•■f' r-narn-ji-iTf n; y *#»■ MARGARET LENORA MERCER JO BRIDGES McRE£ JOYCE DIXON ANN OWENS BARBARA ANNE PLONK LARRY BURTON Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspapei Pages Today Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, June 10, 1971 Eighty-Sixth Year PRICE TEN CEHTS: Water And Sewer Acquired Commission Buys Plonk Estate Lot GROUND BREAKING AT SPECTRUM — Formal ground-breaking ceremonies ior the new plant of Spectrum Textured Fibres, Inc., were conducted at the site Wednesday mominu- Turning the first shovelful of dirt is Jerry Korcher, executive vice-president Looking on, from left, ore City Com missioner W. Seimore iBiddix, County Commission Chairman B. E. (Pop) Simmons, Josh Hiimant, co-chairman of the mayor's iixlustry committee. Bishop Smith, Spectrum president. Mayor John Henry Moss. City Commiigiener Jynas Bri()gei|, aqd^^Jim. Petty, director of Cleveland Tecbniccd Institute. Eight million dollar first-pb^ne coiMtruetim will provide a building of 1654K)0 %quat« feet «mH other facilities. Jin estimated 225 persons will be initially employed. Second phase con struction will begin in 1972 dnd will bring plant employment to 375. (Herald photo by Lem Lynch) Eight area students were grad- from college and 'universities in recent exercises. They in luilc: Tenoir Rhyne college confer red Jegrees in com'nien cement last wckend. 'Kings Mountain area students receiving degrees were: Joyce Dean Dixon, 'bachelor's degree will! major in sociolo y- George Iloflman Mauney, Jr., bachelor’s degree with ma.jor in business administration. Jo Bridges McKee, who grad uated magna cum laude with 0V ens Ls Charged In Wife’s Death Kings -Mountain Redevelopment I C,.im'mission bits acquired a sev- j cni'.h parcel for its Central Busi ness District renewal project. Tile commis.sion purchased frerm the W. L. Plonk Estate the 113 X 150 foot lot now rented by Dixon Chevrolet Company. Pur- 1 base price was $12,700. j Joe Liiney, commi-sion dlrcx-tor, | noted that tlie deed of coiiyoy- ' ance contarned .30 signatures. | The CBD renewal plan calls for utiliziition of fhet lot for construc tion of apartments for the elder- ly- DR. WILLIAM L. RAMSEUR 'Funeral rites for Mrs. Thelma Diane Owens, 26, were held Wed nesday at 4 p. m. from Bethle hem Baptist church, inlermeni following in the church ceme tery. iRev. Russell Fitts anj Rev. Ar.hie Cliapman officiated at tlie 'final rilc's. Mrs. Owens’ husband, Larry Wayne Owens, 29, of route 1, i Shelby, is being hold in Clove- | land County jail without bond on bachelor’s degree in history and charge of murder in connection social studies. 1 with her shooting death Monday 'Margaret Lenora Mercer, for- night, merly of Kings Mountain, bache- employee of Oxford Indus- sociology. tries here. Owens was and Mrs. Clarence Samuel claughter of Jonas and Nellie R. James Kenneth Plonk, son of Plonk, Phi Beta Kappa graduate with A. B. in psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chiapel Hill. A member of the Arm Reserves, he expects to re turn to UNC for work on his mast ter’s degree. Mrs. Plonk is the former Sandi Ledbetter of Kings Mountain. 'Barbara Anne Plonk, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George W. Plonk, recelvc'J her B. lA. degree in Eng lish froim the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in com mencement exercises May 30th. 'Ann Owens, (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex D. Owens, receiv ed her B. S. in home economics from Appalachian State Univer sity at Boone. 