70 Population Ireoter Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits U. S. Estimate 1970 8.476 IT* ^**f^*^ Mioga MouBtolB mnira la tfarlvad (raa ^ •paori United Statet Burecni el tke Cenaua report o January 19(16. and tacJudea the I4,M0 populatloo • Number 4 Townalilp, and the remoliilDg t^lSd Iroa Muiaber S Towoetilp, la Clereload Couaty cad Ciowdar* ^ Teoaehlp la Qaatoa Coiaty. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL 85. No. 51 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N, C., Thursday, December 17, 1970 Eighty-Fifth Year PRICE TEN CENTS 1^7, Motel Firm Ponders Nursing Home lohnston Says Royal Villa Inn KS™ United Fund Gifts Opens January 1 SPONSOR WAR ORPHAN — The Kings Mountain lea have voted a ye’or round Christmas gift to a vote, the club voted to support an orphan via and receive letters from their benefactor. Shown in the '^adoption'' procedure ore from left. Jama to by Isaac Alexonder) ^ ^ ^ * S'* high school chapter of Business leaders of Amer* war orphan, in a foreign country. By unanimous monthly check. Members will also write the child above as they ore ready to mail the first check Sotelo, Sherry Reynolds and Marty Wright. (Pho- Industry Holidays To Start Friday; Some Take 10 Days Yule Bonuses Are In Store rigs Mountain Industrial em- Iflffvoos could look forward this week to Christmas holidays and some* could anticipate some ex tra Christmas cash in the form of gift checks. Holidays will vary from one to 10 days, some beginning Friday. ;$ome firms will write Christ inas che:*k.s Friday to employees oj five years or more service to r^eive four percent of earnings ahd employees with le.ss service to two |)erccnt of earnings. Other companies did not detail their Christmas check plans. Some firms will present gifts to employees in the form of gift certificates, hams or turkeys. Longest holiday will be observ ed by employees of Burlington Mills’ Phenix Plant No. 1, Mauney Hosiery Company, Inc., Mauney Mills, and Oxford Industries. Shortest holiday announced is that of K Mills where the mills will cease operation at the end of the first shift Christmas Eve. >iext shortest holiday was an nounced by Kinder Manufacturing which will close at noon on Christmas Eve, reopening on Monday. Oxloi^d Industries will shut down for the holidays from Do oember 23 until January 4th. Gifts will be distributed to employees. {C(mtinu<*d on Page Eight) ftesbyteiians To Hear Cantata IComliint'd Choirs of First Pres- 'bylerian church will sing the can tata, “Night of Miracles”, ’by John W. Peterson, Sunday morn ing at the 11 o’clock worship ser vice at the church. A Joy Gift offerint?: will ’be re ceived as a highlight of the trad itional service. Children will bring “mite” boxes for giving their Joy Gifts a-t the program. iMrs. Darrell Austin, organist, will direct the musical program. . The Junior Choir is dirc'cted by Mrs. Darrell Austin and Mrs. Henry Neislcr. Members of tilio Chancel Choir are: Sopranos — Clioryl Barrett, Becky Blanton, Donna Blanton, Jan Fryer, Marlcite Neislcr, Mary Noisier, Stella Lee Neislcr, Char- lene Padgett, Kathy Rhea and Dottie Southwell: .41tas — Jean Barber, Arlene Barrett, Jenny Manor, Sylvia Morris and Linda ganders; Tenors — Darrell Aus tin, Bill Grissom and Phil Padg ett; Bass — Blake Goforth, Man- Jey Hayes and Andy Noisier. Members of the Junior Choir pro: Kelly Adam.s, Mary Adam.s, i)arrell Au.stln, David Barrett, Ti^y Bowman, Laura Clemmer, aj^ Clemmer, Sarah Manor, Me- rK Neislcr, Barbara Patrick, m INITIATED — C. Steve Crosby. Kings Mountain junior ot East Carolino University, was recent ly initiated into Phi Sigma Pi. national honorory scholastic fraternity. Phi Sigma Pi Taps Crosby C. Steve Crosby was recently initiated into Phi Sigma Pi at East Carolina Uniwi'sity, Green ville, X. C. where 'he is a junior. Ue is the son of Mrs. Vernon P. Crosby and Mr. Crosby. Phi Sigma Pi is a National Honorary Scholastic Fraternity with empiiasis on leadership, •s'cholarship and (followahip and whose mem’bership is composed of male students with « igrade point average of over 3.0. It is the local affiliate o-f Phi Beta Kappa. Tau Chapter at Eiast Cai'olina has Ix'cn the