71 S. I Population Greater Kings Mountain 21.914 City Limits 8465 Oi«ot«r kiagt moubioib llfiu* !• d*rlT«d tt«B tfea tpnari Uait*d ItatM lurMU ol tb* C*ntu« report o loBvary oiM lacludM tb« I4.M0 populcUoa • Rttflibpr 4 TewM: Kings Mountain's Reliabie Newspapei . ^ .. VOL 86. No. 13 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, April 8, 1971 Eighty-Sixth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Officials Will Announce Large New KM Industry r 1 m DEBBIE TIMMS DEBORAH BURNS LAURA ANN HUDSON Tiaiiic Control Meeting Monday By Two Groups Members of the city safety end highway committees will imeet in joint session at City Hall Mon day evening at 6:30 to consider an engineering survey on a traf fic control plan for the cHy. W. S. (Seimoce) Biddix, chair man of the safety committee, said it is hoped the joint com mittee can make a recommenda tion to the ei(y commission all Tuesday’s meeting in order that a public hearing may be called on the engineering report on Ap ril 27. Salient details of the engineer ing survey, as reported In last week’s Herald, ealL for Installa tion of safety gates M the Gold • ind Mountain street imbrossings, Replacement dif traffic s^al sys tems at several intersoetlons on King Street (US 74) and others, and improved pedestrian walk ways a majority of these inter sections. Other members of the safety committee are Commissioners T. J, Ellison and Jim Dickey, Chief o< Police Tom McDevitt, Fire Chief Floyd Thornburg, Delbert Dixon, Rescue Squad captain, and Mayor John H. Moss, ex officio. Members of the highway com mittee are Will Herndon, c'hair man, J. Lee Roberts, L. E. Hin- nant, Carl F. Mauney, Leroy iBlan- ton and Bill Grissom. First - Citizens Plans To Build RENEE GOINS KATHERINE ERVIN CATHY WILSON DEBORAH WARREN School Pupils Get Long Holiday Kings Mountain district pupils will get a long Easter and spring hol'iday, beginning at 1:30 p.m. Thuisday. Schools will be closed until Monday morning, April l&th. Phifer Property BidNow $69560 Bid Advertising Will Be Placed; Pease Architect By MARTIN HARMON Bids will be advertised Friday for a new First-Citizens Bank & Irust Company building here, it was announced by Lee A. McIn. tyre, Jr., assistant viice-president. ’ 'McGinnis Brothers have again' contain approximately 5600 sq. raised the hid on the Martin Phi-1 feet of floor space, will be of con fer prcHX*rany will build a large nanufactuHng plant'here. Th plant site will be on SR 1034. Meantime, Cleveland County ommission rs unamimou.sly ap proved Monday morning a $70,- ►00 ap; ^ opriation, pks engin eering fees, for installation o(f vater and sew r lines to serve he now industr>’ which projects i two-phase building program. The company expects to br.ak ground immoliately for a $6 mil lion plant, to employ about 175 persons. It projects launching the second $5 to $7 million phase on August 1, 1972. Making the presentation to the county’ commission were Mayor John Henry Moss, L. E. Hinnant and Ollie, Harris, co-chairmen of the mayor’s industrial commit tee, and Dennis Fox, resident Kings Mountain engineer with W. K. Dickson & Company. Of the $70,5(X) county appro priation $30J)00 is the esitimatei cost bf the sewer line, $40,500 the estimated cost of the water line. ConChairman Hinnant com mented, “This romi)any will be a large user of water, indicative of What having ample wa*cr will do in the direction of industrial expansion.’-’ St; Mark's Easter Story And wheH the sabbath u'as imst^ Mary' Magdnlei^e and Afo- ry the mother of James and 3 and anoint him. And rery early in the morn ing the first day of the Wf’ek, they came unto the scpulehte at the of the sun. And tfn^y said among them- Kings , senior j selves. Who shall roll us away prftc'iTXCi 'the stone from the door of thje determine only ! the election of a member of the i And when they looked^ they board of education reprt'serrting!that the stone -was rolled the ouUide city school patrons, tiivuy: for if ivas very grexit. Burns, 17, daughter of Mrs. Edith jy and James J. Dickey, Ward I medical Mudents at the Bowman I VI. p. A. (Tippy) Francis has fi- 'The pageant will feature con igd for rcn.lection to his inside- festants in evening gown, swim- seat on the Kings Mountain suit and talent categories and will 1 board of education. be staged by Kings