71 O •) Population Greater Kings Mountain 21«814 City Limits 01G5 iLlagii Mountcdo tlgui* U derlvtd Horn um •p#ctrl Unltt'd StaiM Hutuuu oi ib* c«iuu« ruport o |aAi><jrY IMS, and lactudw* tb« 14,990 populotiob q Humber 4 Towntnlp, oud th« r«muiiu&g 6.124 lion Munikwr 5 Towiebip, lo CiAvelond County and Cfowdnr Townuhlp In Couton Cnwtf. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newsi^ooei VOL. 86. No. 5 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, February 4, 1971 Eighty-Sixth Year PRICE TEN CENTS '^ST^ '1 4srj f ^4 m y-V'Si It’s Race For School Board Post Coleman Goforth Hearinsf Scheduled WOMEN'S GOLF CHAMPION — Mrs. Sam Robin ?cn, left above, received a handsome engraved silver plaque recently from the Kings Mountain Women's Golf Association as handicap tourna ment chermpion for 1970. Moking the presenta t'on is Mrs. Chorlcs F. Mauney, right, toumoment chairman and a past president of the Women's Gclf Asrociation. (Herald Photo by Isaac Alexondcr) Mauney Chairs Committees. 3n Six Others j State Rc^presont alive W. K. I Mauney, Jr., of Kin^s Alountain, i has been named chairman of the ! House c^'mmittee on the Mmploy- I ment Security commission, \ k*e- i chairman of tlie water and air I les airces camimiltce and vice-1 I chairman of the appropriation;! i sub-c*(>'mimiittee on i^eneral gov- ; ernment and hransix>rtation. I i Rep. Mauney was also appoint I p(j ny iioust» Speaker Phil Godwin i I to memix'rship on the cominitU‘es t I en eonservation and development 1 enmmissions and institutions for, the blind and deaf, Banks and | hankin-^ and manufacturers and , labor. '■ Kep. ^i^Iauney did not comment | on particular legislation he anti-j cipates will bo received by the j several c'ommittc'cs on which he ^ Project Parcel Bought From Mrs. Blanche Yarboro City Ice & Coal Tract Is Third Oi 44 Needed By MARTIN HARMON King.s Mountain Redt^’clopnent , ^ commission has acquired its V. ^ third tract in the Central Busi- I, ness District renewal project. ■. Latest tract lo be acquircnl is the 22,000 square foot property of Mrs. Blanche YaUboro, occu pied by City Ice & Ccal Company which fronts 100 feet on both South Railroad avenue and Citj streets and is 220 tcct det p. 'Purchase price for the property was $14,600. Prior propert|-*s purchased in elude: j 1) The Virgie Harmon property j on City street at $13,500, and i 2) Tlie former Herald building j on S. Piedmont avenue from Kinvl Baptist dhuK'h at a pu.vha.se | price of $10,000. i Joe M. Uincy, director of tly’ Redevelopment commission, .^aid the commission holds options on four other parcels and a verbal i option on another. He said the commission will purchase a minimum of two perhaps four parcels, by mid- \Ia roh. I A total of 44 parcels are car ' Scouting's highest award, the marked for pu-rrhase in the Cen | Silver Beaver, will be presented tral Business District project. | to Edgar D. Wilson; Sr. of Kings Original plan was to purchasi'! Mountain at the annual banquet the parcels in three phases cover- of the r.mmril. Bov senves. i H 0 commtmtcd, however, 1 “There’ll probably be more work ; on the api)ropriations .‘•ub-com-1 mittee than on all the others put i together.” i He do.s:Tibe<I it as a “working'; committee”, explaining that with appropriation riK^uests from 129 state agencies, the 60-mem ber (half the number in the House) appropriations commit tee, is split into four sub-commit tees in four major areas of state government. Rep. Kenneth Royall, of Dur ham, is chairman of Uie House appropriations committee. 