No. 1 chapter in the iiaition this past year He is a member alao of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Transco Gas To Institute Hike In Rates Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation today asked the Fed eral Power Commission for auth ority in('rease sales rates by 2.3c per Mcf (thousand cubic feet) to customei’s to compensate Lot increased gas purchase rates to be charge^! ;by prodiucers. Tho increased sales rate would proviJe additional revenues of approximately SiM million an nually, which would ibe offset by increased gas purchase costs of similar magnitude. Under procedure.s established by the Federal Power Cormmis- sijon, the now rates of both the producers and Transco are New Industry Announcement Deterred to 28th Announcement of a mtrtal pro ducts firm that it will build a plant here in Kings Mountain Industrial Park has been deferred until December 28. Mayor John Henry Mo.ss .said the president of the firm was un able to be hero for the scheduled Wednesday announcement. Meantime, the Gaston County board of commissioners unani mously approved a request of the City of Kings Mountain for a $7,2T7.20 appropriation to install- water and sewer line.^ to servo the new industrial citizen. The plant site is in Gaston county. The County of Gaston budgct.s $100,000 annually to provide w’ater and sewer lines for indu.stry where the potential tax bill of the new indu.stry will defray the cost over a ten-year period. The projected plant, the Mayor said, will be a “sizeable” invest ment and will employ 100 per sons. Restaurant Will Seat 20C Persons By MARTIN HARMON The 106-unit Royal Villa Motel Motor Inn at the intersection of Interstate 8.'3 and NC 161 will open for b*u.siness New Year’s IMy. i Hugh W. John.ston. of Gastonia, president of the mot(*l firm, said Wcdn(*sday furnishings are being installed and the motel will be gin accepting reservations on De cember 28. The motel will feature also a restaurant, which will serve gourmet buffet luncheons and diniK'rs as well as a la carte specialties such as steaks and seafood. The buffet dinner will be $1.50 per per.son. The restaurant will .seat 200 persons. The ryotel will also have a pri vate meeting room capable of ac commodating up to 200 pcr.sons and will cater to private func tions such as club meetings, wed ding and other receptions. The motel boasts a swimming pool. “Wo have the best beds and individual heating and cooling units which are the bo.st that money can buy,” Mr. Johnston •added. WINS CONTEST — Reb Wiesen- er, high school senior, was first place winner in the Kinnual Frank B. Glass Post 9811 VFW Voice of Democracy Oratorical Contest Friday night. RebWiesener Wins CcRtest Is Interested By MARTIN HARMON * Builders i>f Royal V'illa Motor Inn, the 106-unit mood which will open ht*re New Year’s day, are projecting construction of a nursing and re>t home in the general vieinily. j Annount<*mc*nt v\a-> made’W('d- ne.-^day by JIugli John.ston, of : tonia, president of Hie mouel firm. ! I "Our initial plan wa.s for ex-1 pansion ol tiie motel to an event-i ual eajaeity of 30;j units. Ilow-j ever, our firm is cognizant of tiu'l need ol King? .Mount,-lin lor a re.st liomc and our planiu'rs and engineers are inve.stigating tiii.'-■ possibility. ei:h(‘r a.s an arijunci i to tlie Royal Villa Motor Inn or as a .separate operation in tiic im mediate vicinity. Mr. John.'toni said. “Our firm lias not .suffn iently progrc.s.scd in its .siudu’s to de- : tormine what tlie need for nurs-i ing-rest home facilities in Kmgs i Mountain are and would welccmo ' information and inquiries from Kings MounTain area citizens.” j Mr. Johnston continuc'd. Mr. John-slon’s office’s are locat ed in Dixie Village*, Ga.stonia. Now At $27,712 • Each room floor covering vision set. ha.s shag carpet and a color tclc- Schnol F i r s t Presbyterians Set Yule Party The annual Sunday Christmas party at Presbyterian church will be held Monj.iay night at 7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall. Mombc'rs (yf the Junior Choir will provide entertainment 'for the evening and Santa Claus will be present to distribute igifts and treats to the children. Presbyterians Set Service First Presbyterian church will hold its 'traditional IChristmas Evo Candlelight Communion ser vice on Docemibcr 2dth at 11 p.m. Special masic will ho presented by the Combined Choirs, under direction of Mrs. Darrell Austin. 