'At ASU, Miss Owens was a member of the home economics club, the North Carolina Stu- (Contimed On Piigfj Tivo) Dell of Kings Mountain. Surviv ors other than her hlsihand and parents are two daughters, Slo- phanie and Tina, of the home; two brol Iters, Randy and Chris Bell of Kings .Mountain; and two sisters. Miss Connie Bell and '.Mrs. John Seism of Shelby. Other parcels previously ac quired includ*': severance iinmd.s from the Padgelt Roahy Cctrpora- lion and .VI. L. Harmon Esitate, ; the Yarbro pro|X’rty on Railroad uconue occupied by City Icc &! L'oal Company, the Virgin liar-1 mon projtcrty on City slreet, l/ie! Cn'oegc Lublitneski projM'rty (for-■ mer office of Dr. J, E. Ant'hony) on West Mountain, and frtmi Fir.-it Bapti.st church the former Herald building property oij S. Piedmonrt avenue. Nt'goliations are continuing for other "first phase’’ parcels, Mr Lancy said. The commis-sion announced seva-ral months ago a threo-itihase pr.tgram of property acquisitions, c.sfimated to rtquire three years. After acquisition and after Old buildings are razed, properties marked for rcHlcvelopment with new con.striiction will be auction ed. with bid'.lers contracting lo re- dcv«4ope the projM'rfies according to the CBD redt-velopment plan. Ranseni M. D., Award Winner SPEAKER — Dr. Ben F. Ormimd oi Florence, S. C., Kings Moun tain native, will fill the pulpit at Sunday morning worship services at 11 o'clock at First Presbyterlon church. •Sheriff’s Deputy Glenn Jenkins said he fouml the body of Mrs. | Owens lying on the floor of her j mobile hcime on Ihe Oak Grove road about three miles west of ; Shelby. He said she was lying , about two feet 'rom the front ‘ door with two small caliber bul- i let wounds in the left side. j Jenkins and the Shelby Rescue | OrmanU. Sqiur,) was called to the trailer Mountain “ about 7:10 p. m. Monday after f a neighbor reporterl hearing , shots fired in the mobile home 'he pulpU at Sunday .mo>n‘nK Cleveland County Coroner M. worship services at 11 o clock at OxmandTo Fill Church Pulpit Rites Conducted For r E. Moss Funeral riles for Forrest E. Moss, 67, were held Fri<lay after noon at 4 o'clock from Temple li.'ililisl church Of whicli lie was a member. (Cimtinm d On Ptiyi: Two) $161,350 Pint Citizens Building Undeiway; Othei Pennits Issued Construction of th? new Firsit Citizens Bank & Trust Comipany building on South Battleground avenue is underway^ Building perm.it Pureliia.spd by Laxton Construction Comipany, of Clharlofcte, general contractor, was lor $161,350. A 52‘/4 foot square, two-story building is to be centered on the lot whicih fronts 100 feet on both Ba'tt'leground and Cherokee streets. Sub - contractors as Hoke Electric iFtirst Presbyterian ehurcli. iDr. Ormand will speak in the absence of the .pastor, Dr. Paul Ausley, on vacation. Dr. Ormand will use Uie ser mon topic, ‘‘Feed My Sheep.’’ A graduate of Kings Moun- olectTical, Ben T. Goforih Plumb- tain high school. Davidson col- ing, Inc., plumbing, and Taylor lege and Union Seminary, Dr. John.son, heating an1j cooling. I Ormand has held pastorates in Building In-spector W, W. Laugh- Lost City and VVarden.sville, West ter also is.-!Ued permits for con- Va., Crozet, Va., Chadbourn, N. stiruotion of three residences to: ! C., Marlon, S. C. and Brevart.i. Bridges Construction Company Beifore moving to Florence, S. C. for building of six-room rest- in January 1969 he served as dence at .302 Scotland Drive, both pastor of First Presbyterian e.st'imaled to cast $18,000; and to church of Laurens for five years. Luke W. Hoyle for conjkrurt in»' Rev. Mr. Ormand holds a con- of a six-room residence, estimated tinuouis record in scouting. An are listed j to cast $15,590, at 313 Pulton, Eagle Scout and former Cub Oompariy, i street. 