m ( brd. pro- ?t (U- di- chors, ipals, and morn- U'tion will I paS 3s in :m(*nl Vorih 5,IKK) I Population Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8.256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9.300 *.*4 Guater Kiogs MountcdD figur* u d«rtTed Ironi tM ip«cici L'Alted Slates Bureau et the Ceneue report e January iSeS, and ineludee the H.890 populaUoD 9 Number 4 Towntblp. and the remaining S»i24 Iron Mumbor S Township, in Cleeeiand County and Ctowder' nffHw Tnwwuhlp ttl GoStOB COUBty Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL 85. No. 39 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, September 24, 1970 Eighty-Fifth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Fox: Buffalo Creek Water Project N?ws Is AH Good Board Accepts Charlotte Pupils Litter ^ 1 • Treatment Plant tomplamt Bepn Operating Citizens mm 0 CROWNING CEREMONIES — Ken Compton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Compton. 38 Smythe Ave.. Greenville, and Frances McGill, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John C. McGill 703 HiUside Drive. Kings Mountain, were crowned "Rat King and Queen" at Erskine College Friday. September 18. during the annual Rat Hop which brought Rot Week to a close at Erskine. Crowning them arc sophomore class president Robert Alexander. Gastonia. N. C., left, and the 1969 Rat Queen. Frances Dougherty of Charleston, far right. The Rat Hop culminated a week of freshman-sophomore class competition and activity at Erskine. (Photo by D. K. Lee, Jr.) Aim Of Waste Use Policy Js Aired At Meeting Here S. R. Pearson's Intent To Rape Rites Conducted | Charge Lodged Against Surratt Funeral rites for Stanley Rob ert Pear-son Sr., 84, of 403 Chest nut street, were held Saturday aft ernoon at 3 p.m. from S^‘ond and Bapti.st church, interment follow- Proposed Ordinance Is Discussed A proposed waste use ordinance was discussed by Kin;^s Mountain industrialists, city officials, a state officials Monday night. It* was the first in a series of meetings designed to pnxluce a workable and fair ordinance that also will meet the test of federal and slate regulations. Commissioner Jim Dickey, chair man of the city commission sew age disposal committcH?, presided. Wilbur Long, of Raleigh, chief of the municipal waste section of the state's Water and Air Resourc es admission, outlined the grow-j (»nt!iusiast, had adedmpanied the ing in Mountain Rest cemetery. Mr. Pearson died Thursday morning at 6:35 in the Mountain hospital hospital after three year’s illnes.s. He was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Pearson. Rev. Eugene Land, assisted by Rev. W. T. Luckadoo, officiated at the final riles. Grandsons of Mr. Pearson were pallbearers. Ho was a member of Second Baptist church. Mr. Pearson, a longtime sports James 45 Citizens Protesting Refuse Dumping j Forty-five citizens who live in I the area of tlie garbage dispo.sal I area have addressed a letter to Mayor John Henry Moss and the city comimlssion charging that city garbage trucks are littering their yards and dropping smelly I refuse along the roads leading to I the site. I Mayor Mo.ss, on vacation in i Wau.sau, Wisconsin, this week, I told the Herald by phone Wednes- I day afternoon, “I was not aware I of any problem, but an immediate I investigation will be made and i all means of eliminating any lit- , ; tering by the city wall be taken." i "We the ip<‘ople in the area ol the new City Dump are very up set. We have asked you why you permit the City Garbage and Trash trucks to use the County Roads, rather than the City Roads built for this purpose, OUR YARDS AND ADJACENT ARE.AF ARE POLLUTED AND SMELLING JUST LIKE THE DUMP ITSELF. "Tliese trucks spill garbage, trees, debris, nails, etc., all ovei the area. W’hy spend taxpayers money for a paved