'Members of the Session, with Dr. Paul Ausley, pastor, will conduct tlie Service of Communion. The church will ^be decorated for Christmas with traditional lighted trees and candles. Rates will be: single $10; dou ble $13; and family $15. The motel rc’pre.scnt.s an invest ment in exce.ss of a million dol lars. Financing was arranged through a joint loan with Home Savings & Loan assiviation, of Kings Mountain, First Federal and Cleveland .Savings & Loan associations, of Slu'lby. Mr. Johnston said, “We expect to be a part of the Kings Moun tain coimmunity in all its a.spects and we will employ Kings Moun tain personnel where ever possi ble.” Mr. Johnston, who was roared in CnmoHon. was a Kings Moun tain resident at the age of four. Henxy Putnam's Rites Conducted •F'uneral rites for Henry W. Putnam, 63. were held Sunday af ternoon at 4 p.m. from Patterson Grove'Baptist church of which he was a mem her. Rev. Richard Plylcr and Rev. Mitchcil Pruitt officiated at tlic Linal rites and interment was in the church (?emotery. Mr. Putnam died at his homo Friday after several years’ ill- nc^ss. Death was attributed to cancer. He retired from Carlon Mill in 1969 duo to liealth T('asons. He was the'son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Putnam. Sur vivors include his wife, Mozelle Tate Putnam; two daughters. Airs. William Robert Glascow of .Martin, Tonn., and Mrs. F'rank Mull of Shelby; one sister, Mrs. James Wcljster of Kings Moim- tain; and thm' brothers, Millard and Paul Putnam of Kings Moun tain and Odell Putnam of Gas tonia. Al.so surviving are four grandcliildren. I I 'Reb Wiesencr, Kings Mountain | high school senior and son of Mr. [ and Mrs. Carl Wiesener. won first i place in the annual Frank B.; Gla-ss VFW Post 9811 Voice of Democracy oratorical contest Fri day. Ten students were contestants and spoke for eight minutes each on the subject, “Freedom — Our Heritage.” at the Kings Mountain Community Center. As first place winner, Wiesener will advance to the slate compe tition and a chance for a scholar ship sliould he advance to the national competition where a $10,(XK) college .scholarship is a- warded the grand priz.e winner. As local winner, Wiesener ro- oci\ ed a $50 saA'ings bond and a medal. Otlior medal winners and re cipients of $25 savings bonds were Rene Goins, second place winner; and Judy Childers, third place winners. Yates Smith, Jr. was chairman of the contest for tne 'ocal post. Judges were MTiyoi"^ohn H. Moss, Gene Austin, City Commissioner Jim Dickey, Rev. S. T. Cooke and Robert Cashion. Frank Case is Commander oj the local post. Latest Total Shows Drive 79% Complete ^ Kings Mounlain’.s United Fund ’ Campaign for 1971 has reached 79 percent of its goal or a total of $27,712.72, drive chairman Don ald Junes leportod Wednesday. “WV can still make our quota of $35,100”, said Mr. Jones. Sharing in the 1971 fund are eight local ageruics; Ministerial Helping Hand, $3,600; Boy Scouts Piedmont Council, $7,972; Amer ican Red Cross, Cleveland County, $5,500; Girl Scouts kionecr Coun cil, $3.7.50; Kings Mountain High School Band. $2..550: Kings Moun tain Rescue Squad, $4,584; Kings Mtmntain High School chorus, $l,4rK); and Salvation Army, $1,60(1 North Carolina Commun ity Services, budgeted at $3,074 of th(’ total, include eoich varied agencie.'; as the Children’s Home Society of North Carolina, Trave ler’s Aid Association of America ami the N. C. Mental Health As sociation. , . .M 1 II ^ I . Administrative costs are bud- Jobs .0 isniow oc.