f 970 • se . ; s. c.: » Cor-; on oK iv oK Mrs.* Jto 3^ re-: ploy-: I Ma4 m 251* Corps: rls ; first; 'inle.C \v •n iiiv ation^ i dru.4 1 edu; local Mj R Cluii 10 cfi ir clubA' lan irt^ nos iii oday/l inlaw, agent. Population Greoter Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9.300 Ci4dt9r kinqi MouDtcds tiffur* u d*fivt.d Irdin Um •pectrJ Unlied SiatM luroau of th« Ctuu* r«port • ICBUdry 1968, and Includat ttaa 14.9M pepuloUca • Nuratar 4 Township, ond tha ranoinlsg 8,124 IroB Kumbar 5 Township. In Claaalmd Cqunty and Cpdwdnr* MA«tn*ntit Township In Oaslen Coontr. VOL 82 No. 21 * 48^ Kings Mountain's Reliable Newsoapei '.jr Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, May 21, 1970 Eightieth Year PRICE TEN CENTS KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD Kings Mountoin, N. C. My estimate of the official population of the City of Kings Mountain for 1970 is ■ • Name Street Address . City (Mail or bring thl.s blank to Ilie Kings Mountain Herald, Kings Moiintain, N. C. Entrie.s must be roeeivecl no later t.han 5 p.m., Fpidai’’, May 29. 1970, or postmarked not later than that hour and date. Please type or print legibly the information above.; Laney Gives Urban Renewal Report Graduation Rites Beginning Sunday Laiiey Outlines ; Structural Burvey Results GEEPER HOWARD Census Contest Drawing Intere.st GARY ADAMSON «91 ll_ Gary AJamson To Texas Plant (;ary Adam.'jon, general manag er of tin* Kinder .Manufaeturing Company, In.''.. Kings Mountain, plant has been named general manager of the Mt. Vernon, Tex as. plant aeeording to a recent announccmeiii by Ilonald D. Min- /vy, pit'sident of ftie nationwide furniture, dinette and case goods manufacturer. Mr. Adamson joined Kinder in 1903 Hiy a Sites Hepresontative in Nc>vtfMi. Kansas ana" serv'od as Sales Manager there until his y tran.sfer to Kings Mountain in / HKiil. He will replace Nauricc Summeis at Mt. Vernon who has u\-ign«*d to enter private business. .Mr. Adamson and his wife, Connie, will be* moving to Texas in the imniwliate future. $25 Prize Awaits Closest Guesser Of KM Census Ccn.sus gU(*ss. Davis, pas tor of Adams Chapel AME Zion Tiurch and Vc'stibulc AME Zion linrciL will prv.nouiK’O the bene- , diction. .Special music will 1)C renden'd by the King.s .Mountain High k'hool choir. The congregational hymn will bo “Como Thou Al mighty King” wliil(' the high :^hoo) band will provide music the proLxvssional and rec'cs- j sioiiai. RITA BELL Bit? Bell Is Erskine Graduate district manag<*r with the Hick ory census »)illce. has revealed the enumerators .should conclude tlicir work in (dc\cland County by the ond of lliis week. Clove l.iiul Ls in a 12founly district and all (’numerations must be recciv* ed in this an’a b(*fv>re any num hers will h(» revealed. The entire census sltould he completed by Hie end of tlu* year 1970. Iu> said, with final count due about the same time. Winners in the two previous Herald conte-5|s. A. R. Prinee and Mrs.- Doyt, Knll.s, ('anu* clase to cairng tlu* corr«»ct numb(‘r. Prince lui.vsing by .six and Mrs. Falls by tv o. 1 For those wlio are inleri'Stcd, I Hie rules will h(» ri’iicated as foT- I lows: I) Coiib'sl closes at 5 ji.m.. Fri- I day, May 29 and postmarks j .slunild. read no later date than I this. I 21 The (\jntest is open to all I eiti/ens of No, t and No. .5 Town- ' ship, vvilh (’xc(*ptioM of the S(*v- v’lal enunu'ratiM-s in tlu* Kings I Mountain area and oi their im- I ni(*(lial(' r.