22 Students On “r Roll i Twenty- two Kings 'Mountain Two Kings Mountain druggists j bigii school ^students were listed wore elcotei directors of Dake I on tlie '‘A’’ honor roll for tlie Montonia Club, Inc. Thursday as nine weeks grading period and stockholders held their annual , 1.41 stiL'enls were listed on the meeting. ; “B” honor roll for the same per iod. Charles Blanton, partner ^ in |.oii included Kings Mountain Drug Company,! and Wilson Griffin, partner in CANDIDATE — Tommy Bridges has filed notice of candidacy for on incity position on the bcaid of education. He opposes Joe A. Neisler. Jr., for the seat being vacated by Mrs. Lena W. McGill. Tcmmy Bridges 0pp9scs Neisler In School Race Montonia Group Elects Griifin, Blanton. Kiser Upped Sgain The bid on the Martin Phifer property, being sold at auction, has been raised for the fifth time. First race of thi* 1971 iTolitieal caimpaign developed tliLs VrVek as Tommy P. Bridges fiUnJ no tice of candidacy' lor the in-eity .'-eat on tlie King.s Mountain board of education from which Mrs. ■ Ixma W. .McCiill is retiring in . May. I Alro'ady filed for tlie six year- term is Joe A. Neisler. Jr. The outside Kings Mountain : erm 01 P. A. ('I'ippy) Francis is also expiring. Tluus far there has b<'<m no activity for City Hall p;siaons, wliere a Mayor and six ward jjmmissionirs are to be elected. Mayor John Henry Moss, nor tile co:nmi.s,>ioners, have made my oLiciai indications of their iiiu-ntions, tliougin filends say ih(*y e.vi>ect tlie incumbents to !(H*k re-(‘it‘Ction. Challoager rumors have also been scane. Among them: 1) Lt.-Col. (Ki Kaoert G. Cox, a rumoicd mtiyoraT challenger, may instead sec'k the Ward 5 post held oy Mrs. Maude R. Walk er, 21 Ex-Commissioner R. Coleman Stroupe may challenge M’ard 4 Commissioner Norman King, as may Kenneth Roberts, j Tommy P. Bridges secretary j and treasurer ot Bridges Auto Parks of Kings Mountain and i Bessemer City and president of: The new bid of $60,469.89 \va.s | posted by Mrs. R. P. Anthony of, Gastonia. I Re-sale is scheduled for Feb-! ruary 18th at 11 ajm. at thej Cleveland County courthouse door, Lincolnton Aviation, in Shelby. | Bridges said in a formal state-1 Mrs. Anthony mLsed Postmastei I mont, “The ^present board has' Charles Alo.xander’s bid of | done an excellent job. We have $57,542.75. a school system of whioh to be The property, located near the j proud. I will have children in ENGINEER ^ Glenn Grigg, Jr. was registered in January by the state as a licensed engineer. He is employed by the Traffic Engineering Department of the State Highway Commission in Raleigh. Engineef License Fox Glenn Grigg Glenn Grigg, Jr., Kings Moun tain native, was registered in January by the state of North elected to three year terms on the board along with Ken Kiser of B<>ssemer City. Mr. Kiser is son-in-law of Mrs. Orangrcl B. Jolly of Kings Mountain. SPEAKER — Dr. Eugene Poston, president of Gardner Webb col lege at Boiling Springs, will fill the pulpit on Baptist Men's Day Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at Temple Baptist church. Men of the church will fill the choir and present special music. Silver Beaver To Edgar Wilson The “A” the following: Seniors Judy Childers, Jimmy Crawford, Lin da Feemster, Lynn Fin'zer, Phy llis Hamrick, Carolyn Howard, Charles Reed. Wan^Ca G-ail Smith, Jack White and Cathy Wilson; Juniors Ruth Davi son, Norma Jean Morrison and Mr. Griffin wa.s elected to fill Bevely Plonk; Sophomores - the unexpired term of the late Lynn Blanton, Irene Louis Eas- Evorette Pruden. Mr. Blanton will ley, Martha Jane Mauney; represent Cleveland County on , rreshmen — Tony Beam, Kenny the board and Mr. Kiser will Farris, John Plonk, Jimmy Fitts, represent Gaston County on the Sco'tt Wilson an<i Terry Woody, director’s board. j The “H” ihonor roll includes ' the following: Seniors; Gene Alexander, Eth el Ayers, Dale Blanton. Debra Blanton, Mike Bolin, Kathy Bo wmen, C^-nthia ^Brown. Shirley All offUers were ro-electod to servo another one-year term. They include Neal Carson, Jr. o»f Ga.’