SANTA WAS STAR OF THE SHOW — Santa Claus, riding in a sleigh pulled by Rudolph and reindeer, was the star of the star ol the Kings Mountain Merchants Association Christmas parade Population Greoter Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits U. S. Estimate 1970 8,476 Oi-Mittr Klogt Mountato flgur* U df>rlT*d ii«a tbs ipecirl United States Bureau oi the Caosus report o Touuary 19116, and Includes the 14.990 populatlMt o Number 4 Towosblp, and the remmnlag 6,124 Iroa Number S Township, in Cleveiond County Crowdor* t,^w«bMp in Gaston CoMBty. Friday which ushered in the Christmas shopping season in the city. Crowds lined the parade route for Kings Mountain's first parade in 10 years. knta Qaiis S' Oi Yule Parade Santa (’laiN vv;»s (he .star of Hk* Kin;;s Mountain MiMfharits A.sso- ciation - sjionsorcd aln Uiinas pa ra(U* th(* fijNi h(*rc in inerc itian LO years, KrifJay — as tlinu ’aiuls »f f’iliiicn.s jammed Iho ])arade route. Pretty nij'ls in prt'tty fir ats. red :c.-(,, iTKir l;aii.l- and •ity nf.: u'.r. le ip t’te -,0 uni 'a.adi' wh; li iM'd ttuo i^lson die ’dy durm^i' a V) minute . pi*,'- lacle. Old Kina Wintc’r’s ^dijllpicr t(v.r) peratUH's didn’t da', ni td - of tile youn;^.sters. Some o. t.n*. U'lio iMiiK' l.» town i-arly in • s!e(H'(*.s tiad to \erap i.;» in caal b(‘foi'(‘ t!)(' arrival of Hie man from the North I’ote who, alany with UufloJi>h, arriviNl last on the .-ieone. The city's C'hi i.'dma.*-': j W(*:(‘ tiirian! on h.r ilie fh*.*» the ' i'Viday ewnine and st 'res r» mail ed open until S pm. l -i i:.;- eoi. venienef' .j, slu'ppi Jim iJowiK'y and Clint liankii \ve!e r .^■r\\ -i; j(*n ''1 tile (‘.ein IfJts i'-rsjed I if ■. " M Op(' n'i '1 fanta Cl :k- t ri'o- :;ie Chrhe.m : (e-, i id' nml amilie;: i, unle:'*ay i;i Kin.'.^s Icunlain. T! (- Kin.” Mmip' ’!n Mhi:'ferial Vs.'^o-ia’ion i‘- artain eotidu ts Kmjity Staekin;: Fund and lo- ?al ininistt'r-: will be ringin;^ hells for the needy on d awntown streets throu;»hout Christmas Eve. Members of the Kings Moun-I a.e.» ''oro’ hufe ( j milir--. Any J uJ . e ;li ind... he hni)py to ; TO will eolleet toys when .-ailed .K-t’ording to Ciiair.nan Din .-^hort, or tin (ConiuiHcd nn Pai/c SU) ANXIOUSLY WAITING — Christmas is for children, as evidenced by the happy expression on the little girl's face as she anxiously waits for the arrival of Santa Clous. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newsoaoer Pages Today VOL 85. No. 50 Established 1889 Kings Mountain. N. C., Thursday, December 10, 1970 Eighty-Fifth Year PRICE TEN CENTS City Board Is Studying Duke Power Rate Increase Pfc. Blackwell lyied ■ PFC ROBERT L. BLACKWELL Jaycees On Duty At Tree Lot Kings Mountain j-ayexyes arc condiuling thoir annual Christ- I' mas live si\U\ tho sale (continuing tlirouHv Christmas Eve. • Ftoh(*rt I><*ft\vieh Ls chairman of !• fr(*o projcK'l and annauncod that a good selection of sizes is now av’a'ilttble. Tlie tree lot is loc'atcHl in front of the Woman’s club and Jaycees \ are on duly from *12 o’clock noon j to 9 p.m. daily. Action Booby Trap In Vietnam Fatal To Pic. Pfc Rohi'rt Lawrence Blackwell 19, formerly of Gaffney, S. C., was killed Dfvember 1, by an enemy booby trap while on a combat mission in Viotnam. Pfc Blackwell entered the army in the Spring of ’68 and rt*ccived his training at Fort Bragg, then later transfe^rred to Louisiana for combat training and served one