-imili(*s, employes of : Hie Herald and tlioir immediate 1 familie.s j ,3» Enirii's must hi* .submlltod ! on Hu* blank printed in the Her- : nid'.s Issues or on eopie.s of the , olank which are obtainable at Hie Ili’rald office on S. Piedmont I Avo. D In ea.se of a lie. the $25 will be divided equally among the winners. I .5) Should no tini* guess the ex act numl)(*r, Hu* pi'ison or per- ,! sons cIo.s(*.st to the official 1970 census figure for Kings .Mountain will l)(» declared winner of Hu*' (Cimtinncii On Page Eujhi} aiion include good academic re- i (*ojds, though not necessarily all A’s, leadership qualities anj out- - goin-r personal ties. ' Geeper is the son of Mr. and ; Mrs. Grady Howard of 514 Cres c(*nt Hill Road and iu» has been active in ba.seball, basketball and football. He Ls a nu mber of the stud, nl council, Ke* club, Health j ("areers club, Monogram club and. National Honor Society, -He will be a ji nior marshal. Johnny is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hogue, Sr., of Route 1, Grover and he lias participated | in football. He also drives a ^ school bus. j Graduation exercise’s 'will be held Wednesday, June 3. at 8 p.m in the John Gamble .Memorial Stadium when all participants )n the program will be members of the senior class. Douglas Rasoboro wdll deliver the invocation after which Mis.^ Pamela Lt'O. .'-ocrctary of Hu* . . .Ir., who 'A-ili give Hu- senior addres.s. Princii>al Atkinson and Super intendent Donald Jones will pro sent diplomas to tlu* approxi mately 2(>H graduating seniors, iContinued o« Page Eight) REV. EDWIN CHRISCOE Chriscoe Heads Pastoi's Giaiip R(*-.. Edwin Chri.^coc. ha.*-* heei ’lejted Pr(*sidont of Kiiigs Mour. ain Ministerial .ys.'O.dati >n fu Hu- coming year. Rev. Chri.scoe i.^* the : :i -tor o the Ei.st Gold Street Wesleyai rhurcli and ha.-* served a-* Se.'re fnry and Treasurer lor the Asso viation during Hie past year. Other offJCe^ elected w'cre Rev ■’urti-' Bundjd Mountain Vj(‘\v Baptist Church. Vice President By MARTIN HARMON ] *T.'(c.- homes mean the next | i:nc:afi-m will lu Icss advanlag-. I.” Mayor John Henry Moss lu- lay niglit told a half-hun- Ircd (iii/cns who icsido in the 4V a: :»* Can.slcr .'-trect urban ' Pcc. al area. *T: \\v don’t renew.” Hio Mayor ontimu’d. w(‘ will he a detorior nil) ' city.” til Mayor continued, Hiding, “we ;)cli('ve that wit! vvalcr, sewage tli::pi). il. lu’vv in iustiv, Hur nc’vv neighborhood fa- lilt;., Kiag-. Mount.-tin is going a rii ' lli( M'lyor .'spolip aft<‘r Joe haiK'x-. direct.ir of Hu* Kingft Raintain Rcflc\alojmu’iU eom- nissiMii g:i\ i a j>ro.;r(*-:-: rc’port or ;'.«* . angler strict pr-dect and de aih-d l)(*'icfi; - t< pr.»p(‘rt\ owners Hill limini* whidi Hu* r<'dcv(’lop ’>'11 coinnii.-.-i-Hi will he aale to ’)io\i.l(*. »'f Hu* area dotail- is standard, sub roliaiiilitalito. and T’lie suh-.'*‘andard marked tar acqui commi.-sion, the New Crosstowa i Road Requested Commitiee Lists Priority i Road Needs and Dr. Charles 3oyc(’ Memorial, treasurer. E. Eelward-: Secret arv i Grover Playground Is Ollidally Slated To Open On Saturday Mayor To Conduct Manager Seminar Mayor John Henry Mo.s-; will conduct a gTantsmanship .s<*minar at a short course for city and county manager.*-' to b(* sponsored in Raleigh Juno X by the Depart ment of Local Affairs. Spocificallv, Mayor .Mo.ss has been asked to discuss aspects of the King.' .Mountain neighborhood facilities building project, includ ing grant ratio, requirement.s for A l.o.’c in.'ij •’d i*(*.'idcnr(’s :tanda; l bet •nb-sl.mdaid. oroiierl ics an silion by tin hnilding.s ra/.c? in Winston-Salern. The School serve's a.s a labora tory, not only for tlw? student- selected to attend, but for teach ers and educators. It If designed te jilay a small, but .significant roU in preparing the gifted young people for th(>ir future tasKs of creative leadership. Reed will -'ludy in the area of natural sci ence. Re(*d, It), a rising senior al ; Kings .Mountain Higli School, is a jKomber of the band. Key Club I Health Career.^ Club. Science Club, , Math Club. French Club and the golf team. He was vice president I of his .sophomore cla.ss and an The city's r-ad and streets cc^m* mittee ha^ ’X’eomnionded a list 3f p.^operlies to State Highway ‘omminsion road-building which include.: a new crossiown road .Tom Hie Southern Railway cro.ss- Ing on the Margrac*^ road to U. S. 74 West. The committee, of which Wil liam Herndon is chairm.an, con- feiTed Monday with Highway Commissioner Roy L<*e Dedmon ind Division P^ngmeer Ken -Mau- ney. Additionally, t he (ximmllVee ec’ommendr the widening ot NC 21(>, both north to Cherrj'ville, and -^outh V- the Archdah* inter.