^tonia. pre.<idcnt; Bob Boason of Boiling Springs, viro-prosidont; ^ Champion, Pam and W. Donald Crav.ford of Kings ^ynn Cornwell, Addle- Davis, lene Cix)cker, Euzellia Goins. Hawks, ing about 12 months oaV'h “We are talking to otiVr prop- Qcly owners and are apprwiaiivc' ^^he cooperation we are reeeiv ^If,” Mr. Laney commented. Parcels earmarked for re-sale will bo auctioned after buildings to be razed -and removed. iMr. Laney said ho has just re ceived booklet entitled -Programs for Progress” which deal with rolored maps both the Central Business district project and the Cansler street urban renewal. Copies will be distributed to property owners within the two renewal project areas and, on re quest, to other interested citizens. Bids Let On Rest Area Piedmont Council, Boy ScMUts of America. Tut'sday night at Dixie Village Cafeteria in Gas tonia. Mr. Wil.-;on was instrumental in the consolidation of the Carvei District and the Lincoln and Gas ton Districts and in bringing the Scouting program lo the black community, said George Ander son, president of the Piedmont Council. Other scouters to receive the lop award are David R. LaFar, III, of Gastonia. William H. Leo ol Stat<svillo. II. Eugene LoGrand of I Shelby. Fred Hnrbinson of Con- 1 over and Sam Thomas of Forest, City. The award.s are made annually upon the recommendation of tho Piedmont Council and the approv al of the National Council, Boy Scouts of Ameri'ca. The awar^d is based on out.standing senico to Kings Mountain high school, con j this system for the next seven' Carolina for the practice of en- tains 131.65 acres. Bites Thursday For W.F. Neal years and would like to be a gineering In North Carolina, member 6f the boanY” . ) Orlgg, a graduate of N. C. Mr. Bridges is a member and i State University, is employed by deacon of First Baptist Church, a ' the Traffic Engineering Depart- Mason in Fairview Lodge 339. aj ment of the North Carolina High- member of the National Associa-; way Commission in Raleigh, tion of Flight Instructors and re-1 He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Funeral rites for William | sides at 804 Rhode's Avenue. He Glenn Grigg Sr. of Kings Moun- is now serving on the board of; tain. Mrs. Grigg is the former directors of the Kings Mountain Susan Lee Moss, daughter of Mr. Merchants Association. His wife, and Mrs. George W. Moss of FehuarY 25 Condeipnatisn Hearing Set City Attnrnoys Jack White and Veme Shive .«aki Wedno.^day hearing before Clerk o:' Sup^^^io^ Court Ruth S. Beclmon in the city’s condomnaticn action a- gainst Coleman Goforth ha: been scheduled for February 25. The aetion w'a.s brought to ac quire 150 acres which the city requires for the Buffalo Creek water project. Mr. Goforth's f.s o’^o of th eo principal tracts the city has not yet acquire.1, the othc-s being those cf Ambrose Cline and John D. Cline. Properties of Buford Cline and W. K. Mauney, Jr., trading os Double E Ranch and of Mr. Cline himself have been acquired but the remuneration has not been settled, the owners having enter ed notice of appeal to Superior Court. City monies for these prop erties have been placeci in escrow with the Clerk of Court. Tbe city has been using water fjcwn Buffalo Creek and tlie ad jacent treatment plant for sev eral weeks. However, the re maining properties must be ac quired before the five-foot diam eter pipe at the base of the lake can be plugged and the lake, therebj', can begin to form. Mountain, secretary - troasuror. Vice-president Boason is son-in- _ . . , aw of Mrs. A. W. Kincaid ot p^t^cia kings Mountain. cjeepcr Howard, Kathy Heavner, Other directors are George B. Pam Humphries, 'Debra 'Henson, Thomasson of Kings Mountain Rachel Huskey, Gale