-iipyins newy Dr. C harlo.; II. Adam.s, partner ge,ed at $500 with $569 72 in a lio.adquariors in the former Da- in McGill Clinic, has been t'h’ct- contingency fund, vis & White law offices al M6 i ed pre.sidenl of the Medical Staff — • - PRESIDENT — Dr, Charles H. Adams has been elected presi dent of the Medical Staff Kings Mountain hospital of Ms'70 In Mew Office I Taps Dr. Adams KM Baptist Cantata Sunday The 20-voice /hoir of Kings Mountain Bapti.st churcli will sing the Christmas Cantata, “The Her ald Angels Sing” 'by Lois Elmig. Sunday afternoon at 5:30 p.m. at the church. Mrs. J. C. Bridges, organist and choir director, is directing the musical program. Featured as .soprano .soloist will be Mrs. R. G. Franklin. Mrs. Mar ion Dixon will bo featured as alto soloist. Rev. James Wild<'r. pastor, Issu ed an invitation to the commun ity to attend the Christimas mus ical program. legion Post Will Burn Mortgage At Annual Member Dinner-Dance Barbara Rhea, Kathy Sincox, and pected to 'be('f*mG > Ann Thomasson. January 10, 1971. effective on Feature event of the annual June 1967, when the post was un free Christimas dinner-dancc for ‘ der the commandershtp of Carl mam'bers of Otis D. Green Post | Wiesener. Members of the build- 155, American Legion, Saturday j ing committee were Bob Smith, night wiH be a mortgage burn-* chairman, and Past Commanders ing ceremony. i joe McDaniel. Jr., J. T. McGinnis, ^ -III. ... Jr-. I^k’k McGinnis and Clinton 1 I-o.-kwood-Grceno was an'IiT- ^ morlRaRc of post pro-j perty, the amount borrowed on - ' for funds! Saturday evening fcistivities ex.! for the $8d,000 buildinR expansion ! ^egin at 6:30 with dinner he- program. The project was launched ‘ ing serx'od until 8:30. in will follow. A dance Choirs To Sing Carol Program Combined Auxiliary Choirs of the Women’s Mi.ssionary Union of Ebenezer Baptist ehurch will present a Christmas Candlelight Carol Service, “The Everlasting Light”. F'riday, Detvmber ISih, at 7:30 p.m. at Mount Olive Ba|> list church. Mrs. Jettie M. Lucas is diix'ct- ing the presentation, to which the interested community is in- vto<t to atlenii, FVarleno J. Wilson is program chairman and Mrs. F:mma B. Scott is pix?vsident of the Women’s Society. Pastor of the church is Rev. J. M. Alexander. The Christmas program is ba sed on the scripture: “The Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light.” J West Mountain street, bc'side of Dellinger’s. Davis & Wliite law c( fices are now locatc^i in the former Kings Mountain Savings & Loan A-soc- lation office on West M >iniair. street. The Jobs ’70 offices wiH inni.se offitx's for Rc!)ert Cox. who is operating the p^.igiam, and classrooms for employee-stu dents erirolle ] in a program sponsored by the Kings M-uin lain CliamhK’r of Commerce. Mrs. Cox will also oi)eratG a tax sei- vice in iho building. Caipenters Bites Conducted Funoril rito.s for Car! Ilavwood Carpc’nter, 50. were lield Decem ber 9th from Harris Chapel of Harris Funeral Home. wUh Rev. Leonard HuRstetler and Rev. Ed win Chriscoo officiating. Inter ment was in Mountain cemoterv. In lieu of flowers, the family has designated memorials to the Kings Mountain Heart Fund. Mr. Carpenter, of Temple City. Calif., a former re.sidenl of Kings. Mountain, died suddenly Decern-' bor 5th in Las Vegas, No\ ada, of i a heart altaclc. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haywood Carpenter, he had been in the ■ trucking bu.siiu’ss for a number; of yeans. He was a Navy veteran' of World War II. Surviving are his wife, Mns. ■ Clara Krueger ('ari)enler; two sons. Johnny Carpenter of L.k Angeles, California and Steve Carpenter of Kings Mountain; three hrotiiers. Charlit* K Carpen ter. Walter Janies Carpenter and Billy Eugene Carixuiter, all of Kings Mountain; six sisters. Mr.s. Walter Whitaker. Mrs. Paul Smith. Mrs. Andy M. Dover, all of Kings Mountain: -Mrs. George Walton (tf Savannah, Ga., Mrs. Manley -Starnes of Slielby and Mrs. Max Clark of Bossomer City; and one grandchild. of Kings Mountain the coming year. H(' will succe Plonk. , . , , industrial division, of hospital for, which Marvin Tcer is chairman, ' has accepted 55 per cent of the ed Dr George W Q^^ta. UF President J. C. Bridges " j ha-s appealed to area residents to j be generous in their contributions Oth<T now officers will include Dr. Sam L. Robin.son. vice-presi dent; aiul Dr. Jo.seph Lee, III, .sec retary-treasurer. a.s workers seek to reach the rec ord figure Jaycees Seek Top Educator Youths Charged With Drag Bacing The HighwotV Patrol Tuesday night charged two local teenage j lK)y.s with pre-arranged drag rac- j Ing and four others with aiding The Kings Mountain Jayeees ^ and abetting, are now aivepting nominations! Billy Patrick Smith. 