year in Germany. Pfc Blackwell volunteered for V^ietnam in August. Surviving ore his father, Victor JJIaekwell of 21 Dixie Trailer Ct. in Kings Mountain and his moth er, Mrs. Betty McKinney Laughlin of Route 8, Spartanburg, S. C; four brothers, Victor Charles and Billy Mitchell of Gaffney, S. C., James E. and George David of Spartanburg, two sisters, Leitha Ann Blackwell of Gaffney, S. C. and half sister, Cindy Lynn of the home. Arrangements will b<» announc ed by Shufoixl • Hatcher Funeral Home in Gaffney. METER RECEIPTS Parking motor receipts for the week ending Wednesday noon totaled $1$)A0, including $124.10 from on-street meters and $lo.00 from off-setroet me ters, City Clerk Joe MdDaniel rej'orlod. Three Cantatas Set For Sunday; Community-Wide Service At 3 P.M. The Christmas season wall usher a m. after he stoppt'd the car Mau ney was operating on the York mad .lust in.side Kings Mountain Ball said when he stopped tin oar a small package was throw;’ from the car. Corn said the contents of the package h-ad b('en anal.vzed and was determined to contain five grams of marijuana. Charged with aiding and abet ting are Cindy Gail .Mexander. 16, of 401 VV\uo Road; Bruoe Doug Holland, 18, of 816 West Gold street; and DeVore Rogers Smith. Jr.. 18, of 701 Marion street. Rites Thursday For Mrs. Phifer Water Line Break Repaired OuickSy A major water line break in the area of West King street near the hospital was repaired within hvo hours Wednesday evening by city workmen under the direction of Grady Yelton, superintendent of public works. A six inch water line in front of First Baptist church ^lit two feet, according to Mr. Yelton. and citizens in that area of West King and the hospital were without woter. The water line break oc curred about 5 p.m. Emergency water was provided the hospital while the repairs to the line were being made and other plans were mode to provide woter to the area if the repairs could not be immediately made, said Mr. Yelton. Legion Sets Yule Events Foimer Teacher Passes Tuesday At Age 84 Funeral ritc.-^ for Mrs. Minnie Ware Phifer, 84. widow of the I'ouncU r of Piiiler Hardware Com pany, will be held Thursday morning at it o’cliK-k from Boyce Memorial ARP church. Dr. Charles Edwards W'ill offi ciate at the final rit(‘.s, and in terment will be in Mountain Rest eemelery. In li(’u of flowers, the family has designated memorials to the Boyte Memorial .\rd* ehureh building fund and Dunlap Orphan age in Brighton, Tennessee. ^Irs. Phiier died 'lue.'day night at 6;j0 p.-m. in the Kings Moun- t.iin hospital after .several year's illness. She attended Linwood college and graduated from Erskine col lege. \ former school Icaclier, .she was daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander Ware. Her luisband, the late dami»bell Phiier, died July 19, 1962. She was a member of Iho Boyce Memcriai AitP elunvh and* a former member of the Kings Mounlain Woman's club. Surviving are tluav sons, Wen dell L. Piiifer. Menz(dl .N. Phifer, Mairiott D. Phifer, all of Kings .Mountain; one daughter, ^Mrs. R. P. Antliony, Jr. of Ga.stonia; four si^pters, Mrs. W. S. Fulton. Sr. Mrs. John L. Mi'Gill and Mrsw Awk Ware, all of .Mountain, and Mrs. Lawrence Stroupe of Cliar- lotto; 10 grandchildren and one great-gra ndehild. Tlie body will remain at Harris Funeral Home until the hour of si^rxieo. the pr«¥entation and Mrs. Au- 'brey Mauney is organist. Following the performance by (the CHoir, members of the Wo men’s Society of Christian Ser- • of the host church, will en- ain choir members at a lea in the church 'fellowship hall. Mrs. Clarence L. Jolly, Sr. is W- SCS president. ing at 7 p.m. at .the church with Fred Adkins of Gardner-Webb eoMege as director and Mis® Deb bie McDaniel as organist. Featured solosts will ibe Mr. Adkin.s, Miss V>:*kle Chaney and Mrs. Evelyn Chamthers. Rev. Harry D. Vance, pastor, .