road to the City Dump and allow City Trucks I to use another route. We feel the County Health Dtrpartment would condemn this practice, however, I since you have Publicly stated that Kings Mountain can admin ister its own affairs, we appeal to you. How can you expect Kings Mountain to maintain its present prestige if you allow this condi tion to exist. TO BRING THE MAT TER CLOSER, WOULD YOU PER MIT THIS IF YOUR HOME W.A3 TO MARYLAND — Robert (Bob) Coshion has resumed his for mer duties as secretary to the president of the University of Maryland and as organist for the University Baptist church. Mr. Cushion, son of Mrs. Minnie Coshiom has served as Minister of Music at Grace Methodist church. SIcM Wednesday Dy MARTIN HARMON "AD the n(*\vs is g-)(>d on the Buflalo Or(H*k water projt* t." Den- ni.s Fox. resirU'nt engineer for W. K. Dickson Compajiy, .'-ai l Wed- ne.sday, Item.-^: 1) The treatment plant went in to (.piTalian ai no )n Wi'int'.-kiy. 2) All fini.-^ht-.'l walei pumps art' set in place. 3) Tlie million-gallon capacity receiving tank at tlu' trealnicnt plant will .)(' fillcfl by 'riiur.s.lay. 41 Flushing of tlie Jl-uieh imainline from the plant to the •city will begin .MonJay or lue.s- day. 51 The concrett' sub-contractor will begin work on the 'koO-fout spillway and T5-ioot runway next week with completion of llie dam aoout one month di-tant. Mr. Fox .said it has hec'n indi cated that .'^(M.tlerm nl is near on acquisition of the* jn/iperty . Mr. and Mrs. John D. L'line. Discus sion was lield this vv(*ck with Mr. Cline and with Buford Cline ol the adjacent Double B raiKh on ; arrangements for an ingrc.NS-cg- ress road for Double B. He added that agreement ap peals near with Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Cline on a grubbing clearing contract. Temple Baptists To Break Ground Phifer Property Auction Oct. 20 Real estate of the late Martin Phifer will be sold at public auc tion October 20. The five tracts lying west of I Kings Mountain high- e'.dHxjI are Temple Baptist church on Cans- ‘ being sold by court a;)pointed lor Street will have a ground- j Ccmmi.ssioners Crawley B. Cas.h, breaking ceremony this coming i Jtr., and George B. Thomasson un- Sunday at 12:30 p.m. j dor a special proceedings to settle Construction will soon begin on: the Phifer estate, a new 500 seat sanctuary; a new’1 Under lerm.s of the sale the two-story educational addition; \ pro])erries will be offered by each and the remodeling of the present tract than on the whole, the educational building. f highest bids bi'ing acccpti'd. > fturratt, 20-j’ear-old No*' THIS ,ice veteran, of ChiWersi * ,.„her. while we live out- street, has been charged with as , y in Kings Mountain. I , Kings' nn.nn unidentified white school | rdaUves live in Kings Moun-' ‘in' ‘'“S'' '"'n'dc <re‘'s for the last girl. I toit, ' time. The tree.s cu-c standing Ralph Lee Construction Cbm-! pany of Greenville S. C. will bo the builder. • After the historv-making cere-: monv. dinner will be served under Cash dejKi.-iit of ten pereeiit will he required with balance on con firmation of the sale. The five tract.s contain approx imately 131 acres. ing problems botli in state and nation of handling waste aaginst a growing residential and indus trial population. Chairman Dickey and Col. W. K. Di'ckson, city consulting engi neer, related the city situation, particularly as regards the McGill trealment plant, which h-ad op- P 'rational breakdown in Pohru- iry and hasn’t regained full op erational efficiency since. Tlic breakdown has been attributed to oxce.ss efluent of toxic industrial waste. , Joe Kakassey, of K Mills, charg ed that 'the city in inviting him to locate here, promised lull city sorviecs and now appt'arod to be abrogating its committments. Col. Dickson averred, "We have a letter in which you stated a need for 20.00Q gallons of water per day, and yoi^e now using 100,000. We’re t»#glad you’re so prosiK'rous." / Chairman D*^key explained spo cial invitations went to industries using largest quantities of water, which implied waste use profb- lems. Indu.