Population Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8465 ai«ai«i luagi Moupiola flgot* la tferlvad U9m tM tgatirl Ualtad ItaiM Muracni ol Caiuiu MDMt c |«BV«rT IfM. cad lacludM tha l4,tN papulaUoa • Maabar 4 Tawathlp. ai4 ramalalog •.U4 froa Nuabar S TpwuUp. a Cltaalond Countf aa CrawtfaT rowaairtp Im tkmtm Cowbty. VOL. 86. No. 9 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspapei Knos Mountain, N, C.. Thursday, March 4, 1971 Eighty-Sixth Year PRICE TEN CENTS f White: Buffalo Creek W ater Project News Is All Good City Board To Meet With Wildlife Committee Tuesday Lake Fulling On Agenda; ^yoiMayTap ^ty Committee The city commission will con sider Tuesday night with the ^te Wadlife Commiss-ion where by the fevision of Inland Fisher ies will provid^ marra^yemen* as sistance in fishing operations at fiufifalo Creek lake. Action followed report of Mniv- or Joihn Henry Moss on his dis- cusskms witfh Hayden M. Kait- ledge, otf Marlon, fishiery biolo gist, at a sp<*c!ial mocnirg Friday, the commission authorized the Mayor to appoint a city wildlife committee. Mayor Moss said Mr Ratlcdge told him the lake would be stock ed wiith large mouth bass, small mouth bass and bream and he hopes -to begin stocking the rake June 1. The Mayor quoted him as laying, "Theire will be good fish ing there after June 1 and very excellent fishing by June 1, 1973.*’ The fish wUI cost the city no thing and the projected agree ment pledges the fisheries divi sion to follow practises whioh protect the lake for its primary ■purpose as a source of potable waiter. In other actions, the board: 1) Appointed Robert Dodge, Feunes Belt, Bennett Moeters, -Oharles Peterson son volunteer fireimtn. 2) At -tlhe invitation of Repre sentative Robert Z. Falls autihor- ized the Mayor to appoirvt a leg islative Mason committee. Com- missionors Ray CMhe, T. J. Elli son and Norman King weire nam ed. ' 3) Adopted a budget-amending ordinance. 4) Authorized purchase of 400 feet ol 2\^ inch and 600 feet of V/^ inch fire hose. . ' ' . - / Mrs. 0. 0. Walker Retiring I As Ward 5 Commissioner Settlement Appears Near On Property I Acquisition Su|)erior Court Clerk Ruth Ded- mon ruled Tuesday morning tliat fUie City of Kings M )untain had the right of condemnation on 150 acro.s owned by Col(*man Goforth which the city seeks for the Buf- , falo Crc<*k ix'sc rvci*. "Hi ■'n # • STUDENTS WIN AWARDS FOR ARTWORK — Susan Hutchins, left, won two top awards and Eu gene r/cClafn, right, won honors in the annual Scholastic Awards competition in Charlotte. Suz anne Wise, center, is art instructor. Miss Hutchins' prize-winning collage will be entered in national competition. (Photo by Isaac Alexander) Four KMHS Pupils Will Art Awards First Woman ! Commissioner | Is Retiring | Mr.s. Maude Rhea Walker, first j King-: Mountain woman to .serve as a city commi.s-iioncr. said Wed- nosd'.iy slic w.ll not be a candi date lor i\vele..tion. Widow of O. O. Walker, Mrs. Walker was appointed as (ity comm'i.-vS.i,;ner from Ward V on A4>ril 18, 1968. succeeding her late ; luwoand who died befoic complet ing his sccojKi term of office. Mrs. Walker ran for election in May 1969 and won. She is a Kings Mountain na tive. daughter of the late James and Lenora Dover Rhea. She is a . Democrat and member of the American Legion Auxiliary. She has a daughter. Mrs. Joann Walk er McDaniel, and a granddaugh ter, Miss Sheryl McDaniel. Mrs. Walker said she is retir ing ‘ only to make a place for ^ someone with more to contribute i to Kings Mountain.” Mrs. WaJker^ statement fol lows: 'A RETIRING — Ward 5 Commis sioner Mrs. O. O. Walker said yesterday she won't seek re- election. Aaron Belt Is Winner Oi Derby Aaron Belt, cight-ycar-old Cub k' \ 1i!arris Seeks New Flag Bill State Sen. Ollie Harris of Kings Mountain has introduced a bill in the N. C. General Assembly that would make it unlawful to wtlT- Ingly or knowingly east contempt upon any