Lawing, and Bob Crockett of Gastonia. Wilson Ledford, Lorine Little- Outgoing directors are Pat Tignor john, Bill W. Loflin, Lynn Love kaco, David Lowery, Libby Ow- ensiby. Kay Patterson, Ronnie Payne. Ui*sula Perry, Anne Hun ter Plonk. Becky Plonk, Darlene Quinn. David 'Randall. Sherry Reynolds, Debbie Rhea, Carl Rhodes. Gail Robinson, Chuek Ross, Jackie Ross, Philip S-and- The Newberry College Singers Amos Shear, Jill Sistaie. and Stage Band will present 'a VVan -a Adair Smith, Linda concert at Kings Mountain high Wells, Sandra Wlietstine, Pam school Monday. ] Williams, W^ilhermenia Williams, Members of the group are on! Doris Wilson, Beverly M right their annual mid-winter tour. and Pam Wright. Charles Easley. Jr., son of the, Junior; Nanc>' Bagwell. Helen Rw. and Mrs. Charles Easley of, Eers, Diane Bri<lgcs, Lynne Kings Mountain, is a memb<‘r of Bridges, Gary Bristol, Kathy the group. * fCo)ifj)iweci Ow P(iqc Eitjht) Franklin Neal, 44, of route 1, Grover, will be held Thursday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. from Slii loh Presbyterian church. Rev. Robert A. Wilson will offi ciate at the final rites and inter ment will be in Grover cemetery. The body will lie in state at Harris Funeral Home until the hour of s('nice. Mr. Neal died Tuesday morning at 10:45 a.m. in Charlotte Mem orial ho.<rpital of self-inflicted gunshot wounds he sustained at his home on Monday. He had been in ill health for more tlian a year after suffering a stroke and had returned home from VA hospital in Columbia. S. C. in December. He was employed as Production Manager at Minette Mills in Grover, was a veteran of World War II and a member of Shiloh Presbyterian church. A native of Cleveland County, he was the son of Mr. and Mrs^ .Ada teaches at First Baptist Kin dergarten. They have three chil dren in Kings Mountain schools. Lisa attends East School in the 5th grade, lommy, Jr., attends Central in the 7th grade and Cin dy is at Central in the 8th grade. For the past fifteen years Mr. Bridges has been an auto parts wholesaler and a flight instruct or wrtified by tho federal govern ment. Kings Mountain. The Griggs are parents of four children: David, CJeorgo, Laura and Sara. They are members of Raleigh’s Hud son Memorial Presbyterian church. i January Collections ' Swell City Cotters I Payments of 1970 taxes col- i looted through February 2 brought I to $237,126.23 the amount collect ’ ed against the total levy of ' $313,997.00. I January collections accounted ! for $121 427.07 of the total as of Kings Mountain and Jim Wil son of Gastonia. Newberry Band Here Monday Ledhotter Broth irs, Inc., of j boyhofxl through participation in Rome, Ga., is apparent low bid- Scouting, community and church dor-at $1,141,911.62 for grading, | activities. Vi.lunteer Sr'outers from concrete paving, signing, sewage any area of 'the Piedmont Council treaitmont and disposal facilities for constructing Rest Area and Wel'come Sites on I-S5 iTOtween South Oarol'ina State Line an'l' MoJin'tain. ■Final completion date for the pfTojeCt is August 1, 1972. Bids totaling $12,404,768.29 were received January 26th by the State Highway Commission at its regular monthly letting. There were 21 road projects in , ,21 counties mvolving more than 118 miles of road construction. ^Ull apparent tow bids 'will 'be JBiew*d 'by the Slate 'Highway yjKmmission when tt meets in deigh Thursdayi are eligible Tlie Piedmont Coun cil area includes tho following counties: Gaston, Lincoln, Cat«aw- ba, Iredell. Alexander, Burke, Mc Dowell, Rutherford, Polk, and Cleveland. A shmal Silver Beaver Committee appointed by the Pre.sidenl of the Piedmont Counoit makes the final .selection. Said Mr. Anderson of Mr. Wil son: "Wlienever there i.s a need Mr. Wil.son i.s there to serve the