>xiM‘nslvo that tihor mclals. re, U it is to hi range, iisuailj 1.1 adjl.istmonilii s an .1 stickM ortant to ha^ idles that ah his cookware. ) I !( IG lent Tlti low- ring lital jery mts awn now and ill wUl line Kite 5 to US iver any We ind .1 GROVER NEWS "rtOV~JU,_T!io flowers in the of M'.ry'.anU spent several days Mr. ari' .Mrs. riMnk Royster .jaiy el the .S'hilith Preshy- win her iarenls, Mr. and Mrs. andson.Steve.atitendedthewed- I oia.i lii irih .Sunday were given i.'.riid llernrion. din; of .Mihe Itoyster in Loui.-> I'.,v .Vl:s. 'II .Imrs ill'jrry In mem- Mi\ a.id Mrs. 'Rn.s.sell Pliikel- i.a'.a reeenliy. '■I'v 1-. her mo'lier, Mrs. Ktf'ie io.i and I'.i.Mren of Cliai'lotte an i .\. .M.Ilian and the late Mi\ liar- Mrs. l^wii.hl Dixon and diildien ry's niihiier, Mrs. C. F. Harry, a.i Iljri.:.t .g were .Sunday guo'.ls of Ihi.r nioliicr, Mrs. Jack Pi lieKon. -Ml. ar.d Mr.s. Stepped Up Eniorcemeisl Noted I” foi FarnT labor ■Mrs. Pearl Roy.ster is very ill at Iter In. me heixo Mr. anil M s. Hood Wallerson ^ The giaJiiation t lass of the seviu .ii ilays ia Clialla- ■'■ir .Vi'i- Hi'li S'.',loci tf held ‘-.(J .Mti' -'s Camp ’’oi.;-.., 'leo.i., re ently witll Mr. a ' :a-i.s MMiiion al.ihe Royal Villa an'l ITdd were Sun,lay ‘y' -''.y VVatlerson. 'll Ill-day mghl. All tlie memhers vi,. .,„,i vi,..., uiii *•<'1^' Vi'atterson is enli < 1. le ' ' pl esi'ill l.ceiv.ii e 11 hm. •Ml'S, r. k u ; J R , , Mr lacs ex.-epi ihiee vveie j.,.,. with tlieir families. “ y,,! und .M-H- W.lliam Ham- liad an onjiiyable re- u;;iy ;;j)erk the week- .".d at Myrtle Do.uli. D. Han'hr.,",hil had as i||.^ yjj.j; j>;,y Goforth, hi'i -lie Is 1 mill ly Ii:;:hl Mr. i>;a;,:cl aid .Sil/.'aiine r.f Green- ■i-il . Ir.-. R I.. K''!is and .Mr, yj speiil llie .weekend will! ' ■ M ,i. r.:,de Kllis r.f .Spindale, y,-,| y,,.s. Pi'i'.-Han G Torlh. . , ,, ,. . .!i. aid ..li's. Rui'i'lpli I’.'ggers i],..; Heiiv 'loiiey, Biily and ' " . 1 r . e;s.e, S,,rings and .Mrs. , g, y],.. ,,,„| y,,.s. B. T.J'-'’'-", "VH J'-, ■„ : rii ..IS .spent .Miniliy in Ihe mouiv ' ' u 'lily g'.r.Ms ■:! ..Ir. and -.Mrs. j;,| vVe.sU rn Mor'..i Car.uina. 1 ■■ I! • ser were .Mr. ami .Mrs. hn H 'User and ilaiiglilpr of I’ll-ill; ton end Mr, and .Mrs. ( .'ir''s 1' u.si'r ol Gaslonia. Mrs. K'lii'i Moil, in visited her s’s'iu’ in PnlioT Vv'eep.o.-(|. '.M’.ss Piyo II nisei- of Char- , 1 Me s;’o:;t Fi-l ly wh.'i her par- I em.s, Mr. and .Mrs. R pa. d in C.ih’rt'hi'a. 'Miss Ruhy i.M.tss of Char'atte •lert Ij nil."v u ;h her m.Other, 'Mrs. R. n, 'M .'.ss. ''ll'.,"' d ,M s. ,1 ..ne:' r is and •Mr, an.! Mrs. Jim Riser of Gaff ney visited Mrs. \V. K..'vr am. .Il.V. I iii'dr,-. Fran, is lias relurned iiime from Clemson Universilj for IJie siiMinei-. Expres.sing eonecrn lluit siib- sl'iiillal .mambers of farm work- irs eoveri',1 by file Fe leral niii;- imum vva,;e law are mh re.