flag of the United States or of North Carolina. (Harris said such acts would in clude mutills^tion, defiling, defac ing or trampling upon a flag, or taking down any flag of the U. S. or North CairoHna from a public area without lawful authority. Sen. Harris said he decided up on introducing the legislation after reading of a recent case in which a "federal appeals court turned a fellow loose for wearing • a flag. That sort of made me an gry. i feel we need a law such as the one I have introduced, and I understand that it is constitu tional.” The bill, SB 178, would make violations a misdenw'anor with a penalty of 30 day* of $50 fine. Harris is vice chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Commit tee and oo-sponsotTod the measure along with Sen. John Church of Henderson. EVANGELIST — Mike Shook, Junior student ot Gardner Webb college, will be speoker for a youth revival March 10-14 at Oak Grove Baptist church. Ser vices will be held each evening at 7 p.m. Shook, of Union Mills, was licensed to preach by the Round Hill Baptist church. Af ea Educatois Are Finalists Mrs. Juanita P. Burns, Director of Special Services Shelby City Schools and Donald D. Jones, Kings Mountain school superin tendent, are finalist for the an nual Terry Sonford Award for creativity and innovation in teaching administration, the North Carolina Asso<'iation of Educators heg announced. The Terry Sanford Award recip ient will be named by a commit tee of judges designated toy the Lcamlnig Institute of North Car olina. Announcement of the win ner and any honorable mentions will be made at the up-comlng annttal oonvention of the NCAE in Charlotte. ■Both Mrs. Burn.4 and Jones were district winners. McGinnis Bios. UpPhifeiBid Hubert, Dick, Bill and James McGinnis trading as McGinnis Brothers, raised the bid on the Marlin Phifer property shortly be fore the d<>«dTine Monday to nec essitate another rc-salc. The required raise of $3075 mak('¥i the bid now stand at $63,575 for the 131.6 acre tract which is adjat'cnt to Kings Moun tain high school. Re sale date had not been set early Wednesday afternoon. The property Is being sold at abiBolute public auction to settle the Phiifor estate. Susan Hutchins Wins Two Honors For Art Work Four Kings Mountain students won awards for art works in re gional competition of the national Scholastic Art Awards in Char lotte recently. From the estiimated 3,500 pieces of art work entered from the South Piedmont Region, the art efforts of Susan Hutchins. 17,; Eugene McClain, 17; Eddie Floyd, 19; and Lou Biyant, 15, achieved awards. It took two 'da>*s (Feb. 1314) ] for eight judgt's to assess the student vvoi;k entered fn.m the I South Piedmont Region which in- j dudes Alexander, Caabrrus, Ca tawba, Cleveland. Gaston, Ire dell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Stan ly and Uni cm counties. The awards were presented in three categoru's with the highest being the Gold-Key Award with Blue Ribbon, which is sent to the national competition in New York at the conclusion of the re gional contest; second place is the (k>ld Key and third place is the merit award. Entries included pencil sketch es, ink drawiings, collages, .sculp (Continuid On Page Eigfft) MANAGER — Don Ellison, Kings Mountain native and son of Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Ellison, was re cently named general monoger of a new lumber and building supplies firm opening in Ker- nersville. LENTEN SERVICES Wednesday evening Ltmton services are continuing at St. Matthew’s Lutlieran church. Rev. Charles Easley will use the sc'rmon topic, "The Sin of the Clergy” at Wednesday eve ning services at 7:30. ROTARY SPEAKER Rev. Troy C. iBonnett, mission ary on furlough fn>m Ba.st Pakistan, will bo guest speaker at Thujsday’s Rotary club imeot- ing at 12:15 at the Country club. Rotarian Charles Dixon will present Rev. Mr. Bennett. "I would like to state at thisiSc'out. was