1 Popnlaticn Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9,300 0»'*aur luagt Mouotat* Ovuit to d«rlv«d lt«B •ptcini Ualifd StaiM Bur*cni of tho Cooiua rtport © lanvdry 1M6, and loeiudos tho 14,IM populatlo© o num^r 4 TowMtilp. and tl|« romoinlDg 4.i24 tma nuiii)Mr % Towaahip. in Clovolond County and Crowd©? tn Cotton County. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newsuapei VOL. 85. No. 44 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thuriday, October 29, 1970 Eighty-Fifth Year PRICE TEN CENTS - ' iiJ Citizens Vote In Biennial General Election Tuesday KM United Fund Reporting Is Slow Ml Inflation Hits ; Asphalt Paving, I City Bids Show i i Sir.o Miy, tho ioily foiuid. I Tuesday niK:lit, inflation }ia« hit i tho asphalt pavin?^ business hy $1.50 ])rr ton and tho commission j '.tahlc*! action on jiavin^; tho I)il-1 jiin^? str<(.*it entrance and now j ,street in Mountain Kest ct^mo • tory. j : Neal Hawkins was low bidder' jOn the estimated 231 tons f.f ! phalt at SO per ton, while As ' I phalt Pavin;: bid $9.5') per ton. I iRi(is on p-avinij projects last | I May were $7.50 and $7.75 per ; I ton. 1 I In other actions, tlie commis-1 .Sion: j I 1) Au'h'irized pii”:haso of I 1000 1 eel of (iKliI-in.-h sewer pipe ' .and 2030 feel „f 12 in.h i 91* f reiKirts iiave been lu*ard ■ P /' from llio ^'ornmerd d division and 0.^ IV., 1 f • vinploycs. Imwovor, when- IroeJs .. , r, 'h' V'r i ‘'>0 contrihulions an.- Drive One-Fifth Complete; $?1G5 Reported To Date E^iid of tho first week'.s effort.s to raisf* a reeoid SS-bJOtJ United; Kuri'l 'f)ud;(et rtwealed only! $7,103..50 turnerl in to drive Pliair- man Don J jne.-- llir.ni;;!! yesterday. The lO-day drive is sclu'duled to NEW ADDITION TO HOSPITAL J— Picture at top shows the im posing two-story addition to Kings Mountain Hospital# Picture below shows the gleaming new surgical suite. Hospital trustees will be hosts at open house Sunday dternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock. Hospital To Show New Wing Sunday Trustees Hosts At Open House; Tour Planned By MARTIN HARMON Kinf^.s Mountain Hospital trus- toi's will hold open house Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock to give citizens a tour of the ne«w two-story wing now near complo- tion. The new wing contains 35 ad ditional.'bc<ls, bringing capacity to 109. Cost of tho addition — fourth since the original 24-bed unit was opened in 1951 — is $1,034,000, exclusive of equipment. The wing also includes an am ple basement which house.s most modern mechanical equipment. In addition, the project includes a large neW boiler room. The ground floor features an expansive lobby, new ■ surgical suite, rec^wery room, new phar macy. new laboratory and new central suiYply area. The former ^^>erating room has b(*en convert- Wm to a new emergency out-pa rent treatment room, while Ihe^ former clinical laboratory area is | now the Nium'ber 2 X-Ray room. | The sivond floor is all patient' area with 31 rooms, 27 of lh<'-m single, the other four' double.' There is a large centrally located ; nun^^e’s station with ample lobby and tliere is a small comfortable waiting room. The additional .square footage api)roximales 2<),n0(), bringing the plant total to 52,000. Tho plant now rtpre.senls an inve.stimenl of approximately 'The new parking area can ac- Cfunmodate .30 more cars. 'riiere are two large ehwnlors. Kirst addition to the original Jl)lant was in 1953 with 12 beds. rKourleen more were added in J955, another 25 in 1900. CPO Poteat, 44, Passes Following Heart Surgery Chief Petty Officer John Alfred Poteat, 44, of 604 Temple Street, Kings Mountain, died Tuesday at 5 p.m. in Betho.sda Naval Hospi tal, Bethesda, Md., following open heart surgery it was learned here yesterday. Native of Kings .Mountain, he had been in service for 10 years and had just eomi)leted an 18- months tour of duty in Vietnam. He is survived by his widow, .Mrs. Hazel Ivey l\)teal; his par ents, Mr. and .Mrs. Clarence F. Po teat .of Kings Mountain; son, Ric ky David Poteat; two brotliers, Sgt. Donald Poteat of Harrisburg, Pa., and Robert Poteat Of Winstan- ^alem. The body is hedng shi[)iK'd to Harris Funeral Home in Kings Mountain where