• f # 7C ‘Yl :e Population Greoter Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9,300 Oiwatsr Kiogi Mouatcdo Ilgurt ta dartved from •pactrl United StalM Surami ol tba Cauiis report o Jaouary 19<>6. oad locJudes tho I4,H0 populotloa o Numbor 4 Township, oad tbo romnaiDg €.124 Iron Nuaibor € Township, la Cieveload County and Crowdor* Township to Qotton Cooaty. Kings Mountain's Reliable Ncwsiocnei Pages Today VOL 85 No. 26 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, June 25, 1970 Eighty-Fifth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Five Low Rent Housing Units Oc Constiuction To Start Soon On Leased Units Kin;^s Mountain Piinliv llousin;^ Autlioi'iiy, In(., cNperis tf» enter inti- contrn.'T \^ith Henry A. Whliesi.ies, cf CJasfonia, for Hie loa^in^: o[ 50 1 Av-ront housing units, which Whitesides will biul-l on a tract on Mar;ire WILUAM ORR BILL PLONK Democrats Elect Ware And Harper Ashbrook Park Asks Annexation Owners ol Ashbrook Baik. a now residential sub-division, have petitioned the city for annexa tion of the U-aere tract to the city limits. Publie^hcaring on the jietiiion vyas .set by the city eommis.sion I tic,, organizations, corporations, f^r July h-wtixd.iual.': wini res-ponsibil- The commission had previous- ities or intcH'sts relavant to the iy ajiroved, on rocommciidalion maintenanc(‘ of an effective pro of the planning bfiard. plat of the gram of vvatt r safety in Nurtii sub-division as meiuing riKiuire- Carolina. ^*'*^**‘^- Eleven of the miuntxa-s’ ti'niis The commi.ssion lorwardcd t.» if^ memher.s' leims cxiuii* July l, 1P72 a:id Hie Th(.' m iv-ir'.* I July 1, 1973. The North C'arolina Water Safe ty Conuniltee ol 48 mcmber.s vvili function as a continuing advis ory and eoordinative body wit res]M'('t to th<» activities of ii:e vtirijus public and private agen- organiz.itions, Orr and Plonk On District, State Committees A Kings Mountain man, Cam(*r- on Ware, 43. wo'-” reideeled chair man of th(? (Teveland (’ounty Democratie party Salurdav and charged with rounding Uj the eountie.>’ 43 votes for Ja..*k VVTiite, - local attorney and State S(*nalor. Ml. White* pre.sentiy appears to be the only contend(*r for Tenth District Congn'ssional ehalrman. according to Mr. Ware, who is se(?king district unity on the White nomination. The position will he filled Saturday at Lenoir al 1 p.m. wh<'n repre.sentalives of the S counties of the Tent It Dis trict cast votes. Mr. Ware is eoown(‘r of Moun tain View Farms with his broth- (*r Wayne Ware. Jr. Reagan Harper. King.s .Mountain Drug (’o. pliarmaeist was el(*cted tliini vice chairman, IHll Plonk, ilairyman, oni* of three el(*cted to Hie state' <»xt'cutive eommithM*. and William Orr was named to: Hie 27lli Di.strict Judicial exocu-1 tive committee*. ' The high point of the* county me*e*ling was that ne) eounly