*?sued an invitation to the com munity to attend. I American Legitm Post Lo.") has j sehodiiled several Christmas e- vents. j Th^ annual Christmas dinner- ! dance for Legionnaires, their wiv- les and membt'rs df thp Amrican ! Legion Auxiliary will be hold Sat urday, Dooembor 19th. Dinner will be served from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m, with dancing to follow in the club ballixiom. (Legionnaires will treat ntvdy Children of the aix'a to a Christ mas party Sunday, DCci‘miber20th. horinning with lunch at 12:30 in thp clubhouse. Gifts will 'he dis tributed and Santa Claus will pay a visit. METHODIST TOPIC “Rediscovering Christmas” will be the sermor) topic of Rev. N. C. Bush at SunImnn^ J. V. Ti'iilon, LoiglTs car wxi.s^pparontly i:'av('l- ing at a high rafr of speed wlion it ran off tho rrvid, jumprd a f(‘noo eight f(M*t higli and came to rest on a iK)nd of water at Iho Park Yarn Mill. Renton reported tliat Lidgh wasj Dennis Conner dead on arrival at Kings Moun-; three brothers, tain. Cleveland County Coroner Ollie Harris .‘?aid Leigh died of a skull fracture. Damage to the car was estimated at $700 and damage to tho top of the fence owm'd by Park Yarn Mill was listed at $UK). Rescuers feared that another person might have bi'en in tlii' ear when tlie \vre(*k occurred and possibly drowned in llic pond but none wort' found. Leigh was einjiloyi'd by Mar- grace Mill in Kings Mountain. Surviving is his widow. Juanita Sellers L(dgh; his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leigh of Kings Mountain; one son. Brent Leigh of the hom('; one daughter, Mr.s. of High Point; Jami's and How ard Leigh, both of Kings Moun tain, and William Leigh of Shel by; five sist('rs, Mrs. J. D. Moss, Mrs. Rieliard Barnett, Mrs. Charles (Continued on Page Six) Mayer: Cssts Will 39 Lew As Possible Tlio board of ejmmi.ssioners will hold a s|>ocial meeting lU'xt week to decidi* just how Duke Power Comiiany’s in.Tt' to cuuomers will afffMl Kings Mounlain asers of ele.-lri- city. Mayor John Iltmry said each»ner has been giv en information fnjm Duke Power, Electric Cities and R. \V. Beck X- iat<'s outlining rcccmnitnul- ations in regard to tlie rate in creases. The proj('cteil increase of 22.b percent would amount, it wa.> initially esfimait'tl, to an addi tional S77.26G annually. Tile mayor said VVi'dnesday: “the board is going to strive to keep the eost of olectriciiy in Kings Mountain a.s low as iKi.ssi- ole. Duke’s iiivToastal rale to tlu* city goes into effe«'t IVcemher 1 Itli. * Kings .M.»unlain’s rate would probably rellerl increase of 12.2'; and would probably go into effect January 1, City Clerk Joe McDan iel said Wednesday, however he said sucii aidion will b(' estab- lisiied by the city hoard fallowing their delibemtion.s tliis week. cw Industrial Announcement Set Mis. Cgx Opening Office Mrs. Bob Cox alltnidi'd a two day ('oursc for Peen.