1 fConlinued on Page Six) iMr. Mexss died Wednesday ili^l in Mie Kings .dounta'in lios- piTli of a heart attack. He had been in ill health for several years. A retired textile employw, he was Hie son of Mrs. Callie While Moss of Black.sib.rg, S. C. and the late Cliarlic Franklin Moss. . Rev. Frank SJiirley, Rev. E. O. Gore and Rev. Fninklin Moore off'iciated at Ihe final riles, and interment was in Mountain Rest cemc^tery. Iffcsides his mother, Mr. 'Moss is survived by his wife, Mrs. Laura Jolley Moss; four sons, Earl Moss of Alltemarle, .Solon.K en- nelh and Larry .Moss, all of of Kings Mountain; four daugh ters, Mrs. Clyde Whelstine, Mrs. •lames Gilrson, and .Mrs. John Hughes, all of Kings Mountain, and Mrs. Jeri'y Ledford of Ra leigh; one brother, Eugene Moss of Blacjtsburg, S. C.; and seven grandchildren. Active pallbearers were ne phews of Mr. Moss: Mickey Moss, Bill Boheler, Roy Boheler, Bobby Bolioler, Joe Bahcler, and Charles Boheler. Willbin L. Ramseur of King.s j Mount lin, a nicmher of (he gi .kI la.ss of the Bowman Gray School of .Md i dne, Frid.ay received special recognition for acliicvenicnt. He was '[)resented Hie C. B. Dcitn*' Memoriiil Award at Hie medical scliool's anm.al student awards ceremony. Ramseur, son of Mrs. W. L. Ramsi'urof Kings Mountain, and the late Dr Rtnn.seur, is one of ,5,S memhers of Hie Bowman Gray senior class who rcccivi'd the Dmdor of .Medicine di'gree Mon day in comimeiicemeiit exercises on the Wake Foresl campu-s. The C. B. 'Di'ans Memorial Award, which includes a $.50 prize, was presented for the first time this year. It will tie awaiiiied annually lo a graduating Bow- ■mian Gray student who bas dem onstrated the most outstanding pei foi'mani e and sows the great est potential in elinical oncolog, elink’al cami'r care. 'Ihe r(Vi|iienl of Hie award is seleeled by Ihi' On'cologv (Divi sion of Hie medical sehool’s De- parlmenl of Miuliciiie. iRamscur, iwlio hokis Hie -B. S. de. ree from Norlli iCarolina .Stale Uiiiversil.v, is married lo the foraier Finda'ie WelsteJ of Ciitirlotlc. 'He has served for the 'past year as vice president of the Bowman Gray Student Medieal Society, a chajiter of Ihe Situdent Americun Medical Association. Rrm.''eur will begin inlerns'liip training July 1 at Baltimore (Md.) City Hospitals. License Schedule Seme; Dickey Mayer Pro Tern I By MARTIN HARMON The city commi.“.sion Tuc.sd.iy ' night ado;rtc,l recommendations ' 1.1 iLs sewer and wtitcr i-onmnit- t< ( s, cna: ted Hic l!>71-72 jiri. ilege license or.linaii' C u ilinut cliangc, and elc. cd Ward 6 t' :';iiinis.don- er Jim Diikcy maycr pro Iciii- [xirc. 'flic ccmmiislcn rc-ap;)'inte I .iH dcparii.iiral heads c.s l(ii'i:i in tile city cliaricr, itu liiling t'icrk aii.l i rceu.rr Joe !!. .5,'-I’.i'iiei. j;. Giacly Icitcn. supi'cin .■■iidcnl (V. public work-;. Earl Tu.oj.ill, dec Irical supcrintcndonl, and lorn McDcvilt, cliiiif of (xilicc. Adoption of tlic sewer commit tee’s recommendations brought a commendation from Joe Kakassy, of K Mills, president of Area In dUsLtiea .wlio, Vdd the commis sion. "I thank the board for .vour dei-isioiis. We arc glad of your ' con.-lusions.’’ The adopted r(>eon>meiidations, preseniled by Commissioner Dick ey, cliaipman, were: 1) elimina tion of the sewage i)Uni|) station at the Coiiiilry Club with elllu eii’t to enter Hie sewage sy.slem by natural flow, pr.wided right- ';f-wa.s- can be obtaiiusl; 2) in- stollatioii of a pum') .station ail Hie end of Klo.vd .street lo allevi ate over-floW; .3) in.s'tru.