-eiv- i;'. their lij i'i.rul vvage.s. die I', il. Di] irlinenl of Lahn’s V.-'.in.e .and horn dii. ision t- .lay pr iiiis ed a step; eil-iip effort to hi'iri.g .o'.ered larms into eornpliama witll till- law, Wa.ae an.'l II .iir Area Di.idor I’ll d E. .''arlo'-k, w hose o'll 'e i loialeit at -101 B.SIt Iluilr’.n,;. .Ilf .Ea-st .Morid’eirl .‘-'liei t, in I iiar- lolte, said torlay lhat e::m;)l;aiiee ’’■'leers will luiderlake .-in edm.'i- lion ehorl with larm wi.rl:e:s iin.i ! Iheir employin-: on tlieir wage vi,,lalion.s to tile attenti.m of the woiker who i:: enga.aTI in eover 1 lepart'inent of I.ahor for fear ol .-,| i-ui jl'.ymenr -by .'la emplovei losing Ihetr join. vyhf, u.., j mere I i:iii 1111; iii m Similarly, he .said: ".Many tarm d i.v,- ' faiiii la '.a- lu a-iv lal' empl vers il i nol an.'iear to fie dai cpiarier ol the l.-reee.liii,; . .d aw.\ . I., Il ;.';ei;' . > ; wiii-.i) i-ndar yeiii. ' " l.v. inpi f: m Mil' Iiim in.'i, I "I” w .d: - Il ;■ ill within Ilium w. ' I a ''I I ' I 1 I l.a : 'I iaiid- 11 i j (.’5) above are not counted when I tirtaling man-days for miniimum wage jHirposes. ard-i A't o;n .1:1 I 'le a.i li.iiir mu m me: Ui.i c:Rf'i •, I 'f imei'-ii-u ill 1; i;; .-i.uil,:,.: . : whr did ir ""a. .J-' . ..'I hi.iji-iViy o,-l.'irm I' 1 flu ,aid i'l e-,ery i dto.dji nuarler .. i!-. I Mrs J lin Hairy and Asliley '■ml .Mrs. .M.iny Hauser spent lium I'iiur-day utv'il M.ui lay with '■.In. .li: 1 ..iis. T. W. r.i-y.inl at .'lierry tirove. Wliile there Miay Aduni'i.ia during the i Mrs. R(;u;,se Harry at ' ,’lriie Be.i'h. .M s. S. A. Cii.-p spcii't. the I week witll lie.' sisters, .Mis.’ Annie , cal 111 ai I'he .Mem-orkii Hospit.u : in 'CaailoMe. •Mr. and .Mrs. BiU Weils and sons If a.stonla visi'.ul .Mr. and . M'. .s. Ben Wi lis .'Sunday. .Mr. and .Mis. Wen' idl W-'liite '.a d son vi.-hed .Mr and .Mrs. . , , ICenncth BaR-liIer iii Gastonia i I the le.'lerai iiw. "It tills e hi.'a- lional e 1-irt dma not prodiiee a re .-'Uh.star.tial c-mplianee," f'arloi’k .said, "aelion w-lll be .uiiigiit against iH'o’ue who em- "lov l;ui!n labor at Us man llii agrituI'UMil rninimum wage rale, I'he rale is currently SI..'JO an hour.” year; I2l migrant han-'l harve.st j ;s K’l years of age or undei able at the Wage and Hour Of- aiid einjiloye i on the sii'mi* farm flee. ■IS llieir ji.irenls under .speeifieij i ' .i. unis;.UK.(.'ll I'mitloyees — :■ ulli- l■ll.'r,a;'ed in tlie range. ■i I' lion Ilf live.ilo.'k; ( 1) mem "I li tile empl.iyer's immeeili-' ' '"'1.''; '.’ll 1'•'III hand h-ar-, \i I in::"re:.. under .speeified eir j I inislaiires. j Vi liiei , l.'-iihied in I I) and I Further information i.s avail- c: C.ih.-) Finishes n.?-.sic Tio.Jning " .1.1 If, - -isi. i.\;ri i -y Hou.ser. i-i.'i'ivrs and Mr.s. Julia Siiep i'h'.'.s. yoimgidned of pennsvl ' v.nnia i.s vis-il-in,'; .Mr. and .Mrs. Biil Ynurgiilo: ,1 -ind .Mr. and '.Ml'-. 