Thomas Raymond Neal of Grover, j - Besides 'his parents, he is surviv ed by his wife, Mrs. Edwina Davis Neal; two sons, William F. Neal, Jr. and Thomas E. Neal and two daughters Miss Jean Marie Neal and Miss Susan Neal, all of Grov or; one brother, Charles E. Neal of Grover; and two sisters, Mrs. David Giles of Columbia. S. C. and Mrs. Robert Ruggs of Cham- bleo, Ga. Scholarships For Teachers Howard Biyant, supervisor of j citizens were trying to avoid late instruction in the district school ' payment penalties. Of the total levy, the current year city budget anticipates 90 percent payment during the fis cal year. Penalty of one percent applied I February 2. system, has announced that sum mer scholarships are available for teachers of exceptional chil dren. Applications should be directed j to Mr. Bryant. City Commission Seeks New Bids On Backhoe; Stium: Specs Not Met The cHy comtmis.sion voted to already moved and Ray Cline re-advertise bids for a backhoe had seeondt'd that the city accept machine, after Bob Strum, sales-: the low bid. Commissioner Jim Dickey ex- aminc'd tho specifications and remarked he felt if the low bid John Deere did not meet them, the eomimis.sion should re-adver- man for Wc.stem Carolina Tractor Equipment Company, eontendexi the low bidder had not met spec ifications on ten items. Western Carolina, bidding on an International machine, was' tise. Mr. Biddi.x explained he had second low on the initial bidding. | been told by Superintendent oi $395 higher than Queen City! l^iblic Works Grady Yelton the Equipment Company, which of-1 John Deere backhm^ would do the fered the city a John Deere ma-1 job. He added he would with- chino for $9305. ' draw hU motion if Mr. Cline 'Mr. Strum’s principal contention i withdrew the second, was that the specifications ealle<l ^ “If I can lower tho spocifica- youth Of his community. He has for 33(X)-pound lift capacity and tions,” Salesman Strum had r^^- worked all liis life In tho ediica-^that the maximum lift capacity marked, "I can bid"V00 to $800 tlonal field, and has alwav.s tried of his competitor’.s machine wasi lower.” to put before the youth the im-12300 pounds. | ^The now bid date is February (Continued on Pago Eight J Conunissioner W« S. Biddix had' 15* 83 Pupil Citizens-of-the-Month Are Tapped In District Schools Eighty • three student Good Citizens have been rei'ognized by the Citizenship Committee of the Association of Classroom Teach ers Kings Mountain Unit, North Carolina As.sociation of Educators. Five Permits Are Issued King Winter hasn’t affected the building business, as numerous building permits were i.ssued this week at City Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexan der obtained a permit to build a six-room residence at 508 P'llen- wfxxi Drive at o.stimated co-^t ol $21,300. Marion Dixon was liste<l as contractor. Cleveland Hosiery Mill was is sued a permit to build an office with estimatetl cost at $4,000. J. llobert Dye was listed os contract or. Bridges Brothers Construction Company obtained a permit to build a six room brick veneer house on Scotland Drive at esti mated cost of $15,9(X). Roiiert Howard Bryant was is sued a permit to add an addition to his residence at 703 Cresicent Circle at estimated (xist of $2,0(X). .Marlon Dixen was listed as con tractor. John Warlick obtained a {x'-r- mit to enclose a porch at his residence on Hawthorne Lane estimated cost at $600i Herd, Tammy Ross, Robin Biddix. Brent Shytle. Paula Boyles, Anno Hord, Norma Leann Bailies. Kelly Land, Douglas Sincox and Kevin Allison. West Elementary Gregorys Ingram, David Jones, Lori Scruggs Lynn Peeler, Janice Swggins, Chip McGill, Mike Spears, Biiron Wilson, Greg Me Ginnis. Dennis Putnam. Kenny Mauney. John Gamble, and Judy Henderson. North