tuneral arrange ments will be announced later. quest of \V. K. Mauney, Ji., far rezonin-g a punrl of land on East Ciold sireet frc:Ti liglit in- '>ustry to heavy industry desig- najlion; bt request of James and Biamda Cogdill for ivzoning ol a lot at th(* intersection of Cleve land avenue and Church street from residential to neighbyrhood business designation; c) reciucst of Arthur Hell for re/oning d" three lots of the Harry Falls ptlat from residential to neigh- borhocTj business designation. Jackson Services Held Tuesday Funeral services far Hasting Jaekson of 112 N. Watterson Street wore conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the.St. Paul Holine.ss Church in Lawndale with the Rev. Samuel Martin officiating. Burial was in the church come- tory. Jackson difnl Saturday at the i ^ ‘*v inuu^nn icn u, home of his daughter, Mrs. MableI \oItioh Marvin Teer is chairman. J. Davis. I has accepted 55 per cent of the Surviving are four daughters, i quota. UF Prc'sident J. C. Brid'^es fiee said ye.sterday receipts tliu.s far have been receiu'd a.s foliows: ; industrial division, $1,120; cor-; n spondence, $300; .sidiools (three i reported) $.521.50; proie.<.sional, $335; and ad/ance gills, $1,807. Sharing in tho 1971 fund are eight lo<al ageneio.s: .Ministerial Helping Hand, $,3,600; Bay Scouts Piedmont Council, $7,972; Amer ican Red Cros.'s, v'le\ eland County, $a,5()(); Ciirl Scouts Pioju*er v'oun- cil, $3,7750; Kings Mountain High Sc-hool Band, $2,550; King.s Moun tain Rescue Squad. $4,584; Kings Mountain High School chorus, $1,4<X); and Salvation Army, $1,600. North Carolina Commun ity Services, budgeted at $3,074 of the total, include such varied agencies as the Children's IltMne Society of North Carolina, Trave ler’s Aid Association of America and the N. C. Mental Health As- .sociation. TO CONFERENCE—Cindy Alex ander, daughter ol Postmaster and Mrs. Charles Alexander, represented t)ie county at the Governor's Conference on Chil dren Youth September 29th in Raleigh. Cindy Alexander To %eah Sunday On Russian Trip Ciudy jMexander. 11th ^ Kings Mountain High School who was one of the 250 GiK>d News Singers wlio made tho trip to Russia during tho summer, will tell of her trip and show slides made during the h\’o-weoks stay behind the Iron Curtain at West- over Baptist Church Sunday, Nov ember 1. Cindy’s talk will include her own and otliei e.xperiences of the .... . urtii aim uiiit'i icrices oi uie *t ^ bud-1 group during their singing tour geted at $500 with $569.72 in a contingency fund. The industrial division, of Mrs. Davis of tho homo, Mrs, Fran'eis Gille.spic of Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Onelioas Glenn and Mrs. Liz zie McGill of Shelby: son, the ord figure Rev. Hoover Jackson of Shelby; \ two .sisters, Mrs. Louise Wilson) and Mrs. Flossie .McKinney of! Shelby; brother, Willie Jaekson ofi Newi>ort NtAvs, Va.; 20 grand-: cliildrcn ami six greai-grandchil- dren. has appealed to area rosidimts to be generous in their txnilributioas as workers seek to reach tho rec- which vN'as conducted by Van Ramsty of S.hclby, minister of music at First Baptist Church there. Special music will also be on the program, which is scheduled for 7 p.m. Congrcssienal. Senate Races Get Top Interest Kings Mountain and ('le\eland l\.unly ciiizctis go to the i]m>Us TiU'Sfiay a!)ng witii their mugh- bars tlu ajghoiit .NorHi Carolina to cho;’.-;c 0 riciab’ from courthouse t • Congress. Po!!-, cj!<'n at 6:36 a.m. and cl- /e at 6:.30 p.m. Prime intcre.-t in Cleveland centers on tAc- contests: 1 i the 196^ re-) lay oi the tcntii district (OMlc-^t 1., L. S. rc(-,t*sentativc J;im< s 3'. Brayiiill. the Rt publican incumaenl and Ba.sil L. Wliilonci. six-t(‘. m ex - Congressman and Democratic chailengei, and 2) the conte.-it between J. Ollie ' Harris, Kings .Mountain Democrat ■ and Jim Atkins, Gastonia Ite.-pub- ' Lean to succeed ndiring Senator, ! JiU’k H. Wl)itc as .