\9W lotting records of doUi VE r house, already of the le LiUlo Suny Porler draiH'i* I closely a^fcnis lOW Slt(* 'w it to nel, and ngle h(‘d 0 Populatift Greater Kings Mountain 1,914 City Limits (1966 Censuf3,2|||| City Limits (Estimate 196£g,30(} GiMtsr king* Mounteds llgai* U tfed •peori Umtr«l Stair* tfuieau ol • iaavaiy 19S6. and includM tb« M.dw Matub«r 4 TotvOkiilp. OAd tho rsxncining | {f^n MuinlMt $ TowRMhip. m Clrv*iand Couoiy . r-..»nehlr> In Oosloa COMOtT- ' ' ' J* VOL. 85 No. 27 Esfabllshcci 1889 Kiligs ricur.ialn's Reiiable IJewssjapai Kinrs Mcun'a'n, T'l. C., TlnirsiJay, J'j’y 2. 1970 Ei5l^^y-Fif^h Year PRICE TEN CENTS rova B ^ .1'il (U» luly Sth First DrsKCall Birthday [, \vi. dra; .Men born o:i July -o, IH" ho lh.^> fii . t railed loi the in 1971, ujkIoi a national loMeij condiu .ed .oda\. 'ritat date :ir:t low r -rbo wtro ihc ]l!h sot to bo rnalLliiH- in tlio Ir cry ■ rawing?, assljj.iin: numbers and dales in a soram bli d s:c|uon.e. The lii’sft douw'ing of tho lot- liny 'Tss'' No. I'iD to Sept. IG. As ihc d.awin^ continued N >. 2!'.) w-i ass’gm d to April 27;; tiion No. IS.'^ to Jan. IX; No. 3 to | 0:\. 21; and No. 134 to Ort ; The IpMery is to assign num- \ hers from one to 3u5, earh -to one date of tho .scar, corresponding to tho birthday of men born in 19.51. d'iK' srIoe‘ions were mai'c by llie 'drawing ut capsules Iron' two pT'xiglass d.ums, rotated i)e iwtH n e?<.;i c iJl. Men called for military sor vic<* next yev wdl rome p-!ma rily from this now groun of 19 yeir-oids. The first drafters wif bo ilior.o with tli « I'-wo t num Ir.’ s. I) a> t hoards will go at high as n' OSS to fill ih» Te Vagon's rv'nnrj.'or n ads. D ;;fL ' 'lis !i wo 1 o'm frliin" with :!io wiiiidr'wal of U. S. tr-?ops fi o*^i South. As: I S'-r rc‘’-»ry cf D "or''^ Mclvhi I air predictol I'tu'sd • n''ht si’• s-lrrt'id fnr'h'' ■ '‘‘ifr r'-du.-'!')-*: ho.-ause of wh-^t he '•h'ua::e'"- i:^od as tho su 'rss f)f ho two mon‘?i U. S. raid i»'‘o '"■'r ''idi** M-'n v’iio have pl’-e dv re ce;\'r'd scuurncc eim erf in a s’mi'ar 1o{‘o.’y I''*-*! her were not affedod by todn\”F d awing. They kmp fhoir Do ci'mbi'r numbers permanor.'ly. Kach year, a new groi.p of men bommes tho prime drrf' pool ilie first from whirh d^'u ftoes are soleeted by lottery number. Here is tho order <'*' call, Tst- ing each birth iato witli tht? num her assigned to it, for the 1971 military draft as determined by the loUeiy drawing held today.. The fir.sd draf'eos will he those with tho lowest numbers. D ’aft hoards, however, will go as high as ne'es^-ary to fill the ref(iiirrd military iK^'d. rhe birth dale and the on or of call: UFCliiia HJ- >w t El /7> ff v; H « f V aoiisiiif r,'.! Ij t ^ r I Fi-uil an; u ry JIAHTIN IJiTllOy »,n ivai cl; ; . V Op: % 4b/ piLcu-EcHi Sccrin’.ed iL* Wei:to:dtiv NEW ADDITION TO KINGS MOUNTAIN HOSPITAL CN WEST KING STREET In Service So an i:. ht low-rent h .usi; g u.:i ■vcie occupied \Vednc.sd.j;r, It marked liio iiit' unit-, of i ■jd-a.nit i-i'jtt: la n-r-uj.;:.'J. Fiiur we. e o. rupa.d er. li i”* .lan Cou'.i -df VA".