<firies represented w' e r c Craftspun, Inc., (the city’s larg est water u.ser,), Duplex-Interna tional, K .Mills Oxford Industries, Neisco, Inc., Mauney Hosiery Com pany and Lambeth Rope Corpora tion. Tommy Wells To Be Ordained Kings Mountain Teeners to Her- shey, Penn.sylvania several years ago when they played in the World Series T(*oner League base ball tournament. Until his ill ness, ho had missed only two Little League games in 20 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Emma Jane Hawkins .Pearson; .seven sans, Olland Peanson, Till man Pearsr)n, Flay Pe.irson, Ev- eretto Pearson, Arthur Pearson, and Roy Pearson, all of Kings .Mountain and S. R. Pearson, Jr. of Bes.semer City; two daughters, Mrs. Lona Mae Gaddy of Kings Mountain and Mrs. Roberta Cobb cf Detroit, Michigan; a brother, Julius Pearson of Marion; two sbters, Mrs. Callle McDaniel of W’ilkosboro and Mr.s. Florence Navy of Charlotte; 14 grandchil dren and 18 great-grandchildren. The alleged offense took place at 7:50 Tuesday near the corner of South Gaston and East King streets. 1 tain, we work in Kings Mountain,, i our interests are in Kings Moun- i ' tain, i.e. we live on this side of BUFF/\LO CREEK. Our Allegiance 1 is with Kings Mountain. Your in- The accosted girl says she was terest in our problem is VOID, walking to Central school to | “Your City Police diligently catch a bus to the high schO(>I | police your sipeed limit.s. Come to when she wa.s attacked from be-j our area and sec your own City hind, a hand over her mouth and Trucks endanger our children by another around her waist and that slio was dragged behind Haix>ld’s Gulf station. Police Chief Tom McDcvrtt says David Strickland, also school- bound, heard the girl .sercamin* speeding on this road. . . Partial inforcement, complete disregard, ot henvisc. “May we suggest you consult with your commi.ssioners, and your Public Works people to find ROTARY MEETING Darrell Austin will show' a film of a recent football game at Thursday’s meeting of the Kings Mountain Rotary club at the Country club. saw her adcostor run across Ihej a remedy. Nothing in our section Harris-Teeter parking lot. , guarantees your reclcction,' The Chief says that, from the de.srription given by young Strick land and of Jethro Parker, East Gold street, Surratt’s cousin who met Surratt walking oa.st on Gold street shortly after the alleged a.ssault, Lt. Bob Hayes arre.sted Surratt at his job a-t K Mill.s. Surratt was ex^jeetod to imake bond of $500 Wednesday. I highwav building at Shelby Preliminary hearing will bo lo o’d.K-k Tuesday morning. Cansler Project Meeting Set A pre-construction conference on the Cansler street widening project has been set for the state at set in Cleveland County District court. Tax Pre-Payments To Date $77,289. 'Among those pre.sent will be whore the now sanctuary will be located. Rev. Frank Shirley is pastor of the church. Chief McDevitt To Be Speaker laycees To Sponsor Football Contest Kings Mountain Jaycoes, in co- j oiH'raiion with Wade Ford. Inc., * will .sponsor the 10th anniui] j Punt Pa.ss and Kick c<mipetit.ion Oct:')i)or 3. Students Asked Mecklenburg Bus Problem Escape The King.-< Mountain noard of wiucation Monday night accepted three students from Charlotti'- Movklenburg .