Mountain Jay- a?es at Central school auditorium April 24th at 8 p.m. Many Nominees For Legion lobs Boy Scout Troop 92, with Scout i ... _ John Knox McGill as chairm^anl^Activo pallhoarcrs were Uroy of the project, have reported a; total Of 105 junk cars apparently Mitchell Ray- mond Keith Gore and Harold (Continued On Page Six) 1 Farris. HI Buffalo Water Plant To Be Ready For City-Federal Inspection 30th By MARTIN HARMON , completed on SR 2047, SiR 2070, The Buffalo Creek water treat- and SR 2044 -is completed, the ment plant, the two pumping work including paving, now un- stations and the dam will be derway, installation oif guard ready for final inspection by city j rails and gra.ss planted, and federal officials on April 30. | Landsctaiplng of the plant area iDennis Fox, resident engineer, | is underway. made the statement in giving a progress report on the project Wednesday. All the concrete floor in the spillway has been poured and work is continuing on the spill way wails, he dontinued, estiimat- ing 4p41ll'way work 75 percent •complete. . Two bridiges, one over Buffalo I on the Stony Point Road and an other over Whiteoak Creek are to be removed when work is FolhAving floor nominations Monday night, Otis D. 'Green Post 1.55, Amerkan I.A'gion, has what may be a record number of can didatos for past officers. Candidat(*s for comimander are Busy Month For Rescue Squad Filing deadline is April 27th. Challenger rumors have been scarce. Among them: Gray School of Medicine who have been awarded internship appointments for 1971-72. He will take internship train ing in internal medicine at Bal- tmore cMd.) City Hospitals. The Polling places a-rc Ward I at City Hall; Ward 11 at the Amer ican Legion building; Ward III at East school; Ward IV at First Wesleyan Methodist Fellowship Hall; Ward V at the National Guard Armory; Ward VI at Kings Mountain high school; Grover at the Grover Rescue 1) Jonas Bridges, manager of appointment will become effec- j Squad Building; Bethware at Radio Station WKMT, is expect- ^ive July 1 ed to offvr ifeir 'Ward V commis-1 Ramseur is the son of Mrs. W. Cleveland County Lafe Saving i Kellv Bunch was be-! ^* ^*1 Kings Mountain. ® I"*!! mentioned^ as a candidate during the momth of ward vi commissioner. i Internship appointments are . , , * . I ma'.^e through the National In in addition, the troop traveled! Wilburn Ham'nck says he is a total of 2,264 miles, spent 960 s, eking the Ward HI commission I man hours on trips, stand by du- And enfetiny the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and th^y were affrighted. And Wi saif/i unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which tvas crucified: he is risen; he .is not here: be- Bethware school and Park Grace i totg ae, they laid district at Park Grace school. I him. Registrars and judges will in- • elude: Ward I, C. L. Black, regis-' trar, and Mrs. NeUeC CranfordGalilee: there and Mrs. I shall he s *e him, as he said unto But go your V'ay, tell his dis- h'iples and Peter that he goeth ,, . , , Ward II. R. D. Goforth, registrar,; tern Matchin-r Program which Mr.s. T. L. Trott and Mrs./^“‘ operates under the auspices [ Uumes Houston, judges; Ward; they went out quickly, the Association of Am rican m Ruth Bowers, —j-*—- ^ ty. moetinss and tmining. an- kin'. m?nM:dic“l'cZ ^hc mT.S MoftanTef aTd ‘ swered 14 wreck calls,-made three voice in city government.” He ^ utilizes oroference iist,'f ^nrthy trembled and were amazed, blood relays stood-bv at ’two ^ has hopn associ^at-^/t with Ben-l '^-u -4* j u * j < • ' J R'^hel Conner, jude,eb, ard i they anything to any traffic for 'neu MiHs (now Carlton Yarns) f;^..™h’osp'ita^s folfo^lnr inter-1 four funerals, and made eight near Crowders Mountain ■and ; seventy-nine per cent of I (Coyitinucd On Page Six) Bruce McDaniel and Bob Davies. There arc 19 candidates for the five positions on the committee. Nominees include: I man; f(yr they I Mark 16:1-8) executive “‘‘PS- 1 Arlington Mills of Gastonia for ,he Bowman Grav senior modi Members aLso participated m ; 30 years and for a number of ‘‘Command Post” and fir-st aid ■ years owned and operated Ham- Fir<^ Vico rnn^m-uM\ov T with .squatU 1 ,nck Usod Cars here. He is own- rirst Vice Commamler. Lindm from the surrounding areas in Di.xon, Newell Laughndge. t lifford