# • P«ge« THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N, I t 11 >111IIM The only ball pen you'll ever want... now with the only calendar you'll ever need! Perpetual Calendar Jotter ball pen. It's a Parker 3^ Writes better months longer—three times longer than the ordinary ballpoint. 4c Calendar can be set for any month ... past, present or future. $2.95 «t»THE PARKER PEN COMPANY Kings Mountain Drug Company Textile Improvement Predicted NEW YORK—Indioations of a IhuUomin;' out and ilio bei*iii- jsimer confiilorce were noted lo- [day hy Charles F. Myers Jr., [chairman of Burlington Indus- I tries, Inc.. In a spc'och before the ! New York Society of Security i Analysts. “There 'is now finally some evldetae, ibhth sfalisiical'ly ami from contacts, with our major Lustomers, that 'the consumer is coming back into 'the market,' be said. “Our home furnishings l.u-sines.s is picking up, 'hut the retail apparel ■maikeis continue lo refleit consumer uncertainty ns tlioy luwe since the .-spring of Part of this uncertainty, w<* h(di<‘ve, came* from eonfusio over fashiftn trends, which now appear to be? settling down. 'rh(*relore, we think it is just a 'matter of time before definite improv(*men't will be s»<*en in o. r apparel fal)ric sales." Mr. iMyei’s noted ttbat liquida tion of inventories forwarf the textile manufacturer had sig nificantly depressed sales in re cent (juarteus, .hut that the in- venioiv factor is now swinging Irom a negative to a i>ositive force in textile sales. “This suggests that 'textile .‘fale.*? volume should soon improve.’* he sai “although we no not ex pect rapifl improvement imme diately. Many indications point lo an overall aet'cleration of the eco nomy later this year and in 1972. Hence we look forward 'to mark ed impiovement in almost all of our markets later this year and into fiscal 1972.” Commenting on Burlin. ton’s re cently announced (caordina:r*d promotion of its home furnish ings products, Mr. Myers not(*d that the home produclj market accounted for about $1.')0 million of the eompany’s 1970 sales of Sl.^2 billion, iiiclci. ing about $2(K) million in caije s and rugs, SoO million in domestics such as .'heels and pillowcases, JF179 mil lion in dr.'jpt'ries, d ppory fabri 's, uphol.siery ard 'ticking 'fabrics; and ah'uit $31 million in furni ture. He .added that Burlington s ti Iverlising budge i for the fall, 1971. selling .^-eason would ir.cludt* tin* largest single a verii.sing e;fc:;<*vor a!lemi)'e(i in tiiisiuea. Mr. Myers raid the corn})any will c »r ontr'.le on the* Burlington House brand name*. In lino with this emphasis, he* saiei, “our Unit- e I and Tl.'.tl^e Furniture elivisions have IwHT. reorganized as Burlin’'- ton House l-Vniiuire; we have es tablished a new Burlington House Carped rs.’' roini- ing out that ahoip 10 percent of lh(* ininjiviny’s ilOTO .sales, or $?20 rniliion, was in finished ap- paiel f.ahr.is, Mr. Myers sakl, "Burlington's fi’iished knit fabric 'uisiness, <'\iluding all types of hosiery, was about $.5.') million in 1970. We e.siimate it will grow to $'.■) million in the urrrnt fis- (cl year-. And ha.seI on pre.'.enl ( apical expenditure (N-'mmitmer.d.s and expeett'd i .ruwlhin knit us- ag(', we belit've our k;i;t .sales wiii he suhstanli'ally larger in 1972 and sui'.set’upeni years.” The Burlington chairni a n siressc'd. however, tint 'the (om- I sales, or $90 million, w. s in un- ' fiirislie-t igreige) apparel iabrii-s and about eight pe. cent or $-150 million, In wume'a’s, men’s an’ I Ciiildron's hosiery. In meeting current mrke: needs and 'anticipating those ii the future, Burlington lias invest- ' erl 32.')7 million in capital ' ! for fi'- .il 19.j9 and 1370, Mr. Mye..s .;aid. He ad l«*d tliaf oapi- ' irl <»\:'-*ndiiures f'lr fiscal 1971 •ire e_'iini';e,i at to $120 million, “In eonae ■ti.ni •with our I ij;;:.d pregram," he said, “we >:r*, ommitiei to .'jf’eing rliat (»ur iper-riioes meet or exceed all Slate and h*dt‘ral refpilremenls for nouullion tunirol.’