<i-h(x>l system. Jean Caune, 10-year-old daugh- Caune of Cliariotte and granddaughtc)^ of Mr.s. Orangrcl J-:)'lJy o^' 4h0 Ful ton Drive, has as,signcd to tlie filth grade at East scliool; Clark Wa.c, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Moflatl Wari-, Jr. of L'iiarl'die and granison of Mr. an! .Mrs. Carl M'.iyes and M.s. Moffatt Ware, .r.r., has oe<*n assigned lo the filth grade at East sjhool; and Sneryl Ann Camp, daughter . of Mr. and Mrs. Norris Camp of ' Charlotte, has been assigned to the sixth grade at Grover .school ; and is residing in Grovc'r with his I grandparenks. ! Tie desire on the part of the , parents to enroll their children here stems directly from the bus ing situation in Charlotte, Mrs. , Caune, who appeared with her I mother et Monday night’s board meeting, told the board, "I’m not against integration." she said. "If someone lives in the neighbor hood I don’t mind them attend ing the neighborhood school hut I don’t feel my child should be bused 15 miles across town." The child’s grand-mother. v\h(» lives in the We.«t school attend ance zone, had asked the board lo assign the child to West. Supl. I>>nald Jones said all sch<x>ls were full with e.xeeption of East. Bethware and Grover. He said the third and fifth grad€^ at West are crowded and that .some transfer roqui’.sls to West had to be denied because of thi.s. Twenty-eight students were re- a.ssigned by the board on the,^^. requests of parents Monday nighf^Bl'-" In making tlie three motions RITES HELD — Funeral rites tor Mrs. Ralph C. Early, 83, were held Tuesday afternoon from Central United Methodist church. Mrs. Early's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Sally Neal Early, 83. wore held Tuesday aft ernoon at 4 p.m. from Contrail United Methodist church of which , she Wits a mOmber. Rev. D. B. Alderman, minister of the church, officiated at the final rite.s, assisted by a former mini.':tor. Rev. Herbert Garmon. Interment was in .Mountain Rest cemetery. .Mrs. -Early died Saturday night at 11:30 in the Kings Mountain ho.spital alter .several month s ill ness. Daughti'r of the late Mr. and, Mr.->. Marion Neal, .she was the: widow of Ralph Early who died! in 1959. ! Surviving are two '^ons. William: H. Karly of Kings Mountain and Hugh Pinkney Early of Washing ton. D. C.; one d-iughtor. Mr.s. accept Die three out-of-dlstrict Turti.s Bullington of Statesville; and a granddaughter, Nancy Ear ly of King.s Mountain. I Tropliie.s will be pre.scnted to first, second and third place win ners and boys age.s 8-13 are eli- Police Chief Tom McDevitt will gible to participate, speak on ‘‘Narcotics’’ at Central Youngsters interested in parti- Junior high school auditorium cipating in the fiotball contest Monday night. are invited to accompany their All interested parents in the parents to the Ford dealershij) on Kings Mountain area are invited Shelby road and register in order to attend and hear Chief McDov’itt to bo eligible, at 7 p.m. Tiiere is no entry fee. Yoga Or Weight-Lifting, Anyone? Fun Day At Community Center Set Yoga or weight-lifting anyone? i derway this week i.s a men’s soft- Bload Bank Returns Friday students, Philip Francis oJ Grov- er said: "It is our responsibility to take care of students who re side in our own distriei first. Since the.se children are willing to pay tuition and obtain relea.se from the .Mecklenburg system I move we honor these requests." The Kings Mountain Commun ity Center is “where the action is" and is expected to be a busy place within the ne.xt few days as activities of all kinds got un- PHA Project On Maigiace Road Will Get Underway On October 1 the project. .Mayor John Henry Moss said Pre-payments of city taxes for: the Spangler firm has indicated the current yea*r totaled $77,289.01 j already it will begin work on Wednesday. I Getobor 5 and e.xpects to have The estimated revenue from ad - eurb-and-gutter installed and un- wtlo-rem taxes is $272,585.00. i pavenl sections of the widened The one percent di.'