V Population Greoter Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimote 1968) 9,300 Otwatvr K.lag» MountoiD tlgiuc u d«rlT«tf iimb United StatM luxeau ot the Ceiuu* repoit o loauary i9b6, and inciudM th« U.9S0 pepulotlon 9 Number 4 Towiuhip« gad tl>e rencnaiDg I«lt4 ftoA Number $ Towmihlp. la Clevelcad Couaty oad Ciaerdar Kings Mountain's Relioble Newspaper VOL 85. No. 43 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, October 22, 1970 Eighty-Fifth Year PftICE TEN CENTS November 3 Election Books Close Saturday * ife .H;r ' \\i¥i I ^.fl |71NewVoteB United FundUff^X Campaign Begins SENIOR CmaiENS ENJOY NEW HOUSING — Mrs. Lucinda Sur ratt top photograph, holds her granddaughter on. her .lap. Mrs. Prank Smith, bottom photograph, enjoys her rocker ond eepeciol- ly when her next door neighbor, Mrs. Irene Melton con have a friendly chat. Both pictures were made in the McGUl Court and Ridge Street government bousing complex just completed. (Photos by Doris Fite) PHA Elderly Their New Homes $5882 Reported Ai Wednesday Kick-OU Lunch By MARTIN HARMON On tho first of a ton-day 1971 Kings Mountain United Fund Fund drive, campaign workers ?i*portcd at a noon kick-off lunch- $5882 in cash and pledges a- gainst a total budget of $35,100. | The budget is a record one. I Kight local agencies share in ihe fund, while North Carolina Community Services including such varied agencies as tho Chil- dren’s Home Society of North i Carolina, the Traveler’s Aid As sociation ot America, and the North Carolina Mental Health a.ssociation, are budgeted at $3,074 of the total Home Savings & Loan Associa tion and Kings Mountain Savings & Loan Association wore hosts at the kick-off luncheon Don Jones, schools superintend- ont and drive chairman, weIc*omed the group, recognized division chairmen and gave a break down on quota assignments. The Indus- Lt. Cmdr Aaron Lee Wells, trial group accepted 55 percent of Iwho enlisteii in the Navy in 1940 k> SxniUi, . Ihs age of 14 and by the tinje lonal presented Independence And Security Appreciated By DORIS FITE I One of the most delightful, in-1 teresling and rewarang after noons availsfble today may be found by visiting and talking to some of our lo*t'al Senior Citi zens. Tho Senior Citizens of Bk'hom I speak are all new resi dents Of the d'ficiency- and one bedroom apartments in the Kings Mountain Housing Development iprograTTr, started about two years ago. In times past, it was customary for the elderly or ‘isaibled peo ple ito depend on some members of their families for care and shelter, thU tended to stif’.e any initiative for a life of their own. What a difference 'between these people of McGill Court and Ridge St. Complex anil their counterparts of yesteryear or their contemporaries that exist in homes for the elderly. Sitting down for -a visit with Mrs. 'Ethel Mills of 213 McGiil Court was sliwr delight and as you enter the room you are im mediately interested in the deLx>r of her apartment. The picturcvs that adorn the walls, the center- pieces an'-', ormments gn^e the coflroe table and end tables rc'flect her personality. Warm, artistic, talented and very, very busy most of the lime. As yr< start to eh-at, you learn that she sews, crochets, tries almost any kind of craft and all in all is happiest when she is busy Her 'apartment shows much of her . handywork. Born and raised in Newport, Tennessee, Mrs. Mills came to # lve in -Kings Mountain in 11938, '(’Sitting here for .about 20 years. She worked awhile in the card room of the Craftspun and Bur- linr/ton mills. The Burlington was at that time called “The Old Dil- (Continued On Page Five) Fire Department' Supper Saturday Proceeds from a barbecue chicken supper Saturday night at Eethlehom Volunteer Fire Depart ment will be used to purchase a new fire truck. Barbecue chicken will be avail able from 5 until 8 p.m. and citizens may prefer to eat at the department dining room or take out orders. Plates are $1.50 and include large helpings of chicken and accessories and homemade cake with tea. RETIRES — Lt Cmdr. Lee Wells, native of Kings Mountain, has K'tired otter 30 yeors service with the U. S. Navy, The sretired officer enlisted at the lage of 14. Kearney Veteran 30-Year Retiree the Industrial chairman, Marvin Toer, with cash and pledges for $2750, which he said is $400 more than the Duplex • International employer • employee contribution of last year. Woodrow Ross, a Carolina Unit ed Fund director of which the Kings Mountain United Fund i.s a member, presented a concise film detailing the various serv ices United Fund contributions provide. These are the budget figures for local agencies: Ministerial Help ing Hand $3600, Boy Scouts Pied mont Council, $7972, American Red Cross Cleveland County $.5500, Girl Scouts Pioneer Council $3750,, Kings .Mountain High School band i Grabowski, Commander of he was 18 was a