% " >.i.- ■' ■ s K < i n ^ ! ; lb- rm--' ^ k. i... MRS. JAMES ROSCOE GRIGG (Karen Joyce Peavcy) MRS. BILLY ANTHONY WILSON (Linda Darlene Welch) MRS. JVEL PHILANDER QVINN (Janice La Verne Byers) Church Weddings Unite Griggs, Wilsons, Philander Quinns Miss Karon Joyce -P<>iavey anid James Koscoo Grigg wc^rc united in marriage Saturday, Dec. 6, at East Gold Street Wesleyan chur ch. The 'Rev. Edwin Chriscoe heard ■the exchange of vows. A program of wedding music was presented by Miss Brenda Biddix, organist, ani^ Mrs, Archie Chapman, vocal soloist. The hride is the daughter of ^Irs. F-Volyn Cox Peavey of 7170 Midj)ines and the 'late 'IIert)oi’t ilvl. Peavey. She is a senior at Kings .Mountain high schend, where she is completing a course in Cf>smetology. Son of .Mrs. Corrio Grigg of Kings Mountain Rt. 3, the bride groom is a igraduato of Biud carnations. Miniature bride and bride groom were Tammy Johnson and Toney Martin of Kings Mountain. Flower tg'irl and ring bearer w'cre Karen Goforth and Scott Grigg, also of Kings Moun tain. Eugene Grigg of Winston-Sal em was his brother’s best man. Ushers weie Larry Crocker of Grover and Tommy Clary and Toney Peavcy of Kings Moun tain. After a trip to Florida, the couple is at home in Kings Moun tain. Girl Scouts Win Awards, Merit Badges Girl Scout Cadette Troop 4 meets on Thursday at the First Rcesbyterian church. The following girls received merit badges and awards at Court of Awards la.st week. Cheryl Barrett — Horsewoman and Plant Kingdom (Trees) Badg es. Becky Blanton — Homemaker Badge and 5 Year pin. Ann Culberson — Family Liv ing Badge. Beverly Lynch — 5 year pin. Ann Leach — 5 year pin. Vickie Maddox — Animal King dom (Birds) and Swimmer Badges. Pam Martin — 5 year pin. Pam Nicholson — 5 year pin. Ashley Plonk — Chef, Hiker, and Swimmmer Badges. Karen Trout — Swimmer Badge. Tina Whitiker — 5 year pin. Recently the troop held a Bake Sale with proceeds of $-11.33 go ing to “Operation Santa Claas.” The girls have been selling calendars to raise money for the troop. Leaders for the troop are Mrs. J. D. Barrett and Mrs. Charles E. Dixon. Dastside Baptist church provid ed the sotting Sunday afternoon for a 4 p.m. exchange of vows uniting .Mis.s Linda Darlene Welch and Billy Anthony Wilson in marriage. The Rev. Harry D. Vance, min- inister of the church, heard the couple pledge vows O'! the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Evelyn Chambers was or ganist end Mrs. Wayne Ashe was vocalist for the program of nup tial music. Mrs. Ashe sang “With er Thou Goest’’ bolorc the cere mony and “Wedding Prayer” as the benediction. The altar of the church was arranged with white candelabm holding cathedral tapers inter spersed with arrangements of while mums. Donald Welch escorted his daughter to the altar and gave her in marriage. The bride’s for mal wedding gown was made and designed by her aunt, Mrs. Patsy Welch Black. Fashioned of white bridal satin, and peau do soie, the gown had a wedding ring collar with Chantilly lace on the long traditional sleeves, down the front panel of the ' floor-length skirt and highlight ing the formal-length aisle-wide train. Her fingertip veil of silk bridal illu.sion was hold by a petal hoadpicce and she carried a white orchid atop a white lace- tm’ered Bible. Miss Joy Welch attended her niece as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Mrs. Jimmy Black, aunt of the bride, and Miss Ik'hbiG Blanton. The three attendants wore for mal-length gowns of ChrLslmas rod satin and peau de soie de signed like that of the bride with sJicer long sleeves. Tliey wore matching hcaddre.^ses arwl slip pers and carried two white mums. The bridegroom’s fatlier was best man. Donald W'’elch, Jr. u.shercd with Steven Wilson. The bride’s mother was gown ed in a pink dress with match ing coat, matching accessories and a shoulder corsage of \vhite carnations. The bridegroom’s mother chose « navy blue dress with matching ^ accessories and a coisagc of white ' carnations. Mrs. Barr>" Stroupe kept a gue.st register in the vestibule of the church whore the bridal party formed a receiving line to greet (Continued on Page Two) Miss Janice LaVorno Byers bt'- came the bride of Special 1st-four Juel Philander Quinn, Saturday in a 6 o’clock ceremony at the home of Reverenent some time with his pator- Vial grandparents and who was attending school here, returned to California with his parents. One ounce of wood pulp from a Southern pin^^ trqe contains a Southern pine tree contains dividual wood fibers, reports the Southern Forest Institute. ^hrisfmas Tea At Arthur Home Saturday onphaslzed Traditional Holiday Theme Thursday, December 17. 1970 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. SECTION B Mrs. J. H. Arthur and her dau- ghler, Mrs. George iB. Thomas- sr>n, entertained together Salur- ' afl<’r- n(H)n at a briiial shower given by !Mrs. Thomas Rtvlmond. Fifty guests calk'd during the afternoon and presi'nied the bride a sliower of liousehold gifts. The honojt'o wore a blue crepe dross with black aci'ossories and a corsage of white, tvirnations, gift Crom the hostess. Christmas red air.l gnvn dec'rir- ations were used throughout the home. Miss Ecrnic<' Redmond and .Mis.s Jan Alexander assisting in starving decorated cake.s and COfft'O. The newlyweds are residing