group (iominritcfl the* proeve'dings. ral!ie*r Hie* vj(*ws re*fle‘cled a cross-se*ction of the county, Mr. Ware* state's. He* was also ple*ase'd that e'ounty youth and Ne’groe‘s al- t(*n(led the' me'cting. The party unanimously hacki'd e'slahlishment of eountywdfie* | water, sewe'r, and garbage elis- posal sy.ste'ms to furthe»r Indus \ on Fat/r Six) . ' IN SPECIAL PROGRAM — Judy Plonk, doughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Plonk, is attending the special progrom for Gifted students at Western Carolina University. ludy Plonk In WC Program Judith Plonk, daughter of Mr. anel Mrs. CTarene*e Samuel Plonk, and Christopher Miehae*! Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holme's, are amemg nine* students from Cle'velanei County <*niolle*d in a unieiue program for c*xe‘eptionally talented students in the Summor Di’inemstration School at Weste'rn Carolina Lhiive*rsity. ^ Holmes is enredk'd in the gifte*d fifth grade program and Miss Plemk is enrolled in the preigram (('(tvtbnicd on Paij(' ; the zoning hoarel re*f|U<*st of the i owners — Hal S. Plonk, Wiay A. ' Plonk, Dr. George W. Plonk and I N'. F. Me.Gill, Sr..—to re'-zoiie* some ! are*as ol tile trae'L Irom he'ovv in- Idusiry de'signation t.- re*.*ji(lenlial ■ designation. i The commi.ssion nuHiorize*'! the- ; Mayor ane! City Clerk to e'liter in- I to and agieement with Dove'r Mill, whereby tlie city will con struct and maintain a dyke or dyke^s, in.slall jiumps, and pur chase ten acre's of land from Hie* te'Xtile* firm—in furilu'rance of the Buffalo Cre'(?k re*se‘rvoir pro ject. In oiheT actions the hoarri: 1) Respon(le*d to a re*C|iU'. ban softball on Sundays at the Deal street park by limiting soft ball activity to Sunday afU'rne}e>ns from 2 to 5 p.m., providing Hu' .softball does not conflict wiiii Faith church se*rvices during tliose hours. 2> Se't public hearing for July' 14 on street asse'.ssments for im provements to Dixie street. Bridg- ! es Drive, Roxford Road. Downing) street, Wales road, F:iirviev\ | street, Floyd slre'et. Fredericksoii i street, and Laura street. Kings Mountain m lyoi iy am.uig a group ol l(t men vvhejse te'riTi< e'xpi.-t Jul\ 1. 1973. Majority Of Textile Employees To Get Week's luly 4 Vacation Majority of Kings Mountain area toxtih* employce.s will enjoy a week’s lioliday begining Satur- da>, hut ;i survey of Hu* industry sliows it will vary wiHt .some planning lo close Hu* u eek before Hie holiday (which falls on a order.s. Most plants are paying vaea- Hon bonuses t;) employees ba.sod on length of service*. Mur-(jlo Sjrinning will close Sat urday at 10 p.m., resuming op erations at 0 a.m. on Monday. ft Retailer Holiday "Yea" and "Nay As of Wednesday, indications were In(lei)end(*nc(' Day will b<' a mixed holiday for retail busi nesses. July 4lh is on a Saturday and -;om<* merchants have announced they will cio.se. Some firms will remain ojHJn for businc'ss. (ifocory stores, including Winn ; Dixie, A & P and Harris Teeter, will remain open for husine.ss Saturday. July 4lh, and also on , Monday, July Bth. Downtown de partment stores expoct(»d t.) be open are FultonU PlonkTs McfHn- nis Department Store, Cato’.s, Roses', and Eaghxs! Belk's Department Store will ibserve the holid:i>, along with Western Auto. Bridges Hardware, Philer llardwart*. and the several furniture stores. Mountaineer Pharmacy wilt bo (tpen. Kings Mountain Drug Com Rifes CsndiTcted Fsi C, Chaiiiu i:. Weod.-^. 77. o.' 105 Sussf'x A\c., Cher. XA'ilie died ‘ Tluiisday morning in C’h'veland Mem liiai ll )>pital a: ^ r four , monilis of illness. He was r(*!i ed. a hunnoi' ('nr ployee of the Hyan He. -^cr Ma i- ufattuiing C''mp:jny in Cuoiig- vHle for 2.5 .nrs. iU* w.-s .? mem- her Ilf lh(* Chur, h of God in ' Chenyville. I Survivors are I ho widovi-, .Maude Cline Wc.xis: one sm. ’Coley W. Woods of vTu'ciaaillc: ' 'wo d-.uigh’e Mr.-*-. .1. n. Sisk I of Sianley and .Mrs. Howiiid Gee I of Fercst CiH : -'Oa Inif bro'lu'r, Lind.'C WiNcls of K'ngs Moin- , fain: one hair sisl<'r. Mrs. C.eas- ■ SN' Rippy of Hlaikshurg. S. c'.; eight i:randcli:l(lrcn; and 12 great rrandchildicn. Funeral se/vices will l)o on* Ihe ('iuircli of the Kev. Paul Darr and Hie Rev. CTiarles K. High. The body will lie i-i slate .30 minut<*s prior to liic service. Burial will follow in .Si. Paul's ITnitwl Methodist church cenu*- tery. The family will receive friends r.inlght from 7 until 9 p.m. at Carp^'niers Funeral llonu* in CheiTvvIllo. I iucied I'riday at ' Cod at 4 p.m. by Kin:5l I ion m. icr,\.; - ye.sterday n> ofii iod.- <. ;.i.- . : lanta regional (jhhe o, i: • partmeni K iusing ai: t LJem vci .pjnent on .SP o, l,.,* I.;- • n ; 'Fhomes V\ . Ha.p-\ . . > j> ^ diieipn, rai'i tluin \ . :\ erai 'Avriie up.-*..Vi-t ,. : • O' minor — hv l!i<* i.:- r 'n: .i o .estimated it aould n;pi . t.'ian ten day.- loi Hu c.;' ■ < t it. mak( Hie or. I W'.cn liie-ie ari , . i d' • rif r<'- ' mainin,: 8t unii.-^ .%:il !).• j.-a K .01 ofcui.anc.v. FORHAUiE APPLiCATIO.Nr, Th runs Vv. II., . e ■ '■ dd'T; to.- (P Ki“ * • '.- i ' n. - low rent liou.s' j-;. Wc iiK.-'day Hici jn i*.' ,, ' win. made p:1 c- tif‘n.> 1m 1«jw rcnl it ,■ no! formali/.-’d i'.,-. li-ns. lie u.gi-d I i.it vV >! iiave Hot visit tiu' fii. =. , o:i M--- Gi!l Court tf» ria.-:c l.'i'-i, .. calif.ns form.al. 'F'u* rr,-dn(*- l.iv ii'.-p, . ’ in.ide on all un;!^- o:. i.x . i toc nhie sites, tile Gra>. sin"' . ('-• - lei Mieet. an.d Ea;;-.- 1- eonplexe.s ine ex. ; ; .-.v It mean.s that Kiiii-- Mouiiiain Puhii ■ Housing AuHi(>:-i:\. In.- , consriluted in J inuarc r • ■,. .x ■ be “in hu.s than ihnu and one ? all ve.'c- _ altu' the housing autii>j.:y c.a- ’ tormed. >■ V Ol the five U’Ht.s ’ > la ir c’:;/,--' I (''inti/iKci On Pocf- Masters, While Aie Promoted ( Hie Hh; . i.