declared the uinner time I will not be a candidate for; of the annual Pinowood Derby of Kings Mountain’s Ward V* Com-j S^ou-ts of Pack 1 of Boyce m'iss.oner in the May 1971 elec*-1 Memorial ARP Church. "And in so stating I would like 1 ^oung Belt, son of City Polite to thank Mayor John II. Moss Gfiicer Jim Belt and Mrs. Belt, and ‘tile Kings Mountain Ca.m- missionors for appointing me to serve out the unexpked term of imy late husband, O. O. Walker. And especially, I would like to thank the voters for their con fidence and support in electing me as their first woman com missioner in Kings Mountain’s history, in 1969. "It has been a privilege to serve with Mayor Moss and the Board. And I hope 1 have helped the Citizens of Kings Mountain in some way, to show my apprecia tion. "I aim retiring only to make a place for someone with more to contribute to Kings Mountain, and will only support for Ward V Commissioner a person I feel has Kings Mountain’s interest at heart. ‘‘Again I thank all of those' who have sui>poried my hit^band and myself the last six years in what we though and believed was for the betterment of Kings Mountain and the surrounding community.” iM Ovei Top in G-W Diive; S33,042 Reported Kings Mount'^.in citizens Moi d^ y surpassed their goal in G ii diier-Webb’s capital fund dr'Vv' as leal rs reported gifts of $3’^ - 042.50. Goal of the Kings Mo’m- tain crjnpaign was $,30,(X)0. Kings Mountain joined Shelby. Boiling Springs an<i Cherryville in m eting success in the col lege’s $1,500,000 fund drive to provide money for a new library. I a new men’s dormitory and ad- •citional classroom and adminis trative office space. i Chari s Alexander, chairman j ; for Kings Mountain, sounded a note of continued success whvn j he told the workers at their third report me tfng that more money was still to be reported. I "I am certain that we shall push even high r before the ' May 13 Victory Dinner." said AJ- !exan:!er. "You folks have done a ) .^ood job and 1 am sure there is still lots mor.' money coming in.” The big push came from the special gifts committee wit-i Thoin.''h Tate chairman. Tivs committee collect d $24,137.50 of tile total arnount. The loading team was led by Shuford K. Peel er. His t am of Herman Gi'eenc. raced his car in the derby and Don Toni's. Hugh Lancaster, Mrs. June C. Lee, Robert Mann ana Fred Weaver report -J $3,705. Tlie reports of the five team.-; included: Pot:' Connet, .$1,380; Joseph R. Smith. $2.12.5; Robert G. Cox, $10; Shuford K Pei'ler. $3,705; and O’Brien Brooks, $625. National Chairman R. Patrick DAR Is Conducting Clothing Drive Mpmb(*irs of Colonel Frederick Hambrlght Chapter, DAR, are conducting t)he annual drive for clothing for Croasnore School. Mrs. L. E. Hinnant, Regent, said citizens who have good, used clotihing to donaitc are Invited to call Mrs. F. R. Summers or Mrs. C. E. NeLsIer, Jr. and a DAR mem ber Will pick-up the clothing. Deadline for clothing for the drive is Monday. Howard Shipp Pays Filing Fee; Cox: "Independent Candidate" I Robert G. (Bob) Cox. candidate I for mayor in the spring ek'ct.ions, I said Wednesday he is "running I as an indep<'ndent candidate.” Haywood Lynch s Mother Passes platxd first, alieud of David Barrett, runner-up. Cub Barrett is son cl City Police Officer Jackie D. Barrett and Mrs. Barrett. All eleven Cubs in Pack 1 made their own vehicles ajid raced thorn in the Event, highlight of ' the Blue and Gold Banquet of the scout troop. Prt'sent as special guests for the ravx? wcTO Rev', and Mrs. Charles Edwards and Mrs. Edwards’ moth er, Mrs. Harry Ringhausen, visit ing her from Missouri; Cubmas- ter Paul Fulton and Mrs. Fulton and Den Mothers Mrs. Bill Laugh ter and Mrs. Norman McGill. St'rving as officials for the race ,t<>P $.50.