Concord. ' (Continywd on Page Six) Pearson. Second Vice Command- cal class received first-choice ap pointments. er: Ben Hord, Guy Mellon, Carl W'iIson; Adjuta nt • Fina nee Offic« er: Joe McDaniel, Charles Hamp ton; Historian: David Delevio, Hu bert Aderholdt; Chaplain: Fain Hambright. Wallace S-tawls; S<'rv- ice OffiJeer: Clone Steffy. John Gladden; Sgt. at Arms: Vardell Rev. Carl Sparks To Give Sermon At Annual Community Sunrise Rite On property acquisition, he said it is expected the Clerk of Superior Court will appoint an appraisal team in the Coleman Goforth condemnation action within the week, and that the other 'properties required of Am brose Cline and John D. Cline will be obtained in the near fu ture. Grubbing and clearing of these areas should require two months. Rov. Carl V. Sparks, pastor of of the association, will preside First Wesleyan church, will dc-1 Rev. N. C. Bush will lead the re- liver the sermon at the commun- sponsive call to worship. Rev. J. Neal, Jackie Dean Barrett, George ity.wido Easter Sunrise service | N. Norris will pray the invoca- Hull; Asst. Sgt. at Alims: Charles Sunday morning at 6 a.m. in. tion. Rev. A. Glenn Boland will Greene, John Chaney, James Memorial Park of Mountain Rest read the scripture. Dr. Charles Odum; Scholarship C^mimittco:; cemetery. , Edwards will pray the morning (three positions) William Plonk, | in event of rain, the service prayer. Rev. L. D. Scruggs will Franklin Ware, Larry Hamrick, will be cancelled. j pronounce the benediction. Dr. Nathi’in Reed: Executive Com- The Kings Mountain Minister-1 The Kings Mountain High mittee: Dion Brown, Carl Wiesen. ial Association is sponsoring the. School Chorus will sing two an er, Clinton Jolly. Charles Greene, service. ' thems: “An Easter AHeluia” by Jake Bridges, Charles Oarpenter, | Rov. Rabert Wilson, chairman ol t Peterson and “Early In the Morn- Rcfbert Wright, Glee E. Bridges,'the committee on arrangements' ing" by Mc'Copmick. Johnny Dye, Ji-m Thoma.eciGl music will be presen-t- Gene Wright. Floyd Dover, James j ters will partfaeipate on the pro- ed by a high .school brass en- Rams.ur, who holds (ho B.S. degree from North Carolina State University, has seivcd for the past year as vice president Mayoi Record Attacked By Cox As He Solicits Support 01 laycees of th. Bowman Gray S.udon. Untain Ja^-oos Tuos.^ay roun- ! “I sincerely ask your support on -He is married to the former \ ,annp?nP ' W ® ^ decide whether we continue the Bonnetit, Mike Yarboro, Lawrence Adams, Jay Powell, Gene Gibson, Danny Thomasson, Lafayette Pearson and Charles Hampton. COMMUNION The Sacrament of the Lord\s Suipper will be observed at the 9:30 am. worship hour Sunday at Dixon Presbyterian ohuroh. gram, TRAFFIC AH cemetery gates will be open to walking traffic. Motor ists are asked to enter by way of the Suber Gate on East (jold street, Cemetery Superintendont Ken Jenkins said. City police will direct traffic. Rev. Edwin Chriscoe, president to unseat. Moss. j Labeling the Mayor promoter ’ and ^‘our promoter". Candidate Cox, re- tire^i army lieutenant colonel and now Svcretary of Kings Mountain Chamber of Com-1 merce, specrically charged: 1) Utility lino work which ion service will be held Thursday contracted is left to night at 8 o’clock at First Pre^y. i-onh r manned city oreus. terian church. I 2) The city stalled on installa tion of fluoridation equipment at Six'clal music by the choir will the Deal Street plant. He labeled feature the service whiich will be; it one of the “rromoter’s slight Candace Welstod of Charlotte. Maundy Thursday Service Set Maunday Thursday commit n- Communion s<'rvice wdth Dr. Paul Ausley to lead the cx>mmun ion meditation. Ushers for the service will be R. S. Lennon, Henry Noisier, Thurman Seism, and Harlin Stot- erau. ! somblc. ‘Kings Mountain 'Boy Scouts will distribute programs and Kings Mountain police will direct traffic. City Cemetery Superin tendent Ken Jenkins said traffUc is being directed via -fhe East Gold street eirtrance to the com-1 Dr. Ausley issued invitation to etery. AH gatos will be open to! the community to participate in aren’t open to the public, walking >trat£fiC| however. ' the service. ' 5) That federal monies are no plunging progress or start plan ning for progress. “I promise to open the govern ment of this city to the pe