- Aari.cr ::ie' au.l four on liabi Kidge jti'cet. 'i'i ■' j rou'. t navv 0- 3 fit L'i.aO.'l.AJ ) o: \v;v h ; .1:1 he rnaiketid in Septemb i...,i*.y ni:’.;' of i!ie uni-s KM-’y ..CvUly for oc^upan .. Fiist Fioor To Be Opened On Jiilv 15tli At pi GRACE UR-LR—Rov. New'^ll C. Bushit^Vtoumcd new pas torate cei >ot Grace United Methodirhttfeh. SiisMssuMes Smc Duties By LINDA BI3ER BEHRENS The li:st multistory addition ta the Kings .Mountain Ha.spilal vmU be oeeupiftd July lo, .suyji Lrady. i' !• i.d. hc.'pital administrator. ^ IloweeiT. it Uiully only the f let fleer will ix' ready for busino.'-.'s llieti. Ocenp:;ncy of llte n.Udt) wj. ft. -■e-jnd I’oor awaits rcnovatie.:i a P';rlion ri e\\‘e,ing ho.;p.tai quarto.’-' an ! is ‘dated lor Oet.ihrr • 1. Tiio addition \*.»11 iiureasr the Kings .■'l"ur:iai;i ? !):la Au'Jior.t is inviting I’ne pub- !.j inspi-ei scvO.al oi tue r key ^';e. I apj.. hiri.d.iy from lO a.r.i. p.m. pr . m.i la n.' ;r J 11 ).'■ a ff Inal ■; ;■). till' ee-‘-al , h ve’op.'iu nt :. mvidf-. 2on ’ s- Ar ;y iill n . nry .M .i.> V-. .nies- (dfi- i' ■eiri' 1 1 (• :-ion w;’/’. ,A\ ill a re- .(‘e- '•i*. a (''if.mn.i vi '..jjj* r and deveiepmen. . ■ :.:« nt '.v.Jl ’. : ! ;; iieits. :2 -w-;;; d . 11 iii.ee-., vlroi.m u ^ ’ ' •ur-';cJ:*-i r.T rni; !ie “T'^’<.uiiie iiy vvil: ) N cars a n"’ si ml a m ni <;. il u. in V. i )}>m(‘n;. 1 iu . :i; y .‘<luu( Ol the .S2. te.l - S IDi.h.'vl, in . ;e-h ind tiu i ■'ort = i‘)u:a T -a ei rd. v.r!‘ V .V :i y.Ti l;i\ ^-fe.r. J ' M. J.,i:ie> ■ (!e\ • I ipni' nt I'. ' L; l- a.ul Urban j^e- iud; . OU’’ proj.' n . i-u ;i . rel.K ation n 1 ■ e ■ CO"‘\I^ n. .Ma;. • (ii.'i* rij;* commi '-.('n. ■ m nd • 1- '.:r, nd t:u' I ‘iti- apii and, in •nw •iKum T.) ().:^ of the tenann'' ’.v''o d. a hii.uA I vJc .1 a; . .ae \ .ai ■ n h.s l.ving qua: t- pirtme.n had na iTj' \ it : . Ilis nmie. iiid liK had i.aicd i; . ■tw n:crrre”1r ;■ .‘macs r. e .tu.:. • ar{inr:rs, wa-.n v em -no had oair, ’ u i ed. mm ur.: s. , .'.-ed ( >L income ana s./e of iV in ami.v. Ke\. ^.oll•(^ Rush. 49. has . .... . .... u,..i. is-'uniort .V pastorate duties a. ' ‘ , i,- hr ?. i Iraee Ih d Methodist church, i f The n Mr.. Bush comes to! King.*-* Md ain from the Bolwood , Dedi. ation of the budding \m11 Charge iihe (ia.-tonia District;^ postponed un‘il early Oetolxu., Two operating roams Hno same' numboi the hospital .started uitli' but converted one to other us<'). a two-bed rcaovorv room, a din- & f langs Mountain ih'.a.nr II "JS- ly Auihoriiy was con.aati. • d h ■.»e Aiy l).»:r-d of eomini>.-.orier5 \ Januaiy 1967. •n ■n a ‘il ni:’.8 p.’us .• IT 1 h Mr. l.mi;. ion wi’l :.('T ‘\ in a') III! i'l;:- i-a/'.-I, I - a;<' ohl'ihif:!. T’S- 1 1 ■1 t U’ .1 (' h l:u:' 'I . n; ■rr. i -d .je ’I .n v: Sept. IG: 129 April 27: 23.5 Jan IS: 1-^.5 O. t 21: 005 O.-f. 3: 134 July 12: 257 April 4: 0.37 O -t. 10: IGO .May 1; 240 ((*(tu(ittn( fl ())t .vh(*re iK' ved fr(sm 19G4-70. He enl('r<‘l t minUtry in 194S. served a.