept oi good and frugal eounly govern ment and to assure them that I shall continue to strive for ‘Pro gross Througli Unity' In (Teve land County now and in tho fu ture. To Mr. Simmons and Mr. R«gor D. Gantt dis- Hn-gttished’himself by heroism in volving voluntai*y risk of life at Ban Mo Thuot Republic of Viet nam, on 19 April 1969. On that ; date. Sergeant Cianlt oh.served a ' Cully armed, fully fueled Army | holaopter crash on take off near 1 „ , . the runway. Sergeant Gantt im-i offer congratulation.^ for medi/teiy ran to the scene to of. and my support for any assistance ho could. With ' furtlier insure their elections complete disregan! for the fact ' ^ November election.’' that the holicopler could have ex- plajed at any moment, he assist ed the injuicd crew members to safety. Tlie exemplary courage and heroism displayed by S<*r- gcant Gantt reflect gre'at credit upon himself and the United States Air Force. KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD Kings Mountain. N. C. My estimate of the official population of the City of Kings Mountain for 1970 is Name Street Address City : (Mail or bring this blank to the Kings Mountain Herald, Kings Mountain, N. C. Entries must be received no later than 5 p.m., Friday, May 29, 1970, or postmarked not later fhan that hour and date. Please type or print legibly the information above.) Gibbs Succumbs After Accident Funeral .services for Robert I James Gibbs, "(>, of 401 West Gold Strec't, were conducted Sunday at T 2 p.m. from Harri.*; Funeral Homoj ('hHt)el with Dr. Paul Af’sley of ficiating. Interment followed in I tlie Glen Alpine Presbyterian i Church cemetery. A retired worker for the South-j ern Pacific Railway, he was fa-^ tally in.lured in a freak accident j at his home Friday afternoon at; 2;43 p.m. when he attempted to' got into his car vVhleh vTSS roll-' ing from il.s parking place ia the I carport. In the attempt, .Mr. Gibb.s' was pinned between the car and; (Conthiucd On Pug-e Eight) | * utxerJK iviory Ann Hoiiser# doughter of Lloyd R. Houser of Kings Mountain, has been topped for member ship in Phi Beta Kappa, the na tion's highest scholostlc honor ary' fraternity at the University of North Caroling at Chope! Hill. She is amoi^ 142 students honored. Houston Black Wins Promotion Cook Was Middleweight Champ; Veteran Kings Mountain Policeman Bynum P. Cook, 53, a veiiM-an I Camp Glenn, near Morchead City patrolman on the Kings .Moun tain police force, iwas middle weight champion of rhe* North Caroltna National Guard in 1938. He was in the ibo.xing arena at PROMOTED — Houston Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L Black of Kings Mountain, has been promoted by Carolina Power & Light Company in Raleigh. Houston Black or Raleigh has Ix'en promote.! by Carolna Power Light Company to the nc'wly ^ created position of director of ' wage and bmmittce, including Com- nissioncr James .1 Dickey, chair- nan. Ray W. Cline an ! W. S. ■iddix, furllicr recoimmcndcd that lie city follow the Code of Ordi- nanct'.s relating to cliange of (Continued On Page Eight) Engineer Says Industry Waste McGill T rouble Rep.ating to the city commis sion Tuesday night. Col. W. K. Dickson, tin city’s con.sulting en gineer. recommi'nclcd the city a- dopl a wash'-usage ordinance. C4)l. Dickson was relating the I engineering efforts to determine^ ; .source of tlie diflicultics at tlie M(“Gill sewage trcatm<*nt plant that ha.s been exuding noxious odors iieriodically for several , weeks. I Ho said tho .source of toxic of- I fluent, which has been killing o.xygen-proriucing algae is being traced.. Meantime, hi' added, an immediate, if temporary, relief can be olitained by liie use of a masking chemical Wdicn algae is not