-ec- tion, ana asks widening of NC 161 (Cleveland avenue) to pro vide a parking lane in the area ii the neighborhood facilities building Top priority went to the US 74 )y-pass foi whicli Sli)C,(X)0 in ilanning funds was appropriat 'd by the highway commission *01 the current fiscal year, and In* Canslei stri'ei widening pro- icvt for which bids are to be re ceived in the near future. The Cansler street project will itiliz!*-,|the eity’.s s h a r.yj .of HoO.iXMltXjt) in road bond.s luring Hie administration"of Governor Dan K. Moore. The .xing.. Mountain .sliare approxi mate.-; $314,600. Other members of the commit tee arc J. Lee Roberts, vice-chair man. L. E. (Josh I Hinnant, Leroy Blanton and Carl F. .Mauney. going to he iri’cts’’. Ill* tlirown pointed A ITay-ln from 2 to 5 j).m. on SaUnday. M,iy 23, will mark Hk* official ojiening of a community plaj’gruuiul in !h(* town of Grover. .Vnnounc( ments of the play day has been liandc’d ail cliildn’U in Hu* Gro\(*r (*l(*m(*nlaiy .school and posted in tin* town. The Youth Fc’llowshij? (*f the Slilioh and Dixon rrcs!)yl(*riau churchc.s is spon.sor for the (»vi*nl and will .aid. “"My house is pill for and fin t')o old (o start juying for anoHior one.” For the most part, the e lizons listi'nod anri a.sk('d (pu'stions. without i’\pres.>ions for or against the proj(*(t. Council, ol whieh hr is presently vice president of tlu* Student Par ticipation Organization. He is a 'member of the National Honor SfX’irty and recently nam ed a junior marshal. Charles has al.so'bri'n chosen to participate in ilic National Seic^nce Foundation .Summer Honors Program at Hio Lnivi’rsity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. UNDA ELLEN PLONK KIWANIS PROGRAM Thomas W. Harper, (‘xeeutive difector of Kings Aiountnin Housing AuHuv-itv. will make i progr-css report on Hte Kings .Mountain project at Thursday’s me(*ting of the Kiwanis club, at the Woman’s Club at 6:15 p.m. Miss Blackwood Receives Diploma ‘ .'GASTONIA. N. r. — Gaston Memorial Hospital School of Nursing a-vvarded dlploma.s to 10 I senior .students in graduation ! cvr(*monies Friday, May 15. i Am mg the graduates was Miss I Norma Blackwood, daughter of j Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Blackwoid of j King.s .Mountain. .She is also a ; graduate of Kings Mountain High ' Selyjol. DOCTORATE ^ Rev. Hoyle Lee Whiteside, Kin^ fountain na- tive^ will be presented the de gree of humone letters by Elon college ot commencement ex ercises May 24. A Lutneran minister in Burlington, Rev. Mr. Whiteside will deliver bac calaureate sermon at Lion. mals lor small cluldri'n, a h(*av*\* < dutv' si(*(*l ba.skcthall goal, an aluminum picnic table. On order is an eaglet whirl for small cluldrcii. Projcct(>d dcvel- upim*nt of the playground calls fur in.*;talling a climlx'r for small childri’ii and a iiuck a bout spring acHon scc-savv. Then* Is a largo; gra.s.sy field beyond the play- ground that has often boon used' by town .voungst(*rs for pick-up ganu’s of .softball and the like. Users of Hu* jiark are a.sk(*d to ,il)Id(* by lhre(’simple rogulation.s: n prc-school children should not h(* left unattended; 2) liour.s for u.se ai(* dayliglit hours except during worship services; and. 3) lu'lp keep I lie groimcU ;«‘Ioai). Hampton Ott, who is \*th the Parks and Recreation Department for tlu* City of Charlotte, served as consultant and do.signer for the playground. J. Harold .Moses, recreation co-ordinator for Hie Depa.Lnu’iit of Local .Nflairs Linda Ellen Plonk ®®9***5***®" Bara, Degree EHecf ive By len. 1.1971 Linda Ellen Plonk was gridu- ated May 17 from Linu’.%t()ne Col- l(*ge in Gaffnev. S. C. where slic earned a n..4. degree in Biol.igj. Mis-s Plonk was recently tapped fci* memi)(*i*s!up in Chi B(’ta Phi. national honorary science fra- t(’rnit>. and also made* the IR’an’.