- stUilent pi-tor in manpower i ih.r.seshoiMetiiodist c h u rc h. A'-heville strict; Lydia Metho dist cluirc n Clinton. S. C'.. Rirdi- land (’hai; in tlie rhomasvillc I'O — Ni?il O, Johnson hai been promotod by Foote Mi'is al Company to the posi- tic.i cf Director of By-Products ScTesh, effective July 1. Mri}:: ('' ’ Mtn’i'jcrs are John L. Ai.'.vm-'xv:, William Or:, : ’ 1 K Wilson, Brook.- R. T-tc ar-;! M/j in Marnion. Air. ILuTcon . -vu as acting sCvr'Ctary ur.dl e;;'.r;ioy- (;f Til'.''las \V. II..-.p '.’ ?vccutive diie-.tor. . :... ... CnA TLL •.w.;.y ej'tt ^hSa, f J Pofje Piffht' July 4tli Holiday Plans sclude Dances All-Day Oak Orce Oniing .No Strictly patriotic ceremonies are schCMiitxi for Kings Moun Iain’s Fourth of July observance !)ul recreational festiviiics will lie hold at both tho King.s Moun tain Counry Club and the Oak drove Volunli'or Fire Depiiri ment beginning at 10 a.m. Tho Oi*ove V'oluniwr Fire Department invites the public to celebrate the Fouitb at their new fiiehouse on Oak Grove Rd. Beginning at 40 a.m.. and con tinuing all day they will serve haiherup, hot dogs, and home made icx? cream. Pony rides, a grea-^ed pole climb and a greased pig oha.st' for children 13 years of age ami li'ss are featured attractions. 'Pile pig chase is fitH^, The child who ca<tches the pig is awarded it. Main events are the crowning ot the deparlnirnt’.s Little King and Q.et'ii” and a gospel sini,ing al 7:30 p.m. featuring the Key notes of Kings Mountain and other groups. Lake Monlonia e.\pecls ica) lahorator\ suite, a main lob by and .ui.ioini:ig .snack bar are on the fi-rst floor. Also, a phar- ly0^| | 11 Distrht xilG lit Duke in " 'fiHral ^uppiy room, n| Xcminary;ind in a full tim<‘! patient sunning ;i O. J Oins'n of .Shcjiiv ha-^ capajily Watauga Charge*, ' ; been irv.nc'd Director of B.\ -Pro North Wii-boi'o District, 19.53- The second floor can be rc'ached ! duct .^alc-, ri;o. live .Uil> 1. 19Ti). .50; Flat li< Charge, Greeashoro | h> two elevators tanolhi'-r ho.spi-' it was annouaved today by W. F. Didriel, )G-€() - Broad River ' fa 1 first). Tlio sivond floor con-, tA’./ken'aavh, Viie ITC'-idcnt - In Charge. Mion District, 19GO-G4. ; tains 27 p-rivale room.s, 4 .semi-At.rmiional Division. Fecti' Min- private. a nurses station, and a’tva! 2o.Tipa!:y. Mi, -1 .iin-;e:i iuui small waiting r.icm. Cardiac mon- fa/.ne.ly .-eiaod as C;H’ra'ion- itoring will be possible in four M-.nage" at liie r.vmpanv's Kii.. s conduit equipped ro.'ms gr.mpcd j Mountain. N. plant, * an i a.--, at the nurse.s' station. Only ofiej P;-duetJon Maniger fin- monitoring unit is available, how-j (he CiKmd-als and Minerals Di- evci*. rile rod brick exterior is band ed wiih while concrete oneirel- ing the middle and tojj of tlii* structure. Jutting bays encompas- an area of two rooms on the .st*e- Ofilics (>. the autho’.ity a^ on M, .All Court, off Ea>t K'-.ige .e.ieii. M.s. Bill Kussell is secix’- taiy. A. K. (Jimi (.’ormer maintenance supcrvi^o:• Barn No-nbei 17, at CTamer- Icn. he is graduate ol Cramer- ! ' (Ctjnfhid Oil Page Eight) PeissnitsI M iosmid , vr- ion. ’ la hi. John on for tee . new a •'-’ignmert. M*. w 41 have re^sponsieinty t l;/.'dicn and .sc.le ot hy- K;ng.