17, of 7(X) for the “Outstanding Young Edu- ! Marion Road and Danny Hartsoe, .Mtor” in the Kings Mountain ! 16, of Phifer Road in Kings Moun- School .System. j tain were charged with pre-ar- To qualify, nominees must H ‘ ranged racing, according to Troop- Bo aged 21 through 35, not be- ! er J. L. Evans, coming 36 prior to January 1 of, Charged with aiding and abet- the fiscal year of competition, j ting were Johnny Ledford, 18. of The nominee may be male or fe- j Grover. Randy Lee Willis, 17. of male. Males do not have to he Rt. 1, Grover. James Calvin Craw- Jaycces. 21 The nominee must be! ford Jr.. 17, of Kings Mountain a professional oduealor. Ho or she : and Keith Parker, 16, of 704 Land- must be employed no lower than j ing St., Kings Mountain, fir.st grade or higher than the All were released on S750 bond twelftli. I each and a hearing is scheduled Nomination form.s can be oh-, for 27th District Court on Jan. 14. tained al any of the Kings Moun-1 The incident reportedly oevur- Tain Schools or by contacting Jor-j red at 10:25 p.m. Tuesday on N. ry Simmons, chairm'an of thojC. 161 south of Kings Mountain, contest. The forms sliould he re-1 TrtK»per Evans said he was i)a- turned to the schools where tliey ! troling the area eLvely because will be picked up by the Jayeees. of numer()u.s wmplaints from lo- The nomination for.m.s should ..i he returned no later than Junu-! ar>- 11, 1971. Tile educators nominated will be screened by a eommittee of citizens from Kings Mountain and one will be soleettxi as the “Out- i standing Young Educator.” The winner will be honored at the Jaycee D.S.A. Banquet on Janu ary 19. Tlie Jayeees will enter the winner in slate eomiietition \ for Out^•tanding Young FMucaior of North Carolina : cal residents afxiut racing alon*: the stretch of road. I CHOIR PROGRAM The Choir of .Shiloh Pr*’<hyter- ian ehuri’h will sing a Christ mas Cont.ata Sunday afternoon at 5 }>.ni. al the eliurcii. Rev. Rob<’rt Wilson anounves. Tlu' in terested community is invited to attend. WestoverSefs Yule Play Legion Christmas Party For Needy Children Will Be Held On Sunday Amerfoan Legion Post 155 will sponsor flio annual needy chil dren’s Christmas 'party Sunday afternoon beginning with lunch at 12:30 at the American Legion building. Children will be admitted via tickets only. The tickets have been distributed to several hun- drexl needy students in the dis trict scliool system. Christmas Week Herald Day Early j Next week's edition of the Her ald will api'K'ar under date of Wednesday, December 23. with the edition to be published on Tuesday night. Pictures sliould be at the Her ald not later than Saturday at : noon. I Advertising deadline will be : Monday and news deadline Tues- j day at noon. The otlition will contain sea son’s greetings from busino.ss _ I firms and special Chri.sfmas fea- Voun ? people of Wc'stover Bap- as well a regular nows con- list churcii will pro.sent the Christmas play, "Blue CHeralls \ Angel", Sunday evening at 7:30 Deposit Used Toys p.m. at the church. . « . D "U* ^ j Tie interested community is in- DQIIK OUllOin^ vitod to attend ■ Ministers will bo on duty all . day Thursday (today) in the for- i mor First Union National Bank i building next door to Belk’s to re- , ceive usable toys to he distributed to the area needy this Christm-is season. The To.ts for Tots project is a- I gain under .sponsorship of the Kings Mountain Javanx’s and the Ministerial t.sstviarion. Toys needing repairs should bo deliv ered to the Jayoco Christmas Tree Lot on E. Mountain stri'ct. .Memix'ts of the Ministerial As sociation will di.stributo the toys next week, said Rev. Ru.ssoll Fitts, spokesman for the group. L('gi»)nnairos who will volun teer to assist in the kitc^hen or to provide transportation for area young.sters are invited to tele phone Commander Robert Ruff or Manager W. D. .Morri.son at 739- 9939. Adults, other than Legion naires. will not be adimitted. Santa Claus will be a special guest at the party and will dis tribute gifts to the needy.

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