* I W V DR. JERRY PATTERSON REV. RICHARD ERVIN PLYLER MARY ETHEL DIXON MELVIN FULTON WHITE CADET PHILIP STANLEY BUNCH ^ j > TERESA JOLLEY SUGG Tj RITA ELALA CAVENY 10 Awarded College Degrees BEN HUDSON BRIDGES. Ill MARK DONALD CAMPBELL JUDITH ELAINE GUALTNEY A Ia'|»o nun'.’jGr of King Aluuni'iiii area y;i. denis are rt elVi:’.;.; d«\';ires fiom colleges ijnr UMiveisiKi’s. (A ta. numVer, a Klrgs Mcun ain Uii'tisi miiiisici*, Hev. Ricli •r . l iylrr, paster c' Pattsiso' Irave liapt «t cl;u-; Ii, receive lis MnsJe of Divinity dcgre 'loni .'loiKlieasiern Hr pt:st Semin 11. a; Vv'alre po.is ; Dr. Jerr ^ait son, SO I < f M* . a rd Mn lugor.c Patterson eanivd hii Master of t, .'i(nee de;^rce in ora ntTcry fi<.m tlie University o If*;.a; an<l yesterday Cadet Phil ip S. Hunch was gradaatid fror. tin.' U. S. Mil taiy Aacademy a Wer.t Point and commissioned t Ufotid Lieuunant in the Fiel Military. Cadet ‘Punch was alsr mnriic'd after Hie exei'^ises t'' Mi;s D’anno Louise Sliihrke ir the post Chapel at 2 p.m. 1 rnsa Jollf'y dTjghte' of .Mr. ind Mrs. T. H. Jcllev, re ’.o'vo(\ her Bachelor of Music de- grf'o ^'undriv from 1'he University oJ \ort]i Carolan at Greensboro At r.N’P G slio has majored ir voi'-. icmIoi Caai-Ks Lynam and 'V i‘; a mcmbftr of the Pho> and T/'inio; Pho.ale in wli ch shr ■JolfM'd. Slie was a member o^r the Musi.' Kdircators ard the Ameri* an (''lOTal Directors, Mu Ph‘ T’-'sdou music sorority, Pi Kapp? !a Ivmftr sc.-iety. She war M'.:« M'Ounta'n ef .M Ivin Kulton Wh'te, son of ’I:. .»r I Mis. Rrbeil L. White, ree nved his Bn(‘helor of Science degree Saturday from North Car- 'lina Contra: University at Dur lam. A 19tiG giaduato of Com lact higli »chooh he will be em doj .d this summer at Mask m nd Sells in New York City. Benjamin Ilmlson Bridges III on of Mrj. Ben II. Bridges and .10 late City Commissionei iridges was graduated from Ca awba college at Salisbury Sun lay. A general business major le has i) en a member of th< yivertising club and the foolbal earn. He .s a 1965 graduate c dings Mountain high school ant s married to the former Brooke -leynolds of Salivary. Juditih Bilaine Gaultney, daugh er of Mr. and Mrs. James E Jaultnej. received her bachelor iegree fj*om Dfeififer college or May 17th. An English major, sh( /Ians to go to graduate schoo! ind work t<>wai*ds a M. A. degree n teaching. Mark Donald Campbell, son o' he R;v. anj Mrs. M, L. Camp leil, was graduated from A&T ^tate Univers ty Sunday. A dean’s ist student during his entire col lege career, he received a B. S n English (duration while gradu ating magna (v m laude. An ac tlve person in stiKient affairs wh'le at A&T, Campbell was a memb(T of the campus nt^'ws- paper staff- a merrher o-f the cultural affairs committee of the Student ITnion and vi(?e-presldcnt of the We3le>’ Foundatior. After a year away from the academic woild, lie plans to continue his •Jucation by pursuing a degree in law. Rita Elala Caven ,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther O. Caveny, .vas gradual, d Sunday from Meredith college a* Rale h with i Bachelor of Arts degree. A ic* igion major at Meredith, Miss taveny was student N-F.A i.