* “C* pbms are (",u* lihanoi il p 1 ’■ Mr. Myers sai 1 “At April 3, our w> irode’^n end ■1 is st ong," (anclusinn. i-Iuiig eepit:;] paiiy would continb t* lo use a \ a- tiint lies aliead.” readied million, C’l all-time Itigh. We are eonvinced that our inventorie.s are in scund c.mdi- ti )n. 1 Tin confident 'tirat Burl- i i ton is rf‘^idy to 'benefit from tlie .‘-•tronger 'business picture i E Bor’s Note: Beli w are au thoritative answers by the Veter ans Admini.siration to some of the miny current ([uestions from former servicemen and their ' families. Furtlior information tin veterans bi'nc'fits may be ob tained at any VA oHi.e or yiutr local service organization rep- resen-tative. Q.- .1 plan to at tor.d e ilogo under the HI Bill, anu under-- stand that I mu.-.: submit, at iii- tcrvals, a corliiiccte of . e’lcl unce card. Is this true'? A. Yes, veterans ailcnding callegG v.mder the HI (Bill are ro- (juiied lo return 'a cerdii.atiori .11.1 to Iho VA duriiuf the la-t month of ea: Ji enrollment por- io 1. Students studying under the I Hill bcluW 'iIie coUii e level must .jui-nit a cerli.'i-. a (* ■'f atLiuid- ance card every 'month. Q. 1 have road tiiat some na- (iunal cometerios a:e filling up, a;;d will suon close. Will VA pay Thursday, May 13, 1971 I VA t.) pay anything upon tue death of a v(' erm ''x -("A a. e a* n additional ^illciwaiTce tow.ird .uikd a..a\.... -C, u.. K-. s he .an icy insurance admin- hT.ed hy l!io VA. Also, tht' 1 Army, not VA, I in ■ havge (T Iht! puixiiasing a piol in a private cemetery’.^ A. --Tliero is no provision foi‘ National rjemei(‘ry Sy.-dem. i Fcafsr V/indeTS and Twister Tenders For Second and Third Shifts FaI2 or Seven Dcy Cpcralisn ExcoEEcnt Pay and F-eKofiis McKEILL EPIKNFNG COMPANY APPLY McNEILL EMPLOVIMEWT OFFICE 8 am- - 5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer Old Gamble Mill Location Bessemer City, N. C. V..* ; AERIAL h, PHOTOGRAPHY MR. RUSINESS MAN! Does Your Firm Need A High Quality Aerial Photo For Display Advertisement or Any Other Purpose? If so. Contact: LEM R. LYNCH. PHOTOGRAPHER Shelby 482-6626 WE DO ALL TYPES OF PHOTOGRAPHY Herald Want Ads Pay 'By Cracky ... I RAN A HERALD WANT AD AND SOLD MY OLD ROCKIN' CHAIR FOR CASH!" To Place Your Classified Ad And Sell Your Unneeded Items CALL THE HERALD 739-5441 r- A nil 11 \ . 7; vCC v'k'.Vcuivv ' ‘•B;. , V . .■ ■ ■ I ./il'-EI' b>c._ • •• 'y j . NOTICE! PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE THROUGH MAY 15 KINGS MOUNTAIN S iUUi i il BU “ - Aap 100% Colombian Coffee 44 t-Lb. '' '■ Vo'-uum • ,. ^ Con Our Own Tea Bogs Ai^P Evaporoted Milk Ncstca Instant Tea $1.09 Ann Page 10-oz. French f ^ orl3-oz. Twin 1000 Island Dressing Bot. 49c Jane Porker Cinnamon For Cookouts ond Picnics, Ann Poge Breakfast Rolls 3 Pkgi. ^ jj Barbecue Sauce37c 49c y rkgs. 1. Your 1 Choice f Great For Picnics Nobisco Quolity Frozen Food From A&P Borden's Ice Milk |‘2-Got. Ctn. 38c 2 1-141. Of?_ ti’aC 22-Oi. AFiF Tomato Juiss ^ 46 Oz. ijp Cons Circus Polka Dot Gloss Tumblers 79c • Glasses 2 59c Morton Frozen Creom Pies 30-Cents Off Label rksi. 14-01. 50- fk**. Fig nc\vtG:^3 Jane Parker Frethly Boked Pcoch or Sunshine Crisp Dutch Apple FiOS - 5Ss Rydrex Csshiss ’K' 533 & Bo.uly Aids Sde Jonc Porker Cake Kcebler Cookies I Jonc Porker Quality Boked _ Cresses^i Psiiiisi Sake 3-"® fl Procter & Gamble Soap Sale 1 Fomily Size Poy Only Shampso Shop A£tP For Now In Individuol Foil Wroppcr Pockoges Alka-G:li£r Tablets Shop A&P For Quolity Pkg. 57c hmry Ses? 3““Sic® 4'™"'24c esi 3l4-Oz. Med. Tuba Size JljQ Zest Soap 2 iVn 45c Laundry Detergent Camay Soop 2 iVi 37c Spic & Span 33c ^ Comet Clconsor 2 ’?,®r 39c Safeguard 2 'er; 45c ifCrci-r'.- •. { - --I p 75c King Size Pkg. li • Mr. Clean •Top Job ‘•b^.‘75c • Downy* "b,?" 85c Speeiof Price Plus Off Label On Clcs2 ll"3 Ciz Pawsi cd Pro-Cock IS-Oz. Pk9. 7Sc Johnson's & Johnson's Sterile 8c Cents Off Poy Only Lorge Tube 400-:'t. Pkg.