Elementary Laura Reb(K*ca Bates, Jame.s Rik- All-Electric Home Rate Asked The city commission authorized Tuesday night, and the Mayor has appointed, a committee to study request of a citizens’ group for an all-electric home power rate. Appearing before the commis sion w'ere Bill Brown, Howard Smith. Hugh Smith and Tom Yar borough. Howard Smith was spokesman for the group and presented rate comparisons vvith Duke Power Company and the City of Gas tonia. both of which employ all- electric home 'rate schedules. The City of Kings Mountain has only two rate schedules, residential and commercial. Pre sent base resideritial rate in Kings Mountain is 1.34 cents per kilowatt hour. It was 1.2 cents per KWH before a 12 per cent rate increase imposed last month to compensate for a 22 percent raise imposed on the city in mid-Doeomber by Duke Power Company, from which the city buys pow’or. Named to the committee by Mayor John Henry Mo.ss were Commissioners Ray Cline. Soimore Biddix and Norman King. The.se students were chosen on [ho basis of good grades, good conduct, and respect for their schools, fellow students, and teachers. The Go.>d Citiz(tis from the elementary schools and Central Junior high school were chosen by their classmates and teachei's. Kings Mountain High school’s citizen of tho month was chosen i Rass, Both Bate.'? Stephen Lee, Jo- by a enmmittoe from the Student anna Rushing. Gail Rigdon, Ton-' Participation Organization on the! ya Burton. Gerome Parker. Mar- basis of conduct and scholarship.; tha Greene, June Ware, Mary The Citizenship Committee of ^ Hullender, James Sanders. Rox- the ACT, in recognizing these ! anno Seism. Adrienne Davis, Rick Good Citizens each month, hopes Withorsixx?n. Nancy Lee. Kenneth to make good Citizenship an im-1 Corn. Bonnie Hinnant. Penny portant part of each student’s life. Williams, and Susan Milchem. At the close of -the school year, a Bethware nementaxy Ck)Od Citizen of tho Year from j Danna Seism. Karon Dixon, Kim each schotd will bo honored with | Dixon. Curt Camp, Tommy Fitts, an award from the ACT. The Citi-j Lisa Yarbro, Fred Yarboro, Gary zen of the Yrar will be chosen! Bell, Oonald Bell, Maxine Short, from those honored each month, i Beth Christopher, and Dewayne Tho following have been chosen Varner. Five Students To Clinic Five Kings .Mountain high school choir members will at tend the annual choral clinic at Mars Hill college this w'eekend. Doris Wilson. Bernice New- some, Debbie Burns, (iene Bum- gardnor and Douglas Byars will be accompanied by Mrs. J. N. Me- ard. Deanna Moore Wanda With-1 Ulure to Mars Hill where they erspoon, Connie Cochran, Rhonda i participate in the clinics on - - - ' Friday and sing with a 250-voicc concert of students from all over tho state and East Tennesstn' Sat urday night at 7 p.m. on the college campus. Greg Smith is arranger, com poser and conductor for the pro gram. from their respwtive schools for January: Kings Mountain High School Becky Plonk Central Jr. High Chcryln Cole, Ku.sty Cloninger. East Elementary Eric Wright. Toni Ross. Lynn Liters, Karen Blackwell, Lisa Grover Elementary Dawn Hambright, Phyllis Dot- ter, Aaron Dixon, Jane Ham- bright. Bridget Gla.ss, Barry Wright, Robin Harry. Donna Hol man, Tony Hagen. Cindy Forten berry, Earl Hagen, Karen Green, David IJaimbright. Joyce Robin son, and Terry Glass. Mrs. McClure To Give Report Mrs. J. N. McClure, ma^sic sup ervisor in the district schwl s.vs- tom, will go to Raleigh February 12th where she will give a re port on “Status of Music Educa tion In the Schools of District VI in the North Carolina Assotna- tion of HkiucatooTS.” Mrs. McClure will bi» in a con- ; ference with Dr. Craig Phillips, I director oi public instrucUonr

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