'Jim Hari'v. 'Mr a- ! .Mrs, i;ir-!ia.-d Tay’ ir and sou iif I' nui .‘-peni the .1.,,.,,I ^y-.-| Ml"). .'■f ",i;.t-l rrr.''';er. '.M 'S. R.'dt-'i H'i'i;..son of ytor- girion vi'ded her sis'er, Mr.s. .Mai'.'aiel rru.'kiT Soi'd-iv. ' i'lrs. Ver;:ie H,'irr‘''ri'dit al- lended memori't! ser. i e at .N'ew H "'C I'nir h rii'il ''.v. ■Mr. a;' 1 M;s. ('Ii ulc-; Hirry 111 !i"ive le'urneil 'iv ne aMi'i' s.-r'iding s.wp-.al days in Ber nil'll i. '^Tr. ar-l .Mrs. If h [feam .".Pil _ _ Ci'.i.-': .spent Iasi '.ver-kci.-l wilhi ” . 'ml .Mrs. John UenneM in’ ('Ono E. Pr.ipei has'neeii named i\I Ti'i.s, Gi. I’i,"!' I.ine siipe;inleii lent o Mr. and Mrs. lewis Kvar; ‘ Gu.s Pipe I.ini a;-;' .'a-pilv i'''I :reenv;''i'and Mr. i'’'-r')crJ'd'n to succeed J. J. Cor- llii’.ald 'Ilerndo.'i and oilier I'cia- ive.s ho'i! lei'eiitly. Re-i'. and .Mrs. J, f.;. Craig ami I'uighUr.s, ReJ'.e.'ia ami .Marlha, f I'iai'iev, .S. c. visitcl. .Mrs. .M. 'T. Hardin .’-■'afur-Iiy. -Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rhea and 'Carl- -k pointi’il out lhat many ■'ll', and I.M: s. D. J. Mont.gi mery l.ir.ni workers ape cither un.'iware spent last weekend at Holden of Ihe SI.30 an lioiir minimum I ivagi in agricuUure oi ilo not lall 1' , «. "n; iij) 1' ■ 1-1 A-*. 1 ; Mcl ■ — .\;ni; KiiV: K f ■ ., .VO m .• ! t -- (a ’! -.'.hi.-e II :i ’ ill;-, y. 1 l' ’ : n J ». 1 1-.'. -M m i: arcld L. I’ -1'. ji.t in (b‘nL A.-:: :-'l, V.' .S' ■ ’] :/IS 1, I'ell.u- 1 VC .. v- ;t ( m . t (‘! ill • ' ’ L i loi : » I'i :y (■ uiplei.'il ci >’•1 \\< (■' ; 1, m' 111 1 ■ 1 ; - a ■ . a :! 'c two i).-!; ■ I i.iiuing ul M . .It jvsr.!], S '.ly \\cii' ynar C-. p 0, r 1 i • ''' '■Dl'J.i i loi :i-A:':a i i ' V'.ir. II(' . ' ■ '. '"1 in ■ J a '■ t:i ii; rl il; . iii .. |-(... I;.p a ai .-t ’I'l-a’iii’es. \\ ( • •ijotia. m ' DU it’lail ]iir.' : il; r- V' ) .•(•> ii! rt’otljiij ;. eoi.-ihai 1 1 i m:!. ; sc;' ' .• : llu • I, V-u in.iii.ar. i ii(*. .i. ■' ii: any'* .s*.- !, r ,ii tiu ■ Y: \. IV.'. i .\:niy iii ii). ry .Ul ( t; 1 n- Nt A V')iA .Sin i. !i(>n •i^GRE^N STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON AND PUPOIASf Of S10.00 tr Mori Ordtr ,j| FREE at your kings mtn. WINN-DIXIE STORES Limit One Coupon Adult Person Void After May 15 nev; GTORs hours open Wednesday AFTERNOON UNTIL 6 P.M. ! W m i en 1 .M''s. F.lwai; Ife'l anti sms ef M- Ics' ii'.g .spepi ii,(. week end with Mr. ami .Mr.s. Gi-adv R.'ss. 1 ■Mr.s. riiarles Ilariman and son if you suffer from simple every day nervous tension then you should be taking B.T. tablets for relief. Cal! on the druggist at the drug store listed b'^low and ask him about B.T. tablets. Thoy're safe non-habit forming and with our guarantee, you w/il! loie your every day jitters or r» ceive your money back. Don't accept a substHutc for reiiof, buy B.T. tablets toduy- l.'ilKCDUCTORY Worth $1.50 Buy one small size B.T. —g?t one Free iriTRODCCTORY OFFER: Worth SI.50 Buy one small size B.T. —get one Free nir.fjs Mia. Drug Co, ^ n ::tri. 