**®®^* Rnt, TMT3 caitiKmist. Merc ith lUhristian As.sociatlop foiunis hairman, and a merr her of the x)llege iLhorus and tlie Thilare- :.an society. Mary Ethel Dixon dC' gliter c! Mr. and Mis. L(*e Dixon was jraduated Sunday from the vlrsity of North Carolina at Charlotte with B. S. in nursing. \t UNCe, she was a memb. r af the Student Nurses’ Assocla- C. State Student Nurses’ As ton and via menTlieiship in the ioc ation District 111. t he is also rn active member of the Nation- il Student Nurses’ A.ssociation, Inc. Miss Dixon was chairman of ■he Pin Committee for the Di' vision of Nursing at UN'C*C. rhree years ago this comm ttce was organized to design the uni- 'orm and cap pin to lie worn by graduate nurses of the uni’ varsity. Senior nursing majors received their graduate pins at the first pinn ng ceremony held on the UNC^'C campus S-aturday. Miss Dixon explained the signifi cance «f the newlydesign.d pins as part of grad ation exer :ises. Miss Dixon s a' member of First Baptist churc^;.^^ Cadet Philip Stanley Bunch, <'Cow(i>njed On Page Sia:^ Population Greoter Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8.256 ' City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9.300 ...4 Cr,ctt9r lungs MountoiD u derlvtd li«n spnevrj Uutfd States Burcou of th« Csnsus rsport • Tonvdry IMG. and Includss tbs 14,990 pspulotiob • Numbsr 4 fowiuhip, and tbs temeiniag 6.124 Ifoa Ifximbsr S Township, la Cl^eload Couatr cod Ctowdsr* ^*^*»*‘**r»w TntwnchiD (B OestOB Ccuaty r Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL 82 No. 23 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, June 4, 1970 Eightieth Year PRICE TEN CENTS »: Two CondeiBiation Hearii^s Sought Sam Morrison, 21, 55 Honor Students In Class Of 1970 242 Graduated On Wednesday; Easley ^peakei ‘hler [o wo'i’ solve the ':i‘!ir;a- p today. Wo mu:^! speak INDUCTED IN NATIONAL HONOR SOOCIETY — Ten rising senior students were recently inducted into membership in the Kings Mountain high school chap ter of tha National Honor Society. From left to right above: Carolyn Howard, Kathy Wilson. Lynn Finger, Pam Cronan. Geeper Howard. Linda Wells, Jack White., Jr., Judy Childers, Charles Reed and Becky Plonk. (Photo by Isaac Alex ander). $48,200 Fund Raising Drive To Equip Center Will Begin KickottBreakfast Tuesday Morning By Committee TO GRADUATE—William (Bill) Herndon, Jr., will receive his diploma from Asheville School for Boys Friday and Saturday in the school’s 70th commence ment exercises. Bill Herndon To Win Diploma Wili am Mauney (BilH Hern- dan, Jr., sUn of William M. Hern don of Kings Mountain and the (Cotitimu’d On Page SUJ Ki..ko;f breakfast for a $4S,- 200 fund-raisi ig campa gn to equip the neighboi liood fadl'.ties building will be at iho building riiOhda.N morning at 7 o .lock. The funds are required to pro- V do equipni. nt for the ..a> rare center, detuher seats fo: the auditori'. m'g.\ mnaslian, kitchen equipment for preparing and serving food- and lockers and benches foi dressing rooms. AH nding tho brcaklast will iic the 2.'S m(‘mber community cent r program committee and other in terested cit zens. Arch Kern, dircM’tor of the city rccrenlion diparlment, will serve as secretary to the committee, and Jonas Bridges an l Martin Haimoii will b(* in charge of publicity. The $U>(),(KK) n(?ig!il>orhood f-a* cil ty buikling, ^when c(|ui*''ped will b<' ahk* to ac^commiKlatc up to .5M():) jK’rsons for mcelim/.s, over 1200 foi dining, and 2d(K) for basketball and otlier e\ents. A day care co iit*r (or children will he operatefi. On Page SixJ tion out. Jills v\n.s tlie criailei’';e i irercd ii.V CaarU.s iChu ki l'j.'isie.