present, oxy gen eontent drops, cutting the nature-given treatment of human wa.ste. “There are ph'nty of beautiful clean rocks out there,’’ lie con tinued, "but we don’t want them clean. We want slimy all the time." i Col. Dickson did not specify , what sliould bo included in the ; waste-usage ordinance. However, ■ ho implied that indu.strial firms putting chemical wastes into tlio ^ disposal .system .should be requir ed to construct holding basins , when he said the holding ba.sin I .system being employed by Neis- ! co's Margrac■' l^asc bid Tue.sday night t cominitice. in wliat amounted to a i»ublic utilities building the a run oli between Grady.,Howard ‘"’ly intends to construct at the ;ind Ki 'inklin Ware. Howard won ' site of tho McGinnis street prop- 92 to Ware 71. The two had tied now occupied by water tanks, for third place on the three-man t'* S26,713. committee in the first I'lection at The:-e were several alternates Dixon President Of Car Dealers * b/iMUEL H. HOUSTON, JR. Houston Named To School Post .Samuel II. Houston. Jr., husband of tho former Diani' Roberts of Kings Mountain, has bien pro- , , , . , moled to assistant principal of . . f V Irwin Junim- High lent of the ( lovcland County N<;w Car D<>al<-r.. A.s.K iatian at, (i^adualo ol Appala.-iiian Stair Charles E. Ntoviolel Co. Dixon of /Dixon I 61 i?acli. Obicchon to Ruff’s vviilo-in candidacy and first election vie- lory bv tlic 13-member o/fivor board was on grounds a full-time cmpluyci* could not, by post vote, boll offici'. Legionnaire Ruff, as- sLslant manager, .said lie had I nut worki'd at the U'gion build ing since the iiiglU of the first I'lection May 4. He .said Com mander Wilson told him iio was .su.spcndi'd. Other officers elected who will 1h‘ installed: a meeting of that group Tucs-! lay night. He succoi'ds Erncstj .logers of Rogers Pontiac-Ciidillai*' Co. in Shelby, j Fred McBrayer of .McBray<*r Motors, Shelby, was named vice- president and II. S. Keeler of Keetcr Motors, Inc., Shelby, was elected sem'fary-treasurer. University when* he earned a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree, he has taught hoaitli and phys- First vice • commander, GeiiC; Throe firms entered bids on a Gib.son; second vice-commander, 756 KVA 3-pha.so tran.sformer. Louis Sabi'ltic; adiutanl-finanee ‘ with Carolina Transformer Corn- office. Joe McDaniel; -ctaiipimn,' pany, of Fayetteville, apparent lohn Gladden; sergeant at-arm.s. 'ow bidder at S.5980 for Allis- Jackie Barrett; assistant sergeant-! Chalmers I'quipment. Shipment is ieal eduration at Fort Bragg for j at-arm.s, (Jeorge Hull; historian, i Promised in 1 4 wcck.s. Other bids: tile past four years, During the Diivid J. Delevii*; five-member j ^^91 Power Supply Company, .summi'r he .s(*r\es as a.ssistant g()lf pm to Bob Kepler at Hound Ears Lodge and Club at Blowing Rock. Uiban Renewal Meeting Slated | Carl Mauney. C'liairman of tliei vingr .Mountain Redevelopment Commission urge's all residents and property ow'iu’rs to attend a meeting at 7:00 p.m. Tue.sday,’ May 19, in (he Council Chamber i of the City Hall to di.scuss the: progress to dale on the Canslori Street Urban Renewal Project. Joe Laiiey, director of tho Kings Maggie Fulton's 78th Birthday Finds Her Happily Reporting For Work e.xecutive comniitU'c. Ben. T. Go-1 ^J****'t*^*k- General iectric'eguip- forth, Bt'ii Hord. X T. McGinnis, 26 W€»eks delivery. $5984; Jr., Vardell Neal, and Robert Go- nncU We.stinnliif>u.se Supply Com fort li. pany, Charlotte, Westinghouse equipment. $7491. 22 weeks deliv- (Continued On Page Eight) .Mrs. M.'iggie .M"Gjll Fulton is cMen .'iskei! liow slu* got-; around like she doc'.- and always seems .so liai>p.v. IT', an easy qiic'.stinn to answer •he .*