^ount per-' stnn^t gradtxi and stom^d by I Christmas. Cansler streid i.s to be widened and curb and gutter installed from Walker street to West Gold street. rcprosontalivos of the h'Shway | ac department, the city, and .^pans- jj lor & ^ons, suevessful bidders on son. Mr. Pearson said Miss Kay Bridges, physical (‘ducation in- stru(‘tor at Central Junior high school, will teach ladio.s’ exer cise night elassi's with inti'rested women invited to register August ball tournament. Other events on tap and in the planning stages are: weight lift ing for men; yoga cla.sses; ten- ni.s and bridge classts; rock and miiK'ral clubs; a kennel club; di>g obedience cla.ss; adult basketball leagues; children’s basket aall leagues, boys and girls from ages !>'U and 12-13: t(H'n dance*;: wrc'stling: college basketball gamt's and tournaments: gospel sings; mck and roll bands; conn- ' tr>’ and we.st('rn style* miisl 31st (Thursday week) at 7 p.m. | evemls; 'POPS (take off ;:ounds> iod ends Oetobi'r LsI. Hei>ry Whitesides, Gastonia .lawyer and realty developer, has informed Kings Mountain Public Housing Authority ho will begin eonslru'ction of the 50-unit pro ject on Margraco road by October 1. He said the contractor is R. H. PInnix Consttruetion Company of Gastonia. Tommy Wells will be ordained as a deacon at a Service of Ordin- alion Sunday <morning at the 11 Housing Authority gave |£)’clo('k morning worship .service go-ah(^d to plans Tuesday lit Wostover Baptist church. housing which it will Mr. Wells is employed with ^^om the Whitesides firm. Dover Mills. | Meant line, Tliomas W. Harper, He has been a Westover mem- diroedor of the housing authority, ber for three years. ‘ said tliat 118 of Ihc 150 units of low-ront-hou.sing nearing comple tion have been otlcupied and that the 32 remaining iinoi'eupiod units on (Barnett Drive, Parrish and Thornburg streets are nearly ready for occuiiancy. These are already rentcMl. The bousing authority, in ad dition, has a waiting list of 85, with need for 43 two-beviroom units. 15 one-ibedroom and 15 thrre-l)edroom and ten four-bed room units. Ed Smith Is Elected Ed Henry Smith of Kings Moun tain has been namt'd co(*]iair- man of the Local Development Company Committee of the Small Business Administration, North Carolina District and Community Advisory.Council. He will serve along with Robert Mr. Pearson said that a night class will be sclieduh'd once a week, with the night .soUn'ted de pending on the enrollment. He said a teacher is alsi) lu'oded for a morning class and that anyone inten'sled in applying should contact him or Elmer Ross at the city n>croation offices in the new community faciliti(\s building. Beginning Thur.'^day <tonight) at 8 p.m. enrollment will bt'gin for W(‘slern-style .‘square dance cLisse.s and an adult s(|uare dame club is expecti'd to be formed. W(x>dy Cb ristopher. wcl 1 -known square dance caller, will be in charge and interested adults are Invited to attend tonight’s optm- ing cla&s. Plans for Fun Day for all age.s E. Leak, chairman, and 23 mem- The authority has appliiMl for ; bers from over the state. 100 additional units and awaits action on the application by the' boro October 6-7 Dopairtment of Housing and Ur-1 meeting of the organization to underway Thursday and eonthi ban Dovelopment. * sol up details of the year’s work. i ues through next week. Also un- on October lOtb at the Cominun- Mr.s. Smith wDI go to Greens-! Ky Center are in full swing. .\ for a two-day i women’s softball tournament got elubs; ehildiHui and adult mrl clas-ses, oil painting and charcoal; guitar cla.s.ses for children and a- dulls and roih'-r skating ela.sst's. the Iatt(‘r to bi* held at the Na tional Guard Armory. Mr. Pt*arsi»n said .Mr. and Mrs. Dcmaid .McIntosh of Stanh'y. who operate McIntosh Scliool of bance. said they will teach a cla.ss in adult ballr.Kiim dancing if enough adults are inlert'slivl and will sign up for the cla.ss at the Com munity Cenl('i. 8p('cial events are planri<‘d for '-'^Miior citizens and .Mr. P(*arson .