« Mounf in per- •'cnnel whcwill <taft the nc\v fir t ■'h-e-r beginning July 1.5 include, in Oie clini'al la.’.i>r:nory tinee ni' li.-al teclinalogjst^. .Miss Kulh Wariick. ?.Ir.<. June M Tgan, and .Mrs. Erika Mez-'ors of f'allas. A pharmacist rmpioyed part lime. Raegan iiarper will supor- t redact materials from all of t!ie vise the plnrmacv'. Two aneslhe- Company’s twelve operating l.i- uU R.N.’s are employed in the inloi vals o h|^e years. At noi'i lemonaile • l.aandvviches will \< served und aitrco on the ch i> grin,mis atii'ihaigc of $1 p- e j end floor and a total of 2G,n(K) so. tjtiJns. *^rhe pro;kuts'eompra-JC a operating room, Mr.s. Hard.I Rid- person. ^ ft. im lading a ba.sement area. A variety it mineral, chemical and die and Mrs. Julia Bohelor. The Swiminin Wents begin at 3 I roofed driv<» j.i a at the front of metallurgical materials — some opi’rating room nurses include I\m. with <dilg eontosls, relay ; the building permits cars within : of them generated in large quan- Mrs. ilelen McDaniel, Mr-;. Bar- races, and oclSs pool contests ; a few feet ol the entramx' lor titles — resultinf» from the (’om-- bara Tindall. Mr.s. Pat.s\ Hi*rnd')n slateti. Swiming medals will be ; picking up and discharging pa- awarded indf events. P'eatuie j lionts. Narrow 10 foot tall vene- events will n^lude a greasy I tian blind equipped windows are watermelon a^’, diving for nie- I provided for the .second floor. Tlu- kt*ls. and ; cisa/y bathing cap ! first floor is windowed at the lontost. Su]3rAviIl be served at ; front and in the enclosed .sun G p.m. 'riekspi $2 for adults, i ning area. Freeman ;in£l Whiti* $1 tor . liildnjmust l>o purchas* | associates designed the structure pany’s promary operations in the and Mrs. Nellie Mayes. TIte op- proriucticn o‘r ferroalloys, lithiufn orating room attendant is Jess chemicals and otliei products. Howell. Record City Budget Tentatively Adopted By Board If. d al'oi’i'.cv und former state sen'F >:• W/is :lv t. mi; o • I ch' '< ; by lumr. '.cn ’o t.c Ch- i men •: t.x De;v.:):'. a I .c I^.Ct V .! . . Te.'U. L’Tnyiesslcna; i> s'drl !neiclr.g a Hh'ko:y Saiu:dev-. Ho vcs ale. l \Ud pt rmancr.i ch.hrman o .he- Ce 'V r'l: ian. Another lo:.'l m::n. M. L. v.':im • h.dl. .51. was ur.arl louslv -d;*. ‘od Ten h Cc^ng. e.-• ior.rd I d. r h Reprcsen.riiivo on the si::ie i )n volition’s C'cuncil 'T -R -M CamnhoU who iciu-he-; ' o.‘ ; • “gciculiir.e in tlu-' i.:in Ci'y t-ch(joh<, cm.:;*' ‘ho <h ;c convonlon in i* his rew earcK.y^ An estirriah'.i hi9 .''M pe son^ attenrifd I'le n'coi. 15* Clcvctcr. 1 (Ii’c '.jiicn i : iv.' . i!io size )! Tlujse from rty >'C ;h- 'Uhoc 7 counties. l'!ie S ( nmiie^ poll :M3 vnu'.s (if vvhi. h 1.3 iu lan to ChAi'land. .M’'. \Vhiu*‘.s new p jsi ‘.’cquivc.- i!uu ho seek un;;y < ; 5 of the coiuPy Dcp'.ce:::l c p ii ;( 'n the Di-djiy with t’;c rnai:i icetivo 1.*’e.cliin'::: Dt'CiV:. ■; : ;• ■ y ean' ldates e!('i :ed in N.ivt'm ‘■er, Wliite ?