\. Jr.. a s<*iii«ir tih'i e liij.e wlnia'r oI cili/.ens’iq*. awai I nrda's tins season, to tin- g-adnites ol 111 (Mass <;1 lOVO at c-'nv.mnio- inent (-xercises Wed:iesd;u ni'dit in Jolin Gan-.lrk-! Memor al Sta dium. *‘C) r pa;cnfs lived llirougli the Depie.ssinn and Worlrl War II,” said tin- speiki'*-. I'eihaps thy, iwere slio; ked ' into silence. In | 11)70 wo are faced with Vi. tnam and other p!obl(*ms that silence won’t solve. We must speak out.” Other seniors apiiearing on the program weie Douglas Rosehoro. wli(» sa d the invoeaiion; Pamela L(‘o who -aNe the welcome; Ken* i neth Bridges who intro !ufed the .sp(»aker; Miclimd Blanton (Continual On Page Sin) TO INSTALL OFFICERS — Le- toy S. Lakey, national execu tive committeeman of the Amer ican Legion Depax tment of North Carolina, will install new offic ers of American Legion Post 155 Auxiliary Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. (Sc.(^ /»Sfo/a/ on Page Mann Resigns As Police Reserve Chief. Praises Volunteer Effort WINS SCHOLARSHIP — Ronald Davis Haskins, graduating .«^n- ior, is recipient of the Kings Mountain Rotary club’s scholor- ship to the best foreign langu age scholar ot Kings Mountain high school. KMHS Awaids Are Listed Ronald David Haskln.s, son of Mrs. Hattie Stewart Haskins and the late Howar.l Haskins, is re- clpcnt of tho Kings Mountain (Continued on Page Six/ RECREATION DIRECTOR — Richard J. (Arch) Kern is the director of city reccreation. The Betired Morine lieutenant-colon el is a Cincinnati. Ohio, native. He assumed his duties lost Fri day. I R.v. Hohort Mann, who since last August when it was oi’gi..i izc'.l, has sci\cd as cliicf i-l’ the s rcst'i'Vo police* (h*pavlnv.*nl has rosigi.oi ciiCidivt* May .'M. IT v. .Mr, M.inn has headed lie 12-inan group w hit h lias Seen sci v ng voluntarily since th.it time A major icison f«ir Irs csig nation Rev. Mr. Mann said, i‘ the l.a:'t tlial I-'irsI llcplisi rch, Ills pasloialt', has lar.n cht'd a pri.son camai ])r“ ;i'.to wliicli is provin^j vc.y ru .* fu! “I (incsti.)nt d,” lu* e.'.j)!.*in. d. ‘'whether it was lu’st Itu’ I lie pas tor to be an auxili.aty police chief." He \vrol(‘ Mayor John Honrs Moss and (‘liic'f of I^diiJ* 'Ion’ McDevitt: It is with i\ gret lh;il 1 ‘live (o yon mv re.signation as the ("liof I of the Reseiv'o Police Deparlment of Kings Mountain. I hava- enjoy ed havin : tlio privilege of s(* 'ing ■this group organized and fnne I tinning hi our lonumnihv. aod ; feel liiat tliey me(*l a real need. 'The group a.s pre.scmlly eomtiosvd ‘ (Continued On Page Six) Double B. Ranch, Buford Cline Actions Pressed MARTIN HARMON i City Attorney Jack White ' fhuisduy will ask Clerk of Jouit Paul Wilson to set hear- I mgs on the condemnation actions j against H^.o.d Cline and against Bulo.-l Lime and \V, K. Maun- Ji. partiKis in Double L> rtai.. ii. lor Moriday, June 15. 1.10 coi.demnat on actions were filed si\t’;al months ago in the Cii> s eifort to act|uiie mxc*ed acieage tor tlie 'aUifalo Creek I uservoir. ArtioiiS are also pending a* ainsi Culehian Gciorih Am- j orose Clinc*. and John D. Cline. I Onr condcmi..ition arrio'i was ' sched in .Supe.ior Court aga nsl jHufo.d Cline for a poition of ! ilu dam site. II '1.10 current action against Cline is for 13S.b5 a/rcs of the Cline home plaec. '1 iie acreage does not include his home. . i .le action against the Double 11 3 Kan.h .s for 1-17,57 arris. Under condemnation proced* are, the Clerk of Superior Court conducts a hearing, then appoints a ihreenicmber appraisal com* mission to establish and rrport value of the property. The com* mission report^; within ten days, i^il'her party has the r ght to ap* ix,'al tin* (ommission award to Suiierior Court. In the initial action against Bufoid Cline an appraisal com- ' missio.uj- established value of I he dam s te p’opert; at $31,500. I Pho final award was $23,500 plus \ inii'ixst from the date of con* ! d(*mnation. ' City Attorney Wltiie- and his i assistant Verne Shivc, of Gas* I i told the city commission I h('y had been