Navy Chief, has retired after 30 years of service. A native of Kings Mountain, Lt. Cmdr. Wells is a Special Ser vice Officer in Concord, Califor nia, lie first reported to the Con cord station in 1969 as a Family Service Oll.icer. Lt. Cmdr. Wells, 44, served with the Destroyi^r Kearney, which was torpedoed just prior to the entry of the United States in World War II. He plans to start another car eer with the State of California and recently i-emved his final .salute as a Naval Officer in ceremonies in Concord. Captain Jim Petty Rotaiy Speaker Jim Petty, president of Cleve land Technical In.stitute al Shel by, will be guest speaker at Thursday's meeting of the Kings Mountain Rotary clnh^ The civic club meets at 12:15 for luncheon at Kings Mountain Country club. Pete Connot will introduce Mr. Petty v/ho will speak on tho sub- jeer, Doinr $2550, Cleveland County (Kings Mountain) Rescue Squad $4584, Kings Mountain High School chorus $14(X), and the Salvation Army $16()C. Administrative costs are bud geted at $560 and there Is also budgeted a $569.72 contingency fund. President J. C. Bridge.s declared at tho luncheon, “We need all the help wo can got. This is a record budget but every dime of it is needed." Club Endoises Rond Vote IBethware Progressive club Mon day night unanimously endorsed the November 3 bond elec'tion for $850,000 for Cleveland County Techni'cal lastitute. Action followed addresses by Tech President Jim Petty and Cecil Gilliatt, a member of the i board of directors, in which they] pointed to the many ways Cleve- j land Tech serve.s tho community I and gave some history of the| school. Myers Ilambright, program I Whiit Cleveland Tech Is | chairman, presented the two j, For Cleveland County." ' speakers. ■ the Naval Weapons Station there, conjucted the ceremonies. Lt. Cmdr Wells and his family now live in California He is a native of the Dixon community, son of the late (^inn Wells and brother of Harold Weils of the Dixon community. Joy Is Showing Billy Graham Film Joy Theatre Is showing the Billy Graham film, “For Pete’s Sake” this weekend, Sunday through Tuesday. The Kings Mountain showing is sponsored by Kings Mountain Jaycees. Saturday is the final day register for the November 3 e-1 Ux?tion. I On Ixisis of registration activ ity to date in No. 4 Township, 71 now voters will bi' able to take part in the general election. The registrars will be at the polling places again Saturday from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. to reg ister new voters and accommo date transl'ers. A total of 36 loi’iged their names t» the pollbooks Saturday with West Precinct,' where Mrs. J H. Arthur is registrar, lead ing with 20, foHowe.1/ by East Precinct, where Mrs. Nolle Cranford is registrar, with 10, followed by Bolhware Precinct, Where Mrs. J. A. E. Conn(*r is registrar, with six. Registration places are West Kings M'ountain Pm-inct at the Armory; East Precinct at City Hall; Grover Precinct at Grover Rescue Squad Building; and Bethware Precinct at Eethwarc school. The books will close October 24 and October 31 is Challenge Day, Registration requirements are citizenship and residence within the state for one year and with in the precinct one month. A 20 year-ol i who will observe his 21st birthday by November 3rd is eligible to register and vote. Persons desiring to vote ah- ‘•enfteo should make applicathwis immediately wifh Ralph Gilbert, chairman cd the Cleveland Coun ty Elections Board, Shelby. Mn;.Haiiibrights Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Lena Turner Hambright, 88, of Grover, widow of Belle Peters Hambright who died Mcay 31, 1944, were held Wednesday afternoon at 3 p.m. from Shiloh Presbyterian church of which she was a member. Mrs. Hambright died Tuesday morning at 3:45.a-m. in Cleveland Memorial ho‘?pital after a week’s illness. She was daughter of tho late Mi. and Mrs. Mathias Turn er. She is survived by one son, Bu ford Hambright of Grover; one daughter. Miss Mary Hambright of Grover; and one brother, Charles A. Turner of Charlotte. Rev. Robert A. Wils^on, minister of , tho church, officiated at the final rites, assisted by Rev. James Neill. Interment was in Grover cemetery. PRESBYTERIAN "This Talk About ■Giving” will be the sermon topic of Dr. Paul Ausley at Sunday morn ing worship servi'ces at 11 o’ clock at First Presbyterian church. Funeral For W. Veterans Oifice At New Building > The Kings Mountain ofiice of C. Z. Falls, Cleveland County Veterans Servito oTicer, has been moved from City Hail to tac Neighborhood Facilities building f»n Cleveland avenue. Mr. Falls is in the Kings Mountain office each Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. LUTHERAN TOPIC The sermon subject Sunday at St. Matthew's Lutheran church will be “The Saiddest Page In Reformation History," Democrats Say Split Rig Boxes The D(»mocratic Executive com mittee