('e ; son -e D m' 'hsurci'y due ’o n':tj('.''.I ?• h'■ ma'e I tiiat o m::u.r.pm of ' S2. iUi in priv.de (-.•'piial in- v^.^Imonl will be gciicratcd by tlu* proj(*ct. ue-. e 1 n a -c.i ’ :f. a.v., • n::-. 1 'kJ -c-ti: with th fi"ure- lh< nrninum hi,} a eat- ar)U‘'a.l pu.ilic aue:ji.*n l .r spe ili dcvclop.rnent iii h .riri-iiy with tin oM'r-all jiien. Bo’h !*e an! Cu- May ir er. :’:;i- sized that thr key wnr(i the P ok' t i' ‘•fh'.N' iilily’’ — ■•I'lat i u as of ih(' (!e -'I'lpers will he .‘^uiig’it and honcroti. d'hc . BB area eov' r.- .33 . ’■f in which there are 121 budding;, will] 1.3 jrercent cf tlie hulldings owm* I by th^ occujiajits an 1 .57 pei.'ont rented b\- the n;'7ipa;r.s. In llu' area are To invpiTty *’wn- ers. and 8.5 iierccnt ol the occu- jianis .si'cvc on !h(' dn.v.'itown (i(‘\(’l<»pmenl committee. Mayor Mo.ss p:-edi('te.l the F^'d- (*ral Grant will pi>HlU'-e a Ura- M.s. Jua’iita .-MIran. 7.5. ol 709 mat: - ('haiigi' and i(‘viiali/o tin* .. M unli»i:i S:., d;ed at 10;.3t) iliirly acre dovvntown. Tlii-; i7."o- .in. Inu’ la'. ai King/. .M luntaiii ■ gram.lu' said, will put our busi- u. afu I .m ilhu*'-- .J si’veral m* .'iiit n in .a p rsitian la cornpe'.e ►ti <'4ual terms with modern -hoppiiig c( nle;s and enabh* ihe.n T'i -m • .run M. ro:. er.vr.ut •'i ' h U'-ir.g r.irh >. aa.s V. II be n--e i- pp!:a::i hms airendy i*c 1.5.) imits being . ih . .. 4ior5v its:- .vc .r m iftes €;tt!?dae:tecl nontlis. y'u‘ u a- i!'.' daii-’hjt'r of liic l.iie vlr. an i M's. La'-h 1 ..\s u:r\ Fal- n uid 4u’ '.V. ia.v o: Mneri Lt*o Alhan. wiio 9.3-1. .M.s, Aiiuin wa.*-- .•« 'nember <i' tni.-al Un.iied 'Mellra.hst -liurdi Fe;- a ivam :c:- of vears he.^ori tlie to j.-javidc (an citizens with th(* I.u«* aavsl in .aTvict*. (lied in Kc-.iv xelcpim'nt Coinmis i o Ciinirman Carl h. Mauney -tatej at hi' \< jjarticularly ph'ascd s III e thi.< mark-s the end of plan- nin... We will n ;A be able to ac- ..an. 1 . o; rcti-emeiit . he vva.< (*mpbyevi rompli !i tin objectivi'.s of tho that is, imprave traffic pn.vide adoriiupe p i/kurg. •’*j h. -uti v liir at'oa” Chairman .\Iaaiie\ -ai i. Mr. Mauney fur- :hcr state 1 iha‘ t!io Redevnlop- iT’c Co’nmi.-sion has accom- pli'iu (J i\y primary task and the h'lk’s D( u tmonl Slu:c .''ui. ivo" i:u 111 ie t.vc sa;i:. .\)- lerr iBu'ui Alira'i of K;ieg> 'o; • u F. .-iBran of ' i .': -'. r .-; t.vo viaugitUT-i. Mro. ■-ioi •-on le*rnden of Kin.zs I unu'iip .(lul .Mrs. M, Trotib’e- I ield (f A!t. Rainier. Md.; lluee do-.vntown lut-dnewsmen siiould .M.;- u.iive. W. C. Futnam. y.xA. now take and Mrs. 'Jrier Me-' funds k.- ’.ani 1, all of Kin.r.s Mounlair.. 13 .".an li'lnldren and 15 g.eal-grairl- jhiMren. Furii'ral .-^eri lees were held Sat ed «> at 1 .).:n. with Ilov. D. B. ■.!vh i.a .:i ofiiviating. Bu.'