unsuccessful in i ontinu ng attempts to negotiate I i settlcmen for he wo racs. learning Camp I May Be Held j A “learning camp ’’ first of its I kind in (he slate, will he hold at i Cent, el Junior liigh s.hool Jnm* j 12 July 21th if there is sufficient , n-terest hy students. I First program of its kind in * Kings Mountain ani.l what may Uc a ‘'-model oiv* for North Caro* lina,” Princii-al Fre(i Withers ex plains tli.il youngsteis who are rising scvi'nlh graders or who '.verr seventh and eighth grade s(ud(*nls til's school year are eli- '•J'hle to attend. ! There will ho no cost 1o the* 'slMd(*nl an<l tho program is fi- jianccii via fccloral funds and .'^uonsorivl hy the North Carolina I State nenarliTK'nt (►f Rduention. i (Continued On Page Su’> Dies In Cambodia Rites Thursday For Grover Man Killed In Action I’ull militai'j riles for Spec. 4 ; .4ainmie U. Morrison, 21, of Shel* 1 oy H')ud, Grover, who was kdl* j i‘d ill action May 21 n Cam- I oodia, \\eio conducltM Thursday ] it 3 p.m. fioai First Baptist ; Clui di in Grov(*i- by the Rev. ; U. A. McManus Burial was in I Cl< velaiKl Memorial Park, i Al’i-r graduation fiom Kings t Mountain High School in 196S. I 'lorrison was empl'iyed by Mag* i .aolia FinUhing Co. Hf* ente’-el service in April I September 1969. lie is survived hv his parents .VIr. and Mrs. Euhort Ross Mir rison; thno brothers. Russell and , Nathan Morrison of Grover and Marvin Morrison of Shelby; and one sister, Miss Norma Morrison of tlie home Swimminq Pools To Open Friday The city recreation depart ment's two swimming pools will open Friday. 'Ho-ers of operation will be in a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, and 1 to 6 p.m. Sundays. Swimming fees will be 25 cents for chil dren, 35 cents for adults. Announcement was made by Ar: h Kern, director of city rec reation. Tho coiK*ession stand at the Deal street pool opened Tues day night under management o; Mrs. Louise Alexander. Mrs. Vorlce Roh(*rts will manage the (Continued On Page SLr) KILLED IN ACTION ~ SP/4 Sammic Marrison, 21, of Grover, was killed in action May 24th. in Cambodia, Funeral rites were held Thursday from Grover's First Baptist church. Mike Blanton Wins Scholarship Mike Blanton son of Fr:>nk Blanton and the jate Mrs. Blan ton, is recipient of a American woi’th $2 000. The high schoo] graduating senior will attend North Carolina State Un.versity at Raleigh ; where he will stu ly engineering. The scholarship winner was I announced during an Awards : Day program \'*cently at Kings ; Mountain high school, i American Lc ion Post 155 an- ; nually j esents a scholarship to an outstanding son or daughter of a Legionnaire. Plurality Oi Census-Guessers Say Kings Mountain Is In 90M)-Range By MARTIN HARMON If a plurality of the 107 per sons who entered the Herald’s 1970 census^:uos8ing contest arc correct, Kings Mountain’s 1970 of.ioinl census will be in the 9000 range. A total of 47 posted guesses between 9000 9900. iHighest guess was 32,656, the lowest S.>23. The Herald contest closed over the weekend. Meantime, Harry Cai'pontcr. of Hickory,, district director of the census, said he expected to havf some prel minary totals ib the very near future. However the preliminary re sult is not necessarily the final result. Indeed, it was not ir. 1950 and 1960. Indrcated Herald con test winners via the preliminary result did not prove to be the winners when the off cial cen* sus total was reported. People want to have themsel ves counted. Director Carpenter, who supervdsc-d nearly 500 per- (Continued on Page SixJ

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