'wlie re.iied .May 1. j Pl',ier lia.-, -a eu sP'ving a.s a.s ' si.s;ar;l .‘:u;,eriii!en lent'—Pi're Line : i.i Jir a-ficp sinee mid Jenuarv ar.l !i:i: ik .v a.s.unie'l C )rri;,'an’.- tiulie-' a- liea'.t ef liie dep i.-l'inenl i J. J. C.irrigan, with ovei 21yeai';- [ at Ti'.iujce !ip 1 seme ."1 year.s ir i the gas pipeiine imIustTy, lta> l -'em-l a--. I’lpc Line .suirerintend- ■ I'Ml fer m ;re lhan 17 years. Pri'i; 'o j .inin,;; Tirins. 'i. he wnrked fui il'inhauni- Fartern l’i;)e Line ir ■ii".iny ami Mi'iii.g.m .Ta; I i'rai’.smi.s.vien Cempany. He Ira' I ie;'!i a mcir'hei <■! iiuinere.us in '■'J "■'.'-related ci..:ai',i7a;i.m.s, in .'Uiilhig I'le .'.me-.i aa Ga-i A.sse ; ' iali'-:!’;; pi.ielipe et-mmiltee. I Gc le Pi-iper ieineri Iriii co a' : :iu erf'neer an erigiiial .'cn-lru; ; t:::p el li,e e rnp.'iiys e ;;p.e‘ .se:' .^-'aii, n fagilities at Oran.ge. \':i. .-.in.e I'lat time, lie bus sere el e-: pia-iline ilivi.don .sii|;erin- ; lemicit Ibased al C'u.ii I:;I ;e-villr - ' Vi.l, ''i.aei'irlenieul ol .gniirf u t'n, and hai supervise.! liy;ir. . .■ tali'' reipi.-ilifi: .'I'ion tes.irg e I'lan 1 .peline.s. Hi ! ling a B.S. in mr: hani,'a |••lgine,.I■i„-r Oklah .nia A f .M irr.'W 0 ;lalK-m-i .St.ate Uui'.'er- il.' l. Praper i: wiil. ly kiriwn ii the Gis Iraiismissi'.n indiis'ry an' Is aili.e in a niimbei of er-gani /aii.ins. On« HOUR "mminizm: CSBTIPISS ^ THE MOST IN DRY CLEANINO 537 n.^rT KING ST. TEl.EPHONE 739-53114 MCN.. TURf*. A WED. SPECIALS MEN'S OR LADIES' 2-PIECE ?. SOiTS S2,C9 •r Lr.r’i EVERY DAY SPECIAL .J> Laundered Crisp- Bright Folded or On Hangers ’ EACH for MON.. TOES. A' /•ill* 7. "As’-. ’’'H' ; ■ '.KVi GRIHEM S5TAMPS y el t M f n Elm .7 Qq sto3 PORK ROAST.. ICAN tOlN IND PORK ROAST.. CeNTER ' :H KIB PORK ROAST.. H Del ftlilBCUTl RIB IND FULL QUARTER 1 SLICED ! PORK LOSW'H i'"’ ■^T'l ^ -P'- (IiUhV/iiiS,-'; CENlte CUI LOIN LXTRAlfANPOftK SM • o o OlSCAR MAtr# SvlAil tiro POkr • O • • tJ G/ .. .3 PORK STEAKS yi- r'^'^ 1' i /1|F4’ r 11 rv R I g ■ ! t , ^ -J 'W -li. /•''G/ki4 1 ;K 3-LB. PKG. lANDO'SUNSHINE lOi- O O O 0 o • • c issrrrrs'irsiasaij.i^K 1 Ml kCANNtO - .1 • •TMt'tf lY-MArr 1>I»H IHR'HT 'ANl V > '.a I •* l-RAUt ' A*' lAKv-l I O 9 • • 9 0 0 1 LB CAN } 2 07 Cans TOMATO CATSUP 32 07 BOTIIE • .m1 ALS.15eii7 r.^^ssszxL' PLAIN or SELF-RISING PllLSBURY or EAllARDS FLoya O 9 . IB LOAVES OOZ ONLY CviSd Cci'ii lOffiCStQOS I Aqua © • A -I 1 A^JICYJ iQvy. I . ' 4* r,.-. ct. ( UDLLS ® Cl.ilN STAL'.^S Johnson Plodgr 1.,E t'.i^ V ■y UBf -ilb■■ k>; -bd tdlb Ae-' 'HNIA iryllArJBECSRSSS 3 NtW V HOP I* Sl.H POTATOES^ 5 SW^^lCiST LEiViOE^S YELLOW ONIO^SS 3 f . N CRCEN STAMPS Clo-Coat Wax ETS-TTITJ^'R*.., . . s CRikN SCAMPS I CRCEIH'■TAA'.r .