-tion of the city altorney to inform indu.s tries of .sewage ordina.ue compli ance r(quiremenls: 41 that utility and huiltliiig permits be i.ssiierl by Hie building in.«iK'ctor: 5i that Hie city altorney and engineer be in.otrui ted to study [w.-ssible need ed aniendaicnts to the sew.age ordi nance. ■Mayor Jolin Henr.v Moss, eliafr- (Cuniinind On Page Six) j MISS ANNIE & ROBERTS MRS. Monday Meetings For City Board (.Moss Admiiil-dration IV has voiled to eliaiige meeting nights. EffcH-t'ivo July, the charter- required ri>gul'ar meeting of the city coimmis.s-ion will bo held on sixxind Mondays. The non- required but rtgularly .schedul ed .siieeial moi-ting will be held on fmtrih .Mondays. The com mission lias been convoning on second and foiirlli Ttio.sdays. Meeting hour will also bo .'liang.'d to 7:30 p.m., rallior than 6:30 p.m. Water Cut-OII Saturday Morning There will bo a two-hour wa ter se'rvice cut-off for line re pair Saturday morning between 8 iind 10 a.m. in Ihe southwest sector of Hie ei-ty. Superintendent of Public Works Grady Yclton said tlio .’ut-off will effect js'sidents of Mailer Road, Fulton Road. Scot land Driva', PriiicHoii Drive, the .Margracc Village and Ches- leiifield Arms. Youth Groups Program Underway; Interviews Will Be Conducted Cleveland County’s Neighbor- hoofl Youth Corps pro;ram is now under iwny for Hie sum mer. The federally funded program will lie open lo young people in Kings .Moiinlaln who meet three basic rciuiroments: Those eligible must lie 11-21 years of age. They must he at tending school in junior or sen ior high. There must also he a financial need in the family which Is determined by Income guidelines. public, non-profit agencies. Inteiviews will be held Thurs day (today) from 3 until 5 p. m. at Central Junior 'high school g.vmnasiuni for flioso -vvlto do not have (ransporlation to the Neigh borhood Y'oulh Corps office in .Shelby. 'For those with transportation, inteiviews will 'lie 'held from S a. m. until 5 p. m. Thursday, Fri day and 'Monday at Ihe Neigh- bobliood Youth Corps office, 402 grocer, Mr. ftxleraliS. Lafayette street, in Shelby. years has 1 N'YC County Co-ordinator is i t'lie men’s d| Dodge Ofiil AndSh R^ert city I I Polio. ■ desig tain ■Noi with sophoi who sciene Ho and J .Mount, gradu .school her cf Breathi basic lias radio p vanced (lers; ci fic dir control His ! Doiige Hubed Condil Cond-itiq wcH-kii<w(| zen, was nrsdiuy. the criHc,(| tain lt;xspi1| pli.v.sician Dr. Loo si a coma. 'Mem'bois fniTvily said 1 heart and kiil A onctimi Retired Service plaques were- present ed to two retired teachers by.'the Kings Mountain Unit' of the Nortii Carolina Association -oif Educators last week. . ' Honored were Mrs. Elizabeth ^ToGill Gamble, retiring from West school after 42 years in the leaching profession, and to M)ss \nnie B. Roberts, retiring ’at North School after 43 years in the teachirjj profession. Mrs. Gamble, widow of John E. ‘Gamble, has taught 38 years 'In elementary schools in' Kings .Mountain. Miss Roberts has tiaught here 26 years In the ele mentary schools. Don Parker presented Mfe memroershlps in the NCAE to both teachers arfd praised them for their goo<j service to the youth of the cormminity. •Faculties at both North And West schools honored them at luncheons during the week and idsome gifts and ted them with 1 Mrs. Mc- 4ve in Jrs, Students eligible will receive I Barr Gibson of Kings Mountain. hews-Belk,

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