<. pre . at • c - ids Kunciol Inc. of KI ; !.s > .ain. Ills ar.iK’Unccd il-ui: Pcnii.*’: J. M and .jejm h(\i,,,'.,’ l.ickh Iften-- ill liic .ia,- viy Funeral Heme. M.'. Harris .-^aid Hki: Hic s;-. !; ‘ Vv.-.- as a J.; •' i Hie i.:; fill and dedi'.aie-l .-i ;a t <>: : tvv, employees.” ; Mr. Hari'iS al?;' anr.ou'..; d Huit Be,melt J. Ma.-t( is ha.-. b(' ii r, ai- ed via* ]‘re.sj(K-iir , )1 tile ilarii- Fmifral Ile.iie Ml. Ma.sters i.-; form ?dy e; and ail(*nde-l Pii ; vOiiig, lor a Ha,’ ye i. -juMt bur-ii'csi- admini.dr iHoii an* n ua1c t Ir' ni Ihilla.-- P; - ituie Ouptun-Joncs College Mo. la.y Silence in rtalla-;. Texai|,« ; ,i mcmVi o. Hi(' enii-al Mi” n I . l ehurtli. Mj. .Ma-o is i‘- j,i.iiri([ the staff, ha.-' he(*n na:n,‘(' nan- ag(‘r ol IIar:d.< .\m!)ula‘; e >erv 1 c. \ native .»f King-; M 'ca'.'.si. Mr White y son o* Hie l.iU' Mi ni'l •Mrs. W. K. Whit('. Ih attend ,1 Kings .Mountain hic!] s,duuii and served a tour of-Army duly with service ov(*r.<('as. lie i.-; mar icd to Hu* former Mu rgarei 5^a:)iy an 1 tiic*y have* a dauglitei. Su.'^an. \v!io is employed tiy R. I’, ('tjl Coi.iji.mv lU'ar Charlott<*. 'Die faniii.v .'d- ' tends Boyce Memorial .McP i lUircli. i* Open Burning Ban Is Efferth/e Wednesday; Cookouts Still 0< K, By LINDA BISER BEHRENS July 1 (Weilnesdayi stale and fh'veland county o-p(*ii burning lavvv. go into ('fleet vvhii h outlaw burning just about ev(*ryfhing ex- v'ept an outdoor (•ook(*(i meal. .-\fter July 1, jii'miission must bc' granted by th(' Cleveland County .\ir I’ollutifui (’ontrol Hoard to burn s.ilvaged ears. Tlie law r(*duir(*s that ears to be burn ed or sfripp<*d of all parts and a(ee.s.s()ri(''. ‘••ueh as tin's, upliol sli'rv. cialing, or wiring which pany will bo op(*n for proscription may caii.-^c* a smoke jilunu' groat .Saturday) and oHu'rs ptannihg to July 6Hi. Vacation honu.si's will bo' close* the vv('ok after. paid lo all employoo.s who have At l(*a.sr three plant-^ — Duph'X iK'en with Hie company .since Shannon. Carolina Throwing Com- January I. pany and Kind('r ManuTaeluring Oxlord Industries w ill cl,jse on Gompany — will operate on rog- Friday night, reoix'iiing on July ular .schedule heeausf'of euslomc'r Gth. needs and prior eunimittmcnl of: ( am .'v^cGill, and Clyde Kerns, all directors, and Mayor Moss, (Photo by Isaac Aliended Open Hou se I' ^ ...., * '-..GR JACK W:.,iE r-. fx T ■ * J r t ■ >- 31 Kew Heme n i !)>;m '•( :em'>ni(*^s Sat- uc ! i. 111,'! lii’ig opCfiC'd Hi<. new T’ .iiai) hu:'..- ,,i Khig." M.iuiiiain •N-.v.a^s X- Ic;aii A.''S«)ciaHen and a!U*:i t«jppod :Ml] re' aiiu,- I'Mi. h,' h.c ! y ia;.i, . •'::c vvlili K'lic.' i lam -■'inv')]' Jehu ITniy ■•s ITe.-%.'