*;aid that Fun Day on Octobcu lOth should b(‘ just that. Ih* invited all Kings Mountain area citizens who have not vi.sit- od Die Neighborhood Facilitk's Building to do so and to call on him or Mr. Ro.ss for any si'rvict*.** and give fhem any sugg(\sti<>ns on how the facility can best serve 1 Kings Mountain area citizens. Have you ('ver wonderi'd why blood Ls available at exactly tlir instant it is needed by a patitmt in our community? According to, Shuford P(*eler, Chairman of the Kings Mountain Red Cross Blood Program, it is a trc'mendous com munity effort. Tlie correct type of blood foi immi'diale demand does not just appear. A Red Cro.ss hloodmobilo is sciu'duled weeks in «dvanc(\ Housewives must b(‘ contactc'd and given a time to work—as ri'gistrars. (\seorls, and canteen worker.s. Doctors must agna* -to donate their lime. Voliint(vr nurses must be secured to admin ister the blood donor prm’e.ss. Newsnapers and radios assist with publicity to notify ilu' community of the bloii.imobile visit. But the most import.tnf (’ontri- buti n is tin* donor himself. "We are evtremi'ly forlunatf* in our sec'ion ol t]i<» country", said Mr. P('(*ler "ix'caust' our p(*ople care. When a bloodrnohilc etmies a- round our folks doiuih*, J'lu'ri'foro. when ciu' of their lov(*d ones needs 1h(* blo.Ml, it is available.” After tile blood is colhvtcd at till* iiloodmobilc* it is taken to the R(‘d Cio.ss Blooil Center in ('bar- for pro((‘ssing. It is then made avtiilahh* to all Iitispitals of Hit* aiH'a because Di(\\' are par- licipanl.s of Die Red Cr.iss Bhhid Program. Most units are jiri'parcM;! as wiioie blo.Hi. but also prejviri’d art' compoiumls ynd plasma ‘pro-' tcin derivatives for Ircatnumt and llt'vl Cro.ss distri- bull's these producf.s to hospitals and pliysicians who nquire -them lor their patients. Alter rt'at'hing Die 2I-d;iy limit, unu.st'd whole blotvl htHomes the .source of de rivatives such as gamma globulin, scrum albumin, or vaivinia im mune globulin. Hospitals can an- Phifer Line News Was Not Good If your water pressure was low Tiu'sduy night and what you got was dirty, here's the reason. Grady Vtdton, sui-K'rintendtmt of public works, .said the 12-inch water line on Phifer Road "bU'w up" or broke in one spot, creti-t- ing a serious work problem for the city water dt'parlmenl crew men. .Mr. Yelton did not sfx'culate on the oause. By morning the line had been repaired and water pressure was back to normal. S('V('ral persons .saiti they plan- nt'd early morning calls *io the plumber. Tlie Phifer Road line, in.stalled by R.iy D. Lewder Construction Company, of Albtmrarle. was an addenda to the city waf(*r sys- It'm e.xpansion after the southwest area was anno.xed to Die city limits. Atkins To Open Headquarters Jim .-Mkins, Republiv’an oindi- date for the state sx'nate from Ga.ston-Cleveland Counties, is the first IiK’al GOP candidate tO(>pen his own headquarters. The hcadquartt'r.s. which lias si>ocializ('d already bivn funetiorjng for sev eral weeks, will be (>fficially open ed on Thursday (Io<iay) at ~:'M) p.m. with a brief cerem.>n\ at 193 West Main street in Ga.sionia Tliere will be fre<‘ cof.ee anc doughnuts for Die public. .Mr. Atkirus, a Gastonia Knvyt'r and a former publisht'r of tlie Gastonia Gazette. c.]>i)os('s J. Ollie ticipale their demands to an ox- Harris, Dt'mo.rat. o: Kings Mtxin- tenl and order their supply from tain for the .senate .'X'at bt'ing va- Rcd Cross accordingly. Hawever, cattM by Senator Jack White of in ea.se of an emergency more Kings ^ioun^aiIl who did not seek (Continued On Fuyt EiyhtJ ■ re-elecUon.

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