<t.ue senator. \ \ Other rac('s Kings Mountain I and Clev( land voteis will help de I t('rmine are for state Hou.se of, ' Jh'i)r4'sf ntatives, where Ki'presen-, laiive W. K. Mauney, of Kings! . M .untaim is an odds-an favorite' to d(‘feat Repubjii'an A. Hobart, (Jri'ene, and wliere Senator Mar- j shall Itau.'h, of Gastonia, is sim-' : ilarly faviTed to repulse the chal-j h'nge of John MoBrayer. | j Another race with Kings Moun- : ! tain interest attends the candi- i ; da:y of liepubliean Bob Man«»r, I Kings Mountain insuruncernan, who is a candidate for one of two' seats on the county commission. I Tlie Democrats are B. E. (P(;p) aimmon.s, commission chairman, and Phil Rucker, along with Sim mons victor in the May Demo cratic primary. Incumbent Demo crat Charlie Greene is retiring. In tho “sioep-easy” unoppu.scMj list are the.se Democrats: veteran Slu'riff Hav-wood .Allen. Mrs. Ruth Dedmon, candidate for cleris of Superior Court. M. D. (Bub) Walk er. candidate to succeed Ollie Harris as coroner, John R. Friday, candidate to succeed retiring Su- p<'rior Court Judge P. C. Frone- borger, and W. Hamp Child.s, can ditiale for solicitor of Superior Court. ■ / TOP OF THE TICKET — Former Representative Basil L. Whitener# Gostenia Democrat, seeks to regain at Tuesday's election, the tenth district congressional seat he lost in 1968 to Republican James T. BroyhilL of Lenoir. Barefoot In Opens On Friday Four Showings Oi Simon Comedy Are Scheduled I ,,v is the son of Mr. and Mr.s. | Tickets are now on sale for the T. H. Canii>o. 208 Virginia avenue. Kings Mountain Little T'i(vjtr<''s Bessemer City, and ‘husband of I pr<'sentation of "Barefoot In Tito the former Diane Anderson,; Park”, which will be given at S/Sgt. Forney Canipe Returns To Vietnam 8, Sg"t. Fcrney K. Canipe left OciulH?r 19 for his seco’id tour of duty in Vietnam. Ho daughter of Mr. and Mrs; G. L. Anderson, of Kings Mountain. The Canipes have four children. Education Week Events Underway METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for tho week ending Tuesday totakHi $165.26, including $11.15 from off-street meters and $154.11 Horn on-street meters and fines. ROTARY PROGRAM Dr. Craig Jones will tell of his journ(‘ys in Spain and North Africa via "air chair o.xpross’' at the Thursday noon meeting of the Rotary club at King.s Moun tain Country Club. Improvement Group Meeting Slated ^ ..laiiv/uai 11,UULU11UII W CCA WHI IIm regular monthly meeting of special invitation issued by Sup- the Kings Mountain Improvement, erintendent Donald Jones for par- .4s.sociaiion will be held Sunday,' ents to visit classrooms and November 1. at the Community school facilities. Building on Cleveland Avenue. ■ Meeting time is 5 p.m. Martha Bridges, chairman Tho.se interested in bewming! local observance which is affiliated with the organization ; J^pon.sored by the public re arc asked to attend. the Woman’s Club in lour pei- farmances. ■November 6 and 7 are the first sliow dates with the set'ond dates scheduled November 13-14. Each curtain opening will be at 8 p.m. Ray Holmes is stage manager .^or the Neil Simon play while Nancy Wiesener is pnjmpter; Kathy Cox, sound and lighting; Kings Mountain schools are : Aubrev joining schools throughout the na-' man.' ^ * house chajT- tion this week in observance of i * , National Education Week with | 187 New Voteis In Number 4 Nimubor 4 Township's four re gistrars added 187 new voters to the poll'b(K)ks during Hie registra tion iM'riod whkdi ended Saturday. Tho nc^w voters brought Hie to tal luimlxT of registrations in the lown.siiijp to .5864. West Kings Mountain, with a total of 2512 registrants, added 95 new voters. East Kings .Mountain, scHond largest at 17(i:i, addtvl 53. iBethware, with 36 now voters, nearc'd the lliou.*^and mark at 9.54. Grover n'pojted lhr(*o new vot ers and a total of 6.35. Drug Program This Weekend This weekend, October 31 - Nov ember 1. YAAP (Young Adults Ac tion Program) will sponsor a pro gram on drug abuse with two in formative sessions to be led by a groupyoung people from Au gusta. Ga. who are c.x-dope ad dicts. The young [X'oplc refer to their work us "Oix'ration Salvation” and oacli time they hold a meet- ..... Ing they giv4» inspiring festimon- , John Henry Moss, has as ils!i<?s of how Christ brought them : ^hemo "Shape Schools For The | from the ver>* depths of drug ad- ; 70’s” and is designed to draw the i diction to the infinite heights of ■ public's attention to the public j love and faith. I classrooms and give a belter in- I sight to modern teaching and I lutions committee of the North ! Carolina Association of Educa tors, said yesterday this year's observance has generated more interest in the area than in for mer years and that the sch.