.!ani J C II. il V '.k t; t.'t'-i b.ii'ily t/.' ; : • i li’o .ei I hem t" as . \i\ ,1-1 in tiil.s .Catu, uotinc WIMT DEGREE — Mrs. Marie Mc3v cIa Jamorson, formerly of Kings Mountain, was graduat vd cum lauie with E.S. degree in nursi.15 from Winston Salem • mv, irmn. :::i] r.f.-,] L. Wilit at hr-. e n.,- 1>7, and eivi int ilntea State University School of Nurs- Ihn , n-’'. le ’n,-c1 a.s.<,..’ia‘ii)n '.vh.iic he :i;i week fram CU'velau.'l M(*m.)rial Hospital whe'x* .she Violator.'-- of Hu huniiii.^ onii naiiei's are su ip'i l l-- a 5;.5(' Hue and ('if,'ll day (•'*llst;«ltt('■^ a iv'w violation, say.s J.im," R. .Hp, .ir-, dirt'ctor of the air |.ollulion -n irol hoard and a, eouni.v s.uiilar ian. 3 lu* h >a:-d plans i(' (‘nlor,, Hu* laws hy acting on eoinplahitr- m.i p(fssihl> hv .-onu* a(*ri.'ti su-.eil ami* .*-in.‘( .Sanitarian FT. .TTITn V. Woody of .5ns \V. Kin' St , Ihu, i- a pjoi a’i(( ha*-- hi- onai pl;i!i!*. 'Fix* ho.'ud h jie--’ |( ulU'v'ali* air polluti'-n wlijeh .Mr. .Sp<‘ar di'- fines as anyiliing in Hn* ouHloftr itmn.sphrr(‘ d('tri)iu*nlal to iieaitli or injurl(His to filaiit an ! a’limal life an,I property an I vviiieli pri*- vents pooph' from enjoying Hie natural e?ivironm<*nt. A l(K'al industry Ls curronily in stalling an air jiollulion ,i('v iee at (Ountinutd On Faya . ii- r\ r K Aui L.: nf Hu lo.'.d : '! 1- ^ V , and ■ ■- t'lt • ; .'iicm • ^ A td M” A PICNIC Th.e e .ngreg:itia;i of t'or.Tral L'n;t,.-d MeHu)disoe;atioiy p:t»sen‘ 1 ak,** MonUitiia pijnic area. Hy. Engisecis CoiHinue Kforl Tj SlisRiuate McGill Plan! Odors • K-. si lent e;i..*in('('r Ilenrv Mos.' namt‘d Vi5>]']:>H : K, I' -ek.Nin Goinpanv. cr< Jame.- Dickey (iuihnu-i. : ■ :i (• . led Tue'ja.v ,iglit that Cline and .i' Kdis‘ii :o m- Ray this . 1 ' ■ > d\ H a “mc'-king” sub- ( 'mniinoe. 1 H-* elHuerH (‘titt'ring Kngiiu't'i Fu\ sai 1 it !i ' in*en i..,; -•< M. ,21 ;• :e'‘k sew s . e dispos determined tlial H'e dispo-! 7u-ntl,i: ;ou III I'ol . Diek-'on h» etnuinue 1. Hi.!! th.* ‘oiil a tars .'■'H the ily *'vioi.'l a .st'wagt' u<(' lesull Irom 1 > naU;!^ t 0: Hit' waste ; iiii.!’ ■( \ ! .egui.iii types and • vv it II ilirrt' l.'iinh.' "1 i ulu.stri.-il I.'] uni- o! (•fluent. •va-tt' pn-luet'.e 0: tool (»d.>:s 1. . . .W--S, Tis t 'nJ' i!en,lal ion*- foil lA'Ctl 2' Hie plant i> e;', ing (1 dly Ill .;n eoni inning , It'-sl.s to !a'"ge (luantiti.'s >1' imUi.'tiial • i".e ' ..U-, ol the Oftoi'S. waste vv liich build i .5.1 during tin* Ti: >e;'imi •sion aiiHiori/.t'd ilu' dav, i*miitii;g hatt ol.trs in Hie - 'N el. Mayoi i ip;)oint a eonimitli*<* to latt aflernoni.. vviiieli are gone L.iekey work wiiii ti u (‘iigineers. rt'pre- by Illuriiing, .ami 3 ' the initial scitalivt's f)f Hu' Stale Board of iroublt* several wi t* ks a.gt> was a ■St Tar- ile.Rth. and j>lanr opt'ralors Itj toniplelt* ‘■kdl-off” or ”slugout” jaulvu ilu; prublcm. 51a^or Jaiiii ■ ol all biuluj^it-al u.x^duers.