(X)0 rn.ark. were Larry Hamrick and his son,' certainly grateful for Eagle St'out Larry' Hamrick. Jr. j what the people of Kings Moim- I jtain have done dr.ring this com-; ' paign," said Dr. Poston. "But we | I are most grateful for what we j know* you shell continue to do ; itho w'ay of helping us get stui- jents and gain more friends. 1 Revival dates have been an- ' “Wo are happy to pet this mo- iiouneed bv the Central United no.''. most imixirtani we are Methodist'Church, Kings Moun-'hat more peopic know the ! tain, witli The Reverend Jame.s H, story of what TJardnerANehb ;s : Coleman of The First MethodLst : *r>’ing to do in the ?r<^ of Chris- C. as gue.st ^*^^ t'<iucation, ’ •condudod Dr. Spangler and Gardner - Webb Pr.sidont Dr. E. Eugene Poston both expmoso:! their appreciation to the workers. "You folks have done a job and I am sure there is more to be done.’’ said Spangler. "A.'^ Tom Tate said, before the v’ic- Itory dinner Kings Mountain will .'Superior Court Judge' PJount, in a Friday ruling in Shelbs. ruled with the city on all legal p;<ints in the city’s rrmdemnatjjn action against Fufo(rd D. Cline and the Double B Rant'll tract, owned by Mr. Cline and W. K. Mauney, Jr. City Attorney Jack White said Ucdne.'day that t!ie "homeplace” tract ot Buford ('line ha^ been .-set tled and a compromis<‘ stdile- ni< nt reathed. The city h-ad a<‘- quiied the tract la.st Augu.‘it and granted right of appeal as to price to ^uixnicr Court. These wt'rt' the maj(jr develop ments this week in p'roporty ac quisition for tlu* Buffalo Creek re.-*ervoir, and Atlornc'j White said he and ‘city officials are "well pleased wiUi the re.sult.s.” Meantime. Mrs. Dedmon said she had not yc't a|>i> nnlcd a three- man appraisal ft'am f-.llovving the Goforth hearing this week. Mrs. IXvlmon ruled tliat the 150 acres of land described in the petition 1) wa.'; rea.'-)nably neces sary for construction of •the Buf falo Oeek water proj<*ct for tiie purpose of a water supply; 2) thal the City of Kings .Mountain had negotiated in g(xx! faith for the purchase of the lend and (hait .such negotiafions had faih'd. Attorney White said ho is opti mistic that the "whole project will be completed shortly. This (the ‘Buffalo Creek reservoir) is an enormou.s undertaking.” .attorney* White e.stimated that "In a very sliort time.*’’ a jury trial in Cleveland SuiH'rior Court will decide what the city* will fitially pay fer the trad-i of Bu ford D. and Wilda R. (’line and the traert of Mr. ('line and W. K. .Mauney, Jr., trading a.s Double B Ranch. The city acquired the so-called "homo place" tract of Buford D. Cline and the Double B Ranch tract, last August atui grantt'd ■both right ol ai)pt*al as to price to 8u;)erior Court. Meantime, the city paid the owners the <*ount I ordered amount which was ! S61,2(X) to Mr. Cline and his wife ajid $44,562.20 to the Double B I Ranch owners. The appc'als are I pending in Cleveland Superior j Court. Amounts ordert'ii by' the court were amounts offered by I the city on basis of registered ap praisals. Revival Series Begins Sunday Mr. Cox. retired army lieuten ant colonel and manager of the Kings Mountain Chamber of Com- merv’o. said his ‘'concern for Kings Mountadn” was his only reason for seeking the office and ho was not sponsortxi by the Chamber of ('omnierce. On the political scene there were only two developments this church. I Church, Newton. N. I sjx'aki'r. beginning Sunday eve- I ning March 7th and continuing Funeral rites for Mrs. M. J.' through Wednesday evening. Lynch, 90. of Goldsboro, -mother March lOt'.i. and the b<'gkining of of Haywood E. Lynch of Kings] the special song servdeo will be Mountiiin, were held February i at 7:30 p.m. 2tith fixMii Goldsboro’s First Pres- I Tliis lias been the planning of hyterian church, interment fol- ' The MethodUl Men of the Church lowing in Willow Dale cx'mKery. j witli emphasis on gcxxi "ole time Mrs. Lynch, teacher in the i singing” and "A-men preaching”, Wayne County and Goldsboro] sch(x)ls for more than 50 years. i died Fetoruary 23rd in a Goldsboro | hospital after