-ial wa-i a ‘h iintain Rt t Cemou*ry. Active ptdioeaiers we/.. IFl M.u Bl.uk. \Viilin:n .M; Daniel. Viil M-Duiiel, (I, L. -5KDanieI, i :;;ul A. V. 5’:’.5h:'o. the lead to use the-;o dt’velop a retail area ap proximately -100 members for a r* G p.m. barbecued pork fe.st entered by Austin Brklge.s and pricej at $1 for ndults, ..50 for children. Bob B(*ason, Boiling Springs jiharmacist and club vice presi dent is in charge. Shu- fleboard, tennis, swimming and horseshoe* pitching events are scheduled for 2 p.m. Kings .Mountain Country Qlub members -and guests will begin with a family golf tournament. Trophies will b^, awarded to win ners of each of fcnir classes spanning grades 1-12 grouped at cd f»(»ni To. Sfniart hefoiv July j whicli was built by La.xton 3. i struction Co.’ A da ice itb music provided! Not a penny of Federal fund.s; Ptr mabtin harmon '-.ntn'i-ntiv i .,f s:->79x^t •>-‘u. ,v»r I^ DwU h./ag.ancn^. com.K, nna,vo<, th. 131.000 .-clir^o I Dress IS ca.-a^ piicc is $3 pei ; <>17. Leonomy measure.'; ^^,1-1970.71 ol icrson. The King.'-Mountain Improve ment Associ iin will hold a post Fourth ftJuly dance Mon day, Julv G P'tit- until h Mr to [)are costs included suhslitut- it-R g.vi aim walks for plaster and dropping (me promxsed bay. Debt .'crvice will n quire $.392,- $ 725. includinn $17b.005 for hnn I 2 a.m. a th Armory. The Har per Brothers entertainmen- Aiew hi featured ickets are S2 in advanci', $2..5 ^t the door. Hold ers of I lue l^kets, distributed initially, slioid^contact Mrs. Vic- to‘ia ■Be.'-s, 1 ident of the as sociation at 3i-'20'30. Mrs. Be.ss will exi'h 'iig Oie blue tickets for' Memorial hospital, Shelby, a red ticket, ^occ eds will help equip th<‘ m/hKings Mountain recrcatior biidpng. Abortions Nil Here Shelby Reports 19 but maintained the ad valorem ■ lax rate ol Sa t/*nts per $1(H) val uation. Tiie budget increase is’ $52.(172. The budget provide.^ for salary and wage incrcase.s for city <‘m- ployeos for from three* to five jx'r- amortization, $211,800 in interest, and $92:5 in bank chirges. Street projects budgeted include surh-and-gutter on Falls s;;*eel, Mauney avenue. Henry street cx- ten-;ion, S.Gof.irth stiwt, and the If jni.dy dir ci'-’iices v /;,e!U amoa.r ro:i:iiies, lu •o unify e;\ ii e(»uniy Ml’. V.’i5ie .^Is.i hour; l fiillv 'i tii::<e the tliinkin : younger ineml I'rs of t!u a!id to urive fo:* a h'*' u i‘ offch'tion yeir.s in.T.)) tl'd ( h e iocs 1. A re-ii’ii-i);! r.illin t > Iminn of Ii’,' Yon::-» (.'luh wc; de^t •tc 1. i)f the resaluli'in fe! had ouil:v('il -iieir u-i tint i'll' two g.o. 1- Miss Iflngs Msuntain linda Falls Pf a u • .'c. I nu’’ ■' ■if llu pa-.’l.x , -ce 1 radon y dis a»- !). nv n i'r'.p.i’i •:!:> th ' g-oup ;'il’v’''s r.i'ii ihiuild Baltlegniund merge. Amevle; n D sponsor a Jiv 9 until 12 p.H Legion B did provide;! by ‘ and Leglonn; and guest^ ai ion Post 155 will 1th dance from . C-Senate, at tlie American . Music will he le niu« Velvets” ‘s, their wives, nvlted to attend. No therapeutic abnrtion.s have (‘t'ot effective September 1 been performed at Kings 51(>un- burlgel indicates the city ain hospital but 19 we* e i>er end(*.i fiscil .\a\ar 1970 with a formed within tlie past two and j-'urplus of .