Monday asked that the county’s four largest precincts — West Kings Mountain, South Shel by, Shelby 1 and Shelby 2 — be “judiciously divided in Uic best interests of the people of Cleve land County and of the spirit of bi partisan politics in the coun ty". Meantime, the committee asked that other precincts be retained as they are. Cameron W a r e, Democratic chairman, commented, "It’s not right to ask that citizens stand in line two hours or more to vote, as has happened, nor that elec tion officials work all night in tompUing returns. The four larg est precincts shbhld Tie split.” Concerning retention of the oth er 24 precincts “as are", the reso lution reads: “Whereas, the Democratic Par-- ty of Cleveland County always hius believed in the full partici pation of every citiztm in the priv ilege of voting; and whereas, the Democratic Party believes that a full-time year-round registration system would insure that full participation by a greater major ity of eligible citizens; “Let it bo resolved that the Cleveland County Board of Com missioners be requested to pro vide the facilitie.s and personnel to establish such a full-time reg istration system, with the coop eration and assistance of the Cleveland County Board of Elec tions. “And whereas, the Democratic Party of Cleveland County always has recognized and resp<‘cted the autonomy of each of the 28 pre cincts, and whereas the Democra tic Party realizes that the boun daries of these precincts, with few exceptions, were originally set up as sen.sible divisions of the coun ty according to geography and population; and whereas certain questions have been posed recent ly as to the correctness of these divisions, both large and small; “Let it be resolved that the members of the Democratic Exe cutive Committee of Cleveland County and tho Democratic offic- /Continued On Page Eight) Stroke Fatal To Retired Garage Owner Funeral services for William Kenneth Crook, 72, retired auto mechanic, wfll be -held Friday morning at 11 o’clock at Harris Funeral Home Chapel. Mr. Crook suceum'bed at 6 o’clock Wednesday morTiing at Kings Mountain Hospital. Re had suffertxi a stroke ^ptenUber 14 and was in the ir^tensive . care unit of Charlotte Memorial hos pital for four weeks until return ed here. A native of York, S. C., son of William Plea.sant and Mary Ford Crook, Mr. Crook was employed as a mechanic at the W. K. Mau- ney Ford company (where Dixon Chevrolet is now located) until he owned his own business. When the late Amos Dean opened Dean Butek company, the Buick firm and Crook Garage shared quar ters. In the early days of radio, Mr. Crook did sideline work aa an | installation man. He retired pine years ago. when he underwent a successful opera tion for a brain tumor. He had been in apparent gpod health and had been able'to play gplf. He was a past master of Fair- view Lodge AF A AM, a former Lion, and a Klwanlan. He was a member of Kings Mountain Bap tist church and for many years sang tenor in the church choir. He was an "end man" regular in community minstrel shows. Surviving are his vrife Ethel Mc Gill Crook, a son Robert Cecil Crook, of College Park, Georgia, and a daughter Mrs. Norma Crook Powers, of Charlotte: Also surviv ing are six grand-dilldren and a great-grand-child. The funeral service wilbbe con ducted by Rev. James Wilder and Dr. Charles Edwards. Active pallbearers will be Paul Mauney, C. Troy Carpenter, Eu gene Roberts, Dr. O. P. Lewis, M. H. Biser and Wray Green. la !ll lii I HCHtfECOMING QUEEN ^ Mrs. GoU Timms Smith will be Homecoming Queen at 1970 Homecoming festivities Friday night in John (Somble Memorial Football Stadium., Homecoming Parade Friday Mrs. Gail Timms Smith, wife of Mike Smith and a senior at Kings Mountain high school, will reign as queen of the 1970 Home coming in festivities at the high school Friday night. Crowning of Mrs. Smith and presentation of members of the Homecoming Court and Football Sponsors will be featured at 7:30 p.im. prior to the footbal game be tween the Mountaineers of Rings Mountain high school and the Chargers of Crest high school. The game will get underway at 8 p.m. in John Gamble Memorial Foot ball Stadium. Other nrdmbers of the Home coming Court are Donna Alexan der, priscill* Burris, Brenda Byers and, Lynn Finger. Senior sponsors include: . Mary Bennett, who will spoheor lack King, son of City* Coramissibher and Mrs. Norman King: Debbie Sums, who will sponsor Ray.Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. H^rry Ray Hughes. Lynn Cornw'ell, who will spon sor Chuck Carpenter, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Carpenter, Jr. Kat Erv’in, who will sponsor Johnny Hogue, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hogue, Sr. mm m Piogress Tour of Treatment Plant Sunday Afternoon, 2 to 4 o'clock The progress showing of the i He said a special invitation Buffalo Crook water treatment goes to the city’s senior citizens plant will be held Sunday after- and reminded that transportation noon from 2 to 4 o’clock. | for any requiring it will be pro- Mayor John Henry Moss said vlded by himself and tho mem- representatives of the contractors, bers of the city commission engineers, and city officials will conduct a tour of the facilitie.s which are expected to put into service in the near future. Check-out of tho water mains, seven miles of 24-lnch steel line, continues. When this work is completed, the line will be sani tized and the plant will be put into service. “We hope all citizens will visit the treatment plant Sunday aft ernoon, “Mayor Moss comment ed. Anyone desiring tran.’<portation should telephone the Mayor’s office, Phone 739 2636. The Buffalo Creek plant is cap able of furnishing Kings Moun tain four million gallons of treat ed water daily and is designed for expansion. Estimated cost of the plant, the 84-foot high dam, and water mains is 3.500,0(30, of which $450,000 is being provided by a federal government grant. \\0r; AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK SET — Next week is Americon Education Week and attention wiU be focused on the schools in spocial programs throughout the week. In the photograph <abgve» Mayor John H. Moss* center,^signs on official proclamation os Superintendent Don Jonee, left, idnd Richard Greene, right, look on. Mr. Gre«ie is principal of North school and president of the Kings Mountain Chapter of tho NCAE which is spoxrsoring the week-long observance^ Mr. Greene said parents are invited to .visit the schools during the week. (Photo by Isaac Alexander) Subei Bid High On Phiiei Aaes Robert S. Sulber, Jr., was high bidder Tuesday at $40.1(X) for the 131.65 acres of the late Martin Phifer property. First offered in 12 tracts the ag- gregate bid was $39,900. It was then offered in bloc. Commissioners George B. Thom- asson and C. B. Cash are selling the property under court order to settle the Phifer estate. Under terms of a commissioner sale, the bid remains open for ten days from confirmation. During that period, the bad may be in crease by a minimum of $2055 (ten percent for the first $1000, five percent for each thousand thereafter). If the bid is raised, the property is readvertised and another sale conducted. POUCE TRAINEE SAN ANTONIO — Airman Clarence M. Allison, nephew of Ml'S. pMorine Whittle of R.R. 2, Kings Mountain, has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He is renvaining at Lai( kland for training- as a sec urity policeman. Airman Alli son is a 1968 graduate of Kings ■Mountain high school and at tended Gaston College, Gaston ia. PARADE A Homecoming Parade will be held Friday at 3:30 p-m. and ■will form on Gold street, going from 0)ld to Railroad, to U. S. 74 down Piedmont, Mountain street, Battleground avenue and returning up (5old. Mem bers of the Homecoming Court and Sponsors will be featured. Sheila Greene, who will spon sor Mike Sw'offord, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Swofford, Laura Ann Hudson, who will sponsor (^rl Fulton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fulton, Jr. Stella Lee Neisler, who will sponsor Arthur C3arroll, son of Mr. and Mrs. George N. Carroll, Sr. Anne Hunter Plonk, who will sponsor Geepor Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Howard. Becky Plonk, w'ho will sponsor Bill Loftin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Major Loftin. Lynda Sellers, who will sponsor Terry Putnam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Putnam. "The Magnificonts”, a dance band, will play for a student dance honoring the Homecoming Court from 10 until 12 p.m. in the student commons area of the high school. BRIDGES ABOARD SAMPLE USS SAMPLE Oct S — Navy Petty O.Ticer Second Class Ro bert E, ISridgcs, son of Mr. and Mis. Woodrow H. Bridges of 5220 Midpines, Kings Moun tain, is serving aboard the o- cean escort U^ Sample in the Western Pacific. Blalock's Park-Inn Hre-Gutied, Was Leveled By Tornado in 1962 Blalock’s Park-Inn was hit by fire in the early hours of Wednes day morning. It was discovered about 2:30 a.m. Charles E. Blalock, owner of the firm, said the fire marshal spet'u- lated that the fire originated from a television set In the southwest corner of the building —where the fiie appeared hottest. Firemen thought the fire might have originated from motors op erating freezers. There was as yet no estimate of damage. Refrigerator glass was .shatter ed, rafters were burned, and in ventory blackened. It was the second casualty lo.s.s the firm has sustained in eight and one-half years. In late May 1962, the Blalock’s Perk-Inn build ing was leveled by a tornado. Kings Mountain firemen fought the blaze for several hours before bringing it under control.

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