a week's illness. She was widow of Captain Mar ion Justice Lynch and a native of Now Bern. She w'as active in the religious ajid oiv'ic life of the community and a life-long mem her of Goldsbjro’s Presbyterian announced Revere.id Alderman, Minister. -\n inv itation is extended to the public. Poston. Cpl. Dan Evans Wins Conduct Medal (FHTNC > CAMP LEJEUNE, N. C., Feb. 23 — Marine Cpl. Dan-iel N. Evans Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Evaas of Route 3, Kings Mountain. N. C., was presented the Marine Corps Gcxxi Conduct Mi'dal w’hile si'rving at the Ma- ' rino Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, N. ‘ C. Lublanezki Building Acquired; Fourth CRD Property Is Purchased Prostitution Charges Filed City police have arrested two Kings Mountain men on charges of inducing two minors, one 14- year-old girl and one 15-year-ol-J' girl, into a motel for p-rostitu- tion. Kings Mountain Officer Beam said Claude Peai'son. 23, of Myers stnx'l, ani ?.iiko J. Rei nett, 23. of 409 Walnut stnx't, have made bond of S1,(X)0 each •and are awaiting district court liearing .March 11. The two men are charged wit'n having the two minors in a I'oom at the Kings ‘Mountain Covnrt Motel for the purpose of prostitution. Beam said. Sgt Beam said the two gir’s were turneq over to juv nile au thorities after the arres'ts Mon 'Jay. He said -the parents of ‘i? two girls had roix>rtod them m's hing to Kings .Mountain ^hiI'cc several weeks ago. Api>ar.n!ly they had boon out of town until a ftnv' days a-ro. Beam said. Ik'a.m indicated tluat more ar rests are pending. CANDIDATE — Rev. Howoid Shipp, 36, paid his filing fee Friday ofternoon os a candi date for Ward 5 City Commis sioner. WiH'k: Rev. Howard Shipp, 36. Negro minister, paid his filing fee Fri day as a CVmdklato for Waixl 5 CommIs-ioner. Mr. Shipp tele phoned the Herald last Wednes day night and said ho would be a candidate. Mrs. Maude Rhea Walker, in cumbent Ward 5 Commissioner, told 'the Herahl ytNterday she was retiring. Mrs. Walker, Kings Mountain’s first woman cx>mmis- sioner, was appointed in 1968 to )(Continut’d On Page EigfUj Kings Mountain Ro(icvelop- j a .small park area, ment Commission Acquire<l Tues-j Other proix'rtios a('quired prev- da> from George Lublaneski Iho ioiusly am the farmer Herald West Mountain street building I building, also to be razed, the formerly oa upied by tho late Dr. residence of Miss Virgie Harmon, Smithfield; five i J. E. Anthonv. I also to be razed, and the Yartoro and 13 gnvit Pun hase i)rice was $1 l.StX). ! property now occupied by City Ice It is tlio fourth pmport.y pur- & CoaJ Company. In addition to her son and daughter-in-law here, survivors inclucK' two daughters. Mrs. Ed ward Nixon of the h Tine and Mrs. PoiH* Lyon of grandchildren; grandchildren. KIWANIS PROGRAM Jack Conk, chaplain of Caro lina Freight Corriors in Cherry ville, will bo guest six'^aker at Thursday night’s KnVanls club meeting at 6:45 p.m. at the Womaai's club. chased f(»r the central business Mr. Laney also reported that district i*encwal project. the city’s share of the project, Tne two-story building whioh, payable in ‘'in kind” contribu fronts 36 fi'Ct on Mountain and - timis has been creditixl. It is 57 feet di'op is to ho razed, Jot^ I eludes $24,189 for work in M. Liney, dirc'c'tor of the c'om- mission. s«iid Plans call for tlie Ic^t to become 1 street urban renewal area. Central School Gets New Flag Ontival school Is flying n new (•. S. flag, complim nts of V. S. Cmigressman James T. Hroyhill, and the msull 'V a letter from Central school eighth grader, Craig Beam. The ’Grov r student, of Mr. arr.i Mrs. RoN'rt Lee Beam, in I wrote Congressman Hroyhill that the Gontral had lost its flag v'a wind central business district area and damage. $.50,853 for work in the Cansler! The strdents nfX'ivod the now flag in the mail ’’ebruary 2-lth.

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