$70,491, including one-half years at Cleveland $-3'',1G3 reimbur.semont due from 1^0 S. Fatih'ground parking lot. (he Department of Housing an-i the strc'ct at the community The abortion law .went into ef Urban Develonment on tlie neigh-, building, and the par’Kin;: area ''ect in April of 19G7, according to borh /;t facilities building. betw’een the community building Jack White, local attorney who The,city anticipates an increase I>oal street pool, and Princeton sponsored the bill before the N. in water receipts o." $2,500 to Drive. $277,500. an inercast* in pewer re- Street resurfacing is schediihH* oeii l - of $12.5(X) to S(t.)3.0(X). and for portions of Church. Lynn. Wil- an increase of gas sales cjf $38,000 son. S. Goforth and Tldrd slre(*ts. t • $.523,500. Railroad avenue, .Monroe and A i valon'm t:,*x billings will .Mauney avenues, total $3(Khn5, but collections arc i Continued On Page ^h5/7tf/l parking ama on S, avenue. Paving hudgot('d includes jxir- th<‘ a'lcption of m iif. p:i ;\- lions of Jolly. Henry, Williams, hcadquarte;s i!ru n pr.'. ' le May, M31'?on and Pinevh'w siroi'ls, time for nr(.''’ici. cj'unty. r:i'l dis trict Tv.eetings w‘>s .3 i i:iu*r t’n.in 1 p.m. en S.aiu.cl.iy Ki'-i:' Mountain .l.ivrees and ’aeii famili('s will pnn ide a mot- •.'ule .-if :d if! fo: I inda Falls, M;r-. Kin,: •• Mounlai.n, .Sunday afl- 'rn. on. I;.IN, 1,9. and Mrs. .lohn lu': rhager im* will li*a\e Rale;, li Alu'ia* Miss 1 p.i;iiei}).a:e in the Jay- red Mi'^s .N'oilh Ca:\)- Ihvt conlrst .Inly (» 11. IVior t«' their di'parture. Mr. IP 1 Mis. Ru.i !> FalN will enit'r- ‘ain motonadr )>ar!icipants at M >• '’la'i'ioh* 'len h': •al!--. u '.'e sp . 'Phe grouj) \ 't(,i to bCng 3 to (hi ir iumu* on Klh'nwood Drive at ! .-n. 51: Shelby Hospital Adminkstra- tor Paul S. FBlison ?ave these figures: four therapeutic abor tions were performed (here in im>S, six in 19(i9. METER RECEIPTS Paiking mete? i'ct; 1:- ihe week eliding Tue day tot Bed $U9.5(\ inciu'lini; trim on-strcei inep'r^ and P3()0 fr<un off street meter*;. Re eipt^ for June from the parkir".: l it at the eoriK'r of Oiorn’K -' and\V('-;t Mountain totah'd $(1.5.15. Fall'- h( Iie\es lier family M-. ao.i Mrs. 0;>’ FalN i;.!id .sons 'ii\( ''len h('i greaie.'-'l asset in ti:!: vl ial(\ Siu' notes thi'ir '■el ' and I'nz )ur \-:em(*nl and es- ■•(.hilly J;u' a'A’laim trom her ti\ youn ier l>;"'th(rs‘. Tlu'\ will he in Raleigli with her at the Sir Waller Raleigli H ue] then* aUng with maternal aunt.s, ecu an-;, and a grandniotii- er. Mi. .md Mrs Jolm Phifer and two daught(*rs Mrs. Jack Rridge.s (C'(Oifi5i«e(/ On Page Eight) TO PAGEANT — Linda Fall*, the reigning Miss Kings Moun tain, will gc to Raleigh this weekend to participate In the Miss North Carolino beauty pogeant. e 7 tliai. v\jil e.,:-n:iine ajl the ad- winla^A' ol a modt'in sho;)ping ;*‘ntei and yet retain the jx^nson- an I repiitaiion of tho busi- lie slab'd the formation (;! '’DoAat uvn Incorporated”, de- vi>:ed to improvement and pro- ni )ii(>n of tl’.e downtown, is a sig. nifitaiu step in the right diroc- ti.m. (Continued on Page Eight) -ti I

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