>o]s have onjoycii greater visitation. The week. October 2.5-31. pro- claimi'd National Education Week in Kings .Mountain hy Mayor laycee Hallowe'en Carnival Set Foi Satuiday Night; No Charge Kings Mountain Jaycees will be official hosts to all spooks and gtyhlins Saturday night wiien they will sponsor a IlalkAvc’en Carni val at The Community Center. Everyone is invited to attend the event, which will feature a cake dance, games, tricks and ^'ats for children. Judging will ' held with a prize to go to wirmer of the best costume. !No 'admission to tho carnival will ilTe charged While a charge of 10 cents will ‘bo imade lor par* ticipLlion In the 'games. (Refresh- I menls v/ill also bt* sold during tile event. ' event. j Bill Grissom chairman of this ’ year’s carnival, rcweakul that pro- j eecfls from the project will b(» I used to purchase a flag ix>le to I be erected at Kings Mountain : High School and also to aid in decorating a float to be entered in tho Christmas parade. The fun eiN’cning will get under way at 7 p.m. , - -—.... ] classroom work among parents. j Faculties and students have I been actively involved in Hie oh- I servanc«' and all of Kings .Moun- . tain lia‘- Ikhmi made awar<' of the I special week through school dis- I Ml.-jy."- v\hich have been j>Iaced in downtown store window.s. Many : slr>ppers have stO(p;)ed t(' browse ■ and di.scuss the di.splays. Mrs. ^ Bricige.s said. They will be at the Kings Mountain Community Center Sat- urday evening at 7;30 p.m. to meet with all interested adults and tell them how they may iii- fluejice their children to stay a- way troni drugs. Tliev will also giv<' a W('alth of other informa tion and anfwver any (juestions that may arise. On Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m., the group will hold a se.s- ision at the Community Center KiniijTtuniTv Center Students are hosting the visita- : ^ young pvoplo only to dis<‘uss : tion and aiding by eonduelingl dangers of drugs^ There' will ' visitors thromzh sch.)ol facilities! plenty of time for a question j e)r to cla.ssro(mis of tlu'ir ehoice. ; answer p(*riotl, a .s])okosman 3'he eight schools within the:®*^“l. Kings .Mountain sy.stem are at- I I tenided by 4,179 stink'nts while j 185 teaclieis are employed. I Richard Green is NC.AE presi- ' dent. Yule Parade December 4 TREATMENT PLANT SHOWN — Mayor John Henry Moss de scribes functions of the instrument panel at the new Buffalo Creek water treatment plant to a group of visitors at Sunday oftemoon's “progress" tour. An estimated thousand persons visit ed "the new plant which is expected to be furnishing water to the city in about ten days. Woter mains are now being sanitized. On completion, water samples will be sent to the State Board of Health. Approval of the tests will enable to put the system into service. King.s .Mountain mcrchanis ■will stage a Christmas p-aradc on Ocmiihor 1th for Hu* fii-sl time in scv('ral years. Since tlio la.s(t parade, members of the Kings Mounlain .Mer chants risso.'iatfon have btM'n in- ' vesting Christmas season promo tion casli in n'furhisliing outdoor I Christmas lights and ' k'coration.'s. , Mrs Ida Joy, association so.'tc-. I tary, said six fl-oats are definite , entries, with more anticipated. I Yes, iSanta Claus will be on ^hand, tooi Beauticians Provide Hospital Equipment Kings Mounlain B<>aul\ Slioiis have (‘ollaborated to provide 'i k’lft to make miludv’s .sfav in Kings Mountain hospital more Idoasant. The lx'auty shop.s had installed a special lavatory and side cani- net for necc'ssary su|>lies to muke sluim’pooiug easier. Additionally, high scluxd cos metology student.s do the sham- wht*duJo, Administrator Gradv Howard reixirts. REV. BUSH'S TOPIC The Rev. N. C. Bush will use os his sermon topic Suudav. November 1. at .the 11 o’elov'k , worship hour at Grace Aletho-' ' dist Church "The Gospel of the 1 Grace ol God ^

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