-ed tax prac- lilioncrs .sponsorcvl by Hie IiiLt nal Revemu* Servivc and N ‘lili Carolina Stale University at UN’C in Charlotte DivcinlK^r 2-3. Mrs. Cox ex;)ects t(> opini her own tax office in d.nvnUmn Kings Mountain vvilTdii Hie next few W(*eks. ScInQol Holidoys Beqm Dec, ZZ Holidays for Kings Mountain distriet sc1i(h>I j)U)'ils will hi'gin on Decrmher 22nd alien ela-^se-; will elo'e at 1:3tl p.m. Sludt'iits will return to classes on Januarv 4lh. Supt. Don.'ild J'lncs s.iid the s('hool will cooperate wiili tlie Mi'rchants A.-s^iciaiion in allow ing pupils who ore ('inployed the .store's to leave for work, note from a parent is require«i J ' permission. IKawMns Film Low Bidder I I Th city commission 'Puesday j night awan.ied lli(' bid of j IX'p ton for a total of 1,537 tons Off pavement for 12 city strivis to Neal Hawkins. Inc. of Gastonia. Other bids were liradley Jem kins. Inc. of Gastonia, $S.7.5 j)cr ton and Asrhall Paving uf Shot by. Inc., S13.25 per ton. The paving work will l)^gin next spring. Mfiyoial Group lets Ceaference Fjz ?/ednesday Mayor John Henry Moss has called a pri'ss confereiuy^ at Citv Hall next U'i’tinesday at 11 ' for the announcement af a now industry locating in the Kings .Mountain area. The mnyoi- -ehairmen HarrL'9 arr.-] Ilinnant said anoilier I annoLinu'menl would he forth- eoming of another diversifi(*d jn- dustiV e.xpi'cied to tx'gin i»iK‘:'a- li«»n iie:-<-. They contirmovi a met als product coinpany is c(»niemp- luting moviiic- into Hu* city, KIWANIS PROGRAM Kiwanis District Governor Marvin Folger. ,Ir. of Mnrgan- ton will pay his official visit i.v the Kings Mountain Kiwanis cluli at the ciuh's Thursday night nxviing at p.m. at | the Woman's club. I SUCCUMBS — Mrs. J. Warren Gamble, long active in the Women's Democratic Party of Clevelond County, died of can cer Wednesday. Mrs. Gamble Passes At 55 Mrs. Aileen Jones (Limble. .5.5, of 8helby died of cancer at iUM)n Wednesday in Cleveland Memor ial Hospital. Funeral arrangements are in complete and will be announced lat(*r by CLiy-Barnetto Funeral ILmu'. Mrs. Gamble was named 1970 (lardnor-Wcbh Alumna of the V4‘ar in May. A buisness-woman, church leader and civic leader (Ctmiimtcd on Page Six) Sakliers' Addresses Are listed: They'I! Appreciate Yule Cards The v'.eadline for guarant(vd de livery on overseas mail by Christ mas iias passed, hut soldiers usu ally appreciate getting mail any time. Kings Mountain Mayor John I Henry Moss is sending Christmas I grcctin,':.® to all Kings Mountain I .servicemen. Any name omitted IsliouM Ix' calk'd into the mayor’s I office by Friday, i^p r> Danny N. Crawfoi\l 239 Sd '-’912 69th Avn. Co. (Corpst Ft. Gragg. N. C. 2S367 Ggl. Davit K. Wilson Tuslog I'xn. 4S-3 Hox 2.V)| ADD New York. N. Y. t)f>2N0 PFC. Reid Strickland 211-7ISSS6 3rd lISD-r.'^AADS Ft. HlibS, Te.xas 79916 Lt. Col. Charles E. Painter 246-46-7123 F. R. Box S172 18th SOS APO San Francisco, Calif 96321 Sgt. Charles 8<\agIo US ZiS-74-3S17 Co. A. 1st Bn. Sth Cavalry li9t Cavalry Division APO San Francisco, Cal. 96HK) Sgt. Carl E. Price, Jr! 2H-74-90fIl 592nd Trans. Co. ATO San Francisco. Cal. 9t>312 Ph\'. Bivhhy G Parker ' 23S-S'<-9903 A Co., 1 ;L>7th Inf. Isi Btle.. 101 Abn. Div. I APe") San Francisco, Cal. 1K>3S3 I Sgt. John Martin Lvnn, Jr. 239-S2-:r>70 Co. A 1 327th luL. isl Bde., 101 Ahn. Div. .nPO San Francisco, Cal. 96383 (Continued on Page Six)