-^ Ralph Gilni’i'l. cli;iir;nan of tin* '’lev(‘l,in,| Cdiii’tv Board of Kl(*c- ti'ms. -aid i)i<* conntv will liave to pr« >v i 1(* full I inii* t'h*cl ions r(*g- ■‘drOion cfd’ciivt’ January 1. 1971. 'tr* told 111'* CouMiv Commission •IS at Hicii regular nu’cting .Mon day morning. The low n'(|uir(*s Hial the roun- List. ;\ctive in student aflalr.s. slic, iv nui.-^! hire a full time exe<’uHve I the State of North Car<»lina aLso, I reviewed the plans. 1 served as prcsid(»nl of East ('oop- , ei Hall during Hu* past .seme.s(<*i and was cliairman of prepara tion.**. for the “Mis-; Limestone” j contest lu'ld this .spring in Full-, erton .\uditoriiim on t)ie Lime- sIjuc campu.-;. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wray Plonk of Kings Mountain, she plan.s to enter Wake korest School ' of Medical Tec hnology on Ji’,no 1. .She has been oflered a si*holar- i ship and appointment a.*; a grad-, . aatc assistant in the Biology de fer ; partmont of Long Island Univers-j ^r*f*r(*tary to Jh* on duty In Hu* office* in Hu* f'levelatid v’ounty (’oiirHiousc lo register qualified viii'i*'. piovido names and infor MKilion o:i v dcr.s and ki'cp houk.s uur*cil of voicis no longer (puili fled. Ju* (*\;»l;iincd. It vv IS (iilhcri’s recommenda- li'Ui that comiuissioiu’rs name soineoiu* now cmplovi'd hv Hu* (‘ounty who will h«» availahh* al all linu's for registration in Hu* courtliou-ie and work on a part- time b.'isis .-it Hu* he.ginning. Presentation was made lo the ity. Brooklyn, N. Y. to do giaduate| (‘(*mniisrial P ipjiics and a.sk their vllow ciil/ens to join them in remembering by wearing one of Hu* little red flowers. 'We know everyone in Kings -Mounlain will accept our invita- .tion to join us in remembrance Jtv this Memorial Day", said Mrs. Oraiigrcl Jolly, Auxiliary presi dent. The nu’moria! poi>pies were made by disabled veterans work- in.g in hewpitals' as part of their rehabilitatiaii. Made of erepo pa per and win*, work on the po-i>py is considered valuable as occupa tional Hicrapy in addition to giv ing the* )Tu*r\ Ihe encouraging e.x- penence e»f earning money once a^rnin. Mayor John Henry Mo.ss. has joined in tlie* obse’ivance* ny Issu ing a proclamation proclaiming May 23 as Poppy Day. His procla- matioM re.dds a.sMoTIow.s: . “Wliercas. Phe .\mcrican I.a»- gion and tlu* Ainerhan Logioii .\uxiliarv' adnpied the* M<*morinl Poppy .IS its memorial flower in 1919 and ••\Vh(*reas. by wearing the Pop py, Anu'ricans evorywhere and (‘specially in this citj of Muirs Mountain both jiay tribute to Ihi’se war dc.id and .aid Hu* liv- iiig by a.-isistance to Veterans and Hieir families in time* of need; and •AVheroa.s. Ihe Poppy Day I’ro- Un- gram cpntrlbutioiis are u.'jcd sole ly for the programs of ChiKi Wel fare aiul Re’Iia.bllii.ition in our coiiimunily and slate: "No'vV theri’t'ore. 1. JiJin Henry" ^Toss, Mayor of the (Tty of Kings .Mounbiin tlo heri’by [uoelaim the month of May 1970 a.s Poppy Gilbert s.iid Hu* law doevs not i Month and May 23 as Poppy Day npi)lv to cit> of Siielby rt‘gistra-| in ou»* city and I urge all citizens tion since Hu* criy hooks ace sep j of our town t * .join with me in arare from the county and re-> the wearing of this Memorial quire .separate registration. Vot-| Flower as (oge'tlier we remember ing ll.sts and name's will he e^un-] Hi<* s.iciifiees of so many in d^ puterized by the county. i (Continiud 0» Page Eis^ht^ niv-lude.l in Hu* July 1 fiscal ycari hlUl'ge't. ’ I GihK'rl noted further that jire-' •inrt legisirars wdl be u.scd in [ tlu* \ ari«>us re*gislral ion places at. Hu* beginning fp give people in| those .ircas an opportunity toi learn about the n(*w sy.stcin. ! Under Hu* new sysiem. a por son who reaciu's the a.ge of 21 or a person gaining rc.sidence may ri'gisicr immcdiate’ly to vote der Hu* old system I’crtain per iods are sjicciticd tor e»pen hook.s and the regi.straiU must wait un til that d.ile. The. county